Appendix 2

Land at 47 The Drove, Collyweston Development Brief

Statement of Consultation and Consideration of Representations

1. Introduction

1.1 On 21st May 2003 East Council approved Land at 47 The Drove, Collyweston Development Brief for the purpose of consultation with the local community and other interested organisations.

1.2 This statement sets out the steps that were taken to publicise the draft development brief and the arrangements that were made to give the local community and any other interested parties an opportunity to make comments and to make them aware of that opportunity.

1.3 The statement also sets out Council's consideration of the representations received and the revisions that were made to the brief as a result.

2. Consultation

2.2 Burghley House Preservation Trust prepared the development brief after initial discussions with officers from East Northamptonshire Council and a presentation to Collyweston Parish Council. An informal draft brief was circulated on the 23 October 2002 to Collyweston Parish Council and East Northamptonshire Council. Written comments from East Northamptonshire Council resulted in some amendments to the brief. The Parish Council held an open meeting on the 12 December 2002 for all residents of the village. This was attended by the Clerk to the Parish Council, five Parish Councillors and four members of the public and explanations were made by the author. There was an open discussion and no resolutions were passed. The main areas for discussion that were relevant to the brief included;

• the need to ensure that there is sufficient car parking capacity; • doubts about whether narrowing roads would have any benefit; • doubts about the relevance of keeping the stone wall at the front of the site; and • a need to ensure suitable materials The Parish Council made its written comments by 15 January 2003 and some further amendments was made to the informal draft development brief.

2.3 The Council's Planning & Licensing Committee approved a draft of this development brief for consultation on 21st May 2003. A notice was placed in the Council's community newspaper 'Nene Valley News' on 8 July, Issue 129. Copies of the document were sent to a wide range of organisations and individuals. In addition a text only version of the draft development brief was made available via the District Council's website. The consultation began in May 2003, with a deadline for responses of 5 August 2003.

3. Objections and Representations

3.1 All objections and representations received can be inspected at the offices of East Northamptonshire District Council. A summary of the objections and representations received is set out in the following schedule.

4. Consideration of Objections and Representations

4.1 East Northamptonshire Council has considered each representation submitted and has decided what action to take on each. The following schedule sets out this consideration.

