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The Ledger and Times, March 28, 1967

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Selected As A best, A4 it:16.nd L.Lanalltyewöt The Only

Afternoon Daily

In Murray And Largest

Calloway County Circulation

• Both In City

And In County United Press International In Our 88th Year Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, March 28, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 73 Seen &'Heard Public Attention Called To Benton Woman, Well Known Here, Passes Contemporary Arts Festival Away Here Sunday Robert Mrs J. D. k Loueits Peterson Perry of Is An announcement Named from Benton. who was MURRAY the of- 8 - Visual communication well known in fice of Richard exhibi- Murray, W Farrell, Chair- tion succumbed Sunday from Northern Illinois Uni- at man of the Department 10:50 pm. at Thanks of Fine versity; May 20-June the Murray-Callo- to Mrs Luillse Dick fix Arts at Murray 3 - Tony way County State University, Zaleski Senior H ospi t al As the Pyracantha, the Azalea. exhibit. President the calls attention The deceased to the fact that All evening was a member of Of Red Honeysudrle, ccncerta Murray and begin at the Loblol- the Ninth annual Contemporary the chapters of the ly 8:00 p.m., and the United Daugh- Pines. Arts Festival Sunday al-. ters is cu.-rently in pro- ternoon of the Confederacy and concerts begin at 3:00 the gress. Daughters of the American Mrs, p.m. Re- Dick had 1,000 Ptne Trees volution of The depth Murray. She was a Chamber which In keeping with and scope of she gave away free of the constant this member of the Of First Commerce effort festive/ and the Christian charge Henry Fuhon followed to make Murray State Uni- effort to bring Church. signitiant Benton, and a charter through providing versity the cultural center contributions to the con- by stakes for of the member of the Benton Harry Lee Waterheld mid temporary field of Woman's the treas. The stakes are -south area, a full and ambit- the visual ani Club. about performing Mrs Peterson taught school 18 inches ious schedule A arts may be readily tan and mark the loca- events are under- for a number of way. seen in a study years. tion of the Pine Trees he said. of the program, mo folks Farrell Survivors are her son, John will not Yfaterfiele said D Five mow them down. PetPrson New Directors This particular of Benton, one Take festival was The DePartment sister, Over be- of Fine' Arts -- --- gun Mrs. W J. Wilson of nine years ago with the pur- at Murray State University Paducah, and All her Pines have been given is most two brothers, pose of bringing- to , hopeful Roes Ham Acree away. They Files the attention that the puhhc win be of Duties were gone within For Meriden, As a of the ilia, and A New University aware DJ Year students, Of this Acree of Begins • couple and effort. An invitation of days after we announced the Indianapolis, Ind. public in general, significant is extended to everyone she had Shan. to at- Funeral services developments and trends tend any or will be held Robert Perry, manager State on the all of these events. Wednesday of the Office at contemporary scene They two pm at 5 Calloway County Third oldest in both the are all free. the Soil Improve- in the Marines writes visual chapel of the Filhock-Cann merit and the performing arts Fun- a Association was named Choral that oddly enough eral as Groups he is learning This year's Hanle Benton president festival was opened with Rev. of the Murray (barn- more about himself in Ins N Branson re- U. Goy Harry with the dramatic production officiating Bur- bee et Commetre last cruit training. Lee Waterfieed of New Concord Schoo ial night, af- -lite Private will be in the Benton ter four Mod Monday as a Democrane Ear and The Pub- Graeber! new directors and one Win Superior Plans Program Friends may pthernatorial lic aye", by Pet% Friday call at the Pikbeca- re-elected one were Says isr the candidate for the Shaffer It seated. first time he is be- was produced Cann Funeral Home, Perry third nine, according and directed by Benton. was named to ing told what to do whether to a report A special "Grand succeed he froth Prof Robert Johnson, Ole ()pry" James E Clarriann likes it or Frankfort. Head of program who has serv- At Festival not, without having a the Division will be presented at ed • A Drama. The se- the Youth Fellowship as president for the past (Cantbseed Oa Page Six) New Concord School year. Waterfteld maid "I MM. cond event was a on Friday, Garrison told I program of March the board that he haw earned the contemporary 31, with the doors to open And Classes Meet would right to nth a- music performed by rather not serve again be- gainst mesi*ers at 6:30 p.m. and the show the Breathitt administra- of Phi Mu Alpha to start cause his expanded and at teen _ duties at - &ern& Anew pm Ryan Each Iota. professional Milk Company, and for other of the three choral groups Accident men's Featured on the program The Methodist Is and women's will Youth Felow- Robert Perry reasons. from Murray High With only music frat- be The School, under two days before the ernities at Blue Boys. Billy Buchanan. ship and the Junior New the Murray State The Sunday directors seated at direction of Mrs. John Bowker, filing deadline for the May Mardis Blind, MoCuarton Ekbool last 33 third event was • most Band. Classes of Oates Camp night's meeting were: received superior ratings primary. Waterfield successful Janice Robert Moy- for their Reported held • news combined and Jimmy Allbritten. and Ground Methodist er. fine performance Here effort of the Art Church met Manager of the Tappan at the annual state and Coin- conference with 100 friends, Music The Galilean Quartet Sunday, March music re- Divisions A major 36, at 6:30 pm, pansy, Henry Fulton. festival held at Murray State latives, and work in The admission Cub Pack Manager of supporters both will at the rhumb 37 University attandhle- the field A Art be sixty I Murray Lumber an Saturday. Waternekre and Music cents Cornpane. Gene The Murray Pchce Intro in the was evaluated for adults and thirty cents Landon, The Junior High Department Fame- and discussed Lead- The Vice President of Chorus consist- Investigated nstonal saes makes for Children The public group sang songs followed the ing a two venie.le col- nine can- ing the discuasion - is invited Sank at Murray, of twenty-seven 7th and 8th didates. of Deamotaelles to attend by • business meeting Holds Robert Carpen- lision this program of the Meeting grade at for MVP girls Calloway and North 18th d'Avignon" be MOM were Pro- an ter, Manager of Southern sent "Come Holy Spirit i os. evening when plena were Bell el Streets yesterday at fessors Gerald of fun and entertain- mile for a Telephone Come" by Wolff and "Dentate 3'46 pm In the last Clortemors lailkhepper and supper Co. and Guy Billing Dom- Vehicles race Wat- ment and wake sale - ino" by Pitoni involved were a 1959 erfald William Huntingdon to Cub Pack 37 of Robertson ton Manager was teamed with fonner of the Art held Iburigihr, School of Murray Insur- Oidsnobile four geoulty, April 6, at met last week ance The Senior High Girls Chorus, door owned by Gov. A. HChandler while rligilliegara James 30 with Den 2. led by Agency The outgoing lampkina in the elect- pm,. die dim& Mrs direct- made up of forty-five Buick Company. Woodard and Lee Jackie Winchester. in charge ors were: Ray members frum Ben- ion. Chandler, • eindkate in this Mir dammed Parmelee, James ton, driven by Ciarlea -The Rite of Henry County NFO -at the wrung flag ceremony. C. Walkman grades nine through tiiielve, render- Prentle.• rubellarlerai Mee also Spring" by Igor Aiki—disting a re- Cub Donald Tucker and Mather this year, etre master. Don ed two contemporary selections of 'Calvert City. and a was hillatee dimity Is Now creation period eel Byerly led the Cuba in Ronald Churchill, "I by Breathitt for the Organized rolradene Its games Sing Of A Maiden" 101111 Mernetienal teak idle arslopei and then presented the In an by Cecil Cope owned tune, but Wats . iii_ et Ilse grow Marvin fol- unanimous action the by Fitts Block program of sentempararr lowing awards: and "A Sad Song" from Randall Ocanpanv, Murray. afield won an group in Chamber of Commerce the Lt, Governors chamber MUJINC PARIS, gg:ke Wolf 'Board re- Thointaon's -Rosemary". &even by WUkans Z. Sawyers deleted tiy David- Tema al - The badge - Chuck ifigginke- named a . et recs. Gogranen. load imam* were James L Johnson as Route Three, Dr, Wayne Shelley branch of the them, David Minty. the The Murray High Mixed Chor- Pursers, Tern: 1 and lathonal Farmers Wade Love Haroldtt:. Chock l'ines. a.m." John aurnral, Cary , $flUis- tle, organised only The accident report Waterfield said all members of the Organization. ungaithel Jerry Carter and Gary Moore. da feetti,thrs ago, NO in his bens Ind@ Latter. Grugett wee _not news con- Donald WIBIlles: as Oce MIdsager. WV =with completed Serener music faculty, was the mere than s Wolf Gold arrows of thirty-seven student, by the investigating of- that he was opposed thud event wear ego, has join- Keith Ledirman. were received In re-neetane to of the concerts Pam Create, by David the office staff the tram grades nine through ficers this morning. MIT form of ilhe fourth pro- ed the ron....sual Beery Carman, Jeff Dunn, and twelve. - - conmuleory open katilisineet, Glenna itirrta, Board was WI in their They were Me)uain tein was by the action to Chuck Thanes The silver praise receeied very enthusiast- Outboard Marino house law that destroys University A g:un NOW pried. oirenith Crowe, arrow was for the A-kil the in- Camelia Ricky Lovett, awarded outstanding Performance ically for their superior performance South 7th Street dividual right Choir, directed by Jack Cart preadent to J immy Talkingten. shown reported to the to property. and that Rob- of the Mike Black, Nicky Lovett, by the Murray Chamber on Saturday. ert Beer, and Henry Kathy Bear Badges were of City Ponce that boa agate he will favor legislation ariested by the County Chapter of the Mak, Elm presented to Commerce in se were to pro- University Scott. Phyllis Cole- Greg the past 5 years. Their numbers were a Chorale vaou Bram NPO, Gingrass, Scott en- sisahed in the boats hibit any unit of Choir under the saki 0111 worth or milk Ma. Kathy Marvin and Mr Perry at his place irovernrnent from was Scott, Rodney Scott, Tripp was President of titled "Now God be Praised of bu.sineas direicticsi of Dr. Wayne ,bought at Jones Beer Odd arrows the and lest Friday night. making ouch laws Sheley. area stores over the Kest Letterman went Murray Charnber in Heaven An Programs Tint Letterman, to Ten Wall-S. 11.... lath and has Above" by Vulpitis, "Rich- irseesteration was to be presented weekend and poured Met -by Knight, Tripp been a made by the in down a gut- Witham and Tina Jones, member of the Board ard De Caatre's Prayer Police Lt. Gov Waterfield the near future ley on Wit- Greg Gingrass, Ken of To Jesus" is the son are as follows' his fann Orogen Directors cm three set in of March (Continued occasions to- the Dorian mode by Terry, • The city Mrs Lots Waterfield, 602 West 30th - University Clark said one 00 Page Six) tailing police cited one per- Sin- grocer put a one- 9 years service and the new swinging sound Main Street. Murray, fonletta and the carton Ala present of Bach son for speeding on and was Ebuiphoedc Band, milk lima on milk buying were Mr. and Mr, Garrison entitled "Bourree Monday. was presented a For Bach", a style born in Calloway County. under the direction of Ater rileD Mrs. Marvin Scott. Paul Sha- numbers purchased 810 Mr and Mrs. Certificate