Candace Pert,Deepak Chopra | 368 pages | 01 Mar 1999 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9780671033972 | English | New York, United States [PDF] molecules of emotion Download Free

Molecules of Emotion Candace B. Pert Scribner. Candace Pert is a brilliant molecular biologist who was a key figure in the discovery of the endorphin molecule, the body's natural form of morphine. She is now widely regarded as the mother of a new field of science known as SmithsonianJune Her research into brain biochemistry at the National Institute of Mental Health contributed to a radically new understanding of mind and body. Now Pert Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel her peers are rejoining what Descartes put asunder, by looking deeply into the molecular level of life. In Molecules of EmotionPert offers a clear and often riveting account of her research on the frontier of a new kind of science. She also writes as an insider caught up in the politics of science, offering a rare glimpse of the ruthless competition for prizes and money that sometimes obscures the pursuit of truth. And, throwing aside the caution that is customary among scientists, she applies the new facts of psychoneuroimmunology to everyday life, discussing everything from drugs and disease to dreams and the molecular biology of hugs. There are enough new facts, metaphors and speculations in this book to astonish and sometimes raise the hackles of many readers, just as Pert's research has often been met with initial disbelief. The field of psychoneuroimmunology, although based on exacting research, has had a hard birth. Its core idea is that the surfaces of cells are lined with many specific "receptors" to which only specific molecules can attach themselves. These molecules, in turn, are messengers through which the body and mind, as well as our neurons, glands and immune cells, are all constantly sharing information. The work of Pert and her colleagues showed that a variety of proteins known as peptides including endorphins were among the body's key "information substances" - and each of them could affect our mind, our emotions, our immune system, our digestion and other bodily functions simultaneously. For scientists and doctors trained to focus on one system in isolation from the others - a neuroscientist doesn't study white blood cells, for example - this came as a shock. Their first reaction was to defend their turf, and also to deny the new evidence. When Jesse Roth, clinical director at the National Institutes of Health, discovered in the s that insulin which was supposed to be produced only in the pancreas was also made in the brain, as well as in one-celled organisms outside the human body, his papers were at first rejected by every reputable scientific journal. A reviewer sent back the comment: "This is preposterous, you must not be washing your test tubes well enough. When his work was confirmed, the leading journal Nature warned scientists to beware of "radical psychoimmunologists" who would use Blalock's work to suggest that body and mind were in communication. Thereafter, Pert and her colleagues proudly called themselves radical psychoimmunologists. Pert's own career has often been as controversial as the new science she's helped to create, and she writes of this with candor. She discovered endorphins as a graduate student, according to her account, only by secretly pursuing an experiment her professor had ordered her to drop. When he was later given the prestigious Lasker Award for work she had contributed to mightily, Pert was left out of the prize. She refused to keep quiet about it. The ensuing scandal made her something of a pariah to the establishment. More recently, Pert Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel her husband, immunologist Michael Ruff, have devoted years of research to a potentially nontoxic cure for AIDS based on psychoneuroimmunology. They synthesized a peptide that would mimic the part of the virus that attaches to cell receptors Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel thus block the virus from entering a cell, instead of using toxic conventional drugs to destroy it. But their work has been dismissed, like other early advances in psychoneuroimmunology. It has only lately begun to gain interest and Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel some backing among mainstream AIDS researchers. At its best, Molecules of Emotion is a lucid explanation of new research on the way peptides work to connect all aspects of body and mind in a network of shared information. To cite only a single example, Pert explains: "For decades, most people thought of the brain and its extension the central nervous system as an electrical communication system. In fact, she writes, "the brain is a bag of hormones. The central theme of Pert's book is that the peptides that flood our bodies are, in fact, the molecules of emotion. Emotions, largely ignored within the traditional confines of science and medicine, are actually the key to understanding psychoimmunology's emerging picture of how body and mind affect each other. For example, it's through the emotion-modulating peptides that an embarrassing thought can cause blood vessels to dilate and Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel a face beet red. In the same way, the molecules of emotion can mobilize immune cells to destroy an incipient tumor. Techniques like meditation or visualization may also act as forces to set those molecules in action. Pert's mission, as she describes it, is to bridge the gap that exists between the laboratory and the layman. In the process, I virtually cross into another dimension, where the leading edge of biomolecular medicine becomes accessible to anyone who wants to hear it. Much of what Pert has to say is solidly grounded in new research, but she's on shakier ground in her occasional embrace of pop psychology and mysticism. Now a research professor at , she is as apt to speak at a conference of New Age gurus as at a gathering of molecular biologists. She is trying to open a dialogue between the mind of science and the body of beliefs many people are turning to for alternative healing. Whether these efforts represent critical lapses or welcome leaps of faith must be left to the perspective of each reader. Paul Trachtman, who resides in New Mexico, is a regular contributor to Smithsonian. His most recent article, in the May issue, was a profile of the legendary horse trainer Buck Brannaman. 