A publication for alumni and friends.

Vol. 3, Issue 2, Summer 2008

ith almost 4,000 years of recorded calling for China to become the largest Whistory, China is one of the world’s economy in the world by 2030. This most ancient civilizations. Through major coming August, the eyes of the world will dynastic periods such as the ancient be fixed on the PRC as it hosts the XXIX Eastern Zhou, which saw the birth of Summer Olympic Games. The Olympics Confucius and the spread of Daoism—one will afford another glimpse into a land with of the precursors of Buddhism—China which we, in the United States, have a moved to the last of the dynastic rulers, high degree of familiarity, but of which we the Manchu, in 1911. After World War I, know very little. It will also be a time of China went through a turbulent period of great significance for Kuyper College time which culminated with the birth of alumna, Laura Liu, class of 1998, who FromFrom ChinaChina the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was born in the south-central city of after World War II. Since then, through Henyang, Hunan (province), in the toto WestWest successive governments and a combination People's Republic of China. of communism coupled with “controlled According to Laura, like most capitalism,” China has emerged as one of Chinese people, her parents were very Michigan the world’s great military, cultural and Olympic banners take center stage at the From China economic powers—with some projections continued on page 4 Great Wall Eve’s Hope Looking back— Human trafficking and an insidious the students decided to partner with a a perspective slave-sex trade are booming industries in non-profit agency—Women At Risk Recently the editor of The Kuyper College many parts of the world. To (WAR) International. This News met with six students who graduated this create awareness of these organization works to prevent past May. TKCN asked them to share their and other issues in the West human trafficking and support views on their time at the College. Michigan area, and to women who are victims of promote equality and dignity the sex trade by providing April Burt—Interdisciplinary for women worldwide, safe-houses and helping to set Studies Major. students in the social them up in self-supporting Nothing before had prepared me for the work Communities and micro-businesses. academic rigors and the self-discipline Organizations class created Eve’s Hope hosted an event that I needed to be successful at Kuyper. Eve’s Hope. According to at Kuyper College this past During my first semester, Sarah Behm founding members Sheryl spring. The keynote speaker— (associate registrar) came alongside of me Bos, Joni Dykema, Mary Lee, Becky McDonald, president of and began helping me get organized so I Elizabeth Krikke, Sheri WAR International—brought could manage my time more effectively. Palmbos and Sarah Poulisse, an informative and moving Frankly, the bottom line is that I had a Eve’s Hope seeks to bring to message on the plight of women rebellious attitude towards having to light women’s rights violations across the all over the world. After the message study so hard and be accountable to globe by providing avenues for individuals the 70-plus guests in attendance had others. It was not until the end of my to be educated on the main issues at hand the opportunity to view and purchase second year that I began to realize what a and by also giving them an opportunity products made through some of these privilege I had been given—the ability to to respond. study and learn. It was then that, After much discussion and research, Eve’s Hope Looking Back continued on page 2 continued on page 3

