South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70(3): 393–406 Copyright © NISC Pty Ltd Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY ISSN 0254–6299

Circumscription of tribe Oenantheae

TM Hardway1, K Spalik2, MF Watson3, DS Katz-Downie1 and SR Downie1*

1 Department of Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana 61801, of America 2 Department of Plant Systematics and Geography, Warsaw University, Aleje Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warsaw, Poland 3 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland, United Kingdom * Corresponding author, email: [email protected]

Received 18 August 2003, accepted in revised form 17 November 2003

Previous molecular systematic investigations into the and Trepocarpus. Relationships inferred from higher-level relationships of Apiaceae subfamily phylogenetic analyses of nuclear rDNA ITS sequences Apioideae have revealed a strongly supported clade from 64 accessions representing all 17 genera reveal recognised as tribe Oenantheae Dumort. These that four genera are not monophyletic. Bifora and may have clusters of fibrous or tuberous-thickened Cryptotaenia have members that fall outside of the tribe; roots, corky-thickened fruits, and other adaptations for and Sium each comprise two or more lineages existence in wet or aquatic habitats. In some , within Oenantheae. The St Helena endemics, Sium the leaves may be finely dissected or linear-septate and bracteatum and S. burchellii, ally with African Berula much reduced. We have initiated collaborative studies erecta; this clade is sister to the African endemic to produce a comprehensive estimate of phylogeny of species Sium repandum and Afrocarum imbricatum, the tribe, but such investigations are thwarted because and this entire group is allied closely with north tem- information on the composition of the tribe is lacking. perate . Nomenclatural changes are in Herein, tribe Oenantheae is circumscribed to include order, but must await further study. Representatives of the following genera: Afrocarum, Berula, Bifora (pro eight genera native to comprise a mono- parte), , Cryptotaenia (pro parte), Cynosciadium, phyletic group, and results from relative rate tests sug- Daucosma, Helosciadium, , Limnosciadium, gest that this lineage is evolving much faster than any Neogoezia, , , , Ptilimnium, other major clade recognised within the tribe.


In all higher-level molecular systematic studies of Apiaceae although there are no characters that are common and subfamily Apioideae to date, whether based on chloroplast unique to the group. Its members are characterised general- DNA (cpDNA) restriction site comparisons or sequences ly by having fascicled roots (which may be thickened and from the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer bear tubers) and glabrous leaves and stems. They are often (ITS) region or several chloroplast loci, the ‘Oenanthe clade’ associated with moist to wet habitats, and some are true is revealed as a strongly supported monophyletic group (e.g. aquatics. Many species, including the members of Berula, Plunkett et al. 1996, Downie et al. 1998, 2000b, Plunkett and Neogoezia, Perideridia and Sium, have pinnate leaves with Downie 1999). A core group of genera is recognised in many primary divisions that are not further divided and are often of these studies, and includes Berula W.D.J. Koch, Cicuta rounded and of equal size, superficially resembling those L., Cryptotaenia DC., Helosciadium W.D.J. Koch, Oenanthe leaves of members of the distantly related genus Pimpinella L., Oxypolis Raf., Perideridia Rchb. and Sium L. The dis- L. Species inhabiting moist to wet habitats, including repre- tinctive genera Neogoezia Hemsl. and Lilaeopsis Greene, sentatives of Helosciadium, Sium and Oenanthe, often have whose affinities until recently were obscure, also belong submerged leaves that are more finely dissected and have within this clade (Plunkett et al. 1996, Petersen et al. 2002). narrower lobes than those of the air-borne ones. Leaves, The genera Cynosciadium DC., Limnosciadium Mathias & particularly the petioles, are sometimes succulent and the Constance (1944–1945), and Ptilimnium Raf. may be includ- leaf lobes are reduced. In Berula, the lowest pair of primary ed as well, based on their similar vegetative and (or) fruit divisions is absent, whereas in Lilaeopsis and some species morphologies (Downie et al. 2000b, 2001). Thirteen genera of Oxypolis and Ptilimnium, all divisions are lacking and their have been recognised unequivocally as belonging to the initial number may only be inferred from the nodes (septae) Oenanthe clade. extant on the leaf axis. The fruits of many members are glo- The Oenanthe clade can be defined morphologically, bose to broadly-ovate and are commonly spongy/corky 394 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie thickened, facilitating dispersal in water (Affolter 1985, Wilm Material and Methods and Taft 1998). Indeed, Darwin (1859) was impressed by the lengthy flotation and subsequent germination abilities of Taxonomic sampling Helosciadium. Lilaeopsis and Neogoezia have simple , but this is an extremely rare feature of Apiaceae To ascertain the limits of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae, ITS subfamily Apioideae. However, none of these attributes can sequence data were procured from 100 accessions of sub- be considered a synapomorphy for the clade, as each of family Apioideae using standard PCR and sequencing meth- these features can be found in genera outside of the group ods (described below). These accessions included repre- (Petersen et al. 2002). This is not surprising, given the fact sentation of the 13 genera unambiguously placed in the tribe that many tribes and clades recognised in subfamily as a result of earlier studies, plus Bifora americana (DC.) Apioideae on the basis of molecular data cannot be delimit- Benth. & Hook., provisionally included in the tribe on the ed unambiguously using morphological or anatomical data basis of matK sequence comparisons (Plunkett et al. 1996). (Downie et al. 2001). These accessions also included representation of 19 addi- No prior taxonomic treatment has grouped together those tional genera (those listed in Table 1, plus Afrocarum, genera that are included here in the Oenanthe clade. In the Daucosma Engelm. & A. Gray ex A. Gray, and Trepocarpus system of classification of Pimenov and Leonov (1993), modi- Nutt. ex DC.) whose morphologies (or previous taxonomic fied from Drude (1898), the 13 genera recognised in the group placements, as indicated by their synonymies) suggested are distributed among three tribes (Apieae, Peucedaneae possible close affinities with those taxa already included in Dumort. and Smyrnieae Spreng.). Downie et al. (2000b) recog- the tribe. nised this group as tribe Oenantheae Dumort., but stressed Sixty-four accessions were considered in the phylogenet- that their circumscription of the tribe is radically different from ic analysis (Table 2). The phylogenetic placement of the that proposed by Dumortier (1827) and others, such as Koso- African genus Afrocarum was ascertained by sampling puta- Poljansky (1916) and Cerceau-Larrival (1962). tively allied genera Berula and Sium (Cannon 1978), from In this paper, we summarise the results of our efforts to Africa and elsewhere. Sampling of the genus Helosciadium identify additional members of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae. was comprehensive (Wolff 1927, Z Popper and M Watson, We then report results of phylogenetic analyses of repre- unpubl. data). For Lilaeopsis and the seven exclusively sentatives of all genera comprising the tribe, placing empha- North American taxa (i.e. Bifora americana, Cynosciadium, sis on its African members, specifically the genera Berula, Daucosma, Limnosciadium, Neogeozia, Ptilimnium and Sium, and a new addition to the tribe, Afrocarum Rauschert. Trepocarpus), only single exemplars of each genus were Sequences of the ITS region were employed because they included, as their phylogenetic relationships are the subject have been shown to be appropriate to assess evolutionary of an ongoing, concurrent study (S Downie et al., unpubl. relationships within Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae (Downie data). Sampling of the remaining genera (Cicuta, et al. 2001). Given that no previous classification has Cryptotaenia, Oenanthe, Oxypolis and Perideridia) was grouped together those genera here recognised as consti- based primarily on material availability. With the exception of tuting tribe Oenantheae, the results of this paper should Lilaeopsis, the nomenclatural type of each genus was facilitate further systematic activity on this widely distributed included in this study. and strongly supported monophyletic group of Apiaceae.

