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NORTH PARK MASTER ASSOCIATION D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S January 2012 TABLEOFCONTENTS PG ﹒INTRODUCTION 1 ﹒SITEPLANNING 7 ﹒ARCHITECTURE 27 ﹒SUSTAINABILITY 55 ﹒NATURALAREAS 69 ﹒LANDSCAPE 105 ﹒LIGHTING 125 ﹒SIGNAGE 131 Introduction INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION SECTION PG ﹒PREFACE 3 ﹒NORTHPARKVISION 3 ﹒MASTERPLAN 4 ﹒PURPOSEANDINTENT 4 ﹒WHOUSESTHESEGUIDELINES 4 ﹒HOWTHEDESIGNGUIDELINESARE 4 ORGANIZED ﹒DESIGNREVIEWCOMMITTEEREVIEW 5 PROCESSANDPROCEDURES ﹒CONFLICTSWITHOTHERREGULA- 6 TIONS ﹒WAIVERS 6 ﹒AMENDMENTSANDSUPPLEMENTS 6 ﹒APPROVALS 6 ﹒NON-LIABILITYOFTHECOMMITTEE 6 ﹒ACCURACYOFINFORMATION 6 ﹒APPLICANTREPRESENTATION 6 INTRODUCTION ﹒PREFACE venues will be aligned side by side with offi ce, research, medical and residenti al uses. A mixture of horizontal and verti cal mixed- A successful planned community depends on setti ng, view cor- use buildings in the core center will complement the horizontal ridors, ameniti es, environmental sensiti vity, and the economic single-use buildings in adjacent blocks. Over 6,200 residences will market. A commitment to consistent qualiti es in the physical call North Park home. appearance of the site, architecture, and landscape is also criti - cal to the success of any community. Achieving a healthy and Approximately 145-acres of open lands defi ne North Park’s con- vibrant image is a primary goal of these guidelines. They advo- necti on to the natural habitats of the region. Strategically located cate a strong and consistent community design vision for North greens, smaller plazas, and squares give added urban alternati ves Park, with architecture and landscaping that is refl ecti ve of the for community events, walking the dog or just relaxing on a park Community Values established by McWhinney. To that end, these bench. Informal places to gather allow those who live and work North Park Design Guidelines have been established to assist pro- at North Park to capture the best of both worlds. specti ve developers, builders and designers in developing neigh- borhoods, buildings, places, and landscapes that are consistent Running diagonally through the community, the 70+ acre central with the Community Vision and Values. park provides the community’s primary gathering place. Lined by connector pedestrian and bicycle trails, the park will off er a vari- ﹒NORTHPARKVISION ety of areas for acti ve endeavors alongside a collecti on of smaller Located in Broomfi eld, Colorado, North Park is a vibrant 935-acre inti mate gathering spots. Other park ameniti es may include an mixed use community that incorporates a balance of urban con- outdoor performance amphitheater, enhanced wetland and wa- necti vity, natural open space ameniti es, and a 150-acre Applied terways, and close proximity to restaurants and workplaces. Research Center. Sweeping views of Long’s Peak and the Indian Peaks along with a 1.8 mile long linear central park within easy The presence of North Park’s Applied Research Center is central walking of all areas of the community off ers workers, residents, to its mission in att racti ng the best and brightest of the 21st cen- and visitors alike the opportunity to gather and savor the best of tury. Positi oned as a place for research-oriented insti tuti ons and Broomfi eld and north Denver. companies to join forces, the 150-acre Applied Research Center uniquely off ers both urban town center locati ons as well as cam- The dynamic urban fabric of North Park is defi ned by a series of pus setti ngs. North Park is primed to become a place for incu- village and town centers and campuses connected by both pe- bati on of new advances in medicine, renewable energy, applied destrian-friendly tree lined streets and the natural area trail cor- research, technology, and science. ridor within the central park. Shopping, dining and entertainment NORTH PARK DESIGN GUIDELINES 3 INTRODUCTION North Park’s convenient central locati on in the north Denver met- guidelines and standards are subject to the reasonable discreti on ro area makes for quick and easy access to Denver Internati onal of the DRC, which shall make fi nal determinati ons in good faith. Airport, downtown Denver, Boulder and University of Colorado, FlatIron Crossing Mall, and other regional att racti ons. To further ﹒HOWTHEDESIGNGUIDELINESAREORGANIZED its connecti vity to the surrounding region, North Park plans to accommodate possible regional transit centers along I-25 and The North Park Design Guidelines document is divided into major the Northwest Parkway in preparati on for future north-south and components that include Site Planning, Architecture, Sustainable east-west transit. Development, Natural Areas, Landscaping, Lighti ng, and Signage. By connecti ng walkable mixed-use urban cores