Kuyper College equips students with a biblical, Reformed worldview to serve effectively Christ’s church and his world. LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Rocky Mountain Summer brings with it a great variety of activities as High—Colorado families schedule graduation events, yard work projects, kids’ soccer games, teens’ work schedules, weddings In early summer, 10 and—oh, yes—somewhere in there…a vacation! This students enrolled newsletter may not bring you much mental diversion in the youth from that business, as you will see reflected in the ministry course, articles a similar variety of activities coursing around Camping and the College over the summer. However, I do hope you Retreats, and their find some spiritual inspiration in these notes of our professor, Brian Telzerow, were on busyness as you continue to witness along with us how the move. “We wonderfully God is blessing the College with growth spent the first week of the trip touring in enrollment and programs. different properties in , This growth is, indeed, an awesome blessing—something you and we from Lake City to Holland to Big Rapids have prayed about and worked toward for many years! But there is an even and Evert,” said Telzerow. “The students stronger blessing that trumps growth: the ongoing demonstration of the spirit, gained valuable experience hearing from and seeing professionals running camping character and enthusiasm of our students as they engage the world for the and retreat facilities.” sake of Christ—as the stories by and about our students in this issue convey. During the second week, the group This is truly what makes Kuyper College stand out amongst our sister drove to Buena Vista, Colorado, and institutions and what makes us unique in the realm of higher education. I completed a mini version of a backpacking witness to you that from what I see happen here day by day and from what and whitewater rafting trip that, according I see our graduates go on to do, there is every reason to be encouraged, to Telzerow, has been a highlight of every May session class with students. “We optimistic and enthusiastic about the future of this generation and of the spent three days and two nights in the church. These students are focused and eager to share the love and grace high country in the Ivy League Peaks in of Christ as they serve others and lead our churches to minister even more Colorado,” said Telzerow. “What these effectively in today’s world. students experienced during these two By the end of our busy summers, many of us (especially those with kids) weeks cannot be duplicated in the look forward to the order and routine that school provides as we enter the fall classroom,” he concluded. season. We too at Kuyper look forward to welcoming our largest freshman class in what promises to be our highest enrollment ever. I ask that you find Eve’s Hope time to pray regularly for us and the students as we add classes to our schedule continued from cover and find space for all the activities and services we provide. Above all, I pray micro-businesses run by rescued women. that our growth in numbers will take along with it that same spirit and reason Through the purchases made that night, for being at Kuyper that has characterized our students all along. May you too Eve’s Hope was able to raise over $600 to be enthused in continuing with us as we strive to bring God’s grace into today’s give back to the women sponsored by culture. Have a great summer! WAR International. “Our efforts,” said Sarah, “were directed not just to the delivery of information, but also to providing avenues for action. We saw that happen by Dr. Nicholas V. Kroeze the generous giving of people who heard President Becky’s presentation. In addition, WAR International provides anyone who wants to support these women with the opportunity to host a jewelry party in that person’s home.” For more information, or to learn more about WAR, please visit www.warinternational.org.

2 IN MY WORDS The theology of baseball Dan Kroeze what sin has done in people’s lives, and I am jealous for the glory Professor of Biblical Studies of God. I am motivated to use the gifts that God has given me to teach at Kuyper College and prepare students to join the spiritual On July 14, 1968, my father took me to battle against the evil of this world. my first major league baseball game at Yankee There is something else in baseball that reminds me of the Stadium. That was the day I fell in love with grace of God—there is no clock. There is always time to make up baseball and the New York Yankees. for past mistakes. There is always time for redemption. Paul also As I got older I came to develop a love and says in Romans 3 that God justifies us by his grace through faith a passion for something else—studying, in Jesus Christ. It is as if Jesus pinch hits for us in the ninth inning proclaiming, and teaching the Word of God and hits a home run to cover all of our past mistakes and to and its theological truths. In my theological redeem us from the power of the devil. Jesus associated with all development I have appreciated the ways that baseball has kinds of people who went 0 for 4 in their lives—failures, con continued to teach me. I have seen in its drama two of the great artists, prostitutes, and tax collectors. I am privileged to teach spiritual realities that we find in the gospel of Jesus Christ: first, about the realities of sin and salvation at Kuyper College in the the great fact of sin, and second, the enormous wonder of the hope that our students will carry the gospel of God’s grace to a grace of God. hurting world. I will gladly continue to do so as God grants me Romans 3:23 tells us, “all have sinned and fall short of time because, as one of the great theologians of the game, Yogi the glory of God.” Baseball is a great dramatization of that Berra, said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” predicament. In baseball, players are always falling short; even the best players have never reached the standard of batting 1000. In life, as in baseball, all of us have failed. We have all struck out. “In My Words” is a feature of The Kuyper College News As I see this great brokenness in the world today, I am angered by highlighting first-person stories by Kuyper College faculty.


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Looking Back Ruth Ritsema—Social Work Major. job in order to meet family responsibilities. continued from cover Because I could not come to school as a In 1999 I decided that I would like to full-time student, I decided that if I was through the help of staff and professors, I take some theology classes. So I began going to make it, I could not look at the began to do much better. This last year attending Kuyper, taking a few courses end date. So I broke the journey down, has been the best. My GPA has been the every year. It was during the writing of a not into years, or even semesters, but highest ever, and looking back, I can paper on Calvinism that the idea of half-semesters. This idea came to me plainly see the work God has done in going for a degree in social work first my life through the caring prodding and occurred to me. It was a daunting Looking Back counsel of so many. thought because I needed my full-time continued on page 7

