WENDY: (Peter Pan enters, steps onto window ledge.) Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do!

PETER: And how do you do, too?

WENDY: Who are you?

PETER: Just me, Peter Pan!

WENDY: Just I, you mean!

PETER: I? Me? Who might you be?

WENDY: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

PETER: Well, ladeeda! (Enters the room and begins looking around).

MICHAEL: Have you come to make us walk the plank?

PETER: I'm no pirate, but I've got a few pirates who are my best enemies!

JOHN: Where do you live, Peter Pan?

PETER: Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning.

WENDY: That's a silly address! How will the mailman be able to deliver your letters?

PETER: Don't get any letters.

WENDY: But your mother must get letters--

PETER: Don't got a mother! Never had one and don't need one, so there!

JOHN: Who tucks you in at night?

PETER: Me, myself, and I!

MICHAEL: Who gets your porridge in the morning?

PETER: Me, myself, and I!

WENDY: Who makes you take your medicine when you're sick?

PETER: Me, myself, and I!

WENDY: May I ask you something, Peter Pan?

PETER: You certainly are full of questions!

WENDY: What are you looking for?

PETER: My shadow!

WENDY: And just what would your shadow be doing in this room without you?

PETER: That bear you keep in here tore it off the other night!

JOHN: Nana's not a bear!

MICHAEL: She's just a very big doggie!

PETER: I don't care if she's a hippopotamus with three eyes! I want my shadow back!

WENDY: I haven't the foggiest idea where it is.

Sides for Lost Boys (Tootles, Nibs, Pots, Pans, Slightly, Curley) and Pirates (, Smee, Starkey, Cookie, Skylight, Noodles).

TOOTLES: SHH! Can't you be quiet?

NIBS: The twins make noise even in their sleep, Tootles! You know that!

POTS: You didn't have to stop so sudden!

PANS: We were watchin' for pirates behind us!

SLIGHTLY: That's all well and good, but if they're hiding, they sure know we're here now!

CURLEY: (Frightened) Oh, I wish Peter would get home! Where could he have gone to?

TOOTLES: He'll be back! He said he had important business to attend to.

CURLEY: But what if the pirates attack?

NIBS: We'll fight them to the death, right?

SLIGHTLY: 'Til our last breath!

POTS: I'll take on two, no three at a time!

PANS: And no one can live after being hit with this (Holds up pot that he's wearing)

(A noise is heard)

TOOTLES: Oh, no! What was that?

NIBS: Pirates! (The terrified LOST BOYS hide behind the bushes and trees, ducking down so they are barely seen. SMEE, STARKEY, COOKIE, SKYLIGHT, and NOODLES swagger on left, singing as they enter)

PIRATES: Avast belay, yo ho, heave to, A-pirating we go, And if we're parted by a shot, We're sure to meet below! (Pirates laugh together heartily)

STARKEY: So where be the young'uns you saw, Smee?

SMEE: (Looking around) Well, now, I did see them...

COOKIE: And I smell 'em!

SKYLIGHT: Aye! They be near here someplace!

NOODLES: Hidin' behind bush or branch!

STARKEY: And what do we do if we find 'em?

SMEE: Oh, well, now, I suspect we'll leave that to the Captain!

COOKIE: He'll string 'em up to the yard arm!

SKYLIGHT: Maybe draw 'n quarter 'em!

NOODLES: Aye, that hurts me darkly!

CURLEY: (From behind the bushes and tree.) Oh, no!


STARKEY: You hear something?

SMEE: Well, no, I do think---

COOKIE: They're here, all right!

SKYLIGHT: Come out, come out, wherever you be!

NOODLES: We got a nice, big surprise for the likes of you young'uns!

SMEE: Well now, did you hear that?

(Starkey puts his fingers to his lips indicating silence, and gestures for the Pirates to join him moving left. They tip toe in exaggerated steps to left, huddled together, ready to attack. Captain Hook backs in on left. Before they realize who it is, the Pirates attack Captain Hook.)