Table 1: Taxa examined for inclusion in Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae but excluded on the basis of phylogenetic analysis of molecular data

Genus Species examined (and synonyms) Chamaele Miq. C. decumbens (Thunb.) Makino (=Sium decumbens Thunb.; Oenanthe decumbens (Thunb.) Koso-Pol.) Crenosciadium Boiss. & Heldr. ex Boiss. C. siifolium Boiss. & Heldr. ex Boiss. Cyclospermum Lag. C. leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson Huanaca Cav. H. andina Phil. Lichtensteinia Cham. & Schltdl. pro parte L. interrupta (Thunb.) Sond. (=Oenanthe interrupta Thunb.) Muretia Boiss. M. lutea (M. Bieb.) Boiss. (=Sium luteum (M. Bieb.) Spreng.) Naufraga Constance & Cannon N. balearica Constance & Cannon Niphogeton Schltdl. N. ternata (Willd. ex Schltdl.) Mathias & Constance (=Apium montanum Kunth) Oreomyrrhis Endl. O. andicola (Kunth) Hook. f. Oreoschimperella Rauschert O. verrucosa (J. Gay ex A. Rich.) Rauschert (=Sium verrucosum J. Gay ex A. Rich.) Pimpinella L. pro parte P. siifolia Leresche (=Apium siifolium (Leresche) Calest.) P. diversifolia DC. (=Helosciadium pubescens DC.) Pterygopleurum Kitag. P. neurophyllum (Maxim.) Kitag. (=Perideridia neurophylla (Maxim.) T.I. Chuang & Constance; Sium neurophyllum (Maxim.) Hara) Pternopetalum Franch. P. vulgare (Dunn) Hand.-Mazz. Sclerosciadium W.D.J. Koch ex DC. pro parte S. nodiflorum (Schousb.) Coss. (=Oenanthe nodiflora Schousb.) Spuriopimpinella (H. Boissieu) Kitag. S. calycina (Maxim.) Kitag. Stoibrax Raf. S. dichotomum (L.) Raf. (=Apium dichotomum (L.) Calest.) South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 395 GenBank No. AY360228 AY360229 (ITS-1 only) AY353975 (ITS-1 only) AY353976 U79607 U79605 AY360230 AY360231 U78369 AY360232 AY360233 AY360234 AY360235 U78372 U78372 AY353985 AY353978, U79613 U78367 AY360236 AY360237 AY360238 AY353986 AY353979, AY360239 AF164822, AF164847 AF164823 AY353987 AY353980, AY360240 AY360241 AY360242 AY360243 AY360244 (ILL) Downie 251 (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) (MO) (ILLS) (MO) (Yarmouk Univ. Herb.) Univ. (Yarmouk Downie 402 (MO) (ILLS) (RM) Blanz & Jones 4750 Pawek 5442 (UC); cult. Univ. California Bot. Gard., Berkeley (no. (UC); cult. Univ. (ILLS) (ILLS) Phillippe 21886 (ISU) (ILL) (MO) (MO) Lahham & El-Oqlah 18 (MO) Hill 30580 Kayombo & 217 (E) Molseed 278 Petersen GPL28 Downie 817 McNamara et al. 90 (E) Bayliss 10592 Seberg OSA 486 (1990) et al. Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, Ethiopia; cult. Univ. California Bot. Gard., Berkeley, L. Constance pers. coll. C-2453 (UC) L. Constance California Bot. Gard., Berkeley, Ethiopia; cult. Univ. Williamson Co., S of Jarrell, Nesom & Grimes 6415 Texas, USA, 794 Forest Preserve, Taft USA, Illinois, Will Co., Keepatau Oldenburg Bot. Gard., Downie 131 from Univ. Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Co., Champaign, USA, Illinois, Champaign Voucher Information Voucher Iringa, Mufindi District, Igowole, Tanzania, å, Tuel Denmark, Sjælland, near Rushing River Provincial Park, E of Kenora, Canada, Ontario, Joensuu Bot. Gard., Downie 75 from Univ. Finland; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Mulhouse, France (E); cult RBGE (no. de Conservatoire botanique Balearic Islands, ex cult. Ville Spain, 19962449) de Mulhouse (no. 2048A), Herb. Reduron s.n. de la Ville France, Corse, Musella; cult. Conservatoire botanique Messina, Davis & Sutton 64358 Sicily, along Jordan River, Al-Yabis, Jordan, Wadi AC15108 Grenada, Charpin et al. Spain, Malaucène, Herb Reduron s.n. France, Vaucluse, de Mulhouse (no. 9463), Herb. Reduron de la Ville France, Haut-Rhin, Luewenheim; cult. Conservatoire botanique s.n. Hill & Dutton 32982 USA, Oregon, Douglas Co., East Gardiner, Denmark, Sjælland, Sorø Sønderskov, Denmark, Sjælland, Sorø Sønderskov, Goshen Co., Bear Creek, Nelson et al. 33517 USA, Wyoming, Xiao Zhongdian, RBGE Gyalthang Expedition, FED 426 (E) Yunnan, China, Co., Urbana, USA, Illinois, Champaign Honshu Island, Koyosan area, Japan, USA, Illinois, Jackson Co., Shawnee National Forest, Kerr Co., Kerville, Heller 1943 Texas, USA, Malawi, Northern Province, Mzimba District, Mzuzu, Katoto, 90.0891) from Shanghai Bot. Gard., China; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Zimbabwe, Alpes Rd near Harare, Zimbabwe, France; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Conservatoire et Jardins botaniques de Nancy, de Nancy, from Conservatoire et Jardins botaniques France; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Ethiopia, 90km S of Addis Ababa, Ash 859 Addis Ethiopia, 90km S of Oldenburg Bot. Gard., Downie 150 from Univ. Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained (DC.) (Schinz) (L.) W.D.J. (L.) W.D.J. DC. (L.) DC. J.M. Coult. (L. Llorens) W.D.J. Koch W.D.J. Hassk. (Jacq.) W.D.J. Engelm. & A. Gray Engelm. & Benth. & Hook. f. Hemsl. L. var. angustifolia L. var. L. (Huds.) Coville L. Cryptotaenia japonica Cryptotaenia Cynosciadium digitatum Koch Helosciadium nodiflorum Koch occidentalis Lilaeopsis & Rose Limnosciadium pinnatum Mathias & Constance Neogoezia minor Cryptotaenia japonica Cryptotaenia Daucosma laciniata Helosciadium bermejoi * Watson Popper & M.F. Helosciadium crassipes ex Rchb. Helosciadium inundatum Koch Helosciadium nodiflorum Helosciadium nodiflorum Helosciadium repens Taxon Afrocarum imbricatum Rauschert Afrocarum imbricatum Berula erecta Berula erecta Berula erecta Berula erecta Berula erecta Berula erecta Berula erecta Bifora americana ex S. Watson bulbifera Cicuta bulbifera Cicuta Hook. virosa Cicuta virosa Cicuta virosa Cicuta canadensis Cryptotaenia Plant accessions from which nuclear ribosomal DNA GenBank num- Two with corresponding voucher information and GenBank reference numbers. ITS sequences were obtained, Table 2: Table bers per accession indicate separate ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences (with no intervening 5.8S data); a single GenBank number (unless otherwise indicated) indicates a contiguous ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences (with no intervening 5.8S data); bers per accession indicate separate and ITS-2 sequence. Herbarium acronyms are according to Holmgren DNA No. or Accession Identifier 132 1444 82 116 150 251 2253 2257 799 1467 1923 1935 1113 75 131 426 817 574 402 1063 2397 62449 170 64358 919 15108 1871 1870 1999 2000 2138 396 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie GenBank No. AY360245 AY360246 AY360247 AY360248 AY360249 AY360250 U78371 AY360251 AY360252 AY360253 AY360254 AY360255 AY246910 AY246959 AY246962 AY246961 U78373 AY360256 AY353988 AY353981, AY353989 AY353982, AY353990 AY353983, AF164842, AF164867 AY353991 AY353984, AY360257 AY360258 (ITS-1 only) AY353977 U78370 AY360259 AY360260 AY360261 AY360262 AY360263 AY360264 (ILL) Downie 476 (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) Downie 97 (ILLS) Downie 12 Downie 388 Downie 247 Downie 273 (ILL) (ILL) (ILLS) (ILL) (ILL) (ILL) Lee 24 Downie 635 (UC); cult. Univ. of California Bot. Gard. (no. (UC); cult. Univ. (UC); cult. Univ. of California Bot. Gard. (no. (UC); cult. Univ. Downie 40 Downie 53 Phillippe et al. 19411 Basinger 10891 (RM) (ILL) (JEPS) (UC), cult. UC Bot. Gard., Berkeley (no. 83.1080) (ILL) (E); ITS sequence supplied by J.C. Preston & Q.C.B. Cronk (G) (ILL) (ILL) Ornduff et al. s.n. Ornduff et al. s.n. Follette s.n. (WS) Vanderhorst 3759 Vanderhorst Cronk 32 Jones 3030 Downie 311 Petersen & Seberg GPL31 Sunding s.n. ; cult. RBGE (no. 19931141) Plunkett 1308 (E) (ILL) Davis s.n. Downie 29 in . Plant Systematics and Evolution, prep.) Apium Belgium; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, from Jardin Botanique Belgium; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Portugal, Madeira, Levado de Norte, of Oldenburg Bot. Gard, Downie 165 Hungary; cult. Univ. Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Karl-Marx Univ., Leipzig, from Karl-Marx Univ., Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Williams s.n. (WA) Helena; material provided by V. St Williams s.n. (WA) Helena; material provided by V. St Da Xu Shan, RBGE Gyalthang Expedition, FED 109 (E) Zhongdian County, Yunnan, China, Denmark, N Sealand, Belgium; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, from Jardin Botanique Belgium; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Point on west side, Helena, below Cuckhold’s St 81.0521) USA, Oklahoma, Rogers Co., Claremore, Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Germany; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Gatersleben, USA, California, Sonoma Co., 5 mi N. of Cazadero, USA, California, San Mateo Co., USA, Colorado, Rio Blanco Co., Rough Creek, Hungary; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Hungarian Academy of Sciences Bot. Gard., Vácrátót, from Hungarian Hungary; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained (ILL) from Real Jardín Botánico, cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Spain; France, Bas-Rhin, Hultenheim, cult. Conservatoire botanique de la Ville de Mulhouse (no. 9466), Herb. Reduron s.n. de la Ville France, Bas-Rhin, Hultenheim, cult. Conservatoire botanique Denmark, Sjælland, Bromme Lillesø, Hoop, Rogers 9101 Kaapsche Transvaal, Africa, South USA, Illinois, Vermillion Co., Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve, USA, Illinois, Vermillion Assumption, Shildneck 12868 USA, Illinois, Shelby Co., NE of Barn Rd., Raiche 30482 Tin USA, California, Sonoma Co., USA, California, El Dorado Co., Osgood Swamp, USA, California, Sonoma Co., 5 mi N. of Cazadero, 81.0521) of California Bot. Gard., Univ. Alameda Co., Berkeley, USA, California, Finland; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Univ. Joensuu Bot. Gard., Downie 83 from Univ. Finland; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Canada, Montréal; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Jardin botanique de Montréal, from Jardin botanique Canada, Montréal; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained USA, Illinois, Alexander Co., Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area, Alexander Co., Horseshoe Lake Conservation USA, Illinois, Hungary; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Hungarian Academy of Sciences Bot. Gard., Vácrátót, from Hungarian Hungary; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained France; cult. Jardin botanique de Caen, France; cult. Jardin botanique de Montréal, from Jardin botanique Canada, Montréal; cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Real Jardín Botánico, cult. UIUC from seeds obtained Spain; Voucher Information Voucher Pollich L. (Nutt. ex (A. Gray) Nutt. ex DC. (Michx.) Raf. J.M. Coult. & J. Presl ex DC. (R. Br.) Mabb. (R. Br.) (J.M. Coult. & Heuff. L. L. (Roxb.) Cronk (L.) J.M. Coult. & (A. Gray) A. Heller (A. Gray) Welw. ex Hiern Welw. (Hook. f.) Hemsl. L. Hand.-Mazz. L. Walter Oenanthe crocata Oenanthe crocata Oenanthe divaricata Oenanthe fistulosa Sium frigidum Oenanthe banatica Oenanthe crocata Oenanthe peucedanifolia Oenanthe pimpinelloides Rose Rose Perideridia americana DC.) Rchb. Perideridia howellii Sium bracteatum Sium burchellii Sium latifolium Sium latifolium Sium repandum Sium sisarum Sium sisarum Sium sisarum Sium sisarum Sium sisarum aethusae Trepocarpus Oenanthe pimpinelloides Oenanthe sarmentosa Oxypolis fendleri Rose) Mathias Perideridia kelloggii Mathias Perideridia kelloggii Perideridia kelloggii Ptilimnium capillaceum Sium bracteatum Taxon Taxon Molecular and morphological studies in the genus DNA No. or Accession Identifier 476 40 247 1300 165 1282 273 29 521 915 1142 1927 1938 780 855 635 778 2165 177 178 109 E 1632 2256 61 97 311 388 53 83 12 1817 Table 2 cont. Table *A The name is not intended by the authors to be formally published in this paper. MF and Preston JC, (Popper Z, Watson is currently being prepared formal description of this taxon South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 397