3 From China life—preparing for college. “We usually shared the biblical story of creation with continued from cover started the school day early in the morning Laura. According to her, up until that family-oriented. “They moved back to with ‘morning self study’ and ended at time, all she had ever heard or studied was their hometown when I was five years old around 10:00 p.m. after finishing our based on the theory of evolution. “These so they could be near their parents,” she homework. In between, I was involved in new thoughts introduced a window to the said. “Although we lived in a tiny two- the editing of my school newsletter,” she darkened room of my heart,” she said. “I bedroom apartment, my parents often said. “The only thing that bothered me,” realized that it might not be true that invited my grandparents to live with us for she continued, “Was that I couldn’t find there is no God nor Savior, like the long periods of time.” Laura said they often answers to some profound life questions, anthem we always sang in school—‘The had relatives—aunts, uncles, and cousins such as: Who am I? Where did I come Internationale’—claimed. I began to coming to visit. “We didn’t have much in from? Where am I going? Obsessed with understand that there is a creator and his the way of material goods, but we had a lot these questions, I often took long walks name is God.” Laura said that her life of love,” she said. “We had all the meals after my evening studies, thinking about started making more sense than ever together as a family, went to the park on all these issues, yet never finding a before. She even visited a local the weekends, and visited our relatives satisfactory answer.” church with her friend, who had in the countryside from time to time.” After graduating from Normal become a Christian. Laura’s teenage years were focused on University, Laura became a teacher at a A few months after her first visit, she what is a very important aspect of Chinese nearby college. However, the questions joined the church’s Bible study group in that she grappled with during the home of two American teachers who her early years continued to had come to China to teach English at the bother her during this time. University. “I studied, questioned and “No matter how hard I challenged the Bible,” she said. “Yet, worked, I was not satisfied,” despite my unbelief, God revealed himself she said. “It seemed there through his Word, bringing peace to my was always more to be heart and bringing meaning out of the accomplished, so I struggled meaninglessness of my life. He made me like a caterpillar in a cocoon. realize that Christ is ‘the way, the truth and Without any hope of a the life,’ and that I could be saved through breakthrough, my feelings of his life, his death and his resurrection.” emptiness and hopelessness Laura said she finally surrendered her life Some of China's cities are among the most modern in the world intensified.” When all hope and accepted Christ as her Lord and seemed to be gone, a friend Savior on Christmas Day, 1989. Commencement 2008 something of yourself, it will spiritual climate and needs of the church collide with your call to follow — was awarded to Bob and Paulette Christ,” warned Dr. Stowell. Israels. In a letter affirming the Israels’ He went on to say, “If God has for this recognition, the board of trustees gifted you to be a leader—that took note of Bob’s leadership and support is your gift. However, your in the critical area of the repositioning calling is not to leadership. and renaming of the College. The letter Your calling is still to be a stated: “As a successful businessman, follower of Christ.” He ended Bob, and as a Christ-centered, spiritually his address powerfully, sensitive couple, Bob and Paulette, you On Friday, May 9, Kuyper College reminding the students that “positions helped us come to terms with issues, held its 67th commencement. Dr. Joseph come and go; calling stays the same.” opportunities and decisions that would Stowell, president of Cornerstone The H.J. Kuiper Founder’s Service have to be made if we were to more University, gave the commencement Award — named for Rev. H.J. Kuiper and effectively serve Christ and his church. address. He challenged the 2008 graduating given every year during commencement You helped us see what could be and class to ponder the true meaning of God’s to an individual, or individuals, who have you spoke with experience on the calling. “If your first intention is to make consistently shown sensitivity to the manageability of the process.”