SCHEDULE OF REPRESENTATIONS Respondent Comment Response Action Anglian Water • Stated that foul drainage from • Comment noted. No change • No change as result of this development can be required representation accommodated in the existing public foul sewer in the Drove. • There are no public surface • Revised brief will require • Add new paragraph "Anglian water sewers in the vicinity and sustainable urban drainage Water advises that there are no surface water will not in any measures for the disposal of public surface water sewers in circumstances be permitted to surface water. Detailed matters the vicinity and surface water discharge to the foul sewer. An will be determined at the will not in any circumstances alternative method of surface reserved matters stage. be permitted to discharge to the water disposal should therefore foul sewer. The Council Anglain Water be considered requires a Sustainable Urban cont'd; Drainage solution for the disposal of surface water. The Environment Agency will offer further advice and information." Collyweston Parish • Express concern about parking • Development should conform • No change as result of Council at the site entrance and on the to the Local Plan which representation Drove stipulates that any proposals will need to meet the requirements of the Council and the local highway authority in terms of access, parking and manoeuvring. • Considers the brief should • The extant planning permission • No change as result of exclude land described as phase relates to the entire site. The representation two. main aim of the brief is to ensure the two sites in different ownership are developed in a comprehensive manner. To sub divide the site will threaten this aim. • The Parish Council is • It is not appropriate to prescribe • No change as result of concerned that the use of the a rigid set of design rules as representation term 'should' as used exceptional circumstances may throughout the document is not necessitate a degree of a strong enough term. flexibility. • The footpath link should be • Designating public rights of • No change as result of specified as a public right of way is the responsibility of representation way. Northamptonshire County Council. This falls outside the jurisdiction of the brief. The Collyweston Parish Parish Council may contact the Council cont; County Council to make a case for designation based on its historical use. • Requests that structural • The brief addresses the site • No change as result of landscaping is provided around comprehensively and it is representation each phase of the site. inappropriate to divide the site through landscaping. Nevertheless, the brief specifies that mature trees along the boundary between the two ownerships should be retained • Consider that all the mature • Trees which have an amenity • No change as result of trees in phase two must be value are protected under representation retained. When phase one is at Policy EN3 of the Local Plan. detailed planning stage, a tree The brief also reinforces this survey will be required from protection by specifying that the developer to ensure that at majority of mature trees along least 70% of phase one trees are the boundary of the two phases retained. should be retained. • Request the wall along the • Retention of the wall is • No change as result of frontage of The Drove is encouraged in the brief. No representation reinstated and retained access is permitted through the thereafter. wall except for a single access point. • The relevant Government Act • Comment is too vague. Without • No change as result of must cover the Open Space knowing which Government representation Act it is difficult to comment. However, the requirement to provide the open space is set out in Local Plan policy and the associated supplementary Collyweston Parish planning guidance. Future Council cont'd; maintenance of the open space would be secured through a legal agreement with the developer and the Parish Council. • Opposed to two storey houses • Two storey houses with steeply • No change as result of with steep roofs. pitched gable roofs are a representation common feature in the village and are acceptable in terms of local character. • Opposed to the creation of 2 1/2 • The brief stipulates that in • No change as result of or 3 storey houses. general, houses should be of representation two storey, however buildings of 2 1/2 and 3 storey are acceptable in terms of local character. • Feels that hedges and stone • To ensure new development • Amend text to paragraph 13 of walls are to be used for internal integrates harmoniously with draft to read "Solid walls and boundaries existing village, hedges and fences should not immediately stone walls will be required for abut the footpath, however boundary treatment to public hedges and stone walls should routes and areas. be used for boundary treatment to public routes and areas where natural surveillance is not compromised" Delete text "Details should accord with the 'Secure By Design' approach." as it is referred to elsewhere. • Proposes that maintenance and • Agree that brief should clarify • Amend text to paragraph 6 of ownership of footpath should maintenance and ownership of brief to read "A new footpath be clarified in the brief the footpath. link should be created and Collyweston Parish maintained by the landowner to Council cont'd; join The Drove (Kings Cliffe Road) with the playing fields at The Drift". • Requests that brief should • The highway authority has • No change as result of specify that mini roundabout is recommended that a mini representation appropriate solution to serve roundabout is a possible the whole site. solution and the brief acknowledges this. • Opposed to road narrowing at • The highway authority • No change as result of the site entrance. indicated that road narrowing is representation acceptable providing criteria is satisfied. The brief does not specify road narrowing at the entrance but at suitable locations to reduce vehicle speeds. Any proposals will need to meet the requirements of the Council and the local highway authority in terms of access, parking and manoeuvring. • Concur that the main materials • It is unnecessary to specify • No change as result of for housing can be brick but colour in the development brief representation feel that buff or grey ranges as reference to building should be specified. Also materials is contained in the considers that red and brown adopted Rockingham Forest brick are inappropriate in this Countryside Design Guidance setting. which requires development to reflect the local character • Considers that modern large • It is unnecessary to specify • No change as result of roof tile ranges, such as Marley colour in the development brief representation Collyweston Parish or Redland, are not appropriate. as reference to building Council cont'd; materials is contained in the adopted Rockingham Forest Countryside Design Guidance which requires development to reflect the local character • Differing roof pitches can help • Agree that a variation in roof • No change as result of achieve an interesting pitches can achieve an representation roofscape. interesting roofscape. This is promoted within the Rockingham Forest Countryside Design Summary. It is unnecessary to duplicate this SPG. • Affordable housing should • Supplementary Planning • No change as result of comprise 4x three bedroom Guidance on 'affordable and representation homes. special needs housing' requires an affordable housing target of 30% of the total number of dwellings. The mix and type proposed satisfies that requirement and reflects the findings of local housing needs survey • The Parish Council are • The distribution of affordable • No change as result of concerned at the distribution of housing is based on a ratio of representation affordable housing total site size and the number of houses which can be developed within the separate ownerships. • No objection, however • Comment noted • No change as result of Electricity comments that a network is representation within close proximity and East Midlands developers should be aware of Electricity cont; their responsibilities as outlined in Health & Safety documents. English Nature • Supports requirement to plant • Support is welcomed • No change as result of new hedgerows with native representation species of local provenance. • Identifies opportunities to • Brief will refer to opportunities • Add new paragraph "English enhance the site for wildlife. to enhance wildlife on site. Nature advises that opportunities to enhance the site for wildlife are limited. However, it may be possible to incorporate features that benefit wildlife, particularly species featured in the Northamptonshire Biodiversity Action Plan - for example pipistrelle bats. Artificial bat roost boxes could be put up in existing mature trees on the site or bat access and roosting sites incorporated into the roofs of detached bungalows". • Advises that breeding birds • The development brief will • Add new paragraph "English may be present on the site advise developers that any Nature also advises that removal of trees or vegetation breeding birds may be present should be carried outside the on the site. To ensure impacts breeding season or once on birds are minimised and established that no birds are legal, work which requires the present. removal of vegetation or trees should be carried out outside of the breeding season (March to August inclusive) or once it has English Nature been established that no birds cont'd are present". Environment • States that if the site did not • The principle of development • No change as result of Agency benefit from a valid outline has previously been established representation planning consent the Agency and it is not appropriate to would object to the proposal require a Flood Risk subject to a Flood Risk Assessment. Assessment being undertaken. Fisher German • No comment • No action required • No change as result of representation Health & Safety • No comment • No action required • No change as result of Executive representation Highways Agency • No comment • No action required • No change as result of representation Longhurst Group • Considers that development • Comment noted. No action • No change as result of Limited brief is adequate is respect to required representation affordable housing Local Resident • Request traffic calming • Measures aimed at restricting • Add to paragraph 15 of draft Sunningdale measures are incorporated into vehicle speeds will be "The emphasis should be on scheme encouraged. reducing vehicle speeds as much as possible and to reduce the visual impact of highways, through measures such as road narrowing at suitable locations for example besides the green." Mr E. H. Toon, 59 • Respondent seeks reference to • The draft development brief • No change as result of The Drove writing the need to provide an adequate outlines the steps taken to representation on behalf of seven play area as a main issue that consult prior to publication. others. was discussed at the This includes an account of Collyweston Parish meeting. issues discussed at the Parish meeting on 12th December 2002. No Council Mr E. H. Toon, 59 representative attended this The Drove writing meeting, however the Parish on behalf of seven Council has not objected and it others cont; is therefore assumed that it is an accurate account and no change is needed. • Facilities at the playing fields • Issues raised are outside the • No change as result of are considered poor and the scope of the supplementary representation area is plagued by children and planning guidance. However teenagers from outside the policy RL3 of the Local Plan village. enables the option for off site contributions to improve facilities at the playing fields. The Council has undertaken a comprehensive review of playing spaces that will help inform emerging planning policy and other Council strategies. Northamptonshire • Welcomes reference to • Support is welcomed • No change County Council: Rockingham Forest Sustainable Countryside Design Guide to Development ensure development reflects local character • Considers that the use of native • Policy EN4 of the Local Plan • Delete text from paragraph 8 of species should be promoted for generally requires development draft "This will take the form of any landscaping work and that schemes to use native species hedgerows with trees of local the document should require in landscaping schemes. It is indigenous species. Add text to that native species are used in not considered necessary to paragraph 8 of draft "It should hedgerow planting. reiterate this in the SPG since it accord with policy EN4 of the is intended that the guidance Local Plan which stipulates that should be read in conjunction native shrubs and trees should Northamptonshire with the adopted Local Plan. be used wherever possible." County Council: However the revised brief will Sustainable reinforce this point by Development cont; signposting to existing Local Plan policy. • Considers the document should • Revised document will make • Amend paragraph 15 of draft refer to supplementary planning reference to SPG on parking by adding "Development guidance on parking. should adhere to supplementary planning guidance on 'parking' which seeks to avoid car dominated environments" Northamptonshire • Suggests a working party • The development brief has been • Add text to paragraph 3 of draft County Council: approach is adopted to ensure a prepared in liaison with "It is recommended that Planning, quality development. residents, local interest groups reserved matter details are Transportation and and other stakeholders. The developed through a working Environment revised document will further party approach involving the encourage a partnership highway authority, developers, approach towards the landowners, agents and the implementation of the planning Council." permission. • Expresses concern regarding • Agree • Illustrative sketch revised. the indicative layout. Considers it more appropriate to have a less explicit plan. • The junction geometry at the • Revised document will insist • Amend paragraph 15 of draft Drove should comply with that development should be by adding, "Developers are 'Design Guide for Residential designed taking into account advised to refer to the County Roads'. This should be 'Design Guide for Residential Council's 'Design Guide for explicitly referred to in the Roads'. Residential Roads'." brief. • Vision splay requirements • Relocation of the wall or • Add text to end of draft would affect the majority of the realignment of the Drove are paragraph 10 "The highway Northamptonshire frontage wall. However the possibilities but this will be authority observe that splay County Council: wall could be relocated to avoid resolved at the detailed requirements would affect the Planning, the splays or works to realign planning stage. It remains majority of the frontage wall. Transportation and the Drove could be looked at to undetermined who is However it is suggested that the Environment widen the footway to achieve responsible for financing the wall could be relocated to avoid cont'd splay requirements. It is likely works. the splays or works to realign that works to the Drove may be the Drove could be looked at to required in any event to widen the footway to achieve facilitate the junction. splay requirements." • Mini roundabout would be, • The brief incorporates the • No change as result of subject to detail, a potential highways authorities response representation technical solution to gaining and advises that a mini access to the site roundabout is a possible solution to access the site. • Supports the provision of some • This is outside the scope of the • No change as result of form of village gateway to development brief because it representation assist in speed reduction along refers to off site works that the Drove were not identified at outline planning permission stage. However the Council support the principle of a village gateway • In terms of street layout would • Brief amended to stress that • Amend paragraph 15 of draft to like to design aimed at street layout should be designed read "The emphasis should be restricting vehicle speeds. to restrict vehicle speeds on reducing vehicle speeds as much as possible and to reduce the visual impact of highways, through measures such as road narrowing at suitable locations for example besides the green." • Confirms that bringing • Comment noted. No changes • No change as result of dwellings forward to abut the required representation Northamptonshire future highway boundary County Council: would not be a problem Planning, provided certain criteria are Transportation and met. Environment • Confirms that road narrowing is • Comment noted. No changes • No change as result of cont'd; acceptable provided general required representation criteria are met. • Considers it appropriate to seek • Off site transportation issues • No change as result of contributions from developer to should have been raised at representation works on the A43/The Drove outline application stage. In the junction absence of any conditions relating to developer contributions in regard to off site transportation attached to the outline consent it is not proper to request contributions in the revised brief. • Suggest that suitable turning • This is a detailed matter that • No change as result of head provisions be provided for will be considered at detailed representation phase one should there be a planning application stage. time lapse between the construction of this and the second phase. • Suggests that response is • Adding representations will • No change as result of attached to brief to clarify the make the brief too representation technical elements of the cumbersome. All criteria. representations are summarised in the consultation statement in the appendix. Northamptonshire • Notes no specific reference to • The brief has been revised to • Add new paragraph "Section 17 Police Section 17 of the Crime and include reference to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act Disorder Act (1998) of the Act. 1998 requires Local Authorities Northamptonshire to exercise all their functions Police cont; with due regard to crime and disorder reduction. The Council expects development to have due regard to supplementary planning guidance on designing out crime. Developers will be encouraged to follow the requirements of the 'Secured By Design' approach."

• Considers it important to state • The brief has been revised to • See above that the supplementary include reference planning guidance on 'Planning supplementary planning Out Crime in guidance on 'Planning Out Northamptonshire' should be a Crime'. major consideration • Considers that developers and • The development brief requires • Delete text "Details should architects should be encouraged pedestrian routes to accord with accord with the 'Secure By to apply for 'Secured by Design' the 'Secure By Design' Design' approach" from certificate or at least follow the approach. However the Council paragraph 13. Add new requirements of the policy. would like to see the entire paragraph as shown above development in accordance with the 'Secured By Design' approach. The revised document will elaborate Sport • Welcomes the inclusion of a • Support is welcomed • No change as result of footpath link through the site to representation the playing fields at the Drift. Transco • Confirms that no gas mains • Noted. No action required • No change as result of owned by Transco are directly representation affected by the development Councillor Priscilla • Supports the main guidelines. • Support is welcomed • No change as result of Padley representation • Welcomes the use of • Support is welcomed • No change as result of Rockingham Forest representation Countryside Design Summary to control house design • Feels that the colour of brick • The brief specifies that bricks • No change as result of should match the buff coloured should respect local character. representation stone of the old houses This is considered sufficient guidance to ensure that the colour of bricks respects the local building vernacular. • Request chimneys should be • Chimney stacks are a common • Add text to draft paragraph 17 part of the house design. local feature and provide visual "Chimney stacks are prominent interest. local features, which punctuate the rooflines and provide visual interest. The inclusion on buildings should be considered." • Supports a mini roundabout at • The highway authority has • No change as result of the junction. recommended that a mini representation roundabout is a possible solution and this is acknowledged in the brief • Seeks contribution from • Off site transportation issues • No change as result of developers towards should have been raised at representation improvements at highway outline application stage. In the junction. absence of any conditions relating to developer contributions in regard to transportation attached to the outline consent it is not proper Councillor Priscilla to request contributions Padley cont'd; towards highway improvements in the revised brief.

List of Consultees

Clerk to Collyweston Parish Council Councillor Mrs P Padley Councillor Miss P Bradberry

The Occupier, 24 The Drove 26 The Drove 29 The Drove 31 The Drove 47 The Drove 49 The Drove 59 The Drove 26 High Street

ACRE Anglian Water Services Ltd British Telecom plc Clive Wicks Associates Council for the Protection of Rural England East Midlands Electricity East Northamptonshire Housing Ltd English Nature Environment Agency Government Office for East Midlands Health and Safety Executive Highways Agency Michael Thompson Northamptonshire County Council Northampton Wildlife Trust The Ramblers Association Rockingham Forest Trust Sport England Transco