

0026-895X/93/061227-05503.00/0 Copyright © by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics AIl rights of reproduction in any form reserved. MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY, 44:1227-1231

Amphetamine Derivatives Interact with Both Plasma Membrane and Secretory Vesicle Biogenic Amine Transporters

SHIMON SCHULDINER, SONIA STEINER-MORDOCH, RODRIGO YELIN, STEPHEN C. WALL, and GARY RUDNICK Departmentof Pharmacology,YaleUniversitySchool of Medicine,New Haven,CT 06510 (S.C.W.,G.R.) andAlexanderSilbermanInstituteof Life Sciences,TheHebrew University,GivatRam, Jerusalem,Israel (S.S.,S.S.-M., R.Y.) ReceivedJune 7, 1993; Accepted September 16, 1993

SUMMARY The interaction of fenfluramine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphe- porter, fenfiuramine inhibited transport and dissipated tamine (MDMA), and p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) with the plate- the transmembrane pH difference (ApH) that drives amine up- let plasma membrane and the vesicular take. The use of [3H]reserpine-binding measurements to deter- amine transporter were studied using both transport and binding mine drug interaction with the vesicular amine transporter al- measurements. Fenfluramine is apparently a substrate for the lowed assessment of the relative ability of MDMA, PCA, and plasma membrane transporter, and consequently inhibits both fenfluramine to bind to the substrate site of the vesicular trans- serotonin transport and binding. Moreover, fenflura- porter. These measurements permit a distinction between inhi- mine exchanges with internal [3H]serotonin in a plasma mem- bition of vesicular serotonin transport by directly blocking vesic- brane transporter-mediated reaction that requires NaCI and is ular amine transport and by dissipating ApH. The results indicate blocked by imipramine. These properties are similar to those of that MDMA and fenfluramine inhibit by both mechanisms but MDMA and PCA as previously described. In adrenal chromaffin PCA dissipates ApH without blocking vesicular amine transport granule membrane vesicles containing the vesicular amine trans- directly,

Amphetamine and its derivatives are well-known as sym- brane vesicles containing the serotonin transporter (8, 9). In pathomimetic amines that act indirectly by releasing endoge- the present study, we extend these results to fenfluramine, nous biogenic amines (1). This release has been attributed to which demonstrates a similar ability to serve as a substrate for the ability of extraceUular to exchange with the serotonin transporter. cytoplasmic biogenic amines (2, 3). Exchange was proposed to The extent of serotonin depletion by MDMA, PCA, and be catalyzed by the transporters that normally serve to inacti- fenfiuramine indicates that serotonin stored in synaptic vesi- cles, as well as cytoplasmic serotonin, is mobilized by these vate transmitter action by reuptake of , dopa- agents. Serotonin is accumulated within synaptic vesicles by a mine, and serotonin. An additional mechanism has been pro- vesicular amine transporter that utilizes the ApH generated by posed in which biogenic amine efflux is stimulated through the vacuolar ATPase (10). Previous studies with amphetamine dissipation of the transmembrane :XpH that drives biogenic derivatives have demonstrated their ability to dissipate this amine uptake into synaptic vesicles (4, 5). ApH by nonionic diffusion and to block serotonin transport (4, A number of amphetamine derivatives preferentially release 5, 8, 9). As amines, however, the amphetamine derivatives are , serotonin and also cause the degeneration of nerve potential substrates and inhibitors of the vesicular amine trans- endings. These include the designer drug MDMA (also known porter. [3H]Reserpine binding to chromaffin granule mem- as "ecstasy"), PCA, and the suppressant fenfiuramine, branes is blocked by substrates for the transporter and has Serotonin release by these agents does not require Ca 2+, and is been used as an indicator of its substrate binding site. In the present study, we demonstrate that MDMA and fenfluramine, inhibited by serotonin transport blockers, leading to the pro- but not PCA, inhibit [3H]reserpine binding to the vesicular posal that these agents exchange with intracellular serotonin amine transporter. These results point out differences between through the action of the plasma membrane serotonin trans- serotonin-releasing amphetamine derivatives that may be im- porter (6, 7). We have demonstrated in vitro exchange of portant to their pharmacologic and behavioral effects. serotonin for MDMA and PCA using platelet plasma mere- Experimental Procedures This work was supported by United States Public Health Service grants DA 07295 (G.R.), NS 16708 (S.S.), and a grant from the National Institute for Materials. [3H]serotonin (12.6 Ci/mmol)and [3H]imipramine (40.4 Psychobiology,Israel (S.S.). Ci/mmol) were purchased from DuPont-New England Nuclear (Bos-

