Volume 24, Number 9 September 2021 Council News COUNCIL MEETINGS

Tuesday, September 14th at 5 pm and September 29th at 9 am

A copy of the agenda will be available on-line Fridays prior to the council meeting. Council’s objective is to be open to our residents, hear their concerns, and use our time & your money constructively. Please pre- arrange your presentation with the C.A.O or Deputy Clerk (935-2613) by Tuesday prior to our council meet- ings.


• Awarding the Culvert Replacement for Candy Mountain Dr. to Multi Trades Inc. the lowest proposal; Approving the purchase of 2 new ice machines for our rental halls; Approval of the Covid- 19 Workplace Safety Plan; That the Employee Code of Conduct be approved; Approve the engagement of WSP Canada Inc to do soil investigating at the Agriplex property; Authorizing an application to the NOHFC in respect to the construction of the Car Museum; Supporting the lobbying of the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of to implement an additional level of licensing which would permit small organizations to hold fundraisers as a method of sustaining our communities and organizations; Urging the Government of Ontario to provide funding sources for Municipalities for the ongoing maintenance & preservation of abandoned cemeteries in their care; Calling on the Ontario Government to expand testing to all strains of Lyme Disease and improve the level of treatment and care for those diagnosed with this crippling disease; Endorsing the Motion M-84 Anti-Hate Crimes and Incidents and Bill-C 313 Banning Symbols of Hate Act.

Submitted by Mayor Lucy

As of August 26, The fire ban has been lifted! This means that all burning permits previously issued have been reinstated. Fire and Emergency Services asks that you burn responsibly and with caution while following all permit regulations set forth by the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge. Check oliverpaipoonge.ca for updates

Kakabeka Legion We are starting to be back to normal!

Friday September 3 Dance with Quest 7-10 Advance Poll Sept 10-13 Election Poll September 20 Sunday September 19 Fun Run Saturday September 25 Dance with Quest 7-10

CANADA POST AGREEMENT #40037986 Beware of Bears by Wayne Hanchard, CAO/Clerk NEW Submit a Question or Concern Online Being a rural municipality with plenty exhibits threatening or aggressive of forested lands there is a multitude of behaviour.” Beginning August 1, 2021, the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge has launched wildlife living in our midst including a new platform to contact the Municipality. To submit a question or concern, black bears. Residents of the The MNRF webpage says you have a please click on the icon below to be directed to the municipal website for more Municipality, particularly newcomers right to protect yourself and your prop- information or look for this icon on the homepage of the municipal website at: who are unfamiliar with country living, erty, but you need to try everything pos- www.oliverpaipoonge.ca. By completing the form your request will be sent to need to be aware that in our area sible first to get a bear to leave your a municipal employee who will be able to address your issue. If you have any drought-like conditions have reduced property. MNRF emphasizes “Killing a issues completing the form please contact the office at 935-2613.

the supply of natural foods like berries bear in self-defence must be an action of for bears. Bears need to eat a lot to last resort” and adds any action you take build up reserves for winter hiberna- must be done in accordance with applic- tion, so they will stop at nothing to find able by-laws (e.g., discharge of food. firearms), safely and in the most humane way possible. To bears your garbage, fruit trees, pet food and bird feeders are a food source, By-Law 419-2006 of the Municipality and if given the chance they will take deals with discharge of firearms. advantage of it. You need to take steps Section 4 a. states “ That the provisions like securing your garbage, removing of this by-law shall not apply to any per- uneaten pet food, or picking fruit to son in a bona fide attempt to protect stop attracting bears. Regarding bear livestock, persons, or property, provide behaviour and things you can do to such discharge is reasonably necessary avoid bears, the Ministry of Natural and otherwise lawful.” That means you Resources and Forestry provides a lot may shoot and kill a bear in self-defence of information on its webpage provided that you act in accordance with www.ontario.ca/page/prevent-bear- MNRF’s rules. Remember you are encounters-bear-wise. entirely responsible to ensure the dis- charge of firearms is done safely. For non-emergency encounters with bears the MNRF webpage advises per- If you kill a bear and you do not intend sons to call the Bear Wise reporting line to keep it, you must report it immediate- at 1-866-514-2327 (TTY 705-945- ly to MNRF. If you kill a bear and you 7641). For emergency situations want to keep it, you must register for a MNRF advises persons to call 911 or “Notice of Possession” with MNRF. the police. MNRF calls a situation an emergency if “a bear poses an immedi- ate threat to personal safety and

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Living with Grief: How to Keep Going in Tough Times A discussion and support group will be offered this fall in Murillo, beginning Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 7 p.m. Each session will be one hour long and is free of charge.

Target participants are those who have expe- rienced the death of a loved one (a human being) at least six months ago. If you have been struggling to find a path forward, this may be for you.

Number of attendees is restricted, and inter- ested persons must pre-register.

For more information, call Marg Schweitzer at 577-1974 and leave a message with your contact information. Confidentiality assured. page 2, The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021


the Kid’s The Final Property Tax notice will be mailed to the current address on file the week of August 2, 2021. If there has been a change to Corner! your mailing address or you require a PO Box number in your address, please contact the Municipal Office to update your information.

The two installment dates of the Final Notice are: Got a Poem or Story to share? 1st installment – August 25, 2021 2nd installment – October 25, 2021 Did you draw a neat picture? Have a joke to tell? If you have already enrolled in the due date plan, no further action is required. Did something really funny happen? Enrollment in the monthly pre-authorized payment plan is always open, Share with other kids and the due date is the 25th or next business day of each month. Your in the Kid’s Corner!! annual taxes are divided into 12 equal payments.

[email protected] Pre-authorized Debit Plan enrollment forms are available on the Municipal website or at the Office. RURAL CUPBOARD FOOD BANK Questions may be directed to the Treasurer at 935-2613 x229 or Neighbours Helping Neighbours [email protected].

Conmee Municipal Complex 19 Holland Rd, P0T1W0 FINAL TAX BILLING REMINDER 807-285-0836

We sincerely thank all those that The Municipality of Oliver continue to support us Paipoonge will be mailing out final tax billing notices for the 2021 year during COVID-19. in August. This is a reminder to retain a copy of the bill with your year- end records for your 2021 personal income tax return. Your donations enable the The Municipality may elect to charge a fee for duplicate copies of the food bank to remain open final tax billing in the future.

