The Church Bells of Devon with a List of Those in Cornwall

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The Church Bells of Devon with a List of Those in Cornwall The Church Bells of Devon with a list of those in Cornwall BY Rev. H. T. Ellacombe File 03 – Appendices D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M Addendum, Plates, Pages 162 to 197 This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. 163 APPENDIX D. Bishop Quivifs Grant of a Copyhold Tenement at Paington to Roger de Ropforde and his heirs, BeUfounder (0ampanistario1), the said Roger to make the Bells for the Cathedral, aad repair the Organs and the Horologe; dated July, 1294. {PATENT RoLL, 2 Ed. II., (A.D. 1313) part i., Membrane 5.) Pro Roberto] Rex omnibus ad quos, &c. salutem. I~speximus quoddam scriptum quod ftlio Walteri de p et rus quonda m E xon. E ptscopus· d e assensu Ca.pttu · I'1 sm· E xon. 1ec1tr · Ropford cam· paniatario. Rogero de Ropforde et Agneti uxori ejus, et Waltero filio eorundem Rogeri et Agnetis in bee verba. Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Petrus miseracione divina Exon. Episcopus unanimi assensu et consensu Capituli nostri Exoni : dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confinnavimus Rogero de Ropford Agneti uxori ejusdem, et Waltero filio eorundem ac heredibus de eisdem procreatis et procreandis totum illud tenementum quod fuit Nicholai de Peynton nativi nostri in villa de Peynton, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis ut in domibus gardinis terris pratis pascuis et omnibus aliis ad dictum tenementum pertinentibus Habendum et tenendum predictis Rogero Agneti Waltero ac suis heredibus de eisdem procreatis et procreandis de nobis et successoribus nostris libere quiete et in pace Reddendo inde annuatim nobis et successoribus nostris un~m dE>narium in Vigilia Pasche pro omni servicio seculari. Predicti vero Rogerus Agnes et W alterus ac eorum heredes campanas Ecclesie nostre Exon. sumptibus Capituli nostri Exon. facient seu fieri facient organa et orilogium quociens opus fuerit reparabunt seu facient reparari quibus interim dum circa premissa occupati fuerint per ipsum capitulum nostrum omnia necessaria tam in esculentis quam in poculentis volumus ministrari. Nos vero predicti Petrus et capitulum nostrum Exon totum predictum tenementum cum omnibus suis pertinentiis predictis RogE>ro, Agneti, Waltero, ac suis heredibus de eisdem procrea.tis et procrea11dis pro predictis redditu et serviciis faciendis wa.rantizabimus acquieta.bimus et 1 It is plain from this recOrd that campanutarius is the Latin word for a bellfounder, and not campaflaf'Ws, as given in a note on the word belketter in the Promptcrium Parvulorum, before quoted, p. 62, the latter word more properly meaning a bell-ringer. G2 164 THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVOll. defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium, nos et preJictum capitulum nostrum Exon sigilla nostra presentibus apposuimus. Datum in capitulo nostro Exon ij Idus Julii Anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo octogesimo quarto. Nos autem donacionem concessionem et confirmacionem predictas ratas habentes et quietas eas pro nohis