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May For additional resources on relevant Alternative and Complementary Resources, see our Resource Guides on:. Although I am a scientist and not a clinician, I am of the strong opinion that complementary therapies can not only help with chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and autoimmune disorders but also with other health problems, such as asthma, premenstrual syndrome, headaches, sinusitis and gastrointestinal disorders, for which conventional medicine can offer only incomplete or no help. Complementary therapies can also enrich our lives so we can live them more fully and joyfully. Following is a list of resources related to bodymind medicine to help you find further information about therapies or locate a practitioner in your area. For this section, I am most fortunate - and very grateful - Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel have had the collaboration of Jacqueline C. Wootton, M. The therapies, treatments and approaches represented by the following organizations are those which I think are most relevant for impacting on the molecules of emotion, some of which I've touched on in the book. The information was correct as of May 20, and is kept updated on this site. Jackie has organized the list according to categories relevant to the theme of the book. She would point out that this categorization is not definitive nor complete; several therapies could be grouped differently. Some sections, such as cancer care and meditation, have been expanded to include treatment centers or training facilities. We offer you this information in the spirit of promoting personal responsibility for health. Inclusion in this list does not constitute our endorsement. You will find that some of these organizations give conflicting recommendations, so you would be wise to research a range of different viewpoints and recommendations in order to reach your own health and wellness decisions. Bodymind medicine is based on the recognition of the relationship between mind and body, the body's innate healing potential, and the partnership of patient and healer in restoring the body to health. Bodymind medicine encompasses a great many modalities, some of which are listed below:. BodyMind Contents:. Center for Mind-Body Medicine www. Information about the work of Joan Borysenko. Dean Ornish's medical research institute; research program for heart disease patients. Information and practitioner list provided on web site. Membership includes individual practitioners with diverse theoretical backgrounds, Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel current field of body psychotherapy. BoxRiverside, CA Fax: Professional organization, referrals, publications. Altadena Ave. Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. American Art Therapy Association, Inc. American Music Therapy Association, Inc. Certification organization; membership list; publications; information. Also home of the World Qigong Federation, established in November Qigong Association of America. Box Nederland, CO U. Alternative Cancer Information Resources Email: leonardleonard1 earthlink. Nationwide support groups. Forerunner of many such treatment centers around the world. Lancaster Ave. Data collection, research, and information on alternative cancer treatments and clinics. Ancient Chinese medical system of balancing the flow of vital energy through the body's meridians; used to alleviate pain, enhance natural immunity and treat many health problems. Acupuncture is characterized by the insertion of very fine needles, a usually painless and often pleasurable procedure, followed by a deep rest or even a nap. Grand Ave. Suite El Segundo, California Email: administrator medicalacupuncture. The site provides information on the examination and a searchable database of practitioners. Ancient Indian medical system meaning 'science of life'. Based on the harmonization of body, mind and spirit. Carlsbad, CA or Fax: E-mail: info chopra. Deepak Chopra. Has outpatient Pancha Karma and traditional Indian medicinal massage. Health education programs; physician referrals. Eclectic health care system, based on current biochemical studies, that utilizes a wide range Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel healing practices Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel enhance the body's own restorative capacities. Training requires a rigorous four years and emphasizes a gentle approach that "does no harm", uses natural therapies, supplements and ancient wisdom. Other traditional systems, such as Shamanism, use a variety of spiritual practices for healing, achieving well-being and helping Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel. Nutritional supplementation is used to alleviate a variety of health problems, maintain physical and psychological health, promote longevity and prevent chronic complaints. Duncan Ave. Weston A. A way of eating and living that recognizes the natural order in all things physical, emotional, mental, ecological and spiritual. Tanque Verde, Suite Tucson, AZ Fax: Alzheimer's Prevention Foundation for research and clinical practice, using non-invasive procedures, such as simple exercises to improve circulation to the brain. San Francisco St. Pressure is used to stimulate specific points on the acupuncture meridians. Particularly useful for the alleviation of chronic pain. Therapeutic massage is the pleasurable manipulation of muscles, joints and soft tissue, to alleviate pain or promote wellbeing. Holistic practitioners can help release emotional tension stored in the body which may be associated with symptoms of illness. There are many styles of massage - experiment until you find the one that best suits you. There are a range of approaches based on the use of touch and manipulation which are applied to heal the body and alleviate tension. Uses nutrition, manipulation, diet and exercise to restore wellbeing. Diet and exercise may also be used as adjuncts. Precise pressure is applied to activate natural internal healing. Usually an extremely pleasurable and relaxing experience. Also a system for self-healing. Suite Boulder, CO Fax: Information and publications; practitioner lists. Arlington, VA Fax: E-mail: memberinfo aca. Glebe Rd. Practitioner list, conferences, training. Manipulation of the craniosacral system, involving holding the base of the skull and neck, to alleviate sensory and motor dysfunctions. Nurse Healers Professional Associates, Inc. Molecules of Emotion: Why