The Stirling Directory Including Bridge of Allan, St Ninians, Bannockburn
Am The Mitchell Library. rounded 187C ^^o.TS^'gSBsit ^ -JSSr^-Si I ^ Of 1 -o M^ r^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland IHE MITCHELL UBaARv GLASGOW. STIRLING DIUECTOR Y—AD VERTISEMENTS. A-warded the only PBIZE MEDAL for Waggonettes at the International E:shil}ition, Bulslin, 1865. GEORGE THOMSON'S CARRIAGE and HARNESS MANUFACTORY, STIB^LHSTG. x3si'.<^:oxjXSiiEXJE3X3 xeo6. PUIZE MEMilLtiS—PERTH, 1850; LONDON, 1851; DUBLIN, 1854 ; DUBXiIN, 1865 ; EDINBURGH, 1869 ; GI.ASGOW, 1870 ; DUIVC- FRIES, 1870 ; PERTH, 1871 ; GLASGOW, 1872 ; and various other Frizes. A LARGE STOCK of the Newest Designs in Landaus, Broughams, Side Glass Phaetons, Barouches, Park and Stanhope Phsetons, Waggonettes, open or closed, with reversible Seats to form Mail Phaeton or Four-wheeled Dog Cart, Omnibuses, Pony and Basket Carriages of every description. Two and Four-wheeled Dog Carts, Gigs, Whitechapel Carts, &c., &c. Every Carriage built at this Establishment is manufactured under strict personal supervision, by first-class workmen and of the best materials, and is thoroughly tested before being sent out. These Carriages are adapted for use both at home and abroad. Drawings with Estimates forwarded, and all information given on a^ppUcafion, STIRLING DIRECTOR Y—AD VERTISEMENTS. CROWE & RODGERS' PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT ROOMS, 33 2CX7EIIA7 PLACE, STIRLING, From the fact that this Establishment has been carried on for the last fourteen years, and the uniform success that has attended their efforts, Sitters may have ever}'- confidence in securing a Portrait that cannot be surpassed either in artistic effect or finish.
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