vel heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est Roberto filio et heredi predicti Walteri et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus concedimus et confirmamus sicut scriptum predictum rationabiliter testatur. In cujus, &c., T. R., apud Wesmonasterium vj die Jannarii per consilium. Extract from the Statutes and 01·di·uances of Bishop Oldham (A.D. 1511) as to the mode of Pulsing the Bells of the Cmhedral jo·r Divine Services. E. REGISTRO. De modo pulsandi ad Divino.. .A.nnuellariis ... mterins precipimus quatinus solitas pulsaciones ad horas canonicas debita forma faciant. Proviso quod ad matuninas et ad vesperas in Feriis et Featis, cum Regimine Vhori vel r.ine, tantomodo loco tempore pulsacionis quotitidia.nre, faciant sexa.ginta aut plures Tintinaciones cum majori campana. de tribus minoribus in .A.ustrali Turre dependentibus. Et simili modo in Festis principalibus et majoribus duplicibus, post terciam pulsacionem, dictas faciant Tintinaciones: quibus finitis sequatur statim completa pulsacio cum allis campania more solito pulsand.a. THF. CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. 1G5 APPENDIX E. THR BELL FOUNDERS AND THEIR BELLS. BAYLEY A}j"']) STREE1.', OF 6 Barberton 4 Meahaw li98 BRIDGEWATER. 1 Holcombe Rogus 1763 1 Staverton 5 Mamhead ... 1764, 1 Ermington 1799 1 Trinity, Barnstaple 1750 1 Powderham ... 5 Ipplepen ... 2 Tjb,ham 1750 1 ~boro~b ... 4 Lustleigh ... 1 Si ury 4 e&r Gi ord 1765 1 Thorncombe.. 1800 1 Ditto 1752 1 Broad Hembury 1766 6 Bampton ... 1 Honiton, Old Tower 1768 6 Chagford 1 Witlieridge ... 1 Challacombe 1755 1 ~ignton 1 Dslwood 1801 4 Widworthy ... 1756 2 B am ... 1767 5 Ulfculme 1 8. Kerri&n, Exeter 1758 1 Broadhemb':[ 1 Bicton 1802 2 Kilmington ... 1759 1 Egg Bucklan 1768 2 Bishop's Ta~;ton 1803 1 Boniton 1761 6 Broad Clyst ... 1768 6 North Huish 1804 1 Axminster 1762 8 Tavistock ... 1769 1 Rose Ash 1806 1 Ditto 1765 6 Northam 1770 1 Ugborough ::: 1804 1 Honiton 1769 6 Marwnod 1771 2 Cadbury ... 1805 1 Axmillster 1760 1 Monkleigh 2 Pafv:ton 1 Colyton ..• 1772 6 Upyme 19 1 Thorncombe 1 Rose Ash ... 1806 5 Rewe 1773 6 Modbury ... 1806 1 Brixham 1774 6 Rackenford ... T. BILBIE OF CHEWLSTOKE, 1 ~ignton ... 1 Hifth Bray ... 1807 AND CULLOMPTON. 1 W combe in the Moor ... 2 Co eridge ... 1808 1 ~D ••• 1776 3 Hockworthy 1 Cl~Hydon 1715 2 rooke ... 6 Maker ... 1 W1dwortht ... 1722 6 West Alvington 1776 1 North Molton 1809 1 Morchard ishop 1738 1 Kilmington ... 1776 1 Rockbeare 1809 1 Clayhanger ... 1740 1 Sidbury 5 Clayhidou ••• 18I() 1 Littlebam ... 1741 5 Sourton ..• I Hemyock ... 1811 1 Cadt.leigh ... I745 4 Bridgernle ... 1777 ti Hatherle~h ... I8I3 7 Broodhem bury 1i46 3 Otterton 2 Ugboro~ ... 6 Cullompton ... 6 Clyst S. Lawrence I778 6 Bovey, orth 18U 6 Kenton I747 1 Culmstock 0 0 0 1 Goodleigh ... I828 8 Bradninch I748 1 Topsham 1 Whitestone ... I834 1 AIIJ:'iugtou ... 1749 I Thornbury ..• 1779 1 Exminster I855 2 8. udeaux ... 1 West Anstey 1 Creacombe ::: 1858 7 Honiton 5 Honiton ... 1780 li S. Andrew, Piymouth I L'ullom:lftou ... 178I 352 2 Zeal Monaehorurn 5 North olton 1784 Bishop's Nymptou I750 5 Musbury ... 1785 1 Talaton 1 Colebrook 1787 JOHN BRIANT, OF HERTFORD. 1 Down S. Mary 1754 1 Puddin~n ..