Volume 60 Number 51 | December 21, 2015

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Home for Christmas

Rachel Lallouz, Lookout Left to right: CPO2 Don Reid greets his wife PO1 Allison Reid as she disembarks from HMCS Whitehorse at the completion of Operation Caribbe last Thursday. She holds her son Jackson as daughter Madeleine stands close by. See the full story and more photos on page 2. CFB A division of CFMWS Naden Athletic Centre Facility Closures We proudly serve the Une division des SBMFC

Canadian Forces Community is on The POOL will be closed Jan. 4 to Feb. 14, 2016. est sur The NADEN ATHLETIC CENTRE will be closed As a military family we understand Check back often for ongoing Nous offrons des nouveautés tous Jan. 18 to Jan. 31, 2016. promotions, contests, events, les jours: promotions et concours, your cleaning needs during ongoing new products and sales. événements, nouveaux produits Show your Military ID or NAC Gym membership service, deployment and relocation. www.mollymaid.ca et soldes. card to use the Esquimalt Recreation Centre facilities during this time.

A division of CFMWS www.facebook.com/canex.ca Sorry for the inconvenience, (250) 744-3427 Une division des SBMFC [email protected] www.canex.ca Management, Personnel Support Programs 2 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015

MCpl Michael Bastien, MARPAC Imaging Services Families and friends welcome home HMC Ships Brandon and Whitehorse on “Y” Jetty upon return from Operation Caribbe on Dec. 17. Home for the holidays - Brandon and Whitehorse return DND (HMCS Athabaskan) with its Sajjan, Minister of National two embarked CH-124 Sea Defence. “This year’s record The last Canadian Armed King helicopters. success on Operation Caribbe Forces (CAF) assets, HMC Ships ships is a testament to the Canadian Brandon and Whitehorse arrived deployed a total of 10 times Armed Forces, and particularly home last Thursday, concluding (HMC Ships Whitehorse and the Royal Canadian Navy and a successful year for the CAF on Winnipeg deployed twice each) the ’s Operation Caribbe. and sailed for a total of 344 dedication and perseverance to ’s 2015 annual con- days. work with our allies in complex tribution to the multinational Royal Canadian Air Force environments for the safety and campaign against illicit traffick- CP-140 Auroras flew 321 hours, security of the citizens of this ing in the eastern Pacific Ocean and CH-124 Sea Kings flew 150 continent.” and the Caribbean – Operation hours, providing surveillance, Operation Caribbe is one of Martillo – saw CAF assets and detection, and disruption capa- the many activities undertaken personnel directly contribute bilities during the operation. by the Government of Canada to the seizure or disruption of HMC Ships Brandon and and DND/CAF as part of MCpl Michael Bastien, MARPAC Imaging Services approximately 18.5 metric tons Whitehorse seized and disrupted Canada’s broader commitment of cocaine and three metric tons more narcotics during a 44-day to engagement in the Americas. Above: HMCS of marijuana, more than any deployment this fall than any This annual operation direct- Brandon arrives at other duo of Maritime Coastal ly supports the CAF’s mission other year since the CAF’s con- “Y” Jetty. tribution began in 2006. Defence Vessels during the to defend against threats and As part of Operation Caribbe operation’s history, with a com- security challenges to Canada, 2015, the CAF contributed four bined total of approximately North America, and our defence Right: MS William CP-140 Aurora surveillance 9,800kg. The previous record and security partners. Dennis meets his aircraft, five Maritime Coastal of 5,934 kg was held by HMC The CAF have conduct- granddaughter, Defence Vessels (HMC Ships Ships Whitehorse and Nanaimo, ed Operation Caribbe since Phoebe Feilde, Brandon, Goose Bay, Nanaimo, obtained earlier this year while November 2006 and remain for the first time Shawinigan and Whitehorse), deployed in the Eastern Pacific. committed to working with after disembark- two Halifax-class frigate with “I have seen the terrible dam- Western Hemisphere and ing from HMCS their embarked CH-124 Sea age inflicted onto Canadian cit- European partners to address Whitehorse. King helicopter (HMC Ships ies and citizens caused by orga- security challenges in the region Winnipeg and ), and nized crime and their business and successfully disrupt illicit one Iroquois-class destroyer in drug trafficking,” said Harjit trafficking operations. Peter Mallett, Lookout GORGE VALE GOLF CLUB NEW Boatswain's coin is in production! * Reserve NOW at the Sharkz Store OUR for delivery mid-late January 2016! $6,000 NO ENTRANCE FEE Price: $10.50 each plus tax. FForor MilitaryMilitary MembersMembers andand VeteransVeterans THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATSWAI BO N SERVICE

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Plan your way home if you want to drink! Be safe. Arrive alive. 250-383-3337 ❄ 1-1258 Esquimalt Rd 4 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015 ofOPINION WHO WE ARE mattersOn assignment at the Wardroom, Lookout posed this question to Base Foods staff: MANAGING EDITOR What is your favorite holiday tradition? Melissa Atkinson 250-363-3372 People Talk [email protected]

STAFF WRITERS Rachel Lallouz 250-363-3672 [email protected] Peter Mallett 250-363-3130 [email protected]

PRODUCTION Carmel Ecker 250-363-8033 [email protected] Shelley Fox 250-363-8033 We like to open up one Our family always goes My favorite holiday tradi- [email protected] The cooks that work during I have my own family and Christmas gift each on Christmas and might be down to the ginger bread tion is demolishing ginger kids and we are making RECEPTION 250-363-3127 Christmas Eve in my family. away from their families get house display at Laurel bread houses with my kids our own traditions, like I love just getting that time together and spend either Point Inn and we also go on Christmas Eve. a big unveiling of all the ACCOUNTS/CLASSIFIEDS to hang out with them. Christmas Eve or Christmas to The Empress to see the Christmas presents on Heather Catte 250-363-3127 day having some fun at the Christmas trees. Aaron Morrison, Christmas morning. [email protected] Cpl Juha Humalamaki casino. It’s a blast. Banquet Chef SALES REPRESENTATIVES Janeen Ball, Pte Eric Baron Ivan Groth 250-363-3133 Cpl Steven Griffey Cook for Base Foods [email protected]

Joshua Buck 250-363-8602 [email protected] WHAT SAY WE

EDITORIAL ADVISOR Lt(N) Nicole Murillo 250-363-4006 Sara Helmeczi 250-363-7060 Stay safe this holiday season, don’t drink and drive

