In May, Valencia Living Lakes is an international become the world network with more than 100 lakes capital of wetlands active in five continents. The Members of this worldwide network meet every two years in one of the countries where a lake is associated to analyze the conservation and protection of water and wetlands. In 2019, Living Lakes takes place for the first time in Valencia to celebrate 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LAKES the 15th International Conference on AND WETLANDS Lakes and Wetlands, with L’Albufera as host wetland and Fundación Global Nature as organizer.

Administrations, companies and NGOs are invited to participate in the event. Do you join the challenge of preserving water and its ecosystems?

2 3 “A world without wetlands is a world without water”, is the motto of the Living Lakes 2019 Conference


40% 100 K 80% 30% 50% The most commercially Wetlands are essential Wetlands, in particular Peatlands (acidic wetlands Inland wetlands are a main source of fresh water important fish species for many amphibians swamps, have a function key that accumulate large amounts on the planet. It is estimated that aquifers, often breed or spawn in coastal and reptiles, and for bird for purifying water. Evidence of organic matter) contain recharged by these wetlands, meet the consumption wetlands, and 40 % of all reproduction and migration. shows, that some wetlands can 30% of the carbon stored on needs of 50 % of the world’s population and fish consumed worldwide More than 100,000 known reduce nitrate concentrations Earth, twice as much as forests account for 43 % of the total irrigation water used. comes fromPICTURE: aquaculture. LAKE SYNEVYR,species CARPATHIANS, depend on them. UCRANIAby more than 80%. around the world. (FAO, 2010) 4 5 PARTICIPANT COUNTRIES

16 17 10 1 12 15 14 11 9 13 37 7 8 39 32 36 2 33 18 35 38 2 2 20 34 3 19 21 23 31 29 28 30 4 27 26 25

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> 200 delegates from AMERICAAMERICAEUROPAEUROPA 14. Poland 21. Benin 30. 37. Mongolia 01. Canada01. Canada07. Spain07. Spain 15. Hungary 22. Nigeria 31. 38. Philippines 41 countries participate 16. Estonia 23. Cameroon 39. Japan 02. Mexico02. Mexico08. Switzerland08. Switzerland ASIA 03. Colombia03. 17. Russia 24. South Africa in the15th International 09. Austria09. Austria OCEANIA 04. 04. Peru 25. Botswana 32. Conference on Lakes 10. UK 10. United King- AFRICA 05. Paraguay05. Paraguay11. Belgiumdom 11. 26. Malawi 33. 40. Australia and Wetlands 06. Uruguay06. Uruguay 12. NetherlandsBelgium 12. 18. Senegal 27. Burundi 34. Sri Lanka 41. New 13. GermanyNetherlands 19. Ivory Coast 28. Rwanda 35. Cambodia Zealand 20. Ghana 29. DR Congo 36. China 6 7 MAIN CHALLENGES PROGRAMME

CLIMATE CHANGE, A FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGE FOR TUESDAY > MAY 7 > DAY I Living Lakes Partner City of Valencia: WETLAND MANAGEMENT Planning, regulations and voluntary PARTNERSHIPS FOR LAKE AND programs on local level to protect The degradation and disappearance of wetlands is progressing faster WETLAND RESTORATION AND lakes and wetlands. Sergi Campillo than any other ecosystem. The latest report of the UN Millennium MANAGEMENT Fernández, Delegated Councilor Ecosystem Assessment shows that climate change is accelerating this for the Conservation of Natural process, leading to the loss of many species and increasing water Areas and Devesa-Albufera, City of 8.15–8.45 Conference Valencia, Spain quantity and quality problems in many regions of the world. This same registration report reminds us that wetlands are an ally against climate change, as Floodplains and wetlands in . Significance, threat and measures they improve our ability to respond to natural disasters. 9.00–10.00 Opening of the 15th International Conference for protection and restoration. Bernd on Lake and Wetlands Neukirchen, Head of Unit “Inland THE IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGIC ALLIANCES Waters”, German Federal Agency for Eduardo de Miguel Beascoechea, Nature Conservation, Germany Director of Fundación Global Nature, One of the greatest threats to coastal and inland wetlands has been (and Moderator: Eduardo de Miguel Spain continues to be) population growth and economic growth. Experience Beascoechea, Director of Fundación teaches us that wetland conservation projects will fail if they are not Marion Hammerl, President of Global Global Nature, Spain supported by strategic alliances that involve all stakeholders in the Nature Fund, Germany development of the region. The objective of the Living Lakes Conference Elena Cebrián Calvo, Regional Questions and comments from the 2019 is to involve companies, administrations, universities and NGOs Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, audience in researching solutions to ensure a balance between the conservation of Climate Change and Rural Group Photo wetlands and their economic development, through tourism, agriculture Development, Spain 11.30–11.45 or industry. Hugo Morán Hernández, Secretary of 11.45–12.12 Coffee Break State for the Environment, Spain wetlands, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR COMPANIES Joan Ribó i Canut, Mayor of Valencia 13.30–15.00 Presentations: City, Spain Water challenges of our times How to mainstream successful When we talk about nature conservation, we rarely consider the Keynote 10.00–11.30 pilot initiatives and tools for sound economic value of the habitats and species we want to protect. Wetlands Presentations generate innumerable vital goods and services and provide a stable management of lake watersheds. Prof. framework for economic and social development. Lakes and wetlands in Spain: Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Former Executive- Protection under EU Water Framework Director of the United Nations In a global world where the close connection between the economy and Directive. Javier Cachón de Mesa, Environment Programme (UNEP), the environment is becoming more and more evident, we will not be able General Director for Biodiversity and Germany (Video) to solve the great challenges that our planet faces, without cooperation Environmental Quality, Ministry for the Strategies for partnerships of business with the private sector. The Living Lakes Conference 2019 aims to Ecological Transition, Spain convince businesses that their activity depends, to a large extent, on the and NGOs for the protection of Approaches to protect lakes and wetlands. Ward Hagemeijer, Head services that ecosystems offer and that many future opportunities lie in wetlands: Successes and challenges Business and Ecosystems, Wetlands biodiversity conservation. for lake protection on global level. International, The Netherlands Private Francisco Rilla, Director of Science cooperation for water management. and Policy, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Switzerland 8 9 PROGRAMME

