The New President of the Fraternity Louis Edward Levorone (Dartmouth '04;
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The New President of the Fraternity Louis Edward Levorone (Dartmouth '04; MARCH 1944 "KEEP THAT WHITE STAR. u. ARM Sir, 'A visiexagrearela,dr , r 2:-.'144L'llAlaNI HE PHI GAMMA DELTA (Registered U. S. Patent Office) ,ze \ MAGAZINE PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1879 BY THE FRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA MARCH, 1944 No. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS r War Story — Continued 347 \;ew ie President of Our Order 371 4 A -t Wilson Smith • Treasurer 4,00 6 So 7 377 Arn Chart Post-War Course 381 -:iug Little Nook by the Fireside 384 • Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra 3S9 White Star Dust 3c1 itrc, There and Everywhere 394 `,.• Press Sees Them 400 HERE'S HOW' \\ lite Star Under Mars 405 H,is Issue as the Editor Sees It 430 IN p your check to this form and 1- mail it to The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, 1001 15th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. I enclose $____ _ ___to make me an "Honorary' Chapter for Undergraduate" of the fraternity year of Entered as Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 22, 1921, 1943-44, thus taking the place second-class matter at the postoffice at (at • ler the Act of March 3, 1879. annum ) of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act of _undergraduate(s ) in uniform. '\cceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, !ober 3. 1917. authorized August 21, 1918. I enclose $5 ($3 l'rinted by The Torch Press at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and issued seven times a year, in case of life subscribers December, February, for THE PHI GAMMA DELTA seven numbers in each volume appearing in October, November, ment of my regular advance; single copies, 30 cents. graduate dues for 1944, April, May. Subscription price, $2.00 per year in of which I desire $1 to be :1 .e application. to subscription, $25.00. Advertising rates on the 'latter intended GAMMA DELTA should be in the hands of the ________________________ Graduate Chapter for publication in THE PHI (or Association). 1(r at least one month preceding month of publication. I enclose $ __________ payment of a Free-Will Gift to the CECIL J. WILKINSON the fraternity to be Operating fm spent as the Archons may (Ohio Wesleyan '17) determine. Editor and Manager Rust Building. 1001 15th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Name________ Chapter and Class_ If your address should be changed in our records, give new one: KILLED IN ACTION 1\1.‘kCII, 1944 No. 5 aralb Jensen Cfplatophrr iiirharb - • , 7: '41 i (6arrigua i fittr EtrharbLiam Eartman Jailn raster frail (1)enison '41, PHI GAMMA Cbarlea .3.Vaurr Ifiatur DELTA Eiriparb Eating ( fRilirr Eirtlarb Indiana '4(1) * * * ,;eora Tech. '301 attiunn 3Tnitnn \\ 'William Tahiti Ennii. 31r, '37) Militant Nranris IREIrrb Our War Story Continued irrbrrirk illrlirr Rriti-';11 Columbia '43) Cart Nara #rhurtialrr mghts So Bold Pay Inexorable Penalty of Total War, Paul *. JolIns. Jr. ashington '42 I Enbrrt Nrank 11attElerrn With V-for-Victory As Determined Battle Cry (1V, '43) ePtantrg Allen Bouglao. Jr. a.hington and Joint Fnitlips Lee '39) thief By CECIL J. WILKINS( ( Ohio Wesleyan '17) (Earl Pennsyk,ania State '43) %nib Editor of THE PHI GAMMA DELTA N..rtli Carolina Erir enutts tinware Eugene Earle Columbia '37 \\ Amid. Jr. illiarn Jewell '41 ) Prratnn Earl Eirilarbann qE inexorable penalty of total ton Bridge, Eng.. on January 7, 1944. * * * Stewart INilltain (critnitirr '43 1 A-ar — stark death — continues to i . 1iU lain iirrIt haman ...vied upon our beloved fraternity The name of Ensign Peiffer will wbert lOrttrti C,durnbia '421 s now upon the eternal tablet are in- ever remain green in Phi Gamma Del- rtin Enbrrt and 1 - Eurtis Elandlarb. Jr. cribed the following names: ta. He was a native of Wilmington. N. 1 CI:4=as (Colgate '37) rellpain itinlaIJ Ensign Carl (North C., where he was born in 1915. Com- Davidson -Erman David Peiffer '41' Elgar Illagnrr and designated as a 'Purim hIah 3,) rolina '38), who has been officially missioned in 1941 Event InIntann ir1vfl declared dead by United States naval aviator, he reported to Scouting '37, ZhtlItta5 ifl3thnButinsr the liJfl '39) Navy, after having been reported as Squadron Six, attached to the U. S. .5'. iiinuthrn. 31r. the plane •41 tThroborr AUL% ifirtati iissing- in action since the Battle of Enterprise. On June 5, 1942, 42 t was in the thick totanlrg ilroriur Wright Midway on June 5, 1942. of which he was pilot '4.2) (6rorge Unto Enos, Second Midway fighting. Carl loosed ( Jr. Lieutenant Newton Thomp- of the Newton Richmond '4(1 ) trffninpann Saws s,m James (Tennessee '34), marine his entire load of bombs on enemy Jap- Tenni,-,scv '3-4) Nag iirnuglgun liagrr started to return to I.'mol l '37) who was killed in acti, in the anese ships and Douglas fibular') )11.,111/ Sitith Pacific on Octo- his carrier. His plane ' er 26. 