Rural Distribution Transformers

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Rural Distribution Transformers Vol. CXXXy. No, 3509; Friday, August 31, 1945. Sixpence r [ (Registered at the Gtn&'oi Postpfffcs, Entered « Second Qtass azzheN e® York XT.S*A. Past OJF&J 1 RURAL DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS J^ISTRIBUTION transformers of the type illustrated are quite trouble-free and have been operating for many years . .*. giving complete satisfaction by their efficiency and durability. Pioneers in the development of the power transformer, Ferranti have never deviated from the rigorous standards of manufacture originally laid down to ensure the primary essential of Reliability. These units are also available with efficient surge protection.(Surge Absorbers) built in as a component part to avoid the stresses set up by electrical storms. FERRANTI LTD., H0LLINW00D, LANCS. FX42B LONDON OFFICE: KERN HOUSE, KING8WAY, W.C.2 THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 S 516. 5 amp one way 8. One way single single pole switch with pole switch for operation with detachable key. attached side handle. S 5 2 1 Detachable o p eratin g key for S 5 1 8 an d S 605 switches S 605. 5 amp one way single S 615. 5 amp switch with pole switch operated from thumb and finger grip’ front with detachable key. rotating handle. Examples from a wide range of weatherproof cast iron cased switches foruse in exposed positions and in industrial buildings where adverse conditions of service are prevalent. These switches are all of the well known “Landor” quick make and break type. G.E.C. products of outstanding reliability. Advl. of The General Electric Co. Ltd. Mead Office : Magnet House, London, W .C .2 August 31 j 1945 THE ELECTRICIAN THE SMALLEST TRIPLE POLE SWITCHFUSE. EMINENTLY SUITABLE FOR MACHINE TOOLS. (§ j) RflDETTE. IOAMPERES, 500 VOLTS. CATALOGUE NO. Q 1438. BILL SWITCHGEAR LTD LONDON: A.W.ZEllEY ASTON LANE, PERRY BARR MANCHESTER GLASGOW BELFAST 7 3 C T PETER ST. WESTMINSTER S.W.L BIRMINGHAM • 20 BURTON-ON-TRENT PHONE BlRCHFiaDS 50!i. CRAMS:'BH-SWITCH' BHAM. THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 A neat and inexpensive TERMINAL BOX Apart from a wood bush at the lower end for the entrance of the cable this box is composed entirely of moulded insulated material with five “ knock-outs ” pro­ vided in a spigoted cap for taking out the cable cores. Available in two sizes and suitable for a range of single to five core cables. Write for particulars. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER'S CABLES LTD. PRESCOT, LANCS. P R E S C O T 6571 August 31, 1945 THE ELECTRICIAN v ARC ARC DURATION (HALF CYCLES) Pre-eminent in the Air-blast class ! service by l-he O A /66 BLAST’ CIRCUIT BREAKER Exhaustive tests have proved it to be a Breaker of outstanding merit Enquire for fuller details from : FERGUSON. PAILIN LIMITED M A N C H E S T E R , 11 ENGLAND ¡sAooe DROYLSDEN 1301(8 lines) XT*!/ LONDON: Tsmpl! Bar 87ll/2 Bi r m i n g h a m . Sutton CoidfTeia 2744 " — G l a s g o w : central s o s o THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 non buijinq lamps the best m arket? . >>■ Whatever your annual ex­ penditure for electric lamps mav be, you will show an immediate saving by buying Atlas Lamps. Subjected to the most exhaustive tests at every stage of manufacture they are guaran­ teed to conform to the highest possible standard of efficiency. Instal Atlas Lamps and you will see the difference in quality and the extra discounts you receive will lighten your annual bill. Write for terms to-day. ATLAS LAMPS Nothing better has come to light dORN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., 105-109, JUDD ST., LO NDO N, W.C.1. 'Phone: Euston 1183 orthern Branch: 55 Blossom Street, Manchester. 'Phone: Central 7461 E. Depot: 46 Sandhill, Newcaslle-on-Tyne, 1. 'Phone: Newcastle 24068 August 31, 1945 r THE ELECTRICIAN vii everything the Jointer 4 The standard package of jointing materials fo r a HENLEY straight through joint contains everything the jointer wants except the box compounds. The paper separator, paper binder, rolls of paper- cotton tape and cotton tape are all impregnated ready for use and packed in a hermetically sealed tin. The lead sleeve is complete w ith tw o caps for the filling holes. “ G rip ” type jointing sleeves, solder and plum ber’s metal are also included. The finished joint is protected by a cast-iron box as shown below. '* Cablegrip ” type glands and arm our clamps ensure efficient bonding o f the lead sheath and armouring. Suitable for working pressures from 3,300 t o '22,000 voJts (inclusive). Ask for Catalogue UD.2 STRAIGHT ROUGH t r a d e S ä r S MARK ll |Q | u m^u “j* * BOXES W. T. HENLEY'S TELEGRAPH WORKS CO. LTD. • MILTON COURT • WESTCOTT • DORKING • SURREY THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 Don’t scrap those " Kantark H.R.C. w ith This is the standard M.E.M. 5 0 0 v o lt Fuse Base. This is th e M.E.M. "Kantark” H.R.C. Cartridge Carrier which en- Conversion is easy with ablesH.R.C. Fusesto be used w ith existing M.E.M. Bases. “KANTARK” H.R.C. FUSES If you plan to change to high rupturing | tests which prove them to comply fully with capacity fuses there is no need to scrap voi r i B.S.S. 88/1939. The non-deteriorating solid present pattern M.E.M. Switchfuses and | silver fuse link, embedded in powdered Fuseboards. M.E.M. “ Kantark ” H.R.C. I silica, fuses with extreme rapidity before the Fuses can be used in existing gear by the use fault current rises to dangerous proportions. of M.E.M. Cartridge Carriers. “ Kantark ” Indication of fusing is clearly given by the H.R.C. Fuses have been designed for complete ejection of a bead. interchangeability. Types are also available for many other makes of H.R.C. fuse carriers. i WRITE FOR LIST No. 270 M.E.M. “ Kantark ” H.R.C. Fuses have It gives full particulars of types and undergone the most stringent independent ratings available. MIDLAND ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., TYSELEY, BIRMINGHAM, 11 London Showrooms and Stores : 21-22 Rathbone Place, London, W.l Manchester Showrooms and Stores : 48-50 Chapel Street, Salford, 3 August 31, 1945 THE ELECTRICIAN TO-MORROW’S NEWSPAPER ł Broadcasting and Television comes the Radio Newspaper — another outstanding electronic achievement with tremendous possibilities for the future. In this exciting new world, now being unfolded before our eyes, scientists are evolving all kinds of new electronic devices. But each is based funda­ mentally upon our old friend the wireless valve in one ol its many variations. The science of Electronics is already used to revolutionise scores of industrial processes — to speed output — to achieve incredibly standards of precision — to eliminate the human element — to produce better products at lower prices. But few electronic devices can work without capacitors — that is why we at Hunts are so vitally interested in all these new applications. Month by month we are developing new types of capacitors specially designed to meet the requirements of electronic engineers. If you have a problem we invite you to submit it to us. A. H. HUNT LTD • LONDON • S.W.ig • ESTABLISHED 1901 X THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 There is a “ KEITH-BLACKMAN” FAN for every purpose for which a fan is essential. HEATING VENTILATION DUST REMOVAL FORGE BLOWING MECHANICAL DRAUGHT FUMES REMOVAL STEAM REMOVAL CUPOLA BLOWING SMOKE REMOVAL FURNACE BLOWING DRYING, COOLING, etc. VKEITHx /BLACKMAN 0000010102020102020202000200010981010002020001000200020002010202010200010083011000010101 MILL MEAD ROAD. \\LONDON, N.I7./ / •PMONI: TOTTfNMAM 453J- *CRAMS K ItT H B lA C RMONÏ.i.O^OON.'* August 31, 1945 THE ELECTRICIAN xi Photograph by courtesy of The Electro-Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. 10,500 AMPERES AUTOMATIC PLANT FOR BRASS PLATING STEEL COMPONENTS Oil immersion, giving complete protection Standard units are built in various sizes, ranging against acid fumes and moisture, is now a from 6-'v.lts 100 a Tips, up to 7-volts 4,000 am ps, standard feature cf “ W estalite’’ Rectifier o r 16-vjlts 2,000 anps., with control equip­ Equipments for electro-plati ig, such as are ment to suit the needs of the work to be done. used in the above large modern installati on. Automatic co troI apparatus and emergency No fan, pump or other cooling plant is needed. power supply equipment are also available. W IST ING HOUSE METAL RECTIFIERS Full details are given in Data Sheet No. 29, obtainable from WESTING HOUSE BRAKE & SIGNAL CO. LTD., PEW tilLL HOUSE • CHIPPENHAM • WILTS THE ELECTRICIAN August 31 1945 FULL PARTICULARS ON k. APPLICATION A August 31, 1945 THE ELECTRICIAN 6 6 kV. TRANSMISSION SCHEME Transforming Station “ T R A N S M IS S IO N of power is our spec and our Organisation is adequately equ for the supply and installation of all underground and overhead systems. ground Cable link to Overhead Line Hydro-electric Generating Station N o project too vast- No country too difficult Q r a n d a r d POWER CABLES Advertisement o f Standard Telephones & Cables Limited, North Woolwich, £.16 THE ELECTRICIAN August 31, 1945 - . 3 DRAWING ATTENTION ‘FUZIT’ JOINTERS (Patents (tending) M o de l N o, 20 The N E W Technique for Jointing Wires O solder or flux is required, and dry joints Nare eliminated. Model 30 is suitable for jointing wires between 50 s.w.g. and 30 s.w .g ., including nichrome. Model 20 and other types are available for jointing heavier wires. Full particulars sent upon request.
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