to signifi cant 1. Site Planning employment centers, Broomfi eld’s North Park creates a defi ned The Site Planning Secti on contains Principles, Guidelines, and heart and soul and Central Business District for the North Denver Standards primarily related to the proper orchestrati on of build- region. ings, open space, and circulati on/parking elements related to commercial, mixed use, residenti al, and offi ce developments. ﹒MASTERPLAN Each Site Planning component is accompanied by a Conceptual The overall Vision and Master Plan for North Park represents a Site Plan with call-outs that visually depicts the desired image and unique opportunity to create an integrated patt ern of land uses physical layout for each specifi c land use type that occurs within and development. Unlike conventi onal suburban development each District. In additi on, each Conceptual Site Plan illustrates a that emphasizes segregated, poorly linked and auto-reliant land pedestrian circulati on network designed to promote connecti vity uses, the Master Plan for North Park provides for a mix of inte- between adjacent developments. Included are a variety of photo- grated land uses; strong connecti ons for pedestrians and bicy- graphic vignett es that depict specifi c desired site planning condi- clists, a range of housing opportuniti es in close proximity to jobs, ti ons. shopping, and entertainment, and social gathering places. 2. Architecture Urban mixed use town center core areas ( as shown in the dashed The Architecture Secti on is concerned with the design, image, circles above on the map) are supported with surrounding sub- and functi on of various building types that include commercial, urban development. The intent is to transiti on to lower densiti es residenti al, mixed use, and offi ce, to name a few. The Architec- to the west of Sheridan and along Highway 7 to complement the ture component includes Prototypical Elevati ons with call-outs adjacent land uses. that successfully deconstruct each building type into a series of architectural elements and characteristi cs. Included are design ﹒PURPOSEANDINTENT Principles, Guidelines, and Standards tailored to addressing spe- These North Park Design Guidelines provide prospecti ve parcel cifi c design issues such as Building Massing, Roof Form, Building developers and builders (and their consultants), with a clear Facades, and Materials. In additi on, various photographic Vi- statement of the design Principles, Guidelines, and Standards for gnett es have been included, designed to highlight architectural development within North Park. The descripti on of Design Prin- characteristi cs related to each building type. ciples, coupled with specifi c Design Guidelines and Standards is intended to assist in the identi fi cati on and implementati on of a 3. Sustainable Development strong, consistent design directi on and level of quality. Standards The Sustainability Secti on provides certain principles and stan- S are to be treated as techniques that are mandatory. Guide- dards that must be met as a minimum, as well as recommenda- lines reinforce the intent of the Principles, but may be subject ti ons for resources and techniques for achieving a high level of to interpretati on by the designer as approved by the Design Re- environmental sensiti vity for all projects. For example, it is highly view Committ ee (DRC). In additi on, a variety of photographs and recommended that all developments use the LEED Green Build- graphic images have been assembled to assist parcel developers ing System to document the level of sustainability for the project and builders (and their consultants), in the design of residenti al and achieve a minimum of 26 points. neighborhoods, commercial centers, offi ces, mixed-use places, and landscapes. Aft er reviewing this document, parcel develop- 4. Natural Areas ers, builders (and their consultants), will have a clear and concise Within North Park, many areas of open lands are planned to serve design directi on and the knowledge necessary to produce cre- as sustainable landscape for recreati onal enjoyment and as habi- ati ve and aestheti cally pleasing Site Planning, Architecture, and tat for plants and wildlife. To make this open land the best habitat Landscape concepts. it can be, habitat goals have been established that will provide a larger opportunity for both wildlife and plant habitat. The Natural ﹒WHOUSESTHESEGUIDELINES Area and Detenti on/ Water Quality Pond and Drainage Corridor These design guidelines along with the City and County of Broom- Secti on has been developed to aid design teams and installati on fi eld’s Ordinances and Codes and the North Park PUD are to be contractors in creati ng sustainable ecosystems to provide all of used by parcel developers and builders (and their consultants), the desired landscape values