The Ukrainian Weekly 1963, No.13
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb LXX No.- 60 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, MARCH 30. 1963 SECTION TWO 4. 60 VOL. LXX FREED UKRAINIAN PRELATE TELLS' "Certificate of Thanks" Issued George Ferencevych Heads Plast UNA SUPREME AUDITORS OF PRIESTS NEED FOR By the Shevchenko Memorial Command, Volodymyr Savchak AT WORK 'UNSHAKEABLE FAITH' Committee Elected Head of Plast Council SOYUZIVKA, Kerhonkson, On Sunday afternoon an ROME. March 25 (Keable)— the existence and in the love of N. Y. (Special) —George Fe election of the Plant Command Archbishop Joseph Slipy in a God because there can be rencevych, a Plast veteran, took place, to which, in addi sermon during bis first public weeks and months in the life was elected head of the Plast tion to Mr. Ferencevych, the Mass since his release from 18 of a priest when he is isolated, Command, and Dr. Volodymyr following were elected: years of imprisonment in the abandoned, derided and beaten. Savchak was chosen head of the Mrs. Olga Kuzmovych and Soviet Union said that a priest "He may suffer hunger and Plast Council at the Vlth Na Yaroslav Boydunyk — vice needs "unshakeable faith in the cold and see his clothes reduced tional Congress of Plast, which presidents; Luba Abramiuk existence and love of God." to rags and his shoes without was held on Saturday and Sun secretary; Ivanna Stoykevych The Eastern Rite Primate of soles," the 71-year-old prelate day. March 23 and 24. 1963 — national commander of Ukraine celebrated the Byzan continued. "What matters is at Soyu/ivka, UNA Resort in Girl Scouts; Zenon Onufryk tine Rite Liturgy (Mass) for the apostolate." the Catskills Mountains. Over — national commander of a congregation of Greek semi 180 delegates representing a Boy Scouts; Volodymyr Rak Referring to the religious naries here at the church of St. total of 3.470 Plast members — economic director; Ostnp situation in the Iron Curtain Athanasius (March 24). He in the United States, took part Wynnyk — membership di countries, Archbishop Slipy had appeared in public just a in the congress, which was rector, and Roman Вагапяку — week earlier, ,at the beatifica said: "You heard the (Gospel) presided by Taras Durbak. Mrs. representative of the Friends tion of Mother, Elizabeth Seton. story of the deaf and dumb Olga Kuzmovych, the outgoing of Plast. for the first time since reach man who was cured. The East head of the Plast Council, At the same1 'time an elec ing here on February 9. He is today deaf and dumb and delivered the principal address tion was held of the Plast now has an apartment in the is waiting for its ears to be JERSEY CITY. N. J. (Special). — From Monday, March' on the tasks and objectives of Council, to which, in addition Vatican City., opened and its tongue to be 25, 1963 through Thursday. March 28. 1963 the Supreme A\r- the Plast organization. to Dr. V. Savchak, were elect diting Committee of the Ukrainian National Association met Speaking in Greek, Metropol loosened. A number of greetings were ed the folldwing: Dr. Jaroslaw here for the purpose of auditing all books and assets of the itan Slipy told the seminarians "The Pope does not wish to % delivered by representatives of Padoch, Oksana Gengalo, Ser- that a priest's life is not easy. avail himself of his, authority organization. Ukrainian organizations, in hiy Zapolenko. Zenon Kor- In addition to knowledge of but he acts with great love The meeting of the UNA Auditing Committee precedes cluding Prof. V. Kubiyovych chynsky, Stepan »Chaykivsky. theology he said,, a priest must toward the entire East as a the annual meeting of the Supreme Assebly of the UNA which — the Shevchenko Scientific- Yaroslav Kryshtalovych and have "an unshakeable faith) in good shepherd." will meet at Soyu/ivka on May 20. 1963. Society in France; J. Lesawyer Ilia Karapinka —, members, Sitting, left to right: John Kokolski. member (Woonsocket, — the UNA; M. Furda ..— and Omelian Lebedovych and R. I.); Peter Pucilo. secretary (Chicago. 111.); Dr. Walter Gal- Ukrainian Division - National SUMA; Dr. J. Padoch — the Roman Levytsky — deputy Ian, chairman (Philadelphia, Pa.); Volodymyr Kossar, vice Shevchenko Scientific Society members. chairman (Winnipeg) and John Evanchuk. member (Chicago). Democratic Party Organizes in the USA; A. Kozak - Plast A series of resolutions and organization in Canada; R. recommendations were adopted Campaign Activities Baransky — the Society of UNA Course for Organizers Ukrainian Engineers, and Dr. at the conclusion of the two- By DANIEL T. KUZYK V. Bilozor — the Brotherhood і ^У congress of the Ukrainian Held in Toronto •I I 'i of the Ukrain. Sichovi Striltsi. Plast Organization. TORONTO, Ont. (Special). Volodymyr Sbchan, his 'as A • National Meeting of the eity of registration as a pre- sistant, Bohdan Zoryeh- 'UNA Ukrainian Division: of the requisite to voting. — On Saturday and Sunday,' Supreme Advisor'and head Of ' Democratic Party was convened The Chairman of the New New England Paper Lauds March 16 and 17. 