ABBREVIATIONS: MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; PCA, p-chloroamphetamine; ApH, transmembrane pH difference; Ap.+, trans- membraneelectrochemical potential for H+. 1227 1228 Schuldiner et al. ton, MA). [aH]Reserpine (20 Ci/mmol) was purchased from the Nuclear serotonin. The standard error of replicate assay values was typically Research Centre (Negev, Israel). All other reagents were reagent grade, less than 10% of the mean. _ purchased from commercial sources. ApH measurements. Chromaffin granule membrane vesicles (80 Preparation of membranes. Outdated human platelet concen- _g protein) were incubated at room temperature in a cuvette containing E trates were purchased from the Connecticut Red Cross, Farmington, 2 ml of 10 mM Tris-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-3-propanesul- _ l_ O. CT. Platelets from 50 to 100 individuals were pooled for each membrane fonic acid (pH 8.5), 150 mM KCI, 6 #M acridine orange, and 5 mM ATP. to preparation. Platelet plasma membrane vesicles were isolated by the The relative fluorescence of the mixture was measured using an exci- method of Barber and Jamieson (11) with the modifications described tation wavelength of 490 nm and an emission wavelength of 526 nm previously (12). Chromaffin granule membrane vesicles were prepared on a Perkin-Elmer LS-bB Luminescence Spectrometer. When the _ s as described by Schuldiner et al. (13) by repeated osmotic lysis of bovine baseline fluorescence stabilized, acidification was initiated by the ad- adrenal medullary chromaffin granules isolated by differential sedi- dition of 6 mM MgS04 and the relative fluorescence was monitored. mentation. Approximately15 minlater, additionsof fenfiuramineweremadeand Binding assays. Imipramine binding was measured at 25° using the increase in fluorescence was measured. After the last addition, the filtration assay described previously (14). Membrane vesicles were NH4CI was added to a final concentration of 10 mM to neutralize the Fig. suspended at a protein concentration of 0.3 mg/mi in an assay buffer vesicle interior and completely reverse the quenching. In replicate tran_ of 200 mM NaCI containing 10 mM lithium phosphate (pH 6.7), 1 mM experiments, the concentration of fenfluramine required for half-max- rate_ MgSO4, and the indicated concentration of [3H]imipramine (19-23 imal reversal of the fluorescence quenching varied by less than 10% of men cpm/fmol). After a 20-min incubation, the reactions (300 _1per assay) the mean value, pres wereterminatedbydilutionwith4-ml,ice-cold,iso-osmoticNaC1and (mca Date filtered through Whatman GF/B filters pretreated with 0.3% polyeth- Results for .' yleneimine. The tube and filter were washed three times with 4 ml of fenfit ice-cold NaC1 solution. Filters were placed in Optifluor (Packard; Fenfiuramine interaction with the plasma membrane pane Downers Grove, IL) and counted after 5 hr. Binding in the absence of Na + or in the presence of 100/_M serotonin was taken as a control for serotonin transporter. Previous results with MDMA (9) and overrami' nonspecific binding. The standard error of replicate assay values was PCA (8) indicated that these amphetamine derivatives inter- abs_ typically less than 5% of the mean. acted directly with the serotonin transporter of platelet plasma pres Measurements of reserpine binding were performed as described membrane as demonstrated by their ability to compete with are (15). Membranes were diluted to a protein concentration of approxi- serotonin for transport and with imipramine for binding. Fur- imip' mately 0.15 mg/ml in a solution containing 0.3 M sucrose, 10 mM K- thermore, these compounds exchange with serotonin in a trans- lathe,tio HEPES (pH 8.5), 2.5 mM MgSO4, 5 mM KCI, 5 mM ATP (where porter-mediated process and are likely to be substrates for the dilut indicated), and 1 nM [3H]reserpine. The mixture was incubated at 37° transporter. To test the generality of this process, we examined con_ and after 30 min (4 hr in samples where ATP was omitted), a 200-_1 the ability of another amphetamine derivative, fenfuramine serc sample of the suspension wasapplied to a 3-mi column of Sephadex G- (N-ethyl-a-methyl-m-(trifluoromethyl)), to in- late( 50 (Pharmacia; Uppsala, Sweden). The