The Wellesley Prelude
VOLUME il—No. 13. CONTENTS. Editorials, - - Emly /. Mead/:r,^gi, i(x) Auld Acquaintance, Charlotte F. Ro'btris, "So, 177 Dick—A Christmas Story, j4i/a 5, Wootfalk^fji, 170 Christmas Cheer, 177 New Year's Eve, - •- Mary Roberts Smith, lyj Inter-Collegiate News, .... J78 Sonnet, - - Cornelia E. Grseu, '92, 173 Our Exchanges, - - Caroline Frear, 178 Beauty of the Past, - - - - .372 Waban Ripples, Sarah S. Hickenlooptr, '94, 179 News of the Week, - Blaftdie B Bakfr.''ij2, 573 The Old Year, College Notes, --..-. 179 Cormlia Greta, '92, and Btriha Brush, '93, 175 New Books in the College Library, - - 179 December 13, 1890. BSKnris Baoa., PaMishera, 43 Lincoln Strest, Boston. — . A PLAN FOR The •^NoRUMBEGA'^ Fund, By A GRADUATE OF CLASS OF '86. Health culture is the spirit of the age. Now for a Word of Advice, then the Plan. Garments w»j/ be Hygienic. Christmas vacation takes you to ypUr home garment that, confines the shoulders Any for a season of gastronomies and dressmaking. under short, rigid, unelastic straps, promotes Buy a Pongee Corset now, take it home with stoopio'g and tends to contract the chest you, and have your new dresses fitted over it. anythiing but .hygienic I Use V/fli'/zV. skirt supporters to support your nO^ THg PLAN! garments. Speoial Offer to Readers of the I* SOMETHING NEW 1n CORSETS. The originator of this plan is a Wellesley Graduate, class of '86. will receive Ponge3 Silk. •{ Super-Flexible Steels. She from the manufacturers a liberal percentage on The front steels in corsets, by being too the sale of every Corset under this plan, which stiff, are often injurious.
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