Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2004 Power for Land, Sea, and Air June 14-17, 2004, Vienna, Austria GT2004-53014 A Performance Diagnosis of the 1939 Heinkel He S3B Turbojet. C Rodgers FASME
[email protected] ABSTRACT. The historical development of the world’s first pure SFC Specific fuel Consumption jet propelled aircraft, the Heinkel He 178, and its T Temperature turbojet the He S3B has been extensively TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature documented, however only limited descriptions of U Tip Speed the engine and component aero-thermo-dynamic V0 Turbine Spouting Velocity = √√√2g Had performances have, as yet, been published in open Va Turbine exit axial velocity English literature. W Airflow, or relative velocity The basic He S3B engine flowpath configuration of a ∆∆∆ Difference radial compressor mounted back-to-back with a ηηη Efficiency radial inflow turbine, intrigued the author as one ωωω Angular Velocity excellent example of the pre WW11 radial turbomachinery ingenuity and expertise, to the Subscripts extent that it prompted this diagnosis. ad Adiabatic Recognizing that some of the historically quoted c Compressor HeS3B performance data may be dubious, attempts d Diffuser have been made to coalesce data from multiple crit Sonic conditions sources into a more consistent account by i Inlet conducting a detailed engine performance analysis. n Nozzle HeS3B engine performance characteristics are re- s Static created based upon predicted meanline component t Turbine, or total maps derived from engine drawings and supporting Note all angles relative to the axial plane data recently published by AIAA in his biography “Dr Hans von Ohain -Excellence in Flight”.