Developments in Uk Power Supply 1947-2000
–– Developments in UK Power Supply 1947-2007 with particular reference to the north-east of England IP Burdon BSc, MSc, CEng, FIET, FConsE President, NESCOE Association, 2007-2009 2 Developments in UK Power Supply 1947-20071 with particular reference to the north-east of England IP Burdon BSc, MSc, CEng, FIET, FConsE President, NESCOE Association, 2007-2009 Published with corrections July 2010 Dedicated to the memory of Jim Porteus, 1926 – 2009, a gentleman, an Engineer and a staunch supporter of the NESCOE Association. 1 This booklet is an updated version of a paper presented at an IEE Symposium “The Birth, Development and Social Impact of Electrical Technology from 1800-2000 and Beyond” held at the University of Durham, 7- 9 July 2000 and was published in this revised and updated format to commemorate the 70th Annual Reunion of the NESCOE Association. 3 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ian Burdon Ian was President of the NESCOE Association in 2007 and 2008. He was employed by Parsons Brinckerhoff, and its predecessor company Merz and McLellan, in Newcastle upon Tyne, from 1969 until his retirement in 2010 as a Principal Professional Associate. He has been associated with, or has led, power projects both large and small ranging from a technical investigation relating to the widespread application of domestic CHP to a major 500 MW IGCC clean- energy power project in NE England. He spent two years overseas as resident project manager for a 1,200 MW coal-fired power station in Zimbabwe and was involved in the pre-consent activities for a new 2,000 MW CCGT power station in the UK.
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