Signs of the Times for 1974

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Signs of the Times for 1974 OF THE 71MES See page 2 Poo[ Ed Rolita of the Adventist hospital in Dessie helped distribute thousands of pounds of food to hungry Ethiopians. FOR A FAMNE Orval R. Scully Orval Scully spent three months in Ethiopia helping to provide food for victims of the famine there. We print here a summary of his most interesting report. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia come in from the surrounding areas and the weakened condition of the February 1, 1974 in search of food. Five or 10 died farmers. each day during the worst weeks of One week ago today, Friday February 14, 1974. the famine. morning, January 25, I arrived in It is the nomads who follow their Addis Ababa via Ethiopian Airlines. Thursday morning we flew to grazing cattle who have been most Since then I have spent every avail- the airport of Kembolcha where Ed seriously hurt by the drought. An able moment learning about the fa- Rolita, the administrator of the Ad- article in The Ethiopian Herald for mine, what has been done, and ventist hospital in Dessie, was wait- February 2 states that 500,000 no- what needs to be done. ing for us. We visited the large mads in the provinces of Harrarge, I have had several conferences government feeding camp just out- Bale, Sidamo, and Gema Gofa are with Adventist church leaders here side the town. During the crisis affected. Plans were laid for me to —Hugo Palm, president for Ethio- over 7,000 had been accommo- fly into this region, since very little pia, and L. G. Diamond, treasurer dated in this camp, but the roll was relief work is being done there. and official representative of Sev- now down to around 1,500. Dr. A very difficult problem faces re- enth-day Adventist Welfare Ser- Lilli Rolita and her husband had lief operations in Ethiopia. There vices ( SAWS ). They have told me cared for as many as 70 children at seems to be sufficient grain and that the church has already dis- a time. Every four hours a gruel of food, but there is practically no tributed several bales of clothing grains, vegetables, and milk from transportation. Trucks are scarce, in Makele and some food grains UNICEF was given to these chil- and roads are bad. Distances are which were parceled out in 30 kg. dren. They responded quickly, and great and mountainous. The Police ( 66 lb.) bags. The government au- after three or four days 10 of the re- Department has promised to fur- thorities cooperated with us by fur- covered would be replaced by 10 nish trucks to transport our grain to nishing trucks to transport the bags needing nourishment. Only one the famine areas. We have pur- to the outlying districts where the child had up to that time failed to chased 200 tons of grain and are suffering was most severe. respond. awaiting the trucks to take it to the Dr. T. H. Scoggins, administrator Ed Rolita believes we can con- hungry people. of our large hospital in Addis tribute to a long-range program by The vice-governor of Bale gave Ababa, is a member of the execu- teaching the farmers to grow vege- us the following statistics furnished tive committee of the Christian Re- table gardens. The very fertile soil by the chieftains and district gover- lief Committee ( CRC ). He has needs only water, and by conserv- nors of his province: Last year, been telling me about the relief ing moisture, he feels, the vegeta- 1973, it was reported that in El work that other groups and bles would be easy to grow. Kere Awaraja 1,477 nomads died as churches have been doing. This is the dry season in Ethio- a result of the famine; 5,002 camels, On Wednesday morning Les An- pia, and the "short" rains are ex- 25,477 sheep and goats, 27,626 cat- derson, youth leader and mission pected soon. However, the "long" tle, and 20 donkeys or mules died. pilot, took me in the mission plane rains do not come until June or The large number of animals which to get a quick overall view. The July. Only then can we know if have perished means that the peo- plane is a Cessna 185 recently do- there will be a harvest. Much suf- ple who depend on them for their nated in part by J. L. Tucker and fering is expected through April sustenance are faced with very bleak the Quiet Hour Program. We spent and May of this year. It was due to prospects for the near future. the afternoon visiting the govern- a lack of rain during the past two or While waiting at the airstrip of ment feeding camp in Makele and three years that the famine became Negele Borana, Sidamo, for the talking with the vice-mayor. Dur- acute in 1973. The "long" rains governor's Land Rover to take us ing the crisis this camp cared for came last year, but the harvest was into town, we talked with some of more than 2,000 persons who had small because of the lack of seed the people who live around the SIGNS OF THE TIMES - SEPTEMBER 1974 - 3 "I have nothing to feed my children," the father explained. "I would rather give them away than watch them die." army installation there. Many fam- dis Ababa before dark. Gebre Mi- rest, but we think they will be ilies are in dire need of food. chael and five students began to lay available again this week. The gaso- In order to get food quickly to plans for getting the grain to the line consumed cost us $400. these needy people we have re- most needy people. One of our members who is a quested the police to send two There are six tribes living in the lumber merchant walked three days trucks to the Adventist college at area around Negele Borana, and from Goba Bale into the village of Kuyera, where our grain is stored. each is represented by a chief. Meso where the Philadelphia Swe- They will be loaded, and at least These were fequested to contact dish Lutherans have a mission. He two volunteer college students will those who were in greatest need speaks Swedish and was happily re- accompany them to Negele Borana. among their people and ask them to ceived by the two girls who run There we will ask the tribal chiefs come in with a- container or skin in the mission. While he was there, to identify those who are in need of which to receive grain. an Ethiopian who lived nearby food and request them to come and The list was made up by a com- came and wanted to give him some receive from our supply. The Nor- mittee composed of the tribal chief, of his children. "I have nine chil- wegian Mission has offered their a government representative, two dren and nothing to feed them," he storage facilities if needed. elderly men who knew the families explained. "I would rather give Our organizational plans are mak- well, and a SAWS representative them away than watch them die." ing good progress. Gebre Michael who acted as secretary. Each adult The "short" ( or early) rains are Felema, a very capable and ener- was to be given two, kilograms ( 4.4 falling. Now is the time for plant- getic man, has been appointed by pounds) and each child under 12 ing. We thank God that these rains the Adventists to lead out in a long- allowed one kilogram of grain. are coming in a rather normal pat- range program. Plans have been Those over 12 were considered tern. Now we pray for the later discussed for locating small orphan- adults. There were an average of rains in a renewed sense, hoping ages or child-care units near the six to eight in each family group. A that many lives will be spared schools and mission compounds to card was given to each family with thereby. care for the many homeless chil- a number on it which corresponded dren. to his number on the list. It is March 19, 1974 hoped that this group can be given Some have asked about airlifting March 4, 1974. their ration of grain each week for food, and this may become neces- At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb- about ten weeks or until the rains sary into some regions. Our little ruary 21, we were finally able to come. Cessna doesn't carry much food. make telephone contact with our They kept asking, "When do we Sometimes we try to take along a college at Kuyera. We learned that come back for the grain?" It was bit for the passengers, but its maxi- the two police trucks had loaded hard for them to realize that the mum payload is 800 pounds—about and left around 2:00 p.m. the day grain was actually there and all three sacks of grain. before. Calculating that it would they had to do was go through line There is no doubt that transpor- take them about a day to drive to and receive it. But as those who tation is the greatest problem we Negele Borana, we decided to leave received grain began to emerge are facing. The vice-governor of Addis Ababa at 12:00 by plane. Ac- from the warehouse, their faces Bale province has come before our companying us were Toby Gooch beaming, the others began to rea- committee twice to request our as- of Oxfam, who wanted to visit the lize that at long last they were go- sistance.
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