Methods gap opening penalty = 15, and gap extension = 6.66), and reiterate that one of the major goals of this paper is to iden- Details of the DNA extractions, PCR amplifications and tify those genera comprising tribe Oenantheae, rather than purifications, and DNA sequencing are the same as provid- elucidate all intergeneric relationships (particularly among ed elsewhere (Downie and Katz-Downie 1996, Downie et al. the taxonomically problematic North American members of 1998, Hardway 2001). For most accessions, total genomic the group). The latter will be achieved in subsequent stud- DNA was obtained from about 20mg of dried leaf tissue ies, by increasing the sampling of species and incorporating using the Dneasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, data from the more conservatively evolving chloroplast California). For the remaining accessions, the modified genome. Moreover, the relationships among Berula, CTAB protocol described by Doyle and Doyle (1987) was Afrocarum and the African Sium species, the second major used. The purified DNAs were PCR-amplified using primers goal of this paper, did not change upon consideration of dif- ‘ITS4’ and ‘ITS5’ (White et al. 1990). Twenty-two complete ferent gap costs. Relative rate tests, using the method of ITS sequences were obtained through manual sequencing, Robinson et al. (1998), were implemented using the pro- using the dideoxy chain termination method using gram RRTree version 1.1 (Robinson-Rechavi and Huchon Sequenase (version 2.0, United States Biochemical 2000) to detect rate asymmetries of the ITS regions among Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio), with a-35S-dATP as the taxa in tribe Oenantheae. The proportions of site differences labelling agent. Modifications to the sequencing protocol were estimated using the two-parameter distance of Kimura included denaturation of the DNA by boiling the DNA/primer/ (1980). acetamide mix for 4min, followed by snap-chilling the The resulting data matrix was first analysed using maxi- annealing mixture for 3min in an ice water bath. Both PCR mum parsimony (MP), with gap states treated as missing primers, and primers ‘ITS2’ and ‘ITS3’ (described in White et data. Characters were treated as unordered and all charac- al. 1990, including modifications by Downie and Katz- ter transformations were weighted equally. Heuristic MP Downie 1996), were used in manual sequencing reactions. searches were replicated 1 000 times with random stepwise Cycle sequencing reactions, using primers ‘ITS4’ and ‘ITS5’, addition of taxa, Tree-Bisection-Reconnection (TBR) branch were performed on all remaining purified PCR products swapping, and saving Multiple Trees (MulTrees). Bootstrap using AmpliTaq DNA polymerase and fluorescent dye- values were calculated from 1 000 replicate analyses using labeled terminators (ABI Prism BigDye terminator version TBR branch swapping and simple stepwise addition of taxa. 3.0 Ready Reaction Cycle Sequencing Kit — Applied The number of additional steps required to force particular Biosystems, Foster City, California). Sequencing products taxa into a monophyletic group was examined using the were resolved by electrophoresis using Applied Biosystem’s constraint option of PAUP*. The ITS data were analysed as 377A automated DNA sequencer. All ITS sequences have separate ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 regions, and combined. been deposited in GenBank, as either separate ITS-1 and However, not all data sets were equivalent in their number of ITS-2 sequences or contiguous ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-2 data terminal taxa, as 5.8S and ITS-2 sequences were unavail- (Table 2). For twelve accessions, sequences from 5.8S able for twelve and three accessions, respectively. To exam- rRNA were unavailable, owing to the sequencing methods ine the extent of conflict among the ITS-1 and ITS-2 data used to obtain these data. For three of these twelve acces- sets, the incongruence length difference test of Farris et al. sions (Berula erecta nos. 82 and 116, and Sium repandum (1995) was implemented using PAUP*’s partition-homo- no. 61), sequence data were also unavailable for ITS-2, geneity test. The test was performed with 100 replicates, despite our repeated but unsuccessful efforts to PCR-ampli- using the heuristic search option with simple addition of fy this region. Uncorrected pairwise nucleotide differences taxa, and TBR branch swapping. The complete data matrix were determined using PAUP* version 4.0 (Swofford 1998), was then analysed using maximum likelihood (ML), after as they are commonly provided in other angiosperm studies using the program Modeltest version 3.06 (Posada and (e.g. Baldwin et al. 1995). Crandall 1998) to select an appropriate model of DNA sub- stitution and to estimate its parameters. A heuristic search Data analysis using random addition sequence and TBR branch swapping was implemented using PAUP*. One thousand bootstrap The DNA sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL X replicate analyses were conducted using neighbour-joining (Jeanmougin et al. 1998). However, given the many small searches with ML distance, using the ML parameters length differences observed among the sequences (particu- inferred by Modeltest. larly for those eight genera comprising the ‘North American All trees were rooted with Perideridia. The results of pre- (NA) Endemics’ clade, discussed below), a variety of costs vious systematic investigations of Apiaceae subfamily for gap opening and gap extension was utilised. As a result Apioideae based on a variety of molecular evidence reveal of these different alignment parameters, the relative posi- that the North American genus Perideridia is sister taxon to tions of several genera within the ‘NA Endemics’ clade all other members of the tribe (Plunkett et al. 1996, Downie changed, as did the position of this clade relative to the gen- et al. 1998, 2000a, 2000b). In many studies, the Komarovia era Cicuta, Oenanthe and Oxypolis, when analysed using clade and tribe Pleurospermeae occur basal to tribe maximum parsimony. Such changes in tree topologies Oenantheae (Downie et al. 2001); rooting the trees with reflecting different cost matrices have been reported previ- either Komarovia or Pleurospermum maintained Perideridia ously for Oenantheae (Petersen et al. 2002). We settled on as sister taxon to all other Oenantheae genera and did little using the default parameters of CLUSTAL X (specifically, to affect ingroup tree topology (Hardway 2001). 398 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie

Results numerous (27), followed by single bp insertions (16) and two bp insertions (8; Figure 1). Half of these 58 gaps were Circumscription of Oenantheae restricted to sequences from the eight species comprising the ‘NA Endemics’ clade (discussed below). A total of 31 Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences from 100 acces- gaps was parsimony informative; these were distributed sions, representing the 13 core genera of Oenantheae and 19 additional genera examined for possible inclusion in the tribe, resulted in the expansion of tribe Oenantheae by three genera (Afrocarum, Daucosma, and Trepocarpus). Representatives of the 16 remaining genera (Table 1) all fall outside of the tribe; the phylogenetic affinities of each will be 40 discussed in a subsequent paper (K Spalik and S Downie, unpubl. data). Bifora americana, the only North American Insertion member of the genus, is confirmed as belonging to tribe Oenantheae; its congeners, B. radians M. Bieb. and B. tes- Deletion ticulata (L.) Spreng. ex Schult., are placed in the apioid 30 superclade (Downie et al. 2001). Similarly, the genus Cryptotaenia is polyphyletic, with C. africana Drude, C. calycina C.C. Towns. and C. elegans Webb ex Bolle placed outside of tribe Oenantheae, away from C. canadensis (L.) DC. and C. japonica Hassk., which are maintained in the tribe (K Spalik and S Downie, unpubl. data). The nomenclat- 20 ural type of Cryptotaenia (C. canadensis) is included in Oenantheae, whereas the type of Bifora (B. testiculata) is NUMBER OF GAPS not. In summary, 17 genera are recognised herein as con- stituting tribe Oenantheae. 10 Sequence analysis

Alignment of 64 ITS sequences, representing all 17 genera of tribe Oenantheae, resulted in a matrix of 633 positions, with three positions near the ITS-2-26S rRNA boundary excluded because of alignment ambiguity. Characteristics of these aligned data, as separate or combined ITS-1, 5.8S 123 19 and ITS-2 regions, are presented in Table 3. Fifty-eight SIZE OF GAPS (bp) unambiguous gaps, all but one ranging between one and three bp in size, were introduced to facilitate alignment. The remaining and largest gap, of 19 bp in size, characterised all Figure 1: The number of gaps and their sizes inferred in the align- accessions of Helosciadium. Of these 58 gaps, single bp ment of 64 ITS sequences of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae. The num- deletions (relative to the Perideridia sequences) were most ber of insertions relative to deletions is indicated

Table 3: Comparisons among the data sets and most parsimonious (MP) trees presented in this study. The number of terminal taxa varied, for 5.8S and ITS-2 data were unavailable for 12 and 3 accessions, respectively