? Computer Repairs Next Food Bank ? Computer/Laptop Sales ? Software/Hardware Wednesday, September Installations ? Wireless/Network 15 Router Install Registration: ? Hardware/Memory Upgrades 9 am to 11 am ? Virus/Windows Reload ? Data Transfer

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The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 page 3


by Sean Horan, Fire Chief

September is here, and with-it cooler point of contact for one of the other temperatures and hopefully some buildings that we have a Quick Action reprieve from the forest fires that have Plan for. Arrangements will be made dominated the summer of 2021. for us to complete a site visit to verify September also means back to school! and update the information that we cur- Buses will be running again this fall so rently have. please slow down and watch out for school buses. These Quick Action Plans are not mandatory; however, I encourage all Did you know that the fire department business owners and facility managers uses Quick Action Plans to help with to participate. The information that we our emergency response. These Quick collect is confidential and will be used Action Plans are a one page document only our Quick Action Plans. that outline key response and safety factors, such as building construction, Finally, I want to give a huge shout out priority actions to be taken by first units to all the fire and first response mem- on scene, water supply, and predicted bers and their respective family mem- fire behavior based on the fuels present. bers. There is not a day that goes by that These Quick Action Plans also include I’m not humbled by what these people a floor plan of the building, which will do for their community. Every resident highlight points of entry, location of fire of Oliver Paipoonge should be very and life safety items such as fire extin- proud of this group of professionals, I guishers, along with site specific haz- know I am. The next time you see one ards. These are critical to the safety of of the fire fighters or one of the medical our fire department members along first responders, please give them a pat assisting in property conservation. on the back, they deserve it.

We have these Quick Action Plans for If you want to become a member of the each business within the Municipality Oliver Paipoonge Fire and Emergency along with buildings such as churches, Services team, applications can be schools, Municipal buildings, and found on the Municipal Website. We seniors’ facilities. are always looking for new members, especially in the Kakabeka, Stanley and In order to ensure we have accurate Slate areas. information in these Quick Action Plans, we must complete regular updates, which include site visits to ver- ify the information. The fire depart- Be safe and remember- Prevention is the ment will be starting our review of best way to fight fire! these Quick Action Plans in the Month of September. This means that a fire department member will be in contact with you if you own a business or are a

"Learning Through Play, Exploration & Inquiry" Rural Connect with other Families!

(for children 0-6 years) Family Our Calendar of events can be viewed at: https://www.keyon.ca/en/Events/ViewEvents Centre * EarlyON Child and Family Centre - Murillo (Pre-registration on KeyON is required)

For more info. please: Email: [email protected] or Private FB message us or Call: 935-3009

Play, sing, laugh and we will SEE YOU SOON! Phone: 767‐3643 page 4, The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 Hymers Fair SLATE RIVER WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MONTHLY RECIPES News by Shannon Dodd-Smith The apple season has already begun, if you are like me, and have BIG HAPPENINGS Norlands and Hyers apples. As children we always heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor FOR THE HYMERS FAIR away”. There’s a lot of truth in that adage. For example, a medium ON LABOUR DAY! sized apple is just 92 calories and can hold about 3 grams of soluble fibre,and a good dose of vitamin C, K and potassium amongst other Leading up to the weekend, we have Colouring Contest for all ages, Writing, benefits.So, enjoy eating them right off your trees; share the bounty Photo and Scarecrow Contests, as well as the largest pumpkin, strangest with your friends and the wildlife. In the middle of winter retrieve those gourd/zucchini and best outdoor Fall display. memories by pulling out a container of frozen apple pie filling for a crisp or a pie. Here’s Marie Hamilton’s longtime recipe. A DIY Rural and AG Road Rally starting on September 2nd, you have until Labour Day to complete the course, and file your report. Frozen Apple Pie Filling by Marie Hamilton The winning ticket in the Hymers Fair 50/50 Draw will be drawn on Monday, September 6th at the Fairgrounds. Up to $8,750 to be won! Tickets are $5 each. 6 quarts cut up apples Draw will be posted on our social media. Find us on Instagram and Facebook or 1 1/4 cups of water check our Facebook feed on our website at www.hymersfair.com. 2 cups or less of sugar depending on the sweetness of the apple 1/3 cup of minute tapioca Tune into our Virtual Music Concert featuring local talent and watch our live 3 tablespoons or less of cinnamon streamed Horse Show on our website Fair weekend. Place the ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil stirring con- stantly for five minutes until apples fall loosely. Pour into containers ,let Drive through Fair BBQ Meal: Take out only, either Beef or Ham Dinner with all cool and then freeze. Makes one gallon. Enjoy! the trimmings, including dessert, all for only $25! Place your orders by August ———————— 30th (But don’t wait till the last minute – we might be sold out by then!) For those of you who have been drying your tomatoes, here’s a yummy recipe that tells you how to use those dried tomatoes as a gift or just Get “Shot” at the Fair! The Health Unit will be holding a on a nice slice of crusty bread. Drive thru Immunization Clinic at the Fairgrounds on Monday, September 6th from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. No appointment required! Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

by Dodie Legassick To enter contests, order meals or 50/50 draw tickets, email [email protected].

In a medium pot place a few jars worth of dried tomatoes. Cover with For more information, visit our website, www.hymersfair.com or our Facebook water and boil for five minutes to rehydrate them.Empty the water, put page. the tomatoes on paper towelling or a towel and pat dry.

Into each sterilized jar place the rehydrated tomatoes in vertical layers Submitted by Randy Creighton, President, Hymers Agricultural Society along with cut cloves of garlic, a few small sprigs of dried oregano and one bay leaf ending with some of the herbs on the top. Fill with olive oil.Remove any air. In a few days, check to see if it needs more oil. Keep in the fridge and wait three weeks for the flavours to develop. Get a nice piece of fresh crusty bread and place a piece of tomato on top. Delicious!

Don’t forget Mary Germaine’s motto in life ” Don’t Waste A Day!”

THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF OLIVER PAIPOONGE LANDFILL SITES - SUMMER HOURS April 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Landfill Sites are CLOSED on all Statutory Holidays NORTH LANDFILL SITE (1 Spence Road) Tuesday: 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SOUTH LANDFILL SITE (154 Barrie Drive) Wednesday 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. 3879 Hwy 11/17 Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. hhimporters.ca 939-1152 Landfill Hours Change October 1! Watch October’s Oliver Paipoonge News for the new hours!!!

The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 page 5 Oliver Paipoonge 2021 Calendar We are pleased to announce preparations of the Oliver Paipoonge 2021 Calendar!