Published each Monday, under the authority of Capt(N) Steve Waddell, Base Commander. Cpl Dustin Renz Le LOOKOUT est publié tous les lundi, Military Police Unit Esquimalt sous l’égide du Capt(N) Steve Waddell, Commandant de la Base. The time of year is once again upon us when we find our schedules busy with holi- The editor reserves the right to edit, abridge day parties and visits with friends and family. or reject copy or advertising to adhere to policy as outlined in PSP Policy Manual. Views During these joyous occasions, gifts will be and opinions expressed are not necessarily exchanged, laughs will be shared, and drinks those of the Department of National Defence. will be enjoyed. Le Rédacteur se réserve le droit de modi- With so much going on this month, we urge fier, de condenser ou de rejeter les articles, you to remember something very important: photographies, ou annonces plublicitaires Don’t drink and drive. pour adhérer Manuel des politiques des PSP. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Les opinions et annonces exprimées dans le journal ne réflètent pas nécéssairement le Canada estimates there are between 1,250 point de vue du MDN. and 1,500 impairment-related crash deaths in Canada each year (3.4 – 4.1 deaths per day). Let’s help to lower that statistic this year. It only takes a few minutes and a couple of extra dollars to arrange a safe ride home, and Circulation - 4,000 with so much at stake (lives, mobility, careers, plus 1,000 pdf downloads per week etcetera), it’s worth it. One year subscription - $66.94 It is a criminal offence to operate, or be in care or control of a motor vehicle, whether 47 Six month subscription - $33. it is in motion or not, while your ability to Prices include tax. operate the vehicle is impaired by alcohol or A Division of Personnel Support Programs drugs. CFB Esquimalt, PO Box 17000 Stn. Forces, If you are at fault for a death that occurs Victoria, BC V9A 7N2 as a result of impaired driving, you will be Web: www.lookoutnewspaper.com eligible for life imprisonment. morning after you have consumed alcohol, Please remember, if at any time you see a Fax: 250-363-3015 The best thing you can do to stay safe is to you may still be over the legal limit to oper- driver who appears impaired, call 911. You Canadian Mail Product Sales Agreement 40063331 plan ahead. There are many options to get ate a motor vehicle. Alcohol can take time to could potentially save a life. you home safe: cabs, sober friends, designated eliminate itself from the body, and the time it The Military Police will be conducting ran- driver services, and dial-a-driver are a few. takes is different for everyone. Although you dom impaired driving check-points at CFB Remind your guests and friends of these may feel like you’re fine to drive, this is often Esquimalt and in the residential housing areas options to ensure they have a safe ride home not the case. If ever you’re uncertain, give to combat impaired driving and to make sure CANADIAN COMMUNITY at the end of the night. yourself more time until you’re absolutely everyone enjoys their holiday season in a safe NEWSPAPER sure you are sober. and responsible manner. AWARD 2014 It’s important to be aware that even the

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Thai dining at its Best! Victoria Vancouver 2956 WestshoreWestshore ParkwayParkway • www.savagecycles.cawww.savagecycle • 250-475-8885 1207A Esquimalt Rd. • 389-1845 • www.zapthai.com 1207 Douglas St., Suite 414 625 Howe St., Suite 1120 December 7, 2015 LOOKOUT • 5 NORAD celebrates 60 years of tracking Santa

Royal Canadian Air Force Public Affairs North American airspace 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” says Major-General David The Canadian NORAD Region kicks off Wheeler, Commander Canadian NORAD the 60th anniversary of tracking Santa’s yule- Region. “It’s a great responsibility to ensure tide journey from the North Pole with the Santa’s safe passage around North America so naming of his escort pilots and tracking crews that he can continue his journey of goodwill for the important job. and cheer. We’re honoured to celebrate 60 Santa’s escort pilots from 3 Wing Bagotville, successful years of this gratifying mission.” Quebec, are Captain Andrew Jakubaitis, and The NORAD Tracks Santa website: www. Captain Pierre-David Boivin. The CF-188 noradsanta.org, now live and available in eight Hornet crew chiefs supporting them are languages, features Santa’s North Pole Village, Master Corporal Marc-André David and including a holiday countdown, games, activi- Corporal Steeven Cantin. ties, and more. Santa’s escort pilots from 4 Wing Cold Lake, Starting at 12:01 a.m. MST on Dec. 24, Alberta, are Lieutenant-Colonel William website visitors can watch Santa make prepa- Radiff, and United States Marine Corps rations for his flight. NORAD’s “Santa Cams” Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Bortnem. Their will stream videos on the website as Santa CF-188 Hornet crew chiefs are Corporal makes his way over various locations. Then, Sean Adel and Aviator Laurie Dunbar. at 4 a.m. MST (6 a.m. EST), trackers world- Santa Trackers from 21 Aerospace Control wide can speak with a live phone operator and Warning Squadron at 22 Wing North to inquire as to Santa’s whereabouts by dial- Bay, Ontario, include RCAF Major Darren ing the toll-free number 1-877-Hi-NORAD Reck and Captain Pierre Grignon, and United (1-877-446-6723) or by sending an email to States Air Force Technical Sergeant Amanda [email protected]. Pascoe. The team’s duty it is to maintain radio Any time on Dec. 24, Windows Phone contact with Santa and his escort pilots. users can ask Cortana for Santa’s location, “The men and women of the Canadian and OnStar subscribers can press the OnStar NORAD Region keep watchful eyes over button in their vehicles to find Santa.

LS Alex Roy, Imaging Section Bagotville CF-188 Hornet Pilot Capt Andrew “Sauce” Jakubaitis Cpl Rob Ouellette, 22 Wing North Bay along with CF-188 Hornet Members of 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron’s Bravo Flight maintainer Cpl Steeven Technical Sgt Amanda Pascoe (left), United States Air Force, Maj Darren Reck Cantin stand by to escort (centre), Bravo Flight Commander, and Capt Pierre Grignon (right), Deputy Santa on his trip across Flight Commander, review Santa’s possible course into Canadian Air Space using North America. an Enroute High Altitude Chart. 6 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015

Base Taxi Service for Naden, Dockyard & Work Point Monday to Friday 7:30am to 3pm Available for military-related appointments on base. Taxi Dispatch 250-363-2384

Gifts abound... we have more than coins! Best of the season to all whom serve! Cpl N. Spence, 19 Wing Imaging #101,#101,, 1245 Esquimalt Rd Above: Commander RAdm Gilles Couturier is hoisted 250-47250-479-50189-5018 or to the ground during a Canadian Forces Cormorant Helicopter Familiarity [email protected]@sharkzcoins.ca Flight on Dec. 1.

sharkzcoins.casharkzcoins.ca CustomCustom cchallengehallenge coins anandd pipinsns Left: RAdm Couturier braces himself against the force of the Cormorant helicopter’s downdraft. Admiral hangs out with SAR Technicians Capt Jerrett Feist lated casualty. RAdm Couturier was 442 Squadron able to experience the effect of the RAdm Couturier was strong rotor wash on the vessel, as A CH149 Cormorant crew from given the opportunity well as the precision and teamwork 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron required to affect a safe and effi- in Comox had the opportunity to to brush up on his cient maritime rescue. welcome aboard Rear-Admiral flying skills under the Following a quick break for lunch Gilles Couturier during a recent in Vancouver, the Cormorant crew training mission conducted in the careful supervision of tackled another simulated scenario, Vancouver area Dec.1. a distress call two nautical miles RAdm Couturier is the pilot instructor Capt to the west of Shawnigan Lake Commander of Maritime Forces Aaron Noble. on . The crew Pacific and is the authority for quickly departed out of Vancouver search and rescue in the Victoria International Airport and proceeded search and rescue region, which given the opportunity to brush up to the simulated distress location. encompasses all of , on his flying skills under the careful Once on scene, RAdm Couturier the Yukon Territory and the Pacific supervision of pilot instructor Capt assumed the role of a third SAR Ocean for hundreds of kilometres “Aaron Noble. technician and was lowered by hoist offshore. The Cormorant crew quickly to the remote location in order to The aim was to provide the switched gears in order to demon- provide simulated casualty care and Commander a first-hand experience strate a live boat hoist sequence extraction. www.seaspan.com of the capabilities of the Cormorant to a Canadian Coast Guard hover- Following the land sequence, 250-380-1602 helicopter in maritime and land craft operating just to the south of RAdm Couturier undertook a quick environments. Bowen Island. In the scenario, two aerial inspection of his home sta- After meeting with the search and rescue technicians were tion, Maritime Forces Pacific, locat- Commander at HMCS Discovery lowered to the vessel in order to ed in Esquimalt, before releasing in Vancouver, RAdm Couturier was practice the extraction of a simu- the crew to return to Comox. December 21, 2015 LOOKOUT • 7

C hristmashristmas ccheerheer oonn deploymentdeployment

Cpl Stuart MacNeil, HMCS Winnipeg Left: Santa Claus helps members of HMCS Winnipeg bring on board holiday care packages sent from friends and families through the Military Family Resource Centre in Cartagena, Spain, on Dec. 16, during Operation Reassurance. Above: Santa passes a mail package to LCdr Kevin Whiteside.