Data Set Characteristics and Cladogram Measures ITS-1 5.8S ITS-2 Combined No. of terminals 64 52 61 64 Length variation (bp) 208–213 161–164 207–232 580–606 No. of aligned positions 224 164 245 633 No. of aligned positions excluded 0033 No. of aligned positions constant 84 146 66 296 No. of aligned positions autapomorphic 32 8 40 80 No. of aligned positions parsimony informative 108 10 136 254 No. of unambiguous alignment gaps 27 4 27 58 No. of alignment gaps parsimony informative 15 3 13 31 Pairwise sequence divergence (range in %) 0–26.4 0–4.4 0–32.4 0–26.9 No. of MP trees 1 376 >5 000 348 256 Length of MP trees 432 27 510 999 Consistency index 0.5231 0.7037 0.5608 0.5315 Consistency index (excluding uninformative chars.) 0.4824 0.5789 0.5141 0.4846 Retention index 0.7832 0.8889 0.7887 0.7752 South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 399 almost equally between both spacer regions. Treating gaps Constraining the seven examined accessions of Berula as missing data, uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence erecta to monophyly and rerunning the MP analysis resulted values across the entire region ranged from identity (for in trees three steps longer than those most parsimonious. several conspecific taxa) to 26.9% of nucleotides (between Constraining the ten non-African Sium accessions to mono- Lilaeopsis occidentalis and Helosciadium inundatum). The phyly (i.e. Sium sisarum, S. frigidum, S. latifolium and S. vast majority of pairwise comparisons ranged between 6% suave) revealed a subset (224) of the 256 minimal length and 14%, whereas the highest divergence values were 999-step trees resulting from unconstrained analysis. obtained among pairwise comparisons of sequences from Constraining all 14 Sium accessions to monophyly (includ- the eight ‘NA Endemics’. For the latter, these values ranged ing the African Sium bracteatum, S. burchellii and S. repan- between 5.7% and 20.5% (and averaged 17%). dum) resulted in trees 26 steps longer than those most par- simonious. Based on these results, it is very unlikely that the Phylogenetic analysis genus Sium, as presently circumscribed to include the three African species, is monophyletic. In contrast, Berula erecta MP analysis of combined ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 sequence may prove to be monophyletic upon subsequent study and data for 64 accessions of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae result- expanded sampling, given the many weakly supported inter- ed in 256 minimal length trees, each of 999 steps nal branches in this portion of the tree. (Consistency Indices (CI’s) = 0.5315 and 0.4846, with and The last major clade in the MP tree, labelled ‘NA without uninformative characters, respectively; Retention Endemics’, comprises eight species native to North America. Index (RI) = 0.7752 (Table 3)). The strict consensus of these The genera Cynosciadium, Daucosma, Limnosciadium, trees is presented in Figure 2. Separate MP analyses of the Ptilimnium and Trepocarpus are found exclusively in the ITS-1 and ITS-2 data sets resulted in strict consensus trees USA, as is Bifora americana. Neogoezia is endemic to (not shown) slightly less resolved but highly consistent with Mexico (Constance 1987). Lilaeopsis occidentalis is almost the strict consensus tree derived from combined data. The entirely confined to the Pacific coast of North America, results of the partition-homogeneity test revealed that the whereas the genus itself is distributed more widely in the two spacer regions do not yield significantly different phylo- temperate regions of North and South America, with a few genetic estimates. Separate analysis of the 5.8S region outlying species in Australasia and elsewhere (Affolter 1985, resulted in a large polytomy, with only the group of eight ‘NA Petersen and Affolter 1999). While we refer to this group as Endemic’ genera resolved as monophyletic. Greatest reso- the ‘NA Endemics’ clade, we acknowledge that there are lution of relationships was achieved when all molecular data taxa outside of the clade that are also endemic to North were considered together, a result concordant to that report- America (such as Oxypolis, Perideridia, and all but one ed from other studies of ITS data (Baldwin et al. 1995). Of species of Cicuta). We also acknowledge that very few the 31 potentially informative alignment gaps, 16 mapped species of Lilaeopsis are actually native to North America. without homoplasy when optimised on all minimal length Therefore, we use the descriptor ‘NA Endemics’ for the sake trees. The largest gap, restricted to all Helosciadium of reference only. sequences, was a 19bp deletion relative to the outgroup Based on the results of the hierarchical likelihood ratio Perideridia. Other synapomorphic indels supported the tests, Modeltest selected the TrN+G model of nucleotide monophyly of the genera Cicuta, Cryptotaenia pro parte (i.e. substitution (Tamura and Nei 1993) as fitting these ITS data C. canadensis and C. japonica), Oxypolis and Perideridia, best (base frequencies: 0.2416, A; 0.2258, C; 0.2446, G; and the species groups Sium bracteatum + Sium burchellii, 0.2879, T; estimates of substitution rates: A↔C, 1; A↔G, Afrocarum imbricatum + Sium repandum, Sium latifolium + 2.1879; A↔T, 1; C↔G, 1; C↔T, 4.4819; G↔T, 1; proportion Sium suave, and Trepocarpus aethusae + Bifora americana. of invariable sites = 0; gamma distribution shape parameter On the basis of these results, the genera Helosciadium, = 0.5083). Using these parameters, a single tree was recov- Cryptotaenia pro parte (as above), Oenanthe, Cicuta, ered in PAUP*, with a –Ln likelihood score of 5805.7183 Oxypolis and Perideridia constitute well-diagnosed groups, (Figure 3). A tree with identical topology (with a –Ln likeli- with supporting bootstrap values ranging between 92% and hood score of 5792.08846) was recovered using the best-fit 100% and the possession of uniquely occurring indels. The model GTR+I+G (Rodríguez et al. 1990; proportion of invari- genera Berula and Sium are not monophyletic. The two St able sites = 0.2017; gamma distribution shape parameter = Helena endemics (Sium bracteatum and S. burchellii) ally 0.8653), selected by Modeltest’s Akaike information criterion with the three Berula accessions from Africa (nos. 82, 116 (Akaike 1974). The results of the ML analyses are similar to and 799). This clade is sister to Afrocarum imbricatum + those inferred by MP, with the following exceptions: Sium repandum, two species also native to Africa, which, in Oenanthe and Cicuta arise as weakly supported sister taxa; turn, comprise a clade sister to the four accessions of the ten non-African Sium accessions (Sium sisarum, S. European Berula examined (nos. 150, 251, 2253 and 2257). frigidum, S. latifolium and S. suave) unite as a weakly sup- This entire clade, labeled ‘Berula’, comprising Afrocarum, ported monophyletic group (with a 66% bootstrap value); Berula and the three Sium species endemic to St Helena and decreased internal support within the ‘Berula’ clade, and continental Africa, is supported strongly, with a boot- including the near collapse of the branch uniting African strap value of 100%. Sium sisarum (five accessions) + S. Berula, Sium and Afrocarum. The latter clade, however, is frigidum and Sium latifolium (three accessions) + S. suave still supported strongly, with a 100% bootstrap value. comprise two distinct clades arising from a five-branched The presence of a five-branched polytomy in the MP tree, polytomy, along with the ‘Berula’ clade, Helosciadium and the many weakly supported or short basal branches in both Cryptotaenia (pro parte). MP and ML trees, and the rearrangement of certain taxa in 400 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie

74 68 Berula erecta 82 Berula erecta 116 77 Berula erecta 799 95 Sium bracteatum 62 Sium bracteatum 177 178 89 Sium burchellii “Berula” 99 Afrocarum imbricatum 132 100 Afrocarum imbricatum 1444 Sium repandum 61 71 Berula erecta 150 100 Berula erecta 2257 Berula erecta 2253 Berula erecta 251 98 Helosciadium nodiflorum 919 Helosciadium nodiflorum 15108 99 Helosciadium nodiflorum 1871 Helosciadium 100 Helosciadium bermejoi 62449 Helosciadium repens 1870 99 Helosciadium inundatum 64358 82 Helosciadium crassipes 170 Sium sisarum 97 100 Sium sisarum 311 Sium sisarum 388 69 Sium sisarum 83 Sium sisarum 53 Sium Sium frigidum 109 100 Sium latifolium E 99 Sium latifolium 1632 Sium latifolium 2256 Sium suave 12 99 402 100 Cryptotaenia japonica Cryptotaenia japonica 574 Cryptotaenia Cryptotaenia canadensis 817 Oenanthe pimpinelloides 273 100 Oenanthe pimpinelloides 29 Oenanthe banatica 476 165 Oenanthe fistulosa Oenanthe 100 100 Oenanthe peucedanifolia 1282 Oenanthe divaricata 1300 Oenanthe crocata 40 Oenanthe crocata 247 Oenanthe sarmentosa 521 42 96 81 Limnosciadium pinnatum 2000 60 Daucosma laciniata 2397 88 Ptilimnium capillaceum 2165 Cynosciadium digitatum 1063 “NA Endemics” 90 Lilaeopsis occidentalis 1999 32 94 48 Trepocarpus aethusae 1817 Bifora americana 1467 2138 75 Neogoezia minor 99 Cicuta virosa 131 75 32 63 Cicuta virosa Cicuta virosa 426 Cicuta 92 Cicuta maculata var. angustifolia 1113 100 Cicuta bulbifera 1923 1935 71 Cicuta bulbifera 98 Oxypolis occidentalis 1142 Oxypolis rigidior 1927 Oxypolis Oxypolis fendleri 915 100 Perideridia kelloggii 855 Perideridia kelloggii 635 Perideridia kelloggii 778 Perideridia 71 Perideridia americana 1938 Perideridia howellii 780

Figure 2: Strict consensus of 256 maximally parsimonious 999-step trees derived from equally weighted maximum parsimony analysis of aligned ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 sequences from 64 accessions of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae (CI = 0.4846, excluding uninformative charac- ters; RI = 0.7752). Numbers on branches represent bootstrap percentage estimates from 1 000 replicate analyses. Brackets indicate clade descriptors discussed in the text South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 401

Sium sisarum 97 311 94 Sium sisarum 0.01 substitutions/site Sium sisarum 388 80 Sium sisarum 83 Sium sisarum 53 66 Sium frigidum 109 Sium 100 Sium latifolium E 97 Sium latifolium 1632 Sium latifolium 2256 Sium suave 12 Helosciadium nodiflorum 919 Helosciadium nodiflorum 15108 Helosciadium nodiflorum 1871 100 Helosciadium bermejoi 62449 Helosciadium Helosciadium repens 1870 Helosciadium inundatum 64358 170 54 Helosciadium crassipes 69 Berula erecta 82 Berula erecta 116 60 Berula erecta 799 89 Sium bracteatum Sium bracteatum 177 178 Sium burchellii “Berula” 94 61 Afrocarum imbricatum 132 100 Afrocarum imbricatum 1444 Sium repandum 61 Berula erecta 2257 96 Berula erecta 2253 Berula erecta 150 Berula erecta 251 97 402 97 Cryptotaenia japonica Cryptotaenia japonica 574 Cryptotaenia Cryptotaenia canadensis 817 Oenanthe pimpinelloides 273 100 Oenanthe pimpinelloides 29 Oenanthe banatica 476 165 Oenanthe fistulosa Oenanthe 100 Oenanthe peucedanifolia 1282 Oenanthe sarmentosa 521 100 Oenanthe divaricata 1300 Oenanthe crocata 40 Oenanthe crocata 247 100 Cicuta virosa 131 Cicuta virosa 75 98 Cicuta virosa 426 Cicuta maculata var. angustifolia 1113 Cicuta 98 Cicuta bulbifera 1923 Cicuta bulbifera 1935 92 67 Limnosciadium pinnatum 2000 84 Daucosma laciniata 2397 96 Ptilimnium capillaceum 2165 “NA Cynosciadium digitatum 1063 89 1999 Endemics” 51 Lilaeopsis occidentalis 96 Trepocarpus aethusae 1817 Bifora americana 1467 2138 64 Neogoezia minor 99 Oxypolis occidentalis 1142 Oxypolis rigidior 1927 Oxypolis Oxypolis fendleri 915 100 Perideridia kelloggii 855 79 Perideridia kelloggii 635 Perideridia kelloggii 778 Perideridia Perideridia americana 1938 Perideridia howellii 780

Figure 3: The single tree derived from maximum likelihood analysis of aligned ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 sequences from 64 accessions of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae under a TrN+G model of nucleotide substitution (–Ln likelihood = 5805.7183). Numbers on branches represent bootstrap estimates for 1 000 replicate neighbour-joining analyses using a maximum likelihood model of nucleotide substitution; bootstrap percentage estimates <50% are not indicated. Brackets indicate clade descriptors discussed in the text 402 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie the ‘NA Endemics’ clade depending upon the gap penalties significant (at the 5% level). The molecular clock hypothesis invoked in generating the alignment, generally preclude for Oenantheae ITS sequences is therefore rejected. unambiguous hypotheses of intergeneric relationship within tribe Oenantheae. Those relationships that are noteworthy Discussion include the union of Afrocarum with Sium repandum, the close affinity between the jellicos (i.e. Sium bracteatum and The circumscription and distribution of Apiaceae tribe S. burchellii) of St Helena and African Berula, and the isola- Oenantheae tion of African Sium from its north temperate congeners, such as Sium latifolium, the nomenclatural type of the Table 4 lists the 17 genera recognised here as comprising genus. tribe Oenantheae and their distributions. Four genera are A striking feature of the ITS trees is the relatively long not monophyletic. Bifora and Cryptotaenia have members branch lengths characterising the members of the ‘NA that fall outside of the tribe; Berula and Sium each comprise Endemics’ clade, as seen in Figure 3. Sequence divergence two or more lineages within Oenantheae. The separation of values among the eight members comprising this clade are Bifora americana from its Eurasian congeners, B. radians approximately 6–7 times higher (averaging 17%) relative to and B. testiculata, the latter the nomenclatural type of the those within Cicuta (averaging 2.4%) or Oenanthe (averag- genus, involves a change in nomenclature. The name ing 2.8%), their putative sister taxa. Moreover, half of the 58 Atrema americana DC. already exists for these North gaps inferred in the multiple alignment of all 64 ITS American plants, but further study of North American sequences were restricted to members of the ‘NA Endemics’ Oenantheae is in order before such a change is implement- clade, as was the single small region of ambiguous align- ed. The type of Cryptotaenia, C. canadensis, is maintained ment near the ITS-2-26S rRNA boundary excluded from the within the tribe, as is C. japonica; the latter, however, analysis. To detect rate asymmetry, 28 relative rate tests depending upon the treatment, may be recognised as a were conducted. Twelve sequences were assigned to nine variety or subspecies of the former. Two African species of defined lineages (representing one sequence from each of Cryptotaenia (C. africana and C. calycina) and the the nine major clades outlined in Figures 2–3, with the Macaronesian C. elegans, coinciding with Wolff’s (1927) exception of the ‘NA Endemics’ clade, where four sequences section Afrosciadium, are excluded from the tribe. were assigned). Perideridia kelloggii (no. 635) was used as Information on their phylogenetic placements is forthcoming the reference taxon (outgroup). Significant differences (P = (K Spalik and S Downie, unpubl. data). 0.001) suggest that Limnosciadium, Ptilimnium, Lilaeopsis The western North American monotypic genus and Neogoezia, the four examined sequences from the ‘NA Shoshonea Evert & Constance, erroneously placed in the Endemics’ clade, are each evolving much faster when com- Oenanthe clade on the basis of matK sequence compar- pared to any sequence from outside of this clade. Rate dif- isons (Plunkett et al. 1996), belongs in the ‘Angelica’ clade ferences of most other pairs of species were not statistically of the apioid superclade (Downie et al. 1998, 2001, Plunkett

