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The Navajo Nation Russell Begaye President Jonathan Nez Vice President Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Office of the President and Vice President Office of the President and Vice President THE NAVAJO NATION The Navajo Nation DECEMBER 1, 2015 Phone: (928)871-7728 Phone: (928)871-7728 Fax: (928)871-4025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fax: (928)871-4025 PRESIDENT BEGAYE AND VICE PRESIDENT NEZ SIGN EXECUTIVE ORDER LAUNCHING SUICIDE PREVENTION INITIATIVE Window Rock, AZ - On Monday, Nov. 30, the Of- fice of the President and Vice President signed an Executive Order launching the “Building Communities of Hope” Initiative to bring aware- ness by implementing suicide prevention initia- tives and offering help to the Navajo people. The Executive Order states that the third week of December and second week of June shall be declared “Navajo Nation Suicide Prevention Week.” “It is our goal to welcome a new dawn by em- powering individuals, families and communi- ties to make positive choices to restore hope, self-sufficiency and determination,” said Presi- dent Russell Begaye. “We believe in providing Joined by Attorney General Ethel Branch, President Russell Begaye and Jonathan Nez signed an our Navajo people with the means to cope with Executive Order today launching the “Building Communities of Hope” Initiative that addresses life’s challenges and to never give up. Every life suicide prevention awareness. is precious.” Communities of Hope” which focuses on infor- that Iiná is valuable. Everyone needs to hear At the signing, Vice President Jonathan Nez mation and outreach. something positive.” asked for tools to be brought forth from Nava- jo Nation departments to address the epidemic Additionally, the Executive Order calls for the The week of December 14 - 19, 2015, begins of suicide on the Navajo Nation. Although the development of a social media campaign using the Suicide Prevention and Awareness Tour, topic of suicide is taboo within traditional per- electronic mediums such as a website, Face- whereby President Begaye and Vice President spectives of Navajo culture, he said a dialogue book, or Twitter while engaging in traditional Nez are scheduled to visit nine Navajo commu- needs to take place within Navajo communities means of advertisement such as billboards and nities along with departments and programs to addressing suicide. posters. The initiative serves to maximize ave- share a message of hope, and to encourage nues used to help Navajo people of all ages in attendees with supportive resources. These re- The initiative instructs all tribal departments to a variety of ways. sources include on-site clinical specialists, moti- coordinate resources to address suicide pre- vational speakers and resource information. vention, response, and post-vention. It calls for Furthermore, all tribal buildings will be required suicide-related training to be given to Navajo to display the “Building Communities of Hope” A finalized tour schedule will be released soon. Nation employees. official poster that will provide a helpline and in- formation to anyone looking for help. For more information about the tour, please con- This effort is a comprehensive strategy to ed- tact either Christopher Bahe or Yvonne Kee-Bil- ucate the Navajo people on suicide prevention “We need to reinforce the traditional concepts lison at 928-871-7000, Office of the President services that exist on the Nation through a direct of K’é and Hózhó in our Navajo communities,” and Vice President. interface with the Navajo people. The theme said President Begaye. “Among the youth, we of the suicide prevention initiative is “Building need to let them know they have self-worth and ### The Navajo Nation Russell Begaye President Jonathan Nez Vice President Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Office of the President and Vice President Office of the President and Vice President THE NAVAJO NATION The Navajo Nation DECEMBER 1, 2015 Phone: (928)871-7728 Phone: (928)871-7728 Fax: (928)871-4025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fax: (928)871-4025 CONTROLLER OF THE NAVAJO NATION APPOINTED BY THE NAVAJO NATION PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – Navajo Nation Nation’s finances and assets and in helping President Russell Begaye and Vice Presi- build the portfolio of the Nation. It became dent Jonathan Nez are pleased to appoint challenging for our Administration in finding Jim R. Parris as the Controller of the Navajo the right Controller as there are very few Nation. Parris is a Certified Public Accoun- Navajo CPAs. Many are still sitting for their tant (CPA) and a tribal member of the Osage exams and most have just started in their Nation and the Cherokee Nation. career and wish to seek experience before returning home,” said President Begaye. Parris has over 35 years of experience in accounting, auditing and management in Vice-President said that our objective is to tribal, federal and private sectors across the not only bring