Bibliography from ADS File: Doyle.Bib June 27, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: doyle.bib Nelson, C. J., Doyle, J. G., & Erdélyi, R., “On the relationship between magnetic August 16, 2021 cancellation and UV burst formation”, 2016MNRAS.463.2190N ADS Hill, A., Byrnes, P., Fitzsimmons, J., et al., “A prototype of the NFIRAOS to instrument thermo-mechanical interface”, 2016SPIE.9912E..02H ADS Murphy, T., Kaplan, D. L., Stewart, A. J., et al., “The ASKAP Variables and Reid, A., Mathioudakis, M., Doyle, J. G., et al., “Magnetic Flux Cancellation in Slow Transients (VAST) Pilot Survey”, 2021arXiv210806039M ADS Ellerman Bombs”, 2016ApJ...823..110R ADS Vilangot Nhalil, N., Nelson, C. J., Mathioudakis, M., Doyle, J. G., & Ramsay, Shetye, J., Doyle, J. G., Scullion, E., et al., “High-cadence observations of G., “Power-law energy distributions of small-scale impulsive events on the spicular-type events on the Sun”, 2016A&A...589A...3S ADS active Sun: results from IRIS”, 2020MNRAS.499.1385V ADS Wedemeyer, S., Bastian, T., Brajša, R., et al., “Solar Science with the At- Ramsay, G., Doyle, J. G., & Doyle, L., “TESS observations of southern ultrafast acama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array-A New View of Our Sun”, rotating low-mass stars”, 2020MNRAS.497.2320R ADS 2016SSRv..200....1W ADS Doyle, L., Ramsay, G., & Doyle, J. G., “Superflares and variability in solar- Shetye, J., Doyle, J. G., Scullion, E., Nelson, C. J., & Kuridze, D., “High Ca- type stars with TESS in the Southern hemisphere”, 2020MNRAS.494.3596D dence Observations and Analysis of Spicular-type Events Using CRISP On- ADS board SST”, 2016ASPC..504..115S ADS Srivastava, A. K., Rao, Y. K., Konkol, P., et al., “Velocity Response of the Ob- Park, S.
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