Turkey, Greece Agree to Cease-Fire

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Turkey, Greece Agree to Cease-Fire The Daily Register VOL.97 NO 18 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JULY 22, 1974 TEN CENTS Irwome tax Hoesn9 t Have a chance9: Fiorino Monmouth County Democratic Chairman John R Fionno convictions, and because of the overwhelming will of my dis- lays the proposed slate income tax •doesn't have a chance as still in committee Mr Kionno said he too favors a one-year extension rather trict " In addition to Sen Buehler. Sen Joseph McOahn. I) than rushing into a state income tax of today," and its defeat may be a good thing - politically He said only five of the 2M communications he had re- speaking. Atlantic, has also announced, his opposition to the tax, as has Mr Kionno, who said he personally thinks an income tax ceived on the tax issue, favored the income tax Senate President Frand J Dodd, I) Kssex. who*- voti' was The date Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on the is the fairest means of taxation, said there are too many Mr. Buehler's opposition means that all three of Mon- considered crucial to Senate passage ramifications in the governor's proposal tax proposal advanced by Democratic Gov. Brendan T Byrne mouth County's senators will be casting "no" votes on on Wednesday This brings to at least M the number of Democrats whn He is calling for a tax convention, guaranteed reductions Wednesday have publicly stated their opposition to the governor's plan The fate of the tax, approved last week 41-38 in the As- in property taxes, and a "sincere" effort at cutting down The county's only Republican legislator. Sen Alfred N The 10 Republicans and the lone independent in the Sen state spending sembly, seems dim since over the weekend a number of pre- Beadleston of Rumson, has been «long-time foe of an income ate are also opposed to the tax. viously uncommitted senators have announced their oppose tax and says he won't vote for an income tax "until Hell "One thing," he said, "the governor should make a rea- tion. At least 21 votes are needed for passage in the upper sonable effort to eliminate no-show jobs, and he's got to make freezes over." house it clear that taxes are going to be cut" One of those to come out against the tax was Sen Herbert Sen. Eugene J. Bedell, a Democrat from Keansburg, hat Sen Buehler said if the tax is defeated he is confident J Buehler, D-Monmouth also been a long-lime opponent of the tax He voted against that another plan can be worked out by the legislative lead Politically speaking, he said, defeat of the income tax will Sen. Buehler said the governor's tax program was "too the last income tax proposal two years ago when he was in ers. probably benefit the Democrats in the forthcoming election. far reaching in its implications to the citizens of my con- the Assembly. He recommended that the legislature ask the Supreme Sen Bedell, who had criticized the governor for using stituency." Mr. Bedell has his own plan for financing local education Court for a one year extension to meet Ihe public school fund the income tax issue as a springboard to the vice presidency, He said he decided to oppose the tax because of "my own using a statewide classified property tax, a proposal which is ing mandate. See Fiorina, page 2 Turkey, Greece agree to cease-fire By The Associated Press overthrew President Ma- standing problems between kish decision to agree to the karios last Monday But a dis the two countries, including cease-fire: Turkey and Greece an- natch received this morning their dispute over oil drilling Ecevit began telephone con- nounced their forces on Cypr- from Nicosia, the Cypriot rights in the Agean Sea. versations with Secretary of us would observe a cease-fire capital, made no mention of In the fighting so far, the State Henry A. Kissinger and beginning at 10 a.m. EDT. the cease-fire. Turkish invasion force esti- Secretary General Joseph The truce was announced Announcing the cease-fire, mated at 6,000 men and the Luns of the North Atlantic first in Washington by the Turkish Premier Bulent Ece- 650 man Turkish army contin- Treaty Organization last State Department. Con- vit said he hoped for "new gent that is stationed on night. He kept his cabinet in firmation from the Turkish victories" before the cease- Cyprus have been opposed by session for a quick decision, government came about 1:30 fire took effect. Radio Cyprus the National Guard plus the but the meeting broke up at a.m., and the Greek military reported that Turkish air at- 1,000-man contingent that the midnight. Junta announced its accept- tacks were continuing, and it Greek Army keeps on the is- Ecevit continued talking ance more than two hours lat- claimed the Greek Cypriots land. There also has been with Kissinger, detailing