Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623

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Enhanced wear resistance of engineered - by nanostructured self-lubrication

V. Fuertes a,⁎,M.J.Cabrerab, J. Seores b,D.Muñozb,J.F.Fernándeza,E.Enríquezb a Dept. Electrocerámica, Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC, Kelsen 5, 28049 Madrid, Spain b Centro tecnológico Vidres, S.L., Ctra. Onda, Km 3.4, 12540 Villareal, Castellón, Spain


• Novel micro-nanostructured glass- obtained by a fast sintering processing route. • Hierarchical micro-nanostructure ex- tremely improves mechanical proper- ties. • Wear mechanism undergone is unlike other glass-ceramics, like a polishing process. • Nanocrystals work as solid lubricants, reducing surface damage suffered. • Very promising candidates to be used in high-performance self-lubricating applications.

article info abstract

Article history: A new kind of micro-nanostructured glass-ceramic based on albite and anorthite crystallizations, N90%, has been Received 29 October 2018 obtained following a fast sintering processing route. Flexural strength values up to 111 MPa and microhardness Received in revised form 25 January 2019 values of 9.5 GPa are measured, supposing an improvement of ~60% regarding current glazes for ceramic floor Accepted 25 January 2019 for high transit areas. The hierarchical micro-nanostructuration of these glass-ceramics favour crack deflec- Available online 15 February 2019 tion, which implies a reduction of brittleness in these materials and a consequent increase of fracture toughness

Keywords: of ~40% regarding a standard glass-ceramic. Tribological properties are also evaluated, showing a decrease in the fi μ Wear friction coef cient ( ) of ~36% and a surprising reduction of the wear rate (WR) larger than one magnitude order, Solid lubricant in both micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, concerning a standard one. Worn tracks analysed by Multi-Mode Micro-nanostructure Optical Profilometry and FE-SEM measurements revealed that nanocrystals present in the microstructure work

Glass-ceramic as solid lubricants, favouring body sliding over their surface and noticeably reducing μ,WR and the surface dam- Hardness age suffered. Wear mechanism undergone by both glass-ceramics is unlike other glass-ceramics, similar to a Fracture toughness polishing process, without any apparent material spalling. All of these findings make the micro-nanostructured materials very promising candidates to be used in high-performance self-lubricating applications. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction

Glass-ceramics are materials which consist of crystalline phases with a residual glassy matrix, produced through controlled crystalliza- ⁎ Corresponding author. tion of parent . Glass-ceramics are characterized by high thermal E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Fuertes). and chemical stability, good optical properties, low closed porosity and 0264-1275/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( 2 V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 good mechanical properties (e.g machinability, high hardness and high based on micro-nanostructured albite and anorthite crystallizations resistance to abrasion) [1]. Since the discovery of glass-ceramic mate- have been synthetized by a facile and conventional ceramic process rials in the early 1950s, a great variety of compositions and microstruc- [8,29]. These novel glass-ceramics, consist of a combination of micro- tures with specific technological properties have been developed [2]. crystals and nanocrystals along with high crystallinity, N90%, that re- The different functionalities discovered in glass-ceramics have allowed veals an engineering material offering a unique microstructure for the them to be used in several applications such as household appliances study of mechanical performance. [3], industrial [4], optical [5], biomedical [6], environmental [7], electri- In this context, the aim of this work is to design a new glass-ceramic cal insulating [8] and in architectural applications (e.g buildings, pave- material with a micronanostructure and high crystallinity and easily tai- ments etc) [4,9], among others. lored with the aim of improve mechanical properties regarding other One of the extended and massive uses it is as glaze in ceramic in- materials of ceramic industry. Thus, a new family of glass-ceramic mate- dustry, for instance on floors in high transit areas, in which the demand rials has been obtained [29,30]. In order to reveal these improvements, to considerably increase wear resistance is one of the main challenges in measurements of flexural strength, Vickers hardness, Young's modulus, this sector. In addition to sustainability criteria, saving repair time and fracture toughness and wear resistance are included in this study. Ob- replacement costs are critical aspects to consider for these applications. servations of worn surface by SEM and non-contact optical profilometry Actually, standard glazes have low abrasive resistance and easily loses revealed the relevance of nanocrystals in the surprising enhancement of its surface characteristics, such as brightness, colour and superficial tex- wear resistance. All of these findings obtained are compared with a ture [10]. To overcome these drawbacks in the ceramic tile industry, standard glass-ceramic (with similar chemical composition and con- new engineered products showing better resistance to wear by abrasion ventional microstructure) used for high transit floor tile, showing a re- and higher surface hardness than traditional glass-ceramics are re- markable improvement of mechanical behaviour in these novel glass- quired [10–13]. ceramics. Finally, it was established a new phenomenological wear Wear resistance is a complex mechanism which may be affected by model for micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics which, according to au- many factors, such as physical properties (hardness, fracture toughness, thors´ knowledge, it has never done before in such detail in any glass- Young's modulus, flexural strength …)[14] and features of phase com- ceramic material for tile applications. position and microstructure (crystal size, porosity, secondary phases or crystallinity among others) [15–17]. Therefore, to be able to understand 2. Experimental procedure the wear behaviour, a thorough mechanical study of the materials is re- quired in order to know the influence of the different variables involved. 2.1. Sample preparation In this sense, the complexity of glass-ceramics has prevented the knowledge of the main parameters that limit its wear resistance, and Both glass-ceramics were prepared by a conventional ceramic pro- therefore, the solutions to their limitations. cess previously reported in which the composition was quenched In the last years, development of nanotechnology and nanoscience from the high temperature melt to form a [8]. The precursors used, has allowed the improvement and creation of new materials with kaolin (Molcasa, d50 =5.34μm) and frit, were mixed in a weight pro- unique properties in the ceramic sector [18]. Regarding mechanical portion of 10/90, respectively, with a milling process in an alumina properties, reinforced materials with nanoparticles exhibit higher me- ball mill for 20 min with 37 wt% of water [24,31]. The compositions chanical strength and resistance to wear because of their larger specific expressed in term of equivalent are shown in Table 1.Themain surface area that favours load transfer from bulk counterparts [19]. It is difference between anorthite and albite frits is the use of different nu- demonstrated that nanoparticles used as additives for different ceramic cleating agents, mainly ZrO2 and SrO, respectively, which favour in dif- matrices, typically SiC, SiO2,Al2O3,ZrSiO4,ZrO2,TiO2 or ZnO, provide an ferent ways the crystallization of both phases. SrO is a crystal lattice enhancement of mechanical properties, mainly in wear resistance disruptor which favours the formation of the aluminosilicate – [18 22]. However, the use of nano-materials is limited in practice, by after devitrification process, although the frit only has ~3% of Na2O. different reasons: the high price of nanoparticles affects the final cost Moreover, Zirconium is a nucleating agent, and it is used in higher of the product; the technical problems of manipulating large amount percentage in the composition without SrO. Table 1 also shows the of nanoparticles; and the uncertainty in nano-toxicological risks. Never- chemical composition of a standard commercial glaze for comparative theless, glass-ceramics materials obtain their reinforced phases from purposes. This standard glaze is a conventional matte shine glaze for the nucleation from the parent glass during the thermal treatment high transit applications. The composition of the standard glaze is sim- [23]. Thus, the in situ formation of nanostructured glass-ceramic mate- ilar in composition, -rich plagioclase, although with rials, avoiding the handling of nanoparticles, may overcome these draw- significant lower crystallinity, ~ 44% (see Fig. S1c in supporting backs. J.J Reinosa et al. [24] and H. Man et al. [25]obtained nanostructured glass-ceramic glazes based mainly on pyroxene and an- orthite crystallizations, respectively. However, little attention has been paid to the characterization of their properties. Therefore, the incorpo- Table 1 Chemical composition of the albite, anorthite and standard precursor frits expressed as ration of nanostructured materials in the ceramic sector is relatively re- equivalent oxides. The minority components (b1 wt%) are all included in others. *Others: fi cent and is a fairly unexplored eld. mainly minority oxides are TiO2 and Fe2O3. Gleiter [26] reported that conventional polycrystalline ceramics Oxides wt% Albite Anorthite Standard might become ductile if their grain size is reduced to nanometers. Zabinski et al. [27] reported that lubrication is possible by engineering SiO2 51.63 47.33 43.70 ZrO – 8.03 4.07 the microstructure of oxides. In this work, it is showed that nanocrystal- 2 SrO 8.05 – 3.28 line structures may enhance grain boundary sliding and contribute to Na2O 2.68 5.06 1.50 plastic deformation and low friction. Glass-ceramic materials are suit- K2O 1.46 1.70 1.52 able to be engineered, because their microstructure might be easily tai- Al2O3 21.14 19.23 32.20 lored by modifying chemical composition of the precursors and through ZnO 1.10 4.72 2.14 CaO 10.47 12.97 2.98 the control of nucleation and crystal growth during the crystallization B2O3 1.40 – 1.50 step, in which sintering process play a vital role [1,10]. In fact, the con- P2O5 0.84 – 2.88 trolled crystallization of glazes has proved to be the most effective and MgO 1.04 0.62 1.63 economical way of obtaining high-quality mechanically resistant floor BaO –– 2.12 Others* 0.21 0.33 – tile [28]. In recent works, two polycrystalline glass-ceramic materials V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 3

