Content Policy Language Reference

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Content Policy Language Reference Content Policy Language Content Policy Language Reference Version SGOS 6.6.x i Contact Information Copyright © 2020 Symantec Corp. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo, the Checkmark Logo, Blue Coat, and the Blue Coat logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corp. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 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Americas: Rest of the World: Symantec Corporation Symantec Limited 350 Ellis Street Ballycoolin Business Park Mountain View, CA 94043 Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland Document Number: 231-03019 Document Revision: ii Contents Preface: Introducing the Content Policy Language About the Document Organization .............................................................................................................. xiii Notes and Warnings ........................................................................................................................................ xv Chapter 1: Overview of Content Policy Language 17 Concepts .............................................................................................................................................................17 Transactions...............................................................................................................................................18 Policy Model..............................................................................................................................................18 Role of CPL ................................................................................................................................................19 CPL Basics ..........................................................................................................................................................19 Comments..................................................................................................................................................20 Rules ...........................................................................................................................................................20 Notes...........................................................................................................................................................21 Quoting.......................................................................................................................................................22 Layers .........................................................................................................................................................22 Sections.......................................................................................................................................................23 Definitions..................................................................................................................................................24 Referential Integrity..................................................................................................................................26 Substitutions..............................................................................................................................................26 Writing Policy Using CPL................................................................................................................................27 Authentication and Denial ......................................................................................................................27 Installing Policy.........................................................................................................................................28 CPL General Use Characters and Formatting ......................................................................................29 Troubleshooting Policy.....................................................................................................................................29 Upgrade/Downgrade Issues...........................................................................................................................30 CPL Syntax Deprecations ........................................................................................................................30 Conditional Compilation.........................................................................................................................31 Chapter 2: Managing Content Policy Language 33 Understanding Transactions and Timing......................................................................................................33 <Admin> Transactions ............................................................................................................................33 <Proxy> Transactions ..............................................................................................................................34 <DNS-Proxy> Transactions.....................................................................................................................35 <Cache> Transactions ..............................................................................................................................36 <Exception> Transaction.........................................................................................................................36 <Forwarding> Transactions....................................................................................................................36 <SSL> Transactions ..................................................................................................................................37 iii Content Policy Language Reference Timing ........................................................................................................................................................37 Understanding Layers......................................................................................................................................38 <Admin> Layers.......................................................................................................................................38 <Cache> Layers ........................................................................................................................................39 <Exception> Layers..................................................................................................................................40 <Forward> Layers....................................................................................................................................41 <Proxy> Layers.........................................................................................................................................41 <DNS-Proxy> Layers...............................................................................................................................42 <SSL-Intercept> Layers ...........................................................................................................................42 <SSL> Layers.............................................................................................................................................43 Layer Guards.............................................................................................................................................43 Timing ........................................................................................................................................................44 Understanding Sections ...................................................................................................................................44 [Rule] ..........................................................................................................................................................45 [url] .............................................................................................................................................................46 [url.domain] ..............................................................................................................................................46
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