you feel the way you feel Scribner, A participant in the discovery of the brain's opiate receptors in the early '70s and an expert on neuropeptides, Pert describes how the immune and neurological systems communicate with each other through these biochemical messengers, thus demonstrating the mind-body connection, or "bodymind" as Pert terms it. Foreword by Deepak Chopra, MD. BODY-MIND Bodymind medicine is based on the recognition of the relationship between mind and body, the body's innate healing potential, and the partnership of patient and healer in restoring the body to health. This technique may be used to retrain cardiovascular and respiratory functions. Later, those involved discuss the experience. Under hypnosis a patient may be relieved of anxiety, pain and stress; post-hypnotic suggestions to the unconscious mind can be made to promote continued healing. This list is not exhaustive but should help patients and professionals with their own investigations into complementary programs as Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel adjunct to conventional cancer care. The list includes some outstanding centers outside of the USA. Sometimes called Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel ecology. May also involve verbal exploration of emotional conflict. Box Tucson, Arizona Email: info bonnieprudden. American Polarity Therapy Assn. Petersburg, FL Fax: Email: info reflexology-usa. Has been scientifically proven to help back pain and headaches. Some practitioners have a gentle style with no "cracking"; all emphasize body mind and spirit and offer nutritional diagnosis and advice. Usually but not always performed by nurses. There are various forms of stilling the mind to allow wider awareness and clarity to unfold. Meditative techniques can be used to attain bodily control and altered states of consciousness. Yoga is a system of physical, mental and spiritual development. Last Updated: May 20, All rights reserved. Candace Pert, Ph. Molecules Of Emotion : Candace Pert :

Download Molecules Of Emotion booksWhy do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health? Are our bodies and minds distinct from each other or do they function together as part of an interconnected system? Her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside us form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body, is not only provocative, it is revolutionary. In her groundbreaking book, Candace Pert offers a new scientific understanding of the power of our minds and our feelings to affect our health and well-being. Pert, Ph. She discovered that, at the end of the day, all people really want to know is how to feel good. Within these pages, Dr. Feeling good and feeling Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, she believes, are one and the same. From beginning to end, this book takes us on an entertaining romp through the many bodymind avenues, separating the woo-woo from real science and pointing the way toward using new paradigm therapies, detoxing our food and environment, forgiving and healing our relationships, understanding depression, staying young, and creating the reality we want to experience. Consciousness, mind, emotions, and God are all factored into the mix, resulting in a lot of beneficial advice and self-development insights that will empower us toward health, well-being, and feeling. Download books. Download Scalar Heart Connection books. How do they seem to know what people are thinking and feeling? Are horses spiritual beings with a destiny all their own? If so, how is this destiny connected with humanity's future? How does the equine mind compare with the human mind? What do horses have to teach people? And why are women so attracted to horses? These are some of the questions writer and equine therapist Linda Kohanov explores in her extraordinary book The Tao of Equus. In it she intertwines the story of the spiritual awakening she experienced with her black mare Rasa with compelling neurological research, cultural history, mythology, and first-hand anecdotes from years of teaching and facilitating equine therapy. She delves into the mental and spiritual processes behind the magical connections people, and women in particular, often experience with horses. She skillfully describes the subtle behavioral nuances horses express and perceive — what she calls the "wisdom of the prey" — as well as Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel feminine wisdom found in her powerful interactions with horses, bringing to the page subtleties that women riders have intuited for centuries. Blending Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel extraordinary experience — what some would consider paranormal — with a wide-ranging survey of the phenomena of horse-human communication, Kohanov delivers a ground-breaking work sure to interest both longtime riders and readers interested in the leading edge of animal perception and animal-human communication. Download Molecules Of The Mind booksExplains molecular psychology and why it may change the way people look at the world. Download Understanding Emotions In The Classroom booksThis book will help you better understand how to deal with these and other everyday classroom experiences where effective management of emotions- both yours and the students- can play a critical role in fostering emotional well being and academic performance. Download Acting With Passion booksBased on the latest research from the fields of and mind-body psychology, Acting With Passion offers a revolutionary new approach to the age-old problems of the actor: dealing with nerves, engaging the body, quieting the inner critic, auditioning, creating a character, and even playing comedy. With this step-by-step guide, actors who have struggled with 'visualization' and 'emotional recall' can learn an alternative method of accessing feelings through the release of chronic, subtle muscular tensions that connect into the brain at lightning fast speed and can actually produce emotions on cue. Written with verve and accessibility, and using practical exercises to guide the actor through each stage, Acting With Passion is the must-have text for actors seeking that magical 'state of aliveness'. Download Engaging Tweens And Teens booksGain a solid understanding of the basic neurobiology behind adolescent behaviors and invigorate your teaching practices using music, movement, and brain-based activities. Menu Menu. World of ebook. United State Florida. Author : Candace B. Recent Posts.