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Arlind Dervishaj BIM APPROACHED SUSTAINABLE DESIGN METHODS I Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Arlind Dervishaj BIM APPROACHED SUSTAINABLE DESIGN METHODS From Bioclimatic to Regenerative Design Master thesis No.: Supervisor: Tomo Cerovšek Ljubljana, 2020 Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. II Master Th. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Second cycle master study programme Building Information Modelling – BIM A+. III Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. ERRATA Page Line Error Correction Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. IV Master Th. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Second cycle master study programme Building Information Modelling – BIM A+. »This page is intentionally blank. « V Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. BIBLIOGRAFSKO – DOKUMENTACIJSKE STRANI IN IZVLEČEK UDK: 624.03:69.01(4)(043.3) Avtor: mag. Arlind DERVISHAJ, univ. dipl. arh. Mentor: doc. dr. Tomo CEROVŠEK, univ. dipl. inž. grad. Somentor: mag. Branka TREBUŠAK, univ. dipl. inž. grad. Naslov: Pristop BIM za metode trajnostnega načrtovanja: od bioklimatskega do regenerativnega načrtovanja Tip dokumenta: Magistrska naloga Naslov in oprema: 221 strani, 323 slik, 45 preglednic, 1 dodatek Ključne besede: regenerativno načrtovanje in razvoj, informacijsko modeliranje zgradb, informacijske zahteve, algoritmično načrtovanje, vseživljenjski stroški, odziv stavb, simulacije, dnevna svetloba Izvleček: Različne metode trajnostnega načrtovanja, okviri in sistemi ocenjevanja trajnostne gradnje so bili razviti že od prve opredelitve poročila o trajnostnem razvoju - Brundtland. Bioklimatski pristop k arhitekturnemu načrtovanju lahko najdemo v vernakularni arhitekturi in je bil formalno predlagan v vrsti raziskovalnih in strokovnih publikacij od petdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja dalje. Bioklimatski pristop označuje skupek načrtovalskih strategij, ki temeljijo na lokalni klimi, uporabi naravnih virov in energetskih tokov s ciljem, da se zagotovijo fiziološke in psihološke potrebe po zdravju in udobju ljudi. Podnebne spremembe, linearna ekonomija in velik vpliv grajenega okolja na planet zahtevajo takojšnjo preobrazbo, da bi dosegli podnebne cilje OZN in IPCC SR1.5°C. Ta študija podaja pregled metod trajnostnega oblikovanja v povezavi s krožnim gospodarstvom in novo paradigmo projektiranja in gradnje grajenega okolja s pomočjo informacijskega modeliranja zgradb. Regenerativno načrtovanje nudi odmik od sedanje prakse in se osredotoča na zmanjšanje vplivov na okolje in povečanje učinkovitosti, s ciljem zasnovati stavbe in mesta, ki so regenerativni, brez škodljivih vplivov na okolje, vendar obnavljajo ekosisteme, kar omogoča človeku in naravnim sistemom, da se razvijajo hkrati. Predlagan je okvir regenerativnega načrtovanja, ki temelji na celostnem pristopu z orodji za digitalno načrtovanje. Pristop je prikazan na študiji primera večjega objekta v Ljubljani. Na testni študiji se uporabljajo in navzkrižno preverijo najsodobnejši integrirani delotoki projektiranja, orodja in metrike BIM. Raziskava prispeva k lažji izbiri metod, orodij in informacijskih zahtev za naročnika in projektno skupino, in temelji na skupini standardov za BIM - ISO 19650, regenerativnem razvoju in načrtovanju. Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. VI Master Th. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Second cycle master study programme Building Information Modelling – BIM A+. »This page is intentionally blank.« VII Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. BIBLIOGRAPHIC– DOCUMENTALISTIC INFORMATION AND ABSTRACT UDC: 624.03:69.01(4)(043.3) Author: Arlind DERVISHAJ, M.Sc. Arch. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Tomo CEROVŠEK, PhD. Co-supervisor: Branka TREBUŠAK, M.Sc. Civ. Eng. Title: BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods: From Bioclimatic to Regenerative Design Document type: Master thesis: Bologna Process Level II Master Dissertation Scope and tools: 221 pages, 323 figures, 45 tables, 1 appendix Keywords: regenerative design and development, building information modelling (BIM), information requirements, computational design, life cycle assessment (LCA), building performance simulations, daylighting Abstract: Different Sustainable Design methods, frameworks and green building rating systems have been developed since the first definition of Sustainable Development of the Brundtland report. Bioclimatic approach to architectural design can be found in vernacular architecture and was proposed formally in a series of research and professional publications since the 1950s. The bioclimatic approach is about making design strategies based on the local climate, utilizing natural resources and energy flows to provide for physiological and psychological needs for human health and comfort. Climate Change, a Linear Economy and the high impact of the built environment on the planet require an immediate transformation to achieve the UN SDGs and IPCC SR1.5°C climate goals. This study makes a review of Sustainable Design Methods, with links to a Circular Economy, and the new paradigm for the design and construction of the built environment with Building Information Modelling. Regenerative Design holds the promise for shifting from the current practice focused on reducing environmental impacts and increasing efficiency towards designing buildings and cities that are regenerative, climate neutral, restore ecosystems, allowing human and natural systems to co-evolve. A Regenerative Design framework is proposed based on a holistic approach with digital design tools. State of the art BIM integrated workflows, tools and metrics are used and cross-checked on a case study for Ljubljana. The research is a contribution to the selection of methods, KPIs and Information Requirements from the Client- side and for the project team based on ISO 19650 series for Regenerative Design and Development. Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. VIII Master Th. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Second cycle master study programme Building Information Modelling – BIM A+. »This page is intentionally blank.« IX Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Writing and developing this academic work has been a result of diligent efforts conducted with passion, integrity and ethics. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor Tomo Cerovšek for his engagement and guidance throughout these months and to Ms. Branka Trebušak and the Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for their support and sharing with me a real project to use as a case study for the research. It has been an intensive journey starting in October 2019 in Guimaraes in Portugal where my master track began at the University of Minho. I want to give special thanks to Prof. Miguel Azenha and PhD. José Granja for their commitment in developing and running with the Consortium partners the first International and European Master in Building Information Modelling. I express my gratitude in being awarded the highly competitive and prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Finally, to my family, thank you for encouraging and supporting me in all of my pursuits and inspiring me to follow my dreams. Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. X Master Th. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Second cycle master study programme Building Information Modelling – BIM A+. »This page is intentionally blank.« XI Dervishaj, A. 2020. BIM approached Sustainable Design Methods. Mag. delo. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Magistrski program druge stopnje Gradbeništvo, Gradbene konstrukcije. TABLE OF CONTENTS ERRATA ..............................................................................................................................................III BIBLIOGRAFSKO – DOKUMENTACIJSKE STRANI IN IZVLEČEK ..................................... V BIBLIOGRAPHIC– DOCUMENTALISTIC INFORMATION AND ABSTRACT .................. VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ IX TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... XI INDEX OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... XV INDEX OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... XXVII 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Key research questions ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 Development of Methods for Sustainable Design ....................................................................... 3 2.1 Design Methods in History ...............................................................................................................
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