• 4 Nymet Tracy 4 Washfl d ... 6 Barnsta~e I803 5 Bramford Speke 1755 1 W ashford Pyne 1 Tawstoc 5 Budleigh East 1 Clyst Hydon I788 5 Upton ~e ... 5 Clyst 8. Lawrence 1788 7 1 Colebroo ... 1757 6 Stoke Damerel 1789 1 Willand 1 Cal verleigh ... 1790 1 Combe Raleigh 1758 1 Ottery S. Mary JOHN BYRDAN, OF EXON. 5 Exminster ... 1 Tiverton 1791 5 Buckland in the Moor 1769 1 Talaton 1792 1 Kingsweare ... not dated 6 Sooth Brent. .• 4 Bockfa.stleigh · 1793 1 Kingst<>n 160I 1 Gittisham ... I760 1 Coleridge 1 Woodbury ... 1605 6 Shobroke 1 Whitestone ... 1 Cathedral ..• 1616 1 Rockbeare 1761 1 Bockfa.stleigh 1794 1 Clyst Hydon 4 Sampford P~;~rel 1761 1 nrracombe ... 1 Stockleigh English 1622 4 Shute 1 B. Mary M~or, Exon 1 Woodbury 1624 3 Staverton 6 West Down ... 1795 I Ugboroogh ... 1762 4 llsington 1797 7 166 THE CHURCH BELLS OF DEVON. MORDECAI COCKEY, OF t. I• MESSRS. KEARS OF WHITS- TOTNES. CHAPEL, LONDON. I Huntehaw I Woodland I678 I Alwington IS A.shprington •.• I7110 I Churston Ferrers I68I 2 Bnmdon ... 6 Bratton Fleming 1792 I A.shcombe I686 I ~ton ... 6 Dittiah&m ..• ]SO'J I Harford 1 ombury ... 2 Mal borough I806 I Ringmore ... 1692 I Westleigh 8 Soutbmolton I807 I Teigngrace ... 170I I Bideford 18IO I N ewion Buahel Chapel I680 7 I Mal borough I812 I Crediton ... I8U 7 5 Po~hill ... 1 F~don ... I8I5 AMBROSE GOODING, OF 6 S. DaVId, Exon I817 PLYMOUTH. I ~plepen I8I8 G. E. DAVIS OF BRIDGWATER. 6 pottery I Tetcot ... 17l7 I Tedbum ... I82l 5 Stoke Rivera ... I784 8 Bherford ... I728 I Penny Cross I RockbKre ... I787 8 Welcombe 173I 6 Diptford ... 1822 8 Dartmouth ""i782-42 I CI~Honiton 1825 6 I Paington I787 8 0 ord ... 1 Churehstow ... 1738 8 Holsworthy ... I826 1 Ringmore ... 1740 1 Holy Trinity, Exon I Charlton ... I742 6 Kenne 5 Holne I748 2 Plymtree ... EVAN EVANS AND WILLIAM 5 Tawton Souih 1744 2 Black TorriDgton EVANS, OF CHEPSTOW. I Thurlestone ... I748 I Bickington ... I827 I Berry Pomeroy 1750 I Manaton ... 3 Braunton I718 I S. M~ Arches, Exon 4 BucklandE~ 17I8 26 I Thelbn~e ... 6 Chulmle~h ... 2 Goodleig ... I828 6 Cbawleig ... I720 1 Berry Pomeroy I829 1 Cbeldon I Plymtree ... 1 Be&ford 1 M&ri&DS)eigh. · · H~ford ... 4 1 S. ary M~r, Exon 188I 5 Cruwys Morchard WILLIAM RAMBLING OF, 1721 BLACKAWTON. 8 Worlington eat 1882 !i Berrynarbor... I722 I S. Edmund, Exon 1888 4 Kentisbury ... I723 1 Colyton I887 Poltimore ... 1 Malborough 1828 6 I Hallwell I South Tawton 6 King's ~pton 1724 1 ~reyton I Morcha BIShop 2 Dartiugton ... 1827 1 Ogwell West I828 1 edbum I Stoke Canon ... 6 Bisho~ Tejf,ton 1840 1 Templeton 1 Stokenh&m ... 1833 1 Thurleatone ... 1844 1 S. An w, lymouth I A.shreigny ... 184I 52 1 Dean Prior ... 1886 I Buckfastleitth 1844 6 Halberton ... 2 Stoke Gabnel I845 I S. John, Exon I848 I Dodbrooke ... 1852 1 Fen Ottery 1844 I Balcom be I2 1 Sidmouth WILLIAM EVANS. 8 Sowton 18t6 1 Otterton I846 I Thelbridge ... 1722 I Uffculme 1847 4 Worliugton East 1727 1 Holbeton 1848 3 Thelbridge ... 2 Widdicombe in the Moor ... 4 RoeeAsh ... JOHN KINGSTON, OF 1728 BRIDGWATER. 4 Iuw&rdleigh ... IMP 4 Exeter Cathedral 1729 1 Exminstei ... 1855 I Waahford Pyne 173I Offwell 5 S. Edmund, Exon 1 Countiebury ..
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