Factors of success. Jaime José Castillo Cultural and Social Sponsoring, Alfred Responsible for Environment and Gettkant, Coordinator of the Global Soria, Director of Institutional Relations, Kärcher SE & Co. KG, Germany Sustainability, Naturgy, Spain Project Private Business Action for Global Omnium, Spain Example II – María Pedro and María Example III: Reducing water risks in Biodiversity, GIZ GmbH (German Business tools to manage water Peña, R+D+i Global Omnium, Spain cities – Natural Capital Assessment of Development Cooperation), Germany challenges. Marta Santamaría Belda, Example III - Klaus Strixner, Sika SEKISUI Chemical. Hitomi Miura, ESG Example III: Long-term cooperation Policy Director, Natural Capital Community Programme, Sika AG, Management Promotion Department, between NGO and companies on Coalition, UK Switzerland SEKISUI Chemical, Japan rural development & lake protection. Dr Andrew Venter, CEO, Wildtrust, South Moderator: Amanda del Río Murillo, Moderator: Moderator: Stefan Hörmann, Head of Elvira Carles Brescolí, Africa Technical Coordinator, Fundación CEO, Fundación Empresa y Clima, Unit Business and Biodiversity, Global Global Nature, Spain Spain Nature Fund, Germany Moderator: Marion Hammerl, President of Global Nature Fund, Germany Questions and comments from the Discussion. Summary of results Discussion. Summary of results audience Discussion. Summary of results SESSION 2 > Salón de Conferencias SESSION 3 > Sala de Prensa 13:30–15.00 Lunch 17.00–17.30 Coffee Break 15.00–17.00 Watershed 15.00–17.00 Payment for management, water footprint ecosystem services, project Parallel Sessions 17.30–18.00 Wrap up of the and other tools: Potential support, sponsoring: Compen- day: Do we have answers to all achievements and limits sation or contribution or both? SESSION 1 > Salón de Actos questions? Water Footprints: Concepts, Payments for Ecosystem Services 15.00–17.00 Spanish & Moderator: Udo Gattenlöhner, Director Methodologies and Policy Responses. opportunities for the companies international initiatives of the of Global Nature Fund, Germany Francesc La Roca Cervigón, Fundación and environment. Marion Hammerl, business sector to conserve Nueva Cultura del Agua, Spain President of Global Nature Fund, water resources and increase Germany 20.00 Dinner in the Oceano- resilience against climate change Example I: Water Stewardship @Nestlé: graphic hosted by SEKISUI Caring for Water initiative. Cédric Example I: Visitor Giving in the English International projects to conserve water Chemical and Global Omnium Egger, Corporate Water Resources Lake District – Connecting Tourism resources. Rafael Sánchez Navarro, Manager, Nestlé Waters–Paris and Conservation in a National Park. RAMSAR Spanish Focal point Sarah Swindley, Director, Lake District Example II: Methodology to evaluate Example I – Carolin Häfner, Specialist Foundation, UK Ciutat de les Arts i de les Ciències, ecosystem services in wetlands. Corporate Citizenship, Public Relations, Carrer d’Eduardo Primo Yúfera, Nieves Cifuentes Valero, Corporate Example II: Business Action for Valencia Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Andreas PROGRAMME

