IN society IN society

Michael is perhaps best known for adding that he hoped the new his popular BBC travel documentaries, members’ room would encourage t ulluptat which have seen him become a widely them to visit more often. Making your Aliquat, sim i pi wis sequat wisit ad recognised champion for geography. Michael’s election wasn’t the only eugue dunt praessit His passion and enthusiasm for good news to come from the AGM. ideas a reality nulpu tem del ex et engaging people in the world and A total of 17 people received the ue facil inim zzril its many cultures and places shines Society’s annual medals and awards The Society’s extensive grants programme iusci blaor peraese through all of his programmes. for outstanding contributions in many ver iuscips uscinis Speaking about his appointment, different areas of geography, including off ers an excellent route to the fi eld at. Ut lut Michael said: ‘To be asked to take two royal medals approved by Her duismod tet wis over the presidency of such an Majesty the Queen. August is traditionally the time when the increasingly rapid release dolore dolor il internationally acclaimed and respected The Patron’s and Founder’s Medals, people get the opportunity to discover of Greenland’s glaciers into body is an almost unbelievable honour. among the world’s highest honours for a different part of the world, their own the Atlantic. I am only too aware of the great and the advancement of geography, were country, or even their home town. The deadline for the next distinguished fi gures whose boots awarded to world-renowned economist For the Society, the month is also round of Society grants for I will have to try to fi ll. I can’t bring Lord Nicolas Stern for his contribution signifi cant, as many of the projects independent travellers is 25 a vast pool of expert knowledge to to climate change policy, and to we’ve chosen to support are out in the September. These include the the Society, but I can bring curiosity, Fellow fi eld doing just that: expanding our Neville Shulman Challenge enthusiasm, a desire to learn and Dr Alan Baker, for exceptional base of geographical knowledge in a Award, a single grant of up to open-mindedness to promoting what scholarship on the historical geography variety of exciting ways. £10,000 awarded to individuals I regard as the most important subject of England and France. Each year, the Society makes more or groups looking to push for the future: geography.’ Other people recognised included than 80 funding awards within its themselves through intellectual One of Michael’s fi rst public activities Neil Oliver, presenter of the BBC2 hit programme of 23 grants, with support or physical challenges. This as Society president has been to launch television series Coast, who received for everything from scientifi c fi eld year’s recipients, Will Millard and lead the RGS-IBG’s new appeal. the Ness Award for popularising researchers to independent travellers and Callum Fester, set off in This seeks to raise the funds needed to geography, and fellow broadcaster who boldly ‘go beyond’ their normal August along the course of an make essential repairs to the historic and cinematographer Simon King, who boundaries. This includes funding old trade route through the north face of Lowther Lodge, the was awarded the Cherry Kearton Medal for fi eldwork and expeditions – by central mountain spine of the Society’s home in Kensington, and to and Award for his study of natural TOP AND ABOVE: Team Latitude, recipients of the undergraduates and teams from Papuan highlands, known locally create a much-needed members’ room. history through photography. 2008 Land Rover ‘Go Beyond’ bursary; TOP RIGHT: all backgrounds whose plans are as the ‘Jalan Raya’ (Great Road). Simon King, who was awarded the Cherry Kearton It’s hoped that with Michael’s Commenting on the awards, Dr Rita grounded in strong geographical This year, the Land Rover ‘Go Medal and Award for his study of natural history elected as support, the old library, the Nightingale Gardner CBE, the Society’s director, said: research, as well as by more established Beyond’ bursary, which offers £10,000 through photography; ABOVE RIGHT: Dr Alan Room, will be transformed by 2010 ‘This year’s medal and award recipients Baker, winner of this year’s Founder’s Medal; BELOW researchers and scientists. Projects and the use of a Land Rover 110 RIGHT: Michael Palin, the Society’s new president into a comfortable, well-equipped have, through their respective address a broad variety of important Defender vehicle, was awarded to Society’s new space for members to meet, talk, contributions to geographical topical issues, such as desertifi cation, William Lorimer, Tim Bromfi eld and world’s fi rst group of climate change plan their travels, work or just relax knowledge, policy-making, conservation, climate change, Lynn Morris’s Atlantic Rising project. refugees make a fi nal voyage from president over a cup of coffee. teaching and enthusing people migration and urban regeneration. The team are following the future their island home to escape rising sea ‘Lowther Lodge is one of the most through travel, succeeded in And, of course, we’re open to ideas for contours of the ocean according to the levels. You can hear his account of his The Society’s Annual General Meeting striking and distinctive buildings placing geography more fi rmly projects anywhere in the world. 1.5-metre sea-level rise predicted to trip on BBC Radio 4 on 11 September. (AGM) in June saw the presentation in one of the most striking and in the popular and political An investigation into the likelihood take place over the next 100 years, He will also be giving a lecture at the of the prestigious annual medal and distinctive locations in conscience. We are thrilled of a tsunami on the Caribbean island exploring the places, people and Society in autumn. awards and the election of a new London,’ Michael said. with their efforts to advance of Dominica, caused by landslides histories that will be lost in the rising president to serve over the next three ‘For almost 100 years, it knowledge and to promote from volcanoes, is just one of the tide of global warming. i If you would like to follow in the years, taking over from Professor Sir has been the outward, geography’s relevance Society grant-funded projects in the Finally, the Journey of a Lifetime footsteps of Dan, Will and Callum, or as fi gurehead and visible and much-loved in creating a more middle of fi eldwork investigations award provides £4,000 for a journey the Atlantic Rising team, or are interested chair of the Society’s elected trustees. face of the Society’s informed world.’ RGS-IBG; ©JOHN SWANNELL ©JOHN RGS-IBG; this month. Others include projects anywhere in the world and the in undertaking geographical research The incoming president, Michael headquarters, and looking at the effects of climate change chance to record your experiences for independently or in a team, the Society Palin CBE, will be familiar to the vast I feel very strongly i For a full list and in the tropical Andes regions of a BBC Radio 4 documentary. Dan Box, would like to hear your plans, wherever majority of Geographical readers and that we must do all further information on all

HOWARD SAYER/ HOWARD Colombia and Ecuador; how family this year’s recipient, returned from they might take you. Please visit is certainly no stranger to the Society, we can to ensure that of this year’s medal and structures are changing in Cambodian Papua New Guinea’s Carteret Islands for more information where he has been a Fellow for more it’s as welcoming and award winners, visit villages; and the processes infl uencing in April. There he witnessed the and details of how to apply than 30 years. accessible as possible,’


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