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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86749-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Gabriel Garcia Marquez Edited by Philip Swanson Index More information INDEX Note: GM = García Márquez absurd humour, 131, 139 Barcelona, 16 adolescent girls, 127 Barcha, Mercedes, 8, 13, 14 Aguilar, García, 163 Barnes, Julian, 193 Agustín (No One Writes to the Colonel), 47, Bayardo (Chronicle of a Death Foretold), 48, 49 115 Ali, Tariq, 108 Beckett, Samuel, 134 Allende, Isabel, 191 Bell, Michael, 33, 79 Almodóvar, Pedro, 171 biblical motifs, 61 Amador, Pepe (In Evil Hour), 52, 53 see also Christian themes ambiguity in GM’s fiction, 50, 75 ‘Big Mama’s Funeral’ (short story), 41, 99, América (Love in the Time of Cholera), 137–8 120–1 The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche) the Americas ‘Bitterness for Three Sleepwalkers’ (short anachronic techniques, 86 story), 132 anality, 89 The Blue Lobster (film), Andean Colombia, 8 Bogotá, Colombia, 9 Anderson, John Lee, 90 Bolívar, Simón, 19, 102–11 Angel, Padre (In Evil Hour), 53 book title formulas, 23 Angela (Chronicle of a Death Foretold), 113, the Boom, 114–16 Borges, Jorge Luis, 70 animal imagery, 73, 82 brothels, 114, 124 ‘Another Story’ column (El Universal), Buell, Lawrence, 64 Antigone (Sophocles), 43 Buendía, Colonel Aureliano, see Aureliano Aracataca, Colombia, 156 (One Hundred Years of Solitude) Aragonés, Patricio (The Autumn of the Buendía, José Arcadio, see José (One Patriarch), 88 Hundred Years of Solitude) archetypal narratives, 44, 48 Bulgakov, Mikhail, 186–7 Arnau, Carmen, 30 burial theme, 97–102, 111, 131 As I Lay
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