The Hispaniola Plate
&^^ 1^" W^' Mh' >». "t- ''i?3^%J'M .^AV-. ^S*9: LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE .:> fc«- > y y ^ y y "y £jr Libris ISAAC FOOT ^^. r-W lUliiftr ,^vi»s^ m '^it^^ fe-^^ft «^»./fe.^ >4^«^ig&fe IBfe Vli- —-- iS»^^ "w * • 'i^ilil A^anfJ W^^m«3^%| ^ % THE IIlSPAi^IOLA PLATE liY THE SAME AUTHOR. The Desert Ship. The Adventuiies of Viscount Aneuly. A Gentleman Advexttuer. His Own Enbmy. The Silent Shore. ETC. etc. The Hispaniola Plate (1683-1893) BY JOHN BLOUNDELLE-BURTON We passed the tropics, as near as we could guess, just luhere the Juinous Sir William Fhips fislied vp the silver from the Spanish Plate ivreck."— Defoe ("Colonel Jack"). CASSELL AND COMPANY, Limited LONDON, PARIS &- MELBOURNE 189s ALL RIGHTS KESERVED ©71 H^T "(> OFFICEKS OF THE EOYAL NAVY AVITU AVIIOM I HAVE, FOR SOMf: YEAKS, SPENT MANY PEEASAXT AVEEKS ANNUALLY BVRING THE XAVAL MAN(EUYRES, V.IIILE ACTING AS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT OP THE STAXDAUD, I VENTURE TO INSCRIBE, YTITU GREAT CORDIALITY, THIS STORY PARTLY TRUE AND PARTLY FICTITIOUS —OF Captain, Sir William Phips, R.N., AND OF Lieutenants Nicholas and Reginald Ci!Afkr, H.X. PREFACE. Most of the maps of the West Indies published during the first half of the present century and anterior to that date mark distinctly the spot where the following story prmcipally takes place. Thirty miles due nortli of Cape Fran^ais, on the north coast of San Domingo, is a reef entitled " Bajo de la Plata, or Phips's Plate," while more modern maps simply describe it as " Silver Bank." This is, of course, the spot where Sir William Phips^a now forgotten figure in history—obtained the plate mentioned by Defoe; and, so far as I am aware, there is but one detailed account in existence of how he found and secured that plate.
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