4 “No matter how hard I worked, I was not satisfied. It seemed California that serves children and families. On the weekends she teaches Chinese to there was always more to be accomplished, so I struggled like a children in Sunday school at her church. caterpillar in a cocoon. Without any hope of a breakthrough, my “When I finished college in China, I tried my best to find a job teaching in a college so feelings of emptiness and hopelessness intensified.” I would not have to teach young children,” — Laura Liu she said. “The Lord, however, has now led me into children’s ministry both here at In 1992 Laura moved to the southern the library.” the church, and through my social work. city of Guangzhou, entered a graduate Laura recalls being most impressed by Surprisingly, I have truly enjoyed it. Kids program, and soon received a master’s in the humility of the professors and leaders are amazing! I have seen the children grasp economics. Subsequently, she resumed her of the school. “I remember,” she said, the teachings from the Bible and begin to teaching career in another university. In “during the winter of 1997, West Michigan put them to work in their lives. It is such a 1995, she heard about Kuyper College experienced a heavy, wet snowfall which delight. Through it all, the Lord continues from “her spiritual mentors” who had first caused many electrical outages. President to remind me of lessons that I learned at introduced her to Christ at that small, Kroeze grilled hamburgers outside the Kuyper regarding my role—sow the seed, local church. She had been eager to study cafeteria so the students would have a hot endure the wait, and let God do his job of in a Bible college since coming to know meal. I was very touched by that. Through growing and maturing the seed.” Christ. Crediting the “good scholarship that example I learned that a program” at Kuyper for making it Christian leader is truly a financially possible for her to study in the servant. My studies and life States, she applied and was accepted. at the College helped me to Starting at the College in the fall of experience life and the world 1996, Laura admits to a certain amount through a Bible-centered of fear and uncertainty. “However, that view. I also learned how to quickly evaporated as I was warmly work with other parts of the welcomed by the faculty and student body of Christ, and how I can body,” she said. “Many faculty members contribute to the building invited me to their homes, so did several of God’s kingdom.” board members. I loved the Bible and Currently Laura is sociology courses, morning devotions, employed as a social worker A farmer tends to his rice paddies in central China weekly chapel services and my job in through an agency in Spring Celebration Gala On Wednesday, April 16, the largest difference in the lives of others throughout As keynote speaker, Thomas, a Christian audience ever — over 800 guests — the world. conservative, spoke on our culture, politics, gathered at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, education, and other issues that confront Michigan, for the College’s annual Spring the church today. With wit, charm, humor, Celebration Gala. Kuyper’s president, Nick but mostly serious warning, he keyed in on Kroeze, gave a report on the growth of the the state of the church in this country and College’s programs and on the increase in how “to our shame we’ve allowed politics enrollment projected for the coming year. to take residence in its pews, a situation However, most of his remarks were made that if not remedied, will continue to in reference to the mission of Kuyper weaken our faith as we place our — “To equip students with a for solving the problems we face today not biblical, Reformed worldview to serve Cal Thomas addresses guests at the Gala on God, but on politicians and political effectively Christ’s church and his world.” parties.” Thomas ended by challenging He also thanked the Kuyper staff and After his remarks, Kroeze introduced the audience to make a donation to the faculty, as well as the many friends of Cal Thomas, the most widely-read College, “so they will continue to be Kuyper who were present, for their newspaper columnist in the country and successful in carrying out the theme of the faithfulness in helping make the College one of the most highly-regarded voices on positioning line — Bringing God’s grace a place that produces graduates who make a the American cultural and political scene. into today’s culture.”