of Reocgretion made famous by the Swingle 231A113S han worth BIB Williams, Area Freshmen by the Sing- Candidate. Another grocer said Mrs Betty Cole- Named Ward upon his ers, Zeta Department few the Democratic April he man, retirement and 2 (Sunday Afternoon) didn't care how much Mrs. Mary Lovett, To received nomination for governor - they bought. Mrs. Tri Sigma Posts great prairie few Buys of Ken- An informal -We're Fronde Willimuns. services Equipment For tucky are: symposium of stu- not trying to make a and Mr and performed for the dent compoetions Mrs. lend cocormunty. led by Dr John spectacle," said Cleat 'We're Lovett In other Edward Mental Health Bods, just action the Executive Overbey To Center Li floe Harry Lee Wisteria/id. visiting lecturer and trying to be quiet and Secretary com- earnest in The group would Three Murray area freshmen was instructed to former Gov A. poser Dr Bode is this thing like to invite put Practice Law Here New B Chandler. State • member of and thow people that everyone have been elected forth every effort ecrliprnent for the the to attend the chili to offices in and cooperate local Sen. J. 13 Buckman, Lexington faculty at Florida State were got to raise sup- with the Mental Health Center land Uni- prices or go per and auction the spring pledge class of State of Kentucky With Father, Brother located on developer David versity, and is one out af sale on April Sigma in the third M Trapp. former of America's business" Sigma Sigma the develapment • floor of the convaleacent Highway gifted at 6 30 pin social sorority at of the now pro- Commissioner Henry Ward. young corrapoeers toed division of the Murray State University Southern Partway Murray-Callowf1 William Shires of April 3 - A which County Leonia, former selection of com- Carol Chaster, would inn near Edward 11cital is being Circuit positions Route 1, Kirksey, Murray. The Board Overbey, son of senator purchased Judge Henry Btephens by Dr Boda performed of Directors by the Zeta of was elected president also went en and Mrs Ceeorge E. Overbey. Department of the Latonia. Mrs Helen by tanky members Advisory at a recent record has Breeden of and stuckna Council meeting in favor of a been Murray Woman's. Club Buechel. Of County She Is majoring in ma- feasibiiity study admitted to the practice of and Jesse N. R Cecil of the music division. correlation and Mrs. Jack of thematics and physical of all proposed law by the Court of Appeals Bailey, Zeta chairman, Louisville. April 4 education dredg- of Ken- and - Additional worts t3prire ing, deversion, tucky. the group voted of pledge dean vice presi- and damming at U. last Dr, Hods, will be Homemakers jects pro- meeting Two casualties already peeforened by Holds dent is Debbie Dibble, now under consideration He will practice law in to purchase are former Meeting 320 Wood Murray reference the University Symphony - Carta for books Atty Gen John Breckinridge Orches- lawn She la majoring River. A complete with his father and brother, to be used by patients, of Lex- tra, Leo in physical correla- Sen- a ington Blain Conductor, and education tive pan win ator Overbey boot case, and some arid Willis V Johnaon of Lan- The Advisory Council and minoring in be presented to and William Donald testing equip- the University Brass of the Tailor was elected re- Cone the ment to caster, both of whom Choir con- Gelloway vice-president co-eaUon. of Engineers Overbey, under the name of Over be used in testing announced ducted County Homemakers As- and to other - child- and later by Dr Wayne to succeed Mrs. Anton interested bey. Overbey • ren. withdrew to seek nomina- Melee The sociation met eat Herndon. Lanette Underwood, 106 agencies. & Overbey Offices of world premiere of week at 930 who has North Mental tion for leaner offices the composition in resigned. Mrs. Taylor will Tiverveth The Board of the law firm are at 291 Main Street. Health is being "Allegro the Sfunicipai Homing Recrea- Street. was selected sec- Direcors meets pmmoted Margate for Brass serve as the county delegate retary, every 4th Edward Overbey is by the Zeta this and tion Center Ai Ellis to She is majoring in Monday night, a graduate of year. Percussion" by Dr Drive with the Kerstuoky ele- committee with Murray Woodard of the new Homemakers Fed- mentary education meetings State University and at- the music count,. preskeent, Mrs. R eration arid minoring held on call. American faculty, will be feat- meeting. in Lexington this In busirares New committees tended the University of Kentucky. ASA OFFICER Legion D McDaniel, *ridding. and physical educe- will be named week within He received his Jung Max Hurt, Uon. the neat two weeks. Doctor degree Auxiliary April 6 - - subsdtatirer for Mrs from Chase Meets Solo and chamber Rali was called by College School of Law, Lynda Alibi-nen. 904 James Pee, County Culture the secretary, Sycamore, worts performed by Chair- Cincinnati, Ohio and has been the music man, gave Mrs. Max Fancy. with fifteen has been ad- elected vice president faculty Of a report on the recent Murray Girls mitted of The particular sareficance clubs being represented Hold to the practice of law in the storing Pledge claws American Legion Auxiliary La events concerning the Murray . Mrs. Wm- Letter To of Alpha another world premiere Cal- them' The Editor Offices Ohio by the Supreme Court of Sigma Alpha met Monday at two of the loway County announced that Calloway In Sorority Ohio. social sorority at Mur- pm. in the wort "Scenic Library For the past ray American Designs and County was several years he has State University. Legion Hall. Mrs. Ann Atonal Mrs_ Lowell Palmer the only county to Mies Allbrit- Testiness by Paul gave a re- March 2/, 196/ worked for the Fifth Third ten is a freshman Chtlders, president. Shahan. It was port have four new clubs organized Union maiming in presided. and written on the upkeep of the rest- in Mr. Jim Williams. Editor Six Murray Trust Company eral lib- for and dedicated one year freshmen have in the Division of arts and minoring gave the devotion reading to Prof. room in the They are Westaide, Par- elected been in English the John C Winter, who Calloway County to offices in the Estate and Treat Departments. and history. scripture from will perform Courthouse merette, Progreesive, and The Ledger and Times the spring the 23rd Psalm, this composition She also gave a Lynn pledge class of Mr. and Mrs. Overbey for pipe re- Grove Murray. Kentucky Alpha Omicron and their closing with prayer. organ. port of clothing 42071 scoial Pi daughter April 23 - The lemons for the sorority at Kellie will be at home Mrs. Humphrey final concert of coming Others present were Murray Mate Key, vice-pre- the festival year, Distention:1g for Mrs. Hoyt University. ter April 5 at 1218A Peggy combining the Mrs Craig, county Dear Mr. Williams: Ann Drive sident, was program cheirman. Uni- Richard Armstrong, landscape chairman The In Murray versity Choir, University County Cloth- Murray officers R. L. Cooper, Chorus ing and president at the East are Mary administrative as- and the Chairman. Hazel Jo Oakley, 131.2 Symphony Orchestra Oath; Mrs Your answer to Miss Olive Blvd., WEATHER sistant of the Calk:way un- Mrs Palmer Dennis Boyd, presi- Linda Brown- skient, pre- REPORT County der the direction is president of the field's Meters Health of Robert Bear. dent of South Piessant letter was good as fur Trevathan, 611 Funeral Of Mrs. Center, was the guest They Wadesboro Club. Grove as it South Eighth will present "King Club; went, but I would Street, social speaker He spoke David", Mrs. Raft Mrs Howard Bury, president like to add a few chair- Pullen West Kentucky on "Commun- a symphonic Outland, Pottertown man, Parn Clark. Held Today -- Clear to part- ity paahn in three parts. of Akno Club; Mrs. (DissUissed On Page Six) Route 1, par- Service.", and said that com- Cab president gave Waverly Vick, liamentarian: ly cloudy and mild Running concurrently a report on president Tonda Parker, this afternoon. munity services with the home ifurnishings, of the New Providence 1E3 Funeral services tonight and are rendered by concerts hated substituting for North Nineteenth for Mrs. Dole Wednesday High this two agencies above is a full Mrs_ (Genthesed On Page Street, song Canter Pullen afternoon the official agency program Howard Gibes of the Town Six) AOPi Elects Two leader: Anne were held this morn- 72 to 75 Winch of Art Exhibits in Titaworth. 1316 south- and the volimteer gamey, the and Country Club, Blvd. Olive ing at ten o'clock at erly 5 to 10 miles people Art Clubroom or Mrs Wayne Murrayarui Panhellenic the Byrn per hour Low who have the Mary Ed Hardie. To Office delegate: Funeral Rome tonight a deep concern and HAM county food chairman. Ernie Rob Bailey Shirley Lyons, and chapel, Mayfield, In the 50.s, high Gallery in the Fine To 416 North Wednes- understanding fir Arts gave a report Fifth, with Bro James How-hen day in the 704 unfortunate antldirist. The on footle arid cini- Be Two rviUrriy girls have Panhellenic delegate. officiat- Outlook for Thurs- people remaining exhibits cased Song Leader been elect- ing. Burial day for their fellowman and are: the Food Stamp Plan which ed to officers; will be in the Har- -. little change March 18-April1 - Jim in Alpha Omicron Pi are willing to give Wil- at least one county mony Cemetery. of themselves son Senior Exhibit: in this area Ernie social sorority at Murray State - - In service March 26- will Rob Bailey will be the Uni- Mrs. to their community. April participate. versity. Pullen, age 63. a resident Kentucky Lake 7 6 -- Kappa Pi Juried song leader at Story Hour em 354.2: Mr Oxlip& Show Mrs. Kenton a gospel meeting Will of Kevil Route Pour, below dam was introdured by for Prints Broach, County being Marion Belote, 1400 Main died in the 323 4 Mrs and Drawings, March held at, the Lebanon Church Street, Be Rudolph Claude Anderson. Family Life Chairman gave was elected Held Wednesday Rest Home, PlidUrlatl, Sat- Bartley Io ke• 354 27-April 8 -, Faculty Show; a re- of aria in Graves vice president at • re- 5, down 0.1: The hostesses, April port on upcoming County start- urday at 11:05 She below darn Mrs. Humphrey 3-April M -- lessens in that ing cent meeting. She. is a wee the wi- 3269. down 09. Rev, Charles Cate Senior Maich 27 and continuing thr- Junior ma- Mrs Ann Childers, area Issues and Concerns joring in mathematics dow at Edgar Pullen Sunrise 5 49, and Mrs. exhibit. April 16-April County ough April and psychol- The regular weekly sunset 8:15. Mildred Barnett, a - BIN Chainnan, 2 at '1.30 pm. pooh scheduled Survivors include Moon served punch and Atkins Senior Mrs Max Hurt, ogy. story two datightere, rises 9.50 pm. exhibit, April gene day. hour et the Murray-Callo- cake at the close of the 19- a report on the Beverly Goode, Mrs. C. M. Drive!. Mayfield. meeting May 5 - All Student Safety Drive The 704 Meadow Lane, way County Library and to the members Show; May which guest evangelist is Bro. will be held Mrs. Ruby and guest., Mrs. 7-May Homemakers will participate was installed as a Panhellenic Robertson, Kevin two ne - Janice White Janes L. Meadows, dele- Wedrsesday, ?starch 2e, from 1111111111111111111111111111111 and In. now working gate. She is three half brothers. Dr Earl Adams "It In(414 nerning Judy Nixon Senior with a sophomore majoring to four pin. of cit exhibit:" May the ghat Chester Church of Coldwater In other bud/leen Mrs. Alfred In biology and chemistry and and Herman Adams of CtIrtat, Jackson, Tenn, min- Childien of all ages oring in mathematics. are invited Puryear. Tenn ; three grandchll- to attend the weekly event. dren; nine great grandchildren.