information). After mixing and milling, the materials prepared were as stated the ASTM G133 standard [36]. Wear rate (WR) was estimated dried at 60 °C for 24 h and sieved under 100 μm, achieving monomodal by using Archard equation [35](Eq.(3)). particle size distributions with d50 =6.72μm for albite-based glass- ceramic and d50 =7.52μm for anorthite-based glass-ceramic. Then, WV WR ¼ ð3Þ the powder was pressed at 40 MPa by a rectangular die for flexural FN∙l strength measurements, obtaining samples of 80 mm × 30 mm × 5 mm. Both albite and anorthite-based glass-ceramics are self- where F is the normal force applied and l the sliding distance. supported glazes and not required a support as Microstructural characterization of worn surfaces was studied by the standard glaze does. Finally, pressed samples were thermally means of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) using treated in an industrial furnace at 1220 °C for 6 min with a 30 a Hitachi S-4700, with a resolution of 1.5 nm at 15 kV; and with a °C min−1 heating rate, in a rapid cycle of 55 min [8,29]. Samples were ZETA-20 Multi-mode Optical Profiler, which also was used to register carefully adjusted in size and shape for the rest of measurements to be the surface profile in worn and unworn surfaces and to measure a and fitted in the corresponding equipment. Besides, for Vickers indentation c parameters in Vickers indentation imprints. samples were diamond polished before measurements. 3. Results and discussion 2.2. Characterization 3.1. Micro-nanostructure characterization of engineered glass-ceramics

Flexural strength (σf) was determined by three points flexural method, ISO 10545-4, using a Universal Instron Machine [32]. The mea- Fig. 1a and b shows the characteristic micro-nanostructuration of surement was carried out in bars with an outer span of 60 mm and a dis- albite-based glass-ceramic where elongated albite microcrystals (~1–3 placement rate of 0.5 mm min−1. μm in length) are surrounded by nanocrystal regions (diameter size of Young's modulus (E) and hardness (H) were measured at room- 10 to 20 nm). Micrograph of Fig. 1c and d shows the presence of elon- temperature by depth sensing indentation (Zwick/Roell, Zhu 2.5, gated anorthite crystals having 5–10 μm in length. The anorthite micro-

Germany), using a Vickers diamond indent and four indentation loads structure also reveals the presence of ZrO2 particles with spherical of 0.5 N, 1 N, 5 N and 10 N. Resolution for load cell is 1 mN and lateral morphologies having 100–300 nm in diameter which tend to be placed resolution of 2 μm. The load and the penetration depth were continu- at the crystal edges. Zircon crystals are irregular in shape with ously and simultaneously recorded during each test. Young's modulus grains in the range of 0.5–2 mm, and appear forming aggregates located was obtained from the unloading branch and hardness from the peak also at the feldspars crystal edges. Nanostructured regions are located load and the indentation area measured on the optical microscope. between the large feldspar microcrystals. Fig. 1e shows the microstruc- Nine indentations were made for each material and the results pre- ture of the standard glaze used for comparative purposes. It can be ob- sented correspond to the average. Fracture toughness (KIC) was esti- served the expected presence of anorthite-rich microcrystals mated by using Eq. (1), proposed by Nihiira [33], one of the (according to XRD pattern of Fig. S1c), of up to 20 μm in length, in a vit- experimental expressions most used: reous matrix. Glassy phase content in standard glaze is considerably larger than in the novel glass-ceramics (Figs. 1a–d and S1). Moreover, =  2 5 −3=2 nanometric ZrO grains and submicronic ZrSiO appear in anorthite- ¼ : ∙ E ∙ ∙ 1=2∙ c ð Þ 2 4 KIC 0 067 HV a 1 – HV a based glass-ceramic (Fig. 1c d) that could contribute to reinforce the material. where a and c are parameters determined by geometrical factors of the indentation imprint (Fig. 2). 3.2. Mechanical performance: flexural strength and hardness response Dry sliding tests were performed by a UMT3 tribometer (Bruker Nano Inc., formerly CETR, USA) using linear reciprocating ball-on-plate Flexural strength values for anorthite-based glass-ceramic are ~111 tests in order to evaluate tribological properties, friction and wear be- ± 10 MPa while in albite-based glass-ceramic is ~83 ± 8 MPa. These haviour, of materials examined. The balls used as counter bodies were values of flexural strength are higher than reported values for conven- σ commercial Al2O3 spheres (10.3 mm diameter, Saint Gobain) and the tional glazes on porcelain ceramic bodies, f ~60 MPa, or in porcelain plates had the corresponding surface of the materials. Tests were carried bodies with sodium and feldspar, σf ~51–53 MPa [37]. Re- out at 20 ± 2 °C and 20–30% of relative humidity with the following pa- cently, Barrachina et al. [38]havereportedimprovedvaluesofσf of rameters: stroke length of 3 mm, frequency of 20 Hz (0.03 m⋅s−1), slid- 96 MPa for a porcelain stoneware tile with a glass-ceramic glaze based ing distance of 75 m, a normal applied load of 6 N. For Al2O3 sphere, a on anorthite crystallizations, comparable with the values obtained in normal load of 6 N on a 10.3 mm diameter ball corresponds to a this work. It is worth remembering that the micro-nanostructured Hertzian contact pressure of 561 MPa, 538 MPa and 578 MPa for glass-ceramics used in the present study are self-supported. The im- albite-based glass-ceramic, anorthite based glass-ceramic and standard provement of flexural strength regarding conventional materials glaze, respectively. Three tests were carried out for each material and might be mainly attributed to the characteristic micro-nanostructure data represented are their average. Friction coefficient, μ, was continu- of these micro-nanostructured glass-ceramic materials. Differences ob- ously registered during the tests. The wear volume loss of the plates served in flexural strength between albite and anorthite-based glass-