5 Internship in Costa Rica Sara Ann Keegstra, class of 2008, has back to Latin America,” said Sara. more about life. “Here, I’ve learned that spent the past year teaching English Sara is responsible for making lesson life is about living every moment to the through an internship at Universidad plans, teaching, and giving and grading glory of God. It doesn’t matter where I’m Evangelica de Las Americas, or in English, living or what my profession is. As a The Evangelical University of the Christian, where I am living and my Americas, in San José, the capital of Costa profession is where my ministry is.” Rica. When she’s not teaching or attending According to Sara, until last year, finishing classes at the Universidad, she’s a volunteer college in a foreign country had never at Cristo Para La Ciudad, a rescue ministry entered her mind. “It’s amazing how God for young girls living on the streets. changes us to fit what he wants us to be, According to Sara, her cross-cultural if only we let him do his work,” she said. and Teaching English as a Second As for what is next, Sara is not exactly Sara teaching English at Universidad sure. “Here, I’ve gained some experience in Language (TESOL) studies, as well as her Evangelica de Las Americas previous mission trips to Guatemala and teaching English, and I hope to continue the Dominican Republic, made the tests. As part of her coursework, she is also to do that in the future, but I don’t know decision to go to Costa Rica easier. required to be aware and sensitive of the where or when,” she said. “I rest in the fact “However, it was really God speaking cultural similarities and differences that as of right now, God has shown me to me through the work of Professor Teja between the U.S. and C.R. However, that he will use me no matter what and Professor Renkema that brought me above all else, Sara says that she’s learning situation I’m in.” Baptism in the fourth century During a History and Theology of spent Saturday with their elder, and were who were to be baptized, so they could Worship course last fall at Kuyper College, baptized on Sunday,” said Wykstra. She spend time together studying the reason and Professor Carol Hochhalter began each continued: “Most baptisms took place at the meaning of baptism. On the day of the class period with a reenactment of a dawn on Easter Sunday—symbolizing the baptism, young people and their families worship service from a different time passing from death to life. To also symbolize gathered in the church’s dimly lit sanctuary. period. One of those reenactments—a the passing from darkness to light, many The burning of incense accentuated the baptism from the fourth century—made baptisms took place in caves. After being pungent smell of a cave, while the sound such an impression on Val Wykstra, class baptized and anointed with oil, believers of constant running water gave the sense of 2010, that she decided to try it in her of being inside a baptistery. Wykstra home church, Friendship CRC in Byron explained: “Wearing black, each of the Center, Michigan. “It was exciting to take young people was baptized by their deacon something I learned in a class at Kuyper or deaconess. As they knelt and bent their College and turn it into a learning heads over a basin, water was carefully experience for our church’s young people poured over their heads three times in and their parents,” said Wykstra. Using recognition of the Trinity. Afterwards, the Professor Hochhalter’s detailed notes on pastor anointed their heads with oil, each baptism as it was practiced back in the put on a white robe, and received a lit Jerusalem church, Friendship’s youth A student changes into a white robe candle. After singing ‘Christ the Lord is pastor and Wykstra worked together to after being baptized Risen Today,’ the congregation joined the approximate the setting used in the fourth would change from black clothing to white young people as they marched to a brightly century. On March 2, after the evening and step out from the cave’s darkness into lit gym where the sacrament of the Lord’s service, the baptism took place. the light of a new day. With the rest of Supper was shared. This was followed by According to Wykstra, during the the congregation, they would then spend a celebration dinner.” fourth century, individuals were baptized the rest of the day in celebration and Asked what she hoped to accomplish only after having gone through an intense thanksgiving of both Easter and the by this reenactment, Wykstra answered, period of preparation under the leadership new life in Christ of those who had “My hope is that the young people of our of a mature member or elder of the church. been baptized.” church will understand the importance “In anticipation of their baptism, believers Closely following the pattern learned of knowing and following Jesus, and how during those days took a ritual cleansing in class, Wykstra’s church assigned a deacon careful and deliberate we must be in bath on Thursday, fasted all day Friday, or deaconess to each of the young people following his commands.”

