Town Clerk 25 February 2020


2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest in respect of any items on the agenda


4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An opportunity for members of the public to address the Town Council concerning matters on the agenda. Members of public who wish to speak should contact the Town Council by 4.00p.m. on Monday 2 March 2020 to register. For full details of procedures for public speaking at Council meetings, please visit the Town Council’s website,, click on the link below, or visit the Town Council offices and request a copy: Protocol for Public Speaking at Council Meetings

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.

5. COUNCIL MINUTES To approve as a correct record minutes 174 to 195 of the meeting of the Council held on 3 February 2020 [Pages 4 to 9]

6. COMMITTEE AND WORKING GROUP MINUTES To note the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 17 February 2020 [Pages 10 to 12]

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Week Group held on 18 February 2020 [Pages 13 to 14]

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Town Fair Group held on 18 February 2020 [Pages 15 to 16]

Page 1 of 81 To note the minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Group held on 7 January 2020 [Pages 17 to 19]

To note the minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Group held on 4 February 2020 [Pages 20 to 22]

To note the minutes of the Climate Group held on 24 February 2020 [Pages 23 to 24]

7. CORRESPONDENCE To receive items of correspondence relevant to the Council

8. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ENGAGEMENTS To note the Mayor’s announcements and engagements between 3 February 2020 and 1 March 2020 [Page 25]


10. TOWN CLERK REPORT To receive an update report from the Town Clerk [Page 26]

11. ACCOUNTS – 1 JANUARY TO 31 JANUARY 2020 To approve a list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 January to 31 January 2020 [Pages 27 to 38]

12. COMMUNITY GRANTS To consider requests for community grants [Pages 39 to 46]

13. REVIEW OF INTERNAL CONTROLS To review the effectiveness of internal controls [Pages 47 to 54]

14. TEETOTAL COVENANT – TEMPERANCE HALL To receive an update on the public responses to the lifting of the covenant. [Page 55]

15. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE CLIMATE GROUP To discuss the recommendations made to the Council by the Climate Group [Page 56]

16. SELECTION OF DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR FOR THE 2020/2021 CIVIC YEAR To select the Deputy Town Mayor for the 2020/2021 civic year [verbal]

17. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW To formulate a response to the Community Governance Review (Stage 3), by the closing date of 24 March 2020 [Pages 57 to 81]

18. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To resolve that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960 the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items by reason of the confidential nature of the items. Proceedings, apart from any resolutions passed, shall remain confidential.

19. TO APPOINT A CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR THE WALL AT THE REAR OF THE LIBRARY To appoint a contractor to carry out the repair to the wall at the rear of the library [to be tabled]

Page 2 of 81 20. CHANGE OF ENERGY SUPPLIER To consider a change of energy supply/supplier to a greener tariff [to be tabled]

Membership: Councillor Wenmoth (Town Mayor) Councillor M May Councillor Tucker (Deputy Town Mayor) Councillor McSorley Councillor Bennett Councillor Mullins Councillor Cant Councillor Peters Councillor Edwards Councillor Rickard Councillor Garrett Councillor Ruby Councillor Langan Councillor Snowdon Councillor H May Councillor Widdon

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Councillors Wenmoth (Mayor), Tucker (Deputy Mayor), Bennett, Cant, Edwards, Garrett, Langan, M May, McSorley, Mullins, Rickard and Widdon

In Attendance Helen Perry (Town Clerk) Councillor J Symons – Cornwall Councillor, Penryn East and Mylor


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Langan (ill), H May (ill), Peters (family commitment), Ruby and Snowdon (away).

Councillor Rickard apologised for having to leave at 8pm


Councillors Bennett and McSorley declared a non-registrable interest in Agenda Item No. 13 Community Grants (Sea Cadets).

Councillor McSorley declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda item 22 Appoint a Contractor to Repair the Wall at the Rear of the Library as her spouse has submitted a quotation.


There were no requests for dispensations.


Mrs Gill Grant, Chairman of Penryn Museum Society updated members on the requirement for the Town Council, as the governing body to approve the documents for the museum re-accreditation.


RESOLVED that the following museum accreditation documents as previously circulated be approved • 1.2 Constitution • 1.3 The Accreditation Mentor agreement with Verity Anthony • 2.1 Forward Plan • 4.2 Collections Development Policy • 5.1 Collections Documentation Policy • 6.1 Collections Care and Conservation Policy • 7.1 Access Policy

It was further RESOLVED that the congratulations and thanks of the Council be extended to Mrs Grant, the Museum Society members and the volunteers for their hard work and dedication

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor M May

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RESOLVED that minute numbers 156 to 173 of the meeting of the Council held on 6 January 2020 were approved and signed as a correct record

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Mullins


The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 20 January 2020 were noted

The minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Week Group held on 14 January 2020 were noted

The minutes of the meeting of the Fair Day Group held on 14 January 2020 were noted


The Town Clerk reported; • CORMAC – have sent notification that from Tuesday 11 February until Friday 14 February 2020, repairs will take place to the retaining wall and culvert at Tremoughdale. A temporary lane closure on Treliever Road will take place during this period. • Consultation – 2020 Off-Street Parking Order consultation for alterations to car park operations and charges. The item will be added to the Planning Meeting Agenda for the meeting scheduled for Monday 17 February 2020 for the Council’s comments. • Code of Conduct Training – will be held during at three venues during March and will be on a first come basis: ▪ 12 March – New County Hall, – 10am to 12pm ▪ 16 March – Town Hall, – 10am to 12pm ▪ 18 March – Council Offices, Dolcoath, – 1.30pm to 3.30pm


The list of Mayor’s engagements for the period 7 January 2020 to 3 February 2020 were noted.

The Mayor reported that he had met with representatives of the Junior school and was pleased that they will be creating a timeline of local history.


Councillor J Symons reported; • That he had attended a meeting regarding the DPD, they are looking to relax the planning regulations on listed buildings Councillor M May reported; • Potholes – Cornwall Council are in the progress of repairing lots of potholes within the County, if you require a pothole to be repaired, email the Town Council Office and they will report the information to the Highways Department at Cornwall Council

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• Street Cleansing – will only happen if a request is received for the area to be cleaned, requests can be emailed to the Office and staff will forward the request to cleanse on our behalf. • VE Celebrations – the programme is being compiled for the event on 8 May, we were unable to get a 1940’s band, Soul Sensations have been booked. • VE Choir – a request for Councillors to take part in a choir called “Vera and the Elnetts” to sing 1940’s songs for approximately twenty minutes, a practice will be arranged in the Temperance Hall. Councillors Widdon and McSorley agreed to be members of the Choir. Councillor McSorley reported; • Neighbourhood Plan – the launch took place in the library on 18 January 2020, approximately 135 people attended. Distribution of the residents NHP leaflet has commenced. The event at the Rugby Club took place on 1 February. The next meeting of the NHP group is scheduled for Tuesday 4 February at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.


The Town Clerk’s report was noted.


RESOLVED that the list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 to 31 December 2019 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Mullins


The investments update report was noted.


There were three requests for a community grant:-

Small Arts

RESOLVED that in accordance with S145 of the Local Government Act 1972 a grant of £275 be awarded to Small Acts Ltd towards an arts performance called “Future Pub”

Proposed by Councillor Wenmoth and seconded by Councillor Garrett

Chyan Community Group

RESOLVED that in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, ss 1-8 GPC a grant of £300 be awarded to Chyan Community Trust

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Widdon

Having earlier in the meeting declared a non-registerable interest, Councillors Bennett and McSorley left the room for the duration of the following item and did not take part in the debate or the vote.

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Sea Cadets

RESOLVED that in accordance with S19 Local Government (Misc. Provisions) Act 1976 a grant of £1000 be awarded to the Falmouth & Penryn Sea Cadets

Proposed by Councillor Mullins and seconded by Councillor Edwards

Following the above resolution Councillors Bennett and McSorley returned to the meeting.


The Town Clerk reminded Councillors of the advice given by Christopher Rose & Co. Solicitors dated 11 August 2008, regarding the removal of the covenant.

A discussion then took place regarding the advantages and disadvantages of lifting the covenant it was RESOLVED that an initial local consultation takes place requesting the views of the public as to whether, or not the Council should proceed with trying to remove the teetotal covenant. The views to be requested via the Council’s social media and in the local newspapers. An update on the views received will be presented at the March Council meeting.

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Wenmoth


The report on the current status of the Council’s projects was noted.

Councillor M May expressed her thanks to the Councillors that attend to the projects meeting and confirmed there have been difficulties in getting contractors to supply quotations.

A request was made for the details of any business that could supply a quotation for the tiling of the entrance to the Town Hall, subject to planning permission being granted.

The Clerk confirmed that the planning application for the Town Hall is scheduled to be discussed at the next Planning Committee meeting.


The Clerk confirmed the current process for issuing Saracen Award medals is that joint winners are issued with one medal and a certificate each.

Following a short discussion, it was RESOLVED that for all future joint Saracen Award winners, each person would receive an individual medal

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Bennett

A further discussion took place regarding the existing joint recipients who have been issued with one medal, it was RESOLVED that previous recipients of the joint award be issued with a Saracen Award medal

Proposed by Councillor Tucker and seconded by Councillor Mullins

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Councillor M May requested that the Council considers a redesign of the Saracen Award that can be sourced locally rather than out of county, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk researches options for an alternatively designed Saracen Award, that can be sourced locally, designs to be presented at a later date for discussion by the Council.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor McSorley


The Town Clerk reported that one nomination had been received for Councillor Wenmoth, the Town Mayor called for any further nominations

RESOLVED that Councillor Wenmoth be selected as Town Mayor for the ensuing 2020/21 civic year.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Garrett

Councillor Garrett thanked Councillor Wenmoth for his service over the past year, especially the promoting of local history.


Councillor M May informed Councillors that there has been an issue at Love Lane, outside the entrance to the Glebe Cemetery, where a caravanette has been parked overnight for several weeks. The residents of the caravanette have been using gas bottles which have been outside of the vehicle and rubbish left around, some of which has gone into the Glebe Cemetery.

Councillor Rickard left the meeting at 8pm and did not return.

A discussion then took place about how a Traffic Regulation Order may improve or adversely affect the area.

It was RESOLVED that delegated powers be given to the Town Clerk, in conjunction with the Town Mayor and Councillor M May to investigate, and if deemed necessary to request a Traffic Regulation Order through the Community Network Panel.

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Tucker


RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items by reasons of the confidential nature of the item. Proceedings, apart from any resolutions passed, shall remain confidential.

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Mullins


RESOLVED that the financial regulation standing order number 11.1(h) be suspended for consideration of the current item, numerous decorators have been contacted and declined to supply quotations

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Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Wenmoth

RESOLVED that G J Medlin Painters and Decorators be appointed as the contractors to decorate the interior of the Temperance Hall at a cost of £5,150 +vat

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Bennett


Having earlier in the meeting declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, Councillor McSorley left the room for the duration of the following item and did not take part in the debate or the vote.

RESOLVED that the appointment of a contractor to repair the wall at the rear of the library, be deferred to the March 2020 Council meeting.

Proposed by Councillor Garrett and seconded by Councillor Mullins

Following the above resolution Councillor McSorley returned to the meeting.

There being no further business to transact the meeting was closed at 8:16pm


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Councillors Langan (Chairman), McSorley (Vice Chairman) Bennett, Cant, Edwards, Garrett, M May, Peters, Ruby, Snowdon, Tucker and Wenmoth

In Attendance Councillor Symons (Cornwall Councillor for Penryn East & Mylor) L Body - Administration Officer


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mullins (working), Rickard (out of County), H May (family commitments) and Widdon (family commitments)


Councillor Edwards declared a pecuniary interest in PA19/10444.


There were no requests for dispensations.


No requests had been received from members of the public wishing to speak at the meeting


RESOLVED that minutes 83 to 91 of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 20 January 2020 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor Tucker and seconded by Councillor Edwards


There were no items of correspondence relevant to the committee


PA18/00065 – Eastwood Farm Barn, 1 Eastwood Road, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council fully supports the application, subject to as much natural stone and slate is used as possible and that any recommendations from the Conservation Officer are adhered to.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Peters

PA19/10468 & PA19/10469 – 22 Broad Street, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council objects to the application.

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As stated in the core historic environment paragraphs contained within chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Town Council would like to ensure that its historic buildings are preserved and retained and can be enjoyed for their contribution to the town by current and future generations and visitors alike. Also, the Town Council wishes to adhere to the guidance of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (sections 16 and 66).

