Seasonal Publication Schedule 2011/12
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SEASONAL PUBLICATION SCHEDULE 2011/12 HARPER Voyager 978-0-00-727749-0 978-0-00-745950-6 978 -0-00-736212-7 978-0-00-738447-1 978-0-00-745636-9 OECEMBER DECEMBER 08.12_11 97B-0-00-7349BI -4 ~ ebook AVAILABLE IN AUDIO &eBOOK TITLES SEEN WITH THE SE ICONS CAN BE PURCHASED IN AUDIO OR AS AN eBOOK GEORGE R.R. MARl ASONG OF ICE &FIRE - EPIC FANTASY 'Tolkien is dead. And long live George Martin' New York Times George Martin is an American author and screenwriter of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. He is best knownfor the epic fantasy series ASong of Ice and Fire, the first book of which HBO have adapted into the dromatised series, Game of Thrones. Th e second series of the show wil l air Spring 2012. SLIPCASE EDITIONS -£40 These beautifully presented slipcased editions of ASong of Ice and Fire, the hugely popular and highly acclaimed epic fanta sy series, are the ultimate collector's itemfor any fan . Cloth bound in royal blue, they feature sigils of the major houses of Westeros ingold foil. AG AME OF THRONES CURREN TlYAVA ILABLE ISBN: 978-0-00-744142-6 ACLAS HOF KINGS 29 SEPTEMBER 2011 ISBN: 978-0-00-745634-5 AS TORM OF SWORDS 27 OCTOBER2011 ISBN: 978-0-00-745635-2 AFEAST FOR CROWS 8 DECEMBER 20 11 ISBN: 978-0-00-745636-9 AD ANCE WITH DRAGONS 15 MARCH 2012 ISBN: 978-0-00-745637-6 REISSUED IN HARDBACKFOR FANS OF THE SERIES· £25.00 GEORGE "!t GEORGE "" I MARTIN MARTIN AGAME OF THRONES ...,,~ ACLASH OFKINGS 7 NOVEMBER 2011 ~ 7 NOVEMBER 2011 ISBN: 978-0-00-745948-3 , GAME . ISBN: 978-0-00-745945-2 THRONES ;:-;":''':;'~ GEORGE itR. MARJIN ASTORM OF SWORDS 5 DECEMBER 2011 ISBN: 978-0-00-745946-9 .~STOR~l \l SWORDS GEORGE !til GEORGE It " I MARTIN ADA NCE WITH DRAGONS MARTIN I AFEAST FOR CROWS AVAILABLE NOW 5 DECEMBER 2011 ISBN: 978-0-00-224739-9 ISBN: 978-0-00-745947-6 ~ FG~1 '1U!, ebook CROWS -;: -:- . ALSO AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK &AUDIO AGA MEOF THRONES ACLASH OF KINGS PB £8.99 PB £8.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-744803-6 ISBN: 978-0-00-744783-1 ~W & ebook -4w & ebook ASTORM OF SWORDS - PART ONE AS TORMO FSWORDS - PART TWO AFEAST FOR CROWS PB £8.99 PB £8.99 PB £8.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-744784-8 ISBN: 978-0-00-744785-5 ISBN: 978-0-00-744786-2 ~W & ebook ~W & ebook (24.11.11) ~W & ebook SEPTEMBERjO BE SPELLBOUND SPELLWRIGHT BLAKE CHARLTON BLAKE CHARLTON fANT,ASY I r " 29 SEPTEMBER 2011 AVAILABLE NOW HB £12.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-734929-6 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-734919-7 eOOd< ebook It has bee nte nyear s si nce Nicodemus Weal escoped the Starhaven Acod emy, and he was conside red disabled and useless, where he battledtil e demon that stale his birthright and killed his fri end s_ Unabl e to use the magicollanguages of his ownpe ople, Nico has 'Spellwright is a letter-perfect story: honed his skills in tile dark languag e of tile kobolds, readying himse lf far his next encounter with th e demon _ an absorbing read and recommended' Spellbound is th e second book in accla imed debut author Blake Robin Hobb Charlton's exciting and original trilogy, foll owing onf rom Spellwright. DRE W I\"" CI\R), THE END SPECIALIST SONGS OF DREW MAGARY THE DYING EARTH SCIENCE FICnON/PRE-APOCALYPTIC EDITED BY GEORGE R. R. MARTIN Ttil F. E~ D 29 SEPTEMBER 2011 29 SEPTEMBER 2011 SPEC IAL IST PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-742908-0 PB £8.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-727749-0 _'_1"\_TlT'_lI" t_~"_"'....J.- eOOd< eOOd< Imogine a near future where a cure for ageing is discovered and - after much Return to the unique ond evocative world of The Dying Earth in this tribute political and moral debate - made available to peaple worldwide. Immortality, antilology featuring the most distinguished fan tasists of our day. however, comes with its own unique problems - including evil green people, Here are twenty-two brond-new adventures set in tile world of Jack Vance's government euthanasia programs, a disturbing new religiOUS cult, and other horro". greatest novel, edited by the King of Fantasy himself, George R.R. Martin. Witty, eerie, and full of humanity, The End Specialist is an unforgettable thriller tilat envisions a pre-opocalyptic world so real that it is completely terrifying. THE DEVIL'S DIADEM INITIATE'S TRIAL SARA DOUGLASS JAN NY WURTS FANTASY EPIC FA0 TASY 13 OaOBER 2011 27 OaOBER 20 J 1 