HMCS Winnipeg Health Challenge winners

Cdr Belhumeur presents LS Shaun Reilly with his Cdr Pascal Belhumeur (left) presents the second Cdr Belhumeur presents third place winner PO1 first place prize for winning the Health Challenge. place prize to PO2 Stephen McArther. Sherri Jones with her prize.

$28,690 Up to $1,000 MSRP HappyHaadditionalppy HolidaysH savingsolid aony Scions ThankT youfor recentto all whom high schoolserve, or our veteranscollege and graduates. their familiess 8 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015 Winnipeg’s band raises morale during long deployment MS Bevin Gordichuk practice space, the much larger HMCS Winnipeg group managed to increase their song list to over 25 songs in a four “When musicians get together week period. By mid-September, and combine their efforts to produce Lt(N) Squires was the second a single sound, it’s some of the most rhythm guitar playing at jam symbiotic team work one can imag- sessions, and LS Camellato was ine. If you want to observe team pounding the electronic drum kit work that approaches perfection, provided by Personnel Support check out a well-rehearsed band.” Progrmas for the ship. PO2 Pete Fraser, November 2015. Staying in the realm of rock and HMCS Winnipeg’s cover band roll, they transcend six decades - ‘The Zeroes’ were ready to of music, covering artists such as perform their first shore gig in Elvis Presley and Tom Petty to Toulon, France, Nov. 19, but the Radiohead and Sublime. After terrorist attacks in Paris inter- making a small music video for rupted their plan. It was a shock- BBC News, London, and NATO ing reminder of the importance TV in early August, they turned of the ship’s mission during their their sights on the most important nine-month deployment on asset on their ship – morale. Operation Reassurance. PO2 Fraser, the big bass man The band has a strong following observes, “The biggest benefit for and has participated in morale- me would be the sense of nor- raising events throughout the malcy music provides. When the deployment. HMCS Winnipeg’s cover band, “The Zeroes”. band is playing, there is no rank, Their crowning achieve- no officers, senior non-commis- ment to date was the visit from The band members - lead bass, and LS Chisling for guitar. When MS Gordichuk synthe- sioned members, or junior ranks; Team Canada, which included singer and rhythm guitar Lt(N) “I had only been playing guitar siser arrived in Porto, Portugal, he it is musicians making music. It is the Commander of the Royal Justin Dunn, lead guitar LS for a few years as a hobby and joined the group. an amazing break from life at sea. Canadian Navy (RCN), RCN Brian Bourassa, acoustic guitar didn’t really give it enough atten- “My first jam session with them For those precious hours we are in Command Chief, former LS Joseph Chisling, keyboard- tion,” said LS Chisling. “Working was in the fridge flats, and I didn’t a different place, and that can be a hockey and football stars, and ist MS Bevin Gordichuk, bassist with the guys over the course of have a keyboard stand so I used powerful recovery period during a Honorary Captain (Navy) Arlene PO2 Pete Fraser, and drummer LS the deployment has opened up a AFFF canisters to set my synth on nine month deployment.” Dickenson. They met in Belfast, Dan Camellato (a.k.a. Animal) whole new world to me. Playing to play,” MS Gordichuk chuckles. Even if The Zeroes never get to Ireland on Oct. 10 where the - formed the group after Lt(N) in a band is a great pastime and “It became a signature prop of the play a gig ashore, they have pro- Zeroes played a six-song set fol- Dunn and LS Bourassa began a way to build morale among the group.” vided entertainment and enjoy- lowed by an encore with two-time jamming in Cabin zero as a way crew. I remember the first time The jam sessions quickly devel- ment for a ship full of people who Juno Award nominated musician to decompress and share their we all got together I was asked to oped from a collective interest are a long way from home, and Kira Isabella Wilkie to sustained love of playing music during the play a C and a D note. I had no into sharing their passion for they have made one of the longest applause from their appreciative deployment. idea what a C was but I always music with shipmates. So, despite journeys in many sailors’ lives a ship mates. They recruited PO2 Fraser for knew the D.” long “mids” watches and limited bit easier for all. December 21, 2015 LOOKOUT • 9 Firefighters’ Santa Run helping families in the red

Peter Mallett Rescue. “Doing this only takes a couple Staff Writer of hours of our time, but in the end we get to put some more smiles on people’s Base firefighters are switching on their faces at the holidays.” sirens and lights, not for an emergency Funds raised from this year’s event will call but for the CFB Esquimalt Fire be presented to the Esquimalt Military Rescue Annual Santa Run. Family Resource Centre to be used to buy On Monday Dec. 21, beginning at 5:30 gift cards from Thrifty Foods. p.m. firefighters will hop aboard a fully Lt Grant says the initiative is designed Local - Reliable - Safe decorated fire engine truck and traverse to help families in the military family 2925 DOUGLAS STREET Also serving the WESTSHORE COMMUNITY community who find themselves in an the base making stops at Dockyard, VICTORIA, BC V8T 4M8 www.westwindtaxi.com • 250.474.4747 Signal Hill, Naden and Work Point in emergency situation and need some assis- an effort to collect cash donations and tance getting back on their feet. non-perishable food items for the less The fire engine will be decorated and fortunate. adorned with lights and Lt Grant says WESTSHORE U-LOCK MINI STORAGE they plan to hand out candy canes “to WESTSHORE U-LOCK MINI STORAGE “We work within the CAF commu- MILITARY children young and old” during their jour- nity and just want to give something DISCOUNT back to those in need, or those who will ney. The firefighters will also be making a OFFERED have trouble making ends meet after the cash donation to the kitty after complet- holiday bills are paid,” said Lt Jim Grant, ing their own fund-raising initiatives in ca a firefighter with CFB Esquimalt Fire the weeks leading up to the Santa Run. PSP survey aimed at fitness resolution Peter Mallett effectiveness and convenience in an effort Staff Writer to meet their mandate of enhancing the health and well-being of CAF members. Residential and Commercial storage Award winning, modern facility Organizers of base fitness programs need The 11-question survey was launched on Individually alarmed lockers Easy monthly rentals your input in getting its classes and pro- Monday, Dec. 14 and wraps up at midnight Heated lockers Easy access grams in ship-shape for 2016. on Jan. 17, 2016. selfstorage.ca 1621 Island Highway, 250-478-8767 Personnel Support Programs staff (PSP) have created an online survey of non- mandated fitness programs and classes at Naden Athletic Centre and Dockyard Gym, to gauge whether they are the right fit for CAF members and DND civilians within the Formation. “We want people to get excited and engaged in our fitness programs, and improving them is an important part of our business model,” said Matt Carlson, PSP Fitness Coordinator. “The timing of this survey couldn’t be better because as enjoy our deals on the people look to the New Year they are start- ing to think of their fitness-related goals.” canex no interest credit plan A link to the survey is currently available on the MARPAC Notice Board and PSP’s Naden Athletic Centre Facebook page. Carlson says instructors and organizers of the various fitness classes need to know don’t pay until if they are offering the right programs, and how to improve customer satisfaction, march 2016! Get your teen active with cadets plus no money down not even the taxes *OAC Does your teenager (ages 12-18) crave climbing. They will also learn to become exciting outdoor activities where their per- outdoor leaders. sonal limits as individuals and team-members Learn more at the 2136 C Scot R Army will be tested? Consider the army cadets. Cadets Open House at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Army cadets develop use of map and Jan. 7, 2016 at the Bay Street Armouries, 715 PROFITEZ DE NOS OFFRES À L’AIDE DU compass skills, GPS technology, orienteer- Bay Street Victoria. ing, first-aid, camping and survival skills, Phone: 250-363-8005 (at Armouries) PLAN DE CRÉDIT SANS INTÉRÊT DE CANEX canoeing, trekking and more. As teens get www.2136cadets.ca more experienced, some will be selected for Contact Captain Stephan Jones at parachuting, white-water rafting and glacier [email protected]. NE PAYEZ RIEN A FULL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR FACILITY Winner of the “2010 BEST SERVICE AWARD” from Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce AVANT MARS Induction & Fuel Injection Service Oil service Out of Province Inspection Electrical Diesel Fuel Service Exhaust Brake service Tires 2016! Ask about BG Protection Plan* Where Dependability and Trust are a Priority... * under 80,000 km Ne versez aucun acompte, même pas les taxes *S.A.C. 784 Fairview Rd. • 250-383-5509 • tracksideautoservice.ca 10 • Lookout December 21, 2015 December 21, 2015 Lookout • 11

