Sea Canoeist Newsletter 61 ~ February – March 1996
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The Sea Canoeist Newsletter No. 61 February - March 1996 THE SEA CANOEIST NEWSLETTER Issue 61 February - March 1996 Editor: P Caffyn, RD 1, Runanga. West Coast .N.Z. Ph/Fax: (03) 7311806 The Sea Canoeist Newsletter is published 6 times a year as the official newsletter of the Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers (N.Z.) Inc. Subscriptions are $10.00 per annum & should be made out to K.A.S.K. (NZ) Inc. & sent to the Treasurer: Sandy Ferguson,12 Dunn Street, Christchurch 2. Ph: (03) 332 5155 home, Fax: (03) 364 2110 Correspondence to the Secretary: Peter Sullivan, 7 Monowai Cres, North New Brighton, Christchurch. Ph.(03) 388 3380. INDEX rum clinics, lectures and slide shows NETWORK ADDRESSES EDITORIAL p. 1 with an overnight paddling trip. The Auckland Sea Kayak Network KASK Forum p. 1 overnight venue is a DOC campsite at (ASKNET) NETWORK ADDRESSES p.1 Mistletoe Bay, with room for 40 tents, Vincent Maire: 7 Motuora Rd, Manly, S.I. Circumnavigation p. 2 plus a large shed which can be used Whangaparoa, Auckland EXPEDITION NEWS p. 5 for cooking and shelter. A key is also Tel: (09) 424 2293 BOOK REVIEW - 'Kabloona being provided to KASK to allow Fax: (09) 480 5719 in the Yellow Kayak' p. 5 vehicle access via the Keneperu Road POP RIVETS AT SEA - for those unable to paddle around. Otago Sea Kayakers Association by Bevan Walker p. 6 Mistletoe Bay, at the head of Onahau (OSKA) TRIP REPORTS Bay, lies 10 kms by kayak north of Stephen Cox, 104 Highcliff Rd, White Island, by Max Grant p. 6 Picton. Anderson Bay, Dunedin Puysegur Pt. > Doubtful Snd. At last year’s Titahi Bay forum, the Ph: (03) 454 2315 home by Phil Handford p. 8 idea of a ‘sea kayak meet’ was sug- Ph: (03) 477 6603 work NOT QUITE KAYAKING gested, with paddlers getting together Fax: (03) 477 6670 Canoedling Couple p. 6 for an overnight or multi-day paddle. Batph: (025) 368 330 From the net p. 7 Generally, the frenetic pace and regi- LETTER BOX: Mail mentation of the forums allows too Canterbury Sea Kayak Network & Newsletters received p. 7 little time for fraternizing and chin newsletter editor: Sandy Ferguson RUSSEL GINN -Tribute p.13 wagging. Hence this year, the short 12 Dunn St, Christchurch 2 KASK FORUM - Cont. P.14 paddling trip and overnight camp will Ph: (03) 332 5155 home allow a chance to meet and socialize Fax: (03) 364 2110 with paddlers both on the water, in the Trip & event contacts: EDITORIAL convivial surroundings of a secluded Stephen Counsell: Congratulations and a hearty well done bay. Participants are requested to pro- (03) 366 9305 work to Brian Roberts, who completed the vide food, equipment and selected Peter & Diane Sullivan first solo, unsupported circumnaviga- bottles of Australian hermitage wines (03) 388 3389 before 9.30pm tion of the South Island at Picton on for the evening. February 5, 1996. The account of his For prospective paddlers or cou- Waikato/Bay of Plenty trip is a mix of what Brian wrote ples short of a boat, Alistair Rynn has Vincent Maire of the Auckland Sea during his bad weather sojourn at the three rental doubles and a single he Kayak Network (ASKNET) has writ- 12 Mile, brief notes I recorded of the can bring from Nelson (30% discount ten to more than 30 kayakers residing intervening sections, and a letter from for the occasion). in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato Brian at the end of his trip. Write to Alistair at 71B Tahunanui regions suggesting they get together Drive, Nelson or; to organize trips and other activities. Sadly, Russel Ginn, our veteran KASK Ph/fax: (03) 546 4038 ASKNET has a number of members Titahi Bay paddler passed away in Batphone: (025) 374 037. from the area and the Coastbusters January. He will be sadly missed by Symposium always attracts paddlers family, friends and KASK members. Reminder: from south of the Bombay Hills. Please notify Peter Sullivan of your The idea is for ASKNET to promote KASK Forum intention to attend the forum. Num- trips for sea kayakers in the region and bers are necessary to arrange the ca- it is expected these trips will also Peter Sullivan has finalized organiza- tering. The forum notification was in- attract paddlers from Auckland. tion for the annual forum at Picton. cluded in Newsletter No.60. Peter’s Any paddlers wanting to know The change this year is to bring to- address and contact numbers are in- more about the idea, contact Vincent gether the traditional organized fo- cluded with the newsletter