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-736424-4 HB £20 ISBN: 978-0-00-736212-7 eOOd< eOOd< Sara Douglass has won legions of fans around the world for her epic tales Janny Wurts is the author of the Cycle Of Fire series, co-author of the of sorcery, forbidde nlove, and heart-pounding oction. Now, withThe Devils worldwide bestselling Empire series with Raymond E. Feist, ond is currently Diadem, she reveals her biggest adventure yet. working on the Wars of Light and Shadow series. This is the lo ng-awoited beginning of the fo urth story arc - Sword Of The Canan - in the epic fantasy series, the Wars of Light and Shadow. ABSOLUTE MIDNIGHT CLIVE BARKER 6 OCTOBER 2011 HB £20.00 ISBN: 978-0-00-710047-7 ebook Adazzling fantasy adventure for all ages and the third port of a richly illusrrated Quintet by bestselling author, Clive Barke r. ( CLIVE BARKER ebook RELEASES -AVAILABLE FROM 24 OCTOBER CABAL CABAL THE GREAT AND THE HEllBOUND WEAVEWORLD ISBN: 978-0-00-736904-1 SECRET SHOW HEART ISBN: 978-0-00-738296-5 ISBN: 978-0-00-738295-8 ISBN: 978-0-00-738293-4 NOVEMBER CINDA WILLIAMS CHIMA • EPIC FANTASY THE GRAY WOLF THE EXILED QUEEN THRONE COMING FEBRUARY 2012 FPI( ~ANTA v,; v EPlL FANTAS 10 NOVEMBER 2011 2 fEBRUARY 2012 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-732199-5 HB £14.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-745914-8 --_.J..-' ebook ebook The Exiled Queen is the second book in on epic fantasy series from Cinda The third book in on epic fantasy series from Cinda Williams Chima. Williams Chima. Adventure, magic, war and ambition conspire to throw The Gray Wolf Throne is on epic tole of fie rce loyalty, unbearable together on unlikely group of companions in a srruggle to save their world. sacrifice, and the heartless hand of fate. 'The Demon King is a page-turner for any reader, regardless of age.' "'.0.00.731198.' t__ --'-" ebook~' ~~~ N ~~:; , Robin Hobb KYllE CHAN DARK HEAVENS· URBAN FANTASY Kylie Chon's Dark Heavens trilogy is the most exciting Urban Fantasy debut af 2011. Already a smash·hit in the aufhor's native Australia it brings a world of Oriental GQds, ma~tial arts action and romance to the genre. WHITE TIGER RED PHOENIX 29 SEPTEMBER 2011 27 OaDBER 2011 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-734979-1 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-734980-7 ~--....J.J.-.I'- eI:xx:1< eI:xx:1< Emma Donahue went to Hong Kong to become 0 nanny to John When Emma become nanny to John Chen's daughter, she never Chen's daughter. But John 's world is different, and he is no ordinary expected to be caring for the child of a Ch inese god, or that all the businessman· all the gods, demons and dragons in hell want him demons in hell would want him dead. Nows he's in love with John, dead. And though she doesn 't know it, Emma holds the power to and they are hunted from China to Europe by a race of demons. save them011. .. But who are the real pawns in this deadly celestial game ? 'Best-selling BLUE DRAGON BDECEMBER 2011 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-734981 -4 Australian ebcx:k The forces of Hell are poised to strike ... Emma 's beloved, John Ch en, is a 3000 year old Chinese god. He is becoming weake r by th e day modern fantasy in his battle to pratect her and his daughter from the Demons who pursue them relenriessly. But it is Emma who is nagged by do ubts about her own nature, and must find the courage to save them all ... trilogy' FEBRUARY STEPHEN HUNT STEAMPUNK Stephen Hunt has worked as a writer, editor and publisher for a number of magazines and national newspaper groups in the UK. He is also the founder of one of the oldest and most popular fan·run science fiction and fantasy websites. Born in Canada, the author divides his time between the UK, North America and Spain. Awaiting CO'ierArt FROM THE DEEP OF THE DARK JACK CLOUDIE 16 FEBRUARY 2012 16 FEB RUARY20 12 TPB £12.99 ISBN: 978·0·00·728971 -4 I PB £7.99 ISBN: 978·0·00·728967·7 ebook ebook The sixth marvellous tale of high adventure and de rri ng·do 'A ripping yarn ... the stary pounds along ... constant from the moster of steam punk literoture, set in the wo rld inventiveness keeps the reader hooked ... the fi nale of The Court of the Air. is 0 cracking succession of cliffhangers ond surprise comebacks. Great fun ' SFX t -=:::.. THE COURT OF THE KINGDOM SECRETS THE AIR BEYOND THE WAVES OF THE FIRE SEA PB £7.99 ISBN: 978·0-00-723218-5 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978-0-00-723221 -5 PB £7.99 ISBN: 978·0·00-728966-0 ebook ebook ebook RAYMOND E.