(WV) was calculated by using Eq. (2): ceramics may be due to the presence of dispersed crystalline phases in the case of anorthite-based glass-ceramic, mainly ZrSiO4 (micrometric 2 d size) and ZrO2 (nanometric particles) (see Fig. S1a and b in supporting W ¼ Δx∙A þ π∙ ∙W ð2Þ V 8 l information), which are typically used to provide opacity to the glaze and enhance mechanical properties [1,39]. These results evince that where Δx is the nominal stroke, A is the cross section area beneath the flexural strength of these micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics meet

2D curves, and d and Wl are the width and depth of the wear tracks, re- the new requirements to be used in tile industry. spectively [34]. Eq. (2) is formed by two terms, where the first one con- Vickers indentation tests for loads of 0.5 N, 1 N, 5 N and 10 N are car- siders the central zone of the wear tracks according to the ASTM G133 ried out in both, the standard glaze with a similar composition (see standard. The second term is a correction factor that takes into account Table 1 and Fig. S1c in supporting information) and the micro-

WV in the two edges of the track [35]. A stylus profiler (Dektak XT, nanostructured albite and anorthite-based glass-ceramics. Fig. 2a–c Bruker, Germany) was employed to measure the 2D wear track profiles, show optical micrographs of Vickers indentation imprints for each 4 V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623

Fig. 1. FESEM micrograph of: a) albite-based glass-ceramic sample; b) an enlargement of the previous picture, showing the nanocrystals in more detail; c) anorthite-based glass-ceramic sample; d) an enlargement of the previous picture; e) standard glaze. Nanocrystals, microcrystals and glassy phase are labelled and indicated by arrows.

Fig. 2. Optical micrographs showing indentation imprint for a load applied of 5 N in a) albite-based glass-ceramic (blue colour); b) anorthite-based glass-ceramic (red colour) and c) the standard glaze (green colour). For each Vickers indentation imprint a and c distances are indicated. d) Loading–unloading curves for each material for a load applied of 5 N. e) Hardness values vs load in micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics (red and blue solid circles) are compared with measured values of standard glaze (green solid circle) and the best reported values in literature for different glass-ceramic glazes (empty symbols) based on: cordierite (violet star) and mullite (orange triangle) [12], CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3 system (dark yellow circle) [40]and

CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-ZrO2 system (pink square) [41]. The drawn lines are guides for the eyes. V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 5 material studied for a load applied of 5 N, which was chosen as a repre- Despite the importance of durability in ceramic for tile applications, sentative example. The corresponding a and c parameters that charac- the literature is not conclusive about the main parameters to be consid- terize the Vickers indentation imprints are marked in each ered about this issue. Crystalline phases usually present in glass- micrograph. The corresponding load versus penetration depth curves ceramics used as tile glazes, are mainly cordierite, anorthite, mullite, zir- for these indentations, depicted in Fig. 2d, allow analysing the different con, celsian, wollastonite or diopside, because of their good mechanical mechanical response of each material. The rest of loading-unloading behaviour [1,12]. In this work, in addition of anorthite, another crystal- curves for loads applied of 0.5 N, 1 N and 10 N might be found in line phase based on feldspar crystallizations, albite, has been Fig. S2 of supporting information. synthetized, despite the difficulty of being artificially obtained with Examining loading-unloading curves of Figs. 2d and S2, an indenta- such purity. In fact, this material shows not only the best behaviour tion size effect (ISE) is observed [42–44]. Changes in the shape and for the three materials analysed, but the best hardness reported in the depth of the indentation curve may indicate changes in the elastic re- literature, according to the best of our knowledge. covery of the material involved [43]. Loading curves approximately fol- Considering the values of flexural strength obtained in Section 3.1 and low the same tendency in the three materials for each indentation load values of hardness in Table 2,itmaybeconfirmed that HV N 3σf. This is the (see Figs. 2d and S2). For all loads, the unloading curves of the standard typical behaviour of ceramics, which are brittle materials that exhibit high glaze are slightly shifted regarding both micro-nanostructured glass- hardness and relatively low strength [49]. Hardness represents, in some ceramics (ranging from 0.2 μm at 0.5 N) and up to 0.5 μmat10N.The way, the ability of the surface to withstand scratches and cuts, and is area under load-unload curve for the standard material increases in re- also related to the resistance to impacts and other kind of stresses gener- lation to the micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, which means that a ated at normal working conditions for tiled floors. Therefore, it is a very larger amount of energy is stored after the loading and, consequently, important characteristic which conditions the durability of ceramic sur- an increase of the work of indentation in the material, indicating that faces. These obtained results clearly evince that surface hardness of ce- the novel glass-ceramics are harder than the standard material [45]. ramic tile materials could be enhanced by using these novel glass- Analysing the unloading curves, Vickers microhardness and Young's ceramics. Vickers micro-hardness of glass-ceramic glazes depends on sev- modulus may be obtained, which values are tabulated in Table S1 in eralfactorssuchasthetypeandamount of crystalline phases, surface po- supporting information. The general trend observed for the three mate- rosity and microstructure. Therefore, as it was mentioned in Section 3.1, rials is a decrease of these both values as indentation load increases. the improvement of mechanical response in both micro-nanostructured Young's modulus values obtained, in the range 66–78 N (see Table S1 glass-ceramics regarding the standard glaze (with similar chemical com- in supporting information), are compared with reported values in liter- position) may be attributed to combination of several factors such as crys- ature of 73 GPa for porcelain stoneware tiles with addition of glass- tallinity, porosity, secondary phases and microstructure. It is well known ceramic in the system K2O-CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3 [46] or 61 GPa for a that the presence of more crystallinity, N90%inbothglass-ceramics,en- glass-ceramic tile with nepheline and forsferite as major phases [47]. hances mechanical properties [50]. According to values of Table S1, ISE for elastic modulus in both glass- Porosity was evaluated in previous works [8,51], obtaining for albite ceramics is more considerable at high loads, mainly ≥10 N. This fact glass-ceramic a porosity of ~3.2% with an average pore size of 3.9 ± 0.2 can be due to it is achieved a limit load value for glass-ceramics that pro- μm, and for anorthite glass-ceramic, ~6.7% with an average pore size of duces the sudden breakdown of microcrystals, increasing the deforma- 5.4 ± 0.4 μm. In the case of the standard material analysed the deter- tion of the material, and, therefore a decrease of the Young's modulus mined porosity is ~3.1% with an average pore-size of 17.8 ± 0.6 μm. occurs. However in the case of the standard glaze, load independent mi- The percentage of porosity achieved in the three materials is similar, crohardness regime is reached at 5 N [48]. slightly larger for anorthite-based glass-ceramic. However there are Hardness measured by Vickers indentation is often reported as a ma- considerable differences in the pore size, being quite large for standard terials property; however, the measured value is strongly affected by glaze. It is well known that as pore size increases mechanical behaviour the load of indentation as it was previously discussed and it can be ob- is worsened, as it is observed in other works [52,53], but the differences served in Fig. S2 and Table S1. For that reason, in Fig. 2e hardness vs in the porosity are low enough between the three materials in study to load is plotted for these novel micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics be established as a key differentiating factor. and compared with the values of the standard glaze evaluated in this The other factor to be considered is the presence of several polycrys- work, as well as the best reported values in literature for different talline phases with different sizes. In the case of anorthite-based glass- glass-ceramic glazes. The largest values of HV are determined for albite ceramic the presence of zircon and zirconia might help to increase the based-glass ceramic for any indentation load, reaching values of up to hardness of the final material [1,23,39]. However, albite-based glass- 9.5 GPa. An increase of the hardness up to 18% regarding the standard ceramic hardly has secondary phases and it presents the best hardness glaze for indentation loads up to 5 N is observed. Hardness of value. This suggests that microstructure, in fact micro-nanostructure, anorthite-based glass-ceramic also registers noticeable values, showing plays an essential role and strongly determines the good performance an enhancement of hardness up to ~14%. In both cases an improvement exhibited. The presence of a hierarchical micro-nanostructure may fa- of HV is observed regarding the standard material with similar oxide vour load transfer from microcrystals to nanocrystals, resulting in an composition but lower crystallinity and different microstructure. How- improvement of the mechanical