Proposed by Councillor McSorley and seconded by Councillor Wenmoth

PA19/11286 – Asda Stores Ltd., Access Road at Asda Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council has no objections with the proviso that no further encroachment on the existing car parking area takes place.

Proposed by Councillor Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Cant

PA20/00168 – 91a Road, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council fully supports the application.

Proposed by Councillor Peters and seconded by Councillor Garrett

Having earlier in the meeting declared a pecuniary interest, Councillor Edwards left the room for the duration of the following item and did not take part in the debate or the vote.

PA19/10444 – Town Hall, Higher Market Street, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council fully supports the application.

Proposed by Councillor Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Peters

Following the above resolution Councillor Edwards returned to the meeting.

PA20/00664 – 20 Polwithen Road, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council fully supports the application but did express concerns that there would be a loss of on street parking, on what is already a very busy parking area, due to the dropped kerb.

Proposed by Councillor Peters and seconded by Councillor Cant.


The list of decision notices were noted


Councillor Garrett had researched the general wording for future planning application responses regarding tree planting:

It was RESOLVED that the following wording be used: “In accordance with national and Cornwall Council policy and the Penryn Neighbourhood Plan, planning applications should aim for a net gain in biodiversity.

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Landscape planting should be sympathetic to local native species and habitats and avoid species known to be invasive in Cornwall”.

Proposed by Councillor Garret and seconded by Councillor Langan


The members discussed the 2020 Off-Street Parking Order by Cornwall council which proposed to make some alterations to car park operations and charges. It was RESOLVED to respond collectively as a Town Council and, if so wished, each Councillor could respond individually.

Proposed by Councillor Langan and seconded by Councillor Peters


The minutes of the Falmouth and Penryn Conservation Areas Advisory committee meeting held on 20 January 2020 were noted.

The members expressed thanks to Councillor Ruby for becoming the Town Council representative on the committee.

There being no further business to transact the meeting was closed at 8:00pm


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Committee members present: Councillors: M May, Wenmoth and Tucker

Co-opted members: Paul & Ada Renton, Tracey Doyle,

Members in attendance Lee Kelgren, Adrian Snell, Margaret Harrison, Dave Lessels, Steve Tribe, Michelle Taylor

In Attendance Darren Holland – Support Officer


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of John Kirby, Michelle Bray and Gill



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Week Committee held on 14 January 2020 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs J Tucker and seconded by Councillor C Wenmoth

3. V.E. DAY – 8 MAY 2020

Adrian gave update - all going well expecting a good number of vehicles 10-12 possibly. Discussed their arrival time for around 2pm-2.30pm (roads closed at 2pm) Adrian asked if flower arranging groups could be approached for windows etc. Adrian also provided some bunting/flags. Also suggested a ‘march past’ type salute to Mayor and dignitaries Steve Tribe – from English Heritage gave detailed account of what he could provide on the day. Happy to do themed talk/briefing also. Authentic dressed costumes possibly a small group of 4-5. Mentioned walking in uniform from Falmouth to raise awareness.

Bofors gun – could have outside town hall – not to fire due to windows/pets etc (needs £500 for firing) Marching Band discussed but agreed not required. Piper and bugler will be present.

Mary added NAAFI in Town Hall - exhibition also in Town Hall Band booked 4pm-7pm Temperance Hall Street Games will be held for children. Chaz also mentioned Conga

Chaz suggested working group for VE Day Invite to mayors etc Schedule to be arranged

Marshalls required for Dave L. media to be asked

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4. RAFT RACE 2020

No Uni rep so not able to progress. Darren to email FXU.

5. PENRYN WEEK 2020 Parkrun being launched during Penryn Week although will be starting quietly beforehand. Ray Stivey to do walks – for health. Routes required for programme Craft Club Thursday in library

Carnival Route discussed agreed to end at Memorial Gardens/Bowling Club to be approached re this. Marine Band have confirmed for Carnival – require pasty and pint Camborne Boys & Girls Brigade confirmed

Gig- Name to be formalised RJ’s to be contacted The Quest booked still need other bands. Lee suggested The Barrel free mic se session gets good groups Generator/toilet required - Darren


Mary will talk with bike shops and Falmouth TC are having a meeting about it also.


There was no additional business for the members to discuss


Tuesday 10th March 2020

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11am


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Minutes taken by Darren Holland [DH], Support Officer, Penryn Town Council

Tel: 01326 373086 Email: [email protected]


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18 February 2020 at 11.00am, in the Town Hall, Penryn

Present: Mary May [MKM] Phil Hinch [PH] Chaz Wenmoth [CW] Julie Tucker [JT] Tracy Doyle [TD] Dave Lessels [DL] Paul Renton [PR] Ada Renton [AR] Roger Reynolds [RR] Michelle Taylor [MT] Lee Kellgren [LK] Margaret Harrison [MH] Rai Lewis [RL]

1. Apologies

Apologies were received on behalf of Michelle Bray and John Kirby

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of last meeting held on 14 January 2020 were approved as a correct record

Proposed by Julie Tucker and Seconded by Tracy Doyle

3. Matters Arising (Not Agenda Items)

MKM – no response from Punch and Judy, chasing Professor Good Vibes

4. Town Fair General

Opener discussed - CW proposed Ivor Pascoe. Contact details to be sought for letter (CW) AR - Model Railway agreed to attend in Town Hall Details passed to DH. MKM suggested they provide signage

MKM – has contacted Mr Williams Electric Bike Shop (Commercial Road) who will display

Theme agreed as Red White & Blue

5. Entertainment Report

Soul Sensations booked – MKM St Keverne Band emailed MKM Irish Dancers – MKM Scruffy Mutts dance group emailed waiting to see what they can do MKM Unable to get hold of Train MKM Wrestling – sorted by Harry Leverton-Spry (will need taped off area) Face painter mentioned (under stalls) Titan confirmed Bouncy Castle to be emailed

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6. Stalls Report

Forms to be made up over next 4-6 weeks RR mentioned stall size and pitch size difference Raffle spoken about. Bingo normal donation JT Problem last year discussed. Liaison person discussed – Karen Campbell to be asked.

7. Treasures Report

Update sheet provided.

8. Any Other Business

Email teacher re helping sound equipment MT- said no reply received yet Marshalling DL added more marshals required although he has a good core DH to advertise in media

9. Date of Next Meeting

Next meeting 10 March 11am

There being no further business to transact the meeting was closed at 11.50am

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Minutes of the Penryn Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Tuesday 7 January 2020 at 6.30pm

The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Higher Market Street, Penryn

Present: Councillor McSorley (RMcS ) Councillor Symons Councillor M May (MM) Mr M Hewitt Councillor Garrett (JG) Mr T Frairs Councillor Widdon (TW) Mr M Jones Mr Terry Grove-White (TGW)

In Attendance: Linda Body (LB)

Agenda Item: Minute: Action:

1. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from:

Helen Perry - Town Clerk, Cllr Wenmoth (CW), Cllr Mullins (CM), Cllr H May, F Dawkins (FD), E Dawkins (ED), E Richmond (ER), T Howells (TH)

2. Declarations of There were no declarations of interest. Interest

3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on the 19 October 2019 were approved as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Garrett

4. Correspondence LB informed the meeting that in response to the letters to landowners that had been sent out in mid December 2019 she had that day received an email from one of the Directors of Walker Developments requesting the key that would accompany the Draft Plan. TGW stated that he would TGW forward this on.

TGW added there had also been a response from Joe Giordano Managing Director of Bargate Real Estate Developments Ltd in relation to their land at Polsethow enclosing a copy of their Denton planning opinion on the site which invoked the extant planning permission for the

Page 17 of 81 site demised which enabled them to do phase 1.

The landowners would also be added to the database for consultees and a follow on letter in regard to tree planting on the sites would be sent out in due course. LB and TGW LB, TGW to liaise to produce a database of consultees.

5. Making Space As the last meeting in November was cancelled LB reported for Nature that Helen Fearnley (HF) from Cornwall Council’s Making Space for Nature, who was due to present at that meeting, would still wish to meet with the Neighbourhood Plan Group. RMcS added that HF had attended last evening’s Council meeting where she highlighted the project in regard to Penryn. Penryn is one of a selection of sites chosen for the transformation of urban spaces and turning green deserts into places for people and wildlife, with approximately £200k spend per town, if suitable sites are available.

A short discussion then took place in regard to tree planting and TF also mentioned his community group project 'Trees4Penryn'. RMcS suggested that HF be invited to the next meeting which would focus on the green corridor and link it in with a brief explanation of TF’s proposals etc. HF to also to be asked to have a stand at our Launch Day on LB the 18 January 2020 in the Library and that as part of the plan’s consultation process there will be a sign post to the Making Space for Nature website. MH 6. For Discussion: Pre-submission document: MH reported to the meeting that the draft document is almost complete, just a few more images to be uploaded. He is hopeful to have it ready by the end of this week. TGW to check the glossary and then TGW the appendices can be added. There will be one comprehensive document and also one that is easily downloadable etc.

When ready MH will upload onto the website and there will be a new web page that explains the process and steps to access all of the information required.

The pull out leaflet is ready to go to Booths printers and LB LB will source a price for a door to door drop by the Royal Mail so that every household in Penryn receives a copy.

Consultation document: the launch of the consultation will take place in the Library between 10.00am and 2.00pm on Saturday 18 January 2020. The close of the six week consultation period will be Monday 2 March 2020.

RMcS and TGW will draft a press release, JG will create a RMcS, Facebook event for social media and LB will produce TGW, LB posters. Large banners will also be printed for display throughout the town highlighting the consultation and where to access information.

Page 18 of 81 6. Finance Update LB gave the finance update to the meeting as of November 2019:

Budget: £12,223 Spent: £ 6,482 Remaining: £ 5,740

7. PRFC Home TH was unable to attend the meeting so LB gave an update Dates for on his behalf: Volunteers on Stand and update TH has liaised with the College and Junior school and they from Trevor are more than happy to host an event within their premises. Howells The College event would be best in the evening and the Junior school during the day.

The dates of the home games for the rugby club were given to the group and after general discussion the meeting decided that the 1 February 2020 would be the best to accommodate. RMcS and TW to be present on the stand.

LB to inform TH of this date and also liaise with the college LB and junior school for dates that would be convenient for them.

8. Next steps • Final document to be added to the agenda for the HP Council meeting on Monday 6 April • LB to enquire regarding a stand in ASDA’s foyer LB • Leaflet distribution – LB to enquire with Royal Mail LB regarding their door to door drop

9. Consultation There will be no prize draw for completed consultation Prizes forms.

10. Date of next The group agreed the following dates to meet to enable the meetings draft plan to go to Council on 6 April 2020:

4 February, Council Chamber, 6.30pm 3 March, Council Chamber, 6.30pm 17 March, Council Chamber, 6.30pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15pm

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Minutes of the Penryn Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Tuesday 4 February 2020 at 6.30pm

The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Higher Market Street, Penryn

Present: Councillor McSorley (RMcS) Mr E Dawkins (ED) Councillor M May (MM) Mrs F Dawkins (FD) Councillor Wenmoth (CW) Ms S Redman (SR) Councillor Garrett (JG) Mr T Frairs (TF) Councillor Widdon (TW) Mr T Howells (TH) Councillor Symons (JS) Councillor Mullins (CM)

In Attendance: Terry Grove-White (TGW) Helen Fearnley – Cornwall Council (HF) Linda Body (LB)

Agenda Item: Minute: Action:

1. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from:

Helen Perry - Town Clerk

2. Declarations of There were no declarations of interest. Interest

3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on the 7 January 2020 were approved as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Garrett

4. Correspondence There were no items of correspondence to report to the meeting.

5. Making Space HF gave a brief overview of the Making Space for Nature for Nature project from Cornwall Council. The sites that are proposed for investment are:

• Trelawney Park Play Area • Glasney Playing Field – Old College • Churchyard • Saracen Estate – verges and zig zag path to valley

Page 20 of 81 • Road verges • Old Well Gardens • Glen View – verge near corner shop and play area

The planting of orchards (pear and apple trees) could also possibly be a part of the project. All to think about possible All sites in Penryn and how many trees that site could hold and report back to the Climate Change group (TW). MM added that the Town Council had awarded a grant to Chyan Community Field, an organic forest farm with community access, and perhaps they would wish to be involved too. LB LB to send HF the contact details. The project is also interested in links to the ‘Trees4Penryn’ project and the Permarin Park.