N THE Health challenge on board HMCS Winnipeg I GREEN E V I Mental health awareness at spurs sailors to make healthier choices L the fore of frontline workers Rachel Lallouz Coordinator, who was post- working out for 30 minutes of its kind held while on a Staff Writer ed to Winnipeg to imple- was awarded five points. deployment. Peter Mallett affected suffer in silence from the fear of Globe and Mail two days earlier that their toll-free number 1-800-353-3329. ment exercise programs on The more points a mem- With one third of crew Staff Writer being judged, or their concerns rejected. revealed increased suicide rates among The MFRC provides a wide-range of A total of 85 crewmem- board the ship. ber had at a given point in participating, Verrier marks In the much those deployed. supports from confidential one-on-one bers on board HMCS “The idea was to bring the challenge, the earlier the challenge as a success. For many, the holiday season fills them work is being done to whittle away General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the counselling to linking up individuals with Winnipeg completed a vol- awareness to military mem- that member’s name was “I think it definitely got with joy, happiness and optimism. But that stigma through the Road to Mental Defence Staff, has also pledged to take the help they need through appropriate untary, month-long Health bers about choices they included in a hat for a draw. people talking about what for some, the season can bring on mel- Readiness Program, the Mental Health action, saying the well-being of military health care providers, and support ser- and Wellness Challenge on make in daily living, and to If a member participated in is considered ‘healthy’ and ancholy. Continuum model, and the Strengthening members and their families is his highest vices both on and off the base. Oct. 31 while on Operation promote a healthier overall the whole challenge, they what isn’t,” says Verrier. “I That sadness can be brought about the Forces Health Promotion programs, priority. “Everyone’s needs are unique so we sit Reassurance in the waters lifestyle,” says Verrier. had the highest chances of also noticed the crew eating from stress, mental health issues, addic- plus strong promotion of Bell’s Let’s Talk “To all members of the Canadian down with people and find out where near Istanbul. Points were awarded to winning the most desired more vegetables and less tions, and loneliness. Day. Armed Forces, if you think that you or they are at,” said Destura. “The job of The on-board chal- crewmembers for minor prizes. dessert.” On base, a team of frontline healthcare Clinical Leader of Mental Health someone you know needs help, get it all front-line workers is making sure lenge, which started Oct.1, behavioural changes in Motivational prizes pro- Verrier’s next challenge workers are at the ready to assist defence Services, Maj Andrea Tuka says the atti- now,” said Gen Vance. “Go to your near- people are safe and have the appropriate was organized by Sylvain exercise and food con- vided by the PSP spon- for the Winnipeg crew employees who are having a tough time tudes are changing and they can clearly est Canadian Armed Forces health clinic resources and supports to contact.” Verrier, PSP Fitness, sumption. Participants were sorship program included members is called “Duffless navigating holiday emotions. see it here at the base clinic. or civilian emergency health care centre. Awareness and prevention education is Sports, and Recreation given booklets to track their a Sony camera, G-shock December.” The challenge “Certainly the holiday season does raise “Our department has never been bus- All levels of the Canadian Armed Forces critical to create a culture where people points based on the hon- watch, backpacks, tumblers, asks participants to eat zero these emotions and anxieties in certain ier, and the chain of command is truly leadership, and I, support you. You are feel supported and seek support early in our system. Every healthy navy run T-shirts, and back- “duff” (dessert) from Dec.1 people, but there is now an improved engaged about mental health. They are not alone.” their struggles, says Health Promotion choice, like choosing more packs. to Dec. 23. awareness that we must look after our assisting and escorting people to our In an effort to address mental health Manager, Maryse Neilson. Her team vegetables at dinner or The challenge is the first See the winners on page 7. personnel and our families at this time department because of their deep con- problems and suicide rates for retired of trained professionals operate out of of year,” says Commander Charles Cross, cerns about their people.” military members, the Defence Minister the Naden Athletic Centre and provide Formation Surgeon. Canada’s new Defence Minister Harjit has pledged to re-open nine regional health promotion programs to defence He is hoping people will reach out Singh Sajjan and the Liberal government Veterans Affairs Canada offices and to team members. to the myriad of resources available to recently instructed Canada’s military to hire 400 new support staff. “We promote the Mental Health help address mental health issues. But make suicide and mental health issues Support is also available for family Continuum as one tool in which individ- he knows the stigma attached to mental a priority, imploring military members members of military personnel. Priscilla uals can understand what behaviours are health blocks many from seeking help. to “identify a way forward.” His words Destura, a social worker for the Military concerning, and learn how to take action Statistics show 20 per cent of Canadians came in the wake of a report by the Family Resource Centre Esquimalt says themselves,” said Neilson. “It’s important will experience a mental illness at one CAF’s Chief Surgeon-General on Nov. MFRC staff are on call 24 hours a day to seek help as soon as you believe you point in their life. But two thirds of those 10 and an independent report by The over the holidays and people can call are behaving in ways that put you at risk.”

Base Resources Community Resources • Distress Suicide Line • Urgent Care Clinic, CFHSvcsC(P): 250-363-4482 open Administrative • Military Family Resource Centre 1-800-784-2433 (available 24/7 daily except on stat holidays/weekends • Clinic Duty Officer (MFRC) (available 24/7) • Vancouver Island Need Crisis 250-363-2640 / 1-800-353-3329 • Mental Health Clinic: 250-363-4411 open daily 07:30- 250-744-8221 (available 24/7). Line 1-888-494-3888 (available 1600 except on stat holidays/weekends; note Mental The duty officer should be con- • CAF Member Assistance 24/7) Health Clinic and Primary Care will be closed as noon tacted for medical advisories such Program: 1-800-268-7708 • Victoria Mental Health Services Dec.24 and re-opens Jan. 4, 2016 as reporting hospital admittance. (available 24/7) 250-370-8175 (physician’s It is important to note that the • Employee Assistance Program: referral required) • Duty Padre through the Military Family Resource Centre: duty officer is not on call to 250-363-7968 / 1-800-268-7708 • Victoria Women’s Sexual Assault 250-363-2640 or 1-800-353-3329 (available 24/7) address clinical issues or (available 24/7) Centre 250-383-3232 • Family Violence Team through the Mental Health emergencies Department: 250-363-4411 (open daily except on stat • Family Information Line (avail- holidays/weekends) able 24/7) 1-800-866-4546 • Military Police: 250-363-4032 (available 24/7)