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' 414


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PAGE TWO • • THE LEDGER a TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY THE LEDGER & TIMES TUESDAY -- MARCH .28, 1967 $LUICED by LEDGER a TD4ES PUNLISKING COMPJUIT• tur- a nig Manse Ladder. -- Osikeing 1 and 'N. 11 Oinciase se, iau. aod the lint 1[614601216a. t..211 , IIMR. J1423.4•.r, Fins r - • JAMIE C WILLIAM, PLIBLISMICII • 4 . We mem the dos to reibM soy Antrartietan, Lateen to the Edisor 'n dr Punic Voice hams Mob. U71 our milabon, are int for the best in Urea at our readers • • "rh. A 1111Artabo NATIONAL REPRZEZiTATIVIS' WHAT'S GOING WALLACIe WITHIN 00. ON Modem Am, Mandipi. Ts.: Ttose a Lie Bldg., en by MOW Press leternattonel New York, 11.Y./ elopoonson HSU. Dolton. By LEE AMIXE Mkt_ Tay Tue,day. in, inn day HERE Itosared at the Peet Offen, Homy. After talking of KW with .2121 as fel- Reauseity. tor lemmimmea,,eir with a umber of our Twin Lakes ladies sectind was. Clare Hatter. last night and this morning our day is already ruined. No, 1 not he moon is between its full U4sor 1141111001UPTIO3( Dante: lb Owner In because of the ladies! It's the slid reports wo bIlirray. per wont Ma Pot wellalb on a number and last stager.. Young gua, Isoaamay of our favorite Man Won't and adjengeg mune% per hounds. year, WO; einerhsra,NAI 'I he morning star, As Mars. 1.1.4••••=1.11. Howard Conners The evening stars are Venus "The Oubebrilbs Clete Amok al • (whose youngsters we showed you Comargaby b tba In and More and more Kentucky farmers yesterday Double F) owned Jupitor. 'Communicate' *lenity ad lis Illempaper the beautiful young are taking • - Redtick American a new look at horticultur- "Redwing" When Howard ',master Pent White- and family returned from the al crape. 004afill44600412 at Aeriellik- By man ern born on this day in .Altigint Van Buren TUESDAY - MARCH 28, 1967 Buddy Hunt on March 18th he IMO. ure Wendell found Redwing dead. We're On this P Butler says Parti- very sorry. day in history: DMA AMY: I pat LOVE fr This hound Was Howard's only one and the cular consideration is bring given load freight and baggage for a family In 1719, Nattiamal Briggs write prized her highly. of to the productaon of coniniercial letters to Wiens. I don% na/or ler line. We hau.te dugs New Hampshire received a patent care trail velneribins„ Butler said. if I know them at not, 68 and cats that are "kenneled.' for Quotes You fyr a avde farm at From will see waning ma- long The some pictures sa they are • friend News of a very beautiful "The field of hortieudure ai • iran_portauon. Plott and chine covers his family, in friend of mine. VD Mass LNTKRNATIONAL today's article. He was very ill last night, and a broad area." Butler added, "but Mist of Mee Mown have One report In 11151, designers of beach wear this morning says he's dead. We sincerely the main eategories can be bated as saY Peak= is. I lune Iwo eaperienced anything like hope ;reacted Amerman a PENZANCE, England-Navy not! Being • woman would fruit around the COMM train this Minister Michael Foley com- "natunil born coward" just can't get up and vegetable crepe'and orna- big A14 before, and they are petrified menting the start wearing form-fitting on the giant oil slick from a sinking tanker nerve to call Norma and one- ments* While Kentucky is not a all ay lie. I eta NI sad so is he. .rtm the nowe which is inquire. That's really facing reality, plece 4 the geranning r ruining the bathing salts that summer- leading southern resort coast beaches and killing mil- butas long as we're not sure, hoping state in an', of these streak We never Wired temilew as child- .1e.s.nd trim so much jostling 4 is better than knowing. despite the protests of lions of birds, sea.s, and fish. This Plott clergymen all studies indicate that se have a ren because we min te different irtuild Some is "Ranger", one of our "best buddies and animal try to chew -. puritans alike good potential ishcsla. Sure, -This is a proniem no country in the world has in all three, particul- we'd see each other, ritru the kennsiimil they end 1.1 had to In len, Madrid surrendered to arly face before. The tanker • in fruit and vegetable crops." •vever wird was spoken up with MOM and Is a menace and a threat to Britain." the Manassas' hind- forces of Genera- Butler noted that while Kentucky 'lee anon- to Mr. Cecil aid ray- mg mouth& IBMs OM get tate. Parrish has caught the "CoOning Prarico. is not a top apple producing self, "'Phis DENVER - Air Force Capt. Fever". He state, is nisi" Is when I A ',tanneries has interned me Dale E. Nod. 34. asking a has purchased a Redtics wnose In MS, more then 400 persona production has steadily name is -Sadie", I believe. grown dur- saw him, I said. Tor?, where that tramoulltser pMe HAMM mart to. reeimsify him as Ceieil. drowned see avail- conscientious objector to Leon Andrus and Rewurd Conners were hue/ling following an earthquake ing the past 10 years In 1956, the are you isnot- the war in Vietnam: last able thru any vet) MM, if night Mr. Parrish trying m a-un. State's apple production was lie d.dn't out his "new" Redtick and Leon mind m:. I:e lust given to the animal Were the "The war in Vietnam is unjust and immoral, and if order- took "Honey", the A thought ter the day - Amer- at S156.000 By 1965. income from ap- apt gang Redbone pup, for his first hunt. Hot* to trip, will keep Ma cella and cow- ed to do so I shall refuse to fight in that get Leon r ican novelist Gertrude trankhn ples was 'slued at 51.196,000. While war." in the office today for his trophy picture. The next an/ I awn him, ib'5ut for.ittle I ham seen If this Atherton once the so many boy shows up, said: -Women love income from apples was valued a year later. I mid, ?tn.', tnen junior has earned the biggest trophy of frightened and hysllertail animals PHITOC THITAN, the he that saves thcir pride. at $1,196.000. While the Income Vietnam - Marine Col. William Corson the year! Come on boy, you but train where are ycu going NOW?" He ti my wort. might as well get It over with. never peaches It breaks my heart, Of Washington, D.C., viewing the unflattering truth" was reduced because of wea- didn't answer me, the bodies of 14 buddies, killed Just "plug up your ears, grit your teeth but smiled and If you love anmas as I do, you'll - and come on in. ther conditions in 1965, the previous in an unprecedented ambush by a large force went on He 14 now in the set- print this. of Viet Gong: • • • one was They've an excellent year fur peach vice Should Is - learned Marines will stand and die-and I ask his mother for LOVES ANIMALS producers as they received $1,015,000 U that more Marines will come and SOME "FINS 'N FEATHERS Social Security his address and write to him? coNFIDENTIAL stand in their place." HUNTERS, THEIR for the 14 ann. TO "14114X11- LON= TO WRITE f Strawberries is another ED AND utaArroINTZD" IN FAIIIILIRE Mediaire beneficiaries who signed horticult- DEAR et NEW ORLEANS - Mark AND FRIENDS LOVILS: If yes LOVE AELANTOWN: _Whet__ Lane, nutsixiken .critic.oL the for mediae) tint crop_ Una has received eating- la Dew can ti insurenee -protectian and Warren Commission report and author treble attenticn in yea expect semen' ene to keep of the book "Rush eau now obtain an infarmanon kit certain areas In wytk.. mobs asammajaasa ia,„ a warm ps, wbswit able beer to Judgment", commenting on Dist. Atty. to recent veers. The 1965 crop was to Jilt Garrison Wirth= keep a record of their val- w, b y mbaa est das.4 he see.neem ert growing Investigation into ued at 0115.000 as compared an alleged plot to kill President Wean WOO at they will know when to $155,- prised If be deem% A • • • Kennedy: they In 11164 Mal ma 4. 4 reedit their yearly ISO dedwd- who won't rs Lail. PW9ahlY aeon "Jini Garrison is the most important ible. Charles M. Whitaker, Peeltemb man in America Iv" Improved warionne programs and write either. Traub/eV Vilie to Abby. Rog today. He is doing wtiat /mat Illectuity District • cic the Warren C,ommission, Dallas po- Manager, dmiopment of preceseing facilities WOO, Los Anoles, Cal 90060 For .44 lice, FBI and Secret smiormui Way, Service agents failed to do." are ensiled to increase the Produc- • personal reply: eacieme • stomped, ThileUriiiiniali a record-keep- DEAR ABBY "I I tion of strawberries. Fermiers in don't net seif-adiremell Macy. 1115 IOW •Mill no MOM which es- au, off my c'at at some areas are looking Mardi com- .st I'll burst. I plain the ale liesthode of payment have Wm el mercial production of sons a .1:-'11 are none for realherne• in loamanosclaim,. and and blackberries. better They are Joth married and r Abby's booklet -HO, to SIMMS ti. i4 Bible Thought For Today MOW gipeneas count for have lovtey tanigies list. a Leven lending, use the cloiniMlia. The Butler taldoanimerelal folder has produc- hurts me to go into their Si to Abby. 11117•11, Lis 1 pockets on the tion of Inside for huh vegetatdes bottling is being homes and not lee men one pinto- Angeles, Cal. nen doctor bills and space to write in viewed 18 having a gent potential graph • Praise te 1k. Lord. Praise Gee of Dad ari nee in sight -- in hie saartatury: praise Ohs date and amount of lIenbodry. The each bill glefling of field We haw gala the hiss in the firmament ef his wagger. --realm 131:1. ,11111 Ihat trout* 'vsuw evert •,, 771 the beneficiary will know vegetables for proemial and ce7e. ti • is alaD • c: .• . Certainl!, our praise of God ha.- its proper place bistedistely growing 4 picture' in the when he reaches the Imperlance. Milb swears' .aavusi; 'hem sanctuary However, il enla .1 Lial framed. we must also praise Him in the world. math yaw. After that, the med- manna ouipoid oumbudina With Out they must be away .icatlosurance pin pays tamers fer in th SO per cent hrgroat* al beam a closet somewhere. of hr mumble Kentucky charges for cov- forams ban billa WM' We have our hems fall of pic- Lett, Teens Atkins. Right, Wanda Andrus, ered expenses for the reminder of Int cucurnt•Ws for pining ler a num- a.o tures Of 0122 AUK their .7:61111, the year. ber of years Scene 3,100 sem and al Ten Years were children am I wrong to fed Ago hurt? nisfi It, Today. Cliegha M. Whitaker said that all grown in Kentucky bat year LEDGER • TIME4 art ro• AWOL VMS nme milleare bennineries MU re- Murray Marble 'There are two points to be mire tlet kit when they for con- MILT dun * sidered when DEAR HURT: we think of expanding NI Works 1:. ▪ igumenee. These who el. ••••ncatly at---111111 11, Owerae3r- eneb11011111 from horUcultural crops,' you. MOO sod their 0 age 54. today sL-1-7-4.-p.m. r,Me neilleal insurance cow- wham are auliser. of Eine Memories. after curt a having aUffered a heart attack selA*10th the fink &Wage Of yaw • C1/ a few clays Os. Fuming wage ghoul* cordb•-.1•1upboor, or one be- 1•511lige. • oriel irk*, MI services tomorrow ing thatthsrls certainly a line po- MN be at the J H Churchill visit the setisi forarlis'Mee to ob- 4. Ill Maple St 2i2 tenUal far greater production DEAR &MY TOIROIiRIV. only, the regular faculties of the Murray Zie- tain nisi free kit. The office Is in- At I. and un- the mme tune, we must rasher ment.ary "[hoots will be replaced by parents and-friends who • $.1l3 South Twin Street, Pa- that many of nun crops are specialised are members of PTA, in observance of Teacher Appreciailon ducah. Katattleky. liiielawae' 543. and annot be hangnail merely Week. 7911. as • sideline operation. Many require Danny Duncan. junior Miami.). who need help in nom- at Hazel High School, has been sPeC al equipment and few can be plantar a medical Insurance claim OVERNIGHT SERVICE awarded the 1057 0111110 OW Award for the physically handi- handled with • small labor amply" are urged to get in touch wail capped athlete who overcomes the greatest obstacle in Ken- the • social mecum yoffice. -We know that 'I do feel, however." tucky sports He was nominated for the award by Jame* artier con- Between the., claims-especially the first tained, "that strong considersUen Dumas. Sports Editor of the. daily Ledger de Times claim--can LOUISVILLE. MEMPHIS, be confusing to people," Meld be given es, the expansion of NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS Mr. and Mrs. Haltom Chiirlton of Murray sold Mr Route One are Whitaker. "and we will be fruit and vegetable production in and :he parents of a son. Dwayne Isaac, born March 17 at the glad to help m every way penal*" Sentsisay If ws- are to MUM! • Murray, Kenton. Hazel,( Murray Hospital. The Paducah alvert ('ity, Mayfield, Fulton office reuslaa agsa Wenn fern Inenen we man utilize Until 0'00 p m on fburiellen inery eppertunlip we have for pro- serve thaw who cannot mil diens digious at amm• elssamdmi by to- On the left, above. is Bryan regular Paschall Jordan. of Hardin, a member office hours. • y's asemnads.- Truck Lines,inc. of Sasses:lb fisaveses Pima the Twin Lakes Club. On the right, Mr. Willis CROSSWORD PUZZLE Robertson Louisville and his Redlich. ____ 584-2446 Memphis Mr. Robertson is from Fulton and is a 525-1415 member Nashville ____ • KOOS, 341•••• of the Hickman County club. 256-8007 St. Louis CE1-3275 • 4-114•1•4• 41 Murray . ____ 753-1717 1telminese liersus• • • • • Itekellse Ans S-144.441.12 - ,11 INTERLINE TO 61111•••••• el MOST POINTS IN UNITED STATES maws •••01 MVO, 13-Geopeol sationy •I Cato 14-611••• Noeis Shiva 1Ecalf: It Orman row 114•••rm. •• Al 1 1741••/ al nuadli Caiderma 15 Swoop 10-64 MOW. age cyste•nse II probed 21 um. "Sow n rewash 1164161 Mr 2-7 liemordie 6646 • 24-eiseiss spin 11141mini myriad, X Facial) 22 amen 64•1414wp ~ad STEREO MUSIC CONCERT I DI 1:15 z•-trici.c 73-4•111101nra 41 Owe Wm, wales 31442prosat 4.6p3silion i• IS-98•11 tie 04111 rtriiim aunt. 41.116.64we 33.11641 slow SI- 43-14•Nramtces * ENDS TODAY * in COLOR * SI tom 474#••• Sawa 32.0say (tr ma) 43 tog •• „