1963 a two-! the UNA Committee fat Toronto* last Saturday, March 23rd, at York Delegation and the Host day course for UNA organ-! and Ivan Melnyk. the-Hotel. Commodore**-in the and Moderator of the Confer Ukrainian Freedom Fighter izers and secretaries was held j This to a photostatic copy 6Ґ the "CteRTIFICATE OF.THJANKS." .is On the occasion of the orga Cityf. of NewnYprk, called by ence, Walter Bacad, disclosed EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article — interview with at the UNA premises, under j sued by'the Shevchenko Memorial Commjttce o( Дтсгіса ^° those, nizational course a press con-v< its- National Chairman, Stephen his plans for chartering a Yaroslav Stetzko. president of the ABN, appeared in the the auspices of the Canadian I donors who contributed at least $25.00 to the Shevchenko Meraor.lal; ference was held forrepreserfrH-' R J. 'Jarema. Democratic StatejRegular New. .York State Sunday, March 24, 1963 issue of The New Haven Register. Office of the UNA. The course] Piirid * tUe с к tives of the "Ukrnfnian' press Representatives-' and' Leaders- Democratic Ukrainian Club, ЇҐ—V? ?вЯ ^ ^ Я, erected )іа1іМп stetzko spoke at a rally at St. Michael Ukrainian Church was attended by 35 partici Washington1 . D.Cs . in! K1964, the ^ekr marking tjiy isoth .anniversary of Toronto, at' whih UNA congregated for a day long]which, would stimulate the " І 0th .anniversary Щ$ on Saturday, March 23. The front-page article was ac of Taras Shevchenko's birth, f tie Shevchenko Memorial, Committee pants who represented 16 U- spokesmen gave detailed re conference for 'purposes, as j activation of existing Demo- companied by a picture of Mr. Stetzko along with Messrs. announced that all donors who contributed less than $25.00 to tho NA branches from 10 Canad ports and Information on the ' expressed Чгу • Mr. Jarema, "of cratic clubs and the creation John Teliuk. and Alexander Sokolyshyn, and Al Mitchell, the fund can Obtain such' a "CERTIFfCATE OF THANKS" upon send ian localities. Lecturers at the progress and development of and organization of new ones reporter: formulating а • campaign to ing an additional contribution so that their contribution to the statue course were Dr. Jaroslaw Pa the UNA in the United States' within the State. This plan, it olutions. Tnat Is the One al strengthen the Democratic vote fund Is at least 525.00.' ' '" ' "" doch, UNA Supreme Secretary. and Canada. in • ч Ukrainian- American com is thought, will be the fore ternative to atomic warfare. I . munities." l • runner of many such state do not believe in an evolution Upon the bksic theme that organizations. In addition. Mr. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR LATE within the Russian empire. It Didyk Elected Head of UNA Democrats '• of: Ukrainian an Bacad envisions a system of is necessary to act against it." cestry cah effectively play a appointments of County Chair DMYTRO HALYCHYN In his speeches and writings. District Committee in Detroit men for every county within Stetzko stresses the view that decisive role in the outcome of JERSEY CITY. N.J. (Speci ecutive Committee and the the Soviet Communist regime political elections and that the the State, all collaborating in al). - On March 26, 1963 mem UNA Auditing Committee. is sitting on a volcano. He feels National Democratic Party will the formulation of a unified orial services were held at Sts. that the Communists could not become ever more cognizant of single State program. Peter and Paul Ukrainian control simultaneous uprisings this role, the session explored Following the morning ses Catholic Church for the late NEW YORK. NY. A Mass of the subjugated nations, "not and formulated procedures for sion, a luncheon held for the Dmytro Halychyn, supreme for the repose of the soul of only the satellite nations, but more coherent and effective Delegates was attended by the president of the UNA, presi- j the late Dmytro Halychyn will Ukraine. Georgia. Turkestan operations oh the National. New Yok State Democatic dent of the Ukrainian Congress і be said at St. George's Ukrain- and Byelorussia." State and Local levels. Chaiman. William McKeon: the Committee of America and ex- ian Catholic Church. 22 East He feels that if the western In seeking to coordinate the New Yok State Executive Vice j ecutive director of the Shev- 7th Street, New York City, on nations, particularly the United activities of the Ukrainian Chaiman of the Nationalities chenko Memorial Committee of j Saturday. March 30. 1963 at States and Great Britain, had Democratic Organization into Division. Paul Weiss and the; America. A special Mass, said і 7:30 P.M., and another Mass on Yaroslav Stetzko acted promptly to back the a ' single unified program, Public Relations Director of, by the Rev.