BIBLIOGRAPFIY ABBREVIATIONS -l|ti . 1ii i soL,rattnileKavlazsloyu rtrkheographichesAoyuKqxtmissitr u. Cent. Ditt. - Centur! Dictionary. ConrTuest: Baddeley(J. F.), The RussianConTuest of the Caucasus.rgcd. E. o.f I. .-. Enclcla?aediaof Islam. Ex1,lory1iy1: Freshfield(D. W.), Tha Explorationof the Caucasus.rgoz. G. -4.L M. K, : Gosudarstv ennoi'! hademii I starii Matet-ialnoi K ulturi. (].8. : Frazer (Sir James G.), The GoldenBaugh. Gor. : Sbornil saiedeniio KaahazskihhGortsaIh. ro v.. r868-8r. I.R.r{.O.-:- Im?eratorsloyeRusslove lrfrheologhichesloye Obshchestt,o Zapiski. r886- , Iza.: IzrLiestiaKaztlazslaao,Otdielar lrnp. Russk. GeographicheskoyiC)bshchestvo. Iza. (Ing.) : Izviestia Ingooshslavortaoutchno-issledot,ateisAiuo Instituta Kraetedenia. Mat. : SborniAMaterialof dlya Oltisanila Myestntstei i Plemen Kaakaza. Mat, p9 /r!h;.: Imperatorskoye Moskovskoye Arkheologhicheskoyeobshchestvo, Materiali po '{rkheolaghii Kaztkaza. rBBB- . 3.S.aK. : Sbornihsuiedenii o Kaakazie. zap' : Imperatorsk_oyeRusskoye Geographicheshoye Obshchestvcr, zapisli Ka,t,t,iz- slat,o otdiela.rB 5z-r9r6. : Ziss Ztissermann(A. L.), Daadtsatpyat Qct na Koafrazie.zv. t879.

Assas Kourr Acna BarrrHaNorr. Gulistan-Iran,Baku, r9z6 (extracts in Kavkaz, r 8a6). AnrncRonrv (Fron.-John, afterwardsr,ord). ,:l Trip thraughthe Eastent Caacasus,London, r 889. - Pre- and Prota-ltistoricFinns. z v, r898. Asrcu_(Hermann).las KaukasiscltenLandern. zBd. Wien. - fsulss su lesglaciers actuels et anciensdu Caucase.l B7o. ArNswoR*r ( Tra,telsin the Trackof theTen Thousand Greeks, t84+. 'Ingooshee', AxsRrryErr (Tchakh). in Gbr,viii, -'17 Tchetchenskikhskazanii', &c., in Gor.iii, iv, v. '4kti sabra.nnileKavkazskqta Arkheograplticheskoy Kornrnissieyz (r"eferred to as/kti), rz. v. in r3, no. vi beingdouble. Tiflis, tg66-'. (Officia1 documents.) 'The ALsonorn(B. A.). Ingoosh"Galierdi" and the Ossetine"Alardi" ', in lzv. (Ing.), i, pp. Sig tr. A11ru (W. E. D.). Hisnrl of tlte GeorgianPeople. 1932. ,1Llgeneinesch'u)eizerische Gesellschaft/ir die geiamnttea-Naturv;issertsclta;t'ten: NeueDenkschriften, Bd.27, t-876, Awroxovrrcu (V. E.). SeeTrudee podgot. Komm, AwoNyrurous._Tagebuclt.einerReise im f. rySr, SeeTagebuclt, -London.t78r, r797, ApotLoNrus Ruoorus. lrgonautica,tr. R. C, Seaton. rgrz. Annraw. Periplus,tr. Falconer.Oxford, r8o5.

II MM 265 BIBLIOGRAPHY Baonsr,r,v (J.F.), Tlte Russian Conquestof the Caucasus(referred to as Conguest).19o8. - Rassia,Mongolia, Clt.ina, u r'. London, r9rg. - Rilssiain tlte'Eigltties. t92r. Barnaozr (D. Z.), Katkaz' .' drie..'ttic/tpom1atnikach cltristionstva. Pri- lazltsniek 5 tom,u.Aktov, rE-3. Banuano (Giosafat). y'iaggioin Pcl'ilo. l']ublished in RamusiorViaggifatti da lenetia, &c., 15,p3. 'On 'femir-Khan-Shouri Bannol or Meaxy (2. N.). thc qeolosy of the 'Iiflis, District', in Jlatcrio/i ,l/1'tgheo/ogltii Kar'Aaza. t1g4 EiAIiIHoLD(\\'.). Articles in I:nclclop,tttli,zof Islam. v. r 'C) 4 9o8-34. Brr,rrrv (N. l'.). bulate i kharaluge',in Recuei/Koudakot. Prague, 1 926. 'Journal Brrr (James Stanislaus). of a rcsideacein Circassia,fi j7-g. z v, London, r84o. Brr,r (John), of Antermony. Travelsfrona St. Petersburgto Divers Parts o/ Asia. z v. Glasgow,t763; n. ed. r8o6. Bsnszrx (Ilya Nikolaevich). Journey in Dagltestanand th.e Trans-Caacasus [in Russian). Kazan, rB+9. Brncf (4.P.). Tcltenltniai Tcltetcltentsi.Tiflis, r859. BrrrorouRorr (C. A.). EnosltenfuaRossii s Kavkazom. r889. BrenanansRc(Gen. I.ieut. Ivan Fedorovitch von). Erinnerangenaus dent Lelten f. von 8.., nach dessenTagebiicltern ton tStr-7r /zerausgegeben r:cn v-ouE1dow. 3 v. Berlin, r87z-5. Bocr,rRnorr(M.N.). Articles in Zap. Bollettinodel Club tllpino Italiano, r89o, rB9r. Turin. Bonrn (M. Cathcaft). Egptian. r937. Bonosorw (1.). V gornoi Ingousltetii. 'A Bnruptrv(H.H.). BronzeAge Anchor', in Mariner's Mirror, xiii, t oz7 . Bnossrr (M. F.). Histoirede la Giorgie,trad. par B. z parties. St.Peters- burg, r B4g-Sr. - fii5s6irede la Giorgie,Additions et dclaircissements.St. Petersburg, r85r. - Perepiskagrouzinskikh tsarei s rossiiskimigosadarytami, fi5g-t77o. St.Petersburg, r86t. -- R"p?zrts stu t/n rlJa.gearcltdologiclue dans la Giorgie et dansI',4rndnie, t847-8. 3 livreset atlas. St. Petersburg,I 8+g-Sr. Ilnv (T.,or). Peiln l/o1ages,t628, India Orientalis,pt. xii. Bnvcr (James,Lord). Transcaucasiaand lrarat. r877. 'Zur Bucuwrn (E. A.). Geschichtedes KaukasischenT'ure', in fuIimoires de I'1lcad, Imp. desScieaces de 3t. Pdtersbourg,xxxv. 8. Bucrrr I (H. T.). Miscellaneousand PosthumouiWorks. 3 v. t872. I Bucrrrn (Georgina).z{nna Cornnena. Oxford, r929. B ul/etin KavkazskarsoIstoriko-Arkheologlticheskavo Instituta. l ; i BIBLIOGRAPHY 267 BunroN (R. F.). ,lrabian Nig/tts, Var. editions. Btrnv (J. B ). Tlte Ltter RornanEmpire. z v. r889. Butrnn (A. J.). Sportin ClassicTimes. London, r93o.

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DagltestanTear Book, See Pamyatnay Knizhka. 'Pervobuitnaya Darcer (Bashir K.). ltelighiya Tchetchentzeff', in 'Ierski 'I)algat Sbornik,Vladikavkaz, 1893, (Referred to as (a)'.) -'g112nitchka iz sievero-kavkazskavobogatirskavo epose', iit L'tuo- 'D"rleat graplteetclteskoyeObozrenie, vol. xlviii. Moscow, tgoL ( - (b)'.) Dawrrxs (R.M.). Clrronicleof Makltairas. z v. Oxford, r93:. Dners (J.). Tlte Beer oJtlre Bible. London, r887. Dfcnv (Moritz von). Kaukasus. 3 Bd. Berlin, r9o5 f. DprEHavr (H.). Zes Ldgendesgrecgaes des saints militaires. Prtris, r9og. Darurrnorr(Prince E,). HuntingT'ripsin //te Caucasus.r898. DrNNrri (N. Y.). Various articlesin Zap., vols. xii, xiv, xv. Drnn (Adolf). KaukasischeMiirclten. Jena, r9rg. L,ng. trans. by L" Menzies,r92 S. 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY DousRovrN (N.), Istoria tr/oinii vladichesttsarusskikh na Kavkaze. 6 v. in 8. St. Petersburg,r87r-88. Dreonala Biblioreka. 3t v. (SeeNovikoft'.) Dusors or Mowrpfnnux (Frdd6ric). l,'a.yageailtlar du Caucase.6 v. et atlas. Paris et NeuchAtel,r839-43. Dunas (A., pdre). Le Caucase.t 8j9. Duufzrl (Georges). Ldgendessur les,'\-ines. Paris, r93o. Dunnen (Mary Edith). .Jonc Triii,tl Origins. London, rgz}.

Ernorqos,(C. J.). Article in lourra/ oJC'etrrc/ .'/sion Soi:. xvi, r929. Eurrcs (ChristianRud.). i'ac Reinesgs. EtcHtt'at-o (Carl L,duard 'on). |lcisi,tuJ J. (.'tspist/tenLleere and in d, C'auccsus)t8:5-6. : Bd. in 3 v. [vol. r in z parts]. Sturtgirrt,r834-8. ELLrs (George). A'Iemairof the CountriescomprelteidedVenueeullte Blaik Sea ttnd the caspian: witlt an acczuntoJ tlte CaucasianNatians, at,1 ['ocabula- ries of tlteir Languages. London, r788. Enclclopaediaol Islam (referred to as E. of I.). a v. r9o8-34. Excnrnennt(Moritz von), and PanRor, Friedrich. Reiseit die Krlm und den Kaukasas.2 v. Berlin, rBr {. h,xcrEnr (.R.von). Der Kaukatrt oo"dseine Valker. Leipzig, 1888. Enrsrorr (PrlnceRaphael). Articles in Zap. iii, r855.- Essao-Bnv.Der Kaakasus.Berlin, r93r. - -*- Zw\lf Gelteimnisseim Kaukasus.Berlin, r93o.

F.qrnnxroce(Dorothea). Historich'arms. l,ondon, r93r. FevRn (Ernest). Rer/terch,'sgiologiques dans la partie centralede la chainedu L'aucase_(with rnap). Zurich, r876. (,4llg. scltweizer. Gesellsch,fiir die ges ]Vdturui sse nsc/t,tf te t.) F;wrrrn-(Robert).'Historl Ln C'h,ttts',tt',it Ro/artd. Paris, rg33. FrncuscrN (J.). of Itr,ii,ttt y'rcltitecture. nev]"ea., 2 v, l,ondon, rgro. Frrrn6NorE (G. D.). o dr,istoriticheskoikulrurie ,u osetii. Iz protokoloff zasyedanni Komiteta po ustroistvr.rantropologhicheskoi vuistavki lubitch. Yestyestvo imp. ObshchesrvnZ.l.L antr. i, etnog. na zo. Moscow, 1878. Fnnzrn (Sir James G.). The GolJtn Boug/t. Abr. eci., r924. (Referred to as G.B.) -- Man, God, and lrnmortalit1. rg27. Fnrssrre-rn (P. W.). The Explorailat af rhe C,tacasus, London, rgoz. (Referred to as Exploration.) --- fyaeels in Central Caucasusand Bashan. London, t869,

GaNtsa(J. F.). Voyagedans la Rassientiridionale, particuliirenent au-deli du Caucase,tSzo*zq. z. 6.d.r2 t" et atlas, Paris-,tBz6. BIBLIOGRAPHY t69 GaMsesHrozr(David Y.).. Gaena*kiMonastir. 3rd ed. Koutais,rg95. - Miilercl Resaurcesof and Caucasic.t9r9. Gansr.rxc(lohn;. TlteHittiteEmpire. rgzg. 'soueterly? Gerlrlrrr (B;). i predrasudiiio Osetin', in.Gor. ix, :; i. G.q,vnprlorE(P. A.). Article ii Gor. ii. Gor. SeeSbarnik sviedenii o KavkazskikhGornakh. GR.reovsrlC. F.). Ocherksuda, and other articles, in Gor..iv, r., GnrsrNrrs (F. S.). Article in Mat. xliv. 'Tchetchenskiye GnEs (A.). teksti',in Mat. xxij. Gnovl (F. C.). .T/r..eFrasry,Caucasas: r{scent of Elbraz. London, rB7S. GtirorNsrior (Johann.Anton). Bescltrei/,ungder kaukasiscien'fdrdrr, ausgeg.J. Klaproth.Berlin, r83+. -- Reisendurch RuJJlandund inr.kaaka.rischen Gebirge, ausg. p.S. St. Petersburg,rj87. - Reiseunach. Georgien und Imeretlri, ed. Klaproth. l3eriin,rBr5. H_aooox_(A.C.). Magicand F'etichism. rg2r. HnHN (K. l-!. vo.n).Articles in Mar. xxii, xxxv, r go2-5. Herupnv (w. R.). TltePagan BackgrouM'of Eai4 cltrisianitl. Liverpool, 1925. I-Tamwev$onas).. Historica-llccoant af British Tradeaver tlre Caspidnsea: wi/lt'Julrna/of lraryls rhrougltRussia. 4 v. Londo\ r-153" I {enrrarr (8. 9.). T/teLegend if Perseus.3 v. r 89+-6.' - Ritual and BelieJ:Studies ii the Hisnry aJReligion. rgr+. Hesrucr (F. w.). christianitland Is/an'undtrtlle sulrais. Ed. M. M. Hasluck. z v. Oxford,t9zg. Tlaxrnaus.ry(A.F-..L.J4., Freihe'r von). Transkaukasia.Leipzig, r B.'+. HENorRsoN (George).Tlte Norse rnfatoci in celtic scot/and.Glaigiw, r 9-ro. llrnsnnr(4g":9.casualsintltecaucasus:asportingHolidal.r,oid,on',rgrz. FlrnsrRr (Sir Thomas). \ravels in Persia,ioeT-ig. BroadwayT.aveilers Series,London, t928. FIrno Q.). Zf:l:nt andmodern Scottis/t. Songs. znd ed. z v. 1776. FIEnororu s, Histories(Rawlinson's trans.I Floroen (11:w.). see'Proceedingsof Roy'l - GeographicalEociet.v, rl,!9, Hourn. Works,trans. Buckley.'- r iir8. How (Walter Wybergh) and'Warrs (Joseph). Commentarlot Heroilrittrs. z v. Oxford, r9tz, Ffowontn (S]r.H. H.). lisnry of theMongols. 3 v. r 876-8. FInozw{..(Bedrich).Article in zliclriv Orieit,ilni,"iii, r 93 r. Huecn (8.). Bier undBierbereitung bei den valkern ier-trzeir. I3erlin, r926" IrnrrNsry (l{. I.): Articles in 1.R.1.O.,Trudee vastoclt. ard. p. 3. r g5B. I m perato.rskoye-Moskor_*ol" Arkheologhicheskoyeo bs hi he"stvo.' M at e - rlali 1o '41!/tellogiiKavkaza, r 888--. (Referied to as Mttt. po ztrkrt,) Seealso Trudee podg. Komm. 270 BIB[,IOGRAPHY Imperator:skoye*Russkoye Arkheologhicheskoye obshchestvo. zapiski, 886- . (Referred to as I.R.A.O.) Imperatorskoye Russkoye Geoeraphicheskoye Obshchestvo. Zapiski Kaxkazskavootdiela, 185z-t916. lReferied to zs Zap,) Izviestia of the same. t. xxvi. INosrnaxrsnrr.(A. \.). Tchrt= g/,r:'tti Katkazski Khre$et(rzdanie ouprav. I(azennikh zheleznikhdorori.).St. Petersburg,rB9d. In'rERreno (Giorgio). De//,t t'ir,t-le z-t,rlii,chi,tnrsi i c'iarcassi,Published in Ramusio(q..,.), r'ol. ii, r SSg. (.Arore.The approximatedate of Interiano's travels in circassia (shortlvbefore r5co) is'or'.r'd.ever hasbee' in anv realdoubtl hisaccornt oither'rvas publishedbv Aldus in r5o:, ind reprinted in r5o5. Bur sornecontrision has been created b1'Dubois de'Mont- lrdreux's-statenlent (L'u1, autoar du Cducase,i.'81), rvhich places them haif a century later. Presumably Dubois did hot know bf the Aldine volume, but regarded the reprint'His in Ramusio's collection t as ?!. SSg. t-h: originaf publication. error was not shered by Klaproth, asNeumann says(R$land und die Tcherkessen,p. 3 r); but _ it is-repeated by Lyul'e ('Zip. iv, p. zz7), and probabty'dtse"wfiere.; Iossnrrex (Plalon). ,4'shirt Hiinry a/ i/;e Geoigian ci/turclt, tia's" and ed. with notesby the Rev. S. C. Malan. London, 1866. 7-- Opisaniedrersnostei goroda Tifisa. Tiflis, 1866. Ipporrrorr (A.P.). Articlesin Gor.ii. Izviestia Ingaoshskc't'ouaoutc/rtro-issledo,uate/skaao Instituta Kraevedenia. _ (Referred to a.s1z.i'. (ing).) Izt'iestitt Katknzsktto otlielt, Imperatorskoye Russkoye Geographiches- ko'r'eObshchestvo. (Iteferred to as lzv.)

JaurEsor'i(John). E.rlntolog.diuiouarl,af scottislr. 2 v. Edinburgh, r8o8. znd ed..revrsed. : v. rB.l.o-r. qrr)ages JanE (cecil)J._d:).. selectclocumenrs illustraring tlte/our o/ columbus, _ vol. i. (Hakluyt Soc.,znd series,no. lxv.) JowEs(Sir Williamj. tf:oilt, t799 and.r ao7 edd.