1 2 2 14 3 6 / li 7•411 10 Inessensum ... 11 'THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD' geWesset ..., , .. althee otabwkslis 12 'i,..7.;: t'3 >,•,.. :1. I..... 42411.44 Wald r3 6 .. . Ii 1• 44-Asso ..,:, 415 Geddes of 20 . • -2T---- ..' • Left. Gene * STARTS TOMORROW 41644•11 Prince and Howard Jackson, Mr. Jack•on is for 4 DAYS * 41141asse at arc's president of the Hickman County Club, k...24 '7.1. 1, "i• and Mr. Prince is r=. •,.:.. Vier -President of the Burns Club. 1111411aenstaria i/9 v.,..0, 37 (....21 ale* • 34 ...Ai; ELVIS PRESLEH Ss wine .7..,,., 111-atiget V • . -, • 4111-.1••••• 40 ai 7:. '•7 er , A4 4 As 664641•4 6•66 Excitement! Adventure under the sea! web 46 47 - " At 4 "•75/3.6 111111•61. 41•••••• . far . !COI . *-7-!..013- .3at'..--- 64-21•sed• 40 hove ."5 Oren", 55 57'' 'is so ,lo- terartt • co AIP-....,.,62 63 •• '64 1-Ont• as.• •v V:66 . to 2 Mountain Ia POWAIOUNT '• •0•4 est•f• .1fte

oome •1010 adighodidik *T-11• IS..1 bl 2.4.2 v our hie,' of Gasoline' ORM BOYS AU snitivess, HOW- Shontinic arrows in Ii bar 641 SUPER rd in Salem. Ore., thr, • bevy* noticed an Unidentified Fly- SHELL SERVICE ing Object overtired. They brought a Polaroid camera from ACT.1•11 Irian Jerry• 1•464a I l'horw /534111 their house and tank the try seconds °M21M Pg 5e pletUre About 13 NIL au • 1:- MAR NOM awn'is. .1J pis- pc- 1 111 ter they took the other They say they are believers. now. 4APPINC''74 'Si MR0 rasp octluGil -.EISA WIDMER • Ws GIVE Tait II' F I'NSA T fiT Mani • ard ANTHONY LPWRENCE JOHN RICH aomairSiV*1 left to right, Trena, Dorothy and Hera Atkins.

, • a .1 •16447,... ' • • •••••••••••••••• '

• ••••••-

u11 • •

967 4 - - :3, .1-37 --- • I 11 V. I, L t: 1. 11 :.4 T - ••••••••••••••• wet It , it F.:4 1.140E: In.172 Kentucky, and Boners KentUety;• singles, Andre -Cote No. 8, and Al 12 rnivertitY of Alabama Niarechal Signs For $100,000 MSU triangular at Bohthern Illinois with Herrera No. 6. Other squad mem- Tennis - - - TUscalooss, Ala. the Molds anethe Utverttyu of bers are Oscar Struc and Pat Bry- 14 Qtiadringular at Miss. Oklahoma, and the Ohio eey Con- an, State - Starksville, Miss. Monday "Ready For ference Tournament at Ft. Camp- Jesse Spencer will be coaching the TEC Opening" Team Opens iliniversity of Tenn. and bell. Th. rougiibreds for the first time • Despite Louisiana State Univ. having most of last year's this season and he predicts that By VITO STELLINO 21-22 Quadrangular at Middle here is the end of the ritual of Juan team back, the Racers will be hard sh :e Western must be the favorite 111 UPI Sports Writer Marichal's annual Season Today Tennessee - !Murfrees- holdout. pressed to duplicate last years 13-5 for the league championship, the • Like the sighting of the first cro- boro, Tennessee SPRING San Francisco's high-kicking ace record and first-place finish in the Tho:oughbrods- 'a ill be the chief cu.s, a sure sign that spring is almost (Western Kentucky Uni- finally came to terms for the 1961 OVC., The schedule appears a bit CILE Ilk;ngcr. Spencer has previously Murray State Unive:-.17r.y-s versity,'Eastern Kentucky CLEAN-UP Mason Monday when he became the tennis tougher this year and the Racers coached at Indiana State University team will open its season University, Middle Tenn. third 8100,000 pitcher in baseball next Tues- will likely ben an underdog to West- and Northeastern Oklahoma. history day at home against Henry State University.i -and he immediately an- Ford ern in the OVC. The complete schedule is as fol- CEILIN6 Big 10 Coach Community College. 29 Western Kentucky Uni- nounced he'll be ready for opening The only player lost from last lows: OUSTER versity - - Murray, day season was a big one-Nick Barone. Ky. The Thoroughbreds will then have May 2 CLOTH Nobody doubts he will. the No. 1 man March 28 Henry Ford Community Southeast Missouri State Last year dual matches with Wisconsin for the last two years. ,Must Manorial State, College - Murray, Ky. College - Cape Girard- Abide held out until March 22 Jim Novitsky, who has played No. 2 Indiana State, and Southeast Vs- 31 eau. Mo. ALTERING SOME and proceeded to win his first 10 for two years will be moved to No. Wisconsin State Univer- scud, before beginning a tour-78af 13 Triangular at Southern CLEANING EQUIP- games of the season. I. NoVitsky lost only two singles mat- sity - - Murray% Ky. 1r the South during which they will Illinois - Carbondale. III MENT MAY SERVE ge tor a Or Be Fired Avoids Spring Training ches last season and won the No. play Pensacola Naval Air Station April 1 Indiana State University YOUR NEEDS Although he originally announced 2 championship 'Oklahoma University , es BE1TER dogs twice, Florida State, Elgin in the OVC. -- - Terre he Air Force Haute, Ind. 19-20 OVC Tournament at Au- seise' wanted •8 138000 contract, for hold- Boat% the University of Alabama, Mark Reznik. wno 4 Southwest Missouri stin Peay - Pt. KEEP ALL CLEANING AIDS ing out for Marichal is mainly just will play No. 2. Camp- CHICAGO Mississippi State. Tennessee, and was also an OVC - - - - Murray. Ky. bell, IN ONE AREA. CARD BOARD BOX (UPI)- en one fashion a good souse to miss spring train- champion last year, Ky. sia hoes -or another, Big Louisiana State. The Thoroughbreds and he too lost 8 Pensacola Naval Air Sta- CAN BE CARRIED MOM ROOM TO ROOM Ten coaches get the ing--snd if you've ever seen Casa only twice during HAIM LE tang ilki will meet the latter three teams in tion - - Pensacola. Fla. Message. Grande, Ariz , the season. you can understand a quadrangular CAMPING SEASON s pate/lied In effect, it's this: Abide by the meet at Mississippi 9 Pensacola Naval Air Sta- SOME EXTRA AIDS ARE SEVERAL PAIRS OF why. Henry Baughman. allreamin$ a rules or lose your Job. State. Who won No. 3 tion - - Pensacola, Fla. 1 The 1987 camping season at Ken- GLDVES, WIDE BRIM HAT, FOR 14ARD-TO-CET- Since no one took Marichal s hold- singles and doubles in hjes 4 I'v A United Press International sur- the OVC three 10 Florida State University tucky State Parks opens April 1. IN AREAS,TOUCH-UP KIT FOR WALLS AND WOODWORK out too seriously, it caused little Other highlights of the season will years ago y to chew vey of the Big Ten, will be back at his old -- - - Tallahasse, Fla. More than 390,000 persons used tent plus Notre Datne, stir even though it was lust three be a quadrangular at Middle Ten- position after a two-year layoff. 11 Elgin Air Force they end • showed the emphs.a.s on this policy. Base and trailer camping facilities at the .1.1.004 Ay II* ftfeemmis days shorter than the celebrated nessee with the Raiders, Western Larry Niemeyer nd bleed- It applied too at Illinois, will Allay No. 4 - Pt. Walton Beach, Fla. parks last year. where Koufax-Drysdale holdout of a year get three coaches, Pete 10001. Elliott, 'Harry ago that won the Dodger pitchers Combas, and Howie untied me Rrtun, resigned contracts of 8125,000 and $115000. under pressure of a Big Ten edict ire avail- Marichal had been working out that they must be discharged which. if for at his Dominican Republic home violation of the rule on financial *fore the leisurely awaiting the grind of spring aid to athletes, or the university and cam- training to pans and he showed up would be suspended indefinitely by s, many Nat four pounds overweight. He's .1 1 the conference. Man animals expected to see his first game action my heart. In none of the schools is the ex- wedneeday plicit warring do, youll * written into the The Chants had been playing good coach's contract. In some cal" It ball in hiartchal'a absence and boost- is verbal, hi some A NIMALS allee. written atld ed their record to 11-6 for the spring made • Pact '11.81011L of On coach's Per8orial Monday with a 3-2 victory over the file In some cases It is written, sign- California Angels on Jack Hiatt's in Mr IN the know ed by the coach and retained by 10th inning homer. Mow _Aria- the university athletic department Orioles Edge Senators I Imp This fact may indicate one reason In the other games, Baltimore nip- • lissp why the conference athletic direct- ped Washington 4-3. Atlanta bomb- ors, and faculty representatives, had ed Boston 6-1. the White Sox whip- fo no compunctions about voting the ped the Yankees 12-7, CincinnatO keeps pimagty requiring pu Illinois to fire the &by. Box dropped St Louis 7-4, Pittsburgh dlaidies 90069 For defeated Los Angeles 5-4. the Cuba Ike warning in some Big Ten Sta m topped Cleveland 5-4 and Ilousten pert. gligglis comes from the highest, lev- turned back Minnesota 7-6 in 12 da. At one of them, the president innings. Ilse university writes the warn- Kansas City played Philadelphia ing to each coach that he must on obey the go! "How to to a 2-2 tie in a game called by rain the rules or be fired sg," seed after nine innings, and the Detroit- our to Lea -We ten all staff be fa- i Meta game was rained out. miller conference You can put confidence in your with the and The world champion Orioles utihs- • and NCAA rules." one director said. ad a three-run seventh-inning We If ho- Good Neighbor Ashland Oil aligglat that the,' get n1 LP>. trier by Sam Boweins to down the uble • with n°11-ecniPbenee. there's Senators. The homer came off Oa- Dealer. He cares. And he nothing we can to backs d° help than milo Pa, cual. who was making his The Illinois coaches had received first appearance after enduat his this up with expert knowledge the same type of wanting, that if lona holdout on they violated the ndea the w-h°°1 Willie Starrett and Andre Rogers proper car care. He is thorough, would make no defense for than. homared to pace the ix, their and Uhs was brought pirates accurate, Point nut victory over the conscientious, reliable the Big Ten Mensuration. Dodgers. Maury Wills made his fir* appearance a- -you can count on it Me An had signed letter" Temente wend his old teammates and had panning out the penalty for • ?walk' a Angie in four trips. He also stole ing the rule. However, the university haw moth the and his of aping Your Ashland Oil Dealer offers horisue • a did make an effort to defend the maim tam maim yer nue et, ^coaches despite_ this policy.s Sante Leads Win you superior products, too-like -2!112 Bon Santo's solo homer in the alb. Valvoline Motor Oil and Ash5nd Racers Lose mad Inning and sacrifice fly in the fifth provided the Cubs Mkt the vic- Vitalized Gasoline. tory parr Cleveland Rctky °davit° To hit a two-run single for the 101111111. So drive in and see your Good "E Bradley Dave Adlesh singled in Danny Ile- e hnetdeeen the 12th inning to break Neighbor Ashland Oil Dealer. All a 6-6 tie and give Houston its tri- 8-5 Yesterday umph over Use Twins Bob Aspro- the "little extras" in his service 31 N monte's pinch-hit single with two put "extra go" 13y GALE GARRISON out in the ninth drove in the run in your cart that sent the The Murray State Racers loot their game into extra Inn- Ilion second game of the asuman yester- Atlanta collected ASHLAND OIL & REFINING day ILS the Bradley Braves rot down five homers - COMPANY three of them in the to business in • hurry and scored sixth by Denis Menke. Mack Jones ric. six runs in the fir* inning, and went and Rico Carty off on to an 8-5 victory. Hank Fischer -to down the Red Sox Felipe Alou and 415 Murray made thee' first error of Clete Boyer • 111 hit the other two for the Bravesk 275 the season and then went to to make three more Cincinnati pounded Larry Jager a and Hal Woodeshick • The Mx run explosion in the first for 10 hits. in- cluding John Edwards' inning was highlighted by a grand hornet to turn back St Louts 'ES slam homer by McDonald Gary Nolan. an 18- year-old rookie. Rollie Sheldon Mike Kleiner hit a home run for and Dick Stigman teamed up to stop Murray to open the third inning the Cards an eight hits and Bill Solomon hit one in the The lousily light-hitting eighth itrtih two on and two out White Box exploded for 17 tilts Painter went the route for Brad- against Al' Downing and Mel ley giving up seven hits and allow- Stottlernyre to tupe the Yanks The * big three walks and striking out five White Sox col- lected five runs 111d.111 In both the second and eighth innings with Dave Clourieux. the losing pacer the latter rally breaking a 7-7 deadlock for Murray, struck out five, gave up with Stottletnyre on the mound. four walks, and eight hits before Don Look led off the being taken oat In the seventh last of the inn- . ninth ing with a homer that gave Phil- adelphia its tie with RAMOS City. Bradley 601 100 000 6 2 2 Murray 001 OW 040 5 7 4 BILL TROUBLES'

