Breed Selection for a Small-Scale Egg Production Enterprise
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment ASC-231 Cooperative Extension Service Breed Selection for a Small-Scale Egg-Production Enterprise Jacquie Jacob and Tony Pescatore, Animal and Food Sciences Once you have decided you are going to go into such breeding programs, the breeding companies egg production, you need to determine what breed maintain several pure lines selected for specific of chicken will best suit your needs. A variety of traits such as egg production rate, peak egg pro- commercial breeds are available for use in small- duction, duration of production, feed efficiency, scale commercial egg production operations. livability, etc. Different breeding lines are selected Most lay a brown-shelled egg, which typically is and crossed to produce the grandparent stock. A preferred by the people purchasing eggs produced male line and a female line from the grandpar- in alterative production systems. Most of these ent stock are then crossed to produce the parent commercial chickens are hybrids selected specifi- stocks. These lines are used to produce the hatch- cally for these systems. All hybrids are developed ing eggs for the replacement pullets which will following a similar breeding schedule as shown in eventually make the laying flock. Figure 1. This is important, since you will not be Specific breeding companies produce commer- able to hatch your own replacement pullets from cial laying hens. Some of the commercial lines the hens you will be using for egg production. In include Hy-Line, ISA, Shaver, Hisex, DEKALB, Figure 1. Typical breeding scheme used for the development of commercial egg production stock incorporating lines of chickens selected for different characteristics such as production level, egg size, livability, etc.
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