strength of both glass-ceramics [18]. ever, at 10 N, the hardness of glass-ceramics decreases, equated to the Finally, fracture toughness was calculated by means of Eq. (1), 1/2 standard glaze, due to the breakdown of microcrystals, as it is explained obtaining KIC values of 2.1 MPa⋅m for both micro-nanostructured before. It is important to note that the standard material chosen for glass-ceramics and 1.5 MPa⋅m1/2 for the standard glaze, at indentation comparative purposes provide high mechanical performance that it is load of 10 N. This supposes an increase of KIC up to 40% in both glass- superior to other conventional materials, as it might be seen in Fig. 2e. From data of literature plotted in Fig. 2e, it might be concluded that Table 2 HV has been improved ~ 7% regarding the best value found in literature for a cordierite-based glass-ceramic [12], and ~59% in relation to a tradi- Wear volume (WV) and wear rate (WR) for a conventional glaze and new glass-ceramics developed. tional one used in tile industry [41]. However, the low thermal expan- 3 3 sion coefficient of cordierite based glass-ceramic is however a serious Sample WV (mm )WR (mm /N·m) limitative factor for their potential use in ceramic tile because the stone- Standard glaze 3.5·10−2 8.4·10−5 ± 4.9·10−8 ware support have a large thermal expansion coefficient and therefore Micro-nanostructured albite glass-ceramic 3.7·10−3 6.1·10−6 ± 9.9·10−9 −3 −6 −9 the glaze will be under tensile stress that is detrimental for their Micro-nanostructured anorthite 3.4·10 5.8·10 ± 4.9·10 glass-ceramic performance. 6 V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 ceramics regarding the standard material tested (Table S1 of supporting tiles. Humidity can modify the friction coefficient and wear and to eval- information). Indentation load below 5 N did not cause cracking of any uate this influence, further studies should be done, as it is reported in sample and therefore, KIC was not calculated. Gómez-Tena et al. [54]re- other works [58]. However, in this work, the study was carried out in ported values of KIC for different ceramic tile glazes for an indentation the range explained before. In Fig. 3 is depicted the friction coefficient 1/2 load of 9.8 N. In that work, KIC calculated was, 0.74–1.41 MPa⋅m for (μ)(Fig. 3a) and the wear rate calculated by Eq. (3) (Fig. 2b) for the stan- some wall tiles and 0.66–1.3 MPa⋅m1/2 for some vitrified dard glaze previously considered (green colour), albite-based (blue col- floor tiles. A value of 1.6 MPa⋅m1/2 was reported by Carbajal et al. [55] our) and anorthite-based (red colour) glass-ceramics. Friction for a standard porcelain stoneware and of 2.0 MPa⋅m1/2 for a porcelain coefficient of both glass-ceramics displays considerable lower values which glassy matrix was reinforced with stresses induced by quartz during the all sliding distance regarding the standard material. In both grains. Comparing these data of the literature with values obtained in cases friction coefficient slightly increases as sliding distance increases both glass-ceramics from this work, an increase of KIC in the range while in standard glaze remains approximately constant. It could be as- 5–72% is noticed. Fracture toughness is a quantitative way of expressing sumed that this effect is due to surface roughness, since it is well known a material's resistance to brittle fracture when a crack is present. Thus, that it affects friction at the beginning of the tests and after some sliding this increase registered indicates that by micro-nanostructure engineer- distance [59]. However, the average surface roughness measured for the ing an improvement of toughening is obtained. The hierarchical micro- three materials is 3.8 ± 0.9 μm, 1.7 ± 0.5 μm and 2.2 ± 0.7 μm, for nanostructured glass-ceramics are characterized by having nano and albite-based, anorthite-based glass ceramics and for the conventional microstructured regions which suppose the presence of higher amount glaze, respectively, which are very similar. Therefore, it is possible to of grain boundaries regarding a traditional material. Since grain bound- conclude that surface roughness possess a low influence in the results. aries have weaker atomic bonding within the interfacial area, when a However, the differences in μ evolution are very noticeable. Neverthe- crack appears, it preferentially propagates along these paths of lower less, microstructure of the glass-ceramics seems to play an important fracture energy, being deflected at each grain boundary. With a reduc- role regarding the conventional glaze, as it was also previously observed tion of the grain size, number of grain boundaries increases and the for microhardness and fracture toughness. As it was reported in previ- number of such events significantly increases. In that case, as occurs in ous works, the presence of nanocrystals may contribute to plastic defor- both micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, more energy is required to mation, mainly due to dislocation motion is favored, as well as the propagate the cracks and consequently the materials will be more frac- decrease of friction coefficient [26,27]. Moreover, the spherical shaped ture resistant, favouring cracks deflection (see Fig. S3 in supporting in- nanoparticles, in general, favour effects of sliding due to their rolling ac- formation) [56,57]. As it can be seen in Fig. S3, both micro- tion contact area and consequently increase the lubricating behaviour of nanostructured glass-ceramics displays a more tortuous and deflected the material [60]. Both features are essential to reduce friction coeffi- crack path than the standard glaze tested. Such increased crack-path cient and wear in the glass-ceramics developed in this work. tortuosity is a major contributor to the higher fracture toughness Friction coefficient values at 75 m (which equated to 25,000 cycles (Table S1) of these engineered glass-ceramics. Apart from these excel- for a stroke length of 3 mm) for albite-based glass-ceramic, anorthite- lent characteristics, other important mechanical aspects have to be con- based glass-ceramic and standard glaze are 0.43, 0.49 and 0.66 respec- sidered, as resistance against abrasive wear, which will be discussed in tively. As a consequence of this decrease in the friction coefficient in following sections. both micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, ~36% after 75 m of sliding distance, the wear rate is surprisingly ~1.4 orders of magnitude lower 3.3. Relevance of the micro-nanostructure on tribological performance in relation to the standard glaze (Fig. 3b). Values of wear rate and wear volume obtained from the test are collected in Table 2, showing An adequate knowledge of tribological properties is a key factor to an enhanced reduction of the wear volume in these novel glass- take into consideration when a glaze is considered for floor tile applica- ceramics regarding the standard one. Comparing these values of wear tions, since they are often installed in areas suffering a strong wear by rate with other ceramic glazes of the literature, it is also observed a no- pedestrian traffic. Tribological properties were evaluated for a relative ticeable improvement in WR. Pina-Zapardiel et al. [61] reported a high humidity of 20–30%, a standard value used for applications of ceramic wear resistance glaze based on glaze produced by using sepiolite with

