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THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIB No. 74 2004 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIB No. 74 SCHEDULE-continued Reasons for No. Running Refusal, Decision Country Applicant Maker Title Silent(S) or Trailer(T) of Gauge Time Excisions and of Remarks Copies Minutes or Alterationa Cert. No. Origin Fox Franz Seitz Film/ The Tin Drum (T) 35mm 3½ R 933 West 18 years and over. Bioskop Film/ Germany/ German Artemits Film/ France dialogue, Hallelujah Film English G.G. 14 R.G./ subtitles. Argos Films (Paris) Columbia G.C.C. Films Inc. FOOLIN' AROUND 3 16mm 96 GY 1036 U.S.A. Warner Sixteen Walt Disney The Big Wash 2 16mm 8 G 1824 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Mickey and the Seal 2 16mm 7 G 1825 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Pluto's Sweater 2 16mm 7 G 1826 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Rugged Bear 2 16mm 7 G 1827 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Mr Mouse takes a Trip 2 16mm 7½ G 1828 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Honey Harvester 2 16mm 7 G 1829 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Thursday, 29 May 1980 N.Z. Film Pathe Spotlight on the World 20/80 35mm 7 Ex. 1686 France Exempted. Services Ltd. English narration. Friday, 30 May 1980 Fox Zulu Dawn Films ZULU DAWN 35mm 99 GY 1037 U.S.A. N.V. Fox Zulu Dawn Films Zulu Dawn (T) 35mm 1½ G 1830 U.S.A. N.V. Sixteen Walt Disney Donald Duck-Dude Duck 2 16mm 7 G 1831 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Chip 'N' Dale-The Lone 2 16mm 6 G 1832 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Chipmunks Sixteen Walt Disney Donald Duck-Breezy Bear 2 16mm 7 G 1833 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Sixteen Walt Disney Donald Duck-All in a 2 16mm 6½ G 1834 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Nutshell Sixteen Walt Disney Mickey Mouse-Alpine 2 16mm 9 G 1835 U.S.A. Millimetre Production Climbers Sixteen Walt Disney Donald Duck-Bearly Asleep 2 16mm 7 G 1836 U.S.A. Millimetre Production International Monday Films, The Passage (T) 35mm 2½ s. 26 (2) (c) G 1837 U.K. Film London violence and Distributors sex BANKRUPTCY NOTICES In Bankruptcy In Bankruptcy TAKjS notice that the order of adjudication, dated 28 May NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend is now payable on 1980, against BERNIE CHING, company director, of 279 Cannon all proved claims in the under-mentioned estates: Hill Crescent, Christchurch, was annulled by order of the Peter John Middleton, of Waipawa, builder, a second and High Court, dated 4 June 1980. The annulment took effect final dividend of 11.9983c in the dollar, making in all from 4 June 1980. 36.9983c in the dollar. IVAN A. HANSEN, Official Assignee. R. ON HING, Official Assignee. Christchurch. Napier. In Bankruptcy In Bankruptcy NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend is now payable on all proved claims in the under-mentioned estates: BRIAN JAMES DAY, 15A Heathglen Avenue, Christchurch 9, baker, was adjudged bankrupt on 25 March 1980. Creditors Williams, Owen Carl, of Napier, unemployed boilerman, meeting will be held at my office, 159 Hereford Street, a second and final dividend of 4.5438c in the dollar, Christchurch, on Tuesday, 15 July 1980, at 10.30 a.m. making in all 44.5436c in the dollar. IVAN A. HANSEN, Official Assignee. Woods, Peter Herbert of Napier, unemployed driver, a first and final dividend of 9.3135c in the dollar. Christchurch. R. ON HING, Official Assignee. Napier. In Bankruptcy IN the matter of the deceased estate of SuzANNE BRONWYN In Bankruptcy SELBY. Notice is hereby given that an order was made by BRIAN DAVID HUNTER of 3 Tasman Street, Havelock North, the High Court, Hamilton, on 16 May 1980, that this estate truck driver, was adjudged bankrupt on 26 June 1980. Creditors be administered by the Official Assignee. Creditors meeting meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Hastings, on Thurs­ will be held at my office, 16-20 Clarence Street, Hamilton, day, 24 July 1980, at 11 a.m. on Friday, 11 July 1980, at 11 a.m. R. ON HING, Official Assignee. A. DIBLEY, Official Assignee. Napier. Hamilton. .
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