K. (E, (l Kirion, Bishop of Gori). I'oskovala sveycha v Greko-Grouzinskoi Tserkvi. Tiflis, r9or. (Pamphlet i' wardrop collection, Bodleian tt I-lT Drarv. ) 'skazaniya Kerrnrezoni(A l. o Nartakh', in Gor. vii. KerErrrwsry'({ P:). Article (in ltussianwith French rdsumd)on the Caucasianfibulie, in RecueilKandaku..,. Prague, t926. Kavkaz(newspaper) r Ba6-8. Kavkazsialo_SuVir7, zhurnal,r-8, god r87z-3. Tiflis, tBTz-3. Kavkazski IstoricheskiArkheologhicheski institut: iztieitia-(Bulletin), r9z3-6, 1928. BIBLIOGRAPHY 27| KavkazskieKalendar. Tiflis, t849-64. Kevnarsrv(F. F.). LososevailaKatskaza: Die Lacltsedes Keukosu"(. pts. 'fiflis, 3 t896-7. Ksrr-rxc(E. H.). Zdaenturesin Turkeland Russia. London, rgz+. Knounroorr (N. A.). 'Zamietkio Khevsourii',in Zap. xiv. - 'The Retreatof the Ten Thousandfrom the Araxesto Trebizond', in 1zv. lx. Krepnors (H. J. von). Reisein denKaukasus and nackGeorgien, rLioT-6. z Bd. Halle,18rz-r4. - Mimoiresrelatives ) I'.rlsie. 3 Bd. Berlin, r8z6-8. KoBcnrrw-Scnwenz(A.). Un Touristeau Caucase.3" dd. Paris, r88r. KorrBvrrr (Gh.). Sklepovuiesoi)ruzlreiniya gornoi Osetii. Vladikavkaz, r928. Konaan6rr(A'. Y.). 'Adati', in Gor.i. Kowoarov (N. P.). Opispantyatnikof drevnosti v nieklrotorikhKlrramakh i ru.onasterlakhGrouzii. St. Petersburg,r890. - ps6usild'itades didiies h la ntirnoirede N.P,K. Prague,1926. Koran, Th.e(Sales' trans.). 'Pouteshestvie Kousws'rsonn(N. I.). po Kavkazoulietom r B9o', in Iz,uiestia of Imp. Russk.Geogr. Ob., t. 26. Koverrvsrv (Maxim M,). i drevni zakon. Obuitclmoe ?rarl Osetinv istoriko-sravnitelnornosdeslttchenii. Moscow, r886. - Zakln i obuitc/taina Kavkazie. z t, Moscow, r89o. Kozoussrv (E,.). Articles in Mat. xix. - Bibliographyof Daghestanin DaghestanTear Book, 189.5(very full and valuable). KnoMavsn(I.) and Vurn (G.). ,4ntikeEc/zlaclrt/elder,t. iv. Berlin. KnulrsecHrn (Karl). Gesclticlzteder BlzantiniscltenLiteratar. Mtinchen, t89r-z; znd ed.,rgg7,

Lannnrnrt(Arcangelo). 'Relation de la Colchideou Mingrellie', in t. vii of Bernard (J. F.), Recueilde voyges au Nord. Io t. Amsterdam, r72 5-38. LaNsorrr (H.). Ch.i.neseCentral ,{sia. z v. r893. Laruan (M.W.). ElizabetlzanFairies. London, r930, l,errrnonr (Owen). TIreDesert Road to Turkestan.rg29. 'Tchetchenskoe Lauoevnrr (Umalat). plemya',in Gor.vt, Lavnorr (D.). Article in L[at. iii. r 883. Lawron (Henry Cairns). Ukter, its arcltaeolog1and antiguities.Belfast, r926. I-awRrNcr(T. Ii.). Revoltin tlteDesert, r927, -I'rans. Lr Maour (E,.)and Drcersrvr(J.). ,4 GcneralEytetz oJ Botont, Mrs. Hooker,ed. J. D. I{ooker. London, t876. LrenrtoNru (W. C.). Historl of I4/estCalder, canxpiled franr. tarious slttrces b1a nati"ue.r885. a4n BIBLIOGRAPHY LrH nreNN*Hau er{c. F .).'{rme ni en ein s t an d j etzt. Berlin and,Leipzig, r 93 r. - Review in l{istorischeZeituug, N.r. xxiv, rgr9. Lyur'e (LeontyYakoulevich). Ariicle in Zap. ii.

Macerrsrul*(R:4.!,). The,4rcltaeologS af lreland, rgzg, Meclroo (R.9:):. TlteIsloud clans ,iriig sixcenruries. Inverness, r 93r. MaRrovrrcn (V. V.). Articlestn Zap, xlx. Mann of (N,Y.), .Jourltal 1n_Exptditi.o,tro. Sharsshevlta and Klarrtjid, prb- lishedin his editionof G. Mertchoul'sL{e o/ st. Gregoryl(lrn*hrry- skato,St. Petersburg, i9i r. N4anrrnosrl)-.(q.K.). Aiticlein 1::'. (lng.),i. Nlqsrrrr (Alfred). I?ussi,zn'y'rt. S. KenJ.M,,r..,m Ilandbook.rBga. Vlasox (lvl. IL). Deserrsldle. r9zB. N{asrr:no(G.). Gaideto CairoA4aseum. 19o8. ]Iateriali po '4rk/teo/ag/zii- Kavkazar_.r B_8 8--.-. (Referred to as A[at, po ,{rk/t. Eeealso Imp. Mosk. Arkh. Obshch.) Maxrrnrorl(F"g.) andvrnnrnorr (G.). Toazemtsiseternav, Kavkaza, pt. z: -Tchetchentsi.Vladikavkazr' r894. Mrrrxsnr'-Brrov (L. M.). K lrkheotogltiii EtnotoglziiTualskoi osii. Tiflis, r925. Mdr-v (F. D. de), ExuviaeSacrae Constantinopolitanae. rgo+. Nllrnzs.A.cHrn(Gottfried). las den Hoclrrigionendes ko'ukasus, a Bd. Lerpztg)rgor. Mrewsanopu(Y. M:).. Bibliogralt/tiacaucasica et Transcattcasica(,.1n atterupt at a)vo|.i, pt. iii. St.Peteisburg, r 87+-6. Mrrrrn (4, A.),-Articlein G.,./.1.M.'k.,t9iA. Mrrren (Vsevolod Fedorovich). Osseiisc/t-Russisch-Deutschesl1zdrterbuclr. B_d.i, A-3. Leningrad,rg27. - Qigorskilaskazon4'a. Moscow, rgoz, --- OsetinskieEtludi. r887. -- Ossetica.rgo+, Monrnrv.(9:-J.),_1ld Carrrnor (W. 'The B.). When[;ur uas King. Mor.r.(F.). History of the Anchor',in Th.eMariner's Mir'rorrvol. xiii. Cambridge,1927. Moncer 'Customs (E,.Delmar). of the Ossetes',in J,R,,.{,S.,New Series, vol. xx. MonNr (Arvid). Fi.nlatd's^ many patrioticpoems by this ferventchampion of SwedishFinland). Monrow (4.V.).-fn.Searcltof Scot/and.rg3r. Mosrs or Cnonrxrrin Colleciiondes historiinl oilcieils et fixudernestle l'r/rnti- nie. Y. Langloised. r869. Mounrun (I). iZrt au Caucise.3" dd. Bruxelles,r9rz. - Gilideau Caucase,Paris, r}g+. *- La Mingrilie. Odessa,r883. BIBLIOGRAPHY 273 Murrrn (G. F.). SanzrulungRussischer Gescltichre, 9 tsd. St.Petersburg, 1732-6+. Muxno (Neil). TltcNew Road. r93o. MuRRRY'sGuide to Russia. r893.

Nronanzr (Georg). Begrtibnis-and Totenkultusbei den Chetssuret. Stutt- gart,r 93r. Ntzn_rr.eozu(B) ('T'havisuphaliSvani'). EvnnetltiaaI'-olktales (collectecl). With.partiS] MS. trans. by Margery Wardrop. (Wardrop Coll., BodleianLibrary.) Noa'uellesAnnales des loy.ges et dessciences gdographigues, rdd. par M. Tivien de SainrMartin. z t. Nouvellesdrie, annde i848. Paris,n.d. Novrrorr (N. I.), ed. DrevnaltaRusskalta Biblioteka. 3r v. r786-rBor. Novui Fostok.Naouchnoi Associatzii Vostokovedeniya Soyuza C.C.R. Pod. redak.M. Pavlovicha.Kn. r 3-r+. Moscow,1926.

Ouvl.norr (CountessP. S.). Kavkaz, Plutevaia Zanietki. Moscow, r 88 7. - Ktvkaz'{bkh.azi1a,'ldzhari1a, 8ltatsshetila,Poskotsskii ouch.astok, Pout.Zan. pt. z. Moscow,r89r. - Kavkaz RaclraGoriiskii ouezd etc,, Pout. Zatn. pt.3. Moscowt r9o4. Ovro, Fastired,SirJames Frazer, London, rgzg,

Perras (P. S.). Benerkungenau/ einerReise in rTgj-4. t799-r}ot. -lolo^gts en difirentes provincesde Rassieet dansl"{sie septefirionale. Tr. Gauthierde la Peyronne.6 t. r788-g:. - Voyges dans les gouvernententsmiridionaax de Russie. Tr. Delabou- layeet Tonnelier.z t. r 8o(. - loofropUia Rosso-,lsiatica.j v. St. Petersburg,r83r. Panlatnaya Knizltka i'{dres-Kalendar Dagestanskoioblaiti. Temir-Kharr- Sho_ura,r89_5-r9or. (Vol. for r895 iontainsDaghestan Bibtiographl by Kozoubsky,q.t:.) Peusewras.Description of Greece.Tt. J. G. Fnzer. 6 v. r 898. Pdrrs oB re Cnorx. SeeSharaf al-Din 'Ali. Prrnrr_(G.). The.Ecclesiastical r{rclritectare of lreland. znd ed. Dublin, r 8+j. Prerr (V.). Articlesin Gar.i, r87i. PrNrrnroN (J.), I/oyges,var. ed. Prrwv,Nataral History._Tr. Bostock and Riley. 6 v. rBjj-7. Porryrvrrorr (M.). Posolsttsostolnika Toloichanovai Tiaka l1,e.;levazt Irneritiu,165o-52. Tiflis, r926. Poro (Marco). Bookol MarcoPolo. Tt.Henry Yule. 3rd ed. r9o3. Poralrr,r (G.'N.). Oiherkise,L)er0-za?adnoi Mlngolii. iv. St. Pete"rsburg, r88r-3. Po'rocrr (Jan, Count). Voyge dans les stepsd',4strakhan et du Caacase. z t. Paris,r9z9.

II Nn 41,1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Porro (Y.). Istoria 4+,uodragoonska,sol{izltigorodskavo polka. St. Peters- burg, rggl_.5. PozHroayrrn(V. P.). GortsiSieaerno-'^o Kavkaza. Moscow, t9z6.

Reoor__(Gustav).Die Chews'urenuntl ihr Lttnd. Cassel,r878. - Kheasouriai Klzerssouri,ed. E,. G. weidenbaum; Russiantrans. Tiflis,r88i. -- OrnisCaucasic,t Cassel. 188-r. Raunauo.(A._M.).Hisrcii't de lt Ru::it f)aris,r878. Ranusro n.;. (.C. )-o.-.ig,ttiouie "..i,tggi, ,-dLc0lti d't R.' 3 v. \'enetia, I S 56-gi vol.ii, rSSg. -- t\ht'rg-,ttio_rti...|/ggi, c raccaltid,z R. 3" ed. 1 r,. \.enetia,,r 563-74. Raxoerr-NI-rclvrn (D.1. GreekCiries it llaly cttJ ,\'ict/,y.r93r. Rrrxrccs (J^.g!) Qtseudorym).A generalhisrorical ,ind nfogrnplticalDe- syipriono/ Mguyl caucasus)witlt. a catalogueof plann. Trini. from the Germanby C. Wilkinson. z v. r8o7. -- '00n pailas I*fer_.4ufzug der_Gesclticltte Georgien(published by in NordisclteBqttrd{e, Bd. r, xii). Rrcr (Hamt]!gr). .,A.rticlein Geog.'Journal, r 9zB (April). Rrocrway (y.):_ lhe.Eyt1 ,tge"of'Greece.'2'v. iufiUriag", r90r, r93r. Rossrrorr(K. N.). Articlesii Zap. Rosrovrzrrn (M. I.). Iranians and Greeksin soatlt.Russia, Clarendon Press,r922. 'Russians RouNovsrt (A.). in the Caucasus',in Zar1a,no. rr, tg7o. 'The SarRasrrex(A.). Itinerary of Xenophon's Retreat', in lsiatic Review, _ N.s.vol. xxx, Oct. r 93+. Sr. ManrrN (Vivien de). Seel\rauu-elles tlnnales. Seruosra (T;).. Le culr-ede la p_etite,udrole en Gdorgie. paris, rgo3. Sarrounsry (N.). Dag/testan.Moscow, rgz5. Sawovs (George). R-e/ation ..4 af a Journ:e1-be{unin the Tear r6to. Lond.on, , 1615;4th ed.,1637. Sbornik materialof /la^opisya,c m),tstft,steii pleruen Kaakaza. Bd. v4z. r 88 r-r 9 r r. (Referred ro as .llar.) Sborniksviedenii o Ka,.tkazie. T. r-:. isTt-5. (R-eferredto as ,s.,s.oK.) Eborniksviedenii o KavkazskikhGorlsdkh. toi. lflRi., rg6g-gr. (Refer?ed to as Gor.) Scnrur 'Brutinvasion faJ9,U); des Rosenstaresin Ungarn im J. r9z5,,in' verltandl. destr/r, rnturn. ornirh. Kongressesin Kofenhagerl ,92a. Scorr(Sir,Walter).Demono/og1andWitcicrcft.la3o.< 'ArkheolJg. SrurNorr (!-eonid;. i etnograf. raziskariiyav Ingushii, t9z5- - 7', in lzrt. (Ing.). Snewayrrn.(Djantemir).-'Nartovskiya skazaniya',in Gor. v. - 'Qsslinskiya narodniya skazaniya,,in Gir. iii, v. BIBLIOGRAPHY 275 'Iz snexevErr'(Gatsir). ossetinskikhskazanii o Nartakh',in Gor.rx. SHeR-*p,qL-Drs'Alr,Yazeor. Histoirer/e To.mer/tn. Tr. par petis de la Croix. Avecnotes, &c. 4 t. Delft, 1723. SHrcHre_r-rr.r,rx(1.P_.). Article in lzv. (Ing.),no. r. SrrEs(\\'. \\-irt). BririshGoblins: Wetih Fo'lklare,,err. London, rSgo. Sr-'rrxor-sxy.(B..J.).oficial.Report(ontheDevdorakiGlacier). Titlis, r865. S'rrrrn - 'Anonymous'author ( I of Tagebucheiner Reise irtiJ. t7.:,r (q...). SrrrrerRc.(p.). .'Pru"ovuyepolozheniye zhenshchiny v Daghistanie','in I\ ovui tr/ostok,Nos. z 6-7, r gzg. SrRrrrnn g. q.). Memoriaepopulorum, olim ad Danubium,p. Euxinum, PaludemMaeotidem, caicisum, Mare caspium, et inde magis ad sep- tentrionesincolentium, e scriptor. ltist. Blzrtntinae erutae el dig. 4 t. Petrepoli,177 r-g. SuMrvrlR.s(Rev. Montagge). a{alleul Malefcorun,(trans.). 'Journil, London, r9zB. Syrns (Sir Percy). Article in Geog. rgzg)

Tagebuclteiner Reise die irn Jalr tTBr von der Grcinzfestun{Masdok nach dem innern caacasusunterTtanzmen worden. St. Petersb.-urgand Leipzig, r797 lby Stederl. Terrsout or Manrcrrv (E), I/oyagesen Circassla.Odessa, rg3j. ;- Voygglin-t!1 BlackSea to thi Coastof Circassia.Londonl"rg37. Terrcnrx (A; M.). Articles in Eurasia Septentrionalis,4ntigiar rrl'r93o, ano ln nnltqatry, vll, rgj,t. Tanranerr (Michel). 11Eltisi Giorgieanedes originesjusgu') nosjours. Rome,r9ro. Tcnounsrr (G.R), Oserini.Tiflis, rg2S. TErrEn(Clp!. Crimeaand Transciucasia. J,_8.),'Po r876. Trptsorr (V.). istokamKubani i Tereka',in Mat. xiv. TerskieViedornosti, No. i6z. rgo2. Tuoues (BertramS,). lrabia Fetix. 1932. petroleum. THolrsolT(c1nt. J. H.) and Rnowooo-(SirB.). Handbookon 3rd ed. London,r9r3. Tooonsry (Al.).,Krasna1ta,4rmi1av gorakh. Moscow, r92+. 'Recollections', Tonrveu-(BaronTheodor von). in Russkitr/ieitnik, vol. lxxix, t869. TnlvEryew-(G.M:). Englandunder Queen Anne. 3v. r93o-+. Trudeepodgorovitelnat,o komitela (Reiport of preiaratori- co;nnritree for RussianArchaeological Consress held in Tifiis. r88'r). l-yron (Sir E. B.). Priiirive Cult\re. z v. London, rBTriath ed. r9o3. I]nnxrrr ( : ). _E*fui! des apergusethnog-raph. de Ourbneli, par le PrirrceEristoff'(in Russian)rin Zap. r4. i, i89o. 'Drevnaishiya usrnn (Petr Karlovich). skazaniya-oKavkazie', in zap, i. r':, r 88 r, andii Gor.x. 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY IJsran (Petr Karlovich). 'Narodniya skazaniyakavkazskikh gortseff', in Gor.i. LJvenorr(B.P.). Locustsand Grasslt0??ers,London, rg29. VarnusHr' (TsarevichVakhushta). Descriptiongdograplrigue de la Gdorgie, publidpar M. Brosset.St. Petersburg,r842. Vasrrrnv(A.A.). Historl of theByontine Enpire. Trans. 2 v. rg28. VEsrtovsry(N. I.). Articiesin 1.R.,4.O.Trudee tr/ost. Otd., vol. iii. Vracnow (Rudolf). Des GrtibctJeld::on Kobaninr, Lande der Osseten,Kau- kasus.Mit einemAtlas von r r Tafeln.Berlin, i883. 'Letopolis', 'WennWAINWRIGHT (G.). Jil. oJEg. ,{rt/t.xviii. r69. (Rori'land).Records af Big Ganre.8th ed. London, rg22. 'Wenonop 'Life (Margery). of St. Nino', in StadiaBib/ia er Ecclesiastica. Oxford, rgo3. 'Werrns 'Secret (Brig.-Gen.W. H. H.). and Confdential':Experiences of a 'WnssrEnnilitarl attach6.Murray, 1926. (Wentworth), Les loisirsd'un 4trangerau ?qs Basgae.Chalon- 'Wrrorxsaunnsur-Sa6ne, r90r. 'Wnsrnnuancr(E. G.). Putevodeetelpo Kavkazl. Tiflis, r888. 'WrrnneHa* (E. A.). Ritual and Beliefin Morocco.z v. Londan, r926, (R.). Travelsin Trans-CaucasianProvinces of Rassia,fi37. 'WrtsnuLondon, r839. (N. C.). ff orden Olst Tortdtyen.r7I5, znd ed.of t7o5renlarged, wrongly called3rd ed. XEuopuox,'lnabasis.

