Discussion Questions

Message Text: 3 Message Title: Redemption BIG IDEA: In this message Greg talked about how through acts of generous kindness God redeems our broken lives. Questions: 1. Read Ruth 3. What aspects of the chapter raise question or seem confusing? What aspects of the chapter seem hopeful?

2. In v6f Ruth goes to ask him to consider taking her as a wife. In his message, Greg said this was a risky moment for Ruth and talked about how acts of redemption can sometimes be risky. • How have you found that to be true in your life? • How is it true in the message of the gospel of Christ?

3. In her proposal to Boaz in v9, Ruth asks Boaz to spread the corner of his garment over her. While this may sound risqué, the Hebrew phrase in 3v9 is the same as the Hebrew phrase in 2v12 when Boaz speaks to Ruth about coming under “the wings of God’s refuge.” Essentially, the request Ruth is making is for Boaz to be her protector. • How does that realization change the way you view this story? • How does it impact your view of God? • How are you finding God to be your refuge in your life currently?

4. The term hesed (kindness) is the key term in this story. It’s mentioned in 1v8, 2v20, and 3v10. Read Ex 34:6 & Ps. 103v8. The term hesed is used to describe God being abounding in love. These 2 verses are a common description of God’s character in the . • How have you see this description of God play out in Ruth’s story? • How are you seeing it played out in your own story?

5. Greg mentioned that Ruth pursues God’s path for redemption rather than pursuing her passions. Way are we so tempted to pursue our passions apart from God’s path?

6. The concept of guardian-redeemer (v9) is a key concept in this story. Read Leviticus 25:25 to better understand where the idea of a guardian redeemer comes from. The purpose of the guardian redeemer is to offer protection to extended family members and keep the families land with their extended relatives. In some ways Jesus is our guardian redeemer, purchasing redemption for us through his sacrificial death. • What about the concept of a guardian redeemer raises question for you? • How does the idea of a guardian redeemer help you better understand Jesus redemption of us?

7. In v18, Ruth had to wait to hear about whether or not Boaz would be her guardian redeemer. Greg’s final point was that sometimes redemption requires waiting. Do you find yourself in a season of waiting for something to be redeemed?

8. Reflection Question: In light of Greg’s sermon on Ruth 3 and this discussion, what do you feel like God might be saying to you about how to respond?