STARKEY: Get 'em, boys!

COOKIE: He'll tell us where the young'uns are hidin'!

CAPTAIN HOOK: Stop it! Get your hands off me! What are you doing, you idiots!

NOODLES: (Calling off left, not realizing they've got Captain Hook) Captain Hook! We're over here!! We got 'em!

CAPTAIN HOOK: (Shakes the rest of the pirates off) And if you don't get your hands off me, I'll boil your gizzards for my supper!

SMEE: Oh, well, now, if it isn't Captain Hook!

CAPTAIN HOOK: Yes, it's Captain Hook! And just what are you idiots up to?

STARKEY: The Lost Boys are hidin' about here someplace!

COOKIE: We thought you might be one of 'em!

CAPTAIN HOOK: Do I, Captain James Hook, pirate extraordinaire, look like I'm lost?

SKYLIGHT: Well for a minute there, we weren't----(HOOK draws his sword and aims it at him.) Absolutely not, Captain Hook, sir! (Salutes nervously)

NOODLES: But they're close by, sir! The hairs in my noise are twitching! They always twitch when the Lost Boys is near!

CAPTAIN HOOK: Then Peter Pan must be nearby as well! Hmmmm...perhaps this would be a good place to lay an ambush and I could be rid of that bragging little horsewhip once and for all!

Sides for Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Smee, Starkey, and Wendy.

WENDY: Peter! We must save Tiger !

(Peter Pan starts imitating Captain Hook)

PETER: Ahoy there, you lubbers!

SMEE: (Terrified) Captain? Is that you?

PETER: Starkey?

STARKEY: (Terrified) Aye, aye, Captain!

PETER: What are you two doing?

SMEE: We're tying the princess to the rock, like you ordered, sir!

PETER: Set her free!


PETER: Cut those ropes and let her go!

SMEE: But Captain--

PETER: At once, do you hear? Or I'll plunge my hook into you!

SMEE: (Untying ) You'd better run off, ma'am. No hard feelings.

(Peter is rolling about, trying to control his own laughter. Captain Hook enters right and freezes when he sees Peter)

WENDY: Peter! Peter! Control yourself.

PETER: (Not seeing Captain Hook) Don't I impersonate that fool Hook beautifully? I've been practicing for an occasion such as---(Turns to see Hook) this! (Jumps up) WENDY: Now, Peter, it's time to go home and take your medicine. Oh, good afternoon Captain. You're looking very well today. (Guides Peter off right, but not before Peter turns back to glare at the befuddled Captain Hook and sticks out his tongue)

SMEE: Captain! Are you all right?

CAPTAIN HOOK: (Snapping back into reality) Where's the princess? The tide's about to come in!

STARKEY: You told us to let her go, sir.

CAPTAIN HOOK: You fools! You ingrates! You landlubbers! (Moves up to the rock, pauses for a moment, then sighs.)

SMEE: Well now...he sighs. (Captain Hook sighs loudly again)

STARKEY: He sighs again.

SMEE: What's the matter Captain?

CAPTAIN: The game's up! Haven't you noticed? The boys' hair is combed...there are no more holes in their socks. They say “Yes ma'am” and “No, thank you.”

STARKEY: What can it mean?

CAPTAIN HOOK: They've found a mother!

SMEE: What's a mother?

CAPTAIN HOOK: Oh, you don't want to know! It's a lovely creature who melts your heart into doing just what she wants you to do.

STARKEY: What does she want you to do?

CAPTAIN HOOK: Oh, study your lessons! Eat your peas! Clean your room! And worst of all, be polite!

SMEE: Well, now, that's terrible!

CAPTAIN HOOK: There'll be no more fun in more fights because they'll get their pants dirty. No more yelling because they'll wake the baby birds! No more fun because Mother says so!

STARKEY: But, Captain! You can't let that happen!

CAPTAIN HOOK: What can I do?