YerovrErn (N.), Ingushee.Moscol, rg2S, 'Relation Zl':ntpt(Dom JosephMarie). de la Colchideet de la Mingrellie', in t. vii of Brnx.q,nn(J. F.), Recueilde tr/oyges au Nord. ro v. Amster- l^* -xa r aa s4rrr, I l-5-Jo. 'Poezda Znynurz (N.K.). v Galgaevskoyeuschelie', and other articles,in fzv. z. ZijssrurenN (4. L.). Dvadtsat p)ot b,et na Kavkazie, 184z-67. 2 pt,, i, t84z-5r; ii, r85r-6. St. Petersburg,r879. (Referredto as Ztiis.) *'It will be noticed that, of the z 5 years mentioned in the title, only 14 are covered by the two parts given above. I have been unable to- trace any printed continuation of the work as a whole: it may, of course,exist in manuscript. The period is partly coveredin ltis articles published from time to tirre ln the Sovrembnnik(Contempo- rar), rB5a (No. 459), and the Russkitr/iestnik (Russian Messenger), r876, Nos. 3, 4t r2t and r 877, Nos. 12) r3 sqg. (DagltestanTear Book,1895; Kozoubsky's Bibliograpfu ofDighiian, p.-t89.) IND E,X ,4// pagenrtnbers tot innediate/1 precededb1 tle nunera/ ii rrftr:t tait":e i. T'le referencetprinted in roman ca?italt are ta lle napi. Abadzckhs,branch of Tcherkess,ii. zor and Abrskil, AbkhazianPromellieus. ii. z,i6' n. 2. Adai-khokh,IiI, IV, \'-I; asc.'nt:ul' ;; tt. t; Abaiti-kau,I. graphite near, I 5I ; on Digorian fiontlcr' Abiino,I;Zussermann'saccountof,r83. ii. r38; sacredgrove on' I;+: Yie\\-o1-, Abriyeli-,Hadji, 37; Abayevsky family, their from Mamisson Pass,3o, Tsei r-aller', t7t, shrine, r74; legendsand monuments,ii. Kora Pass,ii' rzt, SgheedPass, ii. rj7, r97 and n. 3. Ouroukh valley, ii. z r 8. Abayeva,other name for Suarkh, 176, Addrila' peak,V. Abbas I, Shah, I takescannon over Caucasus, Adheukh-Pandout, Tchetchen musical instru- 33; at Dzivghiz, 156, in Khiliak gorge, ment, 99. r59; his characterand cruelties, 16of.; Adoption,methodsof,zo7rz63f. 'Holy sends Coat' to first Romanofl 234; Adultery, punishment of, among Khevsours mentioned,z43,ii, r37 n.2, r44, t6z n. z, and Ossetines,237. Abbas Kouii, historian of Nadir Shah,ii. 248. Afsriti, patron saint of lvild beastsand hunters, Abdul Kerim, ii. z5g. legends of, 133-4 compared rvith Lapp Abercromby,Hon. J., afterwardsLord, travels forest-god,r 35 ; his daughter, in local in Caucasus,ro7; on armsand armour, I29 Andromedalegend,ii. zo5f.; mentioncd, n. r.; mentioned,r3!, ii.6z n. r,63, 258. r+5,16+,ii. rz6. Abich, H., on Devdorakiice-falls, rgo; zo+, Agdbos'II. 258 n. 9eealsa Bibliography. Agecounted by wrinkles,t78 f. their strongholdon the Aigamughi- Agha-Muhammad'scruelties, r6o f. Abisr{loffs, 'Iadbourtsi, don, ii. r47, Agriculture,unknown to rzz; 'Caucasian Abkhazia,III; remainsof Wall' on under difliculties,ii. 7o; terraced,ii. r9, frontier,rJJ; in Mandeville'slegend, r73; 26f., 68, rzr; at high altitude,ii. rzz; ruled by Shervashidzefamily, ii. r85 and about Khoulam,ii. zrzf' $eea/so HaS', Ploughing. Abkhazians,their specialgod of dogs, 25, Agunda,rn'ife of Sosryko,ii. roz. secrethunting language, r34; rob Lanch- Agzibir,VII; ii.4o. kouti of famousicon, 35; hold racesin Aideb6lofffamily,atKousparti,ii.r97;Arnzor honourof dead,27r n.'r; disarmedby and KournuikA., author'shosts, ii. I95; Russia,r898, rJ9; their versionof Pro- connexionwithTchengisKhan,ii.rg7,2or. rnetheus-legend,ii.'46.SeealsoAbkhaztse. Aigarnoughi-don, VI; archaeologYof vallel', Abkhrizoff,Prince, leads expeditionagainst ii. r49ff.; strongholdbeside, ii. I+7; its Galgais, 146, 222-5, against Tagaour variousnames, ii. r52 n, 2; calledGarniske, Ossetines,r46-8,222, z2S, ii. ro6, roTi ii, 165' 166,Wal1a-kon-don, ii. riz n. z, ordersdestruction of Tchmee, tg3, and 186;ii. r3g, r+3, 165. otherplaces, ii. I r 3. Aildma,peak, VI; heiglit,ii. 196;ii. r 9o. . Abkhaztseabrefu,fottr,saveclbyHadjiMaali, Ainsrvorth, W. F., on Xenophon'sroute, ii' 257 Ablutionsbefore and aftermeals, ii. 83 f. Ak-kaya,Ak-kaya-baslii, \'I; local nenreli,r Abou Mouslim, Arab conqueror,burial at limestoneridge, ii. I 99 ancln. I , 2 I 3. Khouuzal,h,ii. 56,6r andn. Ak-saghenr,\rI. /breb (outlalvs, highwaymen), result from Ak-sakals,u'hite-beards (eicler:), submit on blood-feud,5; chivalry of, zz; well-armed, behalfof tribe to Russians,zz3. z/.r popularity, ii, r93; horse trained by, Ak-su,VI; torrent' ii. t9o. r3o, ii. zzr; TIadji Maali saves four, Akh-su'VII. 257 ff.; tcrrorize Zilghee, ii. zj8 f.; 53, Ak-su-tlash,near Astouli P.r:s' ii' r94. 6o. 8eea/to Brigandage,Brigands. Akhalg6ri,III; t9i. 278 INDEX Akhalkalaki,Paulucci's victory at, 3r. ii. 56; abolishesImperial Convoy, Akhaltchee,V; ii. 58. lrlrr,rtnr, ./'khaltsikh,III; seizedby Turks, 43; alliancc Alerdndrovsky,Fort, IV. rvith Djaro-Bielokanis,ri. z6z i 3r . .\li Bek,defender ofAkhouig6, ii. 3o; (another), Akhi61i,II, lII, V; author at, 235 ff.; local ii.+2. customs and folkJore, il.; tou,er at, n'ith Ali, Hadji, his body mistakenfor Kazi unusuat cross, 243-+. \Ioullii's, ii. 59. Akhoddn-af6n,origin of name,ii. roS. {ii Kadi Hadji, lieutenantof Shamil,ii. 49. Akhoulg6, V, VII; siegebv Russians,ii. z;, .Llikhdnofi-thnrilv, ii. and n. General, -. 56 3; 29 ff.,3*; RockoL ii. :6, :g: ii. r r r. ci:cd,ii.7z n. -A,khrecyeflTchakh, aurhor:r-.:. :r l::goo.h.c. -.\lishkinte,-\bkhazian god of dogs,25. 2a5, 2Io, 2t; n, z; his tcr.:onoi Koloi- --\lkoun,IIr ojd ibrt at,256. Kant lcgend, z;orL: his nc-Fhc'.,;enrer- -\iicn, \\-. 1..D., ii.9-1. 8tt a/soBibliography. tainsauthor, zol lI. 'Jatrlal ,4lpine quot.d, ii. 97 end n. 3, rgo. - CfOi\ n f.lrC>lcr, :qg. .\maiga-khokh,ii. r z9 and n. Akhsaou, \-Ir legendarl'origin of its pcar- Amasia,it. tz7. trecs,ii. r68rii. r7j, r8j. Ambassadors,Russian, in Persia, r60 i'.i to Akhtee,V, VIL Georgia,ii. 3. Aklitougrin, exploits of, ii. zoz. Amgri, II; shrine of HoIy Tree, z3z ff. Akhtuba R., 82. Ami, II, V; in Georgia, rr4. ireight above Akhvakhtsi, degradedand dirty, ii. r3 ff. sea-level,9z; its fierce dogs, 96, poverty, Akhverdi Mahomri, death at Shatil, 9o; zr3. i/., hospitality, 97 f.; copper near, 97, .\kki, seeKii; Akkintsi tribe, zz6, z'49. ror f.; its only horse, ro4; author's erpedi- Akoushd,.V,^VII; dialect, ii. z; curious stones tion to, 28, and Ch. V. near,11.56. Amilishka Pass,II; River, I; rgo. Aksai R., V, VII. Amirrin, Svanetian hero, r 4i f, ; represents AkshentBridge, VI; ii. r S8. Prometheus in several versions of legend, Akstaf;i, 3. 1i. 235 f. AktashR., V; 59. Ammaiat-bek'sinscribed sword, ii. 95. Aktash-Akhtchee,ii. 78. Amulets, worn by Ossetir.rechildren, r 3 r n. 4; "A.ktaslr-aoukh,V; house o{ stdrilira of, 59; attachedto gun, ii. r94. 9eealto Evil Eye. village life, f. 59 Ananour, III, V; buffalo shoeing,{!; tower, Alaghaz, IV. Alaghir, I, lII; its silver-refinery',z2; starting- Aniipa, IV; :9. point of lvlamissonRoad, 38, r66; disrance Anatori, Tomb, II; ancient burial-place of liom Koutais, z9 f., pass, from iv'Iamisson Khevsours,89, 9o; Torver, IL 30; resistsRussians in r 83o, r+6; continuous -A.nchors,ii, 233 and n. z, caverns between it and Dzivghiz, r57 l.; Andee, V, VII; author visits, ii. ff; its 'Kouan', 75 mentioned,2r,23, r57, rT2. prope! name ii. 67; Ianguages Alardi, shrineof, near Sgheed, I, VI; his cult grouped round, ii. 67, 7o; Jewish racial as smali-pox god, ii. r35 f.; possiblecon- influencc,ii, 7r,821' blood-r.r.iteat, ii. 8z; nexion.rvirh St. Baptist, John ii. r37 anJ laurlas a speciality,tz1-8, ii. 52, 7r; in n. 2, lvlth bltala, ll. I+3. trlurid war, ii. 79 f .; ii. 29. Alaverdi, V; standing St. George at, ji. rz7 Gatesofl V; ii. 8o. n. z; church,ii. r37 and n. z. Range,ii. 58,66, 7 3, 86. AlazdnR., IV, V, VII; ii. r37 n. 2, 26r. 'Albanian Andee-koisou,V, VII; crossedby Shamil, ii. Gates', ii. 2fu. 25, 3r, 33;ii. 16,26,29, 58,66f. Aldee,V; SheikhMansow et, r7BS,Tg. Andromeda, similar legend at Tchegem, ii. Aldegouroff famiTy,z t r. zo5 f. Alexander Bridge, I; quarantine post ncar, Anf;iklio, ancestorof Balkar6koffs,ii, zot, r92. Angel comesflying from Russia,ii. r43. Alexander the Great, ii. 6z; A. II, in Daghes- Animal formsfrequent among Kamounta grave- tan,ii. 86 and 5o, n.; A. III, visirsCaucasus, finds,ii. r 5o f., and at Koumbuilta,ii. 17z. INTDEX 279 Anne, Empressof Russia,ii. 8ee a/so Beads,Bronze, Coins, Clclopean 'Anon1'mous' 4r. (author of rh.eTagebucl o{ 178rt Remains,Iibulac, Georgian Rd., Potier.', rar s.r'. and Ste.ierin Bibliography), objects Tombs. and rcs';lr:oi'his journey,ii. r79, r8r f.; Architecture,Q3u 6.l:ix;1- his good relations rvith tribesmen, r48, ii. its relation to locai ntaterial:, r4c. t68; r17, rTai protectsDigors from Badilati,ii. featurescommon to lri'h anl, :cq f., 164, r8l, r85; exploresDzivghiz cavern, ii. rrz. r 58; his account of St. Elias cavern and its apsidalruin, z r beehivetomb * ith groincd 'Caucasian 7; ceremonies,t Sz-4; of the Wa11', vaulting,zo8; cyclopcanuall'. lE: f.r 15\-6; of a Digorian sacredbuilding, ii. step-roofs,r4o. 164 1-. Customs described by him: Osse- domestica.1 2!.tg ii, ro f., rg, 25,5 j, r4+; tine f'amily justice, r73f,; fosterageamong unusual,at Kousparti, ii. tg6. Ossetines,263; Digorian ideas as to deatir 9ee a/so Churches, Guest-room, Houses, by lightning, r 84 tr; superstitionsof Doni- Tombs, Towers, Maghi-erda, Seska- fars, ii. 167. His accuracy praised by Solsa,Tseti-soei. Engelhardt, zoz. DiscussesCaucasus passes, ArdiischesIII of Armenia, extravagantfuneral, 3r. Minor observationscited, t38, ztz, ii. 236 f. ii. z3 n., 106 n. r, r38 n. z. Ardavdzt IV, hero of Armenian Prometheus- Anoushin-rawdn,ii. 62. legend, ii. 236 f.; Batraz correspondsto, Antiquities, trafic in, ii. r49, r7r n. 2. r+3. Antonovitch,Professor, ii. rro, r+7, r5o. Ardji-am, V; Tchetchen name for Lesser Antsouk, Y; capra aegagruJ found near, ii. Trout-lake, q.v., 86. 28, 34. Argoun,Old Fort, V, 8z; River,V; leaturcsof Apraxin in Russianconquest of Caucasus,82, its valley, 82, 86,87 f.; dificulties, 'sacred' 77, 79, Apsheron Peninsula, IV; (naphtha) 84-5, 89; an obstacleto Russianconquest, fire on, 53. Regiment, ii. 4, 48, 49. r2r; copperin valley,77, 83; 58, lo8. Arab geographers,ii. 259. ArgounskayaStation, V; ii. 8g. Aradon, see Ardon. Argoutinsky-Dolgoroukofl Prince, ii. 5, 7o. Aragva R., III, V; valley used by Todieben, Arkh6n, I; CountessOuvdroffdigs at,ii. tz3; 3r; Klaproth's claim to have visited source, defile and. tonent. ib. 196f.; zr8. Arkhotis Pass,II, III, IV, V; height, rr8 and Arakanee,V, VII; restriction on dogs, ii. zz; n.; proposed railway tunnel under, l/.; author visits, ii. 36, and describes,37 f.; weather twice prevents author crossing, industries, 38, ethnology and history, 39 f., 2+2, ii.73; r8z. 6r; destroyed by Nadir Shah, ii. 39r 42, Armavir, IV; scenery near, 66; history of and by Red Army, 39 r. z;'Gates of', ii. modern, 257 andn. z, 43; Nart bonesnear, ii. 6o. Armenia, Cyclopean ruins in, r 8o r jocaI Ararat, IV; descent by tobogganing, 2J8 n.; version of PrometheusJegend, ii. 216 f.; climber murdered, ii. 9Zt mentioned, 3, Xenophon'sroute through, ii. z51f.i 46, ii. 234,237 n. AraxesR., ii. 253, 254, 257. Arm-khi (Kistinka,R.), iI; alsocalled f lakal- Archaeology sf *ls Qauslsu5- don, r92, z+9;2o+, zo8, z17. paucity ofstone-ageremains, r57; Bronze Armourers'marks,ii. 94 f. age remains,z7 and n.; Iron age,ii. tz3, Arrack, brewed for festivals,zo6, zqo. r5z. Theriomorphs, ii. r.69, r7r. Its Arrow-heads,at Rekom shrine, r7o; aucient, lmportance, r39, r8r; illustrated by in Digorian graves: bronze, ii. t7o ff,, Moscow Arch. Series, rrlrrrr{i-+ ra.ii , :- ^ zr9; negiectedby t J t, r / ;, r1 urr, ib. Tsarist Govt., ii. z4r. Arch. Congress Arsha, fortress,2+3. at Tiflis,.ii. r5o; Imperial RussianA. artclee, rarv-hide sandals,rj1. Doclety,11. 7. Artillery takenover Caucasus,l'hcn lirsti, 3r, A. of Digoria (valley of Aigamoughi-don), 3J, r56; in 183o,223-+. ii. 149-52, (right bank of Ouroukh) ii. Art-Khuron, fire-god rvho sendsskin diseases, r87; nameapplied to ritual food,ib. z8o INDEX Arzee, lI; position,Io9; leaningtowers, zo8, Axes, bronze, ceremonial, at Fasnal, ii. r 5l ; ii.98, their architectureand purpose,zo9 f., secretedfrom respectfor tree-spirits,r t 9. z3r; beehivetombs, zo8. Ayrika, Kalmuk khan, 82. -\scension-day, curious observance, ii. t+7 Azi-khi (Toba-tchotch), II; zr7. and n. r. Azov, Seaof, IV; 39,4o. Ashiltri, V; author visits, ii. z! ff.; costume, 28, grape harvest, z9; destroyed bv Rcl B interchanged with initial M, ii. r94 and

