Crowsnest Issue 4-2.Qxd
Special Navy Centennial Issue CCrroowwssnneesstt Vol. 4, No. 2 Summer 2010 Chief of the Maritime Staff Sailors march through the streets of Halifax during a Freedom of the City parade May 4. NNaavvyy cceelleebbrraatteess 110000 yyeeaarrss ooff pprroouudd sseerrvviiccee Photo: Cpl Rick Ayer INSIDE HMCS Fredericton Reservists make home from dive history in THIS overseas mission the North ISSUE PAGE 10 PAGE 12 Committing to the next 100 years he navy is now 100 years old. Under the authority of the Naval Services Act, the T Canadian Naval Service was created May 4, 1910. In August 1911 it was designated the Royal Canadian Navy by King George V until 1968 when it became Maritime Command within the Canadian Armed Forces. During the navy’s first century of service, Canada sent 850 warships to sea under a naval ensign. To mark the navy’s 100th anniversary, Canadian Naval Centennial (CNC) teams in Halifax, Ottawa, Esquimalt, 24 Naval Reserve Divisions across the Photo: MCpl Serge Tremblay country, and friends of the navy created an exciting Chief of the Maritime Staff Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, program of national, regional and local events with left; Marie Lemay, Chief Executive Officer of the National the goal of bringing the navy to Canadians. Many of Capital Commission (NCC); and Russell Mills, Chair of these events culminated May 4, 100 years to the day the NCC’s Board of Directors, participate in a sod-turning that Canada’s navy was born. ceremony May 4 for the Canadian Navy Monument to be The centennial slogan, “Commemorate, Celebrate, built at Richmond Landing behind Library and Archives Commit”, reflects on a century of proud history, the Canada on the Ottawa River.
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