•as• Led Oa. Concord Wins Med ivory...and address I tor Pm apoitcstion to IMIO11411 dM1•4 be INUN service Z Atlantis Amuse Sates, Dept. J iss vventrrinsior as Over Faxon 11011N. cram Pres""."

After a first close quarter, the Concord Pope broke loose with all guns and won over Faxon 104 to 76 Saturday night at New Concord. Glenn Stubblefield led all scor- ers; with M. followed by David Sain • with 26 New Concord: M. McCutston 11, Bob °thorn 11, Garvin Phillips 7, Willoughby 5 and Eater 4. Faxon Outland 23. Bynum 17. Pat- terson 8. McCuiston 7. Byerly 6. Dun- can 8. and Parrish 4. The Moms of New Concord came through with four players in double figure(' as New .Concord won 66-22. Daisy Ferguson had 21. Benny Phil- °wows this !RAHN, lips 17, Phillis Bain 15. Shirley Rasp- 100 n sitar it leiw 2/211 berry 11 and Becky Brandon 4. Taxon' Duncan 13, Outland 5. and GO KING Harris 4. New Concord will play Lynn Grove EDWARD Largest Solliag Cigar On April 8 in their last game at home. Atalleitea's

a I. • •

••• N Agemme....;,..oseuesaustallifiliggaurassuguegaggio N,

• •

FAGS FOUR ^ I. ERB LEDGER & TIMIS — MURRAY% aM11••••• ILINTUOKE TUESDAY — MARCH 28, 1967 lloch-Farris Vows Read In San Francisco in MOOS B. ea Olemither. Wilia in erring the lungs who 31, at her imety bone kin Maeda ceded beans the hours ai three Zig* Street. A e 7al HI is, 7s3-4147 to fivi OtRibt-in the afternoon. Rosana* the guests with OM honoree were her mother, dm ittlicit Parks Miss Parts otiose Blue will play an unportant part 40 weir train her trousseau • in the fashion picture for fall. • • Mae wool dress with black ac- Mrs. Parka wore a due brocade deem with Mack awes- L_Vosve Ver/4/ aeries. Both were presented white COOK'S JEWELERS *legation menages trY tb, bbabm. IttPERT Betsey Ann alhe thethable Blalock 1 Linda Hutchens And Mrs. Ray OPPOWth tea Munday Wile woo ethable et* a thee WATCH liossared At Party I Gene Bray To Marry clods Has informal Tea and centered with an er- REPAIRING it The Nance Home I Friday, ulthlwiterift a thente mhositiom June 9 For Bride-elect Mrs. Luther Nance and Mrs. Art md dirymothenems Uals age. East, Dependable .,ee hammed pshtnienre Miss Betsey Ann Bla- . Mrs. Ray Sunday entertained were in After. Gamagleed Sondes .aelk WWI Rh bride-to-be of Jay , with an intorenal tea in Mow 7D-UMS honor Of Mrs William Porter, Mrs. Nat *MA low with • Gate party Miss .Annette Parks, Se Main &zed whom mar-' 1510.1.1 Hughes, Mrs W .1. Gibson, illMurdir albgaesa, March 25. at Mut-ray, Kentucky riage so Harry J. Beak Jr.. was and Mni. Jose awastai Kra. Ai len* NSW Italie et Mrs. Nance Sykes teseasseeeleaasaaaaleseaseelesi bla Shiimalha Chula A beirmind anangsmat of yel- kW rem-liwite heft ge•eeerY de- migod the bvtng roan where anes were p.ayed with Mee Now itiodsr.. Miss Patsy W11- lOM, IIIMI ease Katie Sue 11:slock . elloamt primes that were presnii- • NI te the honoree The hoste,es, ,silsted by Misses Debbie -Nan--e , and Katie Sue Blalock, serv- ,1 a riehcious party plate. The bride-to-be chose to 'wear ' a spring cotton in pug with A carnation gift corsage from She hostesses. Mrs. JIM'S Hal Biaggi. nitiellier uf tbe haide.tio Mims ASS thnlidenes BIG SAVINGS! BIG • C Ile theft a GOMM thee dime geese VALUES! 10 DAYS,ONLY! lMI6ink ,11111111 it White cessation gilt Mr. and Bere. Jaws Sidelliecia MONA ASS the baebenes- Mee. A Mums Rome One announce J. •••••••••••••••••••-• •••-•••••-.0. V.- 13111111/. liblidier of the groom- the issesement and approaching; dint. woe enable to Mewl* marriage or /us daughter. Linda The hewer was preamead a so Gene Bray, son d Mx. in..' useful Sege of Claratag "Pees WI Mrs Cady Bray, Runny Leh. a imetaserg SR. -Murray Those admadlog were Ms. WOW HUtCherls IS prmantly ii lima Kagandell, Mrs Joh* I. serf.-: at Calloway County Hut.. YOUR CHOICE SSW WO Sherry Thedge, libee Anis Thornton. Mies 'Rama Mr Bra) attended Murray Risk bealiOni. Mots Patin witson, Miell &hoed _Aid is now acute:wed bg Washer - Automatic Delfts Range - Refrigerator Nataje Lee. Alias Rabe Sue the Attanic Energy Pima in Pa- • lesincik. Mc.. Sesote. the bosses- ducah_ ea and bile honoree The ineillog will be an event • • • of Friday ameba, June O. liautaig aprhz Mrs. Glenn Hill Baptist Church ONLY Is .. . Program Leader For Mrs. Brent Newport Martin's Chapel Tba Martin ittethet-st ()pens Meeting Of • • UNtrim Woman's Illansty at Chris- Masen Chapel H'St,'S lirmaas met at the church 'the Weimar,' Society at Cbn4- 1 ea Iteeeder, Mao VI, at seven Sian fiervice 01 Meaun's Chapel Web* he lbw areares her Us re- Seld de reeular meeting at the Intar eraaerdeS nesegns INS Pas. church Tuesday night. March le it. OW Mrs. Pent Max Farris Mews 011ie • Sue pew= 'Um able Army of the leadar. book at LADS Moak dasighter as Mr Miles this opened by Mrs. The sesikthig of Mies and Mrs LeCiadlicel Bwoh, MO Chestnut Sweet, - Snot Food Pm ibe reoneser' wee Ihe Ban Francais:a. California, to Pau: Ma: Parris, son a Mr. and Mrs Hobe Farris, 17f/l 111•Wpael Wan Me madam of the Assows, Palletan. teurrsy. Rentuctry. ems acithanaged ca. ilerewdeg. Maeda la at Nwee a IOW maft abadard, &Orme •• a isrist (iciest in Mit ellethitain at the nom nowararis Judge Lesand lasaarue atticustic‘. sea* maths was dillculdst or the beide with id god - MIL Clime IS11 captained The -1111111Ses • For tier widdireg the bride was lore* in bar dress. a iitute knelt AM& Oak thetas semi= Mewed kthe budice. SO 11110111ose of the enarahip sect- atiecnitel to beadpece Wig* with Id anallora Her French net. veil was a et of the valley 812/11 aaniasi • boast bouquet Ss and tree-•,- Model R1114 25 of Mate roam and Mies at the era resift. Naos were made fur • whiel. 011bees taking part were Mrs. it sleteeme to be 12 Cu. Pt. Refrigerator-Freezer Mae Lands Grant was the mud at halleet. AM WOW a Pak Veen •Jerlagre Min* add aniziad aim, to angstal a 410111111112. 11/4011111 and Mrs bouguies. of tangerine and views carnationa. oecil endorsee in April at Men411..E. Arremeatic Defrosting ia the With Trade me° RIM To caiducle the Datsd Fos sae Woe beet man program. Rev Coy Garrett prem.,. Refrigerator section. Separate for Mr. rant& Ma. hams% -• OBeritrne Isaley. held a Own- program entitled Freezer has 100 capacity. The bride is • eredliege Lowell Hon netwal unnersny at ciablornia "Pood for Pb. 11'L 111111Malt • espiamed the Journey", Full Crisper she served as prandem at the Delia Pta reeding scripture Width Vegetable Spam ateertt.Y. ef w a graduate This Lont'a Supper, Le Ito duster of John been.: holds almost 76 bushel at veg- Fame a array state lfaharsay and attended the Unevereay Yasimalrg. the gra the Ythattbetion with the 35th etables. He is nos hyoid with Se Neriberes Orient Amiss verse where ale liggalbeaPt4-14. 114M- Wbare the ele•••• Via At the air el the program, Full Width-Fun Depth Shelves Make their home the said. ''t an the Bread at /We " misheia awed cenetly let you reach to every corner. aw„of tbme from mat ea town astendi to the He very ably wove the scripture dg tek e wedding were Mrs. Mend Linden. Jr, Special 2-Positioa Shelf is af Murray meld hid and were seated a- in with the program and Mrs Leroy Dent:men of Tulsa, Oinabuma, sisters material re- ,f the Plum remind • large table during adjustabkt the lauve to missions raYme that • May* Setter hiMiness inesson Keeper is conven- and the social church at rest u no church -The bear ient* Mmted in the door. Miss Annette Parks Personals harvest is great but the laborer,. *Meese pound Murray GA5 Attend The president, Mrs Gerald Gee- are tea" flpeo liKerior Light. Easy Open Honored At Bridal Dr and Mrs. WL.riam rew. Preseded Wiring faMbree Thomas Queens' Court At the Maumee The church must be • gothic r Whisper.Quiet Meths- Parker and dnre:1 aelielon. It am voted Shower At Church of Detroit. that the chute* he said and there is • 08Utit-itt Quality. Georgetown College WPM said a MAIL, me *ending the Meter love