Calendar Photographs Show off the beauty of Oliver Paipoonge with your photography skills. 12 photos that exhibit the spec- tacular countryside will be selected for the calendar. Please keep in mind that photo submissions must have… • A resolution of 300 dpi (5 megapixels) or better in JPEG file format • An identifiable landmark or landscape of Oliver Paipoonge • Animals within the scene are permitted, but recog- nizable faces of people are not. • Where/when the photo was taken • Your name and email address Please submit your photograph by email to: [email protected]

Calendar Advertisements With the popularity of the Oliver Paipoonge calendar, local businesses have an opportunity to have their name and con- DEADLINE tact information visible to thousands. The calendars are distrib- EXTENDED uted to the community free of charge and feature a banner of business ads at the bottom of each page. Ad space is limited. to Sept. 30! The deadline to purchase an ad has been extended to September 30, 2021. For more information on standards that must be met please visit our website, oliverpaipoonge.ca or contact Kerri Reid by phone: 935-2613 ext. 224, e-mail: [email protected].

• Sand • ¾” Crushed Washed Rock • Granular ‘A’ • Red or Black Topsoil • Crusher Fines • 2”-4” & 4”-9” River Rock • Pea Stone • White Dolomite Rock

page 6, The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 The Rural Pharmacist:

Moderna AND Pfizer Vaccines Now Available at Evergreen Pharmacies! by Henry Tempelman, Pharmacist/Owner Evergreen Pharmacies A few updates regarding COVID vacci- receive their Pfizer COVID vaccine. retirement homes and First Nations still get COVID if you are double vacci- nations in Ontario and how that relates to We’ve been starting to get questions elders’ lodges). Transplant recipients, nated, but it is extremely unlikely for it to you and our pharmacy services. Our phar- about booster doses/third doses for the patients with hematological cancer and result in severe infection/hospitalization; macies were originally only assigned COVID vaccine as well. At the time of receiving the abovementioned treatments the vaccine gave your body the instruc- Moderna vaccines from the Ministry, but writing, there is only a limited population are eligible to receive their 3rd dose 8 tions on how to fight the virus as it ordering the Pfizer vaccine is now avail- that is eligible for booster doses of the weeks after their 2nd dose. Residents liv- entered your body so it doesn’t progress able to us so starting September we will COVID vaccine in Ontario, which falls in ing in higher risk settings are eligible to to serious symptoms, as opposed to an now have Moderna vaccine days and line with recommendations from the receive their 3rd dose 5 months after unvaccinated person where an infecting Pfizer vaccine days at each of our loca- CDC. (Contrary to the announcement in receiving their 2nd dose. virus has a chance to further infiltrate the tions. Although mixing and matching the the US recently where all American At the time of writing, our Ontario body’s defense mechanisms before the interchangeable mRNA vaccines (Pfizer adults that received two doses of the Pharmacist Association is awaiting fur- immune system can come up with a strat- and Moderna) has proven to be safe and COVID vaccine are eligible to get their ther direction from the Ministry of egy to fight the infecting virus. effective for adults, getting the Pfizer vac- third dose 8 months after the second dose. Health on the process for administering Unvaccinated persons are also at high cine is important so that we can provide The controversy over this strategy is for 3rd doses in pharmacies (ie. Will there be risk for COVID long haul symptoms, COVID vaccine services to children ages another day!) In Ontario, eligible popula- a requirement of a letter from the which can have a significant impact on 12-18 (Moderna vaccine has only been tions for third doses include: transplant patient’s primary care provider or spe- your day-to-day life. approved for ages 18+). Further to chil- recipients, patients with hematological cialist to confirm whether they meet the Do you have kids going back to school dren and COVID vaccines, in August the (blood) cancers and on chemotherapy or criteria?) We will be sure to update via in the eligible age ranges for vaccina- Ontario government announced that any patient with certain treatment regimens our email newsletter (you can sign up on tions? I understand it can be difficult to child turning 12 in 2021 is eligible to get (Anti-CD20 medications) and residents our website at www.evergreenrx.ca), our decide for your child to get a vaccine that the vaccines; basically, anyone born any- of higher risk congregate settings (long- Facebook page or in store as we get is new, with all the information out there. time in 2009 or earlier is eligible to term care homes, higher risk licensed updated! It is not true that COVID can’t result in Still haven’t got your COVID vaccine? serious illness for a child. The best thing Hesitant about it effectiveness or safety? you can do for your child is vaccinate Being hesitant or anxious about some- them as soon as you are able to in order thing like this is okay! What’s important to maximize protection. In teens, it seems is that you are making a decision based that the COVID vaccine carries a very on GOOD information to overcome your small risk of myocarditis (heart muscle hesitancy. At this point in the vaccine inflammation), to the tune of 50 cases per journey, we not only have great studies million doses given for boys and 12 cases pointing towards their effectiveness and per million doses given in girls. These safety, but now we have real world expe- symptoms are typically mild and resolve rience in giving them to hundreds of mil- in 1-2 weeks. Teens who are infected lions of people over the last 9 months to with COVID get myocarditis at a much affirm their safety. Everything in medi- higher incidence (500-3000 cases per cine has risks and whether it be a vaccine million infections). Again, COVID infec- or a new blood pressure pill, we are tion risks outweighs the risk of the vac- always weighing the benefits vs the risk. cine and it’s not even close. COVID is real and serious, and the risks More questions? Talk to our pharma- of the virus will always trump the risk of cists! Or talk to your doctor or nurse the vaccine. The vast majority of COVID practitioner. Talk to somebody who will hospitalizations today are persons who listen to your concerns and provide good are unvaccinated, and a smaller portion information on why each vaccinated per- of hospitalizations are those who are par- son is so important for YOU, your family tially vaccinated (1 dose). Yes, you can and our community.

