volume 23 . number 1 . spring 2011 Studies in American Indian Literatures editors james h. cox, University of Texas at Austin daniel heath justice, University of Toronto Published by the University of Nebraska Press The editors thank the Centre for Aboriginal Initiatives at the University of Toronto and the College of Liberal Arts and the Department of English at the University of Texas for their financial support. subscriptions Studies in American Indian Literatures (SAIL ISSN 0730-3238) is the only scholarly journal in the United States that focuses exclusively on American Indian literatures. SAIL is published quarterly by the University of Nebras- ka Press for the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures (ASAIL). Subscription rates are $40 for individuals and $99 for institutions. Single issues are available for $23. For subscriptions outside the United States, please add $30. Canadian subscribers please add appropriate GST or HST. Residents of Nebraska, please add the appropriate Nebraska sales tax. To subscribe, please contact the University of Nebraska Press. Payment must accompany order. Make checks payable to the University of Nebraska Press and mail to The University of Nebraska Press 1111 Lincoln Mall Lincoln, NE 68588-0630 Phone: 402-472-8536 Website: http://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu All inquiries on subscription, change of address, advertising, and other busi- ness communications should be addressed to the University of Nebraska Press at 1111 Lincoln Mall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0630. A subscription to SAIL is a benefit of membership in ASAIL. For mem- bership information please contact Jeff Berglund PO Box 6032 Department of English Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6032 Phone: 928-523-9237 E-mail:
[email protected] submissions The editorial board of SAIL invites the submission of scholarly manuscripts focused on all aspects of American Indian literatures as well as the submis- sion of poetry and short fiction, bibliographical essays, review essays, and interviews.