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V TUESDAY MARCH 28, 1967 THE 28, 1967 LEDGER & TIMES MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE Trva • csELL • C. Igehi who "ENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL• to New RENT • SVVAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL.REN r • SWAP • HIRE • Horizons" means, we're not sat- bore Near and Par " at three cbref°rwell-groomed, wardrobe and be isfied with present standards and The knowledge gained through ernoon. The last part of construction of are looking to iprovetnent not only the home n-cunonncs program is an the bodice is the faateners, which in the pre‘rou but in the future. asset to the young homemaker just may be compared to the unit in as the basic CiYabb is a gem in the housing As the fasteners make 'rhe chapter interprets F. H. A. tent part CLASSIFIED the wardrobe in helping provide for a ADS in many ways. One way GET is by coin- RESULTS bodice more secure the r • unit in hous- more versatile and satisfying life. ing go,em, lib an assurance of attract- mutiny service projects such as Red isnot, b iveness in the home. In this area we Cross Clothing Drive, eNICEF, TIMPERANCK WEEK learn to evaluate our own homes Vis.t.a.:.ion of the Convalescent Din- LERS as to the advantages and disadvant- ii of the Hoipital anti Viet Nam ' 1980 RAMBLER Station Wagon, ages of each room. By correcting lty Bags. Another way of inter- WASHINGTON 'UPI) - Presi- NOTICE FOR SAI E • I clean, drives good, pi,..tation is by our special occasions dent Johnson has designated April NEWLY DECORATED 2-bednioni looks good, be- these situations we are able to plan . 'chemically A-0. K., suen as Daddy Date Nit, Style 211 as the start of youth temperance aparlitignit Mtn carport. Phone 768- reasonable. Call Total Home Economics Program our future home. Show, FOR SALE OR TRADE 1966 and 1 education week. 6.90 p. Dodge 753-6295 N1-28-C Another pattern piece in the con- Mother and Daughter Banquet. Dart, 4-speed, V-8. Mum sell. Chill struction of One home economics And another way of interpertation Johnson said in a proclamation 753-1497. 53-31-NC Is Compared To A Basic Dress program is home experiences, which is carrying out national protects like I Friday Americans should pause In ELECTROLUX SALES & may be compared "Better Family Relations Through cataskler how they may help young- Service, BLUE Lade, oat only to the skirt of our • Box rids carpets WAITRESS WANTED Communication", sters "develop a moral and 213, Murray, Ky. C. M. Sand- -- - bane dress. This broadens our know- "Jobs, Careen spiritual M soil but Inves pile sett and lofty. era Phone by JUDY KELSO a garment, and You", -Leisure Time--Con- *amp& proudly to accept the chal- 382-317t Lynnville, Ky. Rent electric good management gives ledge and skills by providing prac- shampooer C. Hughes ISI,S!VIVEATELY lenge to Istuld April 14-C a homemaker more tune to do other tice on leartungs we have in class- structive Time", and "Your Neigh- a better future for all .- Paint More. M-29 (- The home economics program of Apply In Person Calloway activities We learn by budgeting room instruction There are two DON'T ROOF your house until County High School may you've THREE NEW our time and using it wisely types of home experiences as I OOOOO I 58 seen now worth rorrnadb, at be compared to constructing a basic and com- me, Glenn Hargrove, 115 S 10th. with size a-10, will sell haM price Phone dress. As proper storage, good living can pared to the skirt pattern, sections 753-4368. Rep. Paducah Aluminum you may know the most 753-70117 sifter one p. m. be more sensfaonwily achieved. are home projects and home prac- 00. 53-30-P importent part of sewing is follow- A-1-C tices Answee to Yesterday's JERRY'S ing your guide CROSSWORD Puzzle FEMALE BOXER Bulldog, 8 sheet. We have two Another step in constructing the PUZZLE SKE OR menthe carries out and CALL Ward Tannin Co. ..npabie guides, our advisors, Mrs. bodice is old. Courtney Starks, 600 Broad. See Restaurant the seams, which ma" be evaluates for free elaimeto All week guaran- Seas Herlick and Kim Lucy sgirtihrpeelanshoinc, ACROSS 3421ernured after 4:00 o'clock. 53-30-P 24-28-C For- compared to the area of relationship. ABM teed. five year mg the year. She seleets en area of 4-Compass pent 811 contract Five-regal mat. Through their step by step in- As the mama hold the 1.1aseue DO auznu au gs.rment to- homemaking, plane .goals with ac- 5-hresaywase s "house Vested for arty five dollars. LAROE MODERN tamp. Call 753- structions we tramme bettor family 6-000dworking FM( THEFIP UNM rether. relationships hold the fam- macaws executives Phone TM-Mel, 1612 3730. i.Ok ktrIT and tivities to carry out each goal, and • 4AVU '10O(SU Coilege Farm ITC community members as well as ily together. In this arto we learn 11 &Endure* edevalteitesttiooftheihrigdpithiLimiectdie. hasA Gasped lee Ima(M! Sent Maim. li-A-6-P he!ter homemakers for the world of the int-hca breath 7-Chills and hew nonmusu ONE APARTMENTS values of shared resixximbilities, cum '.1aerg UPRIGHT PIANO. Price, For Rant New ei- 12 Trarrrhad lattelinite artrete tomorrow. group-cooperation and the together- 08(21.1148M MOM& At The Movies ks000. Call Marvin Billington 753- fine:icy for college boys. Call 753- practice li Wing Information from 14-Cwernony 9 Exclamation [Al ness of a happy home. Thus home is Wriw1-l0 MOM 5648. 4466 or 753-8605 April 10-C The peas of the total hope asint- the classmella 11111 applying it to 15 Sand forth 10 Landed WO U(IUMb twit only beneficial as a home but 17 Properly quir ounce program may be compered le every day gnaw* in the home. Symbol for cat4 LJar.,,2,1- nn CAPRI THEATRE Box Glace °pees GOOD 4-ROOM HOUMA, distance as a symbol of love tantalum 11-Talk idly H-FARMALL tractor, short on the pattern and understand- daily pleas needed to awls glitelleet Mg do as many as 18 Beverage 13-Kettledrum at 1:09 p. m.. Stereo Music Con- plow, cultivator, mower and fade- Vend/11M Road, 8 liellehe drive ing in the community and society. to struct a garment. The eigairoom in- see desires. Tiefte during the ‘year 19-Declare 16-Rational cert Inge 1.00 p us. to 1.18 WW1. p. dresser See Harvey Ellis at the Roma& ma, Ow* to 20 Flap 19 strection is one of the major pieces The next part of tionetruotion Is the instructor Welts sash of her stu- -Stupefies Ceettatious Strewing from 1.15 daily Peoples Bank Regime/able. Oil/ 76349411 or see Mrs. 21 -Prepositioa 20-alernish 30.foreggrar. 34I-Laak out A-1-C of the program dents In as compared to the the. facing, which may be compared and their permits. this way 31 Shallow rP Joe B. SnalUi. 53-28-0 22-Short weals 22Siarew 39-Seed coating bodies at a basic dregs. The even she may get to knaw the family bet- THE amazing Blue Lustre will leave to the unit of child developintsi‘ 23-Rornen 23-Genera eitssiefs 41 Seep, areas, your upholstery MR Kiln ASSY large two- bedroom as guidelkues of the classroom As the facing mokis the shape dr Chir;a/M.040 is then able to understand statesman 25-Passageway 32-tastily solveat 42 Atan's name beautifully soft sal 26 part it Serviette Offered instruction piece, are food, each student alai give beater guid- 24-Art of erasing -Writing latest strewn 44-Printer's clean Rent electric shampooer $1. apartments: carpeted, inclividua. health, armhole or neck edge, our under- 2.11-Garpenter's W.) • management, ance where needed. 2111-Craftier measure Seats Hardware A-1-0 heat and air-conditioning Ftnushed relationship, child standing of our children molds the tors 33-As000ds 27 thsehirles 29 Vouchers 46 Babylonian EXPERIENCED PAINTER.S. Will or unfe-tilehed. 106 So 12th St care, clothing, and housing. way they will group up. Our 35-Cirearer deity study As the accent pin, scarf, or other 2$ Plot paint exterior and interior. Contract 763-7614. H-M-29-C begins with pre-natal to birth and 29-Foundations .y.-1 2 1900 HONDA, in good condition. Seel In constructing the bodice it is imiemories change the appearance 3 4 *3 6 7 11 9 or hourly rate. See Freddie Beach on up through the teen years. In 31-Unit of .,....;,< at Blakely's Grocery at Stella or call NICE important to get the pattern pieces of the bsisic dress so F. H. A., as the • • or call FURNISHED apartment, 5 our studies we Egyptian It 753-8369 M-214-C '753-1484. are taught (he pro- • ei,,,tnicy 12 53-29-C rooms and bath. private eotrenoe. on grain and by studing the arm of third portion of our prgoram, helps ...4,_ blems of each siege of growth and Is .tilitire furnished, and garage. foods we learn, if we are to keep our to °complete and enhance he total ., 5 16 706 with this knowledge we are able tot 33-Trousers NELP RESTAURANT Olive. 753-1293. families in good health, we must bane economics program. F H. A. wartrio doing good businees 211-29-O deal with the difficulUse which may 311-Ronsan gods le "419 serve nutritional meals For a hems- Is a national urger oration of boys in Lynn Grove. Restaurant equip- occur. FURNISHED CABIN by day, week, maker 381w..,... ,,,„..'X' ment for sale. Building for lease or to be a success ln this role and girls who are taking or have 21 n• month Call weight N. 11.7.l.13 WANTED. dependable person rent. Reason for 763-2521. 53-29-C she must know certain things aim* The next piece of construction may taken home economics in junior and selling ill health. 39 Paid notices 24 23 to do house work severel days a - food such a..s, nutritional stmor high school. 111•411 goal of .26 week. See Pete McColl, Call 435-4171 or mode of be the sleeves or collar, which may 40 French article Phone her lamily. planning members improve Nt? 754-1299 53-2*-C 753-1411. 