The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021, page 7 Exciting Announcement: Chix in the Stix Ontario Parks’

Country Healing! Permits Now by Cindy Harasen Available at Oliver I skipped out on my writing duties have needed so many times. Even Paipoonge here last month. It happens some the bear trying to get into our house times. And it always feels weird. was a pleasant distraction though

Libraries! Having made a point to ‘connect’ maybe not my first choice. Though Oliver Paipoonge Library is excited to bring you your next adventure! with you the readers every month there is so much uncertainty day to There are so many beautiful places in Ontario that you may have yet to for well over a decade – it has day for us right now, there are other explore. Luckily, you can now checkout free Ontario Parks day-use permits become a natural part of my routine. certain things that still bring me joy. from both the Murillo and Rosslyn libraries! There are many parks with So when I skip out it usually means The great horned owl that we see spectacular views and activities just a short drive away! This is a great something’s up. And it is. Our almost every evening along the dri- opportunity for those in the community who enjoy getting outside and youngest daughter is quite unwell veway. And the way the owls spending time with nature and their loved ones. These Ontario Parks per- and we have a long road ahead. It almost always respond to my lame mits provide complimentary day-use access for one vehicle and its occu- has been a trying, heartbreaking few attempt at owl calls into the bush at pants at more than 100 provincial parks where fees are normally applicable. months and we are still sort of in night. The sound of crickets. The If you are as excited as us about this new service offered at our library and survival mode. So I needed some partridge along the driveway that can’t wait to checkout your own permit, simply contact the Rosslyn or time to get a handle on our latest move so so slow like they are cer- Murillo Library, and we will let you know if or when one is available. The new normal. Now you know I am tain they have become invisible. permit will be yours for a week, giving you lots of time to explore many never one to shy away from a chal- Gosh they make me laugh. Even beautiful destinations! In addition, the first time you check out a permit, lenge or struggles and always try to the grasshoppers are helping my you will be given a coupon for $5 off to purchase your own day-use permit find the good in everything, and the mood with their constant action and at Ontario Parks! You can find a map of operating park locations near you opportunity to share and help oth- reminder that on every level life is at ontarioparks.com/park-locater. You can also use the Ontario Parks’ web- ers. And so despite the emotional carrying on. And are you even a site to explore the different activities and experiences each park has to offer. fragility we are experiencing right country person if you don’t yell This opportunity will be available from January 1, 2021 until December 31, now I am still trying every day to ‘cows’ every time you drive by a also recognize the simplest of bless- field. Because no matter what ings in my life. Truth be told other obstacles or challenges we are fac- than the days when sleep has been ing those cows can still make my Grandma’s Restaurant rare, I have probably been fully pre- day. And I know we aren’t alone in sent for more moments the past few our struggles or challenges. Heaven Take Out 939-1551 months than in quite awhile. Not knows my heart breaks for the farm- sure what that’s all about. Maybe ers this dry hot summer. And there extreme emotions do that to us. are many of you our there navigat- And that pain in my shoulder and ing your own difficult journeys HomeHome CookingCooking ankle are either gone or my brain right now. And some days it is hard simply cannot deal with them so has to fathom how life still just keeps 77 a.m.a.m. -- 1010 p.m.p.m. tucked those now seemingly point- clicking along and it is easy some- everyevery dayday less little ills away for another time. times to feel alone in our own little I bet that has something to do with worlds. But the reality is we not BREAKFAST FRESH HOMEMADE adrenalin. I am so thankful to have alone. And whether things in our All Day Every Day! SOUP Daily! amazing family and friends who are lives are going swimmingly or are a here for us to lean on right now as big mess right now, I guarantee Fresh Subs, Sandwiches, Wraps! well. They check on us. They send there is someone going through the Coffee Bar available 24hours us messages. They bring us food. same. And I encourage you to hang They pray. And you know what – in there and keep looking for the sil- no word of a lie – living in the coun- ver lining of hope, for that opportu- try right now is one of the biggest nity to learn something even on the ’’ blessings in my life. I cannot even hardest days, whether its gaining SantorelliSantorelli24 Hourss describe how important it is to me more compassion and understand- Bulk DEF Truck Stop right now. And even amidst the try- ing, or practicing patience, remem- Now Available! Free Wi-Fi! ing times I am soooo excited about bering the importance of self care, the fall. You can bet I am going to learning how to lean on others and squeeze every ounce of amazement bless them with the opportunity to out it as I can. And there has been so help you out. And please get out- 3131 West Arthur Street much more. Things that I totally side. Go for a walk or hike, or even (near Twin City Crossroads) don’t think would go over to well if a drive. Visit one of the great week- Phone 939-2619 we were living in the city. I have end markets in your area. The coun- wailed and ugly cried in my yard try folks in all our rural communi- more than once in the past month ties can be so kind and hospitable and in town the volume alone might you will be sure to leave with a PRO-TEC TIRE CENTRE have drawn some unwanted atten- smile on your face. Just don’t miss PRO-TEC TIRE CENTRE tion. And screaming at the sky. the fall . It is full of so much beauty Also something that might be and gloriousness and it will come frowned upon in the city, but here and go too fast. And I have learned on one’s own piece of heaven with and am still learning that I can be not a soul for miles it’s all systems sad right now, and even a bit afraid, OUR TOUGHEST ALL-TERRAIN TIRE. go. And many a sleepless night the and that doesn’t mean I can’t still EVER. thing that has re-charged my battery see beauty around me and be grate- for another few hours has been step- ful for it. And it is recognizing that • 20% Tougher Sidewalls ping out under the clear night sky these emotions, so very different, • 2X Longer Treadlife on Gravel, and feeling the immensity of the can not only exist at the same time, +15% on Asphalt THE universe enfold me – arms spread – but that they must. Happy Fall +10% Traction in Mud, +19% in Snow wind blowing in the trees – eyes Everyone!

NEW KO2 closed. It has been the escape I We also sell tires for TAKES ON cars and light trucks!! CANADIAN EXTREMES Monday - Friday 8-5, Saturday 9-1 3129 W. Arthur Fast, Friendly Service by Santorelli’s by Knowledgeable Ph. 939-2581

Husky Truck Stop Staff Authorized BF Goodrich Truck Tire Dealer page 8, The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 Lakehead Region PROPERTY FOR SALE - Conservation Authority Municipality of submitted by LRCA Staff Oliver Paipoonge

The LRCA declared a Level I Low us at (807) 344-5857. List Price: $100,000.00 Water Condition on July 29, 2021, The LRCA still has some spots available based on observed flow conditions in at our upcoming Watershed Explorer area streams. During a Level I Low and Junior Explorer programs. Water Condition, water users are asked Upcoming topics include Trees & Fall to voluntarily reduce water consump- Colours, Photography Workshop, Fall tion by 10%. In July area gauges Waterfowl Viewing Day, and Nature recorded an average of 20 millimetres Journaling! Space is extremely limited of precipitation, 26% of the monthly and pre-registration is required. To reg- average; area streams averaged 15% of ister, visit our events page on our web- their mean monthly discharge. The site (www.lakeheadca.com) or visit Lake Superior beginning of July level store.lakeheadca.com. Programs are free was 9 centimetres above the beginning thanks to the generous support of the TD of July monthly average, however 15 Friends of the Environment Fund; Fall centimetres below the July level last Waterfowl Viewing Day is generously year. supported by Ontario Power Generation.

