GOING GREEN FOR BEGINNERS a totally painless introduction to reducing our environmental footprint Becky Haltermon, Boone County Solid Waste Becky Haltermon Boone County Public Works, Division of Solid Waste Management
[email protected] 859-334-3151 5645 Idlewild Road Burlington, KY 1 DISCLAIMER * Disclaimers are never a good sign … I have to admit that I really don’t like the term “going green.” It implies a fad or a small segment of your life when making a real change is neither ephemeral or restrained. Making a real change begins with the way we see our lives as a whole … 2 I want you to be happy. • Let‟s discuss • Health • Dollars • Happiness • “We hope that students will appreciate that the good life is more than having more stuff and more money…” – Barbara Duncan, The Vermont Earth Institute I am not trying to harsh on your happiness by promoting environmental ideals. I am trying to make your life happier. Everything that is important to us is effected by the world we live and the systems on this planet. Everything that we care about can be positi vely impacted by a healthier planet. Environmental Health Concerns: Air quality, including both ambient outdoor air and indoor air quality. Climate change and its effects on health. Disaster preparedness and response. Food safety, including in agriculture, transportation, food processing, wholesale and retail distribution and sale. Hazar dous ma ter ia ls managemen t, incl udi ng hazar dous was te managemen t, con tam ina te d s ite remedi a tion, the preventi on of l eak s from underground storage tanks and the prevention of hazardous materials releases to the environment and responses to emergency situations resulting from such releases.