Fig. 3. a) Friction coefficient (μ) vs sliding distance and b) wear rate (WR) for standard glaze (green colour), albite-based (blue colour) and anorthite-based (red colour) glass-ceramics. Wear rate plotted in y-axis of b) is represented in logarithmic scale in order to clearly evince that wear rate in both micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics is 14 times lower regarding the standard glaze. V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 7 dispersed zircon nanoparticles that achieved values of material it may be observed some empty cavities due to the large mate- −5 3 −3 3 1⋅10 mm /N·m. Heo [62] published WR values of 9⋅10 mm /N·m rial spalled, which well agrees with the larger WR and μ previously for a traditional whiteware and values of 4⋅10−2 mm3/N·m for two discussed. The area of wear tracks measured by a profiler is as low as −3 2 transparent glazes with ~70 wt% of SiO2,~20wt%ofAl2O3 and variable ~10 mm in both albite and anorthite-based glass-ceramics, while content of calcium, sodium and potassium oxides. In comparison with in the standard glaze is ~10−2 mm2. all of these values, wear resistance in both micro-nanostructured By means of FE-SEM, both worn and unworn surfaces are analysed in glass-ceramics developed in this work, is significantly improved, de- more detail. Unworn zone of albite-based glass-ceramic (Fig. 4d) ex- creasing WR up to half order of magnitude regarding the best of cases hibits the presence of a smooth layer of glassy phase covering the described in literature. micro and nanocrystals. In Fig. 4e, the characteristic microstructure of In order to deepen the role played by the microstructure in these this glass-ceramic is clearly revealed as result of the wear process, micro-nanostructure glass-ceramics, tested surfaces were analysed by which acts as a polishing process [8], where the presence of microcrys- Multi-Mode Optical Profilometry (Fig. 4a–c) and FE-SEM (Fig. 4d–i). tals surrounded by the nanocrystal regions is observed. In the inset of Fig. 4a and b show the worn surfaces of the new glass-ceramics mate- Fig. 4e, it could be seen some nanostructured areas slightly eroded, as rials after the test, where it is possible to observe that both micro- a direct consequence of the abrasion wear undergone, as well as some nanostructures remain smooth, without apparent cavities due to abra- small debris particles might be identified randomly distributed on the sion process, despite the mechanical contact of the Al2O3 counter body surface of the sample and small grooves, b500 nm in length. with the surface of the samples. Nevertheless, in the standard glaze, In the case of anorthite-based glass-ceramic (Figs. 4b, f and g), a sim- the aspect of worn surface after abrasive wear is totally different, show- ilar behaviour is observed. In the unworn surface (Fig. 4f) some elon- ing empty cavities produced by material spalling. Surface profiles gated anorthite microcrystals are covered by nanoparticles and by depicted as insets in Fig. 4a–c, display marked differences in depth be- extent glassy phase. Fig. 4g shows the worn part of the sample in tween worn and unworn areas for the three materials analysed, verify- which microcrystals may be clearly observed after the abrasion suffered, ing the wear process. Wear process in micro-nanostructured glass- displaying the characteristic microstructure of this material, previously ceramics is not as severe as in the case of the standard glaze: in worn reported [29]. In contrast, surface of the conventional glaze exhibits a areas of albite-based and anorthite-based glass-ceramics, depth is b4 completely different aspect (Fig. 4c), presenting empty cavities and μmand~2μm, respectively, while in the conventional glaze is ~25 μm, less smooth surface because of the larger spalling of material (Fig. 4h indicating the larger wear of the surface. In addition, in the standard and i). In the higher magnification FESEM micrograph (Fig. 4i) it could

