The Impact of Adaptation as a Translation Strategy on the Improvement of Target Language Literature- A Case Study of Mirza’s Adapted Poetry

BAHLOUL SALMANI Department of English, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz,

Abstract: Adaptations are an undeniable reality of the world of literature and deserve a serious attention. Adaptations as a form of translation are texts which invested not in proving a text’s closure to alternatives, but in celebrating its ongoing interactions with other texts and artistic productions. Adaptation has also found its way to the Iranian literary discourse. Nowadays, many literary texts of are adapted translations from the well-known and universally acknowledged works. Several literary works of Constitutional Era’s poets are manifest event in this field. Their adaptations are peculiar in that the poets changed culture-bound poetic texts into Persian texts which seemed to the Persian audience to be an indigenous native work.Iraj Mirza’s adapted translations of Zohreh & Manuchehr and the Mother’s Heart was dealt in this study. The main question examined in this study considered the motivations of Iraj Mirza to adapt foreign works. What was at issue in his adaptations-form or content? To do so, there was a commentary on the adaptation process; then a comparison of Iraj’s poems and foreign works was carried out to see how cultural reinterpretations, social norms, and individual ideology of adapter considered in TT creation? This investigation proved that no literature can stand alone on its own nation’s cultural and literary heritage; rather, it must transcend geographical and linguistic borders to give and take (a technique, a theme, an idea or a human model) from different literatures of the world.

Key-words: Literary Translation, Adaptation, Culture.