6 Looking Back ourselves. Wonderful because in letting continued from page 3 go, we experience the unspeakable Faculty appointments after remembering a plaque that hung in freedom and joy of being submissive The board of trustees of the College a friend’s house—“Yard-by-yard life is to his will. recently announced the following hard, but inch-by-inch it’s a cinch.” faculty appointments: Professors Scott, Meerman, Felch, Benjamin Bras—Social Work Major. Douglas Felch, Ph.D.— Milano and many others encouraged During my first year at Kuyper, I was not me every “inch” of the way. Now, I am very involved. I was working full time Associate Professor of looking for a position in social work and had a hard time letting go of the Theology and Chair of Bible while I attend Baylor University for job. The money meant more to me than & Theology Department— graduate work—an M.S.W. being part of the community. However, to tenured Professor of in Gerontology. God had other plans. Gradually, through Theology and Chair of Bible my cohort of social work students, I & Theology Department. Tom Sterk—Educational began to experience the closeness of Ministry Major. community. I quit my full-time job and Daniel Kroeze, Ph.D.— My original plan was to go overseas as a took a job in the Kuyper kitchen as a Associate Professor of missionary, but Kuyper helped to open student employee. Another major Biblical Studies—to tenured my eyes to the reality that just outside turning point for me was an Professor of Biblical Studies. its doors, there’s a whole world that independent study in psychology with needs Christ. So after a year here, I Dr. Braley. He helped me have a better changed my major. During my time here understanding of my calling. The every facet of the program helped me investment of energy and support the Greg Scott, L.M.S.W.— grow educationally and spiritually. All Kuyper staff and faculty spent on me has Associate Professor of Social of that having been said, my greatest made all the difference. Now, I’m Work and Social Work experience at Kuyper, and the one for headed to graduate school for my M.S.W. Program Director—to which I will always be most grateful, is tenured Professor of Social that I found a wife here—Kari, class of Susan Wisniewski—Child 2006. Now, we’re expecting our first Development Major. Work and Social Work child—a girl—in September. I presently work as a clinical assistant in Program Director. a non-profit organization, ministering to Kelly O’Brien—Youth Carol Hochhalter, non-verbal, developmentally delayed M.W.S.—Instructor of Ministry Major. adults. In 2006, I decided to come back Music and Worship and Before coming to Kuyper, I must have to Kuyper to complete my four year Worship Coordinator—to driven past the College dozens of times, baccalaureate. (I had received an never stopping to find out what was associate degree in 1995.) During my Assistant Professor of going on there. Frankly, not knowing time here, while studying to reach my Worship Studies. anything about the Reformed tradition, goals, I was able to develop biblically- Branson Parler, M.A.— I thought this place was only for based curricula that I use with the adults Christian brats. Four years later, I that I minister to at work. Dr. Meyer has to Assistant Professor of most emphatically have been proven been instrumental in helping me Theology. wrong. After checking other schools up develop this program. It is to be noted and down the East Beltline, I decided that Kuyper has given me the to apply, even though it was plain confidence to be able to live the gospel to see after a campus visit that the at work. Over the last year, I’ve been environment at the school was very far gently sharing with my room partner from the more boisterous Irish culture many of the things I’ve learned at Sympathy to that I had been raised in. So now I leave Kuyper. To my delight, she recently Kuyper hoping that some of my Irish has made a profession of faith. On June 6, Jeremy Beimers, class of rubbed off, but also, and more importantly, 1999, died in an automobile accident. with the ability to articulate the gospel. Jeremy’s wife, Lisa Beimers (Ash), is also At Kuyper, I also learned about the a graduate of the College. The Kuyper true meaning of grace—terrifying at College community grieves with times, but always the most wonderful gift Jeremy’s family. Please keep Lisa and her from God. Terrifying because to accept three children, Jacob, Kaleb, and Joshua it, we must completely let go of in your prayers.


Sarah DeWitte Scriptures, but that I had to live its truths every day.” Sarah had an opportunity to live those truths in her church as a leader of Hometown: Jenison, Michigan worship for both children’s nursery and the monthly praise, Year: Class of 2010 worship and devotional study night for high school students. Although Sarah had heard about Kuyper, it wasn’t until she Major: Elementary Education came for a campus visit that she was able to see that Kuyper was the place for her. “One of the things that impressed me was how everyone seemed to genuinely care,” she said. “Now that I’ve been here for two years, I see that caring as an everyday Growing up, Sarah DeWitte described how her life revolved occurrence from students, staff and faculty.” She’s also found around a closely-knit family and her church—Trinity Christian herself surrounded by high academic and spiritual expectations. Reformed. Some of her fondest memories are of the extended “I’ve been mentally and spiritually challenged by my coursework camping trips to the beach in Pentwater, Michigan, with her family. She talked of how, as the warm days would give way into cool and professors,” she said. One of Sarah’s favorites is Professor evenings, the family would sit around an after-dinner fire with her Jessica Maddox. “In our philosophy class she makes us think dad reading from the Bible. “Those after-dinner Bible times with about what we believe and why,” she explained. the family went a long way towards influencing my beliefs and my According to Sarah, Kuyper not only has stretched her faith,” said Sarah. However, it was not until she was in high school academically and spiritually, it also has helped her to mature. that she started seeking the full meaning of her faith. “I began to “As an RA I’m responsible for 15 first-year students who are search for what I really believed, not just what I had been told,” new to this learning environment,” she said. “I try to help them she said. “Through conversations with my peers and my youth develop life skills, as well as self- and community discipline pastor, as well as through extended periods of Bible reading and through one-on-one time, dorm Bible studies, and by setting study, I began to see that I needed not only to agree with the an example of how we should live.”


Mark down Monday, September 15, on your to teeing up with you as we enjoy good play, good calendar to play in the 16th Annual Kuyper College fellowship and good food. For more information International Invitational Golf Scramble. This year’s on playing or helping to sponsor this event, please tournament will be held at the Watermark Country contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or Club in Cascade, Michigan. Over the last 15 years, call 616.988.3709. the proceeds from this event have helped Kuyper College offer scholarships and financial aid to students from all over the world. We look forward

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