Mental & Social Wellness Organizational Wellness “During the Holidays, I plan to keep things in per- “I am a proud working mom of spective and remind myself that whatever stress I two children and lucky to have a am dealing with is only temporary and can be alle- great husband who still makes me well wishe smile and laugh after 23 years. I try Happiness s viated through mental fitness. I know when I go through a rough patch, I am slower getting out of to remember the “holiday” in the & bed in the morning. I have learned to incorporate Christmas holidays – make sure you h gratitude into my life so I set my alarm just five are truly present when on leave. An lt minutes earlier and lie in bed think of a few things important part of my work-life bal- a The holidays are a wonderful time each morning that I am grateful for. This reduces ance is self-care. This focus on ME to reconnect with family and friends, my initial stress by creating a pleasant space in my helps me truly appreciate the joy of e mind instead of rushing through my morning routine the season. I make sure that I have but they can also be a time of over- and worrying about all the things I have to do that day.” relaxing time by taking walks, getting H indulgence, too much stress, unmet - A/SLt Hannah Harrison, MARPAC HQ enough sleep and spending unrushed time playing games with my kids and expectations and loneliness, for some. “Christmas...full of cheer and excitement, the decorations, husband.” This holiday, work on creating balance Nutritional Wellness the magic, the excited children! Sometimes I don’t feel very Addictions-free living - Margot Cutcher, and staying in the green. “My family and I have made a commitment “merry”? It’s because my mom passed last year. Our traditions “During the holidays drinking Manager of the to healthier lifestyle; we are down 30lbs for our are mom’s traditions, I miss her and am determined to enjoy opportunities abound. I attempt good Learning and Here are some great tips from six folks efforts! Coming into the holidays I was a bit ner- the holidays, even if I shed tears in the process. How am balance by having a glass of water Career Centre at Active Living vous, but we have a plan. Balance is our theme, I working toward being myself again? Eat healthy around the Formation that touch on “The holidays are an exciting time between each drink and making sure CFB Esquimalt something we have not had in over 10 years. (most days), drink water, ride my horse, cuddle my I pace myself by having standard the five pillars of the MARPAC Health with lots of social events, family outings, Watching what we put into our bodies and using dog and focus on the positive things in my life. and plenty of great food and drink; I find size drinks. In addition, I strive to And Wellness Strategy: smaller plates helps. Balance does not mean we Understanding colleagues, and a supportive family be a good host by ensuring there are getting outdoors for a rigorous family have to avoid all holiday parties; we want to chal- also help. The most important resource I have is activity or getting out for a walk with non-alcoholic drinks at every party lenge ourselves to make good choices. We can myself. I am a friend to myself, and do not expect and ensuring guests have a safe way my dog is a great way to de-stress, burn have that dip we love so much, but not the whole perfection. I have told myself that this year it is ok off the extra calories, and check out the home. Please be safe this holiday bowl, have a sweet or two while out with friends, to be average. I am patient with myself, because I season and don’t drink and drive!” neighbour’s Christmas lights.” just not five. By keeping balance we’re not deny- know eventually, with support and understanding, I – CPO1 Bob Anderson, AJAG, - Alli Jones, ing ourselves but showing food that we have the will be myself again.” Health Promotion Specialist Co-Chair Active Living Working power to have a healthy lifestyle.” - Nora Johnson, EAP Manager Group – Jennifer Campbell and Family 12 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015 CAF SPORTS AWARDS

Pascale Lalonde Community Banking support to the promotion CWO Tony Stuckless. CFMWSand program.the winnersand development of are...CAF Traditionally, the presen- This year’s ceremony sports. The recipients were tation of the awards for The atmosphere was marked the 30th anniver- LCdr (Ret’d) Antonio CAF Sports Achievement electric in Ottawa as sary of the CAF joining Zezza, WO David Oakie, is one of the most exciting Canadian Armed Forces’ CISM, le Conseil interna- and Sgt (Ret’d) George parts of the ceremony. (CAF) top athletes, coach- tional de sport militaire, Mooney. This year’s individual es, officials and teams and it was highlighted The next athletes to winners were: were reunited to celebrate with the CISM Order of be honoured were two • OS Yvette Yong, athletic excellence at the Merit awarded to four CAF deserving members named Female Athlete of the Year annual Sports Awards members: LGen Christine to the CAF Honour Roll • Maj Martin Ceremony Nov. 27. Whitecross to the grade in recognition of their out- Lamontagne-Lacasse, VAdm Mark Norman, of Grand Officer: Maj standing accomplishments: Male Athlete of the Year Commander of the Royal Kevin Poirier to the grade badminton athlete MWO • PO2 Craig Wells, Canadian Navy, and of Knight: WO (Retd) Mario Gervais, and squash Coach of the Year Cmdre Mark Watson, Kenneth McDonald to the athlete Capt Khaled El • Cpl Andy Social, Director General Morale grade of Grand Knight; Seweify. They both have Official of the Year and Welfare Services, and Sgt (Retd) George made a significant con- The final awards of were among distinguished Mooney to the grade of tribution to the Sports the evening were given Above: OS Yvette Yong won Female Athlete of the guests that also includ- Grand Knight. Program throughout their to the CAF CISM Men’s Year. ed representatives from New this year was respective military careers. Fencing Team, and 14 Bottom right: LCdr (Ret’d) Antonio Zezza (cen- sponsors Canadian Tire, the Dedication to CAF The most prestigious Wing Greenwood Men’s tre) receives the Dedication to Sports award from Sport Chek and Sports Sports award that rec- category followed with the Slo-Pitch Team, respec- VAdm Mark Norman (right), Commander of the Experts, as well as BMO ognized those who have induction into the CAF tively honoured as Team Royal Canadian Navy, and CPO1 Tom Riefesel. Bank of Montreal and gone above and beyond to Sports Hall of Fame. This of the Year for Individual Bottom left: PO2 Class Craig Wells (middle) receives the Canadian Defence provide time, effort and year’s inductee was golfer and Collective Sports. the Coach of the Year award from Landon French (left) and Lisa Levac (right). To learn more about the winners’ accomplishments, visit www.CAFSportsAwardsCeremony.ca. Bottom photos by Cpl Michael J. MacIsaac, Canadian Forces Experience the ceremony in pictures at www.flickr.com/photos/CAFSportsAwards. Support Unit (Ottawa) Imaging Services

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Photos by Cpl Katharine Quint, Contributor A group photo of the Pacific Region Women’s Soccer team from Esquimalt who won the Championship for the Women’s Soccer Nationals hosted by CFB Borden, Ontario. Merry Christmas from 2015 a treble of firsts for CFB theh Pacififi c Fleetl Clubl b Esquimalt women’s soccer team The Pacifi c Fleet Club will be Closed Peter Mallet ence as a player where he gained Staff Writer true insight into successful coaching TH RD We lost our first two techniques. from Dec 19 to Jan 3 2015 was a year of firsts for the games but just kept He credits his step-father Derek Pacific Region Women’s Soccer team. Possee, who played forward for the They won their first Canadian getting stronger every 1979 NASL Soccer Bowl Champion Armed Forces National Championship game after that point, Vancouver Whitecaps and Tottenham trophy, and collected their first-ever Hotspur (1963 to 1967), and Crystal award at the annual sports awards and then won four Palace (1973 to 1974) of the English luncheon in Esquimalt, where they Premier League (then First Division), were crowned Breakthrough Team of games in a row. for developing his skills as a coach. the Year. -Sgt Caleb Klimas After his playing days were over, But the real kicker is they couldn’t Possee eventually became head coach have achieved it without the guidance a complete surprise” to her and her for Canada’s youth development of first-time, rookie coach Sgt Caleb teammates. It’s always been an uphill teams between 2001 and 2003, and Klimas. battle for the Pacific team because of was also the B.C. Soccer Association’s “We were complete underdogs head- the constant deployments, she says, head coach for five years. ing into the national tournament,” says “and sailings at the base coupled with Sgt Klimas used to help out as an Sgt Klimas, a medical technician at a smaller pool of players to draw from equipment manager and trainer with the base clinic in CFB Esquimalt. “We makes it difficult to field a competi- some of Possee’s provincial teams and lost our first two games but just kept tive team. admits the experience was “invalu- UPCOMING EVENTS getting stronger every game after that “Sgt Klimas was a communicator, a able” to him. point, and then won four games in a motivator, but also had an easy-going “I watched how he did things and row.” and relaxed style of coaching that was how he had a calm steadying effect, Pacifi c Fleet Club The Pacific Region team hoisted a perfect fit for this team,” says Lt(N) and I tried to carry this over when I the Nichola Goddard Trophy at CFB Nguyen, a combat systems engineer- started coaching,” said Sgt Klimas. will see you again Borden on Sept. 13 after defeating ing officer with HCM West. As they look ahead to what 2016 in 2016! Quebec 2-1 on penalty kicks. Sgt Klimas played youth soccer on brings, Sgt Klimas is confident the Midfielder Lt(N) Tien Nguyen rep- the lower mainland in Surrey and team can repeat as champions and resented the Pacific Region’s team at served as a defender for Kwantlen he hopes to continue his role behind Jan 7, 14, 21 & 28 - the tournament for the third time, and Polytechnic Institute soccer team. But the bench for Pacific Region if work Poker, Karaoke & Wings said the victory over Quebec “came as he admits it really wasn’t his experi- commitments allow. Feb 6 - UFC 196 Feb 7 - Super Bowl 50 Feb 13 - Valentine’s Day Even