Tur- er. shot down three of the planes fighting between the Greek key's terms for a cease-fire. today. and Turkish Cypriot commu- Among other things, he de- The State Department said nities. it assumed the cease-fire Sources in Ankara said Ece- manded that Greece agree to would also apply'*) the Cypr- vit agreed to a cease-fire af- Official and unofficial negotiate with Turkey not iot National Guard and its ter Greece agreed to nego- sources outlined this sequence only on Cyprus but on all out- Greek Army officers who tiate with Turkey on all out- of events leading to the Tur- See Cypras, page 2 Bodies littered THE BRITISH ARRIVE — British Royal Marine tourists and personnel from the island. An esti- Commandos disembark at Akrotiri Base In Cyprus mated 4,400 foreign civilians from Nicosia and oth- to safeguard the evacuation of British and foreign er combat areas were evacuated yesterday. streets LONDON (AP) - Bodies Uttered the streets and there were mass burials during the fighting on Cyprus, Britons Panel to vote on televising flown home from the Mediter- ranean island report. Derek Reed, a business- man, was vacationing in the southeastern town of Paphos impeachment arguments when the shooting started last Monday and the Greek offi- WASHINGTON (AP) - The brief of arguments against not the Republicans, and they and Jenner. cers of the Cypriot National House Judiciary Committee is impeachment presented by have repeatedly turned to In a preview of the im- Guard overthrew President preparing to vote on whether Sam Garrison, newly desig- Garrison when they felt the peachment debate, Rep. Don Makarios. its historic impeachment de- nated by the Republican com- need for partisan services. Edwards, D-Calif., said yes- mittee members as their mi- terday the Doar-Jenner brief "People who were told by bate should be televised. The Republicans' patience Makarios to lay down their The debate begins Wednes- nority counsel. with Jenner, a prominent Chi- provides "an overwhelming case" for charging Nixon guns were shot out of hand by day and could last into next Albert Jenner, who had cago lawyer, snapped last the National Guard," he said. week. held that position from the week when Jenner endorsed with serious misconduct, while Rep. Charles E. Wig- "They were buried in mass A change in House rules start of the Inquiry, while Doar's conclusion that Nixon graves." would be needed to allow the Garrison served as his depu- had abused his powers of of- gins, R-Calif., said it failed to ty, will remain on the staff as fice and should be impeached. link Nixon with any impeach- John Harris, vacationing television cameras into com- with his family in Famagusta mittee sessions and a resolu- associate counsel working un- Garrison, who served as an able offense. der special counsel John at their seaside apartment, tion proposing the change is aide to former Vice President said warships shelled him out Doar. Spiro T. Agnew before com- Reps. Walter Flowers, D- scheduled for House action Ala., and Robert McClory, R- of his house and he and his Jenner had made it clear ing to the committee, has shortly before the committee 111., who also took part in a family had to flee on foot. meets this afternoon. from the start of the proceed- been asked by the Republi- cans to rebut the case for im- televised discussion on ABC "A British major helped us At an earlier closed session, ings that he regarded himself and we did a four-mile dash as working for the committee, peachment presented by Doar "Issues and Answers," said the committee will receive a they were having a hard time with bullets and shells whis- making up their minds. tling around to a British army Meanwhile, presidential unit," he said. spokesman Ronald L. Ziegler University student Argiris 3 probes of migrant labor yesterday again criticized the Kyriakidis, a 21-year-old natu- Judiciary Committee and said ralized Briton, said he saw that charges against Nixon the bodies of Makarios sup- are unsubstantiated by fact. porters thrown into a mass farm incident under way In another development, grave four at a time.near Li- SWEDESBORO (AP) - At blyman Byron Baer, D-Ber- trespassing. The charge Judiciary Committee tran- massol. He said they were least three investigations gen, after he and four other stemmed from Tuesday's in- scripts released over the from a column of pro-Ma have been started as the re- men, including Newark Star- cident at the farm, where mi- weekend show that President karios soldiers who came to sult of an assault on an as- Ledger reporter Charles Fin- grants allegedly broke Baer's Nixon expressed concern that Limassol from Paphos to help semblyman at a migrant la- ley, made an unannounced arm and chased the party off he may have inadvertently ig- others holding out in the town.
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