The Wellesley Prelude
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VOLUME il—No. 13. CONTENTS. Editorials, - - Emly /. Mead/:r,^gi, i(x) Auld Acquaintance, Charlotte F. Ro'btris, "So, 177 Dick—A Christmas Story, j4i/a 5, Wootfalk^fji, 170 Christmas Cheer, 177 New Year's Eve, - •- Mary Roberts Smith, lyj Inter-Collegiate News, .... J78 Sonnet, - - Cornelia E. Grseu, '92, 173 Our Exchanges, - - Caroline Frear, 178 Beauty of the Past, - - - - .372 Waban Ripples, Sarah S. Hickenlooptr, '94, 179 News of the Week, - Blaftdie B Bakfr.''ij2, 573 The Old Year, College Notes, --..-. 179 Cormlia Greta, '92, and Btriha Brush, '93, 175 New Books in the College Library, - - 179 December 13, 1890. BSKnris Baoa., PaMishera, 43 Lincoln Strest, Boston. — . A PLAN FOR The •^NoRUMBEGA'^ Fund, By A GRADUATE OF CLASS OF '86. Health culture is the spirit of the age. Now for a Word of Advice, then the Plan. Garments w»j/ be Hygienic. Christmas vacation takes you to ypUr home garment that, confines the shoulders Any for a season of gastronomies and dressmaking. under short, rigid, unelastic straps, promotes Buy a Pongee Corset now, take it home with stoopio'g and tends to contract the chest you, and have your new dresses fitted over it. anythiing but .hygienic I Use V/fli'/zV. skirt supporters to support your nO^ THg PLAN! garments. Speoial Offer to Readers of the I* SOMETHING NEW 1n CORSETS. The originator of this plan is a Wellesley Graduate, class of '86. will receive Ponge3 Silk. •{ Super-Flexible Steels. She from the manufacturers a liberal percentage on The front steels in corsets, by being too the sale of every Corset under this plan, which stiff, are often injurious. This fact has been consideration by the Wor- percentage she will donate to the Nor- taken into serious mnhega Fund. cester Corset Co., of Worcester, Mass. .manu- Every reader of the Prelude, ordering facturers of the celebrated Royal Worcester Pongee Corsets under this plan, before Feb- W.C. C. Corsets, w/^ result of which (and ruary I, 1891, will receive a discount of fifty the -Climax) is..the;ir "Royal Worcester Pongee cents on each corset so' ordered. After Silk Corset, -No.- 608. above date, however, the discount will cease. ThQ great feature of this Royil Worcester Any reader of the Prelude, interested in Pongee Corset, aside from being made of the Norumbega Fund may order under this Pongee Silk, is its /«.? super-Jlrxible, front plan. Several readers may combine and order so elastic that it can be literally tied steel, on one coupon. into a knot. It is made of the finest quality Do you want to co-operate and help the of Watch-Spring Steel, so tempered as Fund } combine the greatest elasticity and strength, to Send with the order weight. ;^3.oo for each corset. with the lightest possible , Send Coupon with order invariably write This flexible front steel,' and th^ light' ; plainly name and address and size and length weight and other hygienic properties of the wanted. If on receipt the corset should not Pongee Silk, unite to make the Royal Wor- fi-t, return securely wrapped, and exchange cester Pongee Corset the great Health will be made without further charge for of the age. garment delivery. Lighter by nearly one-half than any Address all orders to other corset or waist. This Pongee Corset to be the greatest of is held by Physicians- Mrs... MAY -SLEEPER RUGGLES, modern health garments. all 74 Lincoln St, Worcester, Mass. It grants freedom to the organs of respira- tion, and to all movements of the body, by • it is held in high esteem by reason of which Cut. This COUPON Out aid Send With Order.^ singers and elocutionists. symmetry of the best It combines the This Coupon Entitles models with every element of freedom and co.mfort. Every Wellesley Student or Reader of the[ tennis, boating, and the Practical too. In Prelude, to a D;scount of 50 ceuts gymnasium work, Pongee Corsets need not every Corset, be removed. On Pongee These Pongee corsets are made in four {^Royal Worcester, No. 608) ordered under lenghts: extra long, long, medium and short. the Norumbega Fund plan, before February length and size preferred. In ordering state I, 1 89 1. Price with this Coupon, $3.00 sent post paid to Price of each is $Z-iO, {Regular Price, ^3.50.) any address. Safe delivery guaranteed. ADVERTISEMENTS. A VALUABLE AND DOUBLY USEFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT FOR LADIES. ''DUPLEX" ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURLER and CRBMPER. This is the most perfect, convenient, useful aiul eftectim little toilet aiticln cvit iuvL-uto;!. It tombiiiea a Comb-curler of suijeriur tiiiisli with an improved Toui;: crimper, aud both parts beiup Klectro Maiim-tic it qniekly produces \v(mdert'nlly pleasing ami fasliioTiable results. With its aid the hair can be lixed lu any de-iired styh', ami when so fixed with this lit- tle instriinii-nt it retains the effect much longer and is ?mt even affected by damp air. Once tried alxoays used. ^^. BRlDGi»?4;y,^ Price, 50c. OF ALL DEALERS. EKCaLS^LL OWEFI5: - EA CURL ER srcfijMPeR.PAT. % ;fc-i! This cut is one-half size. PATENTED. It (lees uot break uffor ruia the hair like most Curlers and Crimpers, never fails in operation, and is guaranteed to M'i've satisfaction. MONEY HEFOWDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. It is forsalebytlieleadm.i; dni,!