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By Roy Schestowitz Created 30/12/2020 - 12:40am Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Wednesday 30th of December 2020 12:40:17 AM Filed under HowTos [1]

How to enable Minimize button on Elementary OS distro [2]

Developers of Elementary OS has really done a good job with its Patheon . It is really beautiful, sleek, and modern just like macOS. However, most of the time, the users of Elementary OS would face a problem when it comes to minimizing the active windows. Because there is no icon or button available to minimize.

Well, we can get it using the elementary tweak tool, however, before that, we should know that really there is no way to minimize windows on this distro.

How do I apply package updates to my system? [3]

How to write FreeBSD image to USB disk for installation - nixCraft [4]

Explains how to write FreeBSD installer image to USB disk for installation purpose on Linux or FreeBSD system using dd command.

How To Prevent A Package From Upgrade In , Ubuntu [5]

As you already know, we can upgrade all installed packages using upgrade command in Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems. During this upgrade process, all installed packages will be upgraded, some additional packages (i.e. dependencies) will be installed, and some unnecessary packages will be deleted. Apt does all these things automatically to help the users to maintain a clean system. Apt also has an option to prevent a package from being automatically installed, upgraded or removed in Debian, Ubuntu and its variants. In this guide, we will discuss various methods to hold or prevent a package from upgrade in Debian, Ubuntu and its derivatives such as and Pop!_OS.

Running Classic MS-DOS games on the Pi 400 with RetroPie and DOSBox - YouTube[6]

The Raspberry Pi 400 is a complete computer with a built-in keyboard, so why not turn it into a classic PC game system? In this video, I talk about a recent project I worked on for fun where I configured RetroPie to run various MS-DOS games via DOSBox.

Fedora 33 : Install wordpress on Fedora distro. [7]

For those who are celebrating the winter holidays with the Linux operating system, I have created this little tutorial... First step - update and upgrade the Fedora 33 Linux distro.

Fedora 33 : Fixes and changes for wordpress - part 001. [8]

If you have the latest version of WordPress installed, then you may encounter this error when trying to add a new page or post.

The Linux Schools Project: System Information Page [9]

A new page has been added to the Web Management to show system information for the servers. This information was previously shown on other pages but moving it to one page makes it easier for administrators to see a summary for the server.

aria2 ? A Command Line Multi-Protocol Download Tool for Linux [10]

aria2 is a free, open source, lightweight multi-protocol and multi-source command-line download application. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.

aria2 can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces.

aria2 automatically checks chunks of the data when downloading a file.


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