For more information on Low Water Please be advised that this fall, pay-and- Conditions, visit our website or contact display units will be installed at Cascades and Mission Island Marsh Conservation Areas. Parking will be enforced at those locations under the City of Thunder Bay Parking By- Law. Visitors to either Cascades or Mission Island Marsh will be required to show proof of payment either by displaying the payment receipt from the pay-and-dis- play unit or by displaying an Explore Card Parking Pass. PROPERTY INFORMATION: Day use parking fees are mandatory at all Official Plan Designation – Rural Conservation Areas in the Lakehead Region; revenue from parking fees and Zoning – Rural Explore Card Parking Passes Permitted Uses in Rural Zone: Agricultural use (in accordance goes directly towards the with Section 5.3.2), Agriculture-related use, Conservation uses upkeep and maintenance of and watershed management, Single Detached Dwelling, Conservation Areas. We Accessory Dwelling, Accessory Farm Dwelling, Electrical genera- appreciate your cooperation tion (renewable or otherwise) and distribution, Forestry, Home and support. industry, Home occupation, Mining, Stables and riding acade- mies, Storage, Pre-fabricated shipping container, Kennels. Frontage – 65 metres Oliver Paipoonge Services COVID-19 Update Depth – 371.87 metres – July 21, 2021 Area - 2.414 Hectares Location – Situated on Highway 61 just east of Founder’s Oliver Paipoonge Services COVID-19 Update – July 21, 2021 Museum. Other Information – the property does not currently have a well On July 16th Ontario including the Thunder Bay District of which Oliver installed. Paipoonge is a part entered Step 3 of its new Reopening Plan. While For more information about this property the changes allow certain spaces to reopen, the basic restrictions like or to schedule a time to view the land, please contact masking and physical distancing remain. Wayne Hanchard or Kerri Reid at (807) 935-2613 Monday to Friday Community Facilities: Community Halls and the Nor West Arena are between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. closed but preparations are being made to reopen these facilities taking into account the ongoing restrictions

The Library is offering curbside service Outdoor facilities and the Cemetery are open REMINDER: Burning permits are required all year. Charges Office Services: Despite COVID-19 we continue to be able to serve you. Please call us @ 807-935-2613 to find out how we can meet your will be laid if you burn without a permit. Daytime burning is needs. Besides using telephone, email and Zoom to conduct your busi- allowed from Nov 1 to March 31. Burning Permits available ness, you can come to the Office. Our front lobby has an enclosed at: both libraries, LULUS, Rosslyn Service, Wildwoode vestibule, which allows you to interact with us without sharing the same Variety, Valley Store in Murillo and also online at www.oliver- airspace. A slot in vestibule side allows documents to be exchanged paipoonge.ca. and payments to be made. Masks must be worn in the vestibule. You are not allowed to dispose of used oil, paint at our landfill site. The Please do not come if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. Municipality is no longer accepting appliances that contain Freon. In order for these appliances to be accepted at the Landfill Sites, they must have the Freon Waste and Recycling: Both landfills are operating normal summer hours. removed by a Certified Refrigeration Specialist and tagged to indicate that they are Freon-free. Once the Freon is removed and the appliance is tagged, it can Council Meetings: Council will continue to hold virtual meetings. then be disposed of in the designated area at either Landfill Site without charge. Meetings of Council can be viewed on YouTube using the video link on You must present both your Landfill Access Card and Photo ID (driver’s license) the website. to the Landfill Site Attendant upon arrival effective July 11, 2015….landfill sites are for residents only. Resource Links: Non profit event planners can submit an online request to have their event placed on our municipal calendar located on the website. Go to our website The Ontario Ministry of Health reports on the status if cases in Ontario www.oliverpaipoonge.ca and click on the events calendar icon on the home each morning at 10:30 a.m.: www.ontario.ca/coronavirus page and from there click on the link “submit an event” for free advertising. The Health Unit’s website contain links to credible sources of information Remember to RECYCLE – our sites are filling up with recyclable items. The providers: www.TBDHU.COM/coronavirus Municipality is legislated to recycle, so please do your part!! We remind resi- We ask all residents to follow the recommendations of the Thunder Bay dents that charges can be laid in regards to insecure loads and garbage flying District Health Unit, Ontario Ministry of Health and Health Canada. onto the roads. Please ensure your garbage is secured in your vehicle or trailer! Remember: You must have your pet under your control at all times. DOG TAGS are av available Thank you for your patience and cooperation. at Municipal Office, Wildwoode Variety on Hwy 102

The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 page 9 RURAL BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY

ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES COMPUTER REPAIRS Kam Ridge Manufacturing TRACTORS WATER FILTRATION Now selling kitchen and vanity cabinets from Rosslyn Service Home Hardware SALES & SERVICE Afortek Inc. Axel’s Water & Plumbing Urban Effects and Cabinetsmith Repairs to all makes: ATV, Snowmobiles, Tractors Bagdonas Consulting Service Tractor Implements and Attachments R.R.#1 Murillo 623-4488 New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 & equipment Computer service, setup, backup, restore 100 McCluskey Drive Tel: 807-475-5171 2 • our Emergency Service. Available for all your (807) 939-2524 [email protected] water and plumbing needs. 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 [email protected] 935-3021 Email: [email protected] Dunrite! Services LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. www.afortektractors.com WATER HAULING APARTMENTS - SENIORS Leo Blekkenhorst 995 Golf Links Rd.Ph. 344-0200 SALES & SERVICE Rosslyn Service Home Hardware Tempelman Water Haulage Kay Bee Seniors Non Profit Housing Fax 344-1156 www.dunrite.com [email protected] Rosslyn Service Home Hardware Yanmar tractors, loaders, backhoes & implements Bulk water in stainless steel tanks for wells, 108 Hill St., Kakabeka Falls http://fb.me/DunriteServicesThunderBay Cub Cadet, TroyBilt, Mantis tillers, Echo 21 to 45 HP, 807-939-2521 [email protected] holding tanks, swimming pools, skating rinks, Contact: Mary Sabo-Bandiera, 475-0313 See us for your all your computer needs 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 TRAVEL residential & commercial. A subsidy may be available to assist with CONCRETE PRODUCTS Travel Professionals International 767-9173, Mon.-Fri. your rent. MASSAGE THERAPY Miller Precast Limited Karen Marsh Registered Massage Therapist Amanda Gordon - Travel Consultant WATER TREATMENT AUTO REPAIR 58 Cooper Rd., Rosslyn Located in Eclips Hair Design on Tues.&Thurs. Direct line 807-708-5342, Brad’s Water Treatment