53-29-C rVIO-BEDROOM trailer, air con- menus, end be compered to the area of cloth- the is to peramat, 41 Pertarning to 27 211 - ditioned, electric heat. Highway 121, making meals attractive as well as ing Like the sleeves or collar set and canuntaraLy recall nOW Norway 42 Groat labs 29 30 jrg 31 Just west of Fairground, phone 763- delicious On the &Hermit levels we off the Male dress, the clothing and in Use future. Brgroup cooper- 32 33 TELIPHOINS SOLICITOR and de- ACRE LOT: Has well and septic of 43 Viaent .'144. learn how to prepare simple foods aur family at...n and coopeiataon between teen- 'dewy Faperianot helpful but tank 53-29-P stands out either In a espewtaori of 34 Located in the Penny Com- as breath %....4" not Peasantry muffins and biscuits and MOM complementary or disagreeable way., agers and adults the goal can be K::)34 NIT hir->•Peri. at 753- munity. Phone 753-4486. 3-BEDROOM 45 '37 T.' unfurnished house. on UP to yeast rolls aanev ed Depends on 'ie. - 39 8•38 between 9-00 sod 4:00 daily. and Mora*(*MIL In the classroom we learn 03 C013-1 1966 DODGE Dart, 4-speed, V-8. Legated se, 304 North 12th btreet. 47 Scott ',:::,i We also learn that table settinL ser- struot various garments ranging four levels in F. H. A. are so Must sell. Call 753-1497. 53-31-NCOval lid-left or 753-3249 411-Caes by Cate! 51-30-C vals and manners can make our table from the simple teen:wine of the leeal, district, state, &ad national. more attractne Another thing We apron to the intrkote detail of the On the local level the Calloway Co- 43 44 a 45 .earn that adds variety to our meals formal. Each level requires that we unty High School Chapter has 86 r6..4'.1 1-Clothesrnaluir 4/ preservation of all types of feudal master a few active members and 12 officirs. As 2-Heraldry: skills. To be better ee.arr:' 50051 IM relate and on up grain L .-.:n.ifr314'..1,_CI to MINN. dreased, we learn members we like to think -reward . 0 Uflii `11 to plan, select and Fe,..i,rf 2g FANTASTIC NEW SUSPENSE NOVEL An important stela In constructing the bodice is stay stitching all curved rages. This may be oodmared to the --- area of 1:- The Nevermore Affair health. For health keeps the dui. A AlOal 1i34115 Car 60 OUTSI...IIIERE'S body strong In much the same way ID RUM RAIN 1) A PIRANHAP1414 (4)AfT*(6 by KATE WILHELM that stay stitching keeps the ma- It STORE FOR air THERE TO CHOMP ME 1 terial from stret.crung and getting SONE MEAD Trees nie Doebiedeg •Ow swot* Cesiestela Nei Mt e•-.1/ • e•.. Winuelee Dlatritwated be Mee tr•••••••• out-of-shape. By panels, discuasions 710 and other ways we learn the body CHAPTER 17 they were destroyed. The Mg EN this tone let- .n sr mob. cycles and the care needed for each r-NAVID CARSON took a ealt trade Mal, I know, was itIlMft back down to him. process to function properly. 1--• bark to the Capitol Bend- ranged fee me. and I can eselly the deg Mood unmoving, alert guess by whom So tomorrow, teed ing and, before going to Senator owski•pus, but no loegee.,,, The next step in corustrucUrie the to Zurich. ten Min - r"". Eiataceii office, called Agnes. Pm off I'm doing the actively bp/We. After bodice is the dart which might be his secretary. President a personal favor." Ole id the fruitless fishing. lo- v. .-•••• compared to the area of manage- She said, -There was no re- There was a panes ant elegged ash ore and eat aisles. ment Like the dart gives funning. to view board meeting to coneldele Marian said brightly, alethj= he was at i•ast tVty the request for an extention of good friend Senator becks*. where the dog hod Dr. Oldham's grant. Three doc- ridge has been busy, hasn't he. 1/111101011a=on the first day tors do that, anyway, and they darling. He's down bore again. No whistled softly and leaned NANCY- - -YOU would be the ones to ase. Dr. staying with Mrs. Thayer over beiall against a tree. I'M I WANT TO SEE rF louse. We LEFT YOUR CONDUCTING T. H. Schildcarnp, Dr. RI• • at Lesions are hay- Agar a while he opened the TALKING DOLLS EVER Alexandria and Dr Alton Par- trig dinner with them tomorrow crest Milt took out a sandwich. TAPE RECORDER A TEST TALK TO THEMSELVES nell" night I need on Mrs. Oldham Very Mown, not moving twit TURNED ON "Oahe," limed said. "I'll wan- today. The poor thing, she t57- enough to startle the dog, tie WHEN THEY'RE ALONE der IS. is are yes Was" tag le enizeines baleen that the also took out a thick stab ce IN HERE "Way. Senator! Wait a min- loos a husband, only • raw hamburger and tossed it 41ps ute' Yin have & call from the pertleular pattern of atoms and toward the animal He coatinued C.) 44, White Hamm yes are to return mOMPeUlea. And her mice died, to whistle. The dog looked from Z. I' as rasa ea peaggie, I taloa to and the Haines herself tor it." him to the meat and back again Were they sick ? Do you imp- be nosismainatal, but they know - He had reformed it three times 7 yots are in twitna? poem Oldham would have taken that week already, leaving it \ I / Davie aeggad out the sehagege diameed animals into his own there until the chipmunks or \ I / • eelio of the peg Welk. he Yeses thee ball107" squirrels got It, This tune he Maathi heal Ilened a egg be Ket 'Mat sick, not at all. She took walked stiff-legmal to it and 4tiltt291111- him dot at IL No didn't kaow them to the vet: she waa se sniffed, raised his head again what It was, but It wee going igeet over it. They were piet to stare at Lucien. then with a g bew!..,41:. feel to work. -Listen. Agnes," he oil That made her a liWe single movement he gulped it -A. •nOP Na t 5, ea., said. "I want you to mend • re- Mt better. but not much." down. He la r dor.,n then, his ..••••• -.EAP/4/E- 116,1S,64A4 E,0_, a•oterti port on that grant Information David towed restlessly that morale between tus front paws, to Mrs Deborah Lee Stevens. night until about three Is the and continued to regard Lucien We have tricit. address on Ma morning, when he came wide 'Iflekes an I wre,:..u. troy Make at In writing on your own awake and sat up. When he sow Lucien said softly. He flushed I MllSr FOLLOW MY oisW personal stationery. and be sure those mice they had been his sandwich and 51 o 0 .1 up, r;RITZ (*SCOURS' REVENGE oN WILL - NOT 7-#64r to eddreas her by her full 11111ftgeelng about like young- keeping his movements Mew he SCHOOLMATE TORMENTORS OTHERS... not initials And when ggilla=gaga, mid Mrs. Oldham said and deliberate-and he het* en HtA AS A GLORIOUS CLIMAX AS THE the illdgeley Informr Mad she'd had them for four or five talking to the do; 'You are a .1 wo-/*ILE EAVEHT iS ABOUT In END that th e same way. alakein gears then beauty. you knew I contuse MO'MOE THE WINNER • a back inter " Re called Cox and got Pun you, don't L fellow ? Too much The operator's anieber sits out of bed at six-thirty to ask, bite your trainers? Not enough gave'him put Min In tooth with "Mr. COX, bow long does the like the enemy you've bee-, the 11ndersec1e95r7 at State who average lab mouser live?" teughl to tear to attre,is 7 That • informed him diet be was to ac- Cox grumbled and yawned be- all right. buy You are a g000 company the Rreisidestre per- fore answering. He never did dog You did your duty and you sonal delegation being mmt to ask who was calling "About have noUting to be shamed of Zurich to participate M the three years, a little less It I got throrgh to you, I dirt. (11•600 New. trade talk's with Rosie. Doe IS David hong up the phone you know. You can't tett,. m y the sudden nine*. of the Sena- without acknowledging Use re- meat and titan attack rr. r•I„ tor from Iowa, a antellerte had ply. He didn't bel.eve IL Kra. Sol playing erie'let..- He • 4 been made necesiney, and Ms Oldham was scatterbrained and in .111 10* voice and th. name had been accept** or an had made a mistake He made cocked his list^ ni n 1i *hi• P.••• IA II NM - tow.. Wank •1001 5, U.a 140.•, 4•••••• concerned There was to he • coffee and retrieved the paper ions of authority, /ie.i went briefing that afternoos from nom the top of a bush outside giving away on this day to so. four until six and they were to the door, and there on th.a front ceptance, if not friendilnesa. depart the following morning at pegin wee the official arnoonre- The man started wallet* up ten-thirty. The President wegill nellat that Dr. Bernie Okierim the creek. end- the dog Mimed 4,•••••••••• take it as a personal IlVer If end We WWI lad been declared the hank, along watching but. - •44 41.11,5 REMEMBER MAN OH,IT'S GRAND ?-GuLP.F.•-• David could help him dig95 dead, lost in an airplane criteh nre threaten' e him now Loden AH 15 PROUD tieler the Atlantic The Search kept talk% in.A. Neiman, GRA'AD OLE SAN/ I N'- TO GIT BACK -DI this most difficult position. in "7/ D DN'T NOTICE. TO HAVE IT • • • bad. been called oU when per- tone. snit toissitiier Hwy wound "LOVE /5 BETTERN WIAAR FOLKS AH WAS BEATIN FRACK-TCHOORED committee files were Saud bektr.gings including the The through the end of the valley HA74E3E0_1Z- /TsEVEN BELIEVES IN JOE WIF YORE N SECH A lacked. he was itiformed by a wallet that had been Lueberl to the pla..e where the mouhtar-. !VICERIP LOVE II pert youdg girl In Seuels,r Eus- Thayer's, had been fou7x1 float- started to Ha, tO ti oaris, 50e- INNERCENT NCeLE CAUSE!! taee's office, and only Miss Alit- lug in a wide area The W tonthl-d rocks and the erci,,r HAID!! torn and charred and the Non had the key. and she had was %lashed noisily over them. Ink stepped out for n minute It was plane was thoathE to hove oft. oils down to tomb a pool three-ten then; Miss Milton re- plodert before the Crash stood in the hip-deep water and turned at three-forty. David • • - ',zed upward. at ter "! thanked her politely and le't IWATCHINCI the Doberman. that coecealed the entre,n, without making her open the Lucien whipped his White i the cave he had f o u mid with files. Fly out neer the enter, let It Stria. Late that night he called Mu- toii,•h lightly and then in wed it, 1 rani. "AM It fir )stain end The 011etthati attettee reeenreli rieeeenree I it;,1,i't get to see the didn't move N... heir was he I Itch, start. In *bow the fil -s. and all ,n I get 13-tek nn growling, or -allowing his inch-I stri•In that melt, him it ,, it will be to learn th long teeth. LUCieli Moved un• crack-np at the eettelal tam. thri,. a di.-,^'r•itt• fl^^ aril strc-lis eht feet end MaKled east- f 7 , a, t, 111 7'nhiiirrO1r/ Blom the & 0.0,-1410 I` 111111 hv kste Wilhelm. Distributed be ILlas Fmturas eradicate