column was prepacked in a teract with the serotonin transporter, latio disposable syringe by centrifugation for 90 seconds in a clinical centri- this fuge at 100 x g. After sample application, the column was centrifuged Fig. 1 (left panel) presents data indicating that fenfluramine imer for 2 min at 200 x g and the effluent was assayed for radioactivity, is a competitive inhibitor of serotonin transport. Initial rates stim Transport assays. Transport of [3H]serotonin into plasma mem- of [_H]serotonin infux into platelet plasma membrane vesicles brane vesicles was measured at 25° using the previously described were measured in the presence and absence of 0.5 _M fenflur- abs filtration assay (16). Unless otherwise indicated, vesicles were equili- amine over a range of [3H]serotonin concentrations. In this late brated with a 10 mM lithium phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) containing 133 Eadie-I-Iofstee plot (17), the ordinate intercept is unchanged in sub mM K2SO4,and 1 mM MgSO4 and diluted into an external medium of the presence of fenfiuramine, but the K_ (-slope) is increased. [3H 0.2 MNaC1 containing 10mM lithium phosphate buffer (pH 6.7), 1 mM This behavior is expected both for a competitive inhibitor of stir MgSO4, and 0.1 _M [3H]serotonin. Transport into chromaffin granule serotonin transport and for a substrate of the transporter. From sho membrane vesicles was measured at 37°. The vesicles were diluted to a the increase in K_, a K, of 0.59 _M was calculated for fenfiur- nal concentration of approximately 0.25 mg/ml in 0.3 Msucrose containing amine, tha 10mM K-HEPES (pH 8.5_,5 mM KC1,2.5 mM MgSO,,5 mM disodium In the experiment shown in the center panel of Fig. 1 as a a n ATP, and 0.4 _M [3H]serotonin (unless otherwise indicated), Reactions (200 _1 per assay) were stopped by dilution, filtration, and washing, Scatchard plot (18), the ability of fenfluramine to inhibit [3H] t and filtered vesicles were counted as described previously (13). The imipramine binding to the transporter was measured over a sec standard error of replicate assay values was typically less than 5% of range of [3H]imipramine concentrations. In this plot, the ab- ack the mean. scissa intercept represents the total number of binding sites and ' acc Exchange. Platelet plasma membrane vesicles equilibrated with a is unchanged by addition of 10/iM fenfiuramine. The apparent Mt 10 mM lithium phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) containing 60 mM NaC1, 93 Kd for imipramine is increased by fenfluramine, as demon- ma' mM K_S04, and 1 mM MgS04 were diluted 30-fold into 0.2 M NaC1 strated by the change in the slope (-Kd-_). From the magnitude gen containing 10 mM lithium phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) and 0.1 _M [aH] of the increase, we calculated a Kd of 4.1 _M for fenfluramine. 9). serotonin at 25°. After serotonin accumulation had reached a maximum Although this result demonstrates a direct interaction between del: (5-10 min), efflux was initiated by diluting the suspension 40-fold with fenfluramine and the transporter binding site, it does not me. the indicated medium. Thirty seconds after dilution, the vesicles were distinguish between a substrate and a competitive transport tral lulosecollectedfilters.by filteriThe ngreactionthe suspensiotube andn filterthrougwereh GelmanrapidlyGN-6rinsednitrocel-with 2 inhibitor, pur_ ml of ice-cold 0.2 MNaC1 and the filter was counted in 3 ml of Optifluor. The ability to stimulate [3H]serotonin effux from membrane In, Effiux from chromaffin granule membrane vesicles was measured in vesicles is common to transporter substrates such as serotonin, the the same way, except that preloading was carried out in 0.3 M sucrose MDMA, and PCA (8, 9, 19). In the experiment shown in the shc containing 10 mM K-HEPES (pH 8.5), 5 mM KC1, 2.5 mM MgSO4, 5 right panel of Fig. 1, vesicles preloaded with NaC1 and [3H] trw mMdisodium ATP, and 0.i _M [3H]serotonin, and efflux was measured serotonin were diluted into a [3H]serotonin-free medium con- -- 1 after dilution into the same medium without ATP, MgSO4, or [3H] taining the indicated concentrations of fenfluramine. In the Amphetamines Interact With Biogenic Amine Transporters 1229