Fig. 4. Multi-mode optical profilometry (left column in green), showing optical images of worn and unworn areas and surface profiles carried out along the yellow arrow (insets), and FE- SEM micrographs (right columns in blue) for albite (a, d, e) and anorthite (b,f, g) based glass-ceramics and for a conventional glaze (c, h, i). 8 V. Fuertes et al. / Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107623 be noticed some plastic deformation grooves more noticeable than in undergo high transit soils, in particular the ones related to heavy micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, of around 10 μm in length, a machinery. larger content of debris material and, in general, a much more damaged Attending to all the excellent mechanical properties analysed such surface [63]. Moreover, in this case, the wear does not reveal any nano- as flexural strength, microhardness, fracture toughness, Young's modu- structured area, which seems to be the decisive factor between the wear lus and wear resistance, it might be concluded that these novel mate- behaviour developed in both micro-nanostructured materials regarding rials are very suitable to be used in floor tile applications such as high the non-nanostructured one. From these analyses, it may be concluded pedestrian traffic applications where also support machinery traffic that nanocrystals plays a vital role reducing wear in glass-ceramics, (e.g airports, supermarkets, shopping or entertainment large areas…), since nanocrystals seem to work as solid lubricants, favouring the slid- which, because of their beneficial properties, will enable a considerably ing when a body comes into contact with the glass-ceramic surface. As improvement of mechanical behaviour regarding commercial products consequence, the friction coefficient of the material is highly reduced and significantly longer service life time. Besides, they may allow cost and therefore, a surprisingly lower wear rate is obtained. and energy saving, since these glass-ceramics are obtained by an easy Wear process in these micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics and in a conventional ceramic process successfully scaled up and using a standard glaze might be phenomenological modelled (Fig. 5). When sinterization cycle which only takes ~55 min. Moreover, the in situ de- abrasion process starts in glass-ceramics, firstly, the glassy phase that, velopment of micro-nanostructure of such materials acting as self- usually, is covering the surface of the material, is removed. In high crys- lubrication concept can be translated into other engineered ceramic ma- tallinity glass-ceramics, this glassy phase forms a very smooth layer be- terials that can thus benefit from an improvement in its mechanical cause of the low vitreous phase content of the samples. Once glassy properties, and in particular in their wear resistance. phase is removed from the surface, contact with crystals begins. In the case of micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, nanoparticles regions 4. Conclusions form a resistant barrier with strong interfacial bondings which hinder the wear of the material when a body takes contact with its surface. A new glass-ceramic family with high crystallinity and a unique These nanoparticles are progressively peeling-off because of the abra- micro-nanostructure has been successfully designed. These engineered sion and favour the sliding over the glass-ceramic surface, which there- glass-ceramics results in a simultaneous improvement of flexural fore reduce the friction coefficient acting as a self-lubrication process. strength, microhardness, fracture toughness and tribological properties The reduction of the contact area with microcrystals along with the regarding standard materials used in tile industry. These novel materials nanocrystals distribution, considerably help to reduce the wear rate in show the highest microhardness reported for a glaze, up to 9.5 GPa, the micro-nanostructured glass-ceramics, as well as the size of the which supposes an enhancement of ~60% in relation to a traditional wear track registered. In contrast, in the standard glaze surface, the floor tile glaze and ~7% regarding the best reported value in literature larger amount of glassy phase produces greater amount of landslides for a glass-ceramic material. The hierarchical micro-nanostructuration of both the microcrystals and the vitreous phase, which also generates of these glass-ceramics favours crack deflection, which implies a reduc- larger microcracks and deeper wear grooves, as a consequence of tion of brittleness and a consequent increase of fracture toughness of greater material spalling. This gives rise to a strongly damaged surface ~40% regarding a standard glass-ceramic. Tribological properties and a bigger wear track regarding glass-ceramics, as it is observed in showed a decrease in the friction coefficient of ~36% and in the wear Fig. 5aandb. rate of one magnitude order in relation to a standard glaze tested. Considering the area produced by the wear indent and for the load The analysis of worn and unworn surfaces of the samples reveal that applied of 6 N, the pressure generated in albite or anorthite-based nanocrystals work as solid lubricants, favouring body sliding over their glass-ceramics is ~6 GPa, while in the standard material tested is surface and consequently reducing the friction coefficient, the wear ~0.6 GPa (see supporting information for more details). These means rate and noticeably the damage suffered. In contrast, the absence of that both glass-ceramics may withstand pressures of one magnitude nanostructured areas in standard glazes causes a huge surface damage order larger than the conventional material. 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