•••• ,



411 •. • • .4 .4 -au& oats a...1 S• ea a,. .'Si.- 4 V Aril I us — • = :1 i 167 Final Rites For Jess Hospital Report Former Couritian Letter To The Editor at Ma half-WM during beaus:ball L:ran utrallip t Mrs. games. and them to tap it off, we had original 'Continued From Page One) SEEN & Parker Held Today Dies In Paducah a 'Mothers' March (for the same HEARD . . . A special award of a service pin Visiting Hours: AO p.m. tali comments which I have wanted to cause at which time I donated ano- (Continued From Page One) was riven to Allen Cunningham who 4:00 pre and 730 pm. to II:30 (Continued Fres Page One) Final rites for Jess Patter. age Etda Alnantten Gordon. a express even before Miss Brown- ther check 'forgetting that I had has served as den chief of Den 6 for pm. Visitors are urged to strictly de are being held teday at two native of Calloway County sod field's letter was published. This is mailed a check earlier). When I re- chance to say anything back, Says and Ricky Atkins. The silver arrow nearly two years. observe these visiting hours and criticism of pm. at the chapel of the Max H. widaw of J. W. Gordon. Fulton not meant to be a her enied my cancelled checks, my poor nas he can see it was unneces- was also presented to Ken Grogan. Each cub brought a self-made when they do visit to make thee' students as I think Churetull Funeral Hame with druggist, died Monday at 6:50 am, or her fellow memory was refreshed. sar7 many times, in civilian me, Denner stripes were awarded in kite to the meeting, which were jud- stays brim. Patients must have what they tried to do was very com- 6 Rro Arlie Leraner officiating Bur- at the Parkview /Aiming Home. Now for my experience with the to say anything back anyway. Den 1 to Mai k Smith, denim* and ged on appearance and construc- quiet in order to get well and mendable, and a refreshing change ial wit) be in the Lone Oak Padts=h. Easter Seal Fund a tuch Miss Brown- Bobby Knight. assistant. In Den 3. tion. The first place trophy went doctors and nurses must have the from some of the activities of college Cemetery. Funeral services will be held field mentioned in her lettetc-some This is a good lesson to learn be- Jeff Dunn received the deruner to Kelley Boles.' Bobby Knight re- erne to administer proper treat- students that have made the press few weeks 'sago. I stripes and Chuck Thomas the as- The pitllbearers are Walter Wednesday at 2-90 pm at the receteed again cause we are all inciined to "pop ceived the second place trophy and ment in privacy. In recent days through the ntael a letter containing sistant's badge. Jimmy Talkington, Schroeder, Lestel Minns. Curios Whanel Funeral Hume. Fulton. off" at the slightest provocation Bobby Hopkins the third place tro- I must plead guilty to sonic of the Easter Seals with, a regime* for a dewier, and Jimmy Pinkston, assist- Elkins. Terrell Roberts, Leatund with Rev. Henry Hanna officiat- without giving theught to the phy charges made by Miss Brownfield in donation. I sent a check which I felt ant, Den 4, also received badges. Den 6 led Walker. and Duel Cantos — Adults . 90 ing. Bunal will be in the Fair- anuation, the group In singing Metritere her letter I live in a split-level house. was sufficiently generous to Mx cover my America the Beautiful during the Parker pasead away Sun- Census — Nursery 7 view Cemetery. I own two cars one not sa neer). obligation (and I do feel it is an Is highly clistaiminatory, and the closing ceremony. day at the home of his son Admilesileas. March hi, 1967 elurvivars are a son. James of hesietbase we profit by keeping and I did not make a contaibution obligation w we must meet) to Kress Paster Na.tlyille. Tenn.. two sisters, Mrs. Our moumos abut, There is as much drafting of, women There are Other sunevers are Master_ Craig WILV Cal- o tho,seeersnodoor solicit:141w for Shinty. kire'RI -imerTiffi7Unanfeee- t •InvotveT -111 -knowino- stem- wher-wisfrier subject women agr Dalton Park- loway Avenue. Murray; Mrs. Rena Easter Seal Funds carried out by Wedriesday evening, March 22, I wren er, sestet, Mrs two Mothers. ' when to keep quiet as there is in to the draft on the grounds that Agnes Walker, bro- Kirk, Route 5 Benton; /oL-s. Or- pole. and W. N. and the college students. I do not feel interrupted, not onus but twice, from ther, Mark knowing when to speak. American conseerts of women are ADVISORY. Parker. Meier grand- pha Jones. Route 2, Murray: Mrs Joe Aebritten. that I need to apologize for any of iny pre-dinner newspaper reading. eillildren and asteen great archaic. This is Sargent Shriver's grand- Eunice Lawrence. Route 1, Hazel: the aforementioned facts, but per- Inc:doing the Ledger and Thews, by (Continued From Page One) However this is something some Idea. Martin Bsfiey. Route 2. Murray: halm it will make Miss Brownfield college students ealthit kir Mere do- Club; Mrs. Tait Patterson. pre- The 7.1ac 11 ChurdiiII her folks never learn. Funer- C Hassel Windsor, Route 1, Ha- Nathaniel McCovle feel a little more kindly toward nations to the Suter Seal Fund aide,nt, and Mho Mary Montgom- al Thb is wrong If our very exist- Home is in charge of the ar- zel: Mrs Mins Craig Route 2. neighbors if I offer a few words of ei iden t ly there must hava MED ence were threatened, it ery of the New Concord Club; magassems Is Fatally Injured explanation which apply in my sit- some nux aaelmenenie)- teadads as of the saying about might be Masi: Hatton Loyins, Route 5, -up in route Mrs. Marvin Parks, president the feelow who all right on a temporary buds. of Murray: W1Diarn T. Dulaney, Rt uation and I am sure to many others I wish to apologize to the gale if I figured it was bet- But on a regular bases, no. the Harris Grove Club; Mrs. John ,lsosse In Murray. I did not come by my may have seemed rude I did ter to keep quiet at the risk of I Mwray: Miss Lena Rurei. val. Nathaniel MoCoyle. fsth- not In- Workman, president of the North home or my automobiles or any other tend to be when I offered my lame being thought to be a fool, rather Rites For Mrs. Myrtle Room 100 Mit Hall, 7.1Sr, Mur- er of Hubert MrCorle of Lynn Murray Club; Mrs. Ernest Mad- possessions by refusing to contri- excuse for not making a donation. than to speak and remove all Mad boys_ are wilbrig to fight Jones Planned ree; Mrs. Ruth Pay Pickard. Lynn Grove. was fatally injured Satur- rey, Penny Club president: Mrs. 9 Today bute to worthy charities. I make I have lived in Murray recite 1049 overseas because they have the Orove: Mrs. Verna Zetsche. Al- day night when he was stay* Ortis Guthrie of the Farmette generous contribu- and I believe the knowledge (-list their womenfolk Delbert Newsome, Covey Dr.. by an auternchile reer his Mine what I consider people of Murray The funeral for Mrs. Myrtle mo: are sale from harm. ChM; Mrs. electric Paschall, Pro- llons to my church, the local United are ss generous as any You will find Second oldest in Viet Nam says Jones will be held today at three \Barer, Mrs. Erato McDaniel. on Oaks Road. Paducah. gressive Club president; Mrs. Per- Fund, and many other charities anywhere in the world—probably that he can speak to the Viet pm at the chapel ot the J H Route 3, Murray. Master Allen L The deceased, age W. a retired tell Miller, Lynn Grove Club pre- which I consider worthy 'although more so I yust want to take this op- Ramose people now without using We think the tottery s7;stem is Churchill Funeral Home with Rev Williams, Route 5, Benton fanner. had meted for the. for- sident. I. too. would feel better about some portunity to defend what I feel Is any Ereeksh at all Says he is the beet system for a draft. When Joseph it Walter and Her John- Dembeals. Iareh ere 1967 mer Magrovnx Comnany and was of these if they would come within IA unjust accusauon }earning to write the languase al- your number comes up, go, no son Easley &heating Burial will Mrs. Martin JBaiiey. Route 2 e meeniser of the First ('tainvis of NOW YOU KNOW the framework of the United Fund). Sincerely yours. so Tests ft difficult he says be- matter what plans you have, ;that be in the Temple Hill Cemetery Murray: H Farris. 1707 Clod Amemblv. Psducele where by United Press International However, sometimes I feel that I Pete Panama cause one word can mean several grades you make, or what have Pallbearers are Henry Billing- Maler, Murray Retort Z Mother- funeral services were held Mon- The first recorded eye am being played for a "sucker- be Professor of Chemistry tanngs and the punctuation and you. One men's life es just as surgery John Coogan. Aerie Gallaway el Lvrinvillse A. C Bailer Route me at two ri m seth Rev L H the manner in which some ci Murray State University various marks give impanant to him as another man's was performed In 600 BC by offiOnerre lerest proper mean- Marvin 'H& land Cletus Shelton. /Currie- Mrs Purina Pare. 314 Wersel was in solicitations are carried out Let nee life is to him! Susona, a wise man of India, who the (inots and Welland Shelton eouth 14th Street Merray; Porn River Cemetery ir cite a few examples Duna( the *r -- used the point of a needle to Mrs Jones. age fa Med Menday M P.Rowe 4 Murray- Mrs. chime:en. I receiv- push a March of Dimes Purn Nance Dies Says be wishes he had studied "A Man Is known by his con- cataract away from a at. the Convalescent Derision of trra Mae Crick Route 1, Kiritser: ihrevivoes are thee, sons Hob- ed a wsheitation through the mail ten,, to meow lieht Znglesh more now because it would duet to has wife, his family and to enter. the ef 1i-ray-re-Oast-ay County -Hos- Mrs. Mit'Dee Huey, Suev. Rich- Nand .7-•*w-c Moterrle• which I semered with a check At His Home Today he him more with the grammar to thine mold him" . . . Napoleon pital. She la survived by one .on. anan. Tern: Lexie Ward. North nve daughters Mrs Myrtle Ater- which I felt wee sufficient to cower Churchill Downs and the Ken- hen Jones of hitemay. one grand- 11th Street Murray; Ins Mary 'nom. Mrs. Ms*o Retiree Mrs rrre oblotationflo Bak worthy cause Pion tucky Derby are best summed up In Nance of Murray Route Well, the fourth oldest registered Ma one granddaughter, and two R Compton, 1313 Vine. Murray: Res's' Roger,. M-• 'mown, Heil I was asked &Met moor and I be- the words of the late Kentucky au- , Fah died suddenly this morning for the draft yesterday. A good women inspires a man, a deter& Miss Diane Bee'? Anne: Herbert and Wry. At,, W'- -4' twe weesee hove twice teyeryone knows my pro- s: 5 46 at ha h.ome He was 611 tuella/a wc.uisui Interests him, a thor. Irvin S. Cobb. When asked to The .7 H Churchill Funeral Rienfelt. 710 P:.aplar Mr* Mrs Kite Alleze-" erel Mrs. Joan fession so I hope I will be pardoned seses of describe the derby, he said. hi I age It is leenical that a nation found- beautiful waablial faacinates him. Hoene is in charge of the ar- Luella Peterson expired,. 1000 lowsere' 21 rrandatildrent 31 memory Is not correct• to inabe could do that I'd have a larynx of Surnvore are hi., wge. Mrs. Ro- ed by people searching for free- But a sympathetic woman gets rangements Bent, Murray great granttelciren. another donation for the sena came spun silver and the tongue of an Si seers Garmas Nance of Murray dom and peace, and need by dv- him annotnted angel" This year's Derby Route Four, two daughters. Mrs Jeans for nearly 300 years, should will be run May 6 Jemmy Cooper 906 Pogue Avenue. have to adopt the military at a "The lazier a man is, the more Murray. and Mrs Hardy Out- way of life. he is gone to do tomorrow" — Nuid af Murray Route Pew: two Norwegian proverb. FOR CORRECT Joe Richard Mak Nance of Mur- Deenineeeing fathers can now not ray Route Two TIME aid and Dale Nance of only pick the uraverstty and fra- Tbe late Ty Cobbahad • lifetime Murray Route Four, one brother, oentty for his tons, but also the batten' avearge of 36'7 in the big TEMPERATURE Corn Nance of Puryear, Term , DAY OR beton branch of Berme and veteran.s leagues. "What would you hit in NIGHT to ear: tad c litetbne grantictuldren ,'reanimation modern ha all?" a fan once Mr Name was a member of the asked the untie Peach. DIAL 753-6363 Child's Interest In Sewing &Mans Sprtng Baptist V Ohureh We are opposed to the present "About said Cobb where funeral Should Be sefiked turne been system of Selective Service. which "yeti in is the game 6 that Encouraged acesentied for two pm Thursday. -- mach tc siren today?" the fan PEOPLES BANK By 10,AM 011ILLIVAN Dural will be in the church the Max II Churchill Funeral salted. * 1 Sr should 41pU tomb Mahe the team a game w:th eemecery Home a-here friends may call u4- 'lege " sail Cobb, 'hut n- Warelle MU girt to raw Mears for every succees Selene L-. change of arrangemenis is til the funeral hour. atant: pal, I'm 65 now." Murray, Kentucky Start bar alt T. II or 9 &peed- her. too. how to knot the end leg on jest when she skews Of the thread. ea AWN& edapplag up a rat* litliches ..weinlighei tar bar doll or reek- The find stitches to inastar a'nuNnia"fAuRsompt= ing a drawstring shows tactiede even tasting. perm rhinos basting, back - stech • -Tossolleser says Jessie and whip stitch. And, ortit Wets. Hutton. Illireehr of Sewing front the Amt. enccronee the ar Education for The Singer use of a tiomble to protect TA ot Company, "see sewing as a her finger. Itabits. means oil putting things to- The first preject shoed be Walt 04 gether and are usually mcUv- simple to encourage further e sted by a desire for the end progress. SO steer-bee teemed easy- to - make dells dresses. us When your child ahem as puppets or presents for friends, to interest, how do y4141 prbeeed? suck as lonchiefs. With a certain miasma et ems- When she begins to think la% Lon. advisee Mhos Ibilhan. oboe making something for Treat sewing la a allaiVell beavelf to wear, the fantasy activity. aladi \111 or fun of sewing is chanering to modeling with day. sad avoid reality and your youngster putting tee Midi emphasis on may oe ready to take a giant methods— and perfection—in step forward and tackle the the early stages. machine. Hew Vies Can her age, Moses the beginning,HelpAl says this Miss Hutton, a child is ready =perk help by providing In- when she has an %dee Anatole tereleging supplies and meter- toward wanting to do maehrie Obi. Mar advice or matetance sewing Miss Hutto' has four.d eigg when it's asked for. that most children do better "dhow all," advises Miss on the machine than they do Hutton "take special care to by hand 0 avoid criticism of workman- Six Steps Teach the use of the sewing HF-R FIRST see (rig seas a dress that she made herself, Ma recommends giving the machine in small steps. else n Ample skirt stele ., an excellent choice for the beg- child her own box or basket advises. keeping the mood ser- of supplies. including embroid- ieus rather than playful. In ery needles with large eyes, a short *moons, get her to mas- the presser foot. of Independence and safety box of silk pins, a pla cushion. ter these Ex steps. 4 Stitching with thread. arid is ready for • simple pro- • teible.hl a 6-inch ruler. • 1. Proper positlon at the 5 How to stitch at:the be- ject, such as a shift-like dress has gage.• tape measure. machine ginning and end of a seam or shell biome. a regular lead peril and white 2 Use of the speed control. (backstitching). Shies on her way and suc- wan pewit for marking plus with presser foot up and no 6 How to thread the ma- cess will only spur her inter- earieled spade of colored wee thread is the machine chine and wind the bobbin. est in sewing and help her to thread. 3 Guiding the fabric plac- With these steps mastered, perfect a skill that she will Beg* haleneliire by teach- ing it under the needle, turn- a child will be able to use a find handy to have for a life- ing him * Illreed a imealia ing the hand wheel, lowering machine with a high degree time.

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We Can tell you how In 20 words: I Four Chrysler Newport* are priced lust a feW dollars a month more than the most popular smaller cars, comparably equipped. Or, If you'd rather, come to our place. And see for yourself. tho 90 Take Charge...Move up to CHRYSLER 67 teem

MOTU= STANDS BY ready to offer advice if it's asked IT TARES TIME and eonrentration but a young' eager TAYLOR to make for henelf can master machine sewing. MOTORS While Daughter Auden instructions in sewing patterns INC. Sirs 303 South Fourth St, A Murray, Ky.

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