A.*" ii ..-.i;Lr'tIt. t urruYLUrrA';J^-^t\-;i ! z\!.-. -1Lrrl/rrrt Ja " /. rll' A. rirer, ii, 26, zg.,ancestor of Abisdloffs, ii. r 44, r 47 . .\sia,uncertain boundarl rvitlr Furo:c. :9 t-.I Badila lamilr., Badilati, origin, ii. r++, 2or, viervsof ancients,l/.; \Ianitch iinc l'a.,'oured. lr r n. thcir oppressionof Digorians, 3; '.\nou. j8. .:.J..1 h:' rrrous',ii, r64, r8l f., .\srnan,n'eapon-smith. I :g. tEi; ca::lcseen b!'Countess Ouveiroff, ii, As.i. I(., II. III. \-: g.rscl cu: bl in .furr:iic r47. r66r t67. t7;. linrc.'.onc,I I i, r I6. :r8. :z:. zqS,256. Badoglio,]lar:hai, I66. Featuresof vailer--numerousmurders, z3 5; BagratIli of Imereti.13. ii. 9z n. -1. rnan-vbridges, 2+3; sulphur-springs,zJ!; Bagratides,blazon of, 23+-5. 'three villages',226; proposedrailway, r r8, l3aiburt,idcntification of, ti. z5j, 257. 246. Watershed as administrativedivision, BaidarkaR., r8z. 2+g. Eastern A. or Toba-tchotch, ro7, Baina(Boini), Il; zz5. rrz. Mentioned,27,.ro7, rog, rr1, rSS, Bairadilaksoran,VI; ii. r87. 2t2, 2r7, 22+,232, lr. r2r. Bairam, feast,horse'racing at, zr4; ii. r3, Asseverationof truth after story, zo6, zt5, Baitanga,56. ..4 Bakhaita,VI; rude shrine, ii. r7z. Astarte-cult,traces in Caucasus,r9r. ballazltatti (aubergine,egg-plant), ii. tzz and Astouli?ass, III, VI; view from, ii. rga; 27, ii. t38. Bakhrad.ze, D, 2' his doubtful dating of Astouli-avtzekh,side-pass, ii. r38, r86; ca1led Tkhaba-erdd, 2rg, 22o, 222. 8ee also 'Stulevesk',ii. 188; ditliculties,ii. t9zf.; Bibliography. localname, ii. I94. BaksanR., III; valley inhabited by Svanetians, -\stouli-Tsr.-A,.-Tsad, tarn, ii. tgo. ii. zor f. -{.strabad,disputed bctn'een Persia and Russia, tsaku,IV; oil, 53 f.;6re-worship,ii. rr6; early 11.+4. Revolutionarytroubles, ii. zzr n. ; mentioned, Astrakhan,IV; .1o,ii. 98. 3, | +,r 5,2r, 39,+o, +5, 4g,ii. zr zn, 5,248. -A,tazhukins,Kabardan princelt faruilr, ii. z r r ; Baladjriri,new Baku-Petrovskrailway junction, rapeof PrincessA., ii. 2zr-+. 45,49. Atina,ii.253. Balkaria,VI; route through,3r; cattle-trade Atli-bouyoun,Y; ii, z. rvith Imereti,regulated by Russia,ii. t93 {.; Augary,z7z. 9eealso Divination. rich in towers,ii, r97i sacredtree in, 37: 'Aurochs'wrongly used of Caucasianbison, ii. ii. r38, 18S,rg3-239 patsim. 16zf ., t64n. r. t"11.;"#f,.',privileged family of Tchegem, Avalanches,74, 172, r 89, ii. ro+ f., r87. -\var-koisouR., V, VII; ii.25,28,34,.[j,5o, Balsagor Barsag,wheel of fire and thunder, 52,55, 58' 17o,11,r53. Avaria,last khan of, ii. 57; ancientcapital, ii. Balta, I, II, III, V; post-station,68,7T; ZS, 58;ii. 56,8o. Avars, in Tsounta-Akhvakhdistrict, ii. r 3 f., Barastl'r, the, Nart Rhadamanthus,ii. 4 and at Arakanee,ii. 39; successfullyresist Nadir n.; in Digoria Barastar,ii. r56 and n. r. Shah,ii. 4o f.; perhapsoriginally Georgians, Barbarocited, 46 and n., ii. r32 n. z. 'Holy ii. 6r; customat beginningof pioughing Bari, Coat' atr 23+. season,ii.63; featuresofspeech, ii, zz,25, Bariritinsky,Prince, rZ, ii. r, 5 ff.; conqueror 35, 58,64,66,78,86i women'sstatus, ii. of Shamil, ii. +8, +9, 68, 263; another, 7z n.; ii. z6t. t6o n. z. II{DEX z8t 'Berdanka'(Russian Barkin,1I. serviccri,le). +, ?, zz, Barkinand Tamerlane's ion, story of, zt3 f, Ioo, r9:, z4r; alapleJto nativeu:e, t68. Barkin-Khoifamilv, zr 3. Berdikel,\'; 79. Barley,in communalstorage, 244; replaces Berekei,\', \ ll; oii-tielJsar, lr. a taiiure, oatsas fbdder, ii. r8+. !of.; scencrr',irl ii. r-. Barsi-kau,I; r47. Beresford,C. E., ii. 6. Barsouk-A,gapeeyevitch Khaouteeyeff, hunter, Berkinkhoyeff family, z 26. 229. Besh-Bermak,cliff abor.eHidirsindi, 49. Bartabos,II; murderat, I 17i 228, bes/tnet(silk under-robe),ho',r' maJc, l: i t.; Barthold,Professor, cited, ii. 6r n. z, 248, r19. Besh-tau,Horse Mountains, ii. zz5. Basaitifamily, ii. zor. Beslan, III; railway junction, 57, ii.9o; Bashi,Moulla, ii. z4g. assassinationat, ii. zzr; breed of horses Bashli,VII. called,ii. zz5. batlljl (capuchin),material and patternof, Betl river, ii. 26, 3o. rz6 f.; coversface, tt7, ii.85. Bezinghi glacier, VI; district, ii. r94; bad Basiani,ii. 17g. reputation of inhabitants, unjust, ii. zoo; Basti,II; described,9r f.;96, ro4, 11. 200. Basti-khi,II; formsboundary of Georgia,89, BielayaR., ii. zzg; rra Ours-don. rr4; rockygorge, gr; flowsunderground, Bielayefr Lieut., visits Akhieli, z3 5 f. 92,98: pathbeside, ro6 f.; ro8. Bielokhani,V, VII; rebelsagainst Pcrsians, ii. Basti-lam,II; 267. stormed by Russians,ii. z6z. 9ee also ogates9r, 92, 96, 40; Bat,I; oftrz6. Djaro-Bielokani people. Batal Hadji, Zi frristleader, z6o, 264, 266. Billaghi-korn-don,VI; or Belagi-don, ii. r75; Batoum,III, IV; r, 53. entersOuroukh by cascade,ii, r 83. Batraz,Nart hero, his magicsword, r4z f.; Birds of Caucasus,4, 45 ff.' 50, 58, 66, 98, legendof his deathand burial, r7o f.; and r2o, r+3, ii. 7o, 74,90, rol; bee-eaters, Narts'cauldron, 17Z i hisanger with Syrdon, li. to7, rzz, r38; bird-god, r34; habits, ii. t SS combatwith seven-headedgiant, r+3 n. 2; in Soslan-legend'ii. r54 f. Eee n. 2o5n.".t alto Eagles, Game, Rose-starlings, Batsaligo,II; or Batali-khoi,r8z. Birki, iL Ilaumgarten'stravels in Palestine,ii. 93. Birth customs,1 58, 236 and n. 2, 2+7, 27o. Bazardiusi,VII. Biso, I, II; cave and stone-huts,z4; legend, Bazirko,famous Ingoosh horse-thief, r9z f.; z4 {.; remarkable houses, ii. t 33 n. z, hiscastle visited by author,zrr f ., z16. ailuded to in Tkhost-legend, ii. r34; ii. Bead.s,very various,at Kamountaand Koum- 12+,128. builta,ii. r1r, r7t f.; few, at Zadelesk,ii. Bison (dombai), give namc to Dombaita r69; anrber,ii. r7o, 17z. Gully, ii. r5g, 16r; remainsof, in Olisai- Beer,for festivals,t{g r57t 2rg, z+o,ii. r3r, dom cavern, ii, r6of.; Caucasian and r 36, | +r, r{3 ; brewedin coppervats, 16z, Lithuanian compared,ii. r6r, r67;survival 176,ii.99; magiccrystal for brewing,r4!; and proposedpreservation, ii. r6z anJ n. .2. borvlof, in shrine,as oracle, r531' at Saniba, Blackanimals, superstitions about. z;. ii. t 5; ; /5; at Akhieli,z++; Ossetine,ii. 99, roo black steedsfor evii, white for good riders, andn.; Digorian,ii. r87. z+f., ri. 137and n. I; blackeagle, ii. t85, Bees,religious scruple concerning, ii, ll5. Bek, meaningof title, ii. position and Black Horseman, tobber's saint, legend, z4 I-. 3; 'Black' privileges,ii. 9; Divanbeft: judge,ii. r75. Mountains (dark schistoserocks), z6 {., BekayeflMarkus, Kist robber,zz4. 74, r:'6:,dark n'ith forests,t zo: 167. Belkhan,II; zrr. Black Sea,III, IV. Bells,inscribed, at Rekomand Dzivghiz, r68; Blaramberg,Gen. von, fanrill' history, zz3 at shrineof Tseti-soel,z3z; in towers,2o9 n. z; in Ossetiancampaign, r+6 ff., 223, ii. andn.; 17o,ii. 82. r r 3; notablemarch to Koban, I47; destroys Berdaa,VIL Tchmee, r 93 f. ; his interestin churches,az4. II oo z8z I}IDEX Blindness, believed sent to punish sacrilege, Green procession as rain-charm, ii. 63; 'Imperial rS3, r7o. Road' startsfrom, ii, 86. Blood-feud,connexion with brigandage,5, r I ; Botoko-Shirtga, in Koloi-Kant legend, z 5 r not satisfiedby Russianlega1 system, 16z; andn., z5z f. Seealso Syrdon. leadsto migration, 16+, t7z, ii. r45 f., and Boucher,M., on Xenophon's'lnabait,ii. 256, preventiveexile, ii. 7e f.; renderssons morc Boudoukh, VII. necessarythan daughters, rTzi ended bv Bouga-tchai,rain-charms practised beside, ii. mediation, r55, 16r ff., r75; methods of 63, effecting reconciliation,zo7, z6z-3; be- BouganR., VII. tween Khevsours and Ineooshec, z3.., Boula, author's guide and interpreter for betweenLadz and Tsmiti, ii. r r-. Balkaria,ii. rB8 tr.; his djigtitry, li. r9o, Blood-rvitc.eramples. I (i. l6r f., zz6, ii. 2r+. .zr9iii. r9l. 198.zr3. I2+; amount varics locall-.',r:9, 2.7; Boulat-khair,courase of, ii. 8Z f. small,for descendantsoi siaves,zc7, z6;; Bouloungo,\'I. t--;1.- ---'.;L.....- ,^ l4llllli' LUIlLllUutC) tur 'K..lUZi -.'.. f^.lUl r^-kLUtltU RnrrneLh^ ^F'l'",.i"-^-.,,+f lenrilr- rt l)i;.. r t r 14.\! DUu.raNrru, ra\,..!r. r(ri1rr. r d, r u.,, r r.), andfunerai ieasr,ib., r78;amongKhevsours, zz8, zq6. 238 f.; s]'stemcontinues side by side with baurrta,"25,227)horv madeand \r'orn, rz7 f..ii.35; of RussianLaw, t6z f., ii. 82, tzq. Seealsa Andee, rz7,ii.52,7r; usedas tent, ii, 188, Land. zt6;as toboggan,258and L,t tr,77,ii,6g. Blooding in venery, r79 f. Bournaya,V; ii. 6o. Blue as apotropaiccolour, z4r (and cf. l4o); Bouroundouk-Kale,ii. 36. blue eye, Evil eye, ii. 46. Bow, two-stringed, to shoot bullets, 6z; for Bodiesof Murid martyrs, incorruptible, ii. 32. playing sringed instrument, 99. Boghko-bashi,raa Dashi-khokh. Branding of horses, 164; Shaulokh brand, ii. Bogotur, zz4. zz5; death penalty for forging, ii. zz6. Bohtan-su(Kentrites, EasternTigris), ii, zSS, Breast-sucking,as form of adoption, terminates 257. blood-feud, zo7, z6r ff. Bokhara, author visits, 6, 7; submits to Nadir Bride-price,see lalin. Shah,ii. +o, 2Sa; z, ii. z3o. Bride-stealing, encouraged by burdensome Boldartilakhsoran,fall of Ouroukh, ii. r87. ftalin, 75; nolv mere convention, 237; Bolgarians'(Volga) curiouscustom, 228. Ourousbi demonstrates rnethod, 265 f., Bolgarskr',Johann, missionarl'to Ossetines, ii. havingdone it for a friend, r5r; ii. 88 and rz1. n.r 89, zoz, zzt ff. Bondmen, etnancipated,scttled on Cossack Bridges,over Assanumerous and unsafe,z{5; tenure,r38 f.; their progress,r39. cantilever,ii.25,35l' wooden,ii. rr8, rzz; Bones,ancient, reburied for fear of ghosts,r+r ; Georgianword for, i/.; Devil's, ii. 34, 35 f.; ofsacrificed shcep,as charnr againstu'olvcs, Preobrazhensky,ii.68; Saltinsky,ii. +5, +7. r84; of unburied Russian dead, ii. 85; Bridle-postofstone,ii.r96. of giants, Narts, l3l, used as rain-charm, Brigandage,cause, 5, 8r; Tchetchens much ii,6o. ^i,,^nr^ r e r^f .-f.practisedbygentry, bongan,areathat a yoke of oxen can plough in a il;.;';i]';i;t;i j8 i.t aurhoritiesrveak, day, as part ofblood-wite, 16z. r+f., r9z f.,22r,258 f.; goesunpunished, Borbalo, peak, IV. j8, | 37; near Vladikavkaz, r r 8; dogsmade Borisbeeyefffamily,ii. zoo. fierceas protection,ii. 238. Borki, Tsar in raiiway accident at, z, +2. Brigands as popular heroes, r 3, 168; enlisted Borts family, zrz. in mounted police, 75 f., zo4; mutilate the Borzeeyefffamily tower, ii. r97. dead, ii. 239. 9eealso abrefu,Zelim-khan. Borzhom, III; country-seatof Grand Duke BritishinBaku,rescuedinRevolution,ii.zzrn. Michael, 15; B. de6le,ii.253. Bronze Age remains, E.B.A., 27 t. ?i at Botlikh, V; author visits,ii. 68 f,.; cultivation, Koban, ii. roe n. 69 f., ornithology, Jo; ethnologn 7o f,, Bronze objects, at Saniba, r4r, on Digorian position of women, 7r f.; produces shecp- sitcs, ii. r5o f., t69-72 passim; chrono- sLins for capes, ii. z9; holds Jack-in-the- logically confused.with iron, ii. 233 and * INDEX 283 Brutsabseli,III; ii. r77 f. Cattle,houseJ uith familr',244r givcnout to 'cheptel' Bryce,Lord, cited,7z, r88, ii.65 n. z. feed on basi'. z6q t'.: included in Buchner,E. -\., on rviid goats,ii, t7 3. kalin, 267; .in Russir.lci out to graze on Buckie1.,T. A., citcd,ii. ro8 n. z. St. George'sdar', ii. r:8: :acrii.cJ. I j f., ,Q4..^+ C'-- ii..'".1 1-.-.1:-l-,t^i-- Buffaloshod, 4i. /)r r)+t tuut rlr ltcc rl r.ruL\ L','r-Yrrrrtr|Er Bullets, shot liom borv, 6z; held in racers' I8S, or asgilt to dead,r86--; slauehtered mouths,ii. 6+. lvith headto south,zz5l ur.ofrt:.rlroll on Burials,above ground, 7or 74, r12, 2o5, 216, passage,zz6; seasonalpasturcs, 88r rlinter 27a, ii. 169; customdiscontinued, z7o; in housingand feeding,ii. 189; tradein, ria sitting posture,r32, r+o, ii. r69; ofskulls Sharivtzekh,ii. r93 f. alone, ! Mongoi, ii. 169; in Dzivghiz and Cattle-plague, ii. z3g; quarantine-post lbr, other caves,| 3r, I 57 ; two typesat Zadelesk, 87 f., ro8, ii. r93 f., warden against, ii. r69 f.; thoseof Koumbuilta amongrichest 178. in Caucasus,ii. 17r1'exposed by iandslides, Caucasia,constitutes individual region, 4r; r32, r3g; attributedto Narts, r3r, r8o; Semiticracial influence in, ii. 7 r. modern, of woman struck by lightning, CaucasianWall, legend of, origin, r r 6, r f. ; 'Devs' 5 5 r84f.; ii. 2o7. 9ee alrc Bones, Kourgans, attributed to (q.v.), ii. 6z; rapid Tombs. communicationalong, il. and n. z. Burj, VII. Caucasians,early connexion with Hittites and Butterfliesin Ouroukh valiey, ii. r 8i. Mitannians,r45. Byzantineremains in Caucasus,ii. r5 r, 17r ff.; CaucasusMts.: directionof Main Range,39 f.; writers, plagiarists,ii. r8z. watershed sometimes considered Euro- 'nith Asian boundary, +o; compared Aips, ii. r38, rgr, rg1; TrigonometricalSurvel-, Calendar,provided by stone pillars, 167f., ii. 234; ethnology,ii. 58 and n.; aurorel r87, ii. 63, t86i theseallied with sacred displays rare, rr, +g; defence against trees,ii. r 87 n, rnvaslon, I9I; remalns ol lortresses rn Calf-skin,piebald, as prayer-mat, gg, rr+. gorge, r 55, r 9o ; Russianconquest aided by Camels'skulls in Olisai-domcaveln, ii. r6o. native lack of unity, ii. 79f.; risings in, Camera,fear of, 6tr 63; no fearof, 84, ro9, encouragedby Russo-Turkish war, ii. 47, z36,ii.tr3. 8o; beginningsofrevolutionary troubles in, Candles,reiigious and magicaluse, ii. ltt, ii. zzt Doukhobors leave, ii. zr8; Kabar- rr4 f.; ii" 239. dan influence, ii. zzo; payment of guides, cartridge-cases,gazirei, ornamental, feature of ii. zrg; first lady alpinist in, r79; first Circassiandress, rz6; price of silver set, crossedby motor, 2o4; mostvaiued u.eapons r28,83. among, ii. 77 f.; ?rometheuslegend at- Cascades,rare in Caucasus,ii, r87. tached to, ii, z3z ff. Northern, problems Casius,Mt., +g, 6+ f .i ZeusC., 64. of race and religion, ii. zo3, 9ee a/to CaspianSea, IV, V, VII; dangerouscoast, r 5; Geology, Glaciers. depth of meanlevel below Black Sea,ii. z Caves,caverns, as family shrines, r j r ; burials n. z; its shorethe routeofinvaders, r9r; in, ib., r57; bonesof giantsin, ii. 6o; Russo-Persianrivalry on western shores, Batrazburied in oue, t 7 r f.; tomb of ]Iurid ii. f.; Englishtrade with, ii. martyrs, ii, unexplored,though prob- 'Castle4r 42. 3z; of the Divs' or Giants (Cyclopean ably of great archaeologicalinterest, r 56 f.; ruins),r8o. fortified, near Dzivghiz, r55; containing Castle,ruined, on hill-top, 87 ; two,picturesque, spring,r67; lvith iron cross,2zo. Caveof at Vobr.roushki,t t z; on splitrock, zr8, zz5, St. Elias, r 5r, r 53 f .; of Tamazh-erda, zz6; built by Doudaroff,r9{ f.; Tamara's, zrr f.; of Koloi-Kant, z5r ff.; Digor sacred t9o f.; of Bazirko,2rr f.; at Khoulam,ii. csvern,ii. r39, i58, r59 fi-.; ilegendary 2og. 8eea/to Tolvers. origin, ii. r68. Refuges for travellers, Cat, erplorescavern, t57; magic,I53; con- 232, ii. 57, 86, r77, and for Zeiim-khan, nectedn'ith witches,ii. 64; Mussulmans ii.9r. ContainingN{SS., ii. zo4. -.-f:. r^ .r^,. i; j, ,. r Pttitql lu uuBr rr. j; rO!1 I I7' tl. 155, Celts, Cyclopeanremains attributed to, I8 L z8+ INDEX Ceremoniesbefore eating, r37 f., zz7. 9ee zro; disused,at Iskilti, ii. zo3; external a/ra Abiutions, Etiquette, Guest, Hospi- seating,ii. r97 n. 3; paganized,ii. r38. tality. Near Minaret,ii. zz9. Cbain, seeHearth-chain anil Kettie. Classical allusions and paraliels: Aepytus at Chain-armour,z, rz9,ii. tr. Nlantinea, r7o; Andromeda or Dragon- 'bongan' Changeling,legend of, ii. rz8 ff :tor/, ii. r27 f., zo5 f.; and Chantre, Ernest, ii, r7z, jrgerum, r6z; daughter of Erechtheus, ii. tcheptelt custom ofBasques,in Caucasus,264, 223 n.; drawing lots for first blorv, ii, ro3 265 and n. z; extendedto human beings, n. r ; fountains in Aeetes' garden, t67 n.; 26+. lunerai games,27 | n. r ; hearth assanctuary, Chickensas harvestsacrifice. zlc. 263; Homeric and Caucasianuse of swords, Children, among Klier':ourj, :noke tobr.cco, ii. ;-:'iove-clrarmsof Aphrodite'inbag, ii. z-1{; gir)s lbrmerlv soll. :r, i. O"c:inc, i;z; Lupercaiia and Caucasianwolf-cult, amulct>\'.orn b:, ii. r 3l n. 4; huckle-boncs ii. r z; t.; ruutilationof dcrd tbe,ii. 239 and 'l^^iino-tim"' buriedrvirh. ii. I69. Taboo on touching n r. nhre.e ii roR nn.l n a. b.r'parents in pre"enceof seniors,269 and Poll'phemus,49, ::8 and n. z, 2Son. 5i n.; not fondledin public,ii. 87, 88 n. Prometheus,2+r n., ii. zo5, 2zg, 232-T; Chivalry in Nart stories,ii. ro3 n. r. shrinesdecked with horns, r7o n. 2; treat- Chodzko, General, ii. 234, ment of parricide, t7g. Christ, in Georgian version of Prometheus- Clothing dedicatedto the dead, ii. rzo. legend,ii.235. unpopularwith Europeans,5z Christianity: in N. Caucasus,z8; first preached "offj,n:uttt by St. Andrew, 3/; when reachedDzivghiz, Coins: in burials: Arabic and Sassanid,at 156; tradition of its early spread,ii. 39; Saniba,r4r; Byzantineand Arab, abundant original Ingoosh tower-builders Christians, at Kamounta, ii. r 5 r ; Byzantine, at Koum- z r o ; nominal among Ossetines, | 3Z, ii. t t7 , builta, ii. r7r. Yalue of ablas and taman, Khevsours,z+Sr 2Sg, and at Abano, r83; 16o and notes I, 3. Necklace of modern, decay due to Mongol invasion, ii, tz5: ii. 68. evidenceof this at T'chegem,ii. zo3 f., and Column, rectangular,beside church, ii, r4z f .i 'laluna, Khoulam, ii. zro. Traces of, at stone, as bridle-post, ii, natural, ii. 'I'olerance ry6i ii. 82. shorvnbv nrodern,r33. zt2. 8ee also Calendar. Society for Advancement of, 24.1. l\Iuch Communai action among tribesmen, z+4, ii, mixed rvith paganismat Tkhaba-erda,2r9, | 53. Its rites and shrinesoften derived froin and Copper:ore, at Ami, 77,83; dificult to reach, again paganism,.38. and n. r, 9Tr rott toz f.; near Vladikavkaz,ii, roz J$, r45,239, ii. rro, I58; similarhistory and n.; early rvorking, ii. 233 and n, 3; of St. Theodore Tiron, ii. rz5. skulis patched with, r8o; in legend, 254. Christiansand Mussulmansshare shrine. ii. r I z . Vessels: large dishes, 59, 2+9t kettle, Christmascustoms, t83, z4o. cherishedpossession, 259 ; trunk (legendary), Chrysostom,St. John, veneratedin Caucasus, 2r 3; vatsfor beer-brewing,16z, 176, ii. gg; 65. rvater-jar, 265 ; of ecclesiasticalorigin, used Churches:Akhieli, in building, 244'f.i Ala- lor secularPurPoses, n. t17. verdi, ii. t37; Dzivghiz,jealously guarded, Corruption among Russianoficiais, 53,260. ii. I ro, rrjt architecturaland other Corv6ein Daghestan,ii. 9. features,ii. r r r f.; Goliat, double, ii. Cossacks,at battle of Shalee,8o; in Ossetian r+o*3; Ilori, 37-8; Khamketi, 9o; Ladz campaign, r83o, 146 f.; terms of military ii. r17 f.; IVlizour,ii. rz5; Taluna,ii. 8z; tenure, r39. Greben C. moved by Ap- Targhim, visited by Blaramberg,22+; rarin, 82. Women warrt pay for being Tkhaba-erda,date, description,&c., zr9- photographed, 63. Disliked by natives, zz; Zrotg, r75 f., Zugdidi,38. Built by rl'ho massacrethose of Denikints army. ii. Tamara,go, r7S, 22o, 222, ii, t4o, tg7 8z and n., 228, Mentionecl, 8, 9, to, n. 3; candlesonly light allowedin, ii. r r r; 56, 58,78, 8r, 83, r37, r9z, t93, ii, 14, destroyedthrough Moslem fanaticism,ii. 2rq ff. oQ r INIDEX "") Costume,nati\-e, r7, 68-9, 83, r3+,ii.8, 52; ethnologv,ii. 7r; diaiccts.ii. i, 67: aouls madc fnr author, I2;-8 i growingrare, ii. buiit for dcf.ncc.ii. .i-: rul.s nl hospitalit.', zzo; ctiTcLctchcn girl, 84; of Khevsours, ii. 8, r 31., t6; *-onran'sstatus, ii. 7z anJ z{r; of Imrerial Convoy, ii. rr, Sheep- n.; name originalh'Dcr-ii.tar'.,ii. 6ct skin coats oi Ashiita, ii. z8 f. 8ee also boundari'ri'ith'lchctchnia,ii. S6:corljc in, Bashlvk, Bourka, Headgear,Trousers. ii. 9; brigandaserarc, (, S; en:!gr'r'.:,rn ti{1nl, -:: Corvric rhclis, apotropaic, z4t and n,; in 83; N'IountainJovs i::, zc, :i. \'rrl' il, Zadeleskgraves, ii. r69. ii. 6o; Islam reaclie' br' g:1, ..:-.:.. .lS: Colr's as unit of currency, t6t f .i valae, ib.; Nadir Shah in, ii. 39-gz, 2.{- ; slianil cheaper in Digoria, 168; price of blood enforcesShariat, I22, defeated it.t, tzil reckoned in, 238*9; skin of forelegsmade largelyrevolts ir t877, ii. 8o f.; Denikin's into bag,ii. zt9. enterprise,ii. 82. Digorian aoul rescmbles, Cox, Mr. Alfred W., on armourers' marks, ii. 144. IJse ofstone columnsas calendars, ii. 94 f. 16l. Crime, rvithin family, ancient and Ossetine Daghestanis,early become t'arriots, ii. e,1; view o{l rT+i as qualification for marriage, relations with Nadir Shah, ii. 4o; called 'Lesghis', 13 and n. r. ilt.3hard on horses,ii. zr4. 'Crooked Gates' (Zilin-douar), 26, zgi rtins Daid Bek of Temir-Khan-Shoura,r\, t7,5r, ( at, 17I-2. ^';ii. ff. Cross, brazen, found near Soslantstomb, ii. Dal, Svanetianhunting-goddcsi, pos:ible origin, r 53 ; iron, embeddedin stone,z12, z2o, in r J+-). Bakhaita shrine, ii. r72; pierced, in tomb- Dalgat, cited, ztz and n., 228 n. 2. Err wall, ii. r97; plaster impressionsin church Bibliography. wail, ii. t r z; wooden, in Goliat church, ii. Da1lag-kau,I; author's visit, ii. Ic9, IIj; r{z; worked into masonry of towers, zo8, depopulation,ii. r14; r59, r68, ii.9;. zrZ, zr8; indicating previous Christianity, T)rmrcrrrc ii zz ii. zo3 f.3inlaid on swords,ii.73,76,93 tr.; Dancing, in honour of one killed fy lightning, unusual,perhaps Crusaders', form, at Akhieli, r85; on the green,at lvedding,ii. zzz; no 2+3-+. Of ears of corn, in harvest rites, plrysical contact allowed, ii. 13. 9ee a/to ii.64, Monument on cruciformbase, zt7. Lesg/t1nka. Cross Mountain or Gouda, rg8. Daniel, sultan of Elisov, ii. z6z f, CrossPass, III, IV; peacefulinvasions through, Dargavs, I; called Dergipsch by Anonymous, r9r; first crossedby motor, 2o+; r9z, 183, rSz; in Russian conquest, r47; local 196, 2or, Seealn Dariel, chieftain'shead-quarters, ii., r+gt burialsat, Crusaders, cross, 2++; swords believed to r48; figure of ram-god,i/.; slcred chain, belong to, ii. 76, 93; possible connexion r+ri r+6,ii. ro8. with Khevsours,and Georgians,ii. 92. Darghom-don,I, VI; ii. r39f. Crystal, magical, r49 and n.4. Darg-khokh,III; station,zr; pcrhep:ntcn- Cuerch, has fountain of holy water, {6. tionedin r688,33; 7o,238. Culbertson, Mr., American oil-borer, 63, 67, Dargo,V, ViI; ii. 8+. Cumania, fort,26. DarielFort, I, II. Cumberland, Major, big-gamehunter, r65. Pass,used by Todleben, 3t ; carl.' use, a r. '^,rfa ^F -^"^.fi'l ;..".i^."':^. ^-l'' Curse,effective, 164; favourite Avar, ii. 78. JZ i IUULC Ur PC4LSrUr Cyciopeanremains, r 8o f. t9I, ii.24I; narro\\'ncssof torge,t88: 'Tamara's Cyprus, king of, sends to Armenia for holy Caslle' in, I9c f.; traces of *'ater, 46. Astarte-cult,t9r. 26, r 18, : r r. Dashi-khokh,VI; ii. r t.q. DatchaBarzoi, 82. Daghestan,V; author's journey in, ii. r-96 Datikh, II, \r; 263. passin; physical character, ii. r9; com- Daughter,birth greeted rr'ith reproaches,I 58; munications,ii. 43; characteristicdefiles, ii. value in shapeof Aa/in, z7z; lent to guest, qo; cultivation,ii. z6 f,; make of boarrtas, in Daghestan,ii. r3 f., and elservhere,r5. iz7; productionof armsand armour, rz9; David, guide,at Akhieli, 235 f ,, 2+r. 286 Ii\iDEX Dead, the: clothes dedicated to, ii, rzo; cuit CaucasianWall attributedto, ii. 62. 9eealso of, ii. rzo f.; curious ofl,ceringto, at Fasnai, Divs. ii. 146 f.; drink provided for, 7o, food and Devlistan,original name of Daghestan,ii. drink, z7o; even numbers used to invoke, bo. ii. r19; feastin their honour forms part of Dialects,of Daghestan,ii. 5,67,7o; Digorian, blood-vrite,r55, 16z; fires lit for, r83-.1; ii. t85; of Goliat, ii. r+6: examplesof harvest supper for, ii. tzo horse-racesand differences,ii. r9o, r94; namesfor tour in gamesin their honour, ii, tzo, z7r and n.; various,ii. r6q, r89. in Nart Hades,ii. re5rlc:iunril ar'.nlcl. Digor-Izet (Olisai-dom),VI; Kiaproth's +: 'Dueurr-Iset', t6z, t66; to leaveuntendecl an ouirase, ii. ft3 f .; I origin,ii. 168and

