Stones/40Z^# Sermons on "Great Truths of the with Shelly Blake for Sitting There L
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SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NWEM*BER 22, 1919. 5 " -' When a Girl Marries" Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1919, International News Service - By McManus llr ANN LISLB - T \ 1 T~<ooo MORNINC )\[ ( A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing 1 HAD A HARD / /"JlI DOCTOR t>l% OF THAT'S° ATRANgP , Problem of a Girl Wife | f o/ TIME CONVINCIN - THE PATIENT'S NAJNCtfc J AOL = left ' i, as kj ALp . the doctor are woR-be medicine 11 T: I KIN AH. i chapter ccCLvnr her face peered out timidly from |/v- WUZ. SKk. THATFOR SEVEN I! (Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syn- \u25a0 between the lino and the saucy dicate, Inc.) brown mane of hulr which hud been Before breakfast on the morning t bobbed on the right. Cosby din- .after the accident at the "Dana's gone to have her hair ner party, I hurried to Val's apart- bobbed too, so alike," nurse reported tliut Mrs. we'll be watl- ment. The ' ed the invalid. Of co'se if we ain't t he 'osby didn't want to disturbed beautiful at all, I reckon no man- and this verdict wasn't reversed ager's ever goln' look at us and re- to even after I sent In a special we might as well go back home and quest that Vai see me?her friend 1 starve. One of us ought to have Anne. liyph hyah!" This It was Lane who carne # time to me. Aunt Mollie laughed with the cut bustling cheer bound "Morning, kind neighbor," he said. that was to have its "Did you ever see anything quicker effect. \u25a0and braver than my girl was last "Listen to that child talk when j night? But now she's got the ner- she gets excited. Isn't the way ehe vous jim-jams as a result. Guess says 'her hair' a classic? I'm tell- 3 won't start otT to-day with your ing Dana, f think they'll do twice dad and Uncle Ned. I've Just had as well when they look llko a couple 'em on the 'phone and told them of saucy little boys. How's Valerie I to go along to-night as they planned, this morning?" and I'llfollow in a day or two after "She's pretty miserable. Wouldn't Val's calmed down a bit." see me." "1 think you ought to wait," I "Poor, brave, spoiled darling!" agreed. People "But how does it come that said Aunt Mollie, wisely. "Do you Dr. S. A. Bower to AllFat Uncle Ned isn't waiting for you?" wonder I love her, Anne? She didn't "Oh he's keen for that wonderful hesitate a minute to risk everything Speak in Sermon Series Should Know This yours father of and likes the idea for this child here. And now she's of starting with him. Besides, one poutingr because Lane has to go on In the Olivet Presbyterian Church The world owes a debt of grati- of us hits to get there pronto on ac- tude to the author of the now famous his trip." the pastor, the Rev. S. A. Bower, Prescription, count of the option expiring day disappointed Marmola and is still "He her. And com- will preach the second of a series of more indebted for the reduction' of after to-morrow on a big strip of ing on top of the disgust she felt this harmless, effective obesity rem-, timber land we want to buy in. Be ' Stones/40Z^# sermons on "Great Truths of the with Shelly Blake for sitting there L. edy in tablet form. Marmola Pre- good to my while I'm I frank Baum now be ob- Vai gone. like a stone image and not doing \u25a0=yjn Bible" on Sunday morning. The scription Tablets can : drugstores, or by writ- want my gir] to be lonesome." Jr (j* tained at all don't one thing to help, it's making Vai a a subject is "The Creation." Sunday ing 864 Wood- you go?" I ventured, think- : '4'ftea direct to Marmola Co., "Must cynical and cour- Detroit, and their ing how lonesome always was aboutlmen their evening the pastor will preach on ward Ave.. Mlcli.. I j age and their hearts," I explained. reasonable price ($l. for a large when Jim had to go oS and leave "11l out on a jaunt the theme, "The Horses and the case) leaves no excuse for dieting or me. take her with my twinnies as soon as our Lacy's Chariots of Fire." violent exercise for the reduction of 'Think 1 would if T could help J ' the overfat body to normal propor- enough King strong to show The Ev. A j