MOLECULAR & CELLULAR TOXICOLOGY, Vol. 3, No. 1, 36-45, March 2007 Gene Expression of Osteosarcoma Cells on Various Coated Titanium Materials Sung-Hwa Sohn1, Jae Bun Lee2, Ki-Nam Kim1, are made with Ti alloys. However, the exact effect of In Kyoung Kim1, Seung Ho Lee1, Hye Won Kim1, Ti on osteoblasts is still unknown2-4. Successful ap- Sang-Hui Seo1, Yu-Ri Kim1, Sang-Wan Shin2, plication of such materials for bone regeneration Jae-Jun Ryu2 & Meyoung-Kon Kim1 often involved mixing with autogenous bone, a sour- ce of osteoblastic cells and precursors2. 1Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Surface topography may affect the formation of a 2Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Korea University, fibrous capsule around implants, inflammatory res- Seoul 136-705, Korea ponse at tissue-implant interface, fibroblast attach- Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed ment, angiogenesis, epithelial down-growth around to M-K. Kim (
[email protected]) percutaneous devices, and many cellular processes such as cellular differentiation, transcription, cell Accepted 8 March 2007 metabolism, protein production, and phenotypic ex- pression1,3,5-7. Diverse implant surface may contribute to the regulation of osteoblast differentiation by infl- Abstract uencing the level of gene expression of key osteo- genic factors7,8. Morphometric analyses had shown Several features of the implant surface, such as differences in bone-implant contact percentages with topography, roughness, and composition play a the varying of surface characteristics, as well as a relevant role in implant integration with bone. This sensitivity of cells to surface topography9,10. Gene ex- study was conducted in order to determine the pression in response to the placement of implants effects of different-coatings on Ti surfaces on the with different surface topographies11-16.