z6tl tombthcir honru, ir. r.zr. rri \!rr. r\\rrr! DebeddR,. ii. z

deathby, r85 ff., z7r. )-1t rr"' Likor)n-bashi,ii. t99. Makal, Ossetinename for Ingoo:h, 249. Limestoneblock, engraved'rvith labyrinth, N{akal-don,'Ingoosh$'ater', another name for ii. r47 fi'. Arm-khi, 249. Limestoneranges of Caucasus:Jurassic, r9z, Makhtchesk, VI; CountessOuvdroff at, ii' ii, rzt,2o3; gorgesin' rI3' r16' 2+8, I+7; stone engravedrvith lab1'rinth,ii. 256; colour, r16, r3o, ii. t43, 196; huge r*7 tr.; contentsand date of cemeteries, in, r56 f.; cave rvith strange ii. r5z; ii. 186. 300 INDEX Malaria, connectedwith rice-fields,So f.; ar r37-8, 163,t65, zz7; ritual,after sacrifice, Golotl,ii. ii. 68. providedfor 'far'54; 4r,'wicked' 37-8; author,ro8, r14, rr5, Malkists, or Kists, rr4; one 163-4,r78, z16, zz9, ii. rt, 23, Bz, 'hostile', 53f., good custom, zz8; called, z4g; r86,r88. heip escapeof alreks,258;ii. 82. Seeaito I\{ecca,holy water from, 49; directionfrom Kists. Caucasus,99 f.; Zilrists beaten at, 264 MamissonPass, III, IV; over grooo{eet, 2r, piigrimageto, banned,ii. r7. 3o; clgsedin winter, ib., z9; dull scener1.,Medem,General von, I48. ib.; miLtary history,3o f.; latecoming inio I\Iedhurst,Frank, 8, 23,ii. 93. use,32; mentionin Tagebucl,r66. Road, \Iediation in casesof blood-vengeance,r55, I, VI; outof repairin r 898,2 r ; narroi\-ness r6r-3,z6r-2. and dificuities,29, 32; lcngth, zg; late \Iedicine, native ideas of: azaleapoisonous construction, 3z; direction,38-9; zr-42 to lrorscsbu t goodfor rheumatistn, 17| ; passin, t68. e1'e-specific,7r l-.; naphthafor rheuma- Nlanacles,ancient, ii. r lz andn. z. tism and consuntption,6r; sneeze-lvortas ]landeviile, Sirlohn, rarallel 'jV,'fronr. rzr horse-medicine,r 53 and n.; useof sulphur- li""i,.r'li"" iv,"'5?-;-R., springs,58,73. 9eealto Surgerl. L^,,-l^-,, ^^ c "i'ari." uwutLvol/, 5v t. Medina,ii.49. Ilansour, Sheikh,exploits near Aldee, 79; Meeting-placesmarked by standingstones, defeatnear Terek, ii. zz8. ii. t53t of theNarts, ii. r7o. Manuscriptsmentioned by early travellersin Mega/operdix caucasica, called mountain- Caucasus,zzo f,; in cavern,ii. zo4, turkey by the Russians,4, 67; habits,7r, Marco Polo,ii. r 5. 74; legend,13+,ii. 185, zor;7o. Marish, Mr.r 63167. Meldjik familyof Goliat,legend, ii. r44 f. swords(7.2.), ii. f., Melikofr 'Marlinsky'.Sgth "l 76 9z-5. General,ii. 47. (Bestouzheff)r173, ii. +3, 77. Melikset-Bekofl Professor,on Cyclopeanre- IYIarmoIs, lt. 2ou. mainsat Edisa,r8o f. MaroukhPass, IV. Meredjee,II; 'Japhetic' rro. Marr, ?rofessor, theoryof Caucasian Meredjintsi,249. 'Merovingian' origins,28, z6i, ii. 67. or Gothic culture,represented Marriage-customs: bride-ste aling, z 37,z6 5-6; at Routka,ii. 173. laln (bride-price),zo7 f., 25c., itZ, Merv, ii. 56. ieviratemarriage, z7r; fully desiribedby Merzbacher,Dr,, describestour, ii. r7+; in Ourousbi,267-7o. Bezingh_ivalley, ii. 198f.; views on pay- Martvili, III; monasteryon site of St. mentof guides,ii. 219; menrioned,ii.- 9'6, Andrew'spreaching, 3/. ro4 andn., ro5n,, ro9n., r89, zo3, zi3; Masis,Ararat, ii. 237. cited, 'tower r5o, r88 n. r, 23212+2,'ii. ro8, r4b, Maskouti-tsiti, glacier',ii, r87. r43n. 5, r+Sn. 2,2o7. Mat-khokh, I, II, III, V; view, zo3, 267, Meteoriciron, its magicproperties, r4z andn. ii. 98; festivalof its saintMatsieli,-zo5 f.; Det alr1 fton. 208. lVleteorologicalphenomena, 23, 106-7, r8g, Matlass,V; altitude, ii. 58. ii.,z, 47*8, 55, 85 f., r89; disastrousrains lVla-triarchate,traces of, 13 and n., rz3n., of r9oo, r3zi heavy rainfall of Gouneeb, ll. 6d n. 'saint' ii. 46; aurora in Caucasus,ii. 49; heavy Matsieli, of Mat-khokh, not Virgin snowfali producing glacier disaster, ii. Mary, zo5, festivai,ib,; caresby, zo6; ro7; Alpine air clearer, ii. r38. lee alto 2rt t,, 212, 22\ n, t. Weather. Matsouta'vI; tomb and-upright stones,ii. Metskhal,II; Doudriroffin,r94. r,!z; Soslan'stomb and other memorials, Ivlizentsefl farmerr6z. ii. r53, describedin Tagelucl,ii. 166; ii. Miatli, V, VII. -_r58;-Peak,!,275f.,YI. Michael,Grand Duke, and brigands,14f.; \Iazanderan,its history,ii. 4r andn. ii. qo. \leals, native, frugal, 94-5; etiquette at, MichaelFeodorovitch, Tsar, 234. I\DEX 3or Midagrabin-don, Ir head-rl'atersof Ghizel- \iizour, I: in:cr..:irg b-oci-','.'i:eca.:, ii. don. ttcr girci.:.r':::a:ions in length,r;o; I:+; rral.-:ai:.:::.ia:i lr:::.j t: ::. seenfronr KakaJour, ii. ro8. Theoioic T:ror. ii. r 2i i.: :0. X,Iidji,\-ll. Illeti, III; bi:i: ::ca:,4l: K-:::,,:i: 3:. Iq-, Migrarioni:r C.iu.:,u',jrr nrtivetraditions, zct;ir'trcrJhclt'.:...:.:.::+::-u. IC,/'. 2o;, ?rc, :+ii iiom mountainsto plain, ii. I59. zz6--t conpul'orr',of robbervillage, r88, Mongols, reiationsr,.::l G.c:ti::'. J.::i:.g r93; of pririlegeJfamilies, ii. zor; t78, Crusades,ii.9z; po:.ibieburi:.;: Z:-1...-'.. I8I-2, 19+f. ii. t6g; ancestorsof Balkarirnrar:i,:c., ir. 1\{ika1-Gabyrta,s}rrine, legendary origin, r7I zor; modified physicaltipe, 3! Kf.oul.i.r:, and n, ii. zro. Mikhailovskaya,V; to, rr, rz,ii, z3g. Months, Ossetinenames for, r87. mi/ittioneri, mounted police, zo4. Montmorency, Henri Duc de, slvordsperhaps Miller, ProfessorA. A., on Caucasianlaby- belonging to, ii. 93 ff. rinthdesign,ii. 148 f.; ii. 197n. 3. Moraines,unusuallylarge, r5o. Miller, Vs., publishesgreat Dictionary, r3S Moraiity, r99 and n.,237,272. and n.; his finds in Sanibri tombs, r4o-r, Mordvri peopleon Yo7ga,zz8. in Dzivghiz caverns, rSZ; on fertility Morga, grove of legendary orisin, ii. charms,r58; on Nouzal church, 168, rToi 168. on Tkhaba-erdd', ztg, 22zi oL church of Morgoutch, II; tor.versrr.ith crosses,zo8. St. George,Dzivghiz, ii. rro f.; on double Moscow ArchaeologicalSocien., :r9. church of Goliat, ii. r4o f.; explores Moscow, Cathedral of the Assurnption,'Ho11' 'Soslan's tonb', ii. r53; on Baikarian Coat' in, 23+; \4.ine fiom ()himree lbr, 'foktantui:h, towers,ii. r97, zor f.; 24, r7T n., ii. rr7, ii. SZt sackedby ii. ::8: rz8, r3r nn, r and 4, rT3, rgz, zog ff,, churchofSt. Basil,ii. z3o. 2r+, Mosesof Chorene,ii. 236. Mills, rra Water-mills. Moska,VI; viewfrom, ii. r83; ii. r75. Minaret, III; conflictingdescriptions, ii, zz9; MosotaGlacier, VI; ii. r89 f., tgz. legendof builder,ii. z3o; rJz; M. of Mosquitoes,high sleeping-platforrnsto avoid, Shamkhor,ii. zz9. 5r ; at Golotl, ii. 54. Mineral springs, endangering viilage, r83; Motor-car, first to crossCaucasus, 2o,4. near Ganal-don glacier, 73, rgz; on Mougan Steppe,IV, VII; ii. 4r. AstouliPass, ii. r9o. Moughanlo,VII. Minghi-tau,T'artar name for Elbrous,ii, z3o. Moukhakh,VII. Mingrelia, III; remainsof frontier fortifica- Moukhol,III, VI. tions,r 55 ; smallpoxpersonified in, ii. r 37; Moukhrani,iII; r95.

Jl. Moukhransky,Prince Bagration, z;9 f. 'Miracle of the wood', r7z f. Mouno.V. Miriam II, king of Georgia,builds church of Mountain aoulsno'"v becoming depopulat.-d, Mtskhet,233f. 226-7. Mirrors, from graves,bronze, ii. r69; wliite- MountainIngooshee, accused of inhospitalit;r, metal,r4o f.,ii, 17t. 98; distribution,II+; underrestrictions in Mirza Mahdi, authority for life of Nadir tolvns,rr8; try in vainto choosea prince,