Art's Auto Ph. 939-2655 Fax 939-1788 4778 Hwy. 11/17 Kakabeka Falls ON [email protected] Authorized Purifiner dealer for N.W.O., Water treatment specialists 577-0462 Automotive repair and diagnostics CREDIT UNION Tel. (807)627-4147 Ph 905-896-6948 TICO# 1576226 WELL SERVICES/PUMPS All makes and models; Art Blekkenhorst Rapport Credit Union METAL ROOFING 1131 Nottinghill Gate,Suite 203, Oakville, 935-2835; 4582 Oliver Road, Murillo ON L6M1K5 Kershaw Well Services Full Financial Services – 3 local branches Kam Ridge Manufacturing Charlie’s Auto Kakabeka Falls, 43 Clergue St Ph 475 4276 www.kershawwellservices.ca Automotive Service Technician, Charles Clair Selling Ideal Roofing's full line of sheet Phone 939-2166 Fax 939-2167 Campus Hill , 1072 Oliver Rd Ph. 346 2810 metal, steel shingles, and accessories TRUCK.CAR STOP & RESTAURANT 953 Candy Mountain Dr., 473-5456 708-5536 Santorelli’s 24 Hr. Husky Truck Stop WINDOWS/DOORS James St, 405 James St S. Ph, 626 5666 New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 Fast Forward Auto www.rapportcu.ca toll free: 1 888 516 6664 3131 West Arthur Street Kam Ridge Manufacturing Full Service Domestic & Import Repairs: (807) 939-2524 [email protected] (near Twin City Crossroads) Now selling North Star Wi ndows and Doors Brakes, Driveline, Drivability DOG GROOMER Quality Four Wheel Alignments Slate River Dog Grooming Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies Gas Bar:939-2619/Fax:939-2060/Office:939-2572 New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 1024 Boundary Dr. W. Neebing 807-628-8551 (807) 939-2524 [email protected] All breeds and sizes. Highway 61 & Boundary Dr. Phone 475-5190 Fax TRUSSES Rick’s Auto Repair HWY 61, Neebing. 475-7420 www.tbcoop.com Kam Ridge Manufacturing Up-to-date fuel injection diagnostic & repairs Find us on Facebook. 475-9629. Largest stock of Ideal metal roofing & Commercial & Residential trusses, floor joists & LVL beams, prefab walls & repairs to all makes & models DUG WELL SERVICES/PUMPS siding in 20 Berini Drive, 473-4501 3933 Hwy. 11/17 W 939-2524 fax 939-2546 Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential MUSIC BIRTHDAY PARTIES Dug Well Tech / Installation All Pumps Musical Discovery with Suzanne Gilmore Laugh Out Loud with BoBo [email protected] / www.dig1.ca Piano, Voice, Theory, Intro Guitar NOTICE; BoBo the Clown! Fabulous entertainment for Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Exam Prep for Royal Conservatory WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION birthday parties! ELECTRICAL Lessons held in Rural Schools and online 628 7271 964-2223 [email protected] 5 Star Electric (Thunder Bay) Inc. ON TOTAL BURN BANS BOOKKEEPING / TAXES Residential, Commercial, Industrial; New Builds, PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Please use the following sources to access information regarding LAK Business Services Upgrades. Lighting Retrofits (grants possible), Solar A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. 519 Pole Line Rd. Rosslyn P7K 0S6 total burn bans in the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge: Lucy Kloosterhuis-Bookkeeping, Payroll, system repairs, Generator backup systems. 807- Income Taxes, Gov’t Returns & Secretarial 475-7827, email:[email protected], Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 • Municipal Website homepage: www.oliverpaipoonge.ca message us at Facebook Services ALS Sewage Services Ph. 473-5658 Fax 577-7829 [email protected] ELECTRONIC SERVICES Bus.: 939-1692 Septic/holding tank cleaning • Municipal Facebook page

CATERING, HALL RENTALS & Lakehead Communications REAL ESTATE SALES • Municipal Office: (807) 935-2613 420 Balmoral Street Thunder Bay P7B 6G3 Avista Realty Group Ltd. MEETINGS Fred Erickson, Ph. 628-0198,Fax 626-8248 640 Beverly St. Thunder Bay Royal Canadian Legion Hall EXCAVATING & Barb McEwen, Sales Rep. The deadline for the OCTOBER issue of Kakabeka, 473-9122 Cell 807-626-3860 Ph. 344-3232 [email protected] EQUIPMENT RENTALS The Oliver Paipoonge News is SEPTEMBER 20, 2021! Allens Enterprises Services Inc. Fax 344-5400 CHEESE FARM Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Re/Max First Choice Realty (EARLY SUBMISSIONS ALWAYS WELCOME! Thunder Oak Cheese Farm [email protected] / www.dig1.ca George Hanna, Broker Submissions & photos are welcome and can be: Emailed to: designhouse@tbay- 755 Boundary Dr. R.R. #3, 628-0175 Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. 846 McDonnell St., 344-5700 Cell 473-7350, Home 475-5122 tel.net or dropped off at the Municipal Office. Please make note that you wish your CHOCOLATE 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn submission to be published in The Oliver Paipoonge News. Items, articles, and Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] Chocolate Cow announcements that are of community interest and non-profit always run Locally-made chocolates available year-round at Dump Trucks, Excavation, Lot Development ROOFING & RENOVATIONS FREE OF CHARGE in The Oliver Paipoonge News. Thunder Oak Cheese Farm, Kakabeka Depot, FARMS Dykstra Knight Roofing & Renovations Questions about submissions or advertising rates? Call Chris Vaclav 628 7271; Thunder Bay Feeds, South Neebing Variety, Santorelli Belluz Farms Box 86, Kakabeka Falls Ph. 577-3597 Truck Stop and other area stores. See our website R.R.#6, Thunder Bay P7C 5N5 Asphalt & wood shingles, cedar shakes, metal roofs, [email protected] The Oliver Paipoonge is printed by Web Press, distrib- www.chocolatecow.net or call 807-623-2628. 475-5181 Farm fresh fruits & vegetables flat roofs, siding, soffit, facia & eavestrough uted by Thunder Bay Letter Shop and produced by Design House CHURCHES/ website: www.belluzfarms.on.ca SALES/DIRECT Publications.Design House - producer of many fine publications, including The RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS FARMS & HAY/SLEIGH RIDES Mom’s Pantry Products Oliver Paipoonge News, The Neebing News, & The News Anglican Parish of West Thunder Bay Country Warmth in & PARTIES To reorder any product from our fine line of prod- Christ! Incumbent: Rev. Jonathon Blanchard 939-1103 ucts or to organize a fundraiser for your group or Gammondale Farm school-for additional information call Sylvia St. James' Anglican Church Gerry and Sue Gammond (corner of John St. Rd. at Calvert Rd. in Murillo) Kloosterhuis at 475-6913. R.R.#3, McCluskey Dr., Thunder Bay COUNCIL & STAFF Sunday Service at 11:00 am 475-5615 Farm 475-9609 Home St. Mark's Anglican Church [email protected] www.gammondalefarm.com SEPTIC SYSTEMS INSTALLS Contact Information (5 St. Mark's Street, Rosslyn Village) Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential Office Located at 3250 Hwy 130, Rosslyn ON P7K 0B1 Sunday Service & Sunday School at 9:30 am FEED & FERTILIZER Licensed Septic Systems Installer Facebook "Parish of West Thunder Bay" Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies [email protected] / www.dig1.ca