SMEE: Well now, I'm sure a person of your rotten, cruel disposition can think of something diabolical.

CAPTAIN HOOK: Oh, Smee, stop flattering me. Even if you are right.

Sides for Tinkerbell (**Note that Tinkerbell doesn't have any actual lines, so the actor must use strong facial expressions and body language to communicate. Please have someone read for Peter, and practice responding to what he's saying. The reference to “The bell ringing” is Tink's voice that only Peter hears.)

PETER: (Stirs himself ) Hello? Who's there? (Sits up.) Wendy? Is it you? If it is, I'm awfully sorry. I mean it. (Tinkerbell's light begins to fly about slowly. Her bell rings.) Tink? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be guiding Wendy and the Boys back to her home! (Bell rings wildly) They've what? Wendy's tied up? The boys are captured? They've gone to the pirate ship? (The bell rings more) No, Tink! It doesn't serve her right! They need to be rescued! And I'm the only one who can rescue them! But wait. I never took my medicine. Wendy will be proud of me if I remember it on my own. (Tink's light flies about wildly. The bell rings.) Leave me alone, Tink! I know what I'm doing! (Pours medicine into spoon) What are you talking about? Hook was never here! He couldn't have found our cave! (Raises the medicine to his lips. Tink's light zooms around his head) Stop it! Let me take my medicine! (Just as he's about to take his medicine, Tink's light descends on the spoon.) Don't drink that! It's for me! Tink! (Lays the spoon down. Tink's light begins to spiral downward slowly.) Tink? What's wrong? Don't you feel well? (The bell sounds faintly) Poison? Hook poisoned the medicine? Oh, Tink! Oh, my friend! Tink! You drank it yourself to save me! (Scoops Tink up in his hand) You can't be dead! You can't be!

Sides for Mrs. Darling, Liza, Tootles, John, Michael, Curley, Nibs, Pots, and Pans.

MRS. DARLING: Liza! There's a strange cloud up there!

LIZA: Why, indeed! If I didn't know better, I'd say it's a pirate ship!

MRS. DARLING: A pirate ship?

LIZA: Don't you see it ma'am?

MRS. DARLING: So, that's it!

LIZA: What's it, ma'am?

MRS. DARLING: I thought that's where they might have been...

LIZA: Ma'am, you're not making a bit of sense.

MRS. DARLING: But I am, Liza! (Nana starts barking and running around in circles)

LIZA: (Grabs a broom for protection) What's that now?

MRS. DARLING: Now, Liza, there's nothing to fear!

TOOTLES: (Enters through the window) All right boys!

LIZA: Get out of here, you thief! Go on!

TOOTLES: Blimey! There's a crazy one here!

MRS. DARLING: No Liza, it's all right! It's all right!

LIZA: He might kill us!

MRS. DARLING: But he's just a boy. Aren't you?

TOOTLES: Tootles, by name. Are you my mother?

MRS. DARLING: Oh dear....I can be for a moment.

TOOTLES: I knew I'd find you!!

(Nibs and Curley enter through the window)

LIZA: AHHH! There's more!!

TOOTLES: I found my mother!

NIBS: She's our mother, too!

Curley: Aye!We've been waiting for a long time, ma'am. I mean, mother.

LIZA: AHHH! They're crawling out of the woodwork!

NIBS: Look here, Pots! We've got ourselves a Mother!

MRS. DARLING: Are there more of you?

POTS: A couple more!

PANS: But they've already got mothers!


(John and Michael enter through window)

JOHN: Mother?

MRS. DARLING: John! Michael!

MICHAEL: You are our mother!

MRS: Of course I'm your mother! And you've come back to us!

JOHN: You didn't think we'd stay forever, did you?

MICHAEL: Though it was a grand time!

MRS. DARLING: I know, Michael, I know.

JOHN: We've brought a few more mouths to feed!

MICHAEL: Can they stay? Can they stay, please?

MRS. DARLING: We'll have to ask your father first.