Weddings, Birthday Parties, Banquets & Corporate Events Contact the Events Coordinator at 250-363-3146

And don’t forget to A member of the Pacific Region women’s soccer Representing CFB Borden, Base Commander LCol team challenges for the ball during CAF national Christopher Shapka presents the winning banner check out our Facebook page: championship action at CFB Borden. to coach Sgt Caleb Klimas and team captain Capt Facebook.com/ThePacifi cFleetClub Victoria Blakie. 14 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015 SoldiersSoldiersSoldiers atatat thethethe readyreadyready tototo keepkeepkeep RogersRogersRogers PassPassPass openopenopen Peter Mallett steep mountains, and high “The longer we keep the excellent example of how until February when troops casters are constantly taking Staff writer levels of snowfall, avalanches transportation lines open by government department agen- from CFB Valcartier take over measurements of snow depth, are a common occurrence, and implementing controlled ava- cies can work together using the post. density and consistency, and Stationed high up in the when they happen they have lanches, the better it is for their expertise to achieve Lt Brideau and his troop alerting Lt Brideau and DND Columbia Mountains in south- the potential to shut down the everyone on the roadway.” a common goal,” says Jeff have had a busy season so staff to the most troublesome eastern B.C., at an elevation Trans Canada highway and The busy mountain pass Goodrich, Senior Avalanche far. In the first few weeks of spots. of 1,329 metres, a troop made CP rail corridor. sees over 3,000 vehicles and Officer with Parks Canada. December, wave-upon-wave Sometimes the roads are up of gunners from the Royal Using two 105 mm howit- up to 32 trains per day, and “Parks Canada provides the of Pacific storms pounded the closed for clean up follow- Canadian Horse Artillery zers, the artillery unit fires at accounts for billions of dollars expertise and snow science B.C. coastline before climbing ing controlled avalanches that from Shilo, MB, and assort- predetermined targets up to of trade each year, according to predict when and where an upward and delivering their spill onto the roadway and ed reservist field regiments five kilometres away to inten- to Transport Canada. avalanche is likely to occur, payload in the form of heavy tracks. Parks Canada says throughout western Canada tionally trigger smaller, less Operation Palaci, a Parks and the CAF provides artillery snowfalls at higher altitudes. there are normally 100 hours are keeping Rogers Pass safe devastating slides as a way to Canada and Department of and support troops to bring At last count the maximum of road closures per year relat- for travellers over the winter mitigate a major avalanche. National Defence joint ini- the snow down before it poses height of snow recorded this ed to avalanche control work months. “The overall goal of tiative, is the world’s largest a threat.” season at the Rogers Pass in the area, and normally one Known as Operation Operation Palaci is to keep mobile avalanche control pro- The troop contingency is weather station at Mt Fidelity 12-plus hour closure every Palaci, the mission is to wage the highway open and safe gram, and at 54 years is the made up of 10 regular service was 184 cm on Nov.18, but year. an around-the-clock battle for everyone travelling dur- longest running operation in members from CFB Shilo that number is certain to climb. This is Lt Brideau’s first against avalanches in the nar- ing the holidays and through- CAF history, domestically or and seven Primary Reservists “The weather conditions deployment to Rogers Pass, row valley surrounded by out the winter,” says Lt Aaron expeditionary. from Western Canada who drive what they are doing on and despite the isolation, long mountains. Because of the Brideau, troop commander. “Operation Palaci is an will occupy their positions a day-to-day basis; they could hours and seemingly endless easily be out there shooting on parade of storms, he says it’s Christmas Day this year,” said an experience he won’t soon Capt Mark Hynes, who pro- tire of. vides logistical support to Op “The avalanches we trig- Palaci with Joint Task Force ger are definitely an impres- Pacific’s J3 Land Operations. sive site to see. It gives you “It’s in the cold weather, in an appreciation for the power sleet, snow and hail they are of the weapons we use, and out there trudging around in the avalanches we create,” he Rogers Pass doing vitally says. important work.” But it won’t be all hard Storms can bring a mixed work over the holidays. Lt bag of precipitation, and along Brideau says their chef is with them frequent tempera- planning a full Christmas din- ture fluctuations loosening ner at the Palaci bunkhouse the snow in Rogers Pass and in Glacier National Park, making it unstable. Twelve and holiday decorations have Parks Canada avalanche fore- already gone up.


Come and see what is going on at your Legion! We wish the A Legion membership offers fun social events, best of the exciting sports, and an opportunity to give back. holiday season to all members Join your local Legion Branch and help make of the military your community a better place. community

YYourour PPetet PalsPals Your pets’ wellness is our business legionbcyukon.ca 250-360-1322 NEW ADDRESS Email [email protected] #103A-1497 Admirals Rd REMEMBER • JOIN • GIVE Visit our Facebook page for more deals and healthy tips for your dogs and cats December 21, 2015 LOOKOUT • 15 Awarding of Harry DeWolf Caps Make a Volunteer difference 1-800-565-8111 A/SLt Kyle Reed have pre sented a number of ball caps girlguides.ca MARPAC Public Affairs in recent months as a reminder that the in the lives of girls first of the AOPS begun construction in On Thursday, Dec. 10, Commanding September, and will be coming online in Officer (designate) LCdr Corey Gleason, the next few years. The fact that HMCS Executive Officer LCdr Scott Meagher, Harry DeWolf, the lead ship in the Harry and Coxswain CPO1 Karl Bouchard, DeWolf class, already has its name and a the command team of the future HMCS command team is further evidence that Harry DeWolf, presented RAdm Gilles the ship’s arrival is fast-approaching. Couturier, Commander of Maritime The ship will reach a major milestone Forces Pacific and Joint Task Force in February when its keel is laid out in Pacific, and CPO1 Michael Feltham, the Halifax. Formation Chief Petty Officer, with the “I am extremely proud to see the ship’s ball caps. incoming command team have such “At the length of a Canadian foot- enthusiasm for their future command ball field, the Arctic Offshore Patrol and involvement with Canada’s newest Ships (AOPS) will bring sealift capabili- class of ship,” said RAdm Couturier. “The ties, helicopter support, and additional next step will be to ensure their excite- accommodations that will lend itself to ment is shared within the RCN and with support other government departments Canadians everywhere. The AOPS is a while it carries out its primary role: significant new platform that allows the continental defence,” says LCdr Gleason. RCN to continue to demonstrate excel- The Harry DeWolf command team lence at sea.”