There will be a consultation on the design for the possible sites around March/April time and this could be linked to the Town Council’s Climate Change Group consultation event that they are proposing to hold at the end of March and both groups could work together.

Trees4Penryn – SR reported to the meeting that she is happy to act as the hub of the project whilst it is getting off the ground. The two main strands would be Commercial Road and the Permarin Park. The emphasis would be to get the local community to become more actively involved and hopefully the project will start to evolve.

MM advised that there are already similar Cornwall Council projects in place. Permarin Park (Cornwall Housing land) has been awarded some grant funding monies. This is held by Penryn Town Council and SR could liaise with HP regarding the financial aspects. Also, Commercial Road is currently undergoing a scheme by Cornwall Council and MM will pass SR any new information.

6. For Discussion: Consultation update and further events:

• Responses are now coming in online and LB had received some handwritten feedback forms.

• The Library Launch of the plan was a great success with over 135 people through the door

• Publicity event at the Rugby Club last Saturday had gone very well.

• LB to investigate that all leaflets had been delivered LB as some had not received theirs yet

• JG and LB will boost on social media and include JG and LB recent pictures of the events

• Additional updated press release to be prepared LB and TGW

Page 21 of 81 • Leaflets to go out to as many local businesses as possible, i.e. Nemo’s, Rosemullion veterinary practice, Fish Factory etc.

• LB to order more leaflets from Booths printers LB

• JG will promote at the next University Information JG Sharing Forum meeting

• CW to take some to the Friday market CW

Additional events:

• LB to chase ASDA for stand/presence in the foyer LB • Possible Sunday morning at the Rugby Club • Muddy Beach event – TW to liaise TW • Penryn Academy Concert evenings in February – LB to follow up with the school LB

TGW reported that he had met with Cornwall Planning Officers recently and they had commented that Penryn’s Draft Plan was one of the best that they had seen.

College Valley - Designation of Local green space: After a lengthy discussion the group will stick to the current plan, i.e. keep College Valley designated as a local green space.

6. Finance Update LB gave the finance update to the meeting as of February 2020:

Remaining: £ 4,265

7. Next steps All as above

8. Date of next 3 March, Council Chamber, 6.30pm meetings 17 March, Council Chamber, 6.30pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.00pm

Page 22 of 81


Councillors Garrett, M May, Wenmoth, and Widdon

Co-opted Members Paul Simmons, Lisa Peakman and Sarah Redman

In Attendance Robert Oliver (Finance Officer)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mullins, Ruby and Edwards Apologies also received from Co-opted members Jane Cross and Daisy Sawle

Councillor S Peters absent, no apology given


RESOLVED that minute numbers 19 to 27 of the meeting of the Climate Emergency Working Group held on 25 November 2019 be approved as a correct record

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Garrett


There were no declarations of interest

31. INTRODUCTIONS Invited guest Mael Garrec introduced himself to the group he works for Cornwall Council in the transport department and has attended the Neighbourhood Plan meetings; he is assisting Becalelis with the Penryn Transport Pool.


Paul Simmons advised that due to ill health he will have to step down from the group however another member of Extinction Rebellion will attend the next meeting and look to be co-opted in his place.

Mael Garrec stood to become a co-optative member of the working group.

RESOLVED that M Garrec becomes a co-opted member of the working group.

Proposed by Councillor Garrett and seconded by Councillor M May


Becalelis Brodskis presented to the group about Penryn Transport Pool and its plans for shared transport for residents of the town.

Page 23 of 81

A discussion followed about similar schemes already in place and ways that Penryn Town Council could support the pilot scheme, including incorporation to the Neighbourhood Plan. Becalelis would like the Town Council to support his scheme.

RESOLVED to recommend to full council that the Council choose in principle to support the Penryn Transport Pool.

Proposed by Councillor M May and seconded by Councillor Garrett


A discussion took place about the event to be held by the Climate Emergency working group.

It was agreed that the event should take place following the completion of the Neighbourhood plan consultation.

Penryn College have offered the use of their premises free of charge and it was agreed that this would be the venue for the event. The event will be arranged on a Saturday, with a format where groups etc have stalls.

Councillor Widdon to liaise with Penryn College with a view to holding the event on the 25 April or 2 May, once the date is confirmed it will be circulated to the group.


The Finance Officer confirmed that the Council had agreed a budget of £1,500 for Climate Emergency. The budget will come into effect in the new financial year; as of 1 April 2020.


The Finance Officer confirmed that the change of energy supply to a greener option will be presented to full Council on Monday 2 March.

It was also noted that the Triodos bank account had now been opened and funds would be invested with them as resolved by full council.

There being no further business to transact the meeting was closed at 8:00pm


Page 24 of 81


3 February – 1 March 2020

6 February 2020 Cornwall Lecture, Truro Cathedral

7 February 2020 Fanny and Fox Exhibition

9 February 2020 Penryn Methodist Church Anniversary Service

11 February 2020 University monthly meeting in the Library

27 February 2020 Opening of the Gallery, 65 The Terrace

Page 25 of 81


2 MARCH 2020

Report from the Town Clerk

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Town Clerk’s report is a regular update on progress with Council decisions and projects and the work of the Council staff.

2. Discussion

Insurance Policy The Council’s insurance policy is due for renewal on 25 March, the three-year agreement has expired, and we are expecting insurance quotes from additional companies in the next few days.

Permarin Car Park – White Lining The re-instating of the white parking bay lines is due to take place on Wednesday 18 March 2020. Notices have been produced, and the closure has been advertised on the Town Council’s Facebook page.

Old Gent’s Hut The building has been handed back from the Dracaena Centre.

CCTV Repositioning The request to move the CCTV camera in Broad Street has been declined, a meeting will be arranged with SSE to discuss alternative locations.

RoSPA Inspections The annual inspections of the play equipment are due to take place in April.

Temperance Hall - Exterior The scaffolding should be erected by the end of the day on Tuesday 3 March 2020, the repair to the windows can then commence.

Training The Full-time Support Officer and the Finance Officer have been signed up to complete the online ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence Course), all other members of the office staff have already completed the course. The Administration Officer is attending a First Aid refresher course on Friday 28 February.

3. Recommendation That the report be noted.

4. Appendices


Page 26 of 81 COUNCIL

2 MARCH 2020

Accounts – 1 to 31 JANUARY 2020

Author: Robert Oliver, Finance Officer

1. Background

The accounts of the Town Council are presented for approval at each meeting of full Council. A budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation are also attached as appendices to the report.

2. Discussion

The accounts show the total assets of the Council are £355,080.63 as at 31 January 2020. Items of expenditure over £500 (excluding salaries) are as follows:

1 January to 31 January 2020 • Cornwall Council 737.00 Non-Domestic Rates- Library • Cornwall Council 712.00 Non-Domestic Rates – Town Hall • Piran Technologies 578.74 Upgrade to Windows 10 • Richard Herring 500.00 Repair & Repaint of three benches • Macca’s Maintenance 1,300.00 Replacement guttering at Library • Cornwall Council 3,895.60 Permarin Car Park – Lease 1/1-30/6/2020 • Cornwall Council 1,260.00 CCTV Charges • Hopkins Joinery 1,620.00 50% Deposit for window repairs – Temp Hall • NHB Architectural Services 678.00 Survey costs for Library toilet • British Gas 597.64 Gas charges, 17/10/19 – 20/1/2020 • Mike Hewett Design 972.00 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation • HMRC 2,362.48 Tax/NI – January 2020 • Cornwall Council 2,737.19 Pensions – January 2020

The following are items of note on the budget monitor report not previously reported:

• Interest Received (1090 170) – £85,000 has been invested with Lloyds for a period of 42 days whilst awaiting the accounts to be opened with Triodos, Co-op & Metro Bank. • Seats Maintenance (4190 110) – The first three benches in the town have been removed and repaired/painted by Richard Herring, the remainder will be done in February spending the budget of £1,000. • Neighbourhood Plan – (4566 190) – Following the public launch £3948.52 remains in the Neighbourhood Plan budget. • Non-Domestic Rates – the final payments for the 2019/20 financial year have been made

3. Recommendations

That the list of accounts paid from 1 January to 31 January 2020 be approved.

4. Appendices

1. Balance Sheet – January 2020 2. Accounts Paid – January 2020 3. Bank Reconciliation – All Accounts January 2020 4. Budget Monitor Report as at 31 January 2020 Page 27 of 81

31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 1

10:20 Detailed Balance Sheet - Excluding Stock Movement

Month 10 Date 31/01/2020

A/c Description Actual

Current Assets

100 Debtors 1,565

105 VAT Control Account 1,466

200 Lloyds - Treasurer Account 238,662

210 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,815

220 Investment Holding Account 85,000

250 Petty Cash 250

260 Procurement Card (865)

Total Current Assets 357,892

Current Liabilities

500 Creditors 10,785

Total Current Liabilities 10,785

Net Current Assets 347,108

Total Assets less Current Liabilities 347,108

Represented by :-

300 Current Year Fund 51,200

310 General Reserves 214,066

322 EMR - Glasney Field 1,000

326 EMR - Broad St Pavement Fund 30,000

335 EMR - Rent - Permarin 1,604

360 EMR - Temperance Hall Decoration 5,000

361 EMR - Permarin P. Park Grant 9,839

362 EMR - Neighbourhood Plan 4,918

363 EMR - Int. Dec Temp Hall 10,000

364 EMR - Library Toilet 15,950

365 EMR - Library Wall & Guttering 1,384

366 EMR - Display Cabinet 20

367 EMR - Shute Meadow Painting 400

368 EMR - Library Professional Fee 1,500

369 EMR - Finance Office Equip 226

Total Equity 347,107

Page 28 of 81 Date: 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 1

Time: 10:53 Lloyds - Treasurer Account

List of Payments made between 01/01/2020 and 31/01/2020

Date Paid Payee Name Reference Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 66.00 NDR - Permarin Toilet

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 323.00 NDR - Permarin Car Park

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 737.00 NDR - Library

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 712.00 NDR - Town Hall

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 310.00 NDR - Temp Hall

01/01/2020 Cornwall Council Std Ord 84.00 NDR - Glebe Cemetery

06/01/2020 South West Water DD 6/1 57.00 Purchase Ledger Payment

06/01/2020 South West Water - Permarin D.D 6/1 50.50 Purchase Ledger Payment

06/01/2020 South West Water - Town Hall DD 6.1 24.00 Purchase Ledger Payment

06/01/2020 South West Water - Temp Hall D.D 6.1 46.50 Purchase Ledger Payment

10/01/2020 Piran Technologies Ltd DD00830 578.74 3 x Windows Upgrades

10/01/2020 Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD00828 40.70 Waste Services, 28/12 - 24/1

10/01/2020 Churchill Contract Services DD00829 437.26 Cleaning Contract - December

10/01/2020 EDF Energy DD00825 77.32 Electric - 14/6 - 11/12/19

10/01/2020 B & Q (Trade UK) DD00824 82.00 Wood stain - 3 x Benches

10/01/2020 Michaels Civic Robes DD00826 129.60 Sleeves - Town Crier

10/01/2020 Richard Herring DD00827 500.00 Refurbishment x3 Town Benches

14/01/2020 Bulb Energy Ltd DD 14/1 64.77 Gas, 12/12 - 11/1/20

14/01/2020 Pitney Bowes D.D 14/1 15.54 Franking Mach. Rental

17/01/2020 British Gas DD 17/1 11.74 Electric, 28/11 - 26/12

21/01/2020 Ebuyer (UK) Limited DD00832 333.47 New Office Laptop

21/01/2020 Maccas Maintenance Service DD00833 1,300.00 Replace Guttering - Library