Table 4: The composition and distribution of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae Dumort. Species numbers are after Pimenov and Leonov (1993), except for Berula (Burtt 1991), Cicuta (Mulligan 1980), Cynosciadium (Mathias and Constance 1944–1945), Helosciadium (Wolff 1927, Z Popper and M Watson, unpubl. data), and Lilaeopsis (Affolter 1985, Petersen and Affolter 1999). Asterisks denote those genera that are not monophyletic as a result of this study

Genus No. of Species Distribution Afrocarum Rauschert 1 Africa Berula W.D.J. Koch* 1 Widespread Bifora Hoffm.* 1 a North America (USA) Cicuta L. 4 3 North America; 1 Circumboreal Cryptotaenia DC.* 2 b Widespread Cynosciadium DC. 1 North America (USA) Daucosma Engelm. & A. Gray ex A. Gray 1 North America (USA) Helosciadium W.D.J. Koch 5 Europe Lilaeopsis Greene 14 New World, Australasia Limnosciadium Mathias & Constance 2 North America (USA) Neogoezia Hemsl. 5 Mexico Oenanthe L. 40 Widespread Oxypolis Raf. 7 North America Perideridia Rchb. 13 North America Ptilimnium Raf. 5 North America (USA) Sium L.* 14 Widespread Trepocarpus Nutt. ex DC. 1 North America (USA) a Bifora americana (=Atrema americana DC.). Bifora radians and B. testiculata are excluded from tribe Oenantheae b Cryptotaenia canadensis and C. japonica. Cryptotaenia africana, C. calycina and C. elegans are excluded from tribe Oenantheae. The phy- logenetic placements of C. flahaultii Koso-Pol., C. polygama C.C. Towns. and C. thomasii (Ten.) DC. have yet to be determined South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 403 and Downie 1999). These plants are caespitose-pulvinate, logically very similar and, in many early systems of classifi- scaberulous, and possess a woody taproot, and are mor- cation, were treated as congeneric. The genus Afrocarum phologically similar to several other genera of the region resembles Sium in several attributes (Cannon 1978), (Downie et al. 2002). They are also restricted to exposed although it is generally, but erroneously, affiliated with calcareous outcroppings at high elevations (Evert and Carum, under which it was first described (Cannon 1978, Constance 1982). Any of these features would make this Townsend 1989). It is also intriguing that the jellicos of St genus an anomaly, if it was maintained in tribe Oenantheae. Helena and Sium repandum are not immediately allied to The matK study of Plunkett et al. (1996) also placed Cicuta their north-temperate congeners, such as Sium latifolium, (specifically, C. douglasii (DC.) J.M. Coult. & Rose) in the the nomenclatural type of the genus. Angelica clade, alongside three genera of North American The phylogenetic results presented here indicate that distribution having affinities with Shoshonea (Downie et al. nomenclatural changes are in order, especially with regard 2002). The genus Cicuta is unequivocally monophyletic (C to the monotypic genera Afrocarum and Berula vis-à-vis Lee and S Downie, unpubl. data), and its position outside of Sium. One approach is to redefine Berula to include tribe Oenantheae should be regarded as spurious. Afrocarum, Sium repandum and the two St Helena Sium Nine genera are native to North America (six exclusively to species, but this leads to a complex genus that, pending fur- the USA), of which five are monotypic or bitypic. Three ther study, cannot readily be circumscribed morphologically. species of Cicuta are also confined to North America, where- Moreover, at least four new name combinations will be nec- as C. virosa is circumboreal (Mulligan 1980). Afrocarum is essary. Another approach, equally unwieldy, is to recognise endemic to tropical Africa, and Helosciadium is European in Afrocarum, Sium repandum, the St Helena endemics and distribution. Lilaeopsis occurs in the temperate zones of African Berula as separate genera. With the exception of the North and South America and Australasia (Affolter 1985), as latter, each can be circumscribed unequivocally because of well as in Mauritius in the southwest Indian Ocean (Petersen their distinctive morphology, but this leads to the creation of and Affolter 1999). The remaining four genera are widely dis- several monotypic genera, of which there are already far too tributed, occurring in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America many in the family (Spalik et al. 2001). However, before any and, depending upon which genus, also in Central America, such nomenclatural changes are implemented, further sam- and Australasia (Pimenov and Leonov 1993). pling and study are required, especially of Berula erecta.