c 0.8- _ 100-

l 08§ _-

LU o I , i , 'l , _ tO ' I * 1" ' I ' I 0 20o 4_0 _0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 _0 looo15002ooo In_ux/ 15-HT]_,M BoundImip,pmol/ mg [fenfiuraminenM],

Fig. 1. Interaction of fenfluraminewith the plasma membrane serotonin __ transporter. Left panel, competitive inhibition of serotonin influx, initial o , _ , I , rates of [3H]serotonintransport were measured as described in Experi- -2 0 2 mental Procedures over a range of serotonin concentrations in the presence(O) and absence(O) of 0.5 p.Mfenfluramine. Nonspecific influx log [fenfluramine], _M (measuredin the absenceof Na+) was subtracted to give the net rates. Fig. 2. Effects of fenfluramineon chromaffin granule membranevesicles. Data are plotted according to the method of Hotstee (17). From the K,, The ability of indicatedconcentrations of fenfluramineto inhibit serotonin for serotonin in the presence (0.53 ¢zM)and absence (0.29 P.M)of transport (O), dissipate /_pH(.), and stimulate serotonin effiux (K])was fenfluramine,the K/for fenfluraminewas calculated to be 0.59 p.M.Center determinedas described in Experimental Procedures.The concentration panel,competitive inhibition of [3H]imipraminebinding. Equilibrium imip- of fenfluramine needed for half-maximal effect was 2.2 P.Mfor transport ramine binding was measured as described in Experimental Procedures inhibition, 9 p.Mfor dissipation of ApH, and 168 p.Mfor effiux stimulation. over a range of imipramine concentrations in the presence (0) and absence(O) of 10 p.Mfenfluramine.Nonspecific binding (measured inthe presence of 100 _Mcocaine) was subtracted to give net binding. Data of the vesicular amine transporter. Fenfiuramine and other are plotted according to the method of Scatchard (18). From the'Kd for amphetamine derivatives such as MDMA and PCA could po- imipraminein the presence (8.2 nM)and absence(2.4 nM)of fenfiuramine, tential]y inhibit ATP-dependent [31-t]serotonin transport by the K_for fenfluraminewas calculated to be 4.1 p.M.Rightpanel,stimu- lation of serotonin efflux. Vesicles preloaded with [3H]serotonin were two mechanisms. Dissipation of ApH by nonionic diffusion of diluted 40-fold into a [3H]serotonin-freemedium containing the indicated amphetamine derivatives removes the driving force for trans- concentrations of fenfluramine. After 30 seconds, the amount of [3H] port. Because influx of each amine molecule requires efflux of serotonin remaining in the vesicles was measured and effiux was calcu- two H+ ions (21, 22), transport is particularly sensitive to small lated relative to the amount present before dilution. Halfomaximalstimu- lation of effiux occurred at 170 nM fenfluramine. Each of the panels of changes in intravesicular pH. Alternatively, amphetamine de- this figure shows results from a representative experiment. Each exper- rivatives can potentially interact directly with the substrate- iment was repeated 3 to 4 times yielding K, Kd,and half-maximaleffiux binding site to competitively inhibit transport as previously stimulation valuesthat varied from 10 to 30% between experiments, suggested for PCA (8). Because substrates for the vesicular amine transporter are known to compete with [3H]reserpine absence of external K*, effiux under these conditions is stimu- for binding (23), we measured the ability of fenfiuramine, lated by exchange of internal [aH]serotonin with an external MDMA, and PCA to inhibit binding of [aH]reserpine to chro- substrate (8, 9, 19). As shown in Fig. 1, fenfiuramine stimulates maffin granule membranes. [_H]serotonin effiux under these conditions with half-maximal Fig. 3 shows the results of experiments in which we measured stimulation evident at 170 nM fenfiuramine. Although not the inhibition by fenfiuramine, MDMA, and PCA of serotonin shown, fenfiuramine-stimulated effiux was dependent on exter- transport and reserpine binding in chromaffin granule mem- nal NaCl and was blocked by I _M imipramine, demonstrating brahe vesicles. Reserpine binding is accelerated by the electro- that effiux represented transporter-mediated exchange and not chemical H + potential (As+) generated by ATP-driven H * a nonspecific effect of fenfiuramine, pumping (15, 23, 24). Thus, inhibition of [aH]reserpine binding Effect of fenfiuramine on serotonin transport into could result from competition at the reserpine-binding site or secretory vesicles. In membrane vesicles isolated from bovine dissipation of ApH. By measuring [3HH]reserpine binding in the adrenal chromaffin granules, as in synaptic vesicles, serotonin presence and absence of ATP, we were able to distinguish accumulation is driven by an electrochemical H + potential (10). between these two mechanisms. [aH]serotonin transport was MDMA and PCA inhibit [aH]serotonin accumulation by chro- measured under standard reaction conditions in the presence martin granule membrane vesicles and also dissipate the ApH of ATP (13). The results in Fig. 3 show that in all cases, generated by ATP-dependent H+ pumping in these vesicles (8, inhibition of transport occurred at lower concentrations of the 9). The data in Fig. 2 show that fenfiuramine inhibits ATP- amphetamine derivative than did inhibition of [aH]reserpine dependent [3H]serotonin transport into chromaffin granule binding. Half-maximal transport inhibition required 2.0 _M membrane vesicles with a Ko5 of 2.2 _M, and at higher concen- fenfiuramine, 2.7 #M MDMA, and 1.5 _M PCA. trations, dissipates the ApH generated by ATP-dependent H+ Half-maximal inhibition of [aH]reserpine binding occurred pumping, as measured by reversal of acridine orange quenching, at 30/zM fenfiuramine, whether ATP-dependent or -independ- In vesicles that have accumulated [aH]serotonin, dissipation of ent binding was measured (Fig. 3Al. Similar results were ob- the ApH is known to cause effiux of radiolabel (20). Fig. 2 tained with MDMA (Fig. 3B) (Kos = 235 _M). In contrast, PCA shows that effiux of [3H]serotonin is also observed at concen- inhibited ATP-dependent [aH]reserpine binding but had prac- trat[ons of fenfiuramine that significantly dissipate ApH (Ko5 tically no effect on binding measured in the absence of ATP = 168 _M). (Fig. 3C). Half-maximal inhibition of ATP-dependent [3H] Amphetamine derivative binding to the reserpine site reserpine binding required 119 _M PCA, but concentrations of f 4

