ANNUAL REPORT Contract NO. R?120804 Research Unit 57 1 April
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_o ANNUAL REPORT G Contract NO. R?120804 Research Unit 57 1 April 1976 - 31 March 1977 92 pages . Marine mammals of the Bering and southern Chukchi Seas Principal Investigators A Howard W. Braham ● ● Ciifford H. Fiscus David J. Rugh Research Assistants Teresa W. Bray Robert D. Everitt Bruce D. Krogman Mary K. Nerini A Nancy C. Severinghaus Ronald M. Sonntag ● David E. Withrow U. S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center Marine Mammal Division .0 7600 Sand Point Way, N. E. 6 Seattle, Washington 98115 March 25, 1977 — ** .> ● ’ . .1 ‘o ● TA8LE OF CONTENTS ● Abstract i List of Figures ii List of Tables v Qa Introduction 1 Current State of Knowledge 3 Ice Seals 3 Sea Lions and Harbor Seals 5 Cetaceans 7 Study Area 9 Methods and Materials 9 Ice Seals 9 Sea Lions and Harbor Seals 17 Cetaceans 18 Results and Discussion 19 Ice Seals 19 Sea Lions and Harbor Seals 50 Cetaceans 70 Conclusions and Recommendations 81 Literature Cited 85 Summary of Fourth Quarter Activities 89 i“ -f>‘h I. Abstract In Bristol Bay in April 1976, bearded seals were somewhat uniformly dis- persed yet more frequent than larga seals tiest of 163° W. Longitude. >inged seals were more numerous in the northw& part of the Bay. Walruses ‘.+’ere clumped in the southeast, northeast and west ends of the Bay. Bearded seals were more frequent north of St. Lawrence Island than ringed seals, but ringed seals were more frequent southb-est of St. Lawrence Islan6. More bearded seals and fewer ringed seals were seen than expected (X2: P < 0.01). Bearded seals were less solitary than ringed seals (P < 0.05) in both the northern and southern Bering Sea. Larga seals were less solitary than either (P< O.O1); they appear to be pupping and pairing sooner in pack ice than near the ice front. Bearded seals appear to be pupping and pairing sooner in the northern Bering Sea than the southern Bering Sea. The population of northern sea lions in the eastern Aleutian Islands appears to have declined by 50% since the 1950’s. About 80% of the sea lion popula- tion in the study area occurs on islands of the Fox Islands group (eastern Aleutian Islands). lJine (9) new hauling areas were identified in 1976, but no new rookeries. Ugamak Island, Bogoslof Island and Cape Morgan (Akutar-. Island) are the major breeding areas for the species. The highest numbers of all counts in the eastern Aleutian Islands (i.e., 45-50%) came from these three islands. The Fox Islands were found to be a very important area for animals to haul out onto during the fall months. Approximately 80% of all harbor seals sighted were found at eight hauling areas; of these, three were considered major. lm unknown proportion of the winter population hauls out on ice, perhaps as a result of landfast ice invading the coastal bays. Most large cetaceans appear to enter the southern Bering Sea in greatest numbers in June via the eastern Aleutian Islands. The species most sighted in the northern Bering Sea were the gray, humpback and sperm (off shelf) whales; in the southern Bering Sea, Dan porpoises and minke whales were most sighted. Gray whales have been found to migrate close to shore throughout Alaska while moving north. Part of their northern migration route north of Unimak Pass has been determined (quantified for the first time) to occur all along the coast of Bristol Bay. The species enters the =ering Sea at—— least by early April. All data summarized in this report are preliminary, and are still undergoing final checking, editing and correcting. No data or conclusions should be quoted without the authors’ approval. ii List of Figures Page .-=—T- -. .= ._.-. -.= - ; --_,---- 7 area of the Bering and Chukchi Seas for Ru57 .- .0 ~r.z.~~izg OCS oil-lease sites. 10 ● _-T: -,=__ -,-~- 2 . Ha%:<z ~eninsula and eastern Aleutian Islands study zrea 4--3-. 2 . 11 -—:T: —.7- -= .: . .>~zisl survey tracklines in northern Bering Sea, N!arch 1976.13 ~~~~r= . ,. Aerizl survey tracklines in Bristol Bayr April 1976. 14 .~i--~-~ -= ~. A?xial survey tracklines in northern Bering Sez, April 1976.15 ASZiZl survey tracklines in northern Bering and southern ‘ti,!~=xhi Seas, June 1976. 16 Schematic of the ice condition in March, April and June 1976 in the Bering and southern Chukchi Seas. 22 (1) (X) Searded seal sightings in northern Bering Sea, March 1976. 23 (Ci ri (I) (() (Ci Elzardsd seal sightings in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 24 (I cJ C- () {) Bearded sezl sightings in northern Bering Sea, April 1976. 25 ri h U) 'c3 Bearded seal sightings in northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, June 1976. 26 T~rga seal sightings in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 27 L~qa seal sightings in northern Bering Sear June 1976. 