March 29th, 2019 Name of the Company: Oji Holdings Corporation Representative: Susumu Yajima Director of the Board, President (Code No. 3861, First Section of the Stock Exchange)

Person to contact: Takashi Nakajima General Manager, Corporate Planning Department, Corporate Planning Division of Oji Management Office Inc. Phone: +81-3-3563-4385

Announcement of Completion of Payment for Issuance of New Shares of Paper Mills Limited through Third-party Allocation of Shares and Completion of Share Acquisition from Shareholders of Limited

Oji Holdings Corporation (hereinafter “Oji Holdings”) hereby announces that Oji Holdings completed today the payment for the issuance of new shares of Mitsubishi Paper Mills Limited (hereinafter “Mitsubishi Paper”) through the third-party allocation of shares (hereinafter “the Third-party Allocation of Shares”) and also the acquisition of shares from shareholders of Mitsubishi Paper (hereinafter “the Relative Share Acquisition”), as announced on March 25, 2019. As a result, Oji Holdings Group’s voting rights to Mitsubishi Paper increased to 33.00%, making Mitsubishi Paper an equity-method affiliate of Oji Holdings. With regard to the Third-party Allocation of Shares and the Relative Share Acquisition, please refer to the press release “Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance of Oji Holdings Corporation and Mitsubishi Paper Mills Limited” disclosed by Oji Holdings and Mitsubishi Paper on February 6, 2018. Not that the impact on Oji Holdings’ consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019 is currently being calculated. If any revision to the consolidated forecasts may be arisen, Oji Holdings promptly disclose such matters.