\hah rt all alY+ vlLQ'',rr|k't|,.+vL. zr8 ; rain-charm,ii. 6o. Misakofffamily,legend of origin,ii. rg7, Mountain Jews, costume,2, za and n.; XliskinDoukh, peak, V; 83. history,zo and n.; Arakaneessaid to be, Niiskindji,VII. ii. 6r, userain-charm, ii. 63; ;8, 6o, ii. Missionsto Caucasianpeoples, 2o1rii, rzs, ttd l\fitannians,instructions for horse-training, Mountain Tchetchens,9r; positionof rvomen, r{!; Caucasianconnexions, r'l. f.; hospitaliq, i frugalitl', 93 'lchetchnia,91, 97 9{-l; Mitchin Tsup (SnorvyCone), native name not confined to rr+; guest for Shau-khokh(Black Mountain), ii. ro9, among,surrenders arms to host, I39. 'mountain r 37. tea', t8z. 302 II\TDEX Mountain tribes, nearlv alwaysclaim foreign about portraits,ii. 69; few in Kakadour, origin,ii. 38; traditionof earlyChristianity ii. ro8, but monopolize Donifars and among,11, 39. Lesgor, ii. t54, r70; reverenceKhidr lVlountainsnamed in relationto sun'smove- (St. George),ii. r34; shareshrine with ments,ii. ro8. Christians,ii, r7z; mixed with Christians, Mourad, Hadji, raid on Shourii, ii. + t.; ii. 186-7; at Tchegem,ii. zo3; ii. zo7, home,ii. 58;ii. 56. ztor2t3. Mouravidfl General,ii. 93 f. \Iutilation of deadenemies, ii. z3g and.n. z. Mourning,by lvomen,z7of., ii. r2o, and \ T"tir ii .5tr.t/. ffan ttr ]Iurton-fat storedfor u'inter use,ii. zq. 1\{ourzagdnoff, Toterbek, of Kharishtchin, nlioplolia, ii, r 5. actsas mediator, t6r f .; lcgenJsot lamiir', r64; lras garden, t65; t67, ii. rzri Nadir Shah,r6i; campaignin Daghestan,ii. (r'oung.r) (lanri-Jon contributesro disrsler, 39ff., z*7; deaiinesriitir Russia,ii.4r f.; il. I O.t, sourcesibr his lifc, ii. zq7 tr.i in Persia,ii. N{ouzhitchi,II, III, V; authorvisits, zq8 -Greek ff. 2+T f.i in Shekki,ii. 263. Nlozdok, III, V; Shamil at, zrj; Nakashidze, Prince, popular cornrnandantet liturgical MSS, at, zzll Klaproth at, ii, Botlikh, ii. 8o f., 87. r63, r8o f.; r3+,ii. tr7. Nakhalakhevi,ii. 253. Mquinvari, Kazbek, q.v. Nakhas Narrows, I; 23. Mta, meaning,ii. 17g. Nakhashbite(r4,4o6 f.), VI; featureof Digor Mtskhet (old capital of Georgia), III, V; frontier,ii. r39; ii. r89 f. cathedral of, 3z n.4; sackedby Tamerlane, Nakhtchoi race, called Tchetchens by Rus- 'Holy 2l!;.terminus of GeorgianRd., 39; sians,79. Tree', z3z ff,; r8z, tg;, 2SB, ii, r47 Naltchik, III; Courts of Justice, ii. zt r; nt horsesill-treated, ii. zr4; ii. zt5, zt6. Muhammad(Prophet), ii. zo, 23,+3; reputed Names, taboo at festival, r j r. shirts of, ii. <6and n. r. Naphtha, rz, S3-4, 57, 58; medicinal uses, Mummery'svisit to Bezinghi,ii. r99. 6r. Murad-su(Eastern Euphrates)r fi. z5<,. Nar R., I; valley, 166; inhabitants revere Nlluridrvars, incidents bf: at AktashAkhtchee. Khetagr r73; pig-meat eaten in district, ii.78, -Arakanee, ii. 3g, Ghinrrcc,ii. 272; Nar (viliage), I, school at, rZ S; 59f., Gounee,ii. 48 f.; ii. zz8. Nar (another), near Matsouta, III, VI; site Muridism,ii. 3, zo. of Soslan'sTomb, ii. r53, r66; excavation Murids,hated by Tadbourtsi,t2r, t23. impracticable,ii. r7o. Murza, hunter,of Sanibri,7o. Narat-Tioubd, ii. z. Museums:Hermitage (St. Petersburg).r; Na.rti-Nakhas, meeting-place (7.2.) of Narts, Zoological, ii. t73; Dr. Radde's, T'iflis, 42, r43, z{z; NaturaiHistory, S. Kens., Narts: bones of, t3t, ii. 6o; carriages,self- ii. 16z; Historical,Moscow, ii. 17o; propelling, zo4; cauldron of, r77i destruc- MoscowIvI., ii. r73; Vladikavkaz,zrg. tion of, 255; footprints, ii. 6r f.; maize 'food Musical instruments,Tchetchcn, 99; old called of', 255; surgery, r8o; tombs Russian,16r n. 4; in Daghestan,ii.' i r, 15, attributed to, r8o, ii. rr7 ff. Possiblear- 38; boneflute, in legend,253. chaeologicallight on origins, r 8 r. Legends, M;slimeh,mosque-build.e r, ;;.' 6 r. I63 n. r, 2o+i varying tribal versions, tsevent Mussulmansin Caucasus,earnest, 99 f., tt4, zt6; recurrenceof in, t5z, t77; tr8, 236, 238, ii. 20, 45, 5r f.; Tad- knight and squirein, 16,ii. roz; Daghestani bourtsionly nominai, rzr, also Ossetines, stories,ii. 6o. See a/to Batraz, Ourysmag, r j7; givenEagle not St, George'sCross for Soslan,Syrdon; Orkhoustoitsi. valour, zo8; their destructive fanaticism Natives: their curiosityt)J, ro81 ii, zr, 33, against both Christianity and paganism, t r 3; frugalityt jg f.; willingness to be z.r9; viewson dogs,ii. zz f.; evadeprohibi- photographed, 84, to9 (tee a/to Camera); tion of rvine, ii. 38, 69; 9unni, scruples Tartar blood in, rro; met on road, ttTi I\DEX reluctance to .lci s'.rangers\ tsll sanctuarr', Obin, II: s',ornreJL,. Ru,,iar..,::-: :'. r?^. Rrrri:rn-arr rrr_tu-.-Lri.i"r':.^ r^ rr:. nlttnJ"r ObMa, \'r ii. <8. ir -. lP-i:- :: ancieDt tomb:, I _ig, Freviouslyrespected T)il_lr" ,, H: I r n,-.r..i.. fn, fnt, ^'- o\n.'< r r r ii r ro. difirrrlti"q Grozn'. a:l \--riiiavirz. '. o. I:. :+. rrirh 1u,l. ii. :: r l.rek pridc of ftce, ii. 7r, j 5, 57-8, 6-i, ii. q6r Be:es.i. t i. I t ; anJ uni:',. -g 1.1 re:ist disarmament,ii. nearWolf's Gat.'. t:. 6i. 78 t.: thoughanti-Bolshcvik, massacre Deni- Oil-spouter,efects, 67. kin's Cossacks,ij. 8z; attitudeto epidemics, Oil-q'eil,construction. 6 I. ii. 96 t.; angrvat dcsecrationofsacred spots, Oldestman or 11'omr.n,a;ts as rric::. ::. r : :. ii. r2r-2, and object to archaeological r40. dieging,ii. rz3, t69; weather-Iore,ii. r88; Olisaidom, sacredcavern of Digors,ii. 159 if.; eat lnfected cattie, ii. 239. women excluded, ii. r6r; Klaproth's Ndztt-tring, stable of sacrificial ox, ii. zo4, plagiarizeddescription, ii. r63. Nazran,III, V; 222, ri.84, 89. Oishevsky,K. J., buys Kamounta antiquities, Neikh Defiie,II; difficuities,z32, 2+5. ii. r49 f.; digs in Digoria, ii. r7o f. Nevierofr archaeologist,ii. 173. Olti R., IY, ii. 253, 257. New Moon, greeting to, z72. Omar6ff Abdoulla, cited, r67. New Year customs,t83 f., t87, rg+, 2+o. Oni, III; post-station,z3; Klaproth's account Nicholas I, ii. 3; II, z; prison sentences of journey to, ii. 174-82 ; 4o, ii. r6z. halved at coronation, 260, Oracle, from beer-borvlin sacredcavern, r 53, tNight of Power', wishesgranted, r 80. used to further Russian schemes, I 54 ; Niholayevskaya,III; ii. z3r. from behaviourofsacrificial ox, ii. zo4. Nikortsminda, 33. Orkhoustoitsi,bad giants,216, 2;l and n., Nioradze, cited, 246 f. z5z ff.i destruction,25+. Nitabukh, V. S., oil-land broker, 8 f., rz, 57, Ornithology, interesting, of Botlikh district, 59f.63,77, trg, r2S. ii. 7o and n. z. 9ee alsa Birds, Game and Nizhni Novgorod dragoons,1i. zzz and n. z. Game Birds. Noel, Colonel E. W., 48. Orpen, Dr. G. H., ii. r49. Nog Dzouar, shrine, position, r 3o, | 36; Oslrklramakho,Elbrous, ii. 234. celebrations,r3r; specialsacrifices because Osibagatir's helmet, r7o, toll-bar, r7z. of disasters,ii. 99. Ossetia: III, ii. 96-r3 + ?artin; silver mined Nogai Giants, legend, roz f. in, zzf.; positionof, rz5; schools,r/!; Nogais, 57 n. r. Seealso Karanogais. Abkhazoff's invasion, 146 ff.; universal Nog-kau (Ardon valley), Ii ii. tz4; (Terek sacrificeon feastof St. Elias, r I ; €tiquctte 'galouans'5 valley), I. of hospitality, 163{.; (towers), Noukhii, Yll; ii. z6t. zrt; unique tower, z+3; ibex rare or Noumala,VI; ii. eoo. extinctin, ii. z8; E. A. Stebera spcciali.t Nour Ali, Naib of Shamil, r 23. on, ii. 96 {.; L,adzsupposed site of ancient Nour Ameeroff, Mahonui, author's host at capital,ii. rr7; \.alnuts buried u'ith dead, Ghimree, ii. r8 f., 2rr 23t 33. ii. rr9, and playthings*'ith childrcn, ii. Nouzal, I, VI; church, dimensions, r68, 169; wolf-cult in, rzq ff.; curious -\scen- tNuralt, fresco,z{1 t69; as 3r,32n. r;29, sion-Day custom, ii. r47; much lore pre- r1.r 34. served by Dr. Pfaff, ii. I{8: *'estern Novikofi cited,, 234, and seeBibliography. speciesof tour in, ii. r;4r scmi-sertdom.ii. Novo Ataghee,Y; Zirtrist outlaw killed, r 3. r 86; its privileged lamilies iurmigrants, tStr,ro.l. ii rnt. rnnrrntrin-onrlr i. f^t Novo-Ossetinskaya,III ; foundation, r 38-9, b"*'t " Novorossisk,IV; oil-development,53 f; 4c. Sheaf',ii. z3I. SouthernO:sctia, I I [: z{Jr Novui Redant,I, III; holidayresort, I30, r94. ii. tz6, Nural, ra Nouzal. Ossetines:Ethnologt-: onlv Arlan tribe of N. Caucasus,28, ii. roo, of Nledian descent, Oath: in connexion with standing stones, z8; traditionsof migration,zo5l physical r53; on Koran, 257, z6r; Scythian, type and loquacity, ii. zro; influence and possil'ierelic ol; z6j; triple,z6r . intermarriagein Balkaria,ii. zr3. History: 3a+ INDEX Ossetines(roat.). silver-leadmine near, 168; 1ocalfolk-lore Ar-don valley fortified against by Georgians, collectedat, ii. rz3 ff., rz8 ff.i 23, 29, z6; Abkhazoff's expedition against,z2z ff.; IOI, 11.I2I. O. heroes who ruled prior to Badilati, ii. Ountsoukoul,Y; ii. 3q f. r66; recentmass-movement from mountains Ourdo Irord,VII. to plain, ii. lr4; setded at Elkh6tovo, ii. Ouroukh R., III, VI; importanceof gorge, zz8 ; enlisted in mounted police, zo4; 1i. r39; monumentsin valley, ii. r5z f.; relationswith Ingooshee,!2 f ., zr, zr r, gorgedescribed by Dinnik, ii. r 58 f.; Klap- z+gi two, fight eight aberts, )i.238. roth'sfaulty description, ii. 175f.; scenery, Religion, custons: really pagan, though ii. r83, r87, r88; its basinu,'ith that of nominally Christianor llussuinrap.r 1-r the Dourdourconstitutes Digoria, ii. r85; jn ii. 98; eat pig-nrcetonh' \.ir di.trict, Fernrxncntlvbridgcd bv snow, ii. r87; z7t; \-encrareSt. Elia:, r ( r 1., r E-1:trans- ferrl-,ii. zrg f. forrnationof St. G.orge anrong!ii. 134; OurousDatu, -{var, ii. 59. sacrificeto small-poxgod, ii. r 36; Christmas Ourousbi:position and character,t6-t7, ii. and Ncli' Year customs,r8+, r9+; harvest r; proposesride from Caspianto Black celebrations,z4o; r+'edding, birth, and Sea,26, 28, 7+; author visits his home, death customs,267-Tr, ii, z8; fosterage 68 ff., r f., r tr, ii. 'grace 3o 36 ro8; house among, 263) beforc meat', zz7; described,7o; helps author to choose hearth-chains sacred, r4r f.; attitude to nativecostume, r27, rz8-g; goodjudge of ancient tombs, l/.; attribute ancient tombs swords,ib., 238,ii. 76; historyand value of to Narts, r8o; their Nart legendsborrowed his own sword,ii. Z6 f., 93: value of his and altered by other tribel z16, vary as gun, r6r; introducesauthor to Mr. Steber, betweenN. and S. O., 255; cult of dead, ii. 96; arrangeshospitality, ii. r84; saves ii. lr9 f., anil of wolves, ii. re5 ff.; reve- author from flooded river, ii. z14; his rence church at Zroug, r/5; jealously nephewSalomon becomes author's guide, guard sacred buildings, ii. rro; augurs 67 f. H,isknowledge of mountainetiquette, afilofigr 272; sectethunting language,r34; t37 andn., r38, ii. zo, tt4, zzo, andof guest among, surrendersarms to host, I39, localcustoms, zzt, zz7,237,z+o,267-7z, t63; hospitality, t63; no vengeancefor ii. r4, z8; ignorantof Daghestandialects, crimes rvithin thmi11', r7 3-+. Diaiects, ii. 5. Family shrine,16r ; familymark on 176; nanes for nonths and days of tveek, cattle,r64, Attitude to localsuperstitions, r87, for Fortaoukh, za6, toilr, ii, r64, t7o. Views on rtalin, 75, )7o. His cavern, ib., slave, ii, ztt; use of rvord adventurewith the abreft, 'l

t. 1' l..r_.. - .ts_h r'r,F- '*...... :I l:o::: ('i.':::..:...ii. :-i. ::.::: -\..1:,,ii. fq)U.::.::i .::.-]::.: .a! a,jt 2I; n, I. ij. ir: c:o..1:,:c;---\:i.: Ko.,ou.i:. ::, ':-- -;3; i:.:. :; .-. ^:. .,.-'r:.J.::,::. +': (\:-4, Sco'-:i=h::.'.,:-'.r. :'.:.: ei.ioun:LreJ in Daghes- ii. r8; au:c:a :aii. :o a::ou:.c.' i:i: icall:, --' tan, ii. 3, j6, E{, ii. 4, rc, ;:, r..leri^. r^ ct^n^ -ill,'c r49, t9t 1i At Lvl, ,t. vj, 7r,78,87,z6z. r86; not conrpletelydivided into months, Shamkhalsof Tarku, ii. 3, 9 and i., 2+, 2az. r87. Shamkhor, scene of battles, {Jr ii. zz9 and Secondsight, 264, ii. z3o f. n a. mina'ot i4 Secondstroke, heals wound inflicted by first, Shan, II; or Survan,resists Russians, 22+f,; ii. zo5 and n. hunting atr 22g. Seigalan-khokh,ii. t 37. Shanayeff, Beslan, Tagaour Ossetine chieftain, Sella,Signor, in Caucasus,ii. r38. r{6 tr.; Djantemir, author, rSr, 17z; cited, Semitic racial influencein Caucasus,ii. 7 r. ii. rz8, I3I n.4. 8arBibliography. Serfdomin Caucasus,ii. zrl f.; semi-serfsin Shariatenforced among Tadbourtsi, r z r ff. Digoria and Ossetia,ii. 186. Sharivtsekh-tauGlacier, VI; ii. r9r; Pass, Sergrinof DatchaBarzoi, guide, 82, 85, 86. VI; ii. t9t; cattle-trade,ii. r94. SergiusMikhailovitch, Grand Duke, ii. 16z. Sharo-ArgounR., V, Serpents,beliefs as to, zo6-7, Sharrat,VII. SeskaSolsa {, II. sltasi$rt,cooking of, I8, ii. r93. Seska-Solsi(Seska-Solsa, Soska-Soisa), or Soslan Shatil, II, V; Kist aoui, 89; siegeof 1843, ({.r.), shrine, z16; one similar, zr7; 9o; Abercromby'sway to, I 07 ; 2 58. legend, lesembling that of Polyphemus, Shatiloff, General, ii. 9r. zz8,25off.; death of,254f.; z6z, ii. Shatoe, V; Russian fort, 83; savagery of r53n. r. inhabitants,rzr. SevastopolRegiment, in Ossetia,r+Tr 222. Shau-khokh, I; height, ii. ro8; true name Seven as sacred or mythical number, r5z, uncertain, ii. ro9; dominates scenery, ii, r77, and cf. ii. r4o; sevenfold restitution rog, tzt. for theft, 23g;'over sevenpasses', ii. 198. Shaulokh herd (horses), ii. zzo; history, Sgheed, I, VI; inhabitants' cult of Alardi, characteristics,and origin, ii. zz4-6. small-pox god, ii. r35 f.; pronunciation of Sheep: aiways freshly slaughtered for guest, name, ii. 146 n. r. Pass,I, III, VI; ii. 163, 257, ii. 83; slaughteredwith head to rog, r37. south, 225; shepherd's share of carcase, Shabran, raa Shirvan. zz7; ntarked, 164; value in proportion to Shah-dagh,IV, VII. other animals, t6zi fat-tailed,ii. z l7 f., Shaitanor Devil's Mountain, ii.74,f. zr8 n. In Koloi-Kant legend, zlt ff. 'Devil's Shaitan Kerpee, or Shaitan Tlo, Figurinesofl fertility ex ratt, r 7o. Sacrifice Bridge',ii. 35, 36 and n. r. of; ii. r4o; at New Year and Feast of St. Shakhminoffs,privileged family, ii. z r r. Elias,r84, beforeharvest, 2+o, to propitiate Shalbouz-dagh,VII. saints, 206, to small-pox god, ii. 136, to Shaledeposits,ii. 52. Sosian,ii. r53. Head, rvith skin, hung on Shalee,V; Russo-Tchetchen battles atr Tg {, pole after sacrifice, r84, r86, in table Shaiokh, name of Kabardrin princes, ii. zz5, ritual, r 37-8, zz7 i heart,used as narriage ' and breed cherm ..n vrrlr^ff.'..] rs t^Lv urqurA""A r tt ofhorses,ii. zz4. SaeShaulokh. r + / , Shamil: head-quartersat Shalee,8o; subdues intestinesuseci for divination(7.v.), ii. Tadbourtsi, t2r f., r23-+; favourite wife, 3+. 8eea/ro Shepherds. 2 I 3; author plans tour of scenesof his Shekki,Yfi; ii. 263. campaigns,ii. 6; born at Ghimree, ii. Shemakhd,VII; ii. 6r, z;r. Shencl'^liL-A"41. ii t r7; consecratedat Ashilta, ii, z9; escape " 3ro INIDEX Shepherds,herdsmen, responsibility for beasts, Skin-diseases,97;sent by fire-god,r87. r3z; share of carcase,zz7; and dogs, ii. Skobeleff,ii. 56. 22,23rr,i ruseto savesheep, ii. 34; hospi- Skulls; animal, in cavernof Oiisai-dom,ii. tality, ii. r88. 8ar alsoSheep. r59 ff.; ii. r7z; seealso Horns; human, Sheriffmuir,zr { n. r. patchedwith copper, r8o; used in rain- Shervashidze, Saourasidze, family, origin, charm,ii. rr9; deformed,ii. 169f.; col- ii. r85. lectedand buried by Mongols,i/.; unusual, Shield carried by Khevsours,z4r. I Byzantine-Greek,at Routka, ii. r7z; Shin, VII. 11.t23.