Highway 61 & Boundary Dr. Phone 475-5190 Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 COUNCIL Community Baptist Church Fax 475-7420 ww.tbcoop.com Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Lucy Kloosterhuis, Mayor Cnr. of Oliver & Mud Lake Rds., Murillo Fertilizers, chemicals, building supplies, hardware, feed, 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. poultry chicks, garden products Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] [email protected] Pastor Anthony Fiorito Thunder Bay Feeds Licensed Installers 622-8865(home) 473- 935-2514 (office) or 935-2563 (church ph. & fax) R.R.#11, Townline Road SEPTIC TANK CLEANING 5658(office) www.murillobaptist.blogspot.com Phone 935-2921, Fax 935-2337 A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-3 First Christian Reformed Church 519 Pole Line Rd. Rosslyn P7K 0S6 Alana Bishop, Councillor Hwy 130 North at Cooper Rd. FLOORING Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 [email protected] Church 939-1207 Kam Ridge Manufacturing ALS Sewage Services Chairman – Rudy Buitenhuis – 632-4587 Now selling hardwood, engineered, and vinyl Bus.: 939-1692 286-5657 Clerk – Devan Miller – 627-1179 laminate tile. Septic/holding tank cleaning Sunday Service 10 a.m. New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 Dave Buob Trucking Ltd. Bernie Kamphof, Councillor (807) 939-2524 [email protected] Licensed designers and installers of conven- Pinegrove United Church [email protected] tional & advanced treatment septic systems Hwy. 130 (between Arthur St. & Rosslyn Rd.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS 577-1988 or [email protected] 935-3344 Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. or watch the Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential livestream on Sundays at 10:30 am. Excavating, Landscaping, Driveways, Dug Wells, SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Brandon Postuma, Councillor Visit www.trinityunited.church/livestream/ Septic Systems Ryans’ Small Engine Service [email protected] / www.dig1.ca The One Stop Repair Shop; all makes & [email protected] Phone/Fax-939-1364 [email protected] Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Visit our website for our current status re: models; better prices, better service; pick-up 939-2414 BJ Halow & Sons Contractors & delivery. Phone 472-4201 COVID-19: www.pinegroveUC.org 22 Wing Road, Rosslyn Allan Vis, Councillor 939-2533/473-9021/ TACK SHOP Redeemer Lutheran Church Thunder Bay Feeds [email protected] P.O.Box 179 Kakabeka Falls, on. P0T 1W0 Bruce D. Halow 935-2730 Dave Buob Trucking Ltd. R.R.#11, Townline Road WORSHIP; 11:00am Phone 935-2921, Fax 935-2337 935-2200 Lot Development, Septic Systems, MOE Pastor Brad Julien Ph. 473-9164 Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-3 email: [email protected] Licensed Dug Wells HALL RENTALS 577-1988 or [email protected] TANKS Roman Catholic Churches Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Miller Precast Limited St. Augustine* & St. Theresa+ 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn 58 Cooper Rd., Rosslyn c/o 5045 Townline Rd. Murillo Tel. 935-2898 Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] Ph. 939-2655 Fax 939-1788 Mass Schedule: *Tues-Fri. 6.00pm, *Sat. Driveways, Lot Development, Gravel/Sand Rosslyn Service Home Hardware ADMINISTRATION 5.00pm (winter), *Sun. 9.00am, +Sun. 11.00am Makkinga Contractors Equinox Polyethelene Septic Tanks & Water Tanks Wayne Hanchard, CAO/Clerk Slate River Baptist Church 570 Squier Place, Thunder Bay P7B 6M2 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 CAO/[email protected] Hwy. 130, 80 McCluskey Drive P7J 0A8 Ph. 935-2792 Fax 935-2731 TEA 10:00am Adult Bible Study 935-2613 Ext.223 GRAPHIC DESIGN Your Tea Needs 11:00am Morning Family Worship Design House Publications Loose leaf tea, tea products, spices, gift certificates 11:30am Jr. & Sr. Children’s Church Kevin Green, Treasurer/Deputy CAO Producing Quality Publications since 1988 plus more. Product not listed, please ask. Visit Pastor Rob Cain, 475-5140 [email protected] Chris Vaclav 628-7271 www.yourteaneeds.com The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai’s of [email protected] Contact: Eugema Ings 768-0999 935-2613 Ext. 229 Oliver Paipoonge GREENHOUSES/NURSERIES TIRE SHOP 27 Intola Road, Murillo, ON P7G 0T4 Linwood Nursery c/o Frans & Linda Heerema Chris Bowles, Director of Operations 935-2893 1-800-433-3284 Pro-Tec Tire Centre Call for opening day in May, 939-6054 3129 West Arthur Street website: www.bahaiop.org Great selection of hanging baskets, planters, annuals, & [email protected] United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay vegetable plants BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Tues. Husky Truck Stop Tire Shop: 939-2581 Office: 939-2572 Fax 939-1171 935-2613 Ext. 222 #23 Hwy 130, Thunder Bay 939-1916 to Friday 10 to 7 and Sat. 10 to 4, 123 Hwy 130 Rosslyn (across from former Municipal Golf Course) Pastor: Rev. John Ysinga 623-4241 My Blooming Business Greenhouse Kerri Reid, Manager of Planning Sun. Worship Times: 10:00 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. 341 Hanna Road Call 474-3235 [email protected] www.thunderbayurc.com Quality Annual, Perennial, Hanging Baskets, Herb & Vegetable Plants Open May long weekend to July 1, 935-2613 Ext.224 Open Mon. to Fri. 10 - 6 p.m., Sat. 9 - 5 HARDWARE Sean Horan, Fire Chief Rosslyn Service Home Hardware [email protected] 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 935-2613 Ext. 240 Cell 628-4867 KITCHEN CABINETS page 10, The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 ~C~COMMUNITYOMMUNITY EEVENTSVENTS~~ The Oliver Paipoonge News is pleased to donate space for non-profit organizations that hold wonderful events that happen in Oliver Paipoonge! Email to: [email protected], or bring your information to the Municipal Office at 3250 Hwy 130, with contributor ’s name and phone #. Please designate that you want your submission to run in The Oliver Paipoonge News.