1230 Schuldiner et al.

loo(_---...... --_ '_* ' '-'"' ' ' _ ...... mine derivatives that release serotonin compete with substrate der ·'_A. and ligands for sites on the plasma membrane serotonin trans- age

6o granulemembranevesicles, mL 4o Previously,our understanding of amphetamineinteraction me

s2o0 _fenflurarnine porterwith theandvesicularalso inhibittransportserotoninsystemaccumulationwas limitedbytochromaffinmeasure- tra25)} 0 ...... " ...... ' ...... ments of transport and ApH. In the studies presented here, we o - have also evaluated the ability of amphetamine derivatives to pH

100, [_._y_ __ interact directly with the vesicular amine transporter by meas- am _: Ef_ o thought to bind directly to the substrate site of the transporter eQ-) 60 me c and is, therefore, a more precise indicator of interaction with -_. 40so __ thaturingsitetheir(23).effectFromtheon present[aH]reserpinestudies,binding.it is clearReserpinethat fenfiur-is sti:of I-- MDMA ati 2o ...... amine and MDMA inhibit vesicular amine transport by two elf t-o_ · mechanisms: dissipation of ApH and competition for the sub- tW_ :_c- 100, '---'-'-"--r-__ eem_TP· _ strate binding site. However, PCA does not compete for the l- i_ so - C. ' o'_ _ _' '-"_'_ substrate site but only dissipates ApH. o-_o _ po