Shiraz,r6r. sl.,,..,-;-.1^.gvlr,r'rr.ltf. r. ti , t t Shirts embroidered vi.ith versesfrom Koran, Sl:intsovoe,rae Karadakh Defile. aspa) ment fur noun:ainForters, Slaves,rlomcn sold as, 16r, t64;low blood- ii: ,11. rvite among descendantsof, zo7, z65i -fartarc Shirvan, trp2trnpnt en.nno \lorrntein ii. ,lc, 2 ( r. r 4r (41J, rrt;; Shkanti,\iI; monuments,ii. r97 and n. 3. zlr f.; good foal equelsin value one slave, Shkara,\It., III, VI; ii. r79, r9o. ii- zzt-. Spen,lrn Serfdorrr. Shouanet, iavourite wife of Shamil, z r 3, Sliepstovskaya,V; stanitsa,63. 1i.6s. Small-pox, personifiedin Mingrelia, ii. r 37; Shoundee, lI; position and distance from and ve Alardi, Sitala. Ami, 87, 9z-3i on Georgian-Tchetchnian Smekriloff, General, donor of Ourousbi's boundary, r r+; torrent, joins Tchanti- sword, ii. 76. Argoun, 87 f. Smiths strike anvils to strengthen again chains Shourd (Temir-Khan-Shourii, g.o.), Y, YIl; of Prometheus,ii. 235, 237. history, ii. 3 f.;..unhealthiness,ib., 51 new Smokingunder dilficulties, z r 3 and n.; Shamil roaoto, 11,+3;11. 2. and, ib.; by chiidren, 244; cigarettes,ii. Shrine, pagan, indicated by taur horns, ro6, r22 Ancln. +, 16.9,z16; of Abayefffamily, 174; legendary Smyrna,48. origin of three famous, r7r; u'ayside,pro- Snakeand serpentlegends, zo6-7. tects propert)', t76; at Tsagat Lamardon, Snow-shoes,rg7 and n, Seea/to Raquettes, r{9, Tseti+oel, z3z ff., \Iaghi-erdri, zr6, Snowstormgoddess ofKazbek, r89. Seska-Solsi,zr6, Bakhaita,ij. rzz, 8eealto Soganlougrange, ii. 253. Rekom. Solomon'sstables at Megiddo, ii. ry6. Shtoulouglacier, ii. rqr. Solovioff, Colonel, Vice-Governor of Daghes- Shush:i,VII. tan, ii. 6 f. Sickle,harvest festival in honour of, zto. Solsa,rar Seska-Solsa. Siernovodsk,63. Songouta Defile, I, YI; dzouar, ii. r43; Signakh,V. derivation of name, ii. r45 and n. z. Sikhor-afon,origin of name, ii. ro8. Sons greatly desired, r59, to carry on blood- Silvcr: at Sadon,zz; tracesofl at Ami, rrg; ferd, z7z; specialsacrifice by father ofl ii. silverlead mines in Khiiiak gorge, r 5i, I+r; silentin father'spresence, ii. r84. near Ounal, 168. ?ersonal ornaments oi torlas donettica,ii. ztg. Tchetchen, 62, at Enkhelee,ii. 68, Soslan or Seska-Solsa,Nart hero, tomb and Sioni, I. otlrer memorials,ii. r53; sacrificeto, ib.; Sirkhou-borzon, peak, I; meaning of name, legendsof, ii. t 5q-7. il. IOU. Sosri'ko and the Nogai Giants, Nart ta1e, Sitala,small-pox goddess, ii. r4t n., r43, ii. tazf. and n.; Kabardan double of Siveraut, 'Wheel peak, I; Klaproth's Zivratte-ka't, Soslan,ii. r ! 3 ; killed by of Barsag', 2OO; town, I. ib. Sjdgren,and Klaproth, ii. ft3; ii. q6,n. r. Souargom torrent, archaeologicalfinds near, Skattikom-don, VI. 68, ii. z4z; Gully, ii. 97. Skattikom-khokh,VI; ii. r37. Souarkh, I; otherwise Abayeva, 176; dialect, Skin and head of sacrificialvictim hune on it. pole,r84, r86. SoukAouz, ii. r99and n. r. I\DE\ .l: Soukhoum-Kald(Dioscurias), III, I\-; 28, z::.'r:cuEi: ::o::: Ti::-.. ::-. ]: Xtl:.- L---.'_,-.-.-: .,i .-, t .-, -,-) - -- t"r r/)' SoulakR., 11:, \-, \-Il;, t6,2\, {2,73. So'-a:-'s\i::::::.:-,..,,. I::. :::: S^"-.h,t^rf I.rin;" ii nr fl oc'"s :::::.i :r. ::. I _:: a:.i --.. : : :a'l<:. :--: .- SoundjaRansc, \:; 12; River,III, V; no canno:.-ba....ii. l: a:.i:.: i::it::.-:. 9, j trout ir-r,zc; battlcs befir'eenRussians and. f:lliro ii -r .i.',, ; t. -,::-:..'i';:-t:. j. Tciretchcnsr'ear, 7g f .; 54 f., to7 f. Strcezhotl,Prol.;:o: I. \.. ;::.:, t :: Sour..hcf. Tenghi, of Tubenei, unfairly Strekr{loff, General, ii. z6z. abu,cl b.' aipinists,ii. r99 f. Strother,-, 3, 6. SouramPass, lV; Range,III; ii. 253. Sufism,at Tsori, r r r. Sourgouladze,Joseph, priest, t75. Sugan-bashi,Sugalam, Sugan-tau, iII, \-lr Sourkh, peak,VI. height,ii. ry6; ii. r 38, r9o, i9r. Sourkhai'sRock or Tower, ii. 3o f,, 33. Suieiman,ancient of Khalim Bek aoul, ii. Sourkhatchee,264. 6o. Sousrayefffamily, ii. t 86. Sulphur-mineneat Zonakh, 83. Spear,historic, ii. 78, 95. Sulphur-springs,naiive bathsat, 58 and n., Spiess,Mr., of Spiess,Stucken, 5Tr 63. 73, roz, destroyed,ro3, to6) in Kasdra Sport in Caucasus,4, 67-8, 7r, 73; Russian gorge,r83; in Assdvalley,255. devotion to, 5, 7oi best time for toar, Sultan,pays expenses of Caucasuspilgrims to zzg; ii. 7Sf. 9ee aln Fishing, Game, Mecca,ii. 65. H:;rlting, tour. Sun honouredon New Y.a1'5 )a.v, r 8/; Stag-huntnear Sanibd,r35-6. seasonsreckoned by, u'ith aid of stone I tandard, newspaper, I 92. pillars,r68, r87, ii..63,.186l'nrovements Standard, Rothschild oil-firm, !r. givenames to mountains,ii, r 86. Stars, falling, venerated,,27z. Sun-wheei,kilis Soslan,ii. r 53. ttart/tina, expense and danger of position, Surgery,Nart, r8o; native,ii. 67 andn. See t36-7; Ourousbi as,69, r36 f.; hospitaliry a/raMedicine. of, 59; one providesguides for abreLs,258; Survan,or Shan,burnt by Russians,zz4 f. r68. Svanetia,III; expectsGolden Age n-hen Stavropoi,IV. Amiran (Prometheus)wins free,ii. 2363ii. Steber,E. A., specialiston Caucasus,ii. 96 f.; 20r, adventurenear Kariu-khokh, ii. rzr f. Svanetians, Suani, Svans, hunting customs, StenkaRazine, famousrobber, {9. r3+; secret hunting language, ib.; call Stepan-tsminda,r9c., 20r. Elbruz Passa,ii. r78 f.; employcd Balkar6- Stir-Digor, III, VI; graphite near, I Sr; way koff tower at Tchegern, ii. zor f.; said to from, to Ghebi, ii. r75 ff.; story of its have inhabited Khoulam, ii. zro; super- foundation,ii. r85; ii. r8o, r84. stitious custom, ii, 236. Stir-Digoria, ii. r7z. Srvords:heirlooms, ii, 77; broken rather than Stir-Digortsi, ii. r 59 f. givenup to Russians,r 39; -{bou \louslim's, Stolen property, restored sevenfold, 239, ii. 56; Ourousbi's,history anJ value, ii. ninefold if belonging to prince, ii. zz4; 76 f., 93; nith arnrorrrer'snrarks, ii. 7r. recoveredthrough Hadji, 263; Daghestan 9z-!; inscribed, at Daliag-kau, ii. l r 3; '.'^ltnh^L' (h' ,t.t+, t tr.1l tA t.{ -riGirL,\1"-i" 4L.t \ vor methods of recovery, ii. 64 f. , /v Stona,on ?allas' Iist of names,ii. t65. r4z (seeMeteoric Iron)l of -\miran and Stone-goat (C. rupicapra), reetlur. Batraz, r4z f.i in Tan-rerlane legend, Stones:passers-by expected to add to memorial 2r+-r5; of sacrificerat Akhieli, not to be cairns, 13; heap of, forms dzouar, 176; fnrrchal ny.Fnl' ,t fnrtivelr c..\ tR ' )|.ii zz. 'Mary' //' s., as fertility charms,r58, ii. zro; seenby author,238. and skctched,243, piled to form burial-place of woman struck Caucasianscut not thrust, ii. have no i ,, , Jl; by lightning, r34; standing,near St. Elias' usefor hilts,ii. 9; ; ni o u orn by Khevsours, cavern, 153; to mark communal meeting- place,ii. t;z f. Sacred,near Khiakh Pass, Srlc-,rnbrotlLcrhooJ, r91. :c7; resprnsibilities, i;. 9S. S.utptured,at Tkhaba-erdri,zzo, 257f ., 26r. 3r2 II\[DEX Syrdon, or Bot6ko-Shirtga, Nart servant, Tana-tsitiGlacier, VI; seenfrom Khoussou, zSr n.; connectedwith labyrinth-stone,ii. ii. r84,r86. I47 f.; changedinto swallow,ii. r55 n. z. Tando,V; ii. 86. Tanous,V. Taboo on hensand eggs,r3r and n. r; on TanteeyeflAghoulbee, eyewitness of Ganal- certain names, il,; on speech between don disaster,ii. roo. certain relatives-in-1aw,269; on parents Tara-dagh,ii. r 59. touching chiidren in presenceof seniors, Tarandjelos,shrine, legendaryorigin, r7o z69 andn., on fondlingchildren, ii. 87. anctn. taloun,herd of horses, | 3r, r 37. Targhinr, II; towers, zr8; unsuccessful Tadbourtsi,Shamil and, rzr ff. attemptto set up Ingoosheemonarchy at, Tagaour Ossetines,subjugated by Russia, i/.; subnissionto Russians,zz3f.; gives r+6-8, zz2, zz;l previouspredatory ex- nameto Asszidefile, 248. -l^itq r t R-n. larir',' frnm Arm.nie ii rnr yt slrrr! Tarkhee,Russian corruptioil of Tarku, ii. 3, Tagaouri, r 98. gn, Tagelacl of I78r, Tz n. r, r93, ii, rlo; Taikou, Tarkee,Tarku, V; Koumuik capital, account of Khiliak or Kolota route, t66i ii. zoz;ii. 3 andn. z. oF Tkhaba-erda, 2zo f.i on ending of Tarp glacierin legend,r77. blood-feud, z6z; describesOuroukh gorge Tarskvalley, von Blarambergin,zz3, and sacred cavern, ii. t58; description Tarskaya,Tarsky, II, III, V; approachedby plagiarizedby K1aproth, ii.rQ tr.; on tombs GhertchekPass, zrz; rr8. of Ossetineheroes, ii. 166; Klaproth's fur- Tarsky,z r 5. ther indebtedness,ii. r75, 18r f. 9ee aln Tartars, good servants,!2; Mountain T., '! nonj moa t, and Bibliography. ii. t79, customs,2Ir; ancestorsof Bal- Taghee, ree Koteeyeff. karian,ii. zor; at Tchegem,ii, zo33 in Taimashefl, Taimazofi Prince, 57 and n. z, Kabarda,ii. zro. Traces of T. blood at 58. Gouloi,r ro; in Djari, ii. z6r. Tatmaz-avtzekh-tau,VI; eponym,ii. r86. Tashkent,3. Taimazofffamily,origins, ii. 185f., r97, zor. Tatartoup,III; Tamerlaneat, ii. 3, z28t I akalshvlll. tr. 127. strategicimportance, ii, zz8; regardedas Tali. VII. sacred,ii. zz9, minaretnear, ib.; in legend Tallgren,Professor, ii. 243. of 'puestof the Sheaf',ii. z3r; ii. zz4. Taluna, ! Tlaroda,ii. 82. Tau-Sultanfamily, originalowners of Shau- Taman, IV; peninsula,Astarte-worship in, lokh horses,ii. zz4 f. I9I. 'Tavlistan',ii. r4. Tamanskaya,r. Tbau-khokh,I; cave of St. Elias on, r qr 'Khakhouli ; Tamara, Queen, offerings to height,ii. ro9. Madonna', 43; place in list of Georgian Tbautsilla,raa St. Elias. royalties, 'Wala4{; visits Khevsours, 9o; builds Tchakh,glacier and river, r9o. tower of Miaseg, r5g, 167, church Tchantchaki-khokh,3o; torrent,4I. of Zroug, 175; Tkhaba-erd6 ascribed to, TchantiArgoun R., II, V; dificulties of 22o;11.r+o. valley,88; 82,87,9o, 249. Tamara's Castle,I; r9o f, 'Tchar Harab', form of challengeor insuit, Tamara's Church, VI. ii. 25. Tamazh-erdri, pagan divinity of Khoulee, Tchas,I; r36. 2rr f. Tchau-KhalaDorbun-bashi, summit, ii. rg9. Tambal-tsiti, or Shau-khokh,{.v., ii. to8. Tchavtchavadze,Georgian governor of Dag- Tambi, salt lake, ii. zz5. hestan,ii. 8r. Tamerlane, Timur: his canals and dykes, TchegemR., III, VI; 28, ii. zo3, zo6; 2I3; story of his son and the magic horse, village,ii. r94, zoo-8 parim; position,ii. 213*r S; at Tiflis, r 386, zr ! ; destroys zo3; evidenceof previous Christianity, church of Mtskhet,234; his defeat of i/.; housespoor and dirty, ii. zo4; iocai Toktamuish,ii. 3, zz8 f.; in Shekki,ii. 263. legends,ii. zo5 tr.; tombs,ii. zo7 f. I\DEX -:. TchemorldnGo:i. : bt:s. te-::-.:rtcava:i::-s a:. ii.:i:::;' r.i :: r- Tchokr, \-, \-ll: i:.f.abi:::.::i.=a: \ijl: -:. -:. Si'.ah.i:. +:. +:: Ru.,i::.:a::a--i.:.. TchorokhR., l\-r 4r. i!.3::.:.:::.::-. valle.',il. rg9 i..,citeC, I-9. Iq: :.:,:+^.:-: in spat.-.z t1. n. r. 8rr Bibliograpirr'. Tcherekof, much-respectedOssetine, ii. tt4. TeboulosMta, II, I\-, \-; scc: fro:: B:.::. 9:. .rr^l.L^^ 1\/t+ :: ^. ^ tclerfusAd,garment, 83, tz5 f. IC[UqJt rYrt', rrt 4)J. Tcherkess, enemiesof Mountain Tartars, ii. Tektinghen,ii. r99, zo7. 2or n. z; horses,ii. zz4 f.; piliows, ii. Telav, V. t77; li. zrr. Teleboas,suggested identification, ii. 255. Tcherkessathe,Tcherkesidze, family, control Temir-Khan-Shoura,IV, V, VII; capitalof now local transport,ii, 175. Daghestan,tS, 17:' origin of name, Tchernoyarskaya stanitta, r37; meaning of changeilto Buinaksk,ii. z andn. r. 8eealso name, I38; origin of settlement'I38-9. Shourri. Tchernyavsky, sportJoving Russian,_7o, r 36 ; Ten ThousandGreeks, route of, Appendix goesnative, r33; Presentsto author, r4o; C, ii. z5z-6o. r39,r+3,7++. Tep, I; originof inhabitants,r78t 2ao. Tchervlennaya Sta.,V; good-lookingwomen' Tepli, I, III. ii. r4 n. Teptsoff,V,, unfoundedcriticism of Grove, Tchetchens: alter Nart legends,zr6; attacked ii. rgzl'miscalls Bezinghi people, ii' t99 f'; by Kalmuks, 8z; assembled to cheer cited,ii. rg+, 2ro. Imperial train, ii. 89 f.; bow to shoot TerekGazette, ii. ro3. bullets, 6z; brigandage arloogr 8 ff.; TerekR., I, II, III, IV, V, VII; course,zr; democratic to extreme degree,zr8; how to Todleben takesguns up' 3I; relation to treat, 19; ideas of chivalry, 13; method of geologicalfeatures, r I3; sometimesun- training horses,r45; music, 99; origin of fordableat Djerakh, r r 5; settlementsof use in Russianhistoryr 82; emancipatedbondmen N. of' 139 and n.; name, 79, first 'Caucasian raid by, originatesShaulokh breed, ii. zz4; largeremains of Walf in valley, regard tomb as home of dead, ii. tzr; r55; namesderived from, r8r; salmon resistanceto Russians,79 f,, 82, to Shamil, in, 164; trout, small,r79; blockedby ice- 84 and n,; setdementsnear Grozny, 54ff., falls from DevdorakiGlacier, r89; Klap- 58, 5g; silver ornamentsr62i social con- roth's claim to have visited source,t8z, aitioni, 6o l superstitionsabout trees,r r 9 ff. ; t95 tr.; coursemiraculously changed, 253 f.; support famous brigand Zelim-khan, ii. uppermost,ii. ro9 andn., r45; crossedby Iiterury confusion 9r; swords,names for, ii.76f.; will take Shamil, ii. r84, zz8; payment for fodder, 164; women, enjoy with Tcherek, ii. rgz; horsesPastured more freedom, 84, their trousers, ii. 78. along,ii. zz4; reeil-beds,ii' zz61 ferry, ]ee ako Aktash-aoukh, Mountain Tche- ii. zz7; strategicimPortance of ford and tchens. ferry nearEikhotovo, ii. zz8; 25, 58, 68, Tchetchnia, V; much brigandagein, 5, 8-9, ro7, T72,r88, zo3f., zz3, z+9, ii. rzr, ro, 57 f., 62, 8ti boundary with Georgia, r++. rr4, with Daghestan'ii. 86; no princesin, Tereti, lI; to7. Ir; typical house, !!; village life' 59 f.; Terse-gom,name derived from Terek, t 8 r. etiquette of hospitaliry, 163; forests of, Terskoe Company, silverlead mines ol; 159. 79, 8c., rr9-zr; Russian conquest of, Tethering-postsof stone' ii. t96. 79 f.; Zikristr in, 8o; rising, narrowly Tevsili, scene of legendary (Nart) battle' averted,ii.76, of r84o, ii. 78;ii. zz6. ii. 6o. Tchiora, III. Tha, Kabardan SupremeDeiry, ii. 234. Tchir-Yourt, V, VII; ii. 73. Theocritus, pastoraiscene suggestin g, ii. 67, Tchirakh, V, VII. Theodosia,ii. r8. II ss 3r+ INDEX Tiazhikofl carries off Princess Atazhukina, plundered by natives, r3g, ii. 2+2; pta- ii. zzr-4. tected by native fear of ghosts, r4r, ii. Tib, I. rrq. Nledieval or modern: built close to Tiflis, III, IV, V; Tsar entertained at, z, houses, r+g, ii. rzo; kettle and chain in ii. rz; Museum at, in bad state,42; rose- thoseof extinct families, r4r n. 3; aperture starlings destroy locusts at, +7 i atffacted for offering to dead, ii. r47, r97; cost paid by water, reputed holy, 48; books, &c., out of blood-wite,16z, r78; expiationof published at, 168, ii. ll5; Governor of, blood-feud at, 26r- Forms: above-ground robbed, r88; first motor reaches. 20+: (zappadtze,r4o): beehive,r r 5,2o8; octago- stones for Tkhaba-erdd sent fron, zz7; nal,7o,ii. r46, t86, r97, zo7 {.;pyramidal, abrefuescape through,259; churchcr::dle r r z, step-roofed,r4o, 148,ii. 146; Digoria; factory,ii. r r;; -{rchacologicalConsre:.. containsfincst cramples, ii. r37; interments: -. ii. r5o; r2, r+.+i, r9i,2or, zcl. ii. ci;r-graves.ii. r;r. r69 I, slab-graves,I3z, Tikhorietskava,IV. I+o. \\'ith traccsoi rrooJen beams,ii. Tilitl, \rIi. r69; rlalled lith stones,ii. r7r. r72. Tillo, ii. z5 5. Regardedas home of dead,ii. r z r. Histo- Tinet netrspaper,rgz, ii. 96 f. ricalor legendary:'Greek',ii. r17 ff., r7z; Timoftyeff, archaeologist,ii. 17o f. of Tsarevitch George, I, r7+; of Adam's Tioneti, III, V; district, rain-charm in, ii. wife at Jidda, 268 and n. z; of Soslan,ii. 6z f.; 98. r53, described in Tageiucl, ii. t66. 9ee Tiutiun-su, VI; name misunderstood,ii. rq(. also ArchaeoTogy. Tkhaba-erdd, II; present condition and pri- Tombstones,Christian, re-usedas fencing, vious accounts o[ 2rg [., zzz f.; stones ii. zq f. for, brought from Tiilis, zzTi repofted Tortchinofl Barek, principal in biood-wite visited by Prophet, 248:'ii. zo4. case,rl. I24. Tkhost, dzouar, probably St. George, ii, TortoumR., 43, ii. 257, r33 f.; legend of his last appearance,ii. Totur, VI; ii. zro andn. r. r3z f.; ii. t3r. Touala-tau,peak, VI; ii. r39. Tlokh, V, VII; position, size, &c., ii. 66; ToumgaiRidge, zr7. ii. 58. tour (wild goat),habitat, 27, ii. 173 ff.; horns, Tmeni-kau, Upper, I; tombs at, 73i view as drinking-cups,lo6, ribbed, r65, ribs from, 74; resistanceto Russians,r +7 i usedto reckonage, r/9; piled at shrines, small-pox, beer-brervin ..ii. 98 ;. g, ii, 99, ro7, \6gt with singlehorn, r65; magically r87; ice-failstops above, ii. ro6. marked,164; in Upper Digoria,ii. r59 f.; Toba-tchotch,ro7, rt3, zt7, zt8. local names, ii. 164, r 89; habits, i/.; Tobot R., gully or chasm,ii. 55 ff. westernand easternspecies distinguished, Todieben in Caucasus,3of.; first to cross ii. 173 f.; crossedwith sheep,ii. zr7; Main Chain r.vith artiilery, 3r, 33; heid belovedof God, ii. 235. up by Tagaour leader, r48; attacked from Tousheens(tribe), 89; and Kists, 90 f .; Tchmee, r93; captorof Beriin, 33. pride in large cauldrons,176; horse-races Todorsky,cited, ii. I S, 33 \., 45 n. 4, SSn, z. in honourof dead, 27t n. r; shaveheads, ;i ,^-- ^.-^.:i .. Sar Bibliography. r. t32 rr, z; zo3, l.t.5 n., I I. Toktamuish, rival of Tamerlane, 2rS, ii. 3, Toutir, patron-saint of wolves, originally St. 228. Theodore, ii. rz5 f.; fast in his honour, ii. Tombs: near Ami, ro6, at Anatori, 89 f., 126, rz8. Arzee and Fortaoukh, zo8, Fasnai, ii. Towers: of Abisaloft^sor Badila family, ii. r+6, rSr f., near Kholst, r68, Koban, r47, t66; ofArzee,zo8 and n.2; purpose, r+7,Ladz,ii. r77 f., Salghee,e16, Saniba, zo9, architectrre,2og ff., zzg, date,zto, 70, r32, r4o {., Zadelesk, ii. ft9 t., ii, r44; of Basti,resist cannon, gr; aE Matsouta, ii. r 5z, Tchegem, ii. zo7 f . Akhieli, with unusuaicross, 243; Goliat, Ancestral, scene of rain-charming, Ii. 63; ii. r44; Khanee,with crosses,2r7, 23rj ancient, re-used for r8o8 plague victims, Salghee,zr7; Targhim, zr8; Tsori, de- 74; attributed to Narts, r8o, ii. rr7; stroyed,r ro f.,architecture, r r 3; Sourkhai's, at F I\DE\ J^)