Got Pictures? Kids playing? Beautiful sunset? Wildlife? Send them in! Let’s share some great shots for October’s OP News!

email Chris at [email protected]


FOR SALE: INTERNATIONAL 5 TON TRUCK 466 cu.in., 7.6 L Navistar, non-intercooled, turbo charge, inline 6 cyl. Diesel engine-10 speed Road Ranger transmission. Air brakes, manually acutated, clutch, air compressor on motor, hydraulic power steering, all spring suspension, 24’ flat deck. Capable of hauling eleven 5’ x 6’ round bales of hay. Call 473-9002 Rural 60 Plus has for sale a Leclerc Nilus 36” loom. The package includes the loom, a bench, 1 warp crank handle, 1-10 dent reed and 1 shuttle. The price is $650.00. Can be seen on Rural 60 Plus web page at www.rural60plus.ca If interested please call Rural 60 Plus at 475-5779 and leave a message or send an email to [email protected] For Sale: 2016 Electric Mobility Scooter Excellent condition, two new batteries. Asking $1500. Call 807-939-1598

The Oliver Paipoonge News, September 2021 page 11 Another Incredible Event! Kakabeka Falls Legion Half Marathon and 8k Road Race 4th annual event on Sunday August 15, 2021 by Jim Gilbert, Race Director The Kakabeka Falls Legion would like LSSR was the first to thank all the participants, spectators, male finisher of the 8K. Next year we volunteers, and sponsors for participat- look forward to a member of the ing in our 4th annual Kakabeka Falls HMCS Griffon taking up this chal- Legion Half Marathon & 8K on Sunday lenge as well. Who know,s we may August 15 even see some challenges start Our race honoured the memory and amongst some first responders in the the sacrifices of those 1.973 Officers area. The young lad William, 11 years old, passing his first glass of water to the and Men of the Royal Rifles of Canada Three course records were set this first runner at their station, the first aid station of the course, at his first race and the Winnipeg Grenadiers along past weekend. Both the male and he ever attended to as it turns out, to the new course record of the Half with two nurses who were assigned female course records for the Half Marathon Teferi Balcha as his sister Lillian 9 years old looks on with them along with units from the Marathon were decimated by over 5 Photo credit-Water Station Volunteers UK, India and China to defend Hong minutes. Our course is fairly challeng- Kong. On December 8, 1941, the ing – the Lucken Hills, which some- Japanese attacked. When the battle was times seems to be slightly mispro- over, 17 days later, there were 783 nounced by some runners, are a tough Canadian casualties including 290 3 miles of rolling hills. The Canadian Killed In Action. A further 264 record is on a fairly flat to down hill Rebecca Bennitt -- Teferi Balcha -- Mens Canadians would die in Japanese-run course. Our first place Men’s finisher female half marathon Half marathon winner POW camps. We paid special honour to in the Half Marathon was Teferi winner -- new course and new Course record holder Warrant Officer Class II John Robert Balcha. record Photo credit: PICme Osborn was awarded the Victoria Teferi clocked in at an astounding 1 Photography Cross, Canada’s highest military hon- hour 16 minutes and 25 seconds. The Photo credit: PICme our for his actions during this battle Canadian Men's Record for Half Photography While I would like to thank all Marathon is (from 1999) is 1:01:28. involved, I would like to take this The difference between the race ran by opportunity to publicly thank the first Teferi on OUR course and the Current responders in attendance: the members Canadian Record for a half marathon is of the Ontario Provincial Police, just 897 seconds. Superior E.M.S., and Oliver Paipoonge On the Woman’s side, our first Fire and Emergency Services for help- place Woman's finisher in the Half ing us out on race day. However, I Marathon was Rebecca Bennitt. would like to reserve my biggest thank Rebecca finished the course with a you to the Men and Women of the Lake time of 01:26:50. The Canadian Superior Scottish Regiment (LSSR), Woman's Record for the Half the Officers, Men and Women of the Marathon is 1:09:38. The difference H.M.C.S. Griffon, the 18 Medical between the race ran by Rebecca and Company and the 2294 18 (Thunder the Canadian record for a Half Bay) Service Battalion Royal Canadian Marathon is just 1,032 seconds. Army Cadet Corps, specifically the The Women’s 8 K winner was first Cadets, their parents and the Officers, time runner Shahrzad Borjian with a Civilian Instructors that attended. A time of 34 minutes 01 second – she special thank you to the Senate of the shaved just over a full minute off the 18 Thunder Bay Service Battalion as previous record for the 8K well. The 2294 Cadet Corps, and par- Our race weekend in 2022 will be ents, along with the members of the August 20 and August 21. We will be Senate, took charge of that portion of honouring the 80th anniversary of the both courses that ran through the Dieppe Raid – and are planning for a Shahrzad Borjian Provincial Park. Full Marathon in addition to our Half Womans 8K winner - and The LSSR sent one of their own to Marathon. Hope to see you there! new course record run the 8K course – and not overly sur- hon and 8K Photo credit: PICme prising, Corporal Adam Isaacson of the Photography

TOP TEN 640 Beverly Street (807) 344-3232 Office MLS AWARD WINNER (807) 344-5400 Fax For 30 Barb McEwen 1-888-837-6926 Toll Free Consecutive Salesperson [email protected] Years! (807) 626-3860 CELL www.avistarealty.ca the Officers, men and women of the HMCS Griffon won Runner's Favourite Aid station -- its the award given to the aid station that gets the most votes from the runners themselves Photo credit: PICme Photography