ao MDMA, and PCA occurs at concentrations below those re- (Fi 2060 PCA 0% +_Tpox_ quiredInhibitionto disofsipatevesicularthe ATPamine-genertransportated ApH byas fenfluramine,measured by us_ret reversalof acridineorange quenching (8,9) (Fig.2).Amphet- an o.ol o.1 lo loo looo amine derivativescanpotentiallyinhibittransportbya number sa: [drug], _M of mechanisms, including direct competition for the transporter bi_ Fig. 3. Inhibition of chromaffin granule [3H]serotonin transport and [3H] substrate site and dissipation of the ApH that drives transport, tre reserpinebinding by amphetaminederivatives. The ability of fenfluramine, The ability of these compounds to dissipate ApH at low con- bi_ MDMA, and PCA to inhibit [3H]serotonininflux (O) and reserpinebinding centrations indicates that they act as protonophores. The ob- re] was measured as described in Experimental Procedures. Reserpine servation that transport inhibition occurs at lower concentra- in: bindingwas measured in the presence ([2)and absence($) of ATP. Half- ini maximal inhibition of transport occurred at 1.96, 2.7, and 1.53 _M for tions could result from high affinity binding of amphetamine fenfluramine, MDMA, and PCA, respectively. Half-maximal inhibition of derivatives to the transporter at concentrations too Iow to affect ATP-dependent reserpine binding required 30, 235, and 119 uM, respec- ApH. However, we consider it more likely that a decrease in ap tively, of fenfiuramine, MDMA, and PCA. ApH is responsible for both effects and that the differential resan PCA as high as 800 _M failed to inhibit more than 10% of inhibition is a result of the higher sensitivity of transport to on nonenergized [_H]reserpine binding. This observation indicates the uncoupling effects of amphetamines. It is well established ue that PCA inhibits predominantly by dissipating the ATP- that two H+ ions are formally exchanged for each biogenic be generated A_ts* that accelerates reserpine binding, amine molecule transported (21, 22). This coupling, together ca: Apparent competitive inhibition by weak bases. We with the known electrogenicity of the transport process (26, 27) su, had previously concluded that PCA interacts directly with the dictates that the proton conducting activity of amphetamine sti vesicular amine transporter (8). This conclusion was based on derivatives will affect transport more profoundly than acridine tel results showing apparent competitive inhibition with serotonin orange quenching measurements would predict, is for transport into chromaffin granule membrane vesicles. Be- If interaction with the transport site were the only mecha- let cause the results in Fig. 3C indicate that PCA does not interact nism for amphetamine inhibition of transport, then binding of [3t directly with the substrate site of the vesicular amine trans- [aH]reserpine to that site would show the same sensitivity as porter, we tested the ability of other weak bases to mimic transport. The results in Fig. 3 clearly demonstrate that inhi- pc competitive inhibition of serotonin transport. Results from bition of reserpine binding requires concentrations of the am- ul, independent experiments (not shown) show that ammonium phetamine derivatives higher than those that block transport, be chloride, which dissipates ApH by nonionic diffusion, inhibits Transport inhibition occurs at roughly the same concentration ef: the initial rate of serotonintransport and that the inhibition re_ for fenfiuramine, MDMA, and PCA (Fig. 3). Inhibition of [3H] fm resembles that of a competitive substrate with a K, of approx- reserpine binding, by comparison, occurs at different concen- imately450_M.The competitivenature of the inhibitionap- qu parently results from an increase in the K_ for substrate as the trations for the three compounds. In the absence of ATP, where ApH, which drives transport, is decreased. ApH dissipation is not a factor, binding is half-maximal at Ac approximately 20 t_M fenfluramine, 500 uM MDMA, and not Discussion detected for PCA (O, Fig. 3). We previously demonstrated that Re [3H]reserpine binding is less sensitive than transport to agents 1. The ability of amphetamine derivatives to release biogenic that decrease ApH (15). Moreover, transport inhibitors that do amines from nerve endings is likely to result from interference not dissipate ApH, such as ethidium, block transport and 2. with biogenic amine transport systems at both the plasma binding at similar concentrations) It is likely, therefore, that

withmembranefenfiuraandminethe extendsynaptic ourvesicle.previousThe resultsresults presentedusing MDMAhere the increased sensitivity of amine transport to amphetamine [ 3

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