The ‘Berula’ clade The ‘NA Endemics’ clade

A well-supported clade in all trees (the ‘Berula’ clade) con- Based on ITS sequence data, all members of the ‘NA tains Berula erecta, Afrocarum imbricatum, Sium bractea- Endemics’ clade show a high level of sequence divergence, tum, S. burchellii and S. repandum. Burtt (1991) recognised and relative rate tests suggest that this lineage is evolving two subspecies within Berula erecta, and established subsp. much faster than any other within the tribe. This rapid diver- thunbergii (DC.) B.L. Burtt ‘with some reluctance’. These two gence parallels their great morphological diversity. For subspecies are separated by the severity of cutting of the example, many members of this clade (including the genus leaflets of the cauline leaves, with subsp. thunbergii having Lilaeopsis) exhibit a severe reduction of leaf morphology a more regular and less deeply dentate cutting than that of (Affolter 1985). Others, such as Bifora americana and the typical subspecies. Moreover, subsp. erecta, although Trepocarpus, have pinnately decompound leaves with fili- distributed widely in temperate Eurasia, North America, and form divisions. Their distinctive morphology has confused elsewhere, does not occur in southern Africa (Burtt 1991). phylogenetic placement; as examples, Neogoezia and Geographic distribution aside, we could not satisfactorily dis- Lilaeopsis, with their simple umbels, have been treated in tinguish between these subspecies, because one of our both subfamilies Apioideae and Hydrocotyloideae (reviewed accessions from Africa had a jagged leaflet morphology just in Constance 1987, and Peterson et al. 2002). Further study like European Berula. Nevertheless, it is intriguing that the of the ‘NA Endemics’ clade is currently underway. African accessions of Berula erecta comprise a distinct clade, separate from their European counterparts. Taxonomic history Therefore, while our results show that subsp. thunbergii may be a distinct taxon, the diagnostic characters used to distin- The taxonomic history of tribe Oenantheae Dumort. (as guish it from the typical subspecies appear to be incorrect. emended by Downie et al. 2000b and expanded upon here) The jellicos of St Helena, Sium bracteatum and S. burchel- is extraordinarily complex, especially because of the use of lii, unite as a monophyletic group sister to the three African many longstanding names in earlier works that are now con- Berula accessions. In both MP and ML trees, this entire sidered as synonyms. Sprengel (1820), proposing the first group is sister to the clade of Afrocarum imbricatum and formal (i.e. tribal) subdivisions of subfamily Apioideae, Sium repandum, suggesting that the St Helena endemics placed Cicuta in tribe Smyrnieae Spreng., Sium in tribe originated from Africa and shared an immediate common Ammieae Spreng., and Oenanthe in tribe Pimpinelleae ancestor with African Berula. The four examined accessions Spreng. Koch (1824), emphasising features of the seed face of B. erecta from Europe comprise a strongly supported (endosperm) and mericarp ribs, moved Oenanthe into tribe monophyletic group sister to the clade of all other afore- Seseleae W.D.J. Koch and Cicuta into tribe Ammieae to join mentioned taxa. This alliance among Berula, Sium and Sium, Helosciadium and Drepanophyllum Hoffm. (the latter Afrocarum is not surprising. Berula and Sium are morpho- two genera being segregates of Sium). Dumortier (1827) 404 Hardway, Spalik, Watson, Katz-Downie and Downie refined Koch’s treatment by placing Cicuta, Helodium Koso-Pol.; Sium in Crithmeae Koso-Pol.; Oxypolis in Dumort. (=Helosciadium) and Sium in tribe Pimpinelleae Peucedaneae; and Cicuta, Oenanthe, Trepocarpus, subtribe Cicutinae Dumort. on the basis of the presence of Cyssopetalum Turcz. (= Oenanthe) and Ptilimnium, along flat endosperm and calyx teeth. In the same publication, with 12 other genera now considered not very closely relat- Dumortier described the new tribe Oenantheae for the gen- ed, in Oenantheae Dumort.). Similarly, the novel groupings era Aethusa L., Coriandrum L. and Oenanthe, defined by the proposed by Cerceau-Larrival (1962), from her study of presence of radiately ribbed fruits. This rather heteroge- pollen and seedling morphology, and later adopted by Guyot neous assemblage of genera was not followed by later (1966, 1971) in his survey of stomatal types, have done lit- authors, nor is it supported by molecular studies. tle to clarify the relationships among present-day De Candolle (1830), following Koch’s emphasis on the Oenantheae. Cerceau-Larrival placed Berula, Apium (incl. shape of the endosperm, as well as the distribution of vittae Helosciadium) and Sium in her tribe Heteromorpheae, and other fruit anatomical characters, treated Cicuta, Cryptotaenia in her tribe Cryptotaenieae, and Oenanthe in a Helosciadium and Sium (incl. Berula) in tribe Ammieae. He monotypic Oenantheae. None of her names, however, were also included in this tribe, along with 18 other genera, his validly published. In summary, no prior taxonomic treatment newly described Cryptotaenia DC. and Discopleura DC., the has unambiguously grouped together those genera defined latter now treated in Ptilimnium. Oenanthe (including herein as belonging to tribe Oenantheae. In recognising the Dasyloma DC.) and Cynosciadium were placed in Seseleae, tribe, Downie et al. (2000b) used Dumortier’s (1827) name, with this tribe distinguished from Ammieae on the basis of but its circumscription is radically different from that pro- the degree and direction of fruit compression. De Candolle posed previously. treated his new genera Archemora DC. (=Oxypolis) and DC. (=Oxypolis) in tribe Peucedaneae, Final considerations Eulophys Nutt. ex DC. (=Perideridia) in tribe Smyrnieae, Trepocarpus Nutt. ex DC. in tribe Cumineae W.D.J. Koch, In this study, we considered representatives of 19 genera and Crantzia Nutt. (=Lilaeopsis), with its greatly reduced (beyond those recognised in Oenantheae at the onset of this vegetative morphology and simple umbels, in tribe study) for possible inclusion in the tribe. Of these, three Hydrocotyleae Spreng. As such, the genera we recognise (Afrocarum, Daucosma and Trepocarpus) represent the here as comprising tribe Oenantheae were scattered among most recent additions to tribe Oenantheae. Two genera six tribes! (Bifora and Cryptotaenia) were confirmed as polyphyletic, The system of Bentham (1867) departed from all previous with some of their members having affinities outside of the treatments, as he emphasised form and the tribe. The North American Bifora americana may be recog- presence or absence of fruit vittae and secondary ribs. Once nised as Atrema americana, pending further investigation. more, Cicuta, Cryptotaenia and Sium (incl. Berula) were Molecular systematic studies have revealed that many gen- placed together in Ammieae subtribe Ammiinae Dumort.; era of Apioideae are polyphyletic (Downie et al. 2001, Spalik however, Oenanthe, Cynosciadium and Discopleura (= et al. 2001); thus it is not unrealistic to assume that as mate- Ptilimnium) were treated in Seseleae subtribe Oenanthinae rial from additional species becomes available for those 16 Benth. Also included in the latter was Crantzia (=Lilaeopsis), genera examined for inclusion in the tribe but excluded on and eight other genera of distant affinity. Eulophus (= the basis of phylogenetic analysis of ITS data (such as, Perideridia) was maintained in Smyrnieae, but Trepocarpus Pimpinella and its segregates), some may find affinity within was placed in tribe Caucalideae Spreng., along with Daucus tribe Oenantheae. Additional genera whose fruit and (or) and, surprisingly, Bifora. In the system of Boissier (1872), vegetative morphologies suggest that they should be exam- Oenanthe was placed in tribe Seseleae, away from ined for possible inclusion in tribe Oenantheae include Helosciadium, Sium and Berula of tribe Ammieae. Drude Apodicarpum Makino, Asciadium Griseb., Kundmannia (1898) maintained two major groups of genera, with Cicuta, Scop., Ottoa Kunth and Rutheopsis A. Hansen & G. Kunkel. Cryptotaenia, Trepocarpus and Sium (incl. Berula) in Apium sensu lato also merits special consideration. In the Ammieae subtribe Carinae Drude and Oenanthe, most recent worldwide treatment of Apium, Wolff (1927) Cynosciadium, Crantzia (=Lilaeopsis), and Discopleura (= recognised five sections, with one of these comprising those Ptilimnium) in Ammieae subtribe Seselinae Benth. Eulophus species recognised in the oenanthoid genus Helosciadium. (=Perideridia) was moved to subtribe Carinae, and Section Apium is taxonomically complex, and given the veg- Helosciadium was included within an expanded Apium. etative similarity of some of its members with those of tribe Tiedemannia (=Oxypolis) was maintained in Peucedaneae. Oenantheae, it also deserves further attention. Lastly, while The exclusively Mexican genus Neogoezia was placed in the ITS region provides phylogenetic resolution in tribe Smyrnieae. Pimenov and Leonov (1993), basing their sys- Oenantheae, additional sources of phylogenetic information tem on that of Drude, placed all but two of these genera into from molecules and morphology, and denser taxonomic their large, heterogeneous tribe Apieae. Neogoezia and sampling are needed to gain a comprehensive and detailed Oxypolis were maintained in Smyrnieae and Peucedaneae, phylogenetic understanding of Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae. respectively. The detailed fruit anatomical studies of Koso-Poljansky Acknowledgements — The authors thank Jean-Pierre Reduron, (1916, 1917) only included some of the genera of our Vincent Williams and Gitte Petersen, and the many botanic gardens Oenantheae, but even so they were widely scattered among and herbaria cited in the text, for generously providing us with plant several tribes (for example, Helosciadium in Aethuseae material. We also thank Byoung Yoon Lee, Jennifer Anderson and Feng-Jie Sun for laboratory assistance, Jill Preston and Quentin South African Journal of Botany 2004, 70: 393–406 405

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Edited by B-E van Wyk and PM Tilney