21/01/2020 The Printing Chambers DD00834 105.00 N'Hood Plan Banners x 3

21/01/2020 Total Gas & Power DD00837 134.98 Gas, 30/11 - 11/12

21/01/2020 Jackson Lift Services DD00838 100.80 Annual A'ment, 14/1/20-13/1/21

21/01/2020 Cornwall Council DD00835 3,895.60 Permarin Half Year Rent

21/01/2020 Cornwall Council DD00836 1,260.00 BT Costs, 1/4/19 - 31/3/20

21/01/2020 Booths Print DD00839 102.00 Christmas Cards & Envelopes

21/01/2020 IRIS Business Software Ltd DD 21/1 12.86 Auto Enrolment Fee - Dec 19

21/01/2020 IRIS Business Software Ltd D.D 21/1 5.79 Payslips - December 19

21/01/2020 Worldpay DD 21.1 1.39 Card Fees - Dec 19

21/01/2020 Mark Snowdon - Repay DD00831 100.00 Mark Snowdon - Repay

24/01/2020 Pitney Bowes DD 24/1 100.00 Reset Postage Meter

30/01/2020 Investment Holding Account Bank 30/1 85,000.00 Fixed Term Investment

31/01/2020 Hopkins Joinery DD00845 1,620.00 Window Repairs Deposit, Temp H

31/01/2020 NHB Architectural Services Ltd DD00847 678.00 Survey - Library Toilet

31/01/2020 British Gas DD00844 597.64 Gas, 17/10 - 20/1/20

31/01/2020 Cornish Coffee Ltd DD00843 52.76 Box of Coffee, Canteen

31/01/2020 Mike Hewett Design DD00842 972.00 NHP Consultation

31/01/2020 Teamwork Leaflet Distribution DD00846 135.00 NHP Leaflet Distribution

31/01/2020 Booths Print DD00841 263.00 NHP A3 Leaflets x 3500

31/01/2020 N Fenner - Pen Buzz repay DD00848 41.35 N Fenner - Pen Buzz repay

31/01/2020 Salaries - January 2020 DD00840 13,906.38 Salaries - January 2020

Continued on Page 2

Page 29 of 81 Date: 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 2

Time: 10:53 Lloyds - Treasurer Account

List of Payments made between 01/01/2020 and 31/01/2020

Date Paid Payee Name Reference Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

Total Payments 115,065.69

Page 30 of 81 Date: 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 1

Time: 10:53 Procurement Card

List of Payments made between 01/01/2020 and 31/01/2020

Date Paid Payee Name Reference Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

03/01/2020 C. Council -Build. Control Fee CARD 3/1 324.00 C. Council -Build. Control Fee

08/01/2020 Next Day Catering Equipment Lt Card 8/1 65.99 Caterlite Water Boiler 8ltr

16/01/2020 Office Furniture Online Card 16/1 426.36 Silverline Cupboard- TC Office

27/01/2020 Paragon Internet Group t/a Tso Card 27/1 48.95 Domain Renewal –

Total Payments 865.30

Page 31 of 81 Penryn Town Council

Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 January 2020

Account Description Balance

Bank Statement Balances

1 31/01/2020 Lloyds - Treasurer Accounts 238,880.92

2 31/01/2020 Lloyds - 30 Day Account 31,815.01

3 31/01/2020 Investment Holding Account 85,000.00

4 31/01/2020 Petty Cash 250.00

5 31/01/2020 Procurement Card -865.30


Unpresented Payments

1 31/12/2019 000881 219.01



All Cash & Bank Accounts

1 Lloyds - Treasurer Account 238,661.91

2 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,815.01

3 Investment Holding Account 85,000.00

4 Petty Cash 250.00

5 Procurement Card -865.30

Other Cash & Bank Balances 0.00

Total Cash & Bank Balances 354,861.62

Page 32 of 81 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 1


Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

100 Administration

4000 Gross Salaries - Administration 8,664 87,721 103,667 15,946 15,946 84.6%

4001 Gross Salaries - Caretakers 2,215 21,801 26,320 4,519 4,519 82.8%

4002 Gross Salaries - Civic 0 300 375 75 75 80.0%

4020 Pensions - Employees 599 5,721 7,644 1,923 1,923 74.8%

4021 Pensions - Employers 1,878 18,269 26,073 7,804 7,804 70.1%

4022 Pensions - ADC 260 2,680 3,200 520 520 83.8%

4030 Mileage 0 298 900 602 602 33.2%

4031 Travel 0 7 75 68 68 8.9%

4035 Staff Clothing 0 137 650 513 175 338 48.0%

4050 Training 540 1,111 3,000 1,889 90 1,799 40.0%

4055 Bank Charges 3 62 170 108 108 36.7%

4060 Postage 113 918 1,210 292 292 75.9%

4065 Photocopier Lease 0 709 1,100 391 391 64.4%

4070 Printing 0 697 1,200 503 503 58.1%

4075 Advertising 0 162 200 38 38 81.0%

4080 Stationery 70 641 1,200 559 62 497 58.5%

4085 Telephone/Fax/Internet 0 2,592 4,000 1,408 1,408 64.8%

4090 Consultancy & Audit 0 100 2,300 2,200 2,200 4.3%

4091 Professional Fees 0 4,083 5,000 917 917 81.7%

4095 Election Expenses 0 0 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.0%

4100 Office - Other 0 691 1,300 609 14 595 54.2%

4105 Computer Related 16 1,925 3,000 1,075 1,075 64.2%

4110 Subscriptions 0 2,031 2,060 29 29 98.6%

4111 Health & Safety 0 13 0 (13) (13) 0.0%

4115 Insurance 0 3,945 5,000 1,055 1,055 78.9%

4120 Canteen 53 610 1,000 390 390 61.0%

4125 Disclosure and Barring Service 0 0 400 400 400 0.0%

Administration :- Indirect Expenditure 14,410 157,224 206,544 49,320 341 48,979 76.3%

Net Expenditure

(14,410) (157,224) (206,544) (49,320)

110 Amenities

1000 Footpath Maintenance Income 0 272 272 0 100.0%

Amenities :- Income 0 272 272 0 100.0%

4181 Refilling Grit Bins 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.0%

4185 Footpath Maint 0 840 1,250 410 280 129 89.6%

4190 Seats Maint. 500 641 1,000 359 500 (141) 114.1%

4195 Treluswell Verge 0 800 950 150 48 102 89.3%

4200 Packsaddle Verge 0 572 730 158 104 54 92.6%

Continued over page

Page 33 of 81 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 2


Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4205 Other General Maint. 0 128 1,000 872 872 12.8%

4210 Quay Hill Shelter 0 0 500 500 500 0.0%

4215 Doorstep Green/Glasney 0 1,615 2,350 735 735 0 100.0%

4220 BMX Track 0 0 2,950 2,950 2,950 0.0%

4230 Floral Displays/Penryn Pride 0 279 6,163 5,884 2,462 3,422 44.5%

4240 Weed Clearing 0 1,767 1,800 33 33 98.1%

Amenities :- Indirect Expenditure 500 6,642 19,893 13,251 4,129 9,122 54.1%

Net Income over Expenditure

(500) (6,370) (19,621) (13,251)

120 Cemetery

1050 Burial Income 0 495 600 105 82.5%

1055 Exclusive Right Burial Income 0 1,100 400 (700) 275.0%

1060 Memorials Income 0 575 130 (445) 442.3%

1070 Plot Reservations 0 50 0 (50) 0.0%

Cemetery :- Income 0 2,220 1,130 (1,090) 196.5%

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 84 840 821 (19) (19) 102.3%

4255 Burial Ground Maint. 38 4,797 6,600 1,803 935 868 86.9%

4260 Other Burial Ground Costs 0 0 100 100 100 0.0%

Cemetery :- Indirect Expenditure 122 5,637 7,521 1,884 935 949 87.4%

Net Income over Expenditure

(122) (3,417) (6,391) (2,974)

130 Capital Expenditure

4300 Office Equipment 0 471 1,000 529 0 529 47.1%

4305 Furniture & Fittings 355 1,239 1,500 261 261 82.6%

4307 Equipment for Halls 55 734 850 116 0 116 86.3%

4308 Grit Bins 0 0 700 700 700 0.0%

4340 Christmas Light Displays 100 5,597 4,000 (1,597) (1,597) 139.9%

4341 Bunting 0 613 600 (13) (13) 102.1%

Capital Expenditure :- Indirect Expenditure 510 8,653 8,650 (3) 0 (3) 100.0%

Net Expenditure

(510) (8,653) (8,650) 3

140 Car Parks

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 323 3,229 3,157 (72) (72) 102.3%

4380 Permarin - Lease/Rent 3,246 8,116 7,143 (973) (973) 113.6%

4390 Permarin - Maint. 0 210 3,500 3,290 140 3,150 10.0%

4395 Shute Meadow Maint. 0 105 200 95 70 25 87.5%

Car Parks :- Indirect Expenditure 3,569 11,660 14,000 2,340 210 2,130 84.8%

Net Expenditure

(3,569) (11,660) (14,000) (2,340)

Continued over page

Page 34 of 81 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 3


Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

150 Civic

4442 Mayor's Fundraising Income 200 6,008 0 (6,008) 0.0%

Civic :- Income 200 6,008 0 (6,008)

4430 Civic - General 0 222 500 278 278 44.4%

4431 Mayor Making Reception 0 440 0 (440) (440) 0.0%

4435 Mayor's Allowance 290 2,145 2,750 605 605 78.0%

4436 Deputy Mayor's Allowance 0 136 500 364 364 27.2%

4440 Civic Insignia/Regalia 99 349 1,500 1,151 1,151 23.3%

4441 Mayor's Fundraising Expend. 0 1,044 0 (1,044) (1,044) 0.0%

4443 Mayor's Fundraising Charity Don 0 1,500 0 (1,500) (1,500) 0.0%

Civic :- Indirect Expenditure 390 5,836 5,250 (586) 0 (586) 111.2%

Net Income over Expenditure

(190) 172 (5,250) (5,422)

160 Grants

4480 Grants - Community 0 1,119 7,000 5,881 5,881 16.0%

4485 Minor Enhancement Grant 0 400 0 (400) (400) 0.0%

Grants :- Indirect Expenditure 0 1,519 7,000 5,481 0 5,481 21.7%

Net Expenditure

0 (1,519) (7,000) (5,481)

165 S137 Expenditure

4495 S137 Grants 0 730 0 (730) (730) 0.0%

4496 S137 Other Expenditure 0 134 120 (14) (14) 111.7%

S137 Expenditure :- Indirect Expenditure 0 864 120 (744) 0 (744) 720.0%

Net Expenditure

0 (864) (120) 744

170 Income

1076 Precept Received 0 262,602 262,602 0 100.0%

1090 Interest Received 1 612 350 (262) 174.7%

1110 Council Tax Support 0 12,524 12,524 0 100.0%

1150 Other Income 0 10,125 2,494 (7,631) 406.0%

Income :- Income 1 285,863 277,970 (7,893) 102.8%

Net Income

1 285,863 277,970 (7,893)

180 Other Services

4520 C.C.T.V. 1,050 6,910 8,000 1,090 1,497 (407) 105.1%

Other Services :- Indirect Expenditure 1,050 6,910 8,000 1,090 1,497 (407) 105.1%

Net Expenditure

(1,050) (6,910) (8,000) (1,090)

Continued over page

Page 35 of 81 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 4


Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

190 Projects & Events

1200 Events Income 0 0 100 100 0.0%

1201 Penryn Town Fair Income 0 1,688 0 (1,688) 0.0%

1352 Penryn Week Income 0 1,114 500 (614) 222.9%

1353 Fair Day Income 0 0 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Projects & Events :- Income 0 2,802 1,600 (1,202) 175.1%

4560 Penryn Week Expenditure 200 2,994 4,000 1,006 1,006 74.9%

4561 Penryn Town Fair 0 3,219 3,600 381 381 89.4%

4563 Penryn Christmas Lights 0 782 1,000 218 218 78.2%

4564 Remembrance Sunday 0 250 300 50 50 83.3%

4566 Neighbourhood Plan 1,584 7,259 0 (7,259) (7,259) 0.0%

4571 Bee Friendly Planting & Project 34 139 500 361 361 27.9%

4575 Penryn Commemorates Project 0 670 638 (32) (32) 105.0%

4576 Public Toilet - Library 565 565 0 (565) (565) 0.0%

4577 Commercial Road Enhancement 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0%

4578 Town Hall Roof 0 295 21,324 21,029 21,029 1.4%

4579 Library Heating Project 0 2,943 6,000 3,057 3,057 49.0%

4583 Tree Installation Works 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0%

4584 Wall Repair 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Projects & Events :- Indirect Expenditure 2,384 19,117 45,862 26,745 0 26,745 41.7%

Net Income over Expenditure

(2,384) (16,314) (44,262) (27,948)

6000 plus Transfer from EMR 0 5,652

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve

(2,384) (10,663)

200 Public Conveniences

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 66 663 713 50 50 93.0%

4600 Water 139 422 800 378 378 52.8%

4610 Electricity 24 107 157 50 50 68.3%

4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 48 750 702 702 6.4%

4620 Annual Contracts 364 3,652 5,060 1,408 1,408 72.2%

4650 Consumables 0 0 110 110 110 0.0%

Public Conveniences :- Indirect Expenditure 593 4,892 7,590 2,698 0 2,698 64.5%

Net Expenditure

(593) (4,892) (7,590) (2,698)

