Lk April 10, 1953 M. Higonnet Classification of Italian Banks 1
43-/O Economic Developmnt Italy Eoonomics/ lk April 10, 1953 M. Higonnet I. STRUCTURE OF ITALIAN BANKING SYSTEM Classification of Italian Banks 1) The Bank of Italy 2) Public Law credit institutes, There are 5 of them, namly the Banco di Napoli, the Banco di Sicilia, the ane nanmi=e1 del lavoro, the Istituto San Paolo di Tori , the Monte dei Paschi di Siena. 3) Banks of national interest. They are three in number, the Baneo comrciale italiana, the Credito italiano and the Banco di Roma. This category appears only in 1937 in the tables presented by the Bank of Italy. 4) Joint stock baks. Their number is diminishirg steadily: 305 in 1933, 289 in 1934, 274 in 1935, 250 in 1936 ( 194 if we -exclude those not actually operating, 191 if we also exclude the three banks of the above paragraph ). As far as we know the data frm 1936 on, unlike those for previous years, include operating banks only. Those were 149 in 1951, 5) The popular banks also called cooperative societies with limited responsibility. Their number is also falling, 6) The rural and artisanal banks which are also known as cooperative societies with unlimited responsibility. Their number is also falling. 7) Ordinary savings banks, and pledge banks, Their number is falling slowly. 8) Banking houses, the number of which is falling very rapidly. 9) Branches of foreign bankes they were 6 before the ar, now only 2. 10) Institutes specialised in agricultural credit, real estate credit and similar operations0 These institutes are few in number. - 2- A.
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