1943 ran out of gas and he Lieutenant George was last seen to land on MISSING IN get ACTION 'inot Koss. Jr. (Rich- the ocean and to rubber JohniijCeuta '40), who is now safely into his #taulru 3frebrrtrk Cirr (6rieg .lined dead, after life raft. fotattlrn his daring exploit, , .. • Dantrl Cyan been reported as For tertor11 was post- Eirharb Nurgetis -lig in action in the Ensign Peiffer . t*tantoti Etutrr awarded the '42) 313aar frurxauij i.,uropean theater on No- humously finhcrt , If:mover *42 Navy Cross and 3itgalls Coin' ember 11. 1943. coveted tat,, wraith Jag Jn-innf copy of the Presiden- (1)el'auw Lieutenant Douglas a .2Nrthur Xeu '40, Mass. Tech. '41) Citation to the Ambrnar !ward Webb (Occi- tial Unit ifranris ErnugIrtnn. Jr. Enterprise. concerning Ennalb 1 1.artmoutti '43) . ntal '42), who was tquart tlatr, • which information ap- Jet4e1i 41; lUarren Athrrt eh-hater lied in action at Sut- \ esit: an .. 4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 349 CITATIONS FOR GALLANTRY little later on in this issue. IN ACTION rc a went to his death. The War Depart- BRITISH ,troyer escort, the U. S. S. Peif- ment has reported that he DISTINGUISHED was killed in (British FLYING CROSS: launched in January, is named for action at Columbia '37), EREDERit is EDGAR C. KENDAL! Sutton Bridge, Eng.,.on Jan- W. 1). Si to British gallant former Tar Heel varsity WooD (Dartmouth '38). Columbia '39), E ER F. uary 7, 1944. His parents know that TT player. the!! it was on his sixth mission over Ger- U. S. ARMY * * * many. That day chemical plants in DISTINGUISHED ALLEN (Davidson SERVICE CROSS: Ludwigshafen were bombed and '32), CLovis E. BYERS BROOKE E The island advances in the South they BERGER (Ohio (Ohio State '21). surmise State '07), JACK W. ROBERT L. EtcHEL- cost the life of that Doug's plane was hit and HALL (William Jewell citic Second Lieu- Hued:kis (Oregon State '38, '38), MEREDITH M. crashed at Sutton Bridge, which is on Minnesota '38), FREDERICK ant lames. "NT." signed up with '43). JAMES B. SMYTH A. SCHAEFER (Cornell the coast of the North (Texas *39), MAx R. Devil Dogs in December, 1942, Sea. CHARLES A. WiLLouGHBv WiEcKs (Oklahoma A native (Gettysburg '14). '36), d was commissioned the following of Long Beach, Calif., Brother Webb was Just before he left for "boot" born in 1920. He U. S. ARMY was commissioned last SILVER STAR: tp he turned up July 10 and L. BAIRD BROOKE E. ALLEN at Kappa Tau (Lafayette '33), CLovis E. (Davidson '32), DAVID joined the Eighth Air Force last No- (Chicago BYERs (Ohio State '21), ;ter and said, "I just wanted to '33), PArrtsom Fut.Tos Can E. Comas vember. '17), (Wisconsin '37), .,I a Fiji meeting before I leave." MEREDITH M. Hued:Ns HOBART R. GAY (Knox Among his survivors is a Fiji bro- JOHNSON (Oregon State '38, Minnesota formation as to the circumstances (Johns Hopkins '38), '38), J. BRADFORD THOMAS R. JEmtsoN •- Anding ther, Lieutenant John Alfred Webb McCLuNG (Berkeley '37), (Washington '39), ROBERT his death is lacking, but RICHARD E. MILLER (Indiana (Occidental '42). (Texas '39), RonuT M. '40), JA.siEs B. Sig brothers are confident that he STILLMAN (Colorado YTH VAN (Los College '33), ROBERT 11 the * * * Angeles '38), CLARENcE E. B. SULLI- thick of the fight. VANDoREN SUMMERS (Nebraska '38), (Missouri '43), HERMAN E. ROBERT F. Lieutenant James was born in Six more names are added to the WEST (Oregon '34 WAGNER (Idaho '35), GRA HA ), CHARLES A. W ST n(xville in 1913. roster of the Fijis who have been re- ILLOUGHBY (Gettysburg '14). lie is the second Kappa Tau man ported as missing in action: U. S. ARMY make the supreme DISTINGUISHED sacrifice, the Captain Robert Ingalls Conn (Ore- ALLEN ( FLYING er DandsoIl '32), HENRY R. CROSS: BROOKE E. being Lieutenant Nicholls White gon State '40), who has not been CECIL E. BEEsos (Washington and COMDS (Chicago '33), ‘k Jefferson '37). wden ( Tennessee '41). ROBERT D. ARREN A. BLAKELY heard from since he departed from an Cu' (Nebraska (Colorado College '42), '39), BR("CE K. * * airbase in Tunisia in a B-26 Maraud- THOMAS R. JEmisoN HOLLOWAY (Tennessee * 41), (Washington '39), CLYDE V. '33). er on August 4, 1943. HowARD J. LoNERGAN ( KNISLEY. JR. (Tennessee 1-:;‘; magazine last month reported '42). Bucknell '42), EDWARD P. M Jerome, III ROBERT A. McCLI-NG ALISZEWSK I (Denison L Lieutenant Frank Jay JOHN (Berkeley '37), RICHARD -.nant Ross as missing in action R. MUEHLBERG E. MILLER (Indiana '40, (DePauw '40, Massachusetts Tech. (Lehigh '42). JAmF.s E. European theater as of Novem- SULLiVAN (LOS SMYTH (Texas '39). RosERT It '41). who has not come back from a Angeles '38), CLARF.NCE 11, 1943.