Photos by Cpl Blaine Sewell, MARPAC Imaging Services

Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, RAdm Gilles Couturier (left) is presented with a new HMCS Harry DeWolf ball cap from the HMCS Harry DeWolf Commanding Officer LCdr Corey Gleason (right) at MARPAC Headquarters Dec. 10. Enjoy the festive season. We wish those who serve Formation Chief, CPO1 Mike Feltham (left) is all the best! presented with a new HMCS Harry DeWolf Downtown 250-388-5545 ball cap from the brownsfl orist.com HMCS Harry DeWolf Sidney 250-656-3313 Military Discount Coxswain, CPO1 Karl Westshore 778.433.5399 Bouchard (right).

Murray Rankin [email protected] 10% DND HAPPY HOLIDAYS • SHOP Discount • DONATE TO ALL WHO SERVE, OUR VETERANS • VOLUNTEER Holiday best wishes! AND THEIR FAMILIES 849 Orono Ave Offi ce Hours: Tuesday to Friday - 10am to 4pm LANGFORD 250-386-7867 Phone: 250-363-3600 • Fax: 250-363-8422 Toll Free:1-866-757-4762 331H Oak Street, www.fi rstmemorialfuneral.com VICTORIA 250-386-7867 Victoria Saanich - Garden of Memories restore@ 1155 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K9 4725 Falaise Drive, Saanich, BC V8Y 1B4 habitatvictoria.com 250-384-5512 250-658-5244 16 • LOOKOUT December 21, 2015 39 Canadian Forces Decoration Christmas & New Year’s Bravo Photos by LS Ogle Henry, MARPAC Imaging Services Church Services ZULU

Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Chapel (Naden) Our Lady Star Of The Sea Roman Catholic Chapel (Belmont Park)

Dec. 24 Christ The Redeemer Chapel Naden. 17:00hrs – vigil mass of Christmas

Dec. 24 Our Lady Star Of The Sea Chapel Belmont Park 19:00 hrs – children’s Christmas pageant 19:30 hrs- vigil mass of Christmas Maj Ahn Foort receives the Canadian Forces MCpl Shane Rolleston receives the Canadian 23:00 hrs – midnight mass of Christmas Decoration First Clasp from LCol Robert Alolega, Forces Decoration from LCol Alolega, with Commanding Officer of 39 Service Battalion, with CWO Paul Lavallee and WO Clyde Roberts Dec. 25 CWO Paul Lavallee and MWO Michael Morrison present. Belmont Park present. 10:30hrs – Christmas Day mass

Jan. 1, 2016 Belmont Park 10:30hrs – New Year mass

Regular Sunday mass schedule 09:00hrs - Naden 10:30hrs – Belmont Park

Weekday mass 10:30hrs every Wednesday – Belmont Park

MCpl Lincoln Chan receives the Canadian Forces MCpl Kevin McBride receives the Canadian Forces Decoration from LCol Alolega, with CWO Paul Decoration First Clasp from LCol Alolega, with Lavallee and MWO Michael Morrison present. CWO Paul Lavallee and MWO Michael Morrison Every Set of Lost Keys present. Has a Story War Amps announces collaborative partnership “I want to thank the person who found my keys and with Veterans Affairs Canada in assisting veteran called the number on the back of my War Amps amputees - The War Amps announced that it key tag. The War Amps returned them to me by has officially entered a collaborative partnership courier, free of charge, and saved me hundreds of with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to share dollars in replacement costs!” – Alex knowledge and expertise that will enhance the Order care of veteran amputees. The Association pro- Every year, key tags vides VAC with guidance in the area of prosthet- The War Amps ics and orthotics. It informs VAC’s program man- Key Tag Service returns online. approximately 13,000 agement and policy development, and assists sets of lost keys. the Department in making informed decisions related to emerging equipment and treatment. The formal announcement took place in Quebec The War Amps during the sixth Annual Canadian Institute for 1 800 250-3030 Military and Veteran Health Research Forum. Pictured here is Karen Valley, Director of The waramps.ca War Amps National Amputee Centre, present- The War Amps does not receive government grants. ing Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada, Charitable Registration No.: 13196 9628 RR0001 General Walter Natynczyk, with a plaque to commemorate the occasion. PACIFIC MAZDA Military & DND Incentive Program

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CPO1 Robert Spinelli, CFB Esquimalt MCpl Anita Kwasnicki, from MS Elisabeth Morin-Fortin, from Base Cpl Tyler Doucette, from Base Base Chief Petty Officer, is award- Transport, Electrical, and Mechanical Information Services, is awarded the Warehouse (Colwood), is awarded ed the Canadian Forces Decoration Engineering, is awarded the Canadian Canadian Forces Decoration for 12 the Canadian Forces Decoration for Second Clasp for 32 years of dedi- Forces Decoration First Clasp for 22 years of dedicated service. 12 years of dedicated service. cated service. years of dedicated service.

LS Duane Woytowich, from Base Sgt Jodie McLaughlin is promoted to PO2 Ben Salamon is promoted to his Lt(N) Tracy Barlow was awarded the Administration, is awarded the her current rank. current rank. Base Commander’s Commendation. Canadian Forces Decoration for 12 years of dedicated service. HMCS Malahat promotions Photos by PO2 Al van Akker, Contributor

LS Bryan Rozon is appointed to the rank of Master PO1 Graeme LeBlanc, a naval reservist and a Lt(N) Cam Miller, a naval reserve officer and Seaman by Capt(N) Patrick Montgomery, Regional Victoria Police Department police officer, is pro- Inspector with Nanaimo RCMP, is promoted to Captain at HMCS Malahat, Victoria’s naval reserve moted to Chief Petty Officer Second Class by Lieutenant Commander by Capt(N) Montgomery. division. Capt(N) Montgomery and Major Brendon LeBlanc. 18 • LOOKOUT CLASSIFIEDS December 21, 2015 &Real Estate RATES: MILITARY and DND PERSONNEL: 25 words $9.70 • ALL OTHERS: 20 words $11.09 • Each additional word 19¢ • Tax Included • DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Advertising: Thursday at 11a.m. Call 250•363•3127 to book your display or word ad ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC REAL ESTATE • FOR RENT STV TUNA IS LOOKING Register now for music les- SAXE POINT LARGE new for CF/Ex-CF/DND civilian sons at Esquimalt Music bachelor available 1 Jan N THE CEAN O O PROPERTIES OWNED AND MANAGED BY 250-361-3690 members to join the forces Centre. Reasonable rates, for quite non smoker, pvt offered sailing program. flexible hours! Call 250- entrance. $700/month + Toll Free 1-866-217-3612 Any one interested in sail- 385-2263 or visit www. hydro. Call 250-381-3805 FREE Heat & Hot Water - Card operated front load laundry/24hrs ing or learning to sail is esquimaltmusic.com for or email [email protected] MACAULAY EAST encouraged to join us. All more info. 3 BDRM 2 BATH Newer skill levels are welcome. home for rent in Langford For more information about PIANO LESSONS from Feb. 1st to June 30th. 948 Esquimalt Rd. the program please contact Single Car garage, large Bachelor, 1,2 & 3 bdrm. Sgt Steve Wright 902-427- yard with shed. Close Full size commercial gym! 4417 or steven.wright@ 1st month FREE for beginners to elementary and high Manager 250-380-4663 forces.gc.ca or check us out schools and easy access to on facebook (STV Tuna) for All ages and levels. transit and the Galloping Princess Patricia more information. In-home teaching available. Goose. Great for IR post- 3005 11 Svc Bn ARMY References available ings! Non-Smoking. Email APARTMENTS CADETS has a great, fun, 250-881-5549 [email protected] MACAULAY NORTH safe, purposeful program. musiciswaycool.com for info. There is no cost and 1brdm + den, furnished w/ NEW BALCONIES • EXERCISE ROOM youth M/F 12-18 years of leather couch and futon, 14TH FLOOR LOUNGE 980 Wordsley St. age are eligible to join. new TV, fully outfitted 1 & 2 Bedroom Weekend and Summer kitchen w/ dishwasher, din- 703 Esquimalt Road Manager 250-384-8932 Camps, Band, First Aid, ing room, 4 pc bath, master and Marksmanship are bdrm w/ queen, den w/ 2 250-382-2223 all offered. Thursday 6:30 twin beds, large storage, - 9:00 pm, 724 Vanalman pvt laundry. Suite is legally Ave Victoria. Call 250-363- Tenant certified w/ hardwired fire To view these and other Referral 3194 or email 3005army@ alarms, fans w/timers etc. Program cadets.net. Now Renting: properties, visit Bring Preference given to tem- Military VIEW ROYAL READING porary and IR. Location Bachelor • 1 BDR Suite www.eyproperties.com Discount CENTRE. Conveniently ATTENTION is great for Royal Roads, located at Admirals Walk to your UVic, Camosun Interurban, Shopping Centre. We have business CFB Esquimalt and Naden. books, audios, videos, & Spacious open – concept APPLIANCES AUTOMOTIVE DVD’s for all ages. Internet Lookout Classifieds ground floor suite in three is also available. For hours 250-363-3127 storey home @ end of quiet GUARANTEED of operation and other dead end street. Avail 1 No Pets IRES information please call Jan 2016 $1600/month T allowed in APPLIANCE $ 250-479-2723. includes all utilities, inter- CENTRE LTD. from any building 10 net, cable, hydro, water LARGEST SELECTION We sell NEW & USED and garbage. Contact 250- GREAT PRICES Full Service www.devonprop.com • Reconditioned MILITARY 514-9994 or helen.edley@ DISCOUNT AUTO REPAIR gmail.com for more info. • New • Builder OFFERED TThehe WWinterinter ActivityActivity • In Home Services 778-440-8473 MILITARY LARGE SUITES Corner of Gorge Rd East & DISCOUNT Jutland • 382-0242 MON-FRI 9-5, SAT 10-4 GGuideuide iiss ccomingoming ssoonoon Ellery Manor 855 Ellery Street #1-798 Fairview at Ellery 1 BDR $830.00 REAL ESTATE • FOR SALE SStaytay ffitit wwithith 2 BDR From $930 tthehe ActivityActivity Avail Dec 01 REC VEHICLE 250-812-6849 GGuide.uide. Gorge Vale 1180 Colville Road Available A.T.V. CENTER BACH $740 at all PSP and Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki Avail Nov 10 MFRC outlets 382-8291 - 250-360-1983 730 Hillside Ave. Esquimalt For women with single-track minds