..t.r..-,.-. ... :- :. ,:.-- ::'..;::.::i:.: l: l::i:. ra:c::t.c ' l::.--.::.-^,r'a-.. rtulY I:.:: .... :- - ,:.i :-. lrgi:ing-toxers a:.i r:, ;a-:a:.::: l: C: ::ilnet .:r':-,..::-:-'.'.:: j..:::'-i:li:r.J, ZZ6. Oriein, 'fs.'... -'..:..: ruunC.^rare,2+2--ii L-:::: a:-.jL:'.r.:. I, \-l: r',,t. ir:: : : ., i: -::::.:::.:'-J.:'-fEl:SeS, UU, I32, l<;t I ".r:,r .t(.. .1. \ t: : ,: - ;:-:::: _-.:: ::l :::'.:...-.. .:. : r', r:9i riithbattlement.d Ca:ca.':s,r; r. 'f ',..'a.^..r. r S6. . of the Tadbourtsi,r2z; Tso'a-5l6il, I, \-l:::. r_lt. :r:,r;': 3::a:srmentstrz3; destroyedby ItirhA- s;one rill:r. rr.,..l 3: :cZ:, t,:: ..,1c:j.a: 'of Siramil, rz1. T. Sandukeli' on split (q.v.),t67 f., r 87. rock, 248. Built by Q. Tamara, r59. Tsiti-khokh,L Dcstroyed in Russian conquest, r47 f,, Tsitsiinoflii.rr5. r93, 2z+. Numerous in Balkaria,ii. r97; Tskhenis-TskhaliR., III. uniclue, at Kounim, ib.; at Tchegem, Tskhinvali,III. built by Svanetians,ii. zor f.;7g n. 3, r56, Tsmee,I; position,r7z; 7ocalTegend, ib.; r72,2r 5,203, Tsmiti viiiagers, r47, blood-feud with Trafalgar Day, interest in revived by Anglo- Ladz, ii. t 17. Russiandissensions, ii. 47 and n. Tsno,I, II; 18z,235. Tram, Tramkt, Trampkt, village and breed Tsofl Kist enclaveamong Tousheens, 90 f. ofhorses,ii. zz5, Tsori, II; picturesque,IIo, but avoidedby Transport chargesin Digoria, ii. r8o. Seealn author,i I r-r2; failureof Sufismat, I r I ; s,v. Horses. inhabitedby \{ountainIngoosh, tr+,2+gi Tre 8 aya te e le /1 a, battJeship, 7 n. r. 98, ro9. Trebizond, IY ; ii. 2 53, 2 57. Tsori-lam,1I; viervof, ro7i rag, rrz. Trees: of limestone regions, 27, 691; of Tsorintsi,249. Tchetchnia,rrg-zr; worshipped,37, rrQ; Tsorkh,limestone defile in Assavallev, z;6. sacrificial, ii. rB7, al}ied with stone calen- Tsotsolta,I; Pass,r7g, r9r, rlg; village, dars,il. n.; sacred,r7+, ii. 136; haunt of I Klaproth'sUtfarskau, r99 f.; river, I. spirits,ii. rzz; miraculousiysave fugitive, Tsoudakhar,V; Russianrevcrse at, ii. 4+, r7z-3; sacred wood near Sanibii, r 84. +7. Used in building Rekom, t69. Legends Tsoukhour,Yil; ii. 2fu. relatingto variousspecies, r20 f.; +r, r3c., Tsoukhpun-avtzekh,ii. r 88. z56,ii. 213, zr8. Tsounda,ii. z3o andn. r. TrEves Cathedral, du plicate' HoIy Coat' at, z 34. Tsounta-Akhvakhdistrict, savage customs of Triptych of St. George of Ilori slaying ox, people,ii. t3 f. 38; of Madonna (Khakouli), 4z ff. Tuben-avtzekh,pass, ii. zoo. troiha (three-horse vehicle, or team of three Tubenel, iII, VI; travellers'vary'ing recep- ,a arvrele/rhnrseq\. L/,rt ta-), -Yr ii't. 1. tions,ii. r99. Tlouser's,women's, t 5gr;i, 78. Tunny, tinned,late apprccierion in fngland, Trousso, Troussovsky,defile, r8z, r83. ii. r88 andn. r. Trout-fishing, t9 f ., ii. r47. Turiyan-tchai,ii. 263. TroutJake, Lesser,source of trout a mystery, Turkomans'submissionto Russia, ii. ;6. ii. 8z; nativenames, ii. 86. Trso defile (Uppermost Terek), r45. Uastyrdji, Wastyrdji (St. Georpe, ?.e.) f^rm"ti^n ^f r: r. i'. \'"'r i^-^.^ Tsagat Lamardon, I; see Lamardon, Khousar vrrrqlrr!'l)l'rll",-. -fsagat. rzr' hi" '".iG ii - and "^- Tsagerakh,cattle fair, ii, r94. Uatsilla, Watsili (St. Elias. probably -l-^^l 7.2.). L I i^^ ^r :: r-r' +'-'^.i^- ^f r sa[n--{oag, tonrD"^*.L at, il. 17o. srrcca"dq.eor. ,l.,ir.-i l\r! tultlr4Llulr ul Tsalka,ii. 3o, z5z. nane, r 5z; in Nart legend,177. Tsaou-dzouar,goat-shrine, ii. r4o f., 143. Uly'sses and the C1'clops, rr; Poly'phemus Tsar, hero of iegend,ii. z3r. legend. rr..-r.-.,:...-..-:.r..-..-- Tsargos, semi-mvthicalfounder of Stir-Digor, ! lrllLd)llL,i t I Ulrl)llrrr!rlL Ut, arnongKhct.sours, Il. I6i.20L -Jt. 3r6 INDEX IJncleannessof women, ceremonial,aniong nrurder near, 77-8, z.lB; Assaroutc to, Khevsours,236,247. r 16 f.; Museum at, zrgi Governors of IJngern-Sternberg,Baron, 62. 22 r ; studentsfrom, r 78. Centre of military Urkarakh,VII. operationsin r83o, r+6,223,225. Excite- lJrquhart, Leslie, his heroismat Baku, ii. ment over early motor, 2o4. Hops obtained 221 n. r,v,-,,f.^- -TT,r'l..^nnar/lan --rr-^ *-rosltsnear, 11. Io2 n. IJrsualta valJey, r7g. Djimarai-khokhconspicuous from, ii. Io9. 'l',1In IJrustevsekPass, r99. ir *..-.a*----.,qntin'riti"c tt. r+9, 17| n. 2. IJsdon, 3r; raaOursdon. \Ientioned, 1, 8, r2, zr, 39t 57,67, 98 f., IJslar, General, cited, ii. z, 5 n. 8ae Biblio- rc-i, r)9. 11S,r2lr r56, r88, rg+,260, graPny. lr, I, 9O,?.39, IJtfars-don, afiuent of Terek, r99. Ynezauna:'a,V, Utfars-kau,Klaproth at, r99. Vobnou'h;i,I I: r:llur.sclueca:rles. t t z, \-ola-iihokh,I, \-l ; corr.ri tbrm ut'namc, ii. Vakhusht,Tsarevitch, rvrites geographi', r7r ; 143and n. 5r ii. r_r:.ria. tomb of his son George, r74; Klaproth's Voloshin,murdered, 62. reliance on his statements,r98 ff., z7z; aaltcloA blades,raa Swords. ^ir^J ii ^. - i :: .-,Lr. gz n. st \. 177 n. 3. Y6ronrsofl Prince, ii. 9,79,8o. Valaam, isiand monastery, r54, Votive oferings, at Rekom, 169 f., in O1isai- Yaile, P. della, r6o. dom cavern,ii. t 59. 9ee also Horns. Valyaruri, George Gavrilovich, Orthodox Vozdveezhenskoe, V; meaning of name, priest of Akhieli, 235 f. 8r n.;29,8o,82. Van, L., lo,ooo Greeks near, ii. zSS, 257. Vrevsky, Baron, Governor-General of Turkes- Vannovsky, General, gives author permission ta , 3. to visit Central Asia, 3. VantmashetskyPass, iV, V; ii. 55. Walaghir, ve Aiaghir. Yara, Zirtritt outlaw, death of, 13. Wala Miaseg, tower built by Q. Tamara, Yardzia, ii. 253. Vats, copper, for beer-brewing, 244, ii. 99; Walla-kom-do n, t ee Aigarnorrghi-don. value, t62, size, t76, Wallashik,meaning of name,ii. lr j. Vaza-khokh, III, VI; feature of Digorian Wallasif (presumably same as above), burnt frontier, ii. r38; seenfrom Fasnal,ii. r,16; by Russians,r47. meaning of name unknorvn, ii. r54; ii. Walnuts, ii. 19, 27,43; in Ossetinegraves, r 58,r96. 11.r ro. Veden,V; siege,rr9, ii.8o,87 f.; author Walton, Mr., robbednear Grozny, ii. 239. visits,ii. 84, 89; Zeiim-khanin district, Wapila, Dorf, zrz. lr. 9I. Wardrop Collection, Bodleian, ii. r14. Yehiclest arla, I8, 4r, 56; drogli, 59. Watch regardedas devii, r78. lineika, zr and n., 83; perek/adzdya,ii. Water-jugs, large brass,!9; copper, ii. zo. 57 and n.; poaozrta,gt telJega,56; troila Water-melon, ii. zz7. (q.o.),17, 23, 29, ii. r. Drawn by oxen, Water-milis at Sanibri,69, 7z; comparedwith 9, 8r f. thosein Shetlands,72-3; 183,ii. roo. Veli-kent, Water-supply, unusual method, ii. r45, VII. 'Waters, Veliameenoff,General, r45, Brigadier-General, z. VelketiPass, II; 258n. Weapons:confiscated from nativesby Russians, Vereshtchagin,General, 53, r40, 53, r39, ii.2r,78 f.; native interestin, Verkhnis,ii. 255. ii. zt, 33, 76 ff,, r46; surrendered,to Vertidpof,,on date of Ingooshtowers, 2ro; host on arrival, ro8, r39, before admis- photographsby, r3o, 216,2r8,ii. ro3; ii. sion to church, ii. l r 3; manufacturedat ro5, ro7. Ountsoukoul,ii. 35; god of, ii. l3r n. 4; Viilagelife in Tchetchnia,59 f., ro8; schools, absentin Zadeleskgraves, ii. r69; many at Koumbuilta, ii. t7z. 9eealto Gws, rtirja/, Vladikavkaz,I, II, III, IV, V; marketat, g; Srvords. I\DEX -\^/

, :-.1:>: (,: liriOSOCC, Z3;; ':-..; L n"r^,'.h; t6--'t _" / J. 2-: : ::.,.:..:, :r:::.i:'. rile, I j8, zli:, 'bi iit::l; :..:,::,r \\'orn at, ii. I J; horns u:ci i,r: iririiirg, ii. 28. Err a/rc Nlarriage. \\'^^.1.".i-"r lrrn'1,:j,r. \\-eck, O.sctrncnames ior da1'sof, r87. Woodpigeon,in Seska-Solsalet.'nci, \\'ei,1enbaum,cited, li. 237. (of \\-herls, creaLing,9f. and n.; Barsag' V--^-L^-.rr- r i'' r 'of "' :i2- and St. Jolr.n', in Nart legends, r7o, 11.I53. -Mountairrs f. 'White; (Jurassiclimestones), z6 f.; Y)kovleff, ProfessorN., cited, zz5 Yandee family at Arzee, zog, vegetation,z7; local use of term, rt6; Yanghi-kent, VII. 7+. Yezeeyeff, family, of Goiiat, Wines, iocal: Crimean, II8, Georgian, tt9, Yedzeeyeff, thcir shrine,ii. r4o f.; history. r14 ff. Ghimree, ji. zz n. 2, and from Ghimree Yenikdl6, Str. ofl IV; r. grapes,ii. I(akhetinsky,r8, r30. gee 57, of Grozny, and n.; in alto djaba. Yermdloff, founder 5+ his rvork in conquest of Witch-chiid, story of, ii. rz8 ff. Tiflis, 48; Tchetchnia, ii. r73, z6t. Witches, precautionsagainst, ii. 64. 79t 3, Yeseeyeff, Djambolat, victim in blood-rvite Wolf's Gate, oil near, 12, 63. 'Wolves: r2+. Toutir (St. Theodore) and, ii. rz5 f.; case,u, Yevdokeemoff'sexpedition, 83, ii. 87. charms against, r 84, ii, rz6-7 ; wolf, Yevdokeemovskoe,V; road to, 83. blinded by St. Elias, allowed to live, r 53; 77, Yevloyeff family, zz6. as progenitor of Ingooshee, r9z. Wolf, Yoand, eponymousancestor of Yandee, zo9. running, asrnark on slvord, ii. 93 f. situation, 6o; oil-n'ell near, Woman's grave at N'Iakhtchesk,ii. t5z. Yourt-aoukh, V; 'Women: status, 13, 6o, g3-+; hard work, 6t. Youssouf Isaakoff Hadji, of Ashiltd, ii. z8 f., il., 98, ii. zo, 55; Ingoosh, will not marry lover who has not killed man, r3 n. Their approachto shrine angcrssaint, ii. rzr f.; one old, allowed at shrine, z4o; ercluded ZadeTesk,VI; position, ii. r59; animals of from festivals,ii. t3z, 136 and n. t, from locality, ii. r59f.; legendary origin of holy places,ii. r4r and n., r6r; segregation grove, ii. 168; Countess Ouviiroff's finds ^' ^' qL.,.t ^ ."4 ./, cna li e dL Lrrrruurr Lrrr .3v, .+/, . / vt r!. v, at,ii. t6g f.; ii. r39. SaaOlisai-dom. 16; taboo on speech lvith male relatives, Zakatali, Y, VII; ii. z6z; Zakatalski akrug, 269; mourning customs,z7o f., miscelia- ii. 263. neouspractices, 272. Given right side of Zakka, tl9; Zakka-don, I; dw'ellers near, 'Nlairam' *^^ r *^(w lu4ur r)rr Prd/ stonesfor r54 and n.; r59, 166, 176; Zakka Pass, offspring, I58, ii. zro; stolen for slaves, I, III; ascent,r78i 16+, r;6, r79, zoo, 16r, t64; spied on by children, 183 and ii. r45. n.; untlsual consideration for, ii. 66f. Zandak aoul,ii. 47. Their part in rain-charnring,ii. 6z f.; Zaporozians,ii. 4q. oldest u'oman of family perlbrms magic Zarabee,hunter, of Sanib:i,7a, r1t6, r13, r44. rites, ii. r2o; swear by small-pox god, ii. Zarantag,Zramag, I, IIil callcdSararnago in -l'adbourtsi, r j i. .\n)ong r22 f., fight in 1688, 33; 2)y -?j; 38, t66; Zrantag-don, battle, rz4. -\t capture of Akhoulg6, ii. r7+. ic. -\nong Tchctchens,59f.,98; freer, Zaritt-don,ii. rr8. 8-1. Oi Enkhclee, goitrous tendency, ii. Zariurkhokh,I; height,ii. lo8; ii. r37. 6;, jew'ellerr',ii. 68; of Andeeand Botlikh, Zelim-khan,fanrous Caucasian brigand, 6z-3, ..1....r1 hc:r.l-Jr.'., .ii. 7 t ; suriir under ii.9c-2. I

318 II{DEX Zemindari settlement paralleied in Caucasus, Zite\i, peak,VI; ii. r9o. 11.9. Zmevskara,III: ii. zz8. Zeydlitz, cited, zzo n. 4, z2z and n. fea Zokoff, Znaouroff, starshiniiof Nouzai, r68. Bibliography. Zolo:ariirL corrupt Russianofficial, z6o. ZiArisn, r3 n. 3; in Tchetchnia, 8o; defined, Zonakh, sulphur-minenear, 83. 264 n. z. Zougdidi, Zugdidi, III; possessesSt. George Zilristt, cause abandonment of festival of icon,_3 S. Matsieli, zo\-6; danage church of Tkhaba- Zourou:: Khala, or Kafir-avtzekh,traditional erda, zrg;_fierceappearance, 256; nrurder sce:cofbattle, ii. r98. of one, and consequentfeuJ, I t7, z6c {.t Zrou.:,R.. I: vi;lage,church at, r75 f. supportZelim-khan, ii. 9 r. Z j...r::::::. t:a,,-elsoi t8q8, zz, Tto, 2+6; Zilgha-khokh,Ir r98. zoo fl,:i. z:4. jt'oc::.s jl.a:. a v iclo.'.v-J inIr O.qetir.vJJ!!r*, rrr.r/), '.o\\.crs, Zilghee, I II, \'i ; hast. pical B-l^:rr;.r:. Cio::r: \ cii.:i P::i. : I S n.l th.inksKhev- ii. r97; tcrrorizedb7 abrcA;,ii..:;r; car:I"- sours C.scen,larts o: Crusaders,ii. 9z; plague, ii.239. I83, ii. 77. Eec tsibiiograph;. Zirianee, V, VII; ii. 36. Zveghintseff,\L, ii. 93 f. 4!"' {{A o.q t--rL*-

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{J{6"(AU(nsu.{ Eolourn I - gs9 f, on aVQotorefrgf-.MLg 6y :.q. -31ets, FeI',* oftie t i* -*.dJa, fu" 6, enr 6.le ogr ap6i^ca[ ^fo c iz t izs .

Jne orlgLfiat ,or, g!?sLl,m,, u)d$ .e" ,F , e o^mz nf,ed 6JI 6e fruss nn Jllini st " gn^rlr {. 'J [2 ucti,onlfo r w e io oll l# 9lf.9"^6 . J. - L$ Jeccndzr{ )chooLs. rtS

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S.a.Ia of n)crsts o 30 60 qo 1zo tio t8o &"o-., Qailooys -n-cL4hLS uL teet ''\rtl*r' - J t{ ,.