move. We'll of be or- it?" asked the big brown bear catechetical class will Vai that she doesn't have to be cyn- ganized on Sunday morning tions. gruffly. \u25a0 Dorothy passed very happy of all | ical about women, won't we, Lacy? several , the a horse and those wish to wuger you I weeks in the of Oz-as the guest child discovered who prepare for "I'll wouldn't!" { You'll never fail to show all the Land bujjKy standing near a group of trees membership. The pastor laughed, and then, saying good-by, gratitude you will you, dear?" of the royal Ozma, who delighted church i feel, please J a short distance away. She walked teach the class. X scampered off to join my .Timmie "Never!" declared Lacy, and I to and interest the little Kan- Mill sas girl. Alany now | toward it and found the horse tied at breakfast. J wonder now why there promptly acquaintances a | formed and many ones re- I to tree standing motionless, with An hour later the little car and I leaped into my head the old quo- I,were old its hanging We carry caiing for l'ather Andrew, and ! [ newed, and wherever she went Dor- I head down almost to the Antisaloon Worker were I tation: i ground. It was a big largest escorting him to the Pettingill jothy found herself among friends. j horse, tall and the assortment ? "Never is a long time." | bony, with long legs and large to Speak at Y. M. C. A. apartment. 1 wanted to take some , One day, as she sat knees | "Presently, Father Andrew and however, in and feet. She count his ribs of tiowers to the poor little Willough- i < could i Uncle Ned having arranged to meet i j tenia's private room, she noticed easily where they through J. .Bennetts of hy twins, and I had no doubt that upon showed Mitchell Wilkes-! | and board the train at eleven, we ! j hanging the wall a picture the skin of his body, and head Bar? re, worker of the Anti-Salocn j Father Andrew and Uncle Ned departed Lacy's ? constantly changed appear- his Rubber Goods ; amid rapturous j which in was long and seemed altogether League the District] ! might have a few arrangements for too in Northeastern ! thanks for our gifts, |anee, at one time showing a meadow big for him, as it did of Pennsylvania, will address the trip they were taking together. if not fit. His the of every j "Now for a happy hour or two for ]i and at another time a forest, a lake tail was short and scraggly, and liis! 1 Sunday afternoon men's meeting of description "I'm awfully glad you aren't mak- just us I said. j or a village. harness yours two." had been broken in "many the Young Men's Christian Assooin- ing this sad pilgrimage of replied Father Andrew she places and together Raincoats we "Yes." I "How curious!" exclaimed, fastened again | tion in Fahnestock Hall at 3.30 alone." T said as piled into the j thoughtfully, "we might as well be [ after watching shifting scenes for with cords and bits wire. Footwear car the mass of colorful gladioli I I the of The o'clock. happy while we can. When J think few moments. buggy seemed almost, for it Special by the Al. K. j Boots had purchased, and added the bas- i i ia had a I I 'music j what one pufT from a litle candle j "Yes." said Ozma, "that is really shiny top and side curtains. will a feature! Ciartlen Hose ket of fruit Father Andrew insisted | Getting!' Thomas Orchestra be , j can do, 1 realize that it doesn't pay | a wonderful invention in magic. If around in front, so she could look; of the program. Mr. Bennetts is a! Rubber Sundries on offering. , to chafe against the thing you didn't ; j wish to see any part of the world inside, the girl saw a boy He will speak on Elastic Goods found little Lacy I curled up forceful talker. J Aye poor look for and able to help. Did any person living, I need only on the seat fast asleep. the subject, We Forget." Rubber Matting, propped up in bed, mass of ban- I jorj . "Lest a you see that little go to express the wish and is shown in | Tiros, Etc. dages covering the cropped left side j Phoebe it pieces and lean on Neul last night?" the picture." Editor's Note?Wouldn't it of her head, while other side of I bo! the I "Yes," 1 replied. "It set my heart )j "Alay I use it?" asked Dorothy, strange if an earthquake should I |Hand Sapolio-Thej ,at rest about one thing.