wednesDAY > MAY 8 > DAY Ii Centre, Australia hydrographic demarcation: the case of Climate change adaptation: restoration Wetland Conservation Experiences l’Albufera de Valencia, Teodoro Estrela and/or resilience Monreal, Head of the Hydrological Field Trip in Comunitat Valenciana, Paloma Citizens science: how to ensure success Mateache and María Sahuquillo, Planning Office of Confederación in the long run Hidrográfica del Júcar, Spain Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Awareness and media: How to 9.00 – 17.00 Field Trip to Environment and Climate Change, Living Lakes – Example of tropical communicate and make actions visible L’Albufera Spain lakes. Senglong Youk, Fisheries Action Moderator: Coalition Team (FACT), Cambodia Judith Fisher, Chair of the Activities: Lake Spot Lights - Water Ecosystems EKLIPSE Restoration EWG, Member around the world affected by climate Sustainable Peatland Management in • Boat trip in L’Albufera of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert change & Solution approaches. the Broads – Reducing greenhouse gas Panel, Research Fellow at UWA • Guided visit to Tancat de la Pipa Examples from the Living Lakes emissions and creating a sustainable African Research and Engagement Green Filter: example of shared Network: economy. Harry Mach, CANAPE Centre, Australia management between two NGOs • Alejandro Juárez Aguilar, Corazón de Project Manager, Broads Authority, UK under a land-stewardship agreement, la Tierra, Lake Chapala, México Participatory monitoring of watersheds. with University support 16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break • Samantha Houghting, WILDTRUST, St. Raegan Mallinson, Claire Pollock-Hall • Guided visit to the Interpretation Lucia Wetland, South Africa & Avery Deboer-Smith, Living Lakes 16.30 – 17.15 What will you Center El Racó de l’Olla , Canada take home? More answers or • Daniel Mwakameka, Action for • Route into the Gola de Pujol more questions? Environmental Sustainability, Lake The role of Mediterranean wetlands in Malawi, Malawi climate regulation. Antonio Camacho Summary of the conference. And González, Cathedratic Professor in young voices from the audience Meeting Point > EXPOHOTEL • Felipe Valderrama Escallón, the Department of Microbiology and Fundación Humedales, Lake Fúquene, Ecology, University of Valencia, Spain Clemente Álvarez Andrés, Ballena 17.00 Free Evening (Guided tour Colombia Blanca, Spain Moderator: Jordi Sargatal Vicens, to the City of Valencia) • Alejandro Juárez Aguilar, Corazón de President of the Association of Friends 17.30 – 18.30 Closing Pro- la Tierra, Lake Chapala, México of the Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de gramme & Best Conservation THURSDAY > MAY 9 > DAY IiI • Ajanta Dey, Nature Environment & l’Empordà (APNAE), Spain Wildlife Society, Sundarbans, India Practice Award Ceremony Questions from the audience Closing remarks: TOPIC: PARTNERSHIPS FOR • Senglong Youk, Fisheries Action Coalition, Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia Eduardo de Miguel Beascoechea, INCREASING WATER ECOSYSTEM 13.00 – 14.30 Lunch RESILIENCE AGAINST CLIMATE Moderator: Manfred Niekisch, Vice Director of Fundación Global Nature, Spain. CHANGE IMPACTS President, Global Nature Fund, SESSION Sala de Ocio Germany Udo Gattenlöhner, Director of Global 14.30–16.00 Best Practice & Nature Fund, Germany. 09.00–10.30 Keynote Questions from the audience Speed Networking: matching Presentations: partners for joint action of 20.30 Dinner and 20 Years businesses, public institutions The ongoing work of the EKLIPSE 10.30–11.00 Coffee Break Living Lakes Festivity Event in and NGOs project on the barriers to effective the Palacio de la Exposición restoration in the EU, Judith Fisher, 11.00 – 13.00 Presentations: Company – NGO collaboration: new hosted by Valencia City Chair of the EKLIPSE Restoration EWG, Management and Monitoring of forms of partnership Member of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Lakes and Wetlands Biodiversity Focus: how to efficiently Expert Panel, Research Fellow at UWA Management and control of include it in projects African Research and Engagement Carrer de Galícia, 3, 46010 Valencia Mediterranean wetlands in the Júcar 12 13 Map of the Living Lakes Conference


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Complex Esportiu-Cultural Petxina: Paseo de la Petxina, 42 Complex Esportiu-Cultural Petxina: Paseo de la Petxina, 42


A Central building B Central building C Parallel Sessions Contact the Organizers More information Salón de Actos Conference registration Salón de Conferencias María Sanchez Follow us in social media with the Panels and poster (Ground floor) Phone number: +34 618 639 592 hashtags: #LivingLakes2019 Sala de Prensa [email protected] #LoveLakes #LikeLakes #LiveLakes (First floor) Sala de Ocio Press and media Websites: (Second floor) José Manuel López-Cózar www.fundacionglobalnature.org Phone number: 609 276 423 www.livinglakes2019.org [email protected] 14 15 Organizer: With the support of:

