Plaster and Bone Surgery Tools Catalog

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Plaster and Bone Surgery Tools Catalog ...... _.,_ .. _.,_,..,._ ....,._ . ... ,. __ _...,...._ ..... __ ._~ r---•-...._...~-,.c--·-... ~-w-....... _..,_.. ..__, ___. d_.,• • ..,_...5 ...-·-·"- ""'"Sd.oosllr••"'9••u• ,_.~,_._.,, ,ap. c:.a~-•,..,t.a~~ps. ....... u..s s.w-......,119 ·cnC01$P\'Obe. ASp.aduS\ItW'IIOug,.o'ue: -..t.sen~.usA s*'- ~ScaiPifsSm-so.•stiOJ•'Oip:S,.~~Eom~ps eou-.•-bfon:IIIPSA•u·~S.. "-tMNnt,.wnomws Probes, & SpatulasSutureDiagnostic Anesthesia Troc:ars & Suction tubes btp.h.SUson-~_..,-. , .._,_....,,_Vtcwo.r-t.M.... _llb._.plbrna-,..M.-..119Nb"~P..-s ll!oJMIUJ•~..-a: Attu~~~a~;~otr_.,•~oewt..s,m~oduarso-.,..&tb•,..t.wa•,..,.'-GIP" ~b~ • tnldiWSs••,... .-.. ..bW::!IIII's!Jmbe-5 • ~bda6~'9"'0ale ""-..... 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Anesthesia Trocars & Suction t ubes Scalpels Sossors Dressing & Tissue for<epSArtJJfJ'r...,.c.toe-~$d..... ...., ,.~Probu, , ~~.~_ .. ...,. ___.._..."' __ ·-·-~~ ...... -....,_,____ fl'J,_"""_ .... _. __... ..,_ .. ~.. -·..._... _,..,.,._ ....,._ .. _..,...,. ___ .K ____ .,._...,. __.. _b _lo!ld~B'-~··i~S.&>M·r1/CilfiMAI' ..~'forc..,.~· ... .o1tio~--nl)f'S s.... ~"9 ·-.aoal'tobes. As.,.w~~oduum~.M....,..* ._... wtmont..s~ tubusa~.,..,~QI.-sDnt-s• 119 •l•u.tarU~p~Ar.-~klmlps eou-•-bt..o.psA•ncton;Sa,_,.ttt....., ... -mw-' Probes, & SpatulasSutureOiagnostic Anesthesia Trocars. & Suction,.hSdson&r.s~nga fts..,_.,....._.~eca--.t.twnt~m~s.lf-.-N-..ft!Jntt"«SPrS,_....,.s,....,.. !MI.,.O..,...Ucr.-..._ ~•-dl-blt..!oaiJ*s.Stbt•,Ora•IIJit•'"'•f-=- Mln.,., ~i4ko••.,.._ ,.,.,..,....,.-..., • S,.blla6illlllll'lllllt.,_,.k• lb-fi:Mao~lt*,focaps~sw*f•Oipsfl.uattof'!lbde6•$~~hSd$~~slng&lb-ftxu,-rurt~~ Plaster and Bone Surgery Tools Catalog About Safeline Safeline is an unparalleled manufacturer and supplier of On-timedelivery precision surgical tools that are created with utmost Flexibleproductdevelopmentpaths responsibility, because we understand how important it is BetterthanGermancraftsmanship for surgeons to have the .nest tools in their hands to work Precisionengineering/machining with. Superiorcustomerfocus The minds behind Safeline have more than 25 years of A largecatalogueofproductstochoosefrom experience running hospitals and operation theaters, which gives us a unique understanding of the demands Howtoorder: that such high-pressure environments make on our users Safeline is a made-to-order supplier. With a methodical and their teams. That is why, we at Safeline, work harder to process we ensure that all customer requests are followed support our product users in dealing with everyday thoroughlyandalltheirrequirementsarefullledintime. pressureswithease. In order to order with us you may use any of the following Safeline Co.'s board is composed up of seasoned channels: professionals from the health industry. The unmatched BusinessPhone: (0092)052-4582255 mix of industry knowledge, the deep practical MobilePhone: (0092)0324-4456404 understanding of the tools that we produce and 70+ years BusinessFax: (0092)052-4580500 of experience between our board members gives us a Email: [email protected] denite advantage over competition because we not only speak the same language as our users but we also walk the ProductAttributes samewalk. Safeline products are crafted from the .nest stainless steel Our top management is composed of the following to give them inherent strength, durability and luster. We industryveterans: oer several product lines and each may be customized Dr.NisarAliKhan according to the users requirements. We can oer tools (Veteransurgeonwith25+yearsofexperience) engineered from Japanese or American stainless steel. Dr.SameenaNisar Each has its own advantages and price-points. Such a wide (25+yearsofgynecology,surgeryandpostnatalcare) oering of starting materials not only gives our partners Dr.NadeemMalik the 0exibility in cost but also maintains the essential (20+yearsofOcularsurgeryexperience) productattributesthatwepromise. The vast amount of experience represented by our top management represents how closely we understand the CustomerService: userrequirementsandbusinessdynamics. Safeline partners appreciate our quick response time, the accuracy with which we provide solutions and the PrecisionThinking: thoroughness of our knowledgeable professionals. Like a Integrating the nature of our product into our values, we family we will always provide real R.O.I and stand by our are precise in every calculation computed, in every product businesspartners. engineered and in every promise made. Precision permeates not only in our attitude, but also in the way we Guarantee: do business and the way we think about yours. With our All standard instruments are guaranteed against defects of dynamic thinking process we stay abreast with the latest material and workmanship. Any instrument proving to be needs of our consumers, constantly bettering ourselves defectivewillbereplaced. andmovingaheadinthisfast-pacedworld. Our experience and our values fuel our passion in Quality: providing you with the best instruments enabling our end Every instrument that Safeline supplies must pass a battery users to do a great job without fussing over their basic of quality tests before it is dispatched. Instruments are needs. In our own way we contribute into putting smiles on tested for material defects, engineering & workmanship, every patient through our consumers.That is the reason we form & function, dimensions and any customization that set high standards for ourselves to give in your hands a the user may have asked for. We perform the following Safelineproduct. qualityassurance(QA)testsbeforeweship: SurfaceInspection(SI) WhySafeline: DimensionVerication(DV) We alwaysaimtoprovideourpartnerswithalittleedge: EngineeringInspection(EI) Costeectiveness FunctionTesting(FT) Qualityassured Foreword In the pages that follow SAFELINE CO. presents before you a comprehensive set of precision surgical instruments that have been specically designed keeping the user in mind. Our dynamic thinking coupled with our engineering precision ensures surgeons who use our products to work e+ ciently and more accurately. We are the biggest critics of our own work, including in our range only those that conform to our high degree of scrutiny and quality assurance because we take full responsibility of equipping our users with tools that help them concentrate only on saving lives. Our catalogue is composed of a wide spectrum of specialty surgical tools, which includes; diagnostics, anaesthesia, otology, suture, scissors, forceps, plaster tools, gynaecology instruments and thoracic amongst many other vital for a smooth fully-equipped operation theater. Our products are the result of countless decades of skill, from the heart of the most globally renowned cluster of this industry, Sialkot- Pakistan. For us quality is not just a claim; it is an experience. Which is why we are eager to hear from you [email protected] where our team is standing by to service all your surgical needs. It would be a pleasure to partner with you. Bandage Scissors, Plaster of Paris Shears Verbandscheren-Gipscheren .g11Hi~J;, ti~JJ;~l) (J)/7A.~- I DO _) LISTER BERGMANN ESMARCH SLM .1 02.09 9.0cm SLM.104.23 23.0cm SLM.106 .20 20 Ocm SLM.108.16 160cm SLM.102. 11 110cm SLM .1 06.22 22.ocm SLM.108.19 190cm SLM.102 .1 4 140cm SLM.102.16 160cm SLM .1 02 .1 8 180cm SLM .1 02.20 20ocm SEUTIN BRUNS BRUNS (serratted) SLM.110.20 20ocm SLM.112.23 23.0cm SLM.114.24 24.0cm SLM.116.24 24i.Ocm Bandage Scissors Verbandsscheren ~i~H;i: ~ J; MAIER SCHWEIZER KNOWLES LANGE SLM.118.15 15.0cm SLM.120.18 1B.Ocm SLM.122.14 14.0cm SLM.124.18 1s.0cm SMITH LORENZ UTILITY SLM.126.16 16.0cm SLM.128.23 23.0cm SLM.130.15 15.0cm SLM.126.18 18.0cm SLM.130.18 18.0cm SLM.128.20 20.ocm SLM.128.23 23.0cm Plaster of Paris She·ars Gipsscheren 1\ 1) 1\-lj- ::=_ rJY/;7 'A -!9 - STILLE-MINI STILLE STILLE SLM.132.20 20.0cm SLM.134.20 200cm SLM.136.24 24.0crn SLM.134.23 23.0cm SLM.134.26 260cm SLM.134.30 30.0cm SLM.134.37 37.0cm Plaster Cast Instruments Gipsspreizer und Gipsabreisszange :¥'7" A. 1' /7- 'Y ;1,;) / 'Y SLM.140.23 23.0cm HAGLUND-STILLE SLM.138.28 28.0cm WOLFF HENNIG BEESON SLM.142.18 1s.ocm SLM.144.28 SLM.146.30 SLM .1 42.20 20.ocm 28.0cm 30.0cm SLM.142.22 22.ocm SLM.142.24 24.0cm SLM .1 42.26 26.0cm Plaster of Paris Knives and Saws Gipsmesser und Gipssage ;\1) o:J-t~7J?O)L. ~-I') o:J7'7 A.~- BERGMANN ENGEL SLM.148.18 18.0cm SLM.150.14 14.0cm ( :J J HOPKINS ESMARCH REINER WIGMORE SLM.152.20 20ocm SLM.154.18 180cm SLM.156.18 18.0cm SLM.158.21 21 ocm SLM.160.19 19.0cm Did you know Gouges are used to scoop away strips proteins- BMP) convert the patient's of soft bone and are often used during cells into cells capable of forming bone grafting procedures.
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