home Navajos but train our United States. Parris was the first Controller Navajo people to give them more opportuni- for the Osage Nation. He also served as the ties. Parris has made that commitment to the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for the Navajo Nation. This is not a long-term career Cherokee Nation. move for Parris, he is here to develop our Navajo people, help those who are seeking Aside from tribal experience, Parris worked their CPA and accounting degrees and men- many years at the U.S. Department of the tor the next Navajo Controller. Interior. Parris was the first Native American CPA to work for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Treasurer for Native American Finance Of- “I am happy to help and honored to be ap- Department of Interior. He initiated the very ficer’s Association, InterTribal Monitoring pointed as the Navajo Nation’s Controller. first external audits by independent auditors Association, Council of Energy Resource This Administration has great vision and I to audit tribal: Individual Indian Monies, Alas- Tribes for Cherokee Nation, and the Indian am glad to be part of the team. Over these ka Native Escrow, Contributed Trust funds Land Working Group. More recently, Parris next few years, I will focus on mentorship held by the BIA. He also contracted the has assisted over 20 tribes across the Unites and training for those within the Office of the first investment professionals to invest the States from Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizo- Controller to be the next Controller for the BIA’s trust investment program for tribal trust na, California, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana Navajo Nation. I hope to see promotion with- funds, including establishing the first Master Washington, South Dakota and Wisconsin in OOC, it is good to bring our Native people Trust System to account for trust funds held in trust litigation resulting in numerous suc- home, but we can’t forget those here, said by BIA. cessful settlements, including the Navajo Jim Parris Nation. Parris transitioned into the private sector Parris is also a Veteran, having served in the as a sole practitioner in public accounting “We welcome Jim to the Navajo Nation. We United States Navy from 1973 to 1976. and consulting primarily supporting tribes. know his experience and knowledge is vi- He has served on numerous Boards as the tal in overseeing and protecting the Navajo ### The Navajo Nation Russell Begaye President Jonathan Nez Vice President Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Contact: Mihio Manus, Sr. Public Information Officer Office of the President and Vice President Office of the President and Vice President THE NAVAJO NATION The Navajo Nation DECEMBER 2, 2015 Phone: (928)871-7728 Phone: (928)871-7728 Fax: (928)871-4025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fax: (928)871-4025 VICE PRESIDENT NEZ CALLS FOR ATTENTION TO WATER RIGHTS, EDUCATION, AND MEDICAID IN TRIBAL CONSULTATION WITH GOVERNOR DUCEY During a tribal consultation meeting with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Vice President Nez addressed the need to establish clear water rights for the Navajo Nation and develop the capacity to deliver adequate supplies of affordable water. PHOENIX, AZ-During a meet- the amicus brief in the Dollar Gen- Be our champion on this issue,” tricts, the Nation’s school districts ing between Arizona tribal leaders eral Corporation vs. Mississippi Vice President Nez said. are struggling. Money is not the and Governor Doug Ducey, Nava- Band of Choctaw Indians case. Vice President Nez affirmed only challenge but it is a major jo Nation Vice President Jonathan Vice President Nez noted the that the Begaye-Nez administra- challenge for schools that needs Nez told the Governor that when need to establish clear water tion supports language revital- to be addressed. tribal nations are prosperous, Ar- rights for the Navajo Nation and ization and cultural preservation “The Navajo Nation’s leaders izona is also prosperous. develop the capacity to deliver among education systems on the are working with Navajo edu- Tribal leaders were afforded adequate supplies of affordable Navajo Nation. A stable founda- cation leaders to develop other time to present issues facing their water. tion for Native peoples in Arizona recommendations focused on tribal communities before Gover- “It is a priority for the Navajo can be found in their indigenous improving education for Native nor Ducey in a consultation ses- Nation to get back to the negotiat- languages, culture and traditions, American students across Arizo- sion held in the Monte Vista Room ing table to openly discuss its wa- he said. na. We look forward to meeting at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, ter rights relative to the Little Colo- He noted that budgets for edu- with you when our plan is refined Ariz. rado and Colorado Rivers with all cation have faced cuts in recent to discuss it with you for your con- Vice President Nez called at- relevant parties.