National Register of Historic Places Weekly
■ TAKE PRIDEIN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA ·- NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 - -. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013-7127 - IN ll£PLY a1na TO: The Director of the National Park Servlc~ Is pleased to Inform you that the following properties have been entered In the National Register ofHlstoric Places. For further Information cal I 202/343-9542. WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIQ,,IS TAKEN CN PROPERTIES: 12/21/92 ll-ROl.0-1 12/25/92 KEY: state. county. Prc,perty Name.' Address/Boundary, city. vicinity, Reference NulTber l+iL status. Action. Dale. Multiple Name CALIFORNIA. ALAMEDA ca..NTY. Cloyne court HOtel, 2600 Ridge Rd .. Berkeley. 92001718, tfJMINATIQ,,I, 12/2 ◄ /92 CALIFORNIA. SANTA BARBARA COLNTY. LOS Banos del Mar. 401 Shoreline Dr .. Santa Barbara. 92001726, r-i:>MINATIQ,,I. 12/2 ◄ /92 COLORADO, 80.JLDER COLNTY. Thunder take Patrol cabin. Thunder Lake. Estes Park vicinity. 8700112 ◄. AOOITIQ,,IAL OOCUMENTATICN, 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MRA) · COLORADO, LARIMER COLNTY. TWin sisters Lookout. on TWin Sisters Peaks. Estes Park vicinity, 92001670. NOMINATIQ,,I. 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MPS) . COLORADO. LARIMER COLNTY. vat lie Agnes shelter. NW of Longs Peak-along E. Longs Peak Tral I. Estes Park vicinity, 92001669, t<>MINATIQ,,I, 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MPS) CEORCIA, POLK CCJ..J,,ITY, Cedartown conmerclal Historic District. Roughly bounded by East Ave. ands. Philpot, Cibson and COi lege Sts .. cedar town. 92001715, t«>MINATIQ,,I, 12/24/92 MASSAa-«JSETTS. HAMPDEN COI..NTY, fl.lOrlh High street Historic District (Boundary increase), 233--411 High st .
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