28 F?2 ~~~ seal sightings in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 29 finqe~ seal sightings in northern Bering Sea, April 1976. 30 T R_inge~ seal sig’ntings in northern Bering and southern Cll&cki Seas, June 1976. 31 Il (F) I-, Xalr-us sightings in northern Bering Sea, March 1976. 32 ((3 1) iii F- (fl ;~alras sightings in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 33 'd , iii (1) ~;alr~s sig’ntings in northern Bering Sea April 1976. 34 V ((3 l 11 (1 v> Walz’as sightings in northern Bering and southern Chukchi ((J Seas, June 1976. 35 -= -.-:— —.== - --; - . lJep.s:t:~ Flot for beardec5 sealsl northern Bering Sea, March ~~y~m 36 >, ‘, . > ● ’ iii Page Density plot for bearded seals in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 37 ●‘o Figure 22. Figurs 23. Density plot for bearded seals in northern Bering Sea, April 1976. 38 .0 Figure 24. Density plot for bearded seals in northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, June 1976. 39 Figure 25. Density plot of larga seals in Bristol Bay, April 1976. @ Figure 26. Density plot of ringed seals in Bristol Bay, April 1976. 41 Figure 27. Density plot of ringed seals in northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, June 1976. 42 Figure 28. Density plot of walruses in northern Bering Sea, March 1976.43 Figure 29. Density plot of walruses in Bristol Bay, APril 1976. 44 Figure 30. Density plot of walruses in northern Bering Sea, April 1976.45 Figure 31. Density plot of walruses in northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, June 1976. 46 -o Figure 32. Mean group size by species for ice seals in Bristol Bay, ‘o April 1976 comparing RU231 and Ru67 data. 49 Figure 33. Mean group size by species for ice seals by days 02 aerial survey in April (Bristol Bay) and June (Northern Bering 51 Sea) . Figure 34. Chart of Amak Island~ Sea lion rock and unnamed rock hauling grounds and rookeries used by northern sea lions. Labelled Map C. 53 Figure 35. Chart of the Fox Islands in the eastern Aleutian Islands used by northern sea lions for haul out and breeding. 54 Figure 36. Change in the number of northern sea lions seen on islands in the eastern Aleutian Islands when comparing 1950’s daka to 1975-76 data. 58 Figure 37. Total numbers of northern sea lions seen on seven rookeries- hauling grounds for June and August, 1975-76. 59 Figure 38. A comparison of the numbers of northern sea lions between ● o selected hauling ground-rookeries by month. 61 ● Figure 39. A comparison of the number of northern seal lions between ● months at each of seven separate hauling grounds-rookeries. 62 iv ● ● Page ● Figxre 4G. Fercent of total northern sea lion population for all months surveyed located at selected hauling grounds-rookeries in the eastern Aletitian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. 63 Figure 41. Harbor seal distributio~ and favored hauling areas of the .0 northwest Alaska Peninsula and north Bristol Bay coast. Labelled map A. 65 Figure 42. Harbor seal distribution and favored hauling areas along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula from Port Moller to Unimak Island. Labelled map B. 66 . Figure 43. Harbor seal hauling areas on islands of the Fox Island group in the eastern Aleutian Islands. Labelled map D. 67 Figure 44. Comparison of tide height and numbers of harbor seals counted on sandbars and islets along the Alaska Peninsula during June . and August, 1975-76 aerial surveys. 69 Figure 45. Sightings of large cetaceans (balaenopterids) in the southern Bering Sea. 73 . Figure 46. Plot of Dan porpoise sightings in the southern Bering Sea study area. 76 “o ‘o Figure 47. Plot of killer whale sightings in the southern Bering Sea study area. 77 A Figure 48. Generalized chart of the proposed migration route of the gray whale in Alaska; including areas where much sighting data occur. ● 79 Figure 49. Sightings of gray whales in the northern Bering Sea from aerial surveys conducted in June 1976. 80 ● 8 ● ● ., ● ● ● List af Tables Page Table 1. Spscies list of cetaceans found in the Bering and Chukchi ● Seas. 8 e Table 2. A list of ship cruises into the Bering and Chukchi Seas during 1976 from which cetacean data are presented. 18 Table 3. Ice seal observations by date in April 1976 in Bristol Bay. 20 Table 4. Ice seal observations by date in March, April and June 1976 in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas. 21 Table 5. Density estimates for bearded, ringed and larga seals, and walruses for the Bering Sea in March and April 1976. 47 Table 6. Northern sea lion and harbor seal aerial survey dates, 1975-76. 50 Table 7. Location and number of northern sea lions hauled out during aerial surveys of the eastern Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula, 1975-1976.