40TH PARLIAMENT Education and Health Standing Committee Report 8 A BETTER CONNECTED FUTURE Opportunities for digital innovation in secondary education Presented by Ms J.M. Freeman, MLA November 2019 Committee Members Chair Ms J.M. Freeman, MLA Member for Mirrabooka Deputy Chair Mr W.R. Marmion, MLA Member for Nedlands Members Ms J. Farrer, MLA Member for Kimberley Mr R.S. Love, MLA Member for Moore Ms S.E. Winton, MLA Member for Wanneroo Committee Staff Principal Research Officer Dr Sarah Palmer Research Officer Ms Jovita Hogan Legislative Assembly Tel: (08) 9222 7494 Parliament House 4 Harvest Terrace Email:
[email protected] WEST PERTH WA 6005 Website: www.parliament.wa.gov.au/ehsc Published by the Parliament of Western Australia, Perth. November 2019 ISBN: 978-1-925724-51-6 (Series: Western Australia. Parliament. Legislative Assembly. Committees. Education and Health Standing Committee. Report 8) 328.365 Education and Health Standing Committee A better connected future Opportunities for digital innovation in secondary education Report No. 8 Presented by Ms J.M. Freeman, MLA Laid on the Table of the Legislative Assembly on 28 November 2019 Inquiry Terms of Reference The inquiry into Digital Innovation in Secondary Education will consider: 1. How digital innovation can assist secondary students to learn anything, anywhere, anytime 2. The role of digital technology in addressing secondary student engagement and retention 3. How digital innovation can increase equity of opportunity in secondary education 4. The potential for digital technology to cater to the needs of high performers and at- risk learners in secondary education 5. Challenges to implementation, including provision of digital infrastructure, resources and technical support Chair’s Foreword igital technology is in our lives and in our classrooms, and schools need support to ensure students make the best use of it.