220 Temperance Hall

1300 Temperance Hall Hire Income 573 5,263 6,250 988 84.2%

Temperance Hall :- Income 573 5,263 6,250 988 84.2%

Continued over page

Page 36 of 81 31/01/2020 Penryn Town Council Page 5


Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 310 3,100 3,031 (69) (69) 102.3%

4600 Water 0 447 760 313 313 58.8%

4605 Gas 0 1,112 3,360 2,248 2,248 33.1%

4610 Electricity 0 710 1,600 890 890 44.4%

4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 112 1,000 888 888 11.2%

4616 Exterior Decoration 1,350 1,350 0 (1,350) 1,350 (2,700) 0.0%

4620 Annual Contracts 0 134 300 166 166 44.7%

4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 273 300 27 27 90.9%

Temperance Hall :- Indirect Expenditure 1,660 7,238 10,351 3,113 1,350 1,763 83.0%

Net Income over Expenditure

(1,088) (1,976) (4,101) (2,125)

230 Town Hall

1350 Town Hall Hire Income 23 5,211 3,900 (1,311) 133.6%

1360 Museum Donations 0 215 150 (65) 143.1%

Town Hall :- Income 23 5,425 4,050 (1,375) 134.0%

4091 Professional Fees 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0%

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 712 7,120 7,577 458 458 94.0%

4600 Water 0 277 311 34 34 89.2%

4605 Gas 641 1,413 1,500 87 87 94.2%

4610 Electricity 0 445 1,200 755 755 37.1%

4615 Repairs & Maintenance 25 495 2,600 2,105 5 2,100 19.2%

4620 Annual Contracts 0 589 900 311 311 65.5%

4700 Museum Expenditure 41 (221) 1,200 1,421 480 941 21.5%

4701 Wedding Licence Fee (3 yrly) 0 1,210 1,210 0 0 100.0%

4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 140 500 360 360 28.1%

Town Hall :- Indirect Expenditure 1,419 11,469 17,998 6,529 485 6,044 66.4%

Net Income over Expenditure

(1,396) (6,043) (13,948) (7,905)

240 Penryn Library

1400 Library Income 135 1,242 1,400 158 88.7%

Penryn Library :- Income 135 1,242 1,400 158 88.7%

4091 Professional Fees 270 270 1,500 1,230 1,230 18.0%

4250 Non-Domestic Rates 737 7,365 7,920 555 555 93.0%

4600 Water 25 192 800 608 608 24.0%

4605 Gas 248 (1,555) 2,200 3,755 3,755 (70.7%)

4610 Electricity 0 (817) 3,630 4,447 4,447 (22.5%)

4615 Repairs & Maintenance 1,300 2,488 3,500 1,012 1,012 71.1%

4617 Interior Decoration 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0%

Continued over page

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10:30 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/01/2020

Month No: 10 Budget Report

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent

Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4620 Annual Contracts 84 531 2,510 1,979 1,979 21.2%

4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0%

Penryn Library :- Indirect Expenditure 2,665 8,474 29,260 20,786 0 20,786 29.0%

Net Income over Expenditure

(2,530) (7,232) (27,860) (20,628)

250 Health & Safety

4625 Annual Inspections 0 680 500 (180) (180) 136.0%

Health & Safety :- Indirect Expenditure 0 680 500 (180) 0 (180) 136.0%

Net Expenditure

0 (680) (500) 180

260 Memorial Garden

4610 Electricity 0 208 150 (58) (58) 138.8%

4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 864 1,500 636 187 449 70.0%

Memorial Garden :- Indirect Expenditure 0 1,072 1,650 578 187 391 76.3%

Net Expenditure

0 (1,072) (1,650) (578)

900 Earmarked Reserves

9020 EMR - Rent Permarin 0 0 1,604 1,604 1,604 0.0%

9044 EMR - Glasney Playing Field 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0%

9046 EMR - Broad Street Pavements 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0%

9050 EMR - Neighbourhood Plan 0 8 10,423 10,415 10,415 0.1%

9053 EMR - Temperance Hall Decoration 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0%

9054 EMR - Permarin P. Park Grant 0 0 9,838 9,838 9,838 0.0%

Earmarked Reserves :- Indirect Expenditure 0 8 57,865 57,857 0 57,857 0.0%

Net Expenditure

0 (8) (57,865) (57,857)

6000 plus Transfer from EMR 0 8

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve

0 0

Grand Totals:- Income 931 309,095 292,672 (16,423) 105.6%

Expenditure 29,272 257,895 448,054 190,159 9,133 181,026 59.6%

Net Income over Expenditure

(28,340) 51,200 (155,382) (206,582)

plus Transfer from EMR 0 5,660

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve

(28,340) 56,860

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2 MARCH 2020

Community Grants

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

For the year ended 31 March 2020, Council has allocated a total fund for community grants of £7,000, of which £876.10 currently remains unallocated. All community grants are considered in accordance with the Town Council’s Community Grants Policy.

2. Discussion

Community Grant requests has been received from:

• Cornwall Air Ambulance • iSight Cornwall • Incredible Edible Penryn

Copies of the application form(s) are attached as an Appendix to the report.

The grants requests received total £950 and there is only £876.10 left in the budget

3. Recommendation

That the Committee considers each request for a Community Grant

4. Appendices

1. Cornwall Air Ambulance – Grant Application 2. iSight Cornwall – Grant Application 3. Incredible Edible – Grant Application

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Penryn Town Council


Name of Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust Organisation

Registered Charity 1133295 No. (if applicable)

Purpose of Cornwall Air Ambulance provides emergency medical air response. Organisation We respond to medical incidents such as cardiac arrests and strokes, and trauma incidents including road traffic accidents and serious falls.

The geographical shape, rural landscape and poor transport infrastructure can make road response challenging. With only a minor critical care unit at Royal Cornwall Treliske (a 20minute road journey from Penryn) the air ambulance is vital in reaching and treating critical patients alongside transferring them to specialist out-of-county units such as Derriford in Plymouth, Children’s Unit at Bristol, and the Burns unit at Swansea.

The air ambulance is deployed by South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust, from their Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Desk (HEMS) in Exeter. Two Specialist Paramedics in Critical Care crew the helicopter at any time; this advanced learning ensures the highest level of pre-hospital care to patients on scene.

Thanks to the support of our local community, like yourselves, a new AW169 air ambulance helicopter will come into service from April 2020. It is faster, more powerful, will be equipped with state- of-the-art medical equipment and provide our clinicians with 360degree access to patients. It will allow us to get to the seriously injured and ill faster, provide diagnosis and advanced clinical treatment at scene.

The new helicopter is a vital piece in the plan to radically improve pre-hospital critical care for some of the most seriously injured or ill. However, it is just one piece in a plan to save even more lives.

Total No. of In 2019 we Total No. of 5% of our missions Members undertook 1,144 Members in the were to Penryn and (if applicable) missions in total Parish of Penryn Falmouth, treating (if applicable) and conveying 60 adults and children. The cost of our life- saving care is approx. £3,400 per patient

Contact Name Cath Collier

Amount Applied For £300

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Purpose of Grant Our current aircraft flies from 7am to 7pm. Over the last two years we have piloted a Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) until to 2am, four days per week. Despite significant limitations with the pilot, in 2019 the Rapid Response Vehicle out of hours and daytime back-up service led to 380 additional missions.

The two-year pilot has provided evidence of night-time demand and that there is a large body of patients that we are currently unable to reach. Steve Garvey, our Air Operations Officer, said: “As a result, we have reviewed our operational flying hours to meet the demand for the service.”

With the AW169 air ambulance we intend to extend air operations until 2am, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Flying an extra seven hours a day will allow the crew to reach an average of two more seriously injured or ill adults and children a day.

We want to ensure that every seriously ill or injured adult and child receives the highest possible clinical care within what is termed in the industry as the ‘golden hour’. Treatment within this time improves survival rates and reduces the long-term impact of the trauma or medical episode, i.e. patient recovers more fully and more quickly. To patient’s like Dave…

On the day of the accident Dave had been on a cycle with his friend John. On route to Ponsanooth to see his daughter, Dave was hit by a car near Penryn which pulled out in front of him. Cornwall Air Ambulance were tasked to scene. Dave had punctured a lung which was causing a build-up of pressure, the Crew inserted a cannula to release the air so the lung could re-inflate. “Without the rapid intervention I might of have survived” says Dave. Dave also suffered broken ribs, a broken collar bone and a head injury (which required reconstruction). After stabilising his condition and pain, the crew airlifted Dave to the Major Trauma Unit at Derriford Hospital.

To fly an extra seven hours a day we need to make some significant investments in additional resources which the charity is unable to do without help: • Pilots: We have now recruited, trained and kitted out two new Pilots; this doubles our Aviation Team to four. • Paramedics: We are expanding our Medical Team from six Critical Care Paramedics to ten, with four new recruits. Over the next year, we will invest in their kit and training to upskill these experienced and qualified Land Paramedics to Helicopter Emergency Specialist Paramedics in Critical Care. • Night-flying: To extend into night flying, we will need to purchase our own weather stations at strategic points across the county (as MET systems go off-line at 10pm), crew helmets with lip lights and helipad lighting systems.

Excluding the above set-up costs, to increase our air operations by 7 hours a day will also increase our air operating costs by one third. Based on last year’s tasking, by increasing our hours we would anticipate being tasked to 80 seriously injured or ill adults and children in Falmouth and Penryn each year.

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Have you received a grant from Penryn Yes Town Council in the last 3 years? If yes, £300 on 08/03/2019 please give date(s) and amount received £100 on 03/03/2017

Details of Other Organisation Amount Applied Awarded Bodies Approached For Yes/No/Pending

We will continue to work with schools, community groups, councils, businesses, and individuals across Cornwall to raise vital funds to extend our operational hours during 2020 and to keep the new AW169 air ambulance flying.

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Penryn Town Council


Name of Organisation iSightCornwall

Registered Charity No. Registered as: The Cornwall Blind & Partially Sighted (if applicable) Association 1108761

Purpose of Organisation iSightCornwall is Cornwall’s oldest charity – established in 1856. We are an independent organisation that provides free practical and emotional support to around 4,000 blind and partially sighted residents of Cornwall every year. Our aim is to enable people to lead active and independent lives. For most people it is devastating news, emotionally distressing and takes time to adapt, initially they’re consumed by the belief that they have no hope of leading an active, independent life ever again. The emotional reaction resembles that of grieving and can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. We are there every step of the way; it can take a few months or even a few years. We are 13 staff and 220 volunteers

Total No. of Members Total No. of (if applicable) Members in the Parish of Penryn (if applicable)

Contact Name Carole Theobald

Amount Applied For £450

Purpose of Grant 'Outlook' – Community Outreach for Penryn and West Cornwall Our community outreach service will operate throughout Penryn and benefit blind and partially sighted residents. The grant will form part of our West Cornwall coverage – we cover the whole of Cornwall and fiercely proud to be recognised and praised as being truly local and active in every community. We will support 87 residents in Penryn that are already affected by a visual impairment plus those newly diagnosed. In Cornwall, there are an estimated 22,360 people living with sight loss – this figure is expected to rise by 30% in the next 10 years. The successful award of a community grant will equate to just £5 per person for those currently with sight loss in Penryn.

Importantly, the grant – will allow us to commit more time in Penryn providing free home visits; ensuring people have the most effective magnifiers and access to other free aids to help maintain their independence. The project is to provide local specialist sight loss services.

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1. To help older people maintain their independence and wellbeing. For example, we make a home visit appointment to assess individual need. We provide specialist magnifying aids and lighting that assist with everyday living e.g. reading and watching the TV and also provide daily living aids e.g. safety gadgets to help with cooking and assistive tech e.g. special mobile phones to keep in contact with friends and family. We also refer to other statutory and non-statutory organisations to fast track benefit claims, social services assessments and community health services. 2. To prevent isolation and loneliness in people of all ages we have a befriending service with regular phone calls from trusted volunteers and offer membership to social and activity clubs e.g. dance, singing and bowls. Transport is provided with one of our trusted volunteer drivers. 3. To enable job-seekers access to opportunities to employment and learn new skills. We work with job centres and education to gift essential specialist equipment and software to retrain and secure work placements. We are currently providing work coaching to two jobseekers of Penryn to provide better work placement opportunities.