information. at (09) 424 2293 or fax: (09) 480 5719 1 The Sea Canoeist Newsletter No. 61 February - March 1996 S.I.K.E line to Porpoise Bay; stopped at Bluff terrible spot to come ashore - my South Island Kayaking for food. worst error in judgement. After a The following is a more detailed white-knuckle ride through the con- Expedition 95/96 account of Brian’s trip around Puysegur fused surf, I climbed to the top of a by Brian Roberts & P. Caffyn Point, which he wrote while waiting steep rocky beach and surveyed the Paddler: Brian Roberts for the weather at the 12 Mile: situation; 300m to the left or right Trade: electrical engineer 'Five days. Waiting. I was glued to were much calmer areas with better From: Denver, Colorado the AM and VHF radios listening to the sleeping surfaces. Ug... I was too Age: 29 years weather forecasts praying for a change tired to carry everything one way or 2 years previous sea kayaking experi- in the winds. ‘Foveaux Straight is a bit the other. My punishment for the ence; came from climbing/skiing unrelenting, eh?’ I rhetorically asked night was to squirm around on rubgy- background; quit his job 2 years ago; myself. Up until now, I had some pretty sized rocks trying to get comfort- wanted to travel; bought a klepper; good weather to help me along the East able. At least there was a beautiful wanted to see things from a different Coast. In fact, I would wish for unfa- sunset and no rain. viewpoint; read John Dowd’s books; vourable winds at times so I could rest. I was on the doorstep of Fiord- packed up the boat; went paddling in Maybe I wished a little too hard be- land. And the coastline in front of me Fiji; 3 weeks in Australia paddling; cause it all came at once and in the to Puysegur Point is considered the wrong spot: Bluff. Gale force NW’ers crux of a circumnavigation because Timetable had been consistently churning up the there are no landings in rough seas. Brian’s goal was to paddle around the seas leaving little hope for a kayaker to Gates Harbour (near Puysegur Pt.) entire length of the South Island coast- get into Fiordland. provides some shelter, but is quite line in a clockwise direction. Since he So frustrating... I could feel that exposed to the southerly swell. Anxi- couldn’t convince friends to accom- ‘expedition edge’ begin to wither in- ety welled up inside me as I listened pany him, it was a solo unsupported side me. After three days of sitting at a to the weather report; SEerlies in the effort which was a daunting prospect backpackers, I figured I’d just better morning turning to 50 knot northerly to start, but proved personally satis- grin and bear the wind. So I launched by the end of the day. The radio fying. from the protected harbour at Bluff and broadcaster announced it twice so Brian commenced his trip from clawed my way into it. After several that there would be no confusion: Picton on 22 October 1995, on the hours and only 17km, I decided it wasn’t FIFTY... FIVE ZERO knots. With first leg down to Christchurch. Went worth the struggle. I landed through the apprehension, I packed the kayak out through Tory Channel where he surf and set up the tent for another two and punched through the subsided explored sea caves just south of chan- days. At least I had a good book to read surf at 7am. Hopefully, I could make nel; on the first leg his only problem - the voyages of Captain James Cook. it to Gates Harbour before the hurri- was dumping surf just before Kaik- And I was happy to learn that he had cane set in. oura; didn’t break anything but in- some incredibly bad weather in this The winds pushed me along as I jured a knee. While trying to break area as well (...misery loves company). admired the bush that covered the out, a big wave flipped the kayak over The book was so absorbing that I was low lying hills. A spark was rekin- Brian while he was launching. Pegasus reluctant to leave when the winds sub- dled in my spirit as the unspoiled Bay crossing was his longest day; 20 sided. But, change was in the air; it was wilderness of Fiordland began to to 30 knot NElies, and 90 kms in 13 3 degrees when I packed up the kayak unfold. I had stared at so many grassy hours to Sumner. to push myself through the strait. hills with white specked sheep on Brian then took a two week break I stopped in at Riverton to notify the the East Coast that I forgot bush does in Christchurch; a recce of the West local coastguards of my intentions and exist in NZ. (And don’t forget the Coast and Fiordland with his cousin; continued to Colac Bay for the night.