^, dry and fancy K"ods trade ^eneraUy. but if not obtainable in your vicinity we will mail .^>6c., ::l:.[)(). Hemit Ijy it to anv address, posti»aut, unaranteeiiiK safe deli\<r\ , on r<-reipf of or live for draft, express ()r post- offlconioncy order, or currency in registered letter 7)ayahle to THE A. BRID<5MAN C<»., 373 Broadway, New-Vorli. ivientiou this publication. Agents wauted for Dr. Bridfcmun'a Corsets,, Belts and Specialties. Blost Liberal terms. Sold every\vliere. 25 cts. a Cake, 65 cts. ii box, 3 cakes; or sent, post paid, on receipt of price by 13-36 Charles E Cornell, Box ai48, N. Y, 11 ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANOS AND ORGANS. The MASON & HAMTJN im- 100 ilifterent Styles of Organs proved method of Slringing, pro- .$22 to .fl200. duces remarkable refinement of Mason & Hamlin Organs tone and ijhenomeual capacity to have received Highest Awards stand in tune. at all great world's Exhibitions These Pianos are consequently at which tliey have been exhibited excellent for Eenting. since 1867. Sold for Casli or Easy Pay- Orgaus Rented till Rent pays ments.' for them. CATALOGUES FREE. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN and PIANO CO., BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO, Mason & Hamlin Hall, 154 and 155 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. SPRINGER BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail Cloak Manufacturers. ATo,vmc A most excellent and agreeable tonic and appetizer. It nourishes and in- vigorates the tired brain and body, imparts renewed energy and vitality, and enlivens the functions. Dr.- EpHR.,\riM Batemax, Cedarville, N. J., says : ' I have used it for several years, not only in niv practice, but in my own individual case, and con- sider it under all circumstances one of the best nerve tonics that w.e possess. For mental exhaus- tion or overwork it gives renewed strength and vigor to the entire system." DESCRIFI'IVE PAMPHLET FREE. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. ASHINGTON STREET, CoRNOR BEDFORD 500 W Heivare of Substitiites and Imitations, Ciirriage Entrance. 1 and 12 BEDFORD STREET, CAUTION:—Be sure the word "Horsford's" is printed on the BO STOiT. label. All others are spurious. Never sold in bulk. 4-tf The Wellesley Prelude. Vol. II. BOSTON, MASS., DECEMBER, 13, 1890. No. 13 that Christmas is their favorite day in the year. The Wellesley Prelude. ,\n<l it is not only to children that the day is so Edited by the Students of Wellesley College and published dear, but when they grow older it gains new mean- weekly during the college year. Price, $2.00 a year, in advance. Single copies, 10 cents. ing and joy for them besides the old happy asso- EDITORS: ciations. But there are some to whom the day Emily I. Meader, '91. brings no gladness ; some who have no friends Esther Bailey, '91. Katherine F. Gieason, '91. and who cannot enjoy the universal giving and Cornelia E. Green, '92. Blanche 11. Baker, '92. Caroline Frear, '93. Sarah S. Hickenlooper, '94. receiving, and so either regard the great Christmas Bertha DeF. Brush, '93. Amy Augusta Whitney, 8p. festival with indifference, or scorn with bitterness Charlotte F. Roberts, 'So. the joyous time in which they have no share. The .^11 literary communications from the students of the separation in feeling of those who are marvellously College should be sent to Literary Editor ok the Prelude, through the Prelude box in the general office. happy and those who, on the other hand, are Literary communications from outside the College should unusually sad, is the one dark cloud in the bright be directed to the Alumnae Editor, Miss Charlotte F. Roberts, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Christmas sky. But one of the most hopeful signs Subscriptions should be sent, in all cases, to listher of the present, an indication of the steady spread Bailey, Wellesley College, Welleslev, Mass. Advertisements and other business communications of the feeling of universal brotherhood, is the should be addressed to Brown Bros., 43 Lincoln St., Bo.s- well-to-do ton, Mass. growing tendency of the to remember the poor at Christmas time. Lists are obtained, Kntered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass,, as Second-Class Matter. from the Associated Charities, of families that are '' ^HIS ^viIl be the last issue before Jan. 10, deserving, and the fun of getting ready the sub- I -^ since no numbers will come out in the vaca- stantial gifts, and the greater enjoyment of seeing tion.