SOUTH AFRICA’S LEADING GAMING, COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE VOL 15 ISSUE 12 REVIEWS Dead Space 3 Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch DmC: Devil May Cry PC / PLAYSTATION / XBOX / NINTENDO + MORE! SimCity res, Can’t handle the traffi c, fi pollution, crime and tornados? Get out of town! TIME TO GO MOBILE We wipe, swipe and tap our way through 15 of the hottest mobile games SOUTH AFRICA’S LEADING GAMING, COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE VOL 15 ISSUE 12 Contents Features 30 IT’S TIME TO GO MOBILE Regulars If this mobile feature has its way, using your mobile Editor phone purely as a means to make phone calls and Michael “RedTide“ James 10 Ed’s Note send texts to your mom will be a thing of the past.
[email protected] 12 Inbox Instead, you’ll be introduced to the magical world of 16 Bytes mobile gaming, where hours-long queues are made at Assistant editor 55 home_coded least 55% less frustrating. Geoff “GeometriX“ Burrows 78 Everything Else Staff writer Dane “Barkskin “ Remendes 36 PREVIOUSLY, ON STARCRAFT… Heart of the Swarm! It’ll be upon us very soon, and in Contributing editor Opinion case youyou needneed some brushingbrushing up on youryour StarCraftStarCraft Lauren “Guardi3n “ Das Neves 16 I, Gamer history,history, wewe’ve’ve broughtbrought youyou this handyhandy ssynopsisynopsis to fi ll youyou inin on wherewhere tthehe storystory stands.stands. 18 The Game Stalker Technical writer Neo “ShockG“ Sibeko 20 The Indie Investigator 22 Miktar’s Meanderings 48 SIMCITYSIMCITY International correspondent 83 Hardwired YouYou knowknow thatthat thingthing boredbored ggamersamers dodo in The SiSimsms Miktar “Miktar” Dracon 98 Game Over where thetheyy send their virtual people for a swim and thenthen remove tthehe poolpool ladderladder – andand withwith itit theirtheir onlyonly Contributors means of actuallyactually exitingexiting the pool?pool? Well, imagineimagine Rodain “Nandrew” Joubert doingdoing stuff like that, but on a city-widecity-wide scale.