Full costs for Penryn and West Cornwall are: Activities and items Budget 2020/21

Activities and items Budget Achieved 2020/21 Community team services 18100 18100 include Low Vision magnification assessment, Assistive Technology assessment and advice, Eye Clinic Hospital liaison, home visit ‘360’ assessment. To cover West Cornwall. Equipment and aids 10450 5000 Assistive technology 4800 3250 equipment Volunteer expenses 600 500 Event days 500 0 Total 34450 26850

Outstanding sum to raise 7600

NHS data Around 3,000 people in Cornwall are diagnosed with severe and partial sight loss each year. Only 11% choose to register and therefore automatically referred to statutory care services. This means that 89% do not receive a pathway to further practical and emotional support. We plug the gap as only dedicated specialist support in Cornwall.

Feedback from Penryn residents “What a brilliant service we’ve just had for my Dad from iSightCornwall. Illuminated magnifiers will make a huge difference to him, thank you.” [two clap emojis]” – Jane

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“I have just received the aids you mentioned yesterday – my goodness Speedy Gonzalez has nothing on you!! What wonderful service. Dealing with iSightCornwall is always rewarding, and I sing your praises whenever I can.” – Edith “I just wanted to thank everyone concerned with the event for such a helpful and informative time. I really appreciated the caring and efficient attention given and clear explanations to questions. My sincere thanks to everyone.” – David “Thank you for rescuing me yesterday from my appointment at the hospital. I wish I had known about you when I had my cataracts surgery in 2016!” – Christina

Have you received a grant from Penryn Town Council in the last 3 years? If yes, No please give date(s) and amount received

Details of Other Bodies Organisation Amount Applied Awarded Approached For Yes/No/Pending

Town & Parish Councils //St 1050 Awarded (inc. in Agnes budget above)

Community Collection Tins Public Penryn 2500 Awarded (inc. in budget above)

In Memorandum gifts Individuals 2800 Awarded (inc. in budget above)

Trust James Tudor 2400 Awarded (inc. in Foundation budget above)

Town & Parish Councils Helston/Camborne/ 2050 Pending (part of Falmouth/ outstanding sum /St Ives £7600)

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Penryn Town Council


Name of Incredible Edible Penryn Organisation

Registered Charity No. (if applicable)

Purpose of Community gardens Organisation

Total No. of 10 + Total No. of Members Members in the (if applicable) Parish of Penryn (if applicable)

Contact Name Chelsey Millar

Amount Applied For £200

Purpose of Grant Resources to aid community projects within the gardens at St. Gluvias Hall such as

10 pairs of gloves 5 pairs of secateurs

Advertisement to reach the wider community such as Printing posters for the project Printing leaflets with information A roller banner for public events

A tree (espalier project with a fruit or nut tree, already established tree)

Wood for beds & borders, making accessible beds

Have you received a grant from Penryn No Town Council in the last 3 years? If yes, please give date(s) and amount received

Details of Other Organisation Amount Applied Awarded Bodies Approached For Yes/No/Pending

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2 MARCH 2020

Review of Internal Controls

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

Accounting practices must be carried out in accordance with the ‘Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England’ the current version is dated March 2018 and published by the Joint Practitioners Advisory Group

2. Discussion

As part of the Councillor Internal Audit, along with confirming the accounts, at least once a year the ‘effectiveness of internal controls’ needs to be reviewed.

A copy of the quarterly Internal Audit form which includes the ‘effectiveness of internal controls’ is attached as an appendix to the report.

3. Recommendation

That the Internal Controls on the attached audit form are reviewed, and amendments made as required

4. Appendices

Audit and Internal Controls Form

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Internal Audit

No. Petty Cash Yes No Comments

The Council currently operates with one petty cash floats 1) Town Council - £250 – balanced monthly

1 Has the cash box been reconciled for the month?

2 If the answer at (1) is ‘No’, is there a reconciliation for the previous month?

3 Do all the vouchers have receipts attached?

4 Have all the vouchers been entered in the Petty Cash Ledgers and correctly analysed under the budget headings?

5 Are the cash boxes kept in a secure location?

Any Other Councillor Comments Internal Auditors

Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

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Internal Audit

No. Bank Reconciliation Yes No Comments

The Council currently operates with two accounts run as deposit/current accounts 1) Lloyds Treasurer’s Account – balanced monthly 2) Lloyds Instant Access Account – balanced monthly

1 Has the Bank Reconciliation been completed for the previous month- end? If ‘No’, how many months have not been completed?

Account 1)

Account 2)

Assuming the Bank Reconciliation is current….

2 Does the ‘Balance’ figure on the Reconciliation equal the balance figure on the Bank Statement?

3 Are any differences explained?

Any Other Councillor Comments Internal Auditors Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

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Internal Audit

No. Computer Security Yes No Comments

1 Are the Desktop Computers (PCs) physically secure in the workplace? ie, office door locked at night.

2 One laptop provided for staff use only?

3 Are the PCs password protected?

4 Is there a regular back-up of files?

5 1) Is the back-up protected from physical damage i.e. fire?

2) Is the backup stored off-site Any Other Councillor Comments Internal Auditors

Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

Page 50 of 81 Page 4 of 9

Internal Audit

No. Invoices Raised Yes No Comments

Invoices are raised for various matters – recharged services, partnership contributions, hall hire and other miscellaneous services

1 Has the invoice been raised in a timely manner?

2 Has the invoice been posted within the Council’s accounts and the copy invoice retained?

3 Is the invoice clear and presentable?

4 (a) Has the invoice been paid and the copy invoice marked accordingly?

(b) If ‘No’ at (a) Is there evidence of debt recovery action?

Any Other Councillor Comments Internal Auditors Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

Page 51 of 81 Page 5 of 9

Internal Audit

No. Council Purchase Ledger Yes No Comments

All Costs Centres 1 Check that supplier invoices are relevant to the operations of the Council.

2 Choose an invoice and check to see if – 1) The invoice has been noted with the Cost Code? 2) The invoice identifies the payment method Cheque/Online?

3 Is there division of duty involved in the transaction? (i.e. separation between approval of the invoice and entering the invoice within the accounts)

Any Other Councillor Comments Internal Auditors

Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

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Internal Audit

No. Staffing Yes No Comments

1 Are copies of the Contracts of Employment accessible and current?

2 Are Annual Leave Forms up-to-date?

3 Are employees receiving the correct rate of pay for their spinal point?

(Compare the Contract of Employment, Wages Ledger and National Pay Scales).

Other Comments Internal Auditors

Print Signature Date

1. ______

2. ______

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Yes Notes and Evidence of Achievement or areas for development No

1. Has the Internal Auditor been properly appointed by the Council?

2. Is the Internal Auditor independent of the Council?

3. Are reports of the Internal Auditor made in his/her own name?

4. An Audit Plan is agreed with the Internal Auditor?

5. The internal audit takes account of both the Council’s risk assessment and wider internal control arrangements?

6. The Internal Auditor is considered to be competent and has carried out internal audit work ethically, with integrity and objectivity?

7. Interim audits are conducted by Members of the Council?

8. Interim audits cover an adequate range of Council activities?

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9. Interim audits are recorded and presented to the Council?

10. Regular budget monitoring is reported to the Council?

11. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are current and in place?

12. The Council makes positive responses to recommendations of the Internal Auditor and audit Members?

13. Adequate insurance cover exists, including Public Liability and Fidelity Guarantee?

14. The Assets Register is adequate and current?

15. The Assets Register and Insurance Schedule have been reconciled.

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2 MARCH 2020

Teetotal Covenant – Temperance Hall

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

At the Council meeting held on Monday 3 February 2020 it was RESOLVED that an initial local consultation takes place requesting the views of the public as to whether, or not the Council should proceed with trying to remove the teetotal covenant. The views to be requested via the Council’s social media and in the local newspapers. An update on the views received will be presented at the March Council meeting.

2. Discussion

The responses from the initial consultation are as follows:

User groups feedback:

Active Plus (Community Rynners) – of the 21 members present at the group a poll was taken, with all 21 members in support of the lifting of the covenant.

Penryn Community Bingo – a poll of the members who attend the weekly Wednesday and Sunday bingo, were in favour of the lifting of the covenant.

Friday Market – awaiting feedback from the group

Members of the public feedback:

Five responses were received from the public by email of which three were in favour of the lifting of the covenant and two believed the covenant should remain in place.

The Facebook post requesting feedback on the Town Council, although it was shared eleven times, and seven comments were made, only three of the comments on the post were relevant, with one in favour of lifting the covenant and two believed it should remain in place.

3. Recommendation

That following the above results from the initial consultation, the Council decides if it wishes to proceed with the lifting of the teetotal covenant.

4. Appendices


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2 MARCH 2020

Recommendations from The Climate Working Group

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

At the Climate Emergency Working Group meeting held on Monday 24 February 2020, one recommendation was made to be presented to the Council.

2. Discussion

The Climate Group received a presentation from Mr Becalelis Brodskis, regarding a transport scheme for Penryn where transport is pooled.

The key aims of the scheme are:

“Provide alternative modes of shared transport for residents of Penryn that reduces the negative social, environmental and health impact of residents’ transport needs. This has the potential to reduce air pollution, benefiting the health of residents, alleviate parking pressure and reduce our climate impacts.”

“Become a national Pilot for the development of environmentally friendly and affordable modes of transport for towns in rural areas.”

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council supports in principle, the implementation of a Penryn Transport Pool

4. Appendices


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2 MARCH 2019

Community Governance Review

Author: Helen Perry, Town Clerk

1. Background

Following the initial stage of the Community Governance Review, where the local Town/City and parish councils submitted their requests for changes to the area they govern.

Penryn Town Council requested several changes to its boundary, as shown in Appendix 4 attached to the report

2. Discussion

Cornwall Council after consultation with the local Councils have published their recommendations for the Falmouth and Penryn Community Network Area – Attached to the report as Appendix 5.

The Town Council now needs to submit a formal response to the proposals.

3. Recommendation

That the Council responds to the Community Governance Review Consultation 2019, (stage 3) by the closing date of 24 March 2020

4. Appendices

1) Initial response from Penryn Town Council 2) New - Consultancy response form 3) Map Showing existing parish boundary 4) Map Showing initial response – change to boundaries 5) Public Consultation leaflet – Falmouth & Penryn Community Network Area

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Appendix 1

Submission on the Community Governance Review for Cornwall 2019

Please complete and return this form with any accompanying papers to Cornwall Council, by email or post, no later than noon 17 July 2019. Email: [email protected] Postal address: Community Governance Review, Cornwall Council, Room 3E.01, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY 1. Please state the area or Parish to which this submission relates:


2. Is this submission from:  A Parish Council (City, Town, Parish or Community Council, or Parish meeting) A community organisation Any other body or organisation One or more individual resident(s)

3. Please indicate whether this submission relates to a change or no change: No Change – please continue to section 5  Change – please continue to section 4

4. Submission proposal: Please tick any that apply  Change to Parish boundary Create a grouped Parish with at least one other Parish Creation of a new Parish By separating part of a Parish By aggregating parts of a Parish By amalgamating Parishes Change to Parish name Create Parish wards Change the boundaries of existing Parish wards Abolish Parish wards Change the total number of Councillors (say how many you want in the future) Change the number of Councillors in each ward (say how many you want in the future) Other (please provide details below)

5. Details of proposal(s): Please give details of any submissions that you are proposing or, if appropriate, reasons why you do not want change. Please give sufficient evidence to support your submission, including any information that you may have already provided to Cornwall Council. Please explain why you consider that the submission you are making will ensure that community governance within the area will reflect the identities and interests of the community and will be effective and convenient.

Parish Name – the Council wishes the parish name to remain as PENRYN Parish Councillors – the Council supports the number of Town Councillors remaining the same – SIXTEEN Parish Wards – no change to the parish wards is requested.

Parish Boundary – the council resolved at its July 2019 Council meeting to request for the parish boundary to be changed – please see below for details:

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• From the Asda roundabout on the A39, follow the A39 to Treliever Roundabout, then onto the Treluswell Roundabout, then down the B3292 to join the existing parish boundary • From the Asda roundabout on the A39 to the Hill Head Roundabout, then down to join our existing boundary • To incorporate the rest of the former Dales Motors site, within Penryn (the current boundary runs through the area – with approximately 60% falling within Penryn parish and the remaining 40% in Falmouth. • The boundary (after incorporating the former Dales Motors site, to go over the road to join the existing boundary in the river. i.e. the whole Park and float and Marina would become part of Falmouth

(please attach additional pages as required) 6. Evidence in support of submission: If your proposals involve any changes to existing boundaries, please submit ordnance survey base maps showing clearly proposed new boundaries. Please give detailed information on the number of dwellings and other significant buildings (shops, industrial premises etc.) affected by your proposed changes. Please give details of any consultation that you may have carried out with affected residents, and the outcome. If your proposals affect other parishes, please state what discussions you have had with other parish councils and the outcome.