Join us on the trails - beginner, intermediate and advanced rides. “She sincerely made the whole process of buying and Plus Clinics, getaways and shop discounts selling as pleasant and non-stressful as possible.” - Michael and Gina Dirty Girlz Bike Club Ann Watley 250-656-0131 Personal Real Estate Corporation www.dirtygirlzbikeclub.ca www.annwatley.com December 21, 2015 LOOKOUT CLASSIFIEDS • 19 &Real Estate RATES: MILITARY and DND PERSONNEL: 25 words $9.70 • ALL OTHERS: 20 words $11.09 • Each additional word 19¢ • Tax Included • DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Advertising: Thursday at 11a.m. Call 250•363•3127 to book your display or word ad REAL ESTATE • FOR RENT HEALTH CHURCH SCHEDULES SERVICES OFFERED VOLUNTEER CAREGIVING FOR Does your teenager (12- VICTORIA PREGNANCY CENTRE Large, furnished water view SOMEONE with dementia? 18) crave exciting outdoor We need MEN Christmas Free services provided: ground floor suite DETOX The Alzheimer Society of activities where their per- YOUR pregnancy tests & counsel- for MENtoring. Beautiful, spacious open-concept FURNISHED 1 B.C. has support groups sonal limits as individuals HOME! Eve for caregivers. Contact the and team-members will be ling, prenatal classes and Getting together is a bedroom plus den for IR available Jan. 1. Pref. Alzheimer Resource Centre tested? The outdoor-orient- Doula referral, baby clothes great time for everyone given to temporary and IR. Location ideal for Clean with water. Service at 250-382-2052 for info ed will love the challenge! & supplies, family sup- and doesn't require No more chemicals Royal Roads, UVic, Camosun Interurban, CFB and to register. Army cadets develop abili- port counselling, school & a special occasion or in your home. All are welcome ties in the use of map and Esquimalt and Naden. RESUMES & CAREER community presentations, expensive activities. Call Michelle at TRANSITION PREP/ compass, GPS technol- post abortion & pregnancy Bright, new, clean living area (ground floor of ogy, orienteering, first-aid, • Receive tickets to sporting 250-516-7338, Join us! COACHING with a former loss counselling for men & events 3-story home). Lge windows, local art/photogra- camping and survival skills, Independent Sales SCAN Coord Judy Marston. women. • Participate in a variety of Thurs. Dec. 24 10% Military Discount, canoeing, trekking and phy, new laminate floors. Entrance is by keypad Consultant more. As they get more 250-380-6883 activities code lock on door. at 7:00 pm www.resumecoach.ca or #112 - 826 North Park Street GreenHomeCleaning.ca 250-888-7733 experienced, some will be • Meet twice a month for 6 Living room has leather couch and futon, new TV selected for parachuting, [email protected] months NORWEX PIANO TEACHER WITH www.victoriapregnancy.org and WiFi throughout. Full kitchen w/dishwasher, white-water rafting and Esquimalt WITH MORE THAN 30 glacier climbing! They will dining rm, 4 pc bath, master bdrm with queen YEARS EXPR. Lessons are also learn to become out- SHARE YOUR bed, 2nd bdrm w/2 twin beds, large walk-in stor- Jump start your Nazarene Church offered to all ages and door leaders. Learn more RECREATIONAL INTERESTS age room, pte laundry, additional storage rm, and Career with 886 Craigfl ower levels. In home teaching at the 2136 C Scot R Army this fall by supporting a www.bbbsvictoria.com Lookout Classifieds is available. Celebrate Cadets Open House at 7:00 person with a disability to more! Road your time! Or give a gift pm on Thursday, January become more active! By HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Harbour and mountain views with lge yard, new call 250-363-3127 that lasts a lifetime! One 7, 2016 at the Bay Street donating only 1-2 hrs a AND THE RESTORE are deck and BBQ. Off street parking for 1 car. esquimaltnazarene.org month free to beginners. Armouries, 715 Bay Street week you have the oppor- seeking volunteers to help References are available. out with customer service, Located in View Royal, 15 minutes from down- Victoria. PHONE: 250- tunity to change some- Phone 250-881-5549, and 363-8005 (at Armouries) one’s life while having a warehouse and driver town and a short drive to a fully stocked shopping Base Newspaper Advertising find me at musiciswaycool. WEB: www.2136cadets.ca great time doing it. To get assistants. We are also centre. Walk to the Four Mile Pub/Restaurant, com Contact Captain Stephan involved or for more info, looking for ambassadors Local or National for special events. Please beach, schools, buses, galloping goose trail etc. At Jones at communications please call Kim at 250-477- @2136cadets.ca 6314 ext. 15 or email vol- contact Nancy @ volun- end of a quiet dead-end street. Canadian Armed Forces Base Newspapers www.lookoutnewspaper.com [email protected] or [email protected] $1600/month includes all utilities, internet, cable, 16 Bases - One contact visit http://www.rivonline. or 250-480-7688 ext. 105 Download this week’s issue, hydro, water and garbage. org/Volunteering.htm 250-363-8602 ext 2 book a classified ad, 250-514-9994, [email protected] [email protected] browse CFPSA job openings

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