Meetings – we have met with Budock, St Gluvias, Mabe Parish Councils and Falmouth Town Council to discuss the possible changes to the boundary. We have not met with Mylor Parish Council, this is due to both councils not requesting any changes to our adjoining boundaries. All the Councils had differing views on the areas that should be included within their parishes, a working group was set up to meet with surrounding parishes where boundary changes were requested. The working group invited Budock, St Gluvias, Mabe and Falmouth to seek their views. The University was contacted for their views and they have decided to remain neutral to date. The Town Council has also been in contact with the Port of Penryn Harbour Office, to confirm if any boundary changes would affect the Port. At the present time the Town Council has not engaged in any formal consultation with its residents, although Councillors have had general discussions with parishioners whilst carrying out their duties. The working group will consult with residents at the next stage of the consultation.

Boundary Changes • Dwellings – the moving of the parish boundary affects only a very small number of properties, with the main area consisting of industrial or academic areas, it is estimated that no more than 30 residential properties would change parish. • Industrial land – Kernick Industrial Area is currently split between two parishes, Penryn and Mabe, with a small proportion of the industrial area falling within Mabe Parish (on the Kernick Industrial Estate). The only access to the area is through Penryn. • Academic land – The University Campus, known as Penryn Campus, currently falls within Mabe Parish, the boundary change would incorporate the Penryn Campus in to Penryn Parish.

Justification Penryn Town Council would like to see the Penryn Campus of the University incorporated within its Parish, for the following reasons: • Transportation – the University uses the transport infrastructure through and within Penryn i.e. Buses and trains • HMO’s – within Penryn Parish there are currently 60 properties that appear on the Cornwall Council Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (dated 1 July 2019), whereas in the ward Mabe, and St Gluvias there are only four properties listed, of which three are in Mabe Parish and one within St Gluvias Parish. Therefore, the impact of the University Campus/students affects the parish of Penryn more significantly. • Private Rented Student Accommodation – not all properties rented to students required to be registered as HMO’s, it is estimated that at least another 30 properties in Penryn may be rented to students without requiring a licence.

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Penryn Town Council, would also like to see the area from Treluswell Roundabout down the B3292 to join the existing boundary (near Watergate House), and also to extend along Treliever Road to join the proposed boundary (if the Campus is transferred to Penryn Parish). • If the Campus is to be transferred to the Penryn Parish, Penryn Town Council believes that it should take responsibility for Student development within the immediate vicinity, and therefore by incorporating this area Penryn would take responsibility for the proposed student development at the Penvose Site.

The Boundary at Falmouth Road, the currently, the river side of Falmouth Road lies almost solely within the Parish of Penryn, with only a small area near the Sainsbury’s roundabout falling within Falmouth. The Town Council would like to include the whole of the Dales site within Penryn Parish, and would therefore request a land swap. i.e. the Dales area becomes part of Penryn Parish in exchange for the Park and Ride and Marina becoming part of Falmouth. • The Diocese Land and Dales site is part of Penryn’s urban expansion • The areas highlighted in the Cornwall Allocations DPD Penryn/Falmouth area were highlighted by Penryn, Falmouth did not put forward any areas • The areas form part of Penryn’s emerging draft Neighbourhood Plan

(please attach additional pages as required) 7. List of attachments:

Map of the proposed boundary changes HMO List for Penryn West and Penryn East and Mylor Divisions (no properties are in Mylor)

8. Submitted by: HELEN PERRY

Signed: Date: 17 JULY 2019

Organisation and position (if submitting on behalf of an organisation): PENRYN TOWN COUNCIL – TOWN CLERK

Contact details: Penryn Town Council, The Library, St Thomas Street, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 8JN [email protected] Tel: 01326 373086

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Appendix 2

Cornwall Community Governance Review Feedback Form

Introduction Parish and Town Councils are the first tier of local government. They play a vital role in providing local services and involving people in their local community. Cornwall Council is responsible for carrying out Community Governance Reviews and is currently undertaking a review for the whole of Cornwall. A Community Governance Review can make a number of changes to parish governance when there is clear evidence this would be an improvement. This could involve moving parish boundaries, creating or merging parishes or making changes to parish wards and numbers of Councillors. Over the past year we have been working with parish councils and others to try and develop draft recommendations to ensure that community governance arrangements in Cornwall are reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area and effective and convenient. There are draft recommendations for each parish in Cornwall. We are now consulting on these draft recommendations until 24 March 2020 To return your completed Community Governance Review Consultation Feedback Form, please either e-mail it to: [email protected] or post it to Cornwall Council, Community Governance Review, Room 4S, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Please make sure your response reaches us by 24 March 2020.

NB If you have access to the internet and are not intending to submit maps and documents as part of your feedback, please use the online feedback form relevant to your Community Network Area.

The feedback from the public consultation will inform the final recommendations. These are intended to be submitted to Full Council for decision making in July 2020. For more information, please visit or, alternatively, contact us at 0300 123 1115 or [email protected] Privacy Notice The information you provide in this questionnaire will be used to inform the Cornwall Community Governance Review. You can read the Council’s privacy policy, how we control your data and your rights on our website

If you would like this information in another format or language, please contact: Cornwall Council, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY or telephone: 0300 1234 100 email: [email protected]

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About you

In what capacity are you responding to this consultation? (please tick all that apply)  I’m responding in my capacity as a resident of Cornwall  I’m responding in my capacity as a Cornwall Councillor  I’m responding in my capacity as a local councillor  I’m responding on behalf of a parish council*  I’m responding on behalf of a residents/community association  I’m responding on behalf of another organisation (i.e. business) *) In the context of this feedback form, the term ‘parish council’ means any Parish Council, Town Council, City Council, Community Council or Parish Meeting in Cornwall

If you are responding on behalf of a parish council, residents / community association, business or organisation, please provide details below: Name of organisation : ______Your name : ______Your position : ______

Is this response the official response of your organisation?  Yes  No

Q2) In relation to which parish do you want to provide feedback? If you want to comment on more than one parish, please list the first parish you wish to comment on below. You will have opportunity to comment on further parishes later on.

Do you live in this parish?  Yes  No  Not applicable

Q3) Please use the space below to provide your comments and feedback with regards to the draft recommendation(s) for this parish. You are encouraged to reflect on the following in your response: - Will the draft recommendations best ensure local governance arrangements are both effective & convenient and reflective of the identity and interest of the community? If not, please detail any proposals that you believe would provide better local governance arrangements and please explain why you believe this.

Page 63 of 81

- Will there be any impacts on individuals or organisations as a result of any of these recommendations?

Q2) In relation to which parish do you want to provide feedback? (2) If you want to comment on more than one parish, please list the second parish you wish to comment on below. You will have opportunity to comment on further parishes later on.

Do you live in this parish?  Yes  No  Not applicable

Q3) Please use the space below to provide your comments and feedback with regards to the draft recommendation(s) for this parish. You are encouraged to reflect on the following in your response: - Will the draft recommendations best ensure local governance arrangements are both effective & convenient and reflective of the identity and interest of the community? If not, please detail any proposals that you believe would provide better local governance arrangements and please explain why you believe this. - Will there be any impacts on individuals or organisations as a result of any of these recommendations?

Page 64 of 81

Q2) In relation to which parish do you want to provide feedback? (3) If you want to comment on more than one parish, please list the third parish you wish to comment on below. You will have opportunity to comment on further parishes later on.

Do you live in this Parish?  Yes  No  Not applicable

Q3) Please use the space below to provide your comments and feedback with regards to the draft recommendation(s) for this parish. You are encouraged to reflect on the following in your response: - Will the draft recommendations best ensure local governance arrangements are both effective & convenient and reflective of the identity and interest of the community? If not, please detail any proposals that you believe would provide better local governance arrangements and please explain why you believe this. - Will there be any impacts on individuals or organisations as a result of any of these recommendations?

Q2) In relation to which parish do you want to provide feedback? (4) If you want to comment on more than one parish, please list the fourth parish you wish to comment on below. You will have opportunity to comment on further parishes later on.

Page 65 of 81

Do you live in this parish?  Yes  No  Not applicable

Q3) Please use the space below to provide your comments and feedback with regards to the draft recommendation(s) for this parish. You are encouraged to reflect on the following in your response: - Will the draft recommendations best ensure local governance arrangements are both effective & convenient and reflective of the identity and interest of the community? If not, please detail any proposals that you believe would provide better local governance arrangements and please explain why you believe this. - Will there be any impacts on individuals or organisations as a result of any of these recommendations?

Cornwall Council is committed to ensuring that our services, policies and practices are free from discrimination and prejudice and that they meet the needs of all the community.

If you are responding to this consultation as an individual, we would be grateful if you would answer the questions below. Thank you for your assistance. You are under no obligation to provide the information requested, but it would help us greatly if you do.

The information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, will not be passed onto any third party, and will only be used for the purpose of equality monitoring. All personal information held by Cornwall Council is held safely in a secure environment.

Please tell us about yourself in the following questions.

Page 66 of 81

What is your postcode: ______

Please give your age:  19 and under  50-59  20-29  60-69  30-39  70+  40-49

How would you describe your sex:  Male  Female  Other

How do you describe your ethnic origin? (Please read carefully before selecting the ethnic group that you feel most closely reflects your background).  Asian or Asian British  Mixed (e.g. White and Asian)  Black or Black British  Other ethnic group  Cornish  White (e.g. British, Scottish)

Do you consider yourself to be disabled?  Yes  No

Thank you! / Meur ras!

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Appendix 3 Map Showing Current Parish Boundaries

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Appendix 4

To move Penryn’s boundary to Treluswell Roundabout to the B3292 which is the main road to Penryn. Will also include Penvose Site, allocated for Student Accommodation

Move Penryn’s existing boundary outwards to incorporate, the rest of the Industrial Estate (that can only be accessed by vehicles through Penryn) and Penryn Campus of the University, which is deemed by most people to be in Penryn Parish

Falmouth Boundary to be moved towards Penryn, to enable the Park & Float and The Marine to become part of the parish of Falmouth (exchange for Dales site) Move Penryn’s boundary out to the A39 to incorporate the sloped land which faces Penryn

To move Penryn’s boundary to include the rest of the land at the old Dales site. The current site is split in two with the slightly larger side sitting in Penryn Parish (in exchange for Park Page 69 of 81 Float/Marina) Appendix 5

Community governance review - Public consultation Falmouth and Penryn Community Network Area

Page 70 of 81 Parish and Town Councils are the first tier of local government. They play a vital role in providing local services and involving people in their local community. Cornwall Council is responsible for carrying out Community Governance Reviews and is currently undertaking a review for the whole of Cornwall.

Cornwall Council has to ensure that community governance arrangements are: • Reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area; and: • Effective and convenient (this relates to the ability of parishes to provide services for its residents). Any proposed governance arrangements will need to be considered in that light.

What can the Community Governance Review change? A Community Governance Review can make a number of changes to parish governance when there is clear evidence this would be an improvement: • It can make changes to parish areas. Including changes to boundaries between parishes, mergers of parishes or creating a new parish out of part of one or more existing parishes • It can make changes to the number of parish councillors or introduce or change parish warding arrangements • It can accommodate changing the name of a parish • It can accommodate the grouping together of parishes under a common parish council.

Consultation Over the past year we have been working with parish councils and others to try and develop draft recommendations to ensure that community governance arrangements in Cornwall are reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area and effective and convenient. There are draft recommendations for each parish in Cornwall. In many cases the draft recommendation is that no change needs to be made, but for other parishes significant changes to boundaries and/or other community governance arrangements are recommended. We are now consulting on these draft recommendations until 24 March 2020. We want to hear from a wide range of people and organisations, including businesses, community groups, parish & town councils, resident associations and businesses. To provide your feedback on these draft recommendations, please use the online Community Governance Review Consultation Feedback Form relevant to your Community Network Area, available on The feedback form is also available as hard copy at Library and Information Services or on request by calling 0300 123 1115. Alternatively, please e-mail your feedback to [email protected] or post your response to Cornwall Council, Community Governance Review, Room 4S, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Please make sure your response reaches us by 24 March 2020. The feedback from the public consultation will inform the final recommendations. These are intended to be submitted to Full Council for decision making in July 2020.

Page 71 of 81 This document includes an overview of the Draft Recommendations relevant to each of the parishes in this area. This Community Network Area includes the following 9 parishes: Budock, Constantine, Falmouth, Mabe, , Mylor, Penryn, Perranworthal and St Gluvias Part 1 details the recommended changes as Part 2 provides an overview of the draft well as other potential changes that have been recommendations for each parish within the area, considered within this Community Network Area. in alphabetical order. Please note the following other relevant documents are also available: Document What is in it Summary Consultation Document For details about the Cornwall Community Governance Review and the public consultation on these draft recommendations. Supporting Information The following supporting information is available for this Community Network Area: Submissions received during Stage 1 of the review Feedback and comments on these submissions received during Stage 2 of the review

To access these documents, please visit You can view a copy of the above information at Cornwall Council offices and Library and Information Service points within the area. Paper copies can be made available on request by calling 0300 123 1115

Page 72 of 81 Part 1 Quick overview map of the changes under consideration within this Information Classification: CONTROLLED Community Network Area

5 ? ! 4 ! 3

! 10 ? 7

6 8 ? ? 9 ? ! 2

! 1

Numbers on map relate to the potential changes KEY under consideration overleaf. ! Boundary Change under consideration - Change recommended

? Boundary Change under consideration - No change recommended

! Change to other governance arrangements under consideration – change recommended

? Change to other governance arrangements under consideration – no change recommended

Page 73 of 81 Boundary changes under consideration

1 Boundary between Falmouth and Budock Recommendation: To change the boundary between the parishes of Falmouth and Budock in line with Map 1.0 Cornwall Council received submissions from both Falmouth Town Council and Budock Parish Council with regards to their mutual boundary. Falmouth Town Council wished to transfer a zone to the west of the current boundary as per Map 1.1, so as to incorporate recent and planned developments within the town and safeguard a green buffer to the west of the town. Budock Parish Council however wished to move the boundary 50ft eastwards to align with the main roads (Union Road; Bickland Hill; Bickland Water Road; Pennance Hill; Maenporth Road). During Stage 2, Cornwall Council heard from residents concerned about Falmouth Town’s proposals and various amendments to the original proposals were put forward and discussed. Based upon the evidence currently available, Cornwall Council, on balance, therefore consider Centre point X: 178598 Y: 32812 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7832 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73SE Scale 1:8000 CMapommunit y1.0 Gover n(detail)ance Review 2019 - Falmouth Parish Proposed Changes that a boundary change in line with Map 1.0 is Detaied Mapl 1 Scale 1:10,000 likely to better reflect the identity and interests of Mylor - not warded ¯ Penryn West Penryn East the area and secure more effective and convenient community governance.

Cornwall Council remains open to considering Falmouth Penwerris other options.

It is noted that the consent of the Local Falmouth Trescobeas Government Boundary Commission for England will be required to make this change.

Falmouth Smithick

Budock - not warded

Falmouth Arwenack

Falmouth Boslowick

Legend Proposed Changes Electoral Divisions As From 2021 Parish Wards Parish Boundary Existing © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey 100049047. Mawnan - not warded Printed by Geographic Information Services/PH/18/09/2019 Centre point X: 177402 Y: 31774 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7731 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73SE Scale 1:32000

Map 1.0 (overview) Map 1.1

Page 74 of 81 2 Boundary between Penryn and Budock Recommendation: To change the boundary between the parishes of Penryn and Budock in line with Map 2.0 Cornwall Council received submissions from Penryn Town Council and Budock Parish Council that both wished to align their mutual boundary to the A39 as this would form a clearer boundary between the two parishes. Cornwall Council therefore considers that a boundary change in line with Map 2.0 is likely to Centre point X: 177986 Y: 33846 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7733 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73SE Scale 1:8000 better reflect the identity and interests of the area and secure more effective and convenient Map 2.0 community governance.

3 Boundary between Perranarworthal and Mylor – Perran Foundry

Recommendation: To change the boundary between Perranarworthal and Mylor in line with Map 3.0 Cornwall Council received a submission from Perranarworthal Parish Council that it wished to change its boundary with Mylor Parish as per Map 3.0 so as to unite all of Perran Foundry within Perranarworthal Parish. Mylor Parish Council however does not wish to make this change. Centre point X: 177618 Y: 38431 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7738 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73NE Scale 1:2000 Based upon the evidence currently available, Map 3.0 Cornwall Council, on balance, consider that a boundary change in line with Map 3.0 is likely to better reflect the identity and interests of the area. Cornwall Council remains open to considering other options.

Page 75 of 81 4 Boundary between Perranarworthal and St Gluvias - Ponsanooth 5 Boundary between St Gluvias and St. Stithians – Kennall Vale Recommendation: No change in the boundary between the parishes of St. Gluvias and Stithians Recommendation: To change the boundary between the parishes of Perranarworthal and St Gluvias in line with Map 4.0 Cornwall Council received a submission from St Gluvias Parish Council that it wished to change its boundary with Perranarworthal Parish and with Stithians Parish as per Map 4.0, so as to bring a number of farms and isolated dwellings to the north of Ponsanooth and the Kennall Wood Centre point X: 175467 Y: 37802 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7537 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73NE Scale 1:16000 area to the west of Ponsanooth within the parish Map 4.0 boundary to better reflect the community identity of the area. Stithians Parish Council however does not wish to make the change in relation to Kennall Wood. Based on the current evidence, Cornwall Council, on balance, does not consider a transfer of Kennall Wood from Stithians to be likely to better reflect the community identity of the area. However, it does consider that a transfer from Perranarworthal Parish of the area indicated on Map 4.0 is likely to better reflect the community identity of the area. Cornwall Council remains open to other options.

Page 76 of 81 6 Boundary between Penryn and Mabe – Penryn Campus, University of Exeter Recommendation: No change in the boundary between the parishes of Penryn and Mabe Cornwall Council received a submission from Penryn Town Council that it wished to align its boundary with Mabe Parish to the A39 as per Map 6.0, as this would provide a clearer boundary and bring the Penryn Campus of the University of Exeter within Penryn Parish which would better reflect the links between the town and the campus.

Centre point X: 176620 Y: 34706 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7634 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73SE Scale 1:8000 Based upon the evidence currently available, Cornwall Council, on balance, does not consider Map 6.0 that a boundary change is likely to better reflect the identity and interests of the area or secure more effective and convenient community governance. Cornwall Council remains open to considering this change and would welcome feedback about the perceived benefits and impacts of this option.

7 Boundary between Penryn and St Gluvias

Recommendation: No change in the boundary between the parishes of Penryn and St Gluvias Cornwall Council received a submission from Penryn Town Council that it wished to align its boundary with St Gluvias Parish to the B3292 and A39 as per Map 7.0, as this would provide a clearer boundary. Based upon the evidence currently available, Cornwall Council, on balance, does not consider that a boundary change is likely to better reflect Centre point X: 176817 Y: 35596 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7635 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73NE Scale 1:8000 the identity and interests of the area or secure more effective and convenient community Map 7.0 governance. Cornwall Council remains open to considering this change and would welcome feedback about the perceived benefits and impacts of this option.

Page 77 of 81 8 Boundary between Stithians and Mabe –

Recommendation: No change to the boundary between the parishes of Stithians and Mabe Cornwall Council received two submissions from residents of Longdowns that they wished to change the boundary between Stithians and Mabe so that Longdowns would become part of Mabe Parish. However, both Stithians Parish Council and Mabe Parish Council indicated they do not support this change. Cornwall Council does not consider it demonstrated that the proposed boundary change would be in the interest of effective and convenient local governance arrangements or that it would better reflect the interests and identity of the local community. Cornwall Council remains open to considering the proposal and would welcome views as to the perceived benefits and impacts of changing the boundary as proposed.

9 Boundary between Penryn and Falmouth Community Governance Review 2019 - Falmouth Parish Proposed Changes Detaied Map 2 Ponsharden Scale 1:4,000

Recommendation: No change to the boundary ¯ Mylor - not warded between the parishes of Penryn and Falmouth

Penryn East Cornwall Council received submissions from both Falmouth Town Council and Penryn Town Council with regards to their mutual boundary. Falmouth Town Council wished to change the Budock - not warded boundary in line with Map 9.1, whereas Penryn Falmouth Penwerris Town Council wished to change the boundary in line with Map 9.2. Falmouth Trescobeas

Legend Based upon the evidence currently available, Proposed Changes Electoral Divisions As From 2021 Parish Wards Parish Boundary Existing © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey 100049047. Cornwall Council, on balance, does not consider Printed by Geographic Information Services/PH/18/09/2019 that a boundary change is likely to better reflect the identity and interests of the area or secure Map 9.1 more effective and convenient community governance. Cornwall Council remains open to considering these and other options and would welcome feedback about the perceived benefits and impacts of these options.

Centre point X: 179454 Y: 34089 2,500 Sheet ref.: SW7934 10,000 Sheet ref.: SW73SE Scale 1:8000 Map 9.2

Page 78 of 81 Changes to other governance arrangements under consideration

10 St Gluvias – change in the name of the Parish

Recommendation: To change the name of St Gluvias Parish to Ponsanooth Parish Cornwall Council received a submission from St Gluvias Parish Council that it wished to change the parish name to Ponsanooth. Cornwall Council considers this change is likely to better reflect the identity of the community.

Part 2 Draft Recommendations for each Parish within the Falmouth Town Council Falmouth and Penryn Community Network Area Changes under consideration

Budock Parish Council 1 Boundary between Falmouth and Budock Changes under consideration 9 Boundary between Penryn and Falmouth 1 Boundary between Falmouth and Budock Recommendations 2 Boundary between Penryn and Budock To change the boundary between Falmouth and Budock in line with Map 1.0 Recommendations No change to any other Community Governance To change the boundary between Falmouth and arrangements for Falmouth Parish Budock in line with Map 1.0 To change the boundary between Penryn and Mabe Parish Council Budock in line with Map 2.0 Changes under consideration No change to any other Community Governance arrangements for Budock Parish 6 Boundary between Penryn and Mabe – Penryn Campus, University of Exeter

Constantine Parish Council 8 Boundary between Stithians and Mabe – Recommendations Longdowns No change to the Community Governance Recommendations arrangements for Constantine Parish No change to the Community Governance arrangements for Mabe Parish

Page 79 of 81 Mawnan Parish Council Perranworthal Parish Council Recommendations Changes under consideration

No change to the Community Governance 3 Boundary between Perranarworthal and arrangements for Mawnan Parish Mylor – Perran Foundry Mylor Parish Council 4 Boundary between Perranarworthal and St. Gluvias - Ponsanooth Changes under consideration Recommendations Boundary between Perranarworthal and 3 To change the boundary between Perranarworthal Mylor – Perran Foundry and Mylor in line with Map 3.0 Recommendations To change the boundary between Perranarworthal To change the boundary between Perranarworthal and St Gluvias in line with Map 4.0 and Mylor in line with Map 3.0 No change to any other community governance No change to any other Community Governance arrangements for Perranarworthal Parish arrangements for Mylor Parish St Gluvias Parish Council Penryn Town Council Changes under consideration Changes under consideration 4 Boundary between Perranarworthal and St. 2 Boundary between Penryn and Budock Gluvias - Ponsanooth 6 Boundary between Penryn and Mabe – Penryn 5 Boundary between St. Gluvias and St. Campus, University of Exeter Stithians – Kennall Vale

7 Boundary between Penryn and St Gluvias 7 Boundary between Penryn and St Gluvias 9 Boundary between Penryn and Falmouth 10 St Gluvias – change in the name of the Parish Recommendations Recommendations To change the boundary between Penryn and To change the boundary between Perranarworthal Budock in line with Map 2.0 and St Gluvias in line with Map 4.0 No change to any other Community Governance To change the name of St Gluvias Parish to arrangements for Penryn Parish Ponsanooth Parish No change to any other Community Governance arrangements for St Gluvias Parish

Page 80 of 81 Contact us If you have any comments or queries please email: [email protected] Or call us on: 0300 123 1115

Please note information in this leaflet is correct at the time of writing but may be subject to change. Visit for up to date information about the Community Governance Review.

More information Please visit Our website has up to date information about the review, as well as a wealth of useful background information, relevant guidance and tools.

If you would like this information in another format or language please